Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 29, 1910, Image 2

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    The Valentine Democrai
I. M. RICE , - - - Publisher
Several Are Seriously Cut by Knifi
in Hands of Crazy Patient , Wh (
Keeps Up Battle Until Hit Ovei
Head With Heavy Cane.
Cincinnati , O. Serious injury to twc
nurses and two patients and minoi
hurts to several other inmates of tin
city hospital resulted from a life anc
death fight with an insane mar
weighing 215 pounds and armed with a
Following is a toll of -seriously
injured :
T. N. 'Smith , night nurse ; tendons
and arteries of wrist severed.
E. F. Mitchell , day nurse ; femoral
artery in right thigh cut , and five oth
er stab wounds in the side and hands.
Will Howe , patient ; stabbed in left
side below the heart ; may die.
. /Ferdinand Hoffman patient ; cuts
and bruises over the head received
while being subdued.
Hoffman became violent and was
strapped to a cot. He obtained a
knife , in some manner , and cut his
bonds , hurling himself upon Smith.
Mitchell and Howe were cut when
they went to Smith's aid , Hoffman
keeping up the struggle until Will
iam F. Kuhlman , a nurse in an ad
joining ward , struck him on the head
with a heavy cane.
Sum to Be Disbursed for Relief off
f Famine Stricken People.
1 \ Washington , D. C. For the relief
! of the famine stricken people of Chi
na , Acting Secretary of State Huntington -
ton Wilson cabled $7,500 to Minister
Calhoun at Pekin as the initial contribution -
, bution of the American National'Red
Cross society. The disbursement will
be left entirely to the minister and the
questions of further contributions will
depend upon developments. The people
ple affected by the famine are in the
Huai river valley. The number of
sufferers continues to grow , and ac
cording to advices received by the
state department today between two
and three millions are in distress.
Speedy action by the Red Cross
was requested by the minister , who
said the delegates to the Chinese sen
ate had expressed their gratitude at
the suggestion of American help.
Blaze in New Orleans.
New Orleans. In a fire which start-
fid in Barren street , between Lafayette
and Poydras , and which was not under
control for several hours , three large
business houses were destroyed , with
losses estimated at $250,000. The
firms which suffered the heaviest
losses are a furniture company , F.
F. Hansel & Co. stationers , and the
Schwartz-Eustis company , furnishings.
! | To Protect Her Coast.
Washington. D. C. For the protec
tion of her coast , Cuba is contemplat
ing the reconstruction of six vessels
adapted to coast guard services , ac
cording to advices received by the
state department. These vessels will
have a speed of not less than ten
knots and a draft not exceeding six
feet. The tenders invited for the con
struction of the vessels will close Jan
uary 8.
Japanese Diet Opens.
Tokio. The diet was opened Fri
day. The emperor , being indispose "
was not present and the speech from
the throne was read by Marquis Kat-
sura , the premier and minister of
finance. Referring to the annexation
of Korea and the convention with
Russia , the throne emphasizes the ne
cessity for the maintenance of peace
in the far east.
Killed With Hatchet.
Wellington , Kan. Amos Rhodes , 40
years old , car inspector for the Atch-
'inson , Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad
company , was found dead in his home
"here. The family is out of town on a
visit. The murder was committed will
a hatchet.
Insurgents Rob Train.
Lima , Peru. A group of insurgents
attacked a train near San mateo re
cently , and robbed it of $5,400. The
cabinet crisis continues.
Sioux City Live Stock Market. J
Friday's quotations on the local liv <
stock market are as follows : To :
beeves , $6.20. Top hogs , $7.60.
Two Tots Burn to Death.
Avant , Okla. Christmas stocking-
were hung up in Frank McCoy's home
here this year. His two children , C
Edith and Raymond , aged 1 and 2 r
years , respectively , were burned to t
death when the McCoy residence wat , 1
destroyed by fire. 1t
Chicago Gun Battle.
Chicago. Gregory Graci , a laundry
worker , was shot and killed by Jesse
Gilma i , of Assistant Chief of Police E
Schuettler's squad. Oilman was' woundn
ed by Grid and may die. '
Beverldge And Frazier Do Not Sigi
Committee Finding Which Is Pre
sented to Senate and May Fill
Minority Reports Later.
Washington. The report of its In
vestigation of charges of briber ]
made -in connection with the elec ioi
of Senator William Lorimer of Illi
nois was submitted to the senate b ]
the committee on privileges and elec
tlons through its chairman , Senatoi
Burrows , Wednesday , just before thai
body adjourned for the holiday re
The conclusion reached by the com
mlttee follows :
, That , in their opinion , the title oi
Mr. Lorimer to a seat in the senate
has not been shown to be invalid by
the use or employment of corrupt
methods practises.
Charges that four members of the
Illinois legislature were bribed and
that three other members paid bribes
are not ignored by the committee.
The report declares that those who
confessed to receiving bribes should
not be belie-ed and that the votes-of
those who were charged with paying
bribes should be counted.
In relation to the charges that there
was a corruption fund used in the Illi
nois legislature and that it was dis
bursed by one Robert E. Wilson , the
report says that there is no evidence
that it was used for the benefit of Mr.
Lorimer. The committee suggests
that any investigation of the use of
such a fund should be made by au
thorities of the state of Illinois.
The statement of views of Senator
Frazier was made public later. In
his statement Senator Frazier declares
that the four confessed bribe-takers
implicated three other members of
the legislature who bribed them ; that
these three votes were also corrupt ,
which would make seven tainted
votes. Eliminating these seven votes.
Senator Frazier holds , would make
tke vote received by Senator Lorimer
less than a majority.
The report , as presented , was not
signed by members of the committee ,
although it did not appear that there
was any minority. On the floor of the
senate , however , Mr. Beveridge made
the statement that he had not been
able to concur with or dissent from
the findings because of the voluminous
sharacter of the testimony. He said
; hat he would digest the proceedings
) f the investigating committee during
: he holidays. He asked that a specific
: ime be named for acting upon the re
port , but objection was made by Sen-
itor Qallinger.
English Shaft at Bolton Is Scene oi
Terrible Disaster Only
Eight Escape.
Bolton , England. An explosion fol-
owed by fire in the Little Hulton
olllery here Wednesday entombed
90 miners , who had gone below to
iegin the day's work.
The work of rescue was pushed
mid discouraging conditions. The
escuers , wearing helmets , went into
tie pit and succeeded in extinguish-
ig the flames in an area 150 feet in
jngth , but encountered heavy falls
f coal and slack loosened by the ex-
losion. Only eight of the 290 en-
> mbed men have escaped and the
thers are believed dead. A total
f ten bodies have been recovered.
linols Supreme Court Divided as to
Interpretation of Act But
Hold It Valid.
Springfield , HI. The supreme court
rednesday held the legislative pri-
ary act providing for the nomination
members of the lower house of the
gislature valid in a decision handed
iwn in the case of Espey vs. MeJ J
erney and others.
Three opinions were handed down
r the court , as the members are di-
ded as to the interpretation of the
The opinion follows the decision of
e court rendered verbally shortly
fore the election , November 8.
Twenty-Seven Killed in Flr .
Philadelphia. Fifteen policemen
d 12 firemen lost their lives
ednesday night when the walls of a
e-story structure at 1120 N. Bodine
eet fell on them while they were
hting a fire. More than a score of
emen were removed to hospitals
d it is believed there are still
iers in the ruins.
"Rube" Sued for Divorce.
5t. Louis. George Edward Waddell ,
swn as "Rube" and a member of the
lumbus ( O. ) team , was Wednesday
de the defendant in a divorce suit
e by Mrs. Madge Waddell. She ai-
; es non-support and Is Waddell's
rd wife.
Thirty Firemen Near Death.
few York. Thirty ' firemen narrowly
aped death in a' $75,000 flre Wed-
iday which destroyed the six-story
tory and warehouse of Joseph
n & Co. , paper manufacturers-
Official Report Says Federals Had 21
Killed , 10 Missing and 42 Wound
ed Commander of Expedition Is
Hit Rebel Loss Unknown.
Chihuahua , Mex. Confirmation of
the report that the troop train which
left here December 17 was shot to
pieces in the mountain trap known
as Malpaso , a few miles east of
Pedernales , was given Tuesday when
42 government soldiers were brought
in from the field of battle.
The official report states that the
federals lost 21 killed and that ten
are missing and 42 wounded. One of
the latter is Colonel Guzmon , who
was in command of the expedition.
The train left in two sections , car
rying three field pieces on a coal car
and 500 soldiers. Pancho Villa , the
bandit , who , while operating inde
pendently , still regards the govern
ment as his enemy , fired on the second
end section as it was passing through
Andania canyon , but did no damage.
