Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 24, 1910, Image 8

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    lie -
IfJK r
mWe & .
We Buy and Sei ! Horses
< Wood Lake , - Nebraska
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable ,
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Special Attention to Hunting and Wishing Parties.
( Successor toYelker & Lyons ) „
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
; and fiihing parties.
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods.
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots , and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
V t
Wood Lake = Nebraska.
F. J.
. . and LIVE STOCK
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex
perience in the Eastern slates. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
Avoid Caustic and Acid
This handy , all-'round Cleans
er is. entirely free from caustic ,
acid and alkali ; it is hygienic ,
cleans mechanically , not chem
ically. It is not only the safest ,
but also the easiest and quickest
cleanser ever discovered for
Cleaning ,
Scouring ,
It is the only cleanser to use on milk-
pails , pans , separators and on all cooking
utensils. Use it for all cleaning through
out the house.
How To Clean IVindov/s The
Best Way Sprinkle Old Dutch CJeans-
er on a cloth or sponge , just dampened
sufficiently to hold the powder , without
dusting , and apply to the glass , rubbing
briskly. Then polish
with a dry cloth and
a very little Old Dutch
Cleanser. If the
above directions arc
followed excellent re
sults will be secured
with less work than
by ordinary methods ,
or with other articles.
.Every family has need of a good , re
liable liniment. For sprains , bruises ,
'soreness of the muscles and rheumatic
pains there is none better than Charr.
ber ain's. Sold Chapman , the druw
But Our Rates For
They Are Still Low Down
Vlf 0
V ?
Only the foolish do not read
the papers. Be v/ise and'sub-
; scribe for this paper now.
t { s
fFW ? * * FpF&W ?
> Wood Lake Department \ 4
Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line ench insertion. Display advertising * j
$ ' > 50 cents per inch per month each Issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column. J
Mary , Nile and Charlie Welker
entered school Monday.
Joe Weisner and son , Carl ,
wvent out to the lakes Tuesday.
Charlotte Hanna is back to
school , after a two week's ab
/ Nellie Ferguson is spending her
Thanksgiving vacation at the pa
rental home.
Elvira Tische is much improved
and will soon be able to be in
school again.
Miss Margaret Weisner went to
Omaha to visit her sister , Dora ,
and other relatives.
J. B. Leader made a business
trip to Valentine , thence to Ains-
worth , Saturday , returning Sun
The new bank is nearly com
pleted. Chester Emery came. ' in
Monday to finish up the carpenter
Ellis Coder came in from the
J. H. Baker ranch , where he has
been painting Mr. Baker's new
Prin. H. E. Paine left Tuesday
night for .Lincoln where he will be
in attendance at the teachers' as
Rev , Jordan preached us a good
good sermon Sunday evening.
He expects to hold revival meet
ings here soon.
Miss Lottie Grady , the primary
teacher , left last night for O'Neill
where she will spend Thanksgiv
ing with her parents and friends.
Miss Jennie Dew went back to
her school duties at Crookston ,
her school having been re-opened
after a short vacation on account
of measles.
Frank Krampert , jr. , is quite
ill again , owing to a relapse of the
quinsy. We are sorry to learn of
his illness and wish him a speedy
The Royal Neighbors initiated
some -new members Tuesday
night. After their meeting a fine
supper was served and all had a
very enjoyable time.
Wm Hilburg has sold his Kin-
kaid homestead , one mile east of
town , to Mr. Ott. Mr. Hilburg
will go Lincola , where he will
work in the electrical work shops.
We are sorry to loose him from
our midst , but wish him success
in his new abode.
I I4B ( Jll * l I kjT&WMB
Mannfactorer ci Doirolt Boosts
tiic Exposition ,
W. B. Knickerbocker , a prominent
manufacturer of Detroit , Mich. , is an
enthusiastic booster for San Fran
cisco in the fight for congressional
approval of its proposed Panama-Pa
cific exposition.
"I believe that if the members of
congress could' be brought cut to Cal
ifornia and given a gllmpsu of things
as they exist here they " /ould vote
solidly for San Francisco when the
exposition matter comes before them
next December , " said Mr. Knicker
"It is a human instinct to move
westward , and the great movement
toward western America * is just now
beginning. This is a great , marvel
ous , new country/of which we in the
east knqw next to nothing.
'There is no travel south. The ex
position belongs here where the people
ple are coming. They will co ae to
the exposition through the canal and
then go back through this marvelous
western country. Many , however ,
impressed -by the marvelous re
sources of California , will remain
here for gcod. This scenery , the
mountains , the forests and all the
rest of it Is not approached by any
thing in Europe. Thousands of people
ple who now go to Europe would
rather come here if they knew what
Is here. They are beginning to learn.
-The exposition will do wonders for
thejvest. The interest of- the coun
try at large demands that 'the' expo
sition be held here. " ,
Far Ahead ot Louisiana From a
Financial Standpoint.
Bank Statistics Show That the Pa
cific Coast Commonwealth Out
classes Her Southern Ri-/p' Some
Items That Ought to Tell Heavily
as Arguments For the City of San
"With no design to lay bare a ri
val's hard circumstances , bat to as
certain definitely the rela vo and
comparative ability of California and
Louisiana , and of San and
New Orleans , to finance and handle
a world's fair , the Californn Expcsi-
committee has been looking into the
banking figures of the two stales and
two cities , " says the San Francisco
Call. "The showing is tremendously
against Louisiana and New Orleans.
