Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 15, 1910, Image 6

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ftoyal Family of England Remain
Faithful to "Ess Bouquet" Czarina -
ina Is Fond of White Violet.
f _ _ _ _ _
Queen Mary Is not a lover of per
fume. She uses eau de cologne occa
sionally , but avoids scents as much
as possible. A west end chemist told
the writer recently that neither is
Queen Alexandra very fond of per
fumes , although she remains faithful
to the "Ess Bouquet , " which has
33een Jn use by the royal family of
England since 1822. This perfume is
composed ot amber mixed with the
essences of roses , violets , jasmine ,
orange flowers and lavender ,
essence of roses , violets , jasmine ,
On the other hand the Czarina is
passionately fond of perfume. Her
apartments in the royal palace are
dally Bpr&yed with essences of lilac ,
Jasmine , and white violet. Her Maj
esty's favorite essence Is violet , and
, for several weeks in the early spring
hundreds of women and girls may be
seen at Grasise gathering the blos
soms from which the Czarina's per-
jfumo Is made. The finished product
Is tested , bottle by bottle , at the St.
[ Petersburg Academy of Chemistry
"before being sent to the imperial
The Queen Mother of Spain uses as
pennume eau d'espagne , manufactured
, in Madrid , and also obtains a per
fume for her toilet from Paris. Its
.composition is a secret which the
perfume can d'espagne , manufactured
made , " he says , "of rosewater , cocoanut -
nut oil , and the rest Is a mystery. "
The young Queen of Holland is a
rgreat believer in the virtues of eau
< Ie cologne ; while "Carmen Sylvia , "
Queen of Roumania , uses a special
"perfume made from the finest herbs ,
which she says "is the best tonic for
ihe skin she has yet discovered. "
Wny Do They.
"Why women like the baldheaded
man It is somewhat difficult to define.
It may be because he appears to be :
Thoughtful and kind.
Trustworthy and confiding. Whim
sical. Past the follies and frivolities
, of youth.
Usually successful.
, A man of property
Opinions why women like the bald
( Sieaded mam obtained by the Daily
Irrror are as follows :
He Is not silly like young men.
He accepts * Yefusals of marriage so
.nicely that one is sorry one did not
, accept him.
The bald patch looks so clean and
> 5iice. One would like to kiss it.
A doctor welcomes baldness when it
-comes to him , as it is a sign of se-
< 3atenes8 and dignified learning , which
tinvariably Increases his practise.
What World Lost ?
"It was the worst calamity that ever
'happened to " the in-
me , sighed pale , -
'tellectual high-browed young woman.
"I had written a modern society nov
el , complete to the last chapter , and
.a careless servant girl gathered the
sheets of the manuscript from the
floor , where the wind had blown them ,
and used them to start a fire in the
= ; grate. "
"What a burning shame that was ! "
commented Miss Tartan.
Russia's Growing Population.
This year's census of the Russian
empire adds another five millions to
rthe population as enumerated in 1908.
fThe czar's subjects now number 160-
000,000 and increase every year by
3,500,000 despite wars , epidemics and
ytnternal disturbances. As there is no
lack of cultivated soil in Russia there
seems no reason why this big annual
Jncrease should not continue.
How It Happened.
He was limping down the street
with one arm in a sling and both eyes
in mourning.
"WhatSs the matter ? " queried a
friend. "Automobile accident ? "
"No , replied the other , sadly. "I
met a man who couldn't take a joke. "
There is no playing fast and loose
with truth , in any game , without
growing the worse for it. Dickens.
.Health Regained by Right Food.
The average healthy man or woman
Is usually eager to be busy at some
Taseful task or employment.
But let dyspepsia or indigestion get
.faold of one , and all endeavor becomes
-a burden.
"A year ago , after recovering from
ism , operation , " writes a Michigan lady ,
" "my stomach and nerves began to give
.me much trouble.
"At times my appetite was vora-
j < iious , "butwhen indulged , indigestion
jfollowed. Other times I had no appe-
jtitewhatever. . The food I took did not
taourish me and I grew weaker than
"I lost interest in everything and
"wanted to be alone. I had always had
good nerves , but now the merest trifle
would upset me and bring on a violent
headache. Walking across the room
was an effort and prescribed exercise
; was out of the question.
