Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 17, 1910, Image 8

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    * . '
* ,
They're ere !
STOCK just received of Fall and
NEW Goods that are good values and
serviceable articles. LADIES' FUR
of which might well be said are "a joy forever. "
A big line of FUR COATS and WINTER
CAPS for Men and a lot of WARM HOSIERY ,
UNDERWEAR and SHOES for everybody.
jilLe 1 /B. AV * JLw IV.
General Merchandise
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
fir&imAi r > f fifiJiiiif\ifvr ! < >
< lirNrKAl itflrK iHaRS IIXr
2 ULiiLltnL IfiLsiUnnliUIOL
We Buy and Sell Horses
Wood'Lake , - Nebraska
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable
t 11 11
Wood Lake , Nebraska
S Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties.
' H. A. LY'ONS-
( Successor \Velker & Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still cloing driviog and freighting. Special attention to hunting
and fishing parties.
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods.
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Wood Lake = Nebraska.
. . and LfVE STOCK
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex
perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
F. J. WILSEY , Auctioneer
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
In The District Court of Cherry County
Ju the matter of the estate i
of Sarah Woodbon , tieOrder } to .show
censed. cause.
The en me on for hearing upon the
petition of P. "W. C. friw.son , executor of the
estate of Surah AVood.son. deceased , praying
lor licence to .sell lot ( is ) Block (5) ) ol the
original village of Valentine , Nebraska.
The .sale to l > e made for the purpose of pay
ment of the expenses of administration and
that the residue may he divided among the
liulrs. and the e ate ilnaliy settled up. It i.- '
therefor ordered that all persons interested
In the said estate appear Leiore me at Valen-
Tlne , Nel l ka.on the .sixth day ol Decem-
7HT. A. D. 1UHL , at l o'clock a. m. . to $ Jio\v
muse why n licei e should nor lie ! s uAl to
the .said deceased , lor the purpose above
mentioned. J. J. HAKIXCTON.
Judge of the district Court.
C. A. ECBV , Attorney. U > 1
'Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call me up by phone
Every family has need of a good , re-
Kabls linniurnt. For sprains , bruises ,
goreeess of the muscles and rheumatic
there is none better than Chain-
i's. Sold bv Chapman , the drug
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Eooms over Red Front store
Valentine = Nebr ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
FI10XE 125
cor , Hall & Cath.ralentine , Nebr.
Light and Heavy Draying
C Furniture and pianos handled
f in a carpful manner. Coal
hauled an i trunks urn ! trj-ips
a specialty. Phone No. 48.
Wood Lake Depaf tment
Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line each Insertion. Display advertising
50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column. <
i Mrs. Pat Peiper was in town
Charlotte Hanna has been on
the sick list this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff lott ,
last Friday a fine boy.
, Mrs. T. L. Tinkham and daugh
ter , Mrs. McVey , were business
callers Monday.
Burnice Dower missed school
Monday owing to the illness of
her brother-in-law , Mr. Plum.
Miss Grace Waggonerwho is
teaching near Sparks , spent Satur
day and Sunday at the home of
her parents.
El vin a Tische has been on the
sick list the past week. We hope
she will soon be well and-back in
school again soon.
Mr. Emery and wife came in
Sunday , the latter returning home
Monday and the former remained
to build a house on Mrs. Latta's
Miss Jennie Dew is spending a
couple of weeks at home. Her
school , having been closed i'on ac
count of the children of.the'neigh-
borhood.haviBg the measles.
G. Welkers , have again moved
to town in order to send their
children to school.We are glad
to have them back again. If tljere
are any more pupils to enter
school we hope they will do so at
once as they will be hardly able to
keep up in their grade if they
enter so late in the term.
Another death , also occurred
the night previous to Dick Groves'
death. Mr. Layton , south of
town died at his home Sunday
night. He was quite an old man
from what has been learned and
we are sorry to be unable to give
any of the particulars. The deep
est sympathy is extended to the
bereaved ones. The funeral was
held in the church Tuesday and
the remains were laid to rest in
the Wood lake cemetery.
Dick , the third son of Jake
Groves and wife , died at the parental -
rental home Monday morning.
The funeral was held in the church
Wednesday. Dick was only about
15 years old. Such a young life
taken away it seems so sad that
one just entering early man
hood should be called "home" but
"His will be done , " and may He
comfort the loved ones left to
mourn his untimely death. The
community extends the deepest
sympathy to his mother , father ,
sisters and brothers.
! IJ.CTShs Booms the Town
Hilda the Helper settled down ex
actly as she usetcr except that
for her native town henceforth
she v/as a booster.
ERT WAY ; she praised it , tongue
and letter ; she strove -mih each
succeeding day to make tlie vil
lage tetter.
She lent her aid to every cause tliat
was in , need of aiding. SHE
PAUSE , and work was never jad
ing. _ _ _ _ . _ *
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office. Valemine ,
Octoner 1. . 1 ! 10. {
A sufficient contest affidavit havinjj been liloil
in tliis ottk'e by A'iuhaH W. Meailo , ' 0' testant.
against b'iniestt sid entry , serial No. 04716 made
.lu-y 9,1909 , lor nil of tieuMmi 35 township 29n ,
ranur o2\v of B I * M . by Ira Knn > econ es'ee. in
which u H alleged tbat ban Ira Kniue has
abandoned his homestead entry for more than
six month * last past ; tint the land is nmv in its
wild native state and tlmdiiimant maintains a
home else 'tiere than on said tract ; that the e
are no improvements o mark habitation and
that all the aoove aliened defec s exist at tuis
date and have not been cured.
Said parties arp hereby notified to appear , re-
SDOiid. and offer evidence touching j-aid al.'eg-
tion at 10 o'clock a. in. , on November23,1910 , be
fore. John 11. Welton , U. S. 0. nunissioner. at
hisotticein Mnlle' . JSebrask * , and that final
hearing will b * held at 10 o'cln.K a. in. , on No-
vemnera ) . 1910 , before the Register and Ke-
ceiver at the United States laud oince In Valen-
entine , NebrasKa.
the said contