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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
ACCURACY "Yes , Henry , I've traveled into ev ery corner of the globe. " . -'The globe is a sphericalJ bodyr uncle. Therefore it has no .corners ! " Chips. . ! . . - * Doling Out Knowledge. Mrs. Chugwater Josiah , what is the origin of the name Milwaukee and what does it mean ? Mr. Chugwater It comes from the Latin word mille , meaning a thousand , and Wau Kee , a Chinaman ; Milwau- k jea thousand Chinamen. Think you tan remember that ? Severe , "I don't think there is an honest hair in his head. " "That's right. I believe he'd ever cheat at checkers ! " Worth Its Weight In Gold. PETTIT'S EYE SALVE strengthens old eyes , tonic for eye strain , weak and watery evec. Druggists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo , . . i. i J. J.The The man who forgets that he was once a boy Is almost as scarce as the woman who denies that slie Is still a girl. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny , granules , easy to' take , Do not gripe. * f' The nohlest motive is the public good. Virgil. The Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity Why wait for the old farm to become your Inheritance ? Bcflnnowto prepare for your future prosperity and indepen dence. A great oppor tunity awaits you In ManitobaSaskatcuovan or Alberta , whore you can secure a FreeHomo- stead or buy land at rea sonable prices. Now'sttieTlme not a. ycarfromnovr , trhen land will be high er. The profits secured from the abundant crops of "Wheat , Oats and Barley , as Trcll as cattle raising , arc causing a st ady adranco In price. Government returns show that the number of settlers In TVestei-n Canada from the U. 8. was GO per ceflt larger in 191O than the prevlousrear. Many farmers have paid for their land ont of the proceeds of one crop. , _ Free Homesteads of 100 acres and pre-emptions of 16O seres at SS.OOanacre. Fine climate , good schools , excellent railway facilities , low freight rates ; ivood , wa ter and lumber cusily ob tained. For pamphlet "Last Best West , " particulars as to suitable location and low settlers'"rate , apply to Supt of Immigration , Ottawa , Can. , or to Canadian Govt Agent. E.T. Hohnes.315 JadsonSLSL Put , Won. J. H. Hadidlan , Drawer 197 , tfatertwu.lD. Use address nearest you. 87 Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely veget able act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner improve & -camplonon brighten theeyet. Sm H ML SmiU Dm , Saifl Genuine omntwat Signature Rich and Costly Furs /COSTLY FURS come froia YOUR PART OFTHE COUNTRY. Ship them to the BEST FUR MARKET and RIGHT FUR HOUSE. By chipping direct to US , yen receive far better PRICES than you have obtained elsewhere , because we sell DIRECT to MANUFACTURERS of HIGH GRADE FURS. WE NEED YOUT. FURS. MAKE US A SHIPMENT. Our PRICE LIST is OUT. ASKFORIT. OurPRICESateNETto YOU. LEOPOLD GASSNER FUR CO. 34E ntl8tk St. CapIUl-COCn ( Hid New York City l d atc3UUUU Cut Flowers For All Occasions Wholesale and Retail * J. R. Elder , Sioux City , Iowa Make Somebody fjf fW \ A if ' IV U U A IV HappyWitha Nothing nicer for Christmas. ZIMMERMAN BROS. , Sioux City la. DIIPTIIRF CUREbinafewdays cJil"R Wilt -without pain or a surgical - gical operation. Ho pay until cured. Send for 'literature. DRS. WEAY & HATHENET , " 602 * ftumere lon fc Trust * Bld j , ' Sioux City ; , Iowa. s Eye Water risers r + IS ) THE NAME Or THE BEST MEDICINE for COUGHS & COLDS mass. After the lambs are-a "few'days old they begin to look around for some thing to eat , and they should be given an opportunity to go out in search of food , by making creeps which they can go out and in as they please and have access to such foods as oats and bran with some of the finest and most tender hay that the farm af fords ; nothing is too good for the lit tle fellows. The grape needs nitrogen for growth of vine and potash and phos phates for the perfection of its fruit. Bone dust worked Into the soil about roots after growth is established sup plies phosphates and one-half a bushel of unleached wood ashes to a vine ap plied in the spring gives the neces sary potash. Water or moisture Is always on the move. When it rains it soaks the ground , and as soon as it stops rain ing it starts its upward movement by capillary attraction. It travels from one soil particle to the next , and so on until the soil becomes what we call dry. * * - - -t- * Now is a very good time to save out the best pullets to take the place of the discarded hens this fall. It pays to keep the best stock in.order to get good results , , and this can be done. in no other way any better than by constantly culling a'nd picking. -1 ' 'j ' - \ Don't fail to give the fall pigs plen ty of slop consisting of skimmed milk mixed with some kind of a ground grain. They will soon be getting most of their living from the trough and will not be checked in their growth at weaning time. Where large plantations of aspara gus are made it is important that the roots be planted so deeply that all tillage may be accomplished with the plow and other heavy farm imple ments , and thus avoid the expense of hand labor. Sheep raising is a new thing to almost every prairie state farmer , and as long as cattle and hogs prove mon eymakers and furnish all the choring the average man cares to do , there is no likelihood of any radical change. To produce milk economically we should use the roughage on our farms wherever It is possible , for by so do ing we not only save the labor of haul ing bulky material , but will also build up the fertility of our land. The farmer should calculate what increase in crop it is necessary for him to obtain in order to make the use of fertilizers profitable , and if only this is obtained he should not condemn their use. j' When the ground freezes aVply a cover of well composted manure on e the asparagus rows which will keep " the ground from freezing deeply and provide plenty of fertility for next summer's growth. During the fattening period , the previously huilt frame in the making of which protein is so essential , Is loaded Tvith fat , a process in which corn makes the most economical gains. When ready to empty the ash pan mix a good lice powder with the ashes and empty in the hen house. The hens will dust themselves In it and rid themselves of lice and mites. in Corn and water are the hest fat tening foods although a feed of roots once or twice a week will give them a keener appetite and keep their bowels in excellent condition. d Never change milkers when you can d possibly avoid it , but have the same one milk the same cow every time , and milk in the same order. Be careful about overfeeding with vu sugar beet tops as too heavy feeding u will prove injurious on account of the tlo oxalic acid-they contain. of Dairy cows should be placed in the stable in the'fall before rigid cold t : wea'ther commences , and winter ; ra- h 'tions- should be fed. t At this time of year , just before cat tle go In to .winter ? quarters-a. .dairy man can replenish his dairy by buy n ing heifer calves , . often at great bar iid gains. , .f , d fff t 4 f t Most people recognize the value of fall plowing for grain crops but very tldi few , however , follow the practice with di their corn crops. f < * ' ' Some of the cracks in the stable can be stopped up more cheaply than up you.can feed oats to keep the horses hi li On ; cannot expect to raise Targ * and valuable draft horses out of colts by giving them nothing , Hit somotbay and free range of the straw stacks to Jive on during the winter months. Roughing It does * not encourage growth , neither does It develop hardi hood as Is so generally supposed by many farmers. Our perfect specimens of pure bred horses , cattle , sheep and svlne have been made possible .only by .having been given the best feed and care as well as breeding and by their ancestors having received like treatment. _ , - f - i i The stallion" should show strong masculinity , as Indicated by vigorous , bold eyes and a massive , well crested neck. The mare should be feminine in character , as indicated by mild eyes , comparatively small head and slender neck , which together with a' somewhat more roomy barrel should constitute a breeding appearance. In these days of exceedingly high- priced concentrated feeds , it behooves the farmer , depending principally on dairying , to * produce on his own land as much as possible of the rations necessary for his herd to make a pro fitable flow of milk. In order to do this , it is not too emphatic to say he must grow alfalfa. If you are. going in for a few sheep. this season , don't overlook the matter of shelter. Sheep must be kept dry a& to fleece and feet , otherwise your ven ture will result disastrously. Provide dry quarters for wet weather and ycu'll not have much difficulty in car rying them over. \ Great Britain imports much less live stock than formerly. In 1909 the receipts of live cattle were 54,000 less from the United States and 9,000 less from Canada than In the previous year. At the same time it imported a greatly increased quantity of chilled , beef. The cows should not be fed their roughage , nor the bedding be stirred up before milking , and as far as possible the barn should be opened and aired also before the milking time , so that the foul air which taints milk so readily may escape. With cheap corn and other grains any man who could buy a few pigs and finish them for market could make a little profit , but it requires skill and ability to grow pigs and fat ten them on 60-cent corn and make a reasonable profit. Any system of farming which pro vides regular summer and winter work for the horses will prevent the waste caused by their "eating their heads off" half the year or so that they may be available for work at other seasons. Weeds in the lawn are an indica tion that tne soil is poor. They differ from cultivated plants in that they require poor land. If the lawn Is good and rich the grass will grow vigorously and crowd out the weeds. Don't feed dusty hay to horses. If you have no other kind sprinkle It with water just before feeding. Many horse troubles may be traced directly to dusty hay and these are much more easily prevented than cured. , Sell off the cockerels. Do not In- breed. If you are not going to fill the incubator before March you , will not need a. cock before February. But don't be stingy when you buy him. \Vhrn srra'-in cM ken house there is no good in making a seven- eighths . .lob.of it. because , the vermin left in the last one-eighth will * quick ly multiply and spread all over the other seven. It is a mistake to dump potatoes immediately after digging Into a wagon box and shovel them into pita while they are easily bruised and the skin broken with , rough , handling. Cream on the average will weigh about eighteen pounds to the gallon , but will vary according to the per cent , of butter fat it contains butter fat being lighter than cream. Many people are realizing the profit raising heavy geese , as they are worth more a pound than the lighter breeds , and every year there is more demand for the Toulouse. A sheepkeeper should study his In dividual animals and /observe them daily , reading -meanwhile all the gov ernment bulletins on sheep that are obtainable. A crop raised on sod plowed under wet , eight inches deep , and worked until fine enough to cultivate , Is often the best ever raised on a given piece land. In feeding aged steers quality and type are not so essential as In feed ing calves , ' provided the purchase price is proportionate. Most farm horses get too much hay. Cut down the amount and feed It mostly at night Thorough dampen ing lessens the danger from feeding dusty hay. When cows are * given less food than they require for maintenance and pro duction the milk production must suf fer or the cow. With the fall letting up of work , let on the heavy feed. Like men , horses doing little work 'should , " eat little.- VERACITY OF THE BIBLE After a Visit to the Holy Land Even a Skeptic Must Be Con vinced. * * One thing cannot fail to Impress every visitor to Bethlehem , and , in deed , to the Holy Land generally , who is imbued with true Christian faith and a proper sense -of the sanctity of the location and of { he events that have transpired there , and that Is the more than remarkable correspondence between the things and places shown us today as having een associated with the life and work of the Saviour * and other events that enter Into the structure of our religious faith and the descriptions and accounts of them , as furnished us In the pages of the * ' Holy Scriptures. They agree with them in every respect and it Is im possible , after carefully considering and comparing them , to doubt their Identity , so exactly are they in accord with . .the Bible narrative. The work in the fields , the arrange ment of the buildings , the very arti cles of diet and clothing of ancient days are plainly recognizable in the doings and surroundings of today. In deed , where modern methods have not become obtrusive the manners and customs of the people remain much the same as in the days of the pres ence on earth 'of the Saviour. Be tween the descriptions given in the Bible of localities , climatic and geographical graphical conditions , distances , etc. , of these times and those of today there is hardly any discrepancy. Even a skeptic , considering this remarkable accord of circumstances with the Biblical narrative , cannot but be con vinced of its veracity ; to the believer it comes as a wonderful conviction , a satisfactory corroboration or en couragement to see things as those who described them so graphically saw them so long ago. Columbian Magazine. SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED In the treatment of affections of the skin and scalp 'which torture , disfig ure , itch , burn , scale and destroy the hair , as well as for preserving , puri fying and beautifying the complexion , fallible. Millions of women through out the world rely on these pure , sweet and gentle emollients for all pur poses of the toilet , bath and nursery , and for the sanative , antiseptic cleansIng - Ing of ulcerated , infizined mucous sur faces. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp , Bos ton , Mass. , sole Proprietors of the Cu- ticura Remedies , will mail free , on re quest , their latest 32-page Cuticura Book on the skin and hair. He Knew. A certain jurist was an enthusiastic golfer. Once he had occasion to in terrogate in a criminal suit , a boy witness from Bala. "Now , my lad , " he said , "are you acquainted with the nature and sig nificance of an oath ? " , The , boy , raising his brows In sur prise , answered : "Of course I am , sir. Don't I caddy for you at the Country club ? " Suc cess. It Worked Well. "How is the new filing system ? Sue- cess ? " asked the agent of the mer chant to whom he had sold a "system" a few days before. J "Great ! " said the merchant * * - "Good ! " said the agent/.nibbing , his hands. "And how Is .business . ? " "Business ? " echoed the merchant. "Oh , we hafve stopped business to at system-- * ' Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bean ; the Signature ofi In IJse Tor Over 3O "Years. The Kind You Have AlwayBought Aromatic Spirits. Mrs. Tdrr Sistah Lobstock has Jest fet a divo'ce fum her husban' . Mrs. .Wombat Doa' say ? How much ammonia did de cou't done grant her ? Puck. The General Opinion. "I hear you have a fine wife , old chap. " "I have ; everybody thinks it's a great pity she married me. " Mrs. "WtaBlow's Soothing : Syrnp. For children teething , softens the gums , reduces I n- flammntion.allay s pain , cures wind colic. 25c a botUa. The donkey Is unable to talk. There fore man has Indisputedly proclaimed himself lord of creation. Is NOT A PEN NY TO PAY FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION ' * . Professor Slunyon has engaged a staff of specialists that renowned , leaders in their line. There is no question about their ability , they are the finest phy sicians that > colleges-end hospital * have turned out and receive the highest salaries. salaries.He He offers their service to you absolutely free of cost. No matter tvhat your disease , or how many doctors you have tried , write to Profe - ser Munyon's physicians and they will give your case careful and prompt- attention and advise you what to do. You are under no obligations to them. It will not cost you a penny , only the postage stamp you put 09 your letter. All consultations are held strictly confidential. 'Address Ifunyon's Doctors , Munyon's Laboratories , 53d & 'Jefferso * Streets , Philadelphia , Pa. Fresh Air in Winter In winter , it is hard to get fresh tiff in certain rooms. Some rooms in * . house are usually colder than others , , find if you open the windows it is hard again to heat the room properly * If you keep the windows closed you don't get fresh air ; if you keep them open you cannot quickly reheat the room. The 'ERFECTIO ' SMOKELESS HP ATE 6 n EI/ % * * * - Absolutely smokeless and odorless solves the difficulty. You can leav * the windows in a room open all" day in winter , and when you close them apply a match to a Perfection Oil Heater and heat the room to any tern * perature you desire in a few minutes * The Perfection Oil Heater Is finished in Japan or nickel. It burns for nine hours. It has a cool handle and a damper top. It has an antomatfe locking flame spreader , which prevents the wick from being turned hie * enough to smoke , and is easy to remove and drop back so that the wick can om- quickly clenaed. An indicator lwaysshows amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap does not need to be screwed down. It Js'put in like a corfc in a bottle , and is attached to the font by a chain. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged , because of a new- device in construction , and consequently , it can always be easily unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is strong , durable , wett. made , built for service , yet light and ornamental. Dialers Everywhere. If not at yours , write for descriptbt circular to the nearest agency of the < - Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough IDS a wire black as a coal Sold by Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( LVCORPOUATED ) .1 Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY , EVER-READY TIN OILER Es specially selected for any need in the home. Saves tpols from rusting. Can can not break. Does not gum or become rancid. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Desks Keeps the spindle bright and , free from grit. Try a box * . Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. , ( Incorporated ) How He Lost Out. DeShort Don't you er think you Down could learn to love me , Miss Oldgold ? Miss Oldgold Well , I don't know. DeShort Of course you can. One Is in the dumps never too old to learn , you know. from over-eating , drinking Miss Oldgold Sir ! bad liver and constipation get : In case of pain on the Junes ETandina many a one , but therejp a way out- Wizard Oil acts like a mustard plaster , Cascarets relieve and cnre- except that it is more effective and IB so quickly. Take one to-night aad- much nicer and cleaner to use. feel ever so much better in the- A girl who Is truly modest doesn't morning. feel called upon to blush when there no occasion for It. Caacarets 10c box week's treat ment. All drugzlsts. Bireest seller million hn-r c o Housework Drudgery Houseworkjs drudgery for the weak woman. She brush es , dusts ami scrubs , or is on her feet all day attendiag fo the many details of the household , her back acking , her temples throbbing , nerves quivering under the stress of pain , possibly dizzy feelings. 'Sometimes rest in bed It not refreshing , because the poor tired nerves do not per mit of refreshing sleep. The real nefed of weak , nervous women is satisied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreccriptioB. It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. " * * ' This "Prescription'removes the ommsm of women's' weaknesses , heals tmflmm- nation an * mlceratlen , amd cares these weaknesses so peculiar to wontem. It traaqatlfaes the nerves , encsarajtes the appetite and Indmces restful sleep. Dr. Pierce-is perfectly willing to let every one know what his " Favorite Prescription" contains , a complete list of ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any unscrup ulous druggist persuade you that his substitute of unknown composition is "jsst as g od" in order that he may make ' a bigger profit. Just smile and shake your head I Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant Pellets cures liver ills. Established 30 Years FLORISTS Floral emblems and cut flowers lor occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA. OLD SORES CURED Allen'sUlcerineSalvecnresChronlcUleoreJ Ulcers .Scrofulous Clcers.VarlcofteUleer dolent UlcersMercTirial Ulcers/\yhit Bw bOirc.BjlulIfiOe. T P AT.T.HV DEFIANCE STARCH- . -other iUrchea only 13 ounces SMBS "DEFIANCE" 13 SUPERIOR QUALITY * . PATENTS esc refexeooGB. W. N. U. . SIOUX CITY. NO. 52 111I PUTNAM FADELESS DYES mrfiiMhwIrifftaMpvt WHlt rlrM NkMrlHl liG. lMliM WiMMb * * * * * * 0tf * 00 , , 0 * * YM §