"I had seen Grape-Nuts advertised ,
tut did : not believe what I read at the
lime. At last when it seemed as if I
Tvas literally starving , I began to eat
< ; rape-Nuts. " } - .
"I had not been able to work for a
: year , ont , now after two months on
-Grape-Nuts I am eager to be at work
-again. My stomach gives me 'no trou-
tie now , -my nerves are , steady as ever ,
-and Interest' in life and ambition have
.come "back .withLthe. return to health. "
'Head "The Road -WeIlvilleJ' ; in
' "There's a Reason. "
Ever nsd tbe above letter ? A
ne MMrarm from time t * time. Tbe ?
tmef and foil of ktrmu
7 ;
< ?
Illustrations By
Copyright 1908 by The Bobbs-Mcrrlll Company.
Thomas Ardmore , bored millionaire , and
Henry Maine Griswold , professor in the
University of Virginia , take trains out
of Atlanta , Grisv.'old to "his college , Ard
more in pursuit of a girl who had winked
at him. Mistaken for Gov. Osborne of
South Carolina , Griswold's life is threat
ened. He goes to Columbia to warn the
governor and meets Barbara Osborne. He
remains to assist her in the absence of
her father. Ardmore learns that his
winking lady is the daughter of Goy.
Dangerfield of North Carolina. He fol
lows her to Raleigh , and on the way is
given a brown jug at Kildare. In Raleigh
he discovers that the jug bears a mes
sage threatening Dangerfield unless Ap
pleweight , a criminal , is allowed to go
free. He goes to the capitol to warn the
governor , finds him absent and becomes
allied with the daughter , Jerry Danger-
Held , in discharging the duties of the
governor's office.
CHAPTER V. Continued.
"I have heard papa say that life is
short and the tenure of office uncer
tain. I can remove you at any time
I please. Now do you understand that
this is a serious business' ? There's
likely to he a lot of trouble , and no
time for asking questions , so when I
say it's so it's so. "
"It's so , " repeated Ardmore do
"Now , here's the sheriff at Kildare ,
on our side of the line , who writes
to say that he is powerless to catch
Appleweight. He's afraid of the
dark , that man ! You see , the grand
jury in Dilwell county that's Kil
dare , you know has indicted Apple-
weight as a common outlaw , but the
grand jurors were all friends of Ap- !
pleweight and the indictment was
only to satisfy law-and-order senti
ment and appease the Woman's Civic
league of Raleigh. Now , papa doesn't
I mean I don't want to offend those
Appleweight people by. meddling in
this business. Papa wants Gov. Os
borne to arrest Appleweight in South
Carolina ; but I don't believe Gov. Os
borne will dare do anything about it.
Now , Mr. Ardmore , I am not going to
have papa called a coward by any
body , particularly by South Carolina
people , after what Gov. Osborne said
of our state. "
"Why , what did he say ? "
"He said in a speech at Charleston
ast winter that no people who fry
their meat can ever amount to any
thing , and he meant us ! I can never
forgive him for that ; besides , his
daughter is the stuck-upest thing !
And I'd like Barbara Osborne to tell
me how she got into the Colonial
Dames , and what call she has to be
inspector general of the Granddaught
ers of the Mexican War ; for I've
heard my grandfather Dangerfield say
many a time that old Col. Osborne
and his South Carolina regiment never
did go outside of Charleston until the
war was over and the American army
had come back home. "
"Gov. Osborne is a contemptible
ruffian , " declared Ardmore with deep
Miss Dangerfield nodded judicial
approval , and settled back in her chair
the better to contemplate her new
secretary , and said :
"I've written that Is to say , papa
wrote before he went away , a strong
letter to Gor. Osborne , complaining
that Appleweight was hiding in South
Carolina and running across the state
line to rob and murder people in
North Carolina. Papa told Gov. Os
borne that he must break up the Ap t
pleweight crowd or he would do something - i
thing about it himself. It's a splendid i
letter ; you would think that even a
coward like Gov. Osborne would do
something after getting such a let
ter. "
"Didn't he answer the letter ? "
"Answer it ? He never got it ! Pa
pa didn't send it ; that's the reason !
