Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 29, 1910, Image 3

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If you allow your young cattle t <
barely eke out an existence this win
ter , they will lose in flesh and bodil :
vigor to such an extent that it wll
take two months of good pasture t <
bring them back to their present con
dltion. Such management swells thi
farm loss account and gradually de
creases the net profits that you ma :
expect next
The farmer who grows clover fo
hay and seed 'and sells both ma :
think he has done a good thing fo :
the soil , but aside from the rooti
which have been exhausted growlnj
the crop he has done the soil iuor <
injury than with any other crop h <
can raise.
A good heifer with her first calf at j
little past two years of age , if she ii
from a breed of fairly high producinj
cows , is worth from $50 to $100.
steer-that will bring that much mone :
is usually fed two to three times ai
much as the average heifer.
Pumpkins are one of the best winte
green feeds for almost all kinds o
stock , especially relished by dair :
cows , and they are excellent to mi :
with dairy feed for the production o
milk , the cows relishing them greatly
It is not to be supposed that ever :
heifer will make a first-class cow , bu
the manner in which she is fed an <
cared for from birth will have some
thing to do with deciding the question
\ '
The feeding of dairy-'cows for bes
results is more complicated , and in
volves more thought than most per
sons realize ; merely throwing a COT
an abundance of food is not all.
It is impossible to tell the profitabl <
cows from the unprofitable animal !
unless you test your milk. The quan
tity of milk is not enough. The but
ter fat must be considered.
It Is very Important that when th <
calves are first placed in the feed lo
they should be given the most palat
able feed that can be obtained unti
they have learned to eat.
There Is no known feed that Is bet
ter for poultry than good clean grains ]
. Accompanied by plenty of clean , fresl
water and an abundance of charcoal.
Now is tfie time to study up on th <
new "serum" method for preventing
hog cholera , then you will be read :
to act at once when you have to.
The only way to be sure a cow ha <
good milking qualities which can b (
perpetuated in her offspring is to b <
sure she has good blood in her.
In improving a flock of muttoi
sheep , the ram is practically th (
whole thing until such a time as th (
ewes are equally well bred.
Don't pack th'e dairy cow away foi
winter Into a dark corner of the sta
ble and expect to take out a strong
healthy cow in the spring.
Generally farmers who feed steel
upon their farms are successful farm
ere , but not all successful farmers
need be stock feeders.
Producing what the consumer wants
and putting it on the market in ai
attractive form are two of the secrets
of successful dairying.
_ _ _ *
It isn't much use to keep cows thai
milk hard. You can find just as goo <
ones that milk by man-power and no
four horse-power.
Cattle raising presents a promising
field of endeavor to those who am
alike at personal satisfaction anc
financial profit
All damaged'Mimbs should be cu
out because they are likely to in
Jure others while swaying in th <
It requires skill and a liberal sys
tern of feeding to grow and develo ]
a high-grade draft horse for market
The shfeep responds profitably t (
conditions of peacefulness. They neec
sensible treatment as 'to surroundings
In the large city markets the besi
prices for fatted fowls are realized
from about February to July.
Lousy hogs are a direct source oi
loss , which , with worms , prevent divi
I. dends in the hog business.
. Attention to every minute detai
in dairying must be observed if the
best results are reached.
All weeds and dead branches shoulc
' be cleaned out of the small fruit gar
Aezui and burned.
I Mares do not usually give troubl <
by abortion if given good food anc
reasonable care. Of course , wbei
pregnant , a mare should not be over
driven , nor be compelled to smel
blood or offal , and should not bacl
or hold back heavy loads Her stal
should not have much incline Nour
ishlng food , pure water and fresh all
are essentials. If one suspect ergo
or smut in hay or feed it should b (
It is estimated that barn-yard ma
nures have a value of about two-thirds
that of commercial fertilizers , there
fore the careful saving of farm ma
nures and their judicial application tc
the soil are vital factors in farming
operations , and as essential to con
tlnued success as plowing the land 01
planting the crop.
