Eiatorioil Soolity V rn * 1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , DECEMBEE 15 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 49 1S2 E5S32S2 2QKS32S § Eure OOH i McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , ' Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29/yeatvold andjas. E , Pepper , O , P , C. Taylor , These whiskies were pur6hased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , J Valentine Nebraska I Has just received its stock of Fail and Winter Goods , which will be sold at very low prices regardless of cost. Lay in your supply now. 100 LB. SACK SALT 80 CTS. m I pay market price for Hides and P'urs. - ' MIKE'DAVfiS Valentine Neb. jj , . . , , 9 zs + zs + 'r&nzs * ; tZ't < s ' NJTS. > y j v't.Vtiv K-'J P f v fr Jv S Itf g K Bg O f . Go to the Ar'lLr Pirrrfii.2BiH3OoE ' . : 2 llV/Uli \ VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. MeStendorff , Propr. Cigars , Tobaccos , Confectionery \ " * Hot and Cold Lunches | Short Order Meals. Bakery Goods | H TELEPHONE NO. 7 t > : Kbasz& jtf S D. A. VVHIPPLE , Propr. - „ - * Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House " Rosebud , ; ifc " " Rosebud Hotel , \ ; . jLeave : Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning ? , " > "v ; ' Sundays exc'epted. jf'Arrive { at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. * . v " - * . -V"OBeave ; Kosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , ' ? V . , Sundays . excepted. - ' * s Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. * * ' / Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. - . ' ' " Special attention to passengers , baggage and ; express or packages. * ; Zr . Leave orders at headquarters or at the Ked : Front store. . A. Whipple. "When yon hare a cold get a "bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Itwill - soon , fix you up all right and - willvard off any tendency toward pneumonia , ' rhis-remedy contains no opium or other -X , narcotic and may be given as confidently ' - * to a'bscby as tpt aiKadnlti Sold 'by Chap ' r i When your feet are vret and cold , and j your body chilled through and .through from exposure , take a big dose of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy , bathe youi - feet in hot \vater before going to bed , and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by Chaptoan , ' the Masons Have Blowout. The Masonic fraternity held a very interesting meeting Tuesday evening and night in Valentine. It was their regular meeting night and they had five candidates for initiation. J. A. Councilor , Dr. W. R. Bebout , J3. H. Dooley and C. J. Anderson of Rosebud , and Gus Rothleutner of Kilgpre were ini tiated into the mysteries of free masonry. D. Bray , J. H. Scriven and W. A , Bonser were also present from Rosebud and John H. Neiss was over from his ranch. Mr. Mc Millan of Chadron arrived on the evening train and visited the lodge. The newly consecrated Bishop Geo. A. Beecher , who is the grand chaplain of Nebraska of the Ma sonic fraternity , made his visit to Valentine upon this occasion and addressed the lodge , and at 7:30 : p. m. , held'services in St. John's church , to which everybody was invited and the church was crowd ed , the Masons attending in a body. Excellent music was furnished by the choir and the bishop de livered an excellent sermon after which an informal reception was held in the rectory for the people to meet the bishop. The ladies of the Episcopal church had coffee a steaming and soon everybody who waited were served with coifee and cake , the kind for which they are famous , and we might add that s St. John's church of Valentine has made a very enviable reputation among the citizens of this com munity and is a popular church to attend , ideally located on Main - street , and with an invitation to the public to attend all their meet- n ings. . _ Wm. Rector and Alf Bradley were arrested last week under the compulsory school attendance P statute for failure to send their boys , Harry Rector and Frank Bradley , to school. Judge Quigley - Ptr ley fined them § 25 each and sus hi pended sentence on trial of 14 fa weeks during which time these th boys may remit the fine by at- ' thV tending school. We have been asked to mention this matter as a warning to other parents whose children are out of school and to call public attention to the fact of . to there being a statute of compulsory cr school attendance. Herman and Willie Dittmer came to town Tuesday from the st German Settlement and started on a trip to Southern Alabama'where their father , Chris Dittmer , bought C a farm of 120 acres last winter. th The boys are going to work on the farm and if they find con tu ditions favorable the famiiy will follow. They're looking for a av warmer climate and think they've be found a place they like. The Pi farm has considerable timber on ne it and a small house at only § 20 to : per'acre and it seems to be cheap if the soil is good. Henry Det- gen accompanied the boys to Oma- ha and says he may go