Papa's the kindest man in the world ,
and he must have been afraid of hurt
ing Gov. Osborne's feelings. He wrote
the letter , expecting to send it , but
when he went off to New Orleans he
told Mr. Bassford to hold it till he got
back. He had even signed it you
can read it if you like. "
It was undoubtedly a vigorous
epistle , and Ardmore felt the thrill of
its rhetorical sentences as he read.
The dignity and authority of one of
the sovereign American states was
represented here- and he handed the
paper back to Miss Dangerfield as
tenderly as though it had been the
original -draft , of , Magna Charta.
"It's a corker , all right. "
"I don't much like the way it ends.
It says ; right here"and she bent for
ward and pointed to the place under
criticism " t says , 'Trusting to your
sense of equity , and relying upon a
continuance of the traditional friend
ship'between'your-"state and mine1 , I
am , air , awaiting your reply , very
respectfully , your obedient servant'
Now , I would&-'t trust to his senafe-of
anything , and that traditional friend-
ship business is just fluffy nonsense ,
and I wouldn't be anybody's obedient
servant. I decided when I wasn't
more than 15 years old , with a lot of
other girls In our school , that when
we got married we'd never say obey ,
and we never have , though only three
of our class are married yet , but we're
all engaged. "
"Engaged ? "
"Of course ; we're engaged. I'm en
gaged to Rutherford Gillingwater , the
adjutant general of this state. You
couldn't be my private secretary if I
wasn't engaged ; it wouldn't be
proper. "
'The earth was only a flying cinder
on which he strove for a foothold.
She had announced her engagement
to be married with a cool finality that
took his breath away ; and not real
izing the chaos into which she had
flung him , she returned demurely to
the matter of the letter.
"We can't change that letter , be
cause it's signed close to the 'obedient
servant' and there's no room. But
I'm going to put it into the typewriter
and add a postscript. "
She sat down before the machine
and inexpertly rolled the sheet into
place ; then , with Ardmore helping
her to find the keys , she wrote :
I demand an Imediate reply.
"Demand and immediate are both
business words. Are you sure there's
only one m in immediate ? All right ,
if you know. I reckon a postscript
like that doesn't need to be signed.
I'll just put 'W. D. ' there with papa's
stub pen , so it will look really fierce.
Now , you're the secretary ; you copy
it in the copying press and I'll ad
dress the envelope. "
She bade him give the letter plenty
of time to copy , and talked cheerfully
while he waited. She spoke of her
friends , as southern people have a
way of doing , as though every one
must of course know them a habit
that is illuminative of that delightful
southern neighborliness that knits
the elect of a commonwealth into a
single family , that neither time and
tide nor sword and brand can destroy.
"Well , that's done , " said Miss Jerry ,
when the letter , still damp from the
copy-press , had been carefully sealed
and stamped. "Gov. Osborne will get
it in the morning. I think maybe
we'd better telegraph him that it's
coming. "
The message , slowly thumped out
on the typewriter , and several times
altered and copied , finally read :
Raleigh , N. C.
The Honorable Charles Osborne ,
Governor of South Carolina ,
Columbia , S. C. :
Have written by to-night's mail in Ap
pleweight matter. Tour vacillating course
not understood.
Governor of North Carolina.
"I reckon that will make him take
notice ; " and Miss Jerry viewed her
work with approval. "And now , Mr.
Ardmore , here's a telegram from Mr.
Billings which I don't understand. See
if you know what it means. "
Ardmore chuckled delightedly as he
read :
Can not understand your outrageous
conduct in bond matter. If payment is
not made June first your state's credit is
ruined. Where is Foster ? Answer to At
"I don't see what's so funny about
that ! Mr. Bassford was walking the
floor with that message when I came
to the office. He said papa and the
state were both going to be ruined.
There's a quarter of a million dollars
to be paid on bonds that are coming
due June first , and there isn't any
money to pay them with. That's
what he said. And Mr. Foster is the
state treasurer , and he's gone fishing. "
"Fishing ? " ;
"He left word he had gone fishing.
Mr. Foster and papa don't get along
together , and Mr. Bassford says he's
run off just to let those bonds default
and bring disgrace on papa and the
state. "
Ardmore's grin broadened. The Ap
pleweight case was insignificant com
pared with this new business with
which he was confronted. Billings
had always treated him with con
tempt , as a negligible factor in the
Ardmore millions , and here at last
was an opportunity to balance aci
"I will show you how to fix Bill
ings. Just let me have one of those
blanks. "
And after much labor , and with
occasional suggestions from Miss
Jerry , the following message was i
presently ready for the wires :
Your infamous imputation upon my honi
or and that of the state shall meet with
the treatment it deserves. I defy you
to do your worst. If you come into North
Carolina or bring legal proceedings for
the collection of your bonds I will fill
you so full of buckshot that 40 men will
not be strong enough to carry you to your
"Isn't that perfectly grand ! " mur
mured Jerry admiringly. "But I
thought your , family and the Bronx
Loan and Trust Company were the
same thing. "
"Don't you worry about Billings.
He IB used to having people get down
on their knees to him , and the change
will do him good. Where is this man
Foster ? "
"Just fishing ; that's what Mr. Bass-
ford said , but he didn't know where.
Father was going to call a special ses
sion of the legislature to investigate
him , and he was so angry that' he ran
off so that papa would have to look
after those bonds himself. Then this
Appleweight case came up , and that
worried papa a great deal. Here's his
call for the special session. He told
Mr. Bassford to hold that , too , until
he came back from New Orleans. "
Ardmore read Gov. Dangerfield's
summons to the legislature with pro
found interest It was signed , but
the spacf for the date on which the
lawmakers were to assemble had been
left blank.
"It looks to me as though you had
the whole state in your hands , Miss
Dangerfield. But -L don't believe we
ought to call the special session Just
yet It would bo sure to injure the
state's credit , and it will be a lot
more fun to catch Foster. I wonder
if he took all the state money with
him. "
"Mr. Bassford said he didn't know
and couldn't find out , for the clerks
in the treasurer's office wouldn't tell
him a single thing. "
"One should never deal with sub-
ordinatesX' remarked Ardmore sagely.
"Deal with the- , principals I heard = a
banker say that once , and he was a
man who knew everything. Besides ,
it will be more fun to attend to the
bonds ourselves. "
The roll of drums and the cry of i
bugle broke in upon the peace of the
later afternoon. Miss Jerry rose
with an exclamation and ran out into
the broad portico of the statehouse.
Several battalions of a tide-water regi
ment , passing through town on their
way to Camp Dangerfield , had taken
advantage of a wait in Raleigh to dis
embark and show themselves at the
capital. They were already halted
and at parade rest at the side of the
street , and a mounted officer in khaki ,
galloping madly into view , seemed to
focus the eyes of the gathering crowd.
He was a gallant figure of a man ; his
mount was an animal that realized
Job's ideal of a battle-horse ; the sol
diers presented arms as the horse
man rode the line. Miss Dangerfield
waved her handkerchief , standing
eagerly on tiptoe to make her salu
tation carry as far as possible.
"Who is that ? " asked Ardmore ,
with sinking spirit.
"Why , Rutherford Gillingwater , of
course. "
"Four right ! " rang the command a
moment later , and the militiamen
tramped off to the station.
It was then that Ardmore , watching
the crowd disperse at the edge of the
park , saw his caller of the morning
striding rapidly across the street. Ard
more started forward , then checked
himself so suddenly that-Miss Jerry
Dangerfield turned to him inquiringly.
"What's the matter ? " she demanded.
"Nothing. I have been robbed , as
I hoped to be. Over there on the side-
"What's the Matter ? " She Demandecu
walk , beyond the girl in the pink sunbonnet -
bonnet , goes my little brown jug.