The price of dairy products in the
winter Is so much higher than in sum
mer that only a small extra effort at
to care and judicious feeding may re
suit in a considerable increase in the
profits from the entire herd at tbU
The intelligent flock-masters art
fast coming to recognize the fact that
the man who makes the most of hit
opportunities in handling a farm flocl
must become a breeder and feeder oi
high-clasc mutton , more especlallj
The fanner who is breeding a flocl
of improved mutton sheep and feeding
them in an intelligent and painstaking
manner , may plan his feeding opera
tions so that he may have a good near
by city market every week in the year
Farm-yard manures benefit the soil
by acting as a mulch and make hu
mus , but their benefit to the growing
crops depends entirely upon the
amount of nitrogen , phosphoric acid
and potash they contain.
It is true that the generality o ]
farm mares are low in quality , bul
that is no valid excuse for farmers tc
persist in breeding horses that no
body wants , not even themselves.
Sheep raising numbers among Its
requirements quietness and content
ment in a degree perhaps not so es
sential to'success in the handling ol
other breeds of live stock.
In the production of strawberries
the best specimens are obtained only
by careful culture.rhe plants should
be of a large fruited and firm fruited
variety of the test flavor.
Begin to take the chill off the water
you give the horses when the weathei
gets cold. You can heat It cheapei
on the stove than you can in the
stomach of the horse.
A thick coat of paint daubed ovei
the severed limbs when pruning In the
orchard or wood lot prevents cracking
of the wood and gives the trees "a bet
ter appearance.
The ordinary diversified farm with
its abundant use of horsepower fur
nishes ideal conditions for growing ,
developing and training draft horses.
It will pay anyone that keeps from
25 to 100 hens to build a shed close
to the henhouse in which to deposit
the droppings during the winter.
It is best to separate pullets from
the rest of the flock , let them have
free range and feed largely of whole
or cracked corn , wheat or oats.
It Is impossible to create capacity.
You may breed for it but you can't
create it and it's a very important
function in the dairy cow.
There is the most money in th
long run in dairying by selling the
cream or butter only and keeping the
other products on the farm.
The Duroc Jersey sows are verj
docile ; they are easily handled during
the breeding and farrowing season and
are very prolific breeders.
Under no circumstances should any
thing be added to milk to prevent its
souring. Such doings violate the law
of both God and man.
The problem of keeping the boys
and girls on the farmstead is solving
itself , for farm life is becoming more
and more attractive.
While it Is some trouble to strain
the cream before churning , but when
that is done there will be no white
specks in butter.
The f e.ecier is the only -man that can
tell how much food the colts require
for their best growth and develop
Fresh air Is all right for the hens ,
but not when it is sifted through knot
holes and cracks between the boards.
Ram lambs are a drug on the mar
ket , yet thousands of farmers con
tinue to flood the markets with them.
Sheep that are kept as scavengers
soon assume the appearance that
their purpose would signify.
Good , bright oat straw is good
roughage for idle horses , but some
grain should be fed with it
Hold on to some of the clover for
spring feeding. It is great whn the
sheep get tired of timothy.
Hens are much better breeders than
pullets , because a greater per cent at
the eggs are fertile.
One From the Cashier.
The harmless customer leaned
across the cigar counter and smiled
engagingly at the new cashier. As he
handed across the amount his dinner
check called for he ventured a bit of
aimless converse , for he was of that
"Funny , " said ho , "how easy It Is to
spend money. "
"Well , " snapped the cashier as she
Zed his fare to the register , "if money
was intended for you to hold on to the
&int would be turning out coins with
' * ' *
handles on 'em.
Had Money in Lumps.
Charles H. Rosenberg of Bavaria
iad lumps on his shoulders , elbows ,
and hips when he arrived here from
Hamburg on the Kaiserin Auguste Vic
toria. In fact , there was a series of
smaller lumps along his spine , much
like a mountain range , as it is present
ed on a bas-relief map.
