Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 15, 1910, Image 5

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    U. S. Weather ,8'ureau Report
Daily mean temperature 27. =
* . Normal temperature 2U0 . . - ' "
" !
Highest temperature-16 ° . /
.Lowest teniperaturc 7 ° .
Range of temperature 89s. ' ' " " '
Precipitation for week 00.00 of an inch.
Average for 22 years O.I4 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date i.i.48 in ches
jfvcrage for 22years 21.CO of an inches.
i JOHN J. McL/EAX. Observer.
11. M. Pad d . in Omaha this
Good residence , property for
sale. I. M. RICE. tf
Born to R. Anderson and wife ,
a son , Saturday , Dec. 10.
Two four-room houses for rent ,
one with cellar , I. M. RICE. tf
Corn King Manure Spreaders.
Price § 110.WJH close out at $90.
Big base burner coal stove for
sale , § 12 , cheap. Worth more.
Don't need it. I. M. RICE. tf
For sanitary plumbing or heat
ing call II. I. 'Weinzimmer , the
only licensed plumber in town. 49
H. I. Weinzimmer finished the
plumbing on theLamoreaux house
and the family is well pleased with
the work. 'This adds one more
sanity * job to Valentine.
Al Webb and wife started ves-
tcrday. morning on a trip to the
Pacific , coast. They go first to
Omaha , then to Kansas City , from
whence they go to Phoenix. Ariz. ,
to visit C. B. Ricketts and wife.
After a coup'le of week's visit
there they expect to go to the Pa-
citfc Coast to see the ocean and
fill -their lungs with sea breezes
fresh from the equator. They
don't know how long they'll stay
but don't intend back
to come until -
( til they've thawed out , basking in
the land of eternal sunshine and
roses and fruit. We have long
wished to make such a trip as this
but we've had to work , and when
we get the money we'll go some
where and see the sights and spend
Christmas and a part of the winter
in a warm place that doosn't re
quire so much high priced coal.
Presbyterian Church.
* *
Morning subject : "The Nations
as dust. " Evening : "The High
est Ideal of Life. " Sabbath school
at 10 a. m. Junior Endeavor at
3 p , m. Christian Endeavor at
\6:3Qp. : m. All invited.
i _ . . . . . . . .1 [
j All Gang Plows , Discs and Harrows -
/ " rows at cost and less.
For The
Cleans , Scrubs ,
Is the only thing you need
to do all your cleaning in the
kitchen , dairy , bath-room , -
parlor , pantry aud throughout
the house and in the barn.
Old Dutch Cleanses *
polishes brass , copper , tin , nickel and
all metal surfaces. Excellent for clean
ing harness ; no acid or caustic ; ( not a
soap .powder . ) ,
For Cleaning Harness :
Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser
on wet sponge , rub harness well ,
rinse with clean water and wipe
dryremoves all dirt and will
not harden or . crack.
Metal :
Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser
on wet cloth , rub briskly , rinse
- with .clean water , -wipe dry and
polish with a little dry powder
easiest and quickest :
tame Sifter Can
- -
V 'Carroll Kensett. . * .
* <
Miss Katherine Carroll will be
come the. bride of Mr. James Ken-
sett this evening at a quarter of
eight o'clock in the parish home
of of St. Peter's church. The
Rev. James Gillespie will perform
tha ceremony in the presence of
relatives and a company of invit
ed guests , the rites of the Catho
lic church to be observed in the
culmination of the pretty event.
The bride will be attended by
Miss Madaline Bowden as brides
maid , and Mr. Kensett will be
served by Mr. Frank Carroll ,
brother of the bride , as grooms
man. The bride's dress will be a
blue traveling suit.
Following the marriage cere
mony , the wedding party will re
tire to the bride's home , 1204 Oak
street , where sumptuous wedding
supper is to be served. About
eighty guests will be present to
enjoy this after-nuptial event.
The parlor and dining rooms
will be decorated in the wedding
colors , green and white , ferns and
smilax to be used.
The bride of this evening is one
of Keokuk's best loved young
women. She is the daughter of
Martin Carroll who is at present
making his home in Nebraska.
The bride to be was born and
reared in this city and in her event
today , has the best wishes or
scores of friends.
The groom is a young man , ex
cellently qualified to take to their
new home , his fair bride of this
evening. He is employed at
Grand View , Iowa , where he is
employed by a button company
of that place.
Bride and groom will leave for
their new home at Grand View on
the 2:40 train tomorrow morning.
Among the out of town guesis
who will be present at the mar
riage this evening are Mr. and
Mrs. John Burns of Hannibal.
Mo. , and Mr. Frank Carroll , the
bride's brother , of Valentine ,
Neb. Gate City , Keokuk , Iowa.
Germs in Het System
Every "Woman Should Read
This Advice and the Geiv
erous Offer That Goes
With It.
The number of diseases peculiar
: o women is such that we believe
ihis space would hardly contain a
mere mention of their names , and
it is a fact that most of these dis
eases are of a catarrhal nature. A
woman cannot be well if there is-a
trace of catarrh in her system.
Some women think there is no
ielp for them. We positively de
clare this to be a mistaken idea.
We are so sure of this that we of
fer to supply medicine absolutely
Free of all cost in every instance
where it fails to give satisfaction ,
or does not substantiate our claims.
With this understanding , no wom
an should hesitate to believe our
honesty of purpose , or hesitate to
put our claims to a test.
There is only one way to over'
come catarrh. That way is through
the blood. You may use all the
snuffs , douches or like remedies
for years without getting more
than temporary relief at best ,
patarrh in general -is a deceased
condition of the system that shows
locally most frequently in dis
charges from mucous raembraHes.