The mountains of Malpaso , how
ever , swarmed with revolutionists.
They halted the first and second seX-
tions. Colonel Guzmon disembarked
his troops and for five hours defend
ed himself from the desperate charge.
He was in a trap , however. The ene
my was on the heights , sheltered by
bowlders and other proection north
to the mountains and poured in a
deadly fire.
He was unable to use his big guns
effectively owing to the nature of the
ground. Notwithstanding his pre
carious condition and the numbers of
the insurrectos , he held his ground
for five hours. He was shot through
the leg , while the third officer in com
mand was raked across the stomach.
Although General Navarro was at
Pedernales , or near there , he was un-
ible to lend assistance.
raft , in Speech Allays War Scare ,
Declares Nation Need Have
No Fear.
Washington. President Taft , in an
iddress before the American Society
or the Judicial Settlement of Inter-
lational Disputes , Saturday gave as-
lurances that the country need not
ear the so-called war scare.
He said : " not the slight-
flt reason for such a sensation be-
: ause we are at peace with all the
latlons of the world , and are quite
Ikely to remain so. "
Women Voters to Assemble.
Tacoma , Wash. The first na-
onal convention of women vot-
rs will be held here January 14 , ac-
ordlng to plans perfected. The con-
ention was called by Governor
trady of Idaho. Delegates from other
qual suffrage states Utah , Wyo-
n'ng , Colorado and Washington rep-
esenting about 270,000 women vot-
rs , will participate. - >
Ship Ashore In Galev
Morehead City , N. C. A large four-
tasted schooner was stranded on the
est side of Cape Lookout shpals
Wednesday , and the he vy running
de and strong wind drove the vesa
igh on the shoals.
Woman Makes Long Flight.
Etampes , France. The longest sus-
.ined flight ever made by a woman
as negotiated here Wednesday by
lie. Helene Dutrieu , who covered 103
liles in two hours and thirty-three
Father of Wife Slayer Confident Or *
der for Son's Extradition Will
Be Set Aside.
Trenton , N. J. Not until January 9
will Porter Charlton learn whether he
will be sent back to Italy to be tried
for wife murder.
When he appeared before United
States Judge Rellstab , pale and hag
gard and showing the effects of the
six months' confinement and the
hemorrhages to which he is frequent
ly subjected , his lawyer , R. Floyd
Clarke , asked for an adjournment on
the ground that he needed time for
the collection of certain important
evidence. This evidence will be used
to have set aside Secretary of State
Knox's ruling that the young man be
Judge Rellstab allowed an order
amending the records in the case by'
striking out the proceeding before the
Hoboken recorder , following Charl-
ton's arrest at the steamship pier
after his return from Europfe. Coun
sel for Charlton also secured an order
eliminating from the records the copy
of the complaint presented before
Judge Blair of the Hudson county
courts. These are regarded as nota
ble gains for the accused man , as
they greatly simplify the case which
his counsel has to conduct in his be
Judge Charlton is confident that the
ruling of Secretary Knox In favor of
extradition will be set aside. He does
not think his son in his present con
dition would survive the journey to
Hornet , Former U. S. Ship , Clears
From New Orleans on Mys-
sterious Voyage.
New Orleans. The former United
States gunboat Hornet , reported to
have been purchased by Honduras
revolutionists , cleared from this port
for Cape Gracias with a crew of
twenty men , 200 tons of coal and
provisions for thirty days. Included
among the crew are several men who
are said to have been connected with
previous filibustering expeditions di
rected against Central American re
One of the rumors current was that
the Hornet would be turned over to
Mexican revolutionists. Captain John
son , commanding the vessel , says that
the Hornet will be used in the Cen
tral American trade.
U. OF C. GETS $10,000,000
Rockefeller Makes Final Gift and Re
tires From All Connection
With University.
Chicago. John D. Rockefeller has
jiven the University of Chicago an-
jther $10,000,000. Announcement of
; hls fact was made at the university
convocation Tuesday by Martin A.
ayerson , chairman of the board of
.rustees. The Standard Oil magnate
said in making the gift that he re-
Ired from all connection with the
miversity and would give it nothing
nore. His total gifts in 21 years ag-
jregate 335,000,000.
Tsft Annuls Death Decree.
Washington. President Taft Tues-
lay commuted to life imprisonment
he death sentence passed upon John
rVynne , an oiler on the steamer Rosen-
: rans at Honolulu. Hawaii , for the
nurder of a msn named McKinnon.