The lumps were about the size of
good Oregon apples , and as Rosen
berg passed before the immigration
doctor for observation , the doctor said
softly to himself , "See that lump. "
Then he asked Mr. Rosenberg to step
"You seem like'a healthy- man , "
said the doctor , "but I cannot pass you
until I know the origin of those lumps
on your body. " "Ah , it Is not a sick
ness , " laughed the man from Bavaria.
"Those swellings is money. "
Taking off his coat he broke open a
sample lump and showed that It con
tained $500 in American bank notes.
He informed the doctor that he "had
$11,000 in all , with which he was go
ing to purchase an apple orchard in
He was admitted to the country.
New York Tribune.
Why He Laughed.
Miss Mattie belonged to the old
south , and she was entertaining a
guest of distinction.
On the morning following his arrival
she told Tillie , the little colored maid ,
to take a pitcher of fresh water to
Mr. Firman's room , and to say that
Miss Mattie sent him her compliments ,
and that if he wanted a bath , the
bathroom was at his service.
When Tillie returned she said :
"I tel * him , Miss Mattie , en' he
laughed fit to bus5 hlsself. "
"Why did he laugh , Tillie ? "
"I dunno. "
"What did you tell him ? "
"Jus' what you tol' me to. "
"Tillie , tell me exactly what you
said. "
"I "banged de doah , and I said , 'Mr.
Firman , Miss Mattie sends you her lubj
and she says , 'Now you can get up
and wash yo'self ! " Lippincott's Mag-
Where He Was Queer.
The negro , on occasions , displays a
fine discrimination in the choice of
" ' white-washer In
"Who's the best -
town ? " inquired the new resident.
"Ale Hall am a bo'nd a'tist with a
whitewash brush , sah , " answered the
colored patriarch eloquently.
"Well , tell him to come and white
wash my chicken house tomorrow. "
Uncle Jacob shook his head dubi
"Ah don' believe , sah , ah'd engage
Ale Hall to whitewash a chicken
house , sah. "
"Why , didn't you say he was a good
whitewasher ? "
"Yes , sah , a powe'ful good whitewasher
washer , sah ; but mighty queer about
a chicken house , sah , mighty queer ! "
Mack's National Monthly.
If you'll make up your mind to be
Contented with your lot
And with the optimists agree
That trouble's soon forgot.
You'll be surprised , to find , I guess.
Despite misfortune's darts ,
What constant springs of happiness
Lie hid in human hearts ;
What sunny gleams and golden dreams
The passing years unfold.
How soft and warm the lovelight beams
"When you are growing old.
Acted Like the Genuine.
"The landlady says that new board
er is a foreign nobleman. "
"Bogus , I'll bet"
"Oh , I don't know. HG may be the
real thing. Ho hacn't paid her a cent
as yet. "
* /
More I-Jurrcn Nature.
Grouchly By denying myself three
ten-cent cigars dr.ily for the past 20
years I figure that I have saved $2,190.
Moxley Is that so ? "
Grouchly Yes. Say , let me have a
chew of your tobacco , will you ?
Thanks to Burnt Cork.
"Gosh ! But the colored race is a-
comln' to the front fast ! " whispered
Innocent Uncle Hiram , at the vaude
ville show , as the black-face comedian
was boisterously applauded.
"Yes , Indeed , " smiled the city man ;
"anyone can see that that fellow is a
self-made negro. "
Lo , the Rich Indian.
The per capita wealth of the Indian
Is approximately $2,130 , that for other
Americans Is only a little more than
$1,300. The lands owned by the In
dians are rich in oil , timber and other
natural resources of all kinds. Some
of the best timber land in the United
States Is owned by Indians.
The "Value of their agricultural lands
runs up in the millions. The ranges
which they possess support about 500-
000 sheep and cattle , owned by lessees ,
bringing In a revenue of more than
$272,000 to the various tribes besides
providing feed for more than 1,600,000
head of horses , cattle , sheep and goats
belonging to the Indians themselves.
Practically the only asphalt deposits
in the United States are on Indian
lands. R d Man.
No Slang for Her.
"Slip me a brace of cackles I" or
dered the chesty-looking man with a
bored air , as he perched on the first
stool In the lunchroom.
"A what ? " asked the waitress , as
she placed a glass of water before
"Adam andEve , flat on their backs I
A pair of sunnysiders ! " said the young
man in an exasperated tone.
"You got me , kid , " returned the
waitress. "Watcha want ? "
"Eggs up , " said the young man.
" ' ' the kind that before
'E-g-g-s , , come
the hen or after , I never knew which. "
"Why didn't you say so In the first
place ? " asked the waitress. "You'd a
had 'em by this time. "
"Well , of all things " said the
young man.
"I knew what he was drivin' at all
the time , " began the waitress as the
young man departed. "But he's one
of them fellers that thinks they can
get by with anything. He don't know
that they're using plain English now
In restaurants. "
The League of Politeness.
The League of Politeness has been
formed in Berlin. It aims at Inculcat
ing better manners among the people
of Berlin. It was founded upon the
initiative of Frauleln Cecelle Meyer ,
who was Inspired by an existing or
ganization in Rome. In deference to
the parent organization the Berlin
league has chosen the Italian motto ,
"Pro gentilezza. " This will be em
blazoned upon an attractive little
medal worn where Germans are ac
customed to wear the insignia of or
ders. The idea is that a glaance at
the "talisman" will annihilate any In
clination to indulge in bad temper or
discourteous language. "Any polite
person" is eligible for membership.
The "Country Churchyard. "
Those who recall Gray's "Elegy In
a Country Churchyard" will remember
that the pea ° eful spot " -where "the
rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep"
[ s identified with St. Giles' , Stoke
Poges , Buckinghamshire. In the pro
saic pages of a recent issue of the
Gazette there appears an order in
council providing that ordinary inter
ments are henceforth forbidden In the
How She Learnetr.
The mother of a family of thre *
small children was discussing their
comparative precocity with a friend.
"John was very slow at everything , "
she said , referring to her oldest. "Tom
was a little better , and Edith , the
baby , is the smartest of all. She picks
up everything quick as can be. "
Master John , wh9 had been listen
ing , now contributed his share of the
"Humph ! " he exclaimed. "I know
why her learns so quick. It's 'cause
her has us and we didn't have us. "
The late former Governor Allen D.
Candler of Georgia was famous In
the south for his quaint humor.
"Governor Candler , " said a Gaines
ville man , "once abandoned cigars for
a pipe at the beginning of the year.
He stuck to his resolve till the year's
end. Then he was heard to lay :
" 'By actual calculation , I have
saved by smoking a pipe Instead of
cigars this year $208. But where Is
it ? ' "
Moslem Traditions.
Ramadan Is the month exalted by
Moslems above all others. In that
month the Koran according to Mos
lem tradition was brought down by
Gabriel from heaven and delivered to
men In small sections. In that month ,
Mohammed was accustomed to retire
from. Mecca to the cave of Hlra , for
prayer and meditation. In that month
Abraham , Moses and other prophets
received their divine revelations. In
that month the "doors of heaven are
always open , the passages to hell are
shut , and the devils are chained. " So
run the traditions. The Christian
A Medical Compromise.
"You had two doctors in consulta
tion-last night , didn't you ? "
"Yes. "
"What did they say ? "
"Well , one recommended one thing
and the other recommended some
thing else. "
"A deadlock , eh ? "
"No , they finally told me to mix
em ! "
Hard on the Mare.
Twice , as the bus slowly wended its
way up the steep Cumberland Gap , the
door at the rear opened and slammed.