"Herewith are some items that
ought to tell heavily as financial
arguments for San Francisco They
are taken from the report of the na
tional monetary commission and re
late almost wholly to conditions on
April 28. 1909. That they aexact
and authentic there can be no ques
"The results of the comparison are
striking. For example , with compar
atively equal populations , California
has four della of banking resources
to Louisiana's one. The savings de
posits of the states are 13 to 1 in
California's favor , ranking California
fourth in the Union in this respect
and Louisiana twenty-fourth.
"San Francisco's 200,000 savings
depositors have $154,000,000 tucked
away ; New Orleans shows 55,000
such depositors with only 517,000,000
laid up against that rainy day. San
Francisco's savings banks paid their
passbook holders in interest in the
year covered by the report upward
of $5,000 000 ; New Orleans savings
depositors in th same period were
credited with a little more than a
quarter of a million.
"According to the report , of the
comptroller of the currency , the na
tional banks of San Fran"sco in
creased their total resources $103-
000,000 in the year 1909-191C ; New
Orleans national banks increased a
little more than $2,000,000.
"Below are the precise figures :
Comparitive Banking Statistics Relative
to California and Louisiana.
Population June 1 , 1909 1,732,000
Capital of all banks $ 99,907,809.32
Average per capita 57.72
Inclhidual deposits 567,185,79:1.00 :
Average per capita 327.47
Total resources of 8 2,969,880.00
Average per capita 486.70
Total savings deposits 281,228,437.20
Number of savings depos
itors 525,485
Total depositors 890,149
Av r cra amount of savings
deposit 535.00
Amount paid savings de-
pcs'tors in interest" 1903-9 S.122.90G.79
Ranks fourth among states of the
Uniop in amount of savings deposits.
Ranks seventh among states in num
ber of savings depositors.
Popu'ation June 1 , 190D. . . 1,642,000
Capi-al of ail banks ? 21,955,800.n-0
Avfraj ? " per capita 13..17
Individual deposits 90,504,530.00
Average per capita 55.12
Total rfsources of 1 SC 12,502.00
Averacc per capita 90.61
Tolal sivings deposits . . . - . 2,35G,2$3.)0 !
Number of savings depos
itors 80.733
Total depositors 163,811
Average amount of savings
-deposits 264.00
Amount paid sivings de
positors in interst 1308-9 SOI,527.73
Ranks twenty-fourth among states nf
th" L'nion in amount of savings deposits.
' Ranks twenty-s3venth among states in
number of sivings depositors.
San Francisco.
Total savings deposits $153,792,380.05
Total individual deposits . 213,927,437.47
Number of savings depos
itors 20S.250
Total number of depositors 252,53 : )
Average sivings deposit . . 740.00
Amount paid savings de
positors in interest 5,223,827.65
Increase in total resources
of national banks 1903-10 103,620,828.95
New Orleans.
Total sivinga deposits $ 16,856.783.49
Total individual deposits. . 42,979,077.18
Number of savings depos
itors 55,576
Total number of depositors 74,013 '
Average sivings deposit . . 300.00
Amount piid sivings de
positors in interest 285,157.10
Increase in total resources
of national bank ? 1000-10 2.370.22G.7 !
Note. The figures above given ire
taken from the report of the national
monetary commission , and except as
noted relate to April 2. ' . 1909.
The last comparison is taken from the
reports ol the : comptroller of the cur
rency. " '
Deeclares For San Francisco :
Rear Admiral Rcbley D. Evans , re
tired , has declared himself in favor
of San Francisco as the place for
holding the international exposition
to celebrate the dpening cf the Pan
ama canal in 3915. He bases- his
preference on- San Francisco's pres
ent prominence and future ns a great
seaportr Oswcgo ( NY , ) . Times. j
t-- ;
* " *
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
_ _
Lumber , Machinery , Hardware - " '
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps. Pipe , etc. Full stoc of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , = = Nebraska
ardware ,
Wagons and
Machinery. . . .
< #
A. complete line of.
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and Fence Posts
E. M. Fadclis & Co
Postottlce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
i Hugh
TTorses branded
thlp h
&ome U Some.
branded S on right tliiL'h
n Mt or
or iiii ; >
P. H. Young.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Qyon left
on left jaw of
V horses.
Kan e on Gorrioa Creole north of Simeon.
K S. Kowley.
Kenucuy , - Nebraska.
Same a cut on left
ide and hip , and on
laft shotiliifr of horse
se ? . Alsog 3 ou
ii'ft side
ing pefi ( eilher side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses , LlJ
LlJQ on left hip of horses.
T"on left jaw of horses
C. P : Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
JearingAny tifthe.sebrands.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Neu.
Cattle branded as
in c-.t on left
side. So in e
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Lonp
river , two miles
west of Brewulee
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis
sion , Jiosebud.
S. D.
fettle branded
as in cut ; horses
same or . .HP on
pftrhiah , Itan e
* twrtMi fc-'prin <
G'k and Little
White river.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud H. D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rtehtside
Some cattle also
have a - 4on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
.across hind ouar-
_ ters. Some Texas
cattle branded & O on left side and some )
on left side.
Harses branded SOS on left hlo. 8omo catUtt
branded A.W bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on lelt hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder ,
Eange Square
Xebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Vrss Will G Comstock V P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal :
also the following
brands ;
horses Sranded thfc
_ Eange betweea
" s s& sS -
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Satvyer has
charge of these
cattle. II
left side.
Horses Rg
same left thlghT"
Itauge on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Uoii'e N'ebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh. % . . _
* * tfr & .
. _ on Gordon and Snake Creeks
A Reward of 5250 will be j-aid to any person for
infonmu.on leading to the arrest and
J. A. Taryan.
, Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from
Bold by
McGeer & Carroll ,
Valentine , Neb.