That lank individual with the shabby
hat has lifted it out of my room at the
hotel , just as I thought he would. "
Man Is Easily the Most Bloodthirsty o )
All the Animals of the
In New Llsbeard recently an owl
perched itself on the peak of a busi
ness block as the crimson streaks of
the dawn appeared , and wrapped in Its
muff of feathers , settled itself in com
fort to enjoy the drowsy hours of day
light. It was the picture of comfort
and pretty as a picture , cozy , warm in
the winter's cold , inoffensive and harm
But the owl was In a fool's paradise.
It had lain down with the tiger. It
was in the midst of the wolves. The
bushy little ball of feathers had fallen
unawares into the haunts of the
fiercest j and most bloodthirsty of the
world's animals.
The sleeping bird was no sooner de
scried than the human wolves set up a
yap. Men hurried off for their kill
i ing machines , and in a few minutes a
battery of riflemen were at work
pumping ] death into the spark of life
in the bundle of feathers. After awhile
one of them hit it , and then the heroes
were satisfied. They went home with
their guns , and the boys exhibited the
Poor dead little bit of useless car
rion ! The boys' eyes sparkled with
There is a deal of the savage left
in the human. Cobalt Citizen.
Expressing Political Convictions.
Some old time politicians were not
content with wearing ribbons as an
outward and visible sign of their con
victions. "In those 'days , " writes a
follower of , Pitt who bore the soothing
name of James Bland Burges , "men
had the courage of their convictions ,
and would have made motley their
garb to distinguish themselves from
their opponents. To beloiig to the Con
stitutional club was a very simple af
fair no balloting or fees beyond cost
of costume.
"A gentleman desirous of becoming
a member wrote his name in the club
book and. hurried to the tailor to be
measured for a dark blue frock with a
broad orange velvet cape and large
yellow buttons , round each of which
was inscribed "Constitutional Club. "
rhe waistcoat was of blue kerseymere
with yellow buttons , bordered all
round with orange colored silk , and
the breeches of white kerseymere
with yellow buttons. In point of taste
we. certainly beat the blue and buff of
our opponents. " London Chronidt.
One of These Talented Women Is
Sarah Bernhardt and the Other
Ellen Terry.
Two famous grandmothers are dis
tinguished visitors of this country. Re
ferring to these talented ladies The
Rochester Post Express says : "One of
the grandmothers Is Mme. Sarah Bern-
hardt ; the other is Ellen Terry. Both
actresses have reached an age when it
is permissible to retire from active
life ; but the French actress is said to
be as energetic as a woman half her
age , while Ellen "Terry is declared to
be as young as ever she was in the
palmy days when she and Henry Irv
ing ruled the theatrical world of Eng
land. Miss Terry has retired from the
stage so far as acting is concerned ,
and has taken to lecturing on Shakes
peare's heroines. And who could do
better than she who , has played so
many of the womanly women of the
great dramatist ? Readers of her
breezy biography know what she
thinks of Portia , Beatrice , Voila , Rosa
lind and other famous women of the
tragedies and comedies , but no print
ed page could charm as does the won
derfully expressive features and the
velvet voice of the greatest living
English-speaking actress. "
Does Your Cat Cough ?
Poor pussy ! As if the immemorial
charges against her of keeping us
awake o' nights and of eating canary
birds whenever she gets the chance
were not enough , the doctors have
just discoveredthat for years she has
been responsible for the spread of
diphthetria. Dr. G. J. Awburn of
Manchester , England , having traced
an epidemic of this disease In a sub
urb of that city to a pet cat belonging
to one of his patients , has found , after
much clever investigation , that all
cats are peculiarly susceptible to
diphtheritic affections of the throat.
He has therefore recently been warn
ing all families who own cats to
watch them carefully , and , if they de
velop coughs , to forbid their being
hugged and petted. Dr. Awburn fur
ther recommends that if the cough
perisists and the cat begins to grow
thin to have the animal destroyed at
once. The only really safe way , he
says , is to let the first wheeze be
pussy's death warrant.
Literary Accuracy.
"You write of your hero as stealing
home in the darkness , " said the ed
"Yes , " replied the author.