Local treatment should be assisted
l > y internal treatment for the general -
-eral disceased condition if a complete -
plete cure is to be reached. That
internal treatment should be sci
entifically devised and faithfully
Rexall-Mucu Tone is scientific
ally prepared from the prescrip
tion of an eminent physician who"
for thirty years made catarrh his
specialty. This remedy is admir
ably adapted to the treatment of
the catarrhal ailments of women.
It purifies and enriches the blood ,
tends to stop mucous discharges ,
aids in removing ira'purities from
the system , soothes , heals and S J
strengthens the mucous tissues , j'c
and brings about a feeling of
For post cards or views.
A good way to preserve the
remembrances of friends and
.to renew old times.
Breshes of every de
scription , nail brushes , hair ,
cloth brushes. The finest of
bristles and some unique
_ _ _ _ _
When it comes to giv
ing cut glass you are always
sure of giving that for which
every woman has a fondness.
Select a present here.
Combs that are well made
with particular attention
paid to serviceability. Many
styles are here.
raohs VALENTlNt. NCO Kodaks
health and strength.
We want you to try Rexall
Mucu-Tone on our guarantee. If
you are not benefitted , or for any
reason not satisfied , simply tell us
and we will hand back your mon
ey. Rexall Mucu-Tone comes in
two sizes , 50 cents and $ L.OO : Re
member , you can obtain Rexall
Remedies only at The Rexall.
Store. Chapman , The Druggist.
Attention M. W. A.
Election of officers will be held
the third Wednesday this month ,
December 21. Important busi
ness on hand to transact. Every
member should try to attend this
meeting. 4S-2t
St. Nichols Church.
Services will be held at the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine , on Sunday Dec.
IS. 1st mass at 8 a. m. "
2nd mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction ot the Blessed Sac
rament after mass.
Instruction for the children at
3 p. m.
On Christmas Day , Dec. 25.
1st mass at 8 a. m. ; 2nd mass at 9.
High mass at 10 a. m.
In Arabia on Saturday , Dec. 31.
In Crookston on Sunday , Jan.l.
Leo M. BLAEKE , *
Four carloads of Posts , from lie
bi 60c. Ludwig Lumber Co.
Furnished rooms to rent by day
ar week , Hot and cold water
baths included. Valentine House ,
John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf
I will be located here for some
time , and will buy all kinds of
borses , cattle and sheep. Call at
Fischer Hardware store ,
This Christmas some one will
get a handsome Eight Day Clock ,
svorth § 10.00 , free. You get a
number with each purchase until
January 1st. The one having the
winning number at that time gets
the clock absolutely free of charge.
Flie casii purchase is not limited to
my specified amount , and you get
3. number with each cash purchase ,
if it is ouly one cent. Christmas
foys for the children , lots of them ,
ind valuable presents for the older
_ 47 4 . . ; . Cody , Nebr.
* 'Something both dainty
and delightful. Hard candies
for filling the Xmas stock
ings and delicious chocolates
for gift purposes. Candy in
boxes of all sizes.
It is a well known fact
that when ladies select cigar
presents at our. store the men
always appreciate them
quality you know.
Nowhere can you see
such an elegant assortment of
dolls that have so life like an'
The care of the nails be
comes more and more a mat
ter of pride with everyone.
These manicure sets are
manufactured with the sole
idea , as to service. A splen
did gift for her.
Old Crow , All Leadin-
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled , *
Guclien- Under the
heimer Supervision'-
Eye of the
, '
Whiskeys. U. S. GOY. .
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times.
Fine Rooted Trees
That Grow.
Acclimated and varieties adapted
to Northwestern Nebraska. j
Prospects are for good fruit ;
crop next year. Trees are full of
fruit buds nqw.
Buds are formed in August ofi
this year for next year's crop.
If ground is dry now givje your
young trees bucket water each.
Catalog upon request.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
Ainsworth , - Nebraska
"I had been troubled \vith constipa
tion for. two years and tried all of the
best physicians in Bristol , Tenn. , and
they could do nothing for ine , " writes
Thos. E. Williams , Middleboro , Ky.
"Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach
ach and Liver Tablets cured me. " For
sale by Chapman ;
For the man who smokes
here is something for his
especial personal use. A
pipe gift will show personal
thoughtfulness on your part.
You can always give
perfume and be sure that the
present will be appreciated.
Many suggestions are here
in as many different odors.
Many people make col
lections of beautiful plates.
Give your collecting friend a
hand painted plate.
Christmas and New
Years postal cards. Many
imported ones are to be found
in our stock.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or $10000
' a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by * check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction. ,
The Chicago House ;
JIM PELCH , Propr. ' j
Call , on me for rooms and ;
Valentine = Nebraska
A fountain pen is a
most acceptable and useful
present. Moore's non-leak-
able is here together with
numerous others. All of the
best make.
The best in safety razors
and the best in the good old
fashioned kind , together with
razor strops , shaving soaps
and-brushes. Select a shav
ing outfit here.
Speaking of serviceable pres
ents , here is one that is always
in demand Our holiday station
ery is especially appropriate for
gift purposes. The box as well
as the contents is beautiful.
Toilet Sets
A toilet set that is perfect
in appointment and one that
will give pleasure through
its very use. You will like
these because of their quality
and design.
| Attorney-at-Law
| Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main :
street entrance.
j Valentine , Nebraska
! _ _
I '
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine = Nebr ,
Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call me up by phone
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
JLigkt and Heavy Draying"
Furniture and pianos handled
in a careful manner. Coal
haule'd and trunks and grips
a specialty. Phone No. 48.