Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 24, 1910, Image 5
infants Bearskin Coat With Hood to Match Good quality , plain Bearskin Cloth , r nicely lined , fancy brass battens ; colors , white , brown , red and navy blue. The hood alone is worth 50c. * We're able to offer you coat and hood & 1 EJ fl to match for only H * * * Mercantile Co. J Valentine , Nebraska. * VALENTINE'S DEPARTMENT STORE SUIT CASES AND TRUNKS Holiday season is "going away" time. You will need a trunk or a suit case soon. We have a complete assortment of Telescopes and Suit Cases. Jfrices the lowest. IS STORE WANTS YOUR BUSINESS , Because This is a store of quality. The-constant efforts of this store is to secure for its patrons nothing but good dependable goods. Every article you purchase must be satisfactory. If it is 0 < not right , we will gladly make it right. You owe it to yourself to profit by. the special bargain offerings. Everyone listed here means a big saving to you , while there are lots of others equally as good unadvertised that will be on sale. Wi Furs FOR WOMEN , MISSES AND CHILDREN * - . f . ; . - * Each garment is of the celebrated F. Siegel & Bro's. or Marshall Field & Co. make and labeled with the maker's name as a guarantee of full value and correctness in. every line. We count this sale , not only as an opportunity to show how much we can save you on your wearing apparel , but also an occasion for emphasizing style and quality standards. Misses' aiid Children's Coats , $9.00 value , sale price $6.95 u li u u " " " 7.50 5.75 u u u u " " " 6.00 , 4.50 u u" "u n " " " Cl"u 5.00 3.65 u Cl ; t u " " " 4.00 2.65 u u it u " " " 3.00 1.95 AND BOYS' RCOATS. You may feel quite sure of one im portant point in buying an overcoat here ; you can't get a poor one , we've looked out for that. Many new styles are here ; overcoats for every sort of service. On account of the mild fall we offer overcoats at bar gain prices. § 20.00 Overcoats , now $14.75 1S.OO 13.50 15.00 It 11.75 1200 9.50 10.00 It 7.50 tt 800 6.25 6.50 tt 4.85 5.00 tl It 3.75 Bargains in Fur and Sheep Lined Coats. W. B. Corsets combine style , satisfaction and fit with comfort , at popular prices. They fit the figure with the exact ness of custom tailoring , and afford most effective foundations for fashion able gowns. A large va riety of individual designs is provided in all sizes and lengths so that every woman can find a model especially adapted to her requirements , giving the figure superb , graceful lines. Ask to see W. B. Nuform and W. B. Re- Prices $1.00 to $5.00. Special lot of W. B. Corsets , § 1.00 to . § 1.50 values" , at 75c. FOOTWEAR A Family Shoe Department. In the widest sense of the word we conduct a Family Shoe Department. Our aim is to furnish our patrons with such satisfactory footwear as will induce them to come here themselves and induce their friends to come. With this store it's always "how good , " rather than how cheap. Cros- sett , Harailton-BrownE P. Reed & Co.'Kindergarten and other well krmwn makes of good shoes. Baby Shoes , worth up to § 1.50 up to dates styles , broken m sizes , per pair Women's Shoes , broken sizes , " " stylish footwear worth up to § 3.00 , per pair Women's Shoes , values - , ues u p to § i.OO , pair Men's and Boy's Shoes , broken sizes , values up > t C f\ to 3 , special per pair M > wU Men's and Boys' Shoes , val aes u p tos$5.00 , broken sizes , per SK I RTS : * Tailored skirts that fit well at popular prices. Voiles , panamas , suitings , brilliantine , serge , etc. , in black , navy , brown and mixtures. We rjnote spec ial prices OB all Perfection skirts. 812.00 values , now § 9.45 10.00 " ' 7.50 . 7.50 " l t. 6.00 6.00 tt 4.75 5.00 * " tt 3.85 . t > 4.00 295 350 2.6'5 Petticoats , 81-50- $1.00 16.50 Fur Scarfs and Muffs " " " " 12.50 10.00 " 7.50 " 6.00 " 5.00 " 4.00 " 3.00 " Men's and 's Suits WHEN YOU BUY CLOTHES OUR WAY you cut out that one element DoubtWe've a habit of using the word Satisfaction as some thing more than a mere talking point. It's an existing - - isting reality and it proves out in- the clothes we sell. The clothes you buy here must prove right in every way. We invite you to call and inspect the special values quoted below and see what * 'comfort'5 there is in the clothes we sell. At $20.00 we offer a strictly all wool , high class tailored suit in the new shades. These come in both plain and fancy mixtures of the newest patterns. Most dealers ask § 25.00. At $15.00 we show a wide variety of of worsted fabrics , neatly tailored and cut in the latest models. We defy anybody to offer better - suits than these. It isn't possible. At $10.00 we have special values in suits for young men the latest styles and fabrics. ' At $3.00 , $4.00 , $5.00'and $6.00 , Boys' Suits , Knickerbock er and regular style pants. Good serviceable school suits. AND GLOVES We sell- Stetson , Gate City and Longley Hats , and Mora Caps. Special bargains in Men's Winter Caps , 75c to § 1.00 value , Broken sizes , now 60c Underwear , f We sell the well known Cooper and Staley Underwear. Two-piece and union suits for men , boys , women , misses and children. .Ruben's vests for the babies. In men's underwear we offer a special lot of wool shirts and drawers which sold at 81-25 up to $1.75 , at this sale , per garment