"Well , you ought to know better
than that. He couldn't steal home in
the dark. If it was dark enough to be
worth noticing the game would have
been called. "
Some wise philosopher once re
marked that we live in thoughts , not
years. This is especially true of wom
en after they pass thirty.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated ,
easy to take as candy , regulate and invig
orate stomach , liver and bowels and cure
We canhot teach truth to anotker ,
we can only help him to find it. Gal-
44 Bu. to the Acre
Is a hcary yield , butthat's what John Kennedy of
Kdmonton , Alberta , Western Canada , Rot from 40
acresofSpringWbeatlnUNO. Jleports
from other districts In that proT-
ince showed other excel
lent results ench ao 4-
000 bushels of wheat
from 120 acres , or 831-3
bu. peraerc. 25SOnnd 40
bus uclyJoldswcro num
erous. As bleb as 133
bushels of oats to the
aero were threshed from
Alberta Holds In 1910.
The Silver Cup
at the recent Spokane
.Fair was awarded to the
Alberta GoYormncntfor
Its exhibit of gralns.Brassea.and .
Yecotables. Reports of excellent
vlolds for 1'JIO cotno also from
Saskatchewan and. Manitoba in
Western Canada , ,
Free homesteads of
acre * , and adjolnlnir pre
emptions of 1GO acres ( at
83 per acre ) nro to be had
lu the choicest district *
Schools convenient , cll-
mute oxcollcnt , sou tno
very bent , rjvllwuyB close at
Imnd. btill llncr lumber
choup , fneleusy tORet and
reusoniible In price , ivater
easily procured , mlzecl
farming success.
Write as to best place for set
tlement , settlers' low railway
rates , descriptive llluMratcd
"Last Best West" ( sent free on
application ) and other informa
tion , to Sup't of ImmlRratlon ,
Ottawa , Can..or to the Canadian
Government Agent. (30)
E T. fMraes.315 Jwksco SL.SL Prel. Htea.
J. H. HalatilJD. Drc r 197.Witato fliO.
( Use address nearest you. )
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Cot oat cathsrtki sad
hanh u
PurJrTcgettfefe. A&
tend ? en &c Ercr , CARTERS
Emiamte bile , mad
oo the &c delicate ITTLC
dfttotowd. embnnaof IYER
Small Pill , Small Dose , Small
Genuine Buutbeu Signature
Rich and Costly Furs
COSTLY FURS come from YOUR part of
the COUNTRY. Ship them to the BEST
By shipping DIRECT to us you receive far
better PRICES than you have obtained else
where , because we sell direct to manufac
turers of HIGH GRADE FURS.
A trial shipment will CONVEHCE yea.
A specially arranged prlco list for your
Territory will be mailed upon re < piest. We
pay all expressage , charge no commis
sions , and remit promptly.
34Ea tl2th St. Capital-
New York City I zed at
Established 30 Years
Floral emblems and cut flowers for all
occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA
lyourlnYcntlon. Free prelimin
PATENT ary search. Booklet free. ilLLO
m-m m mm m B.STKVKNS & CO. . Kstab. 1SW ,
853 Hth St. . Washington : 2GO Dearborn tit. , Chlcage.
WatHOH E. CoIeman'Waah-
PATENTS Ington.D.C. Books free. High
est references. Best results.
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 51-1910.
iiiiiimmiiiimniHiHiiiiiiimimin For Infants and Children *
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Vegetable Preparation Tor As
similating Ihe Food and Reg uJa- Bearsitha
rmgrheStomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Di asfionCheerfuI-
ness and Rest.Contains neither of
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Pumpkin Su
* '
\Worm \ Set L -
Clanfitd Suy
\Winkryrttn \
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
lion , Sour StomachDiarrhoea ,
Worms Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
tfac Simile Signature of'
Thirty Years
Guaranteed under Jhe Food and )
t Copy of Wrapper. T * f HTAWM O
Will Keep Your
soft as a glove
tough as a wire
black as a coal
Sold by Daalars
( Incorporated )
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fcfcsSB jti aSiflfc > & * * *