farther i with lliem and take a look at the Sunny South. fla Henry Murphy and son , Frank , w. drove up from their ranch in the ea south part of the county yester- fir day and are transacting business fr in town. We acknowledge a.pleasso ant afternoon with them yesterat day. It's an inspiration to meet sp and converse with this old veteran w of the west and his many friends tir here are glad to find him in town sc for a day or two. Mr. Murphy in owns a good ranch south of the pr Loup 15 miles of , west Brownlee gr and is a successf ul stockman keepjfe ing about oOO .head of . stock on his jan -ranch and with his , two sonsv ca Frank and Gust , and daughter , ; md Miss Alice , have a' comfortable Jin ' hb'me ; in School Notes. Julia Presho is out of the 3rd room on account of sickness , Rose i Howe and Julia DeCory of the second room are on the sick list.- . The second grade changed their reader this week , using Brooks' 2nd npw. Mrs. Miller's room will give a short Xmas program Friday after noon , December 23rd. Several experiments in combin ing hydrogen and oxygen have , been j performed in the class in physical geography this week which show the great force that is exerted by gases when they com bine chemically. There is no sport so exhiliarat- ing as coasting ; none so pleasant. In testimony whereof our high school students and teachers set their hand and seal. They can al so testify that it is sometimes risky and accidents when they oc cur are accepted , with a philosoph ic air. . .The rooms on the first floor will give a short Xmas program Fri day afternorn , December 23rd. The will enjoy a real Christmas 1ti tree and it is hoped that Santa tiv with his reindeer team on his famous vb ous festival trip will tarry a mom ent to distribute presents. On eia account < of the massing of the five grades no invitations are out to spend ] a pleasant hour with them. The freshmen room has of late been adorned witliseveral pictures and works of art. Miss Carlson , while at the state university city , acquired several fine treasures in that line which now < beautify the walls.of the hall oi learning. * 'WesalF appreciate her thoughtfulness and her love of art. She has some of her own atP paintings : in the above law. The state university has ap pointed < Supt. Bettenga to be dis trict director of the Nebraska high school debating league. So far three high schools have joined the league Atkinson , O'Neill and Valentine. ' Last year's course will probably be followed and Atkinson y kinson will debate with O'Neill first , and Valentine with the win ning school later. The question v be debated is the policy of in w creasing the U. S. navy- w In Lumber we have the largest stock < and the lowest prices. LTJDWIG LUMBER Co. The Nebraska State Farmers' Congress ( meets in Lincoln during the week of Organized Agricul ture January 16 to 20 , 1911. H. I. Weinzimraer has been warded the contract for the steam aeating planting and the sanitary fc plumbing job of Obe Church's fi aew hotel building which amounts pi about § 1,000 contract. Fire broke out Monday in the City hotel owned by E. D. Johota'and partly destroyed thereof roof , but prompt action by the ire department soon had the 3ames subdued and the damage tvas confined principally to the iast end at the top and roof. At irst the water hose seemed to be frozen up or stopped up from some cause and another hose was ittached to the hydrant which re F sponded promptly and the fire tvas ; soon under control. Valen- iine citizens always rush to the OL scene of a fire and work faithfully subduing a fire and upon their orompt response we have the greatest security for effectual de- rense. Likewise , our government depend upon her citizens in ase of wars with other nations CA have no need for large stand- su ng , armies to pile up the expense' timfcs o'f 'pfeafcte 1 FTT } . Now Honest , Doesn't This f „ Look Good to You for . Your Christmas Table FRESH STRAWBERRIES NEW CUCUMBERS g-j- * This does not include all the special good things we have for the Christmas table , for instance : Candied Fruits , Nuts , Fresh and Canned Fruits , Candies , etc. GROCERY DEPT. PHONE 5 , , Way below freezing -that's the weather youcan expect most any day from now on , / It's high time for you to select your winter clothes. While you are at it why not get the kind which will give not only comfort but make you glad to wear them. We think we have the right sort of AND cor men and boys. Strictly high grade from start to inisli the best of Friend Made Garments and the trices spell economy. Will fit you out with one of- these ideal , stylish , perfect fitting garments. * f Featuring Friend Made and Alma Mater Student Style Clothes. JLartered ns a Stnte June , . Chartered ns n National Bunk- 1,1884. , . August 12,114 > J. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. JAPITAL - $25.000 . SURPLUS - 25.000 A "General Banking , Exchange Judivided Profits 4,000 and Collection. Business : : : : H.-CTotefEti. , President. i"V. - , . ; May Vice president.