At first those inside paid little heed ;
but the third time demanded to know
why they should be disturbed in this
"Whist , " cautioned the driver ,
doan't spake , so loud ; she'll overhear
us. "
"Who ? "
"The mare. Spake low ! Shure , Ol'm
desavln th' crayture. Everry tolme
she 'ears th' door close , she thinks
won o * yez is gettin' down ter walk
up th' hill , an' that sort o' raises her
sperrits. " Success Magazine.
On her arrival in New York Mme.
Sara Bernhardt , replying to a compli
ment on her youthful appearance ,
said : "The secret of my youth ? It
is the good God and then , you know ,
I work all the time. But I am a
great-grandmother , " she continued ,
thoughtfully , "so how can these many
compliments be true ? I am afraid my
friends are exaggerating. "
Mme. Bernhardt's laugh , spontane
ous as a girl's , prompted a chorus of
"No , no ! "
"Yes , " said the actress , "uncon
scious exaggeration , like1 the French
nurse on the boulevard. Our boule
vards are much more crowded than
your streets , you know , and , although
we have numerous accidents , things
aren't quite as bad as. the nurse sug
"Her little charge , a boy of six ,
begged her to stop a while in a crowd ,
surrounding an automobile accident.
'Please wait , ' the little boy said , 'Want
to see the man who was run over. '
'No ; hurry , ' his nurse answered.
'There will be plenty more to see
further on. ' "
Ton shouldn't have called that mam
a pig , " said the conciliatory man.
" ' " the vindictive
"That's right , replied
person. "There Is no sense In Imply
ing that he's worth 40 cents a pound
to anybody. "
Blissful Ignorance.
"Were you nervous when you pro
posed to your wife ? " asked the senti
mental person.
"No , " replied Mr. Meekton ; "but if
I could have foreseen the next ten
years I would have been. "
Economy In Art.
"Of course , " said Mr. Sirius Barker ,
"I want , my daughter to have some
sort of an artistic education. 1 think
I'll have her study singing. "
"Why not art or literature ? "
"Art spoils canvas and paint and
literature wastes reams of paper.
Singing merely produces a temporary
disturbance of the atmosphere.
Home Thought.
"It must have been frightful , " said
Mrs. Bossim to her husband , who was
in the earthquake. "Tell me what
was your first thought when you
awakened in your room at the hotel
and heard the alarm. "
" of , " answered
"My first thought was you
swered Mr. Bossim.
"How noble ! "
"Yes. First thing I knew , a vase oft
the mantel caught me on the ear ;
then a chair whirled In my direction ,
and when I jumped to the middle of
the room four or five books and a
framed picture struck me all at once. "
Even after saying that , he affected
to wonder what made her so angry for
the remainder of the evening. Mack's
National Monthly.
New Process of Staining Glass.
The art of coloring glass has been
lost and refound , jealously guarded
and maliciously stolen so many tlmea
In the history of civilization that It
seems almost impossible to say any
thing new on glass staining. Yet a
process has been discovered for ma
king the stained glass used in windows
which is a departure from anything
known at the present time. What th
Venetians and the Phoenicians knew ;
of it we cannot tell.
The glass first receives Its design In
mineral colors and the whole Is then
fired in a heat so Intense that the col
oring matter and the glass are Indls-
solubly fused. The most attractive
feature of this method is that the sur-
fCG acquires a peculiar pebbled char
acter in the heat , so that when the
glass is in place the lights are delight
fully soft and mellow.
In making a large window in many
shades each panel is separately mould
ed and bent and the sections are as
sembled in a metal frame.
Our Voices.
I think our conversational soprano ,
as sometimes overheard in the cars ,
arising from a group of young persona
who have taken the train at one of
our great industrial centers ; for In
stance , young persons of the femal
sex , we will say , who have bustled In
full dressed , engaged in loud , strident
speech , and who , after free discussion ,
have fixed on two or more double
seats , which having secured , they pro
ceed to eat apples and hand round
daguerreotypes I say , I think the
conversational soprano , heard under
these circumstances , would not be
among the allurements the old enemy
would put in requisition were he get
ting up a new temptation of St. An
thony :
There are sweet voices among us ,
we all know , and voices not musical ,
it may be , to those who hear them ,
for the first time , yet sweeter to us
than any Ve shall hear until we listen
to some warbling angel In the over
ture to that eternity of blissful har
monies we hope to enjoy. But why
should I tell lies ? If my friends love
me , it is because I try to tell the
truth. I never heard but two voices
In my life that frightened me by their
sweetness. Holmes.
What About Brain Food ?
This Question Came Up in the Recent
Trial for Libel.
A "Weekly" printed some criticisms of the
claims made for our foods. It evidently did
not fancy our reply printed in various news
papers , and brought suit for libeL At the trial
some interesting facts came out
Some of the chemical and medical experts
differed widely.
The following facts , however , were quite
clearly established :
Analysis of brain by an unquestionable au
thority , Geoghegan , shows of Mineral Salts ,
Phosphoric Aci'd and Potash combined ( Phos
phate of Potash ) , 2.91 per cent of the total ,
5.33 of all Mineral Salts.
This is over one-half.
Beaunls , another authority , shows "Phos
phoric Acid combined" and Potash 73.44 per
cent from a total of 101.07.
Considerable more than one-half of Phos
phate of Potash.
Analysis of Grape-Nuts shows : Potassium
and Phosphorus , ( which join and make Phos
phate of Potash ) , is considerable more , than
one-half of all the mineral salts in the "food.
Dr. Geo. W. Carey , an authority on the con
stituent elements of the body , $ ays : "The
gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely
by the Inorganic cell-salt , Potasaftim Phosphate
( Phosphate of Potash ) . ThisySalt unites with
albumen and by the addition oxygen creates
nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain.
Of course , there is a trace'of other salts and
other organic matter innljrve , , fluid , but Potas
sium Phosphate is thexfehief factor , and has
the power within Itself/to attract , by its own
law of affinity , all things needed to manufac
ture the elixir of life. "
Further on he says : "The beginning and end
of the matter is to supply the lacking princi
ple , and in molecular form , exactly as nature
furnishes it in vegetables , fruits and grain.
To supply deficiencies this Is the only law of
The natural conclusion Is that if Phosphate
of Potash is the needed mineral element In
brain and you use food which does not contain
it , you have brain fag because its daily loss Is
not supplied.
On the contrary , if you eat food known to
be rich in this elemenjt , you place before the
life forces that which nature demands for
In the trial a sneer was uttered because Mr.
Post announced that he had made years of re
search in this country and some clinics of
Europe , regarding the effect of the mind on
digestion of food.
But we must be patient with those who
sneer at facts they know nothing about
Mind does not work well on a brain that is
broken down by lack of nourishment
A peaceful and evenly poised mind is neces
sary to good digestion.
Worry , anxiety , fear , hate , &c. , &c. , directly
interfere with or stop the flow of Ptyalin , the
digestive juice of the mouth , and also Inter
fere with the flow of the digestive juices of
stomach and pancreas.
Therefore , the mental state of the individual
has much to do ( more than suspected ) with
This trial has demonstrated ; '
That Brain is made of Phosphate of Potash
as the principal Mineral Salt , added to albu
men and water.
jTiat Grape-Nuts contains that element as
more than one-half of all Its mineral salts.
A healthy brain is Important , if one would
"do things" In this world.
A man who sneers at "Mind" sneers at the
best and least understood part of himself.
That part which some folks believe links us to
the Infinite.
Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which to
act , and Nature has defined a way to make a
healthy brain and renew it day by day as it
is used up from work of the previous day.
Nature's way to rebuild Is by the use of food
which supplies the things required.
"There's a Reason"
Postum Cereal Co. , Ltd. ,
Battle CreeK , MicH.