Senator Elkins Is Better.
' .Washington. In announcing in the
enate Tuesday that Senator Elkins
yxs detained at home by serious ill-
rss , Senator Scott of West Virginia
d'ied : "I am glad to say he Is much
letter. "
Liberals Hrve Net Loss , But Labor
and Irish A"es ! Show an
London. The government coalition
at the close of the polling in the gen
eral election have a net gain of one
The elections have been the most re
markable in the history of British poll-
tics , and have upset entirely the cal
culations of the Unionists , v/ho had
seriously expected to gain not less
than twenty seats. On the contrary ,
the Unionists have not only gained
nothing but are jilcely in' the end to
suffer a net loss of one.
A brief period of quiescence is ex
pected to follow the final announce
ment and after that t > o government
leaders will endeavor to carry out their
plans for curtailing the pover of the
lords and carrying into effect other
important measures in the hew parlia
The final result is as follows :
Government Coalition.
Liberals 271
Labor members . - 43
Irish Nationalists 84
Total 398
Unionists 272
Ministerial majority 126
Government's net gain 1
Asks Congress to Probe Colonel'i
Traveling Expenses While
Washington. Representative Rainey
of Illinois introduced a resolution in
the house , which he declares he will
press to a vote , asking for a special
committee for the purpose of ascer
tain whether Col. Theodore Roosevelt
paid for his transportation while h
was president.
A Pennsylvania stockholder recent
ly asked President McCrea of the
railroad company whether President
Roosevelt had paid his transportation
charges on the road which were al
leged to have amounted to more than
$100,000 , or whether this money had
not been taken from the stockholders
of the railroad by charging the ex
pense up to the company. In a diplo
matic reply President McCrea states
that Colonel Roosevelt did not owe
the railroad company anything foi
transportation , but he did not say
whethr the company had charged
President Roosevelt and his friends
anything for the special trains used
by President Roosevelt on his tourg
of the country.
Mr. Rainey wants this point settled
and he wants to know also what othei
roads provided transportation foi
President Roosevelt and the official
of the Roosevelt administration !
whether they paid for the transportai
tion and how and. when they wer <
Democrat Elevated by Republicat
President Takes Oath of Office
Harlan Does Honors.
Washington. Associate Justice Ed
eard Douglass White.of the Supremi
ourt of the United States becami
ilnth chief justice of that august
iody when the oath of allegiance wa <
dministered by Associate Justice Ha *
an Monday.
The public ceremony of the installa
ion was simple , the oath being take *
a the seclusion of the robing room o |
he justices.
Chief Justice White was emban
assed when he moved to his seat a |
tie center of the bench. Presiding Jus-
tee Harlan announced the presencf
f the new chief justice and extended
ie congratulations of the court. Cler }
[ cKenney read the commission. Jus
ce Harlan administered the judicia'
ath and moved aside to take his old
osition at the right hand of the chie !
istice , vacating the chair which h (
as filled since the death of Chief Jus
ce Fuller. Chief Justice White sanl
ito the chair with a smile for his wifj
nd other relatives who wen
epresentative Carey Introduces Resc
ution to Increase Wages of Govern
ment Employes 25 Per Cent.
Washington. Mr. Carey , Wisconsin
troduced a joint resolution in
easing 25 per cent , the salarj
wage of government employes re ,
iiving less than $2,500 a year. The
icrease to become tiTect've March 1
In his resolution Mr. Carey says tha
; gh cost of living has come to staj
id that congress has set a bad e. -
nple in increasing the salaries of leg-
lators and hick officials v/hile nej-
cting the clerks.
Modesty Costs Girl'c Lifs.
New York. Because -e would no ? vt
low her fellow emnlcycs to fasten a J
urniquet about her leg. Miss H lea
> rschen died at. St. Vincent's hospital
ednesday. Miss Gerschen accident-
iy stabbed herself in the leg with a . _ .
ir of scisiors.
Confirm McChc"i an ? Meyers.
Uraslicgtoj ! . The sirro in oxec-i-
f (
e session Wednesday rc-nHine ( ; * : s
minntious of CC. . 3cC't > rd anti . : . Pe
Meyers as member ? of the i Ur-
ite ccinrierce ccr.nil.- i n.
Some Additional Appointments.
Governor-elect Aldrich has made tin
following appointments :
First physician at the "hospital foi
insane , Hastings , F. H. Kieglo of West
Point ; second physician , Dr. H. R.
Carson of Omaha.
Steward and bookkeeper at indus
trial school at Kearney , J. L. Ashen-
felter , Beatrice.
Surgeons to soldiers and sailors'
home , Milford , Susan Ward , Milford ,
Dr. James G" Muir , Mllford.
Matron of industrial home , Milford ,
Susan Ward , Milford ; physician , ,
Harry J. Wertman , Milford.
Adjutant of soldiers' home , Grand
Island , C. G. Vanness , Grand Island. .
Drug inspector , R. S. Schofield ,
Steward at the penitentiary , Mo'nte
Robb of Mynard ; bookkeeper at Peni
tentiary , Jefferson Ward of Omaha.
Treated With Consideration.
Attorney General Arthur Mullen and
Attorney C. O. Whedou have returned
from Washington , where , in company
with I. L. Albert of Columbus , they
argued the Nebraska bank guaranty
law case before the United States
supreme court. Both of the Lincoln
attorneys feel very hopeful of a deci
sion in favor of the constitutionality
of the state law. As tliey tell the
story , the supreme court justices
showed them every consideration ,
slept but little during their presenta
tion of the state's case and even
asked some questions on the points at
Makes Some Appointments.
Major E. H. Phelps , of the national
guard , who will succeed Col. Harti-
gan as adjutant general , the first of
the year , has announced the follow
ing appointments :
To be assistant adjutant general ,
taking the place made vacant by the
promotion of Major Phelps , Capt.
Louis H. Gage of Fremont. Gage has
been the head of the signal corps for
five years and a member of the organ
ization for eight.
To be inspector general , Col. A. D.
Fetterman of Omaha. Col. Fetterman
now holds this position and has been
reappointed as a result of the support
af national guard officers.
Personnel of Next Legislature.
So far as facts have been filed with
: he secretary of state , the next legis-
ature will be made up as follows , re-
jarding the occupation of the mem-
jers :
Senate Bankers G , lawyers 11 ,
nerchants 5 , editors 1 , farmers 7 ,
ihysicians 1 , real estate and insur-
ince 2.
House Farmers 37 , bankers 6 , mer-
ihants 20 , ministers 1 , lawyers 9 , con-
ractors 2 , printers 2 , real estate and
nsurance 7 , e'ditors 6.
New State Banks.
Three new state banks have been
bartered by the state banking board ,
'he Harrison State bank of Harrison
as incorporated with a paid up capi- 1
il stock of $20,000. The Curtis State ,
ank of Curtis has organized with a
aid up capital stock of ? 20,000. The '
'yron State bank of Tyron , McPher-
on county , has incorporated with a
apital of $10,000.
Candidates for Deputy Warden.
Two candidates for deputy warden
E the state penitentiary are making
lively fight for that position. They
e Henry Wagner of Lincoln , who
as been connected with the institu-
on for many years , and Ed Davis of
incoln , formerly sheriff of Clay coun-
and warden of the penitentiary un-
jr Governors Dietrich and Savage.
Attorney General-elect Grant G.
'artin has announced the appoint-
ents in his office for the coming two
; ars. George W. Ayers , the present
islstant attorney general , will take
e position of deputy attorney gener-
wliile Frank E. Edgerton will be as-
stant attorney general to succeed
r. Ayers. Mr. Martin wll retain Miss
isephine Murphy of Plattsmouth ,
2b. , as stenographer. She was ap-
inted to this position three years
; o by Mr. Thompson.
The report of State Superintendent
C. Bishop to the governor shows
at the superintendent collected $6-
3 in fees for the certification of
ichers during the six months end-
? November 30 and that during that
tie he expended $6,099193 of such
; s. With a few dollars' balance on
nd at the beginning of the six
mths he closed the semi-annual per-
l with $474.04 on hand.
: t was moving day in the state house
mday. The state board of public
ids and buildings met and allotted
5 quarters of such departments as
s subjected to the biennial moving
nt when the legislature convenes.
The appropriation for deputy war-
is in the game commission expired
: h the close of November , and the
ee deputies are now out of jobs
t Boehler , who lives at Alma , how-
sr , has offered his services any time
to the first of the year to Warden
lus. Isaac King of Superior and
5 Alberts of Saronville are the
er deputies.
'ood Commissioner S. L. Mains has
n invited to attend a conference of -
d official , manufacturers and ex-
ts in Washington , which will be
; aged In the draft of a model net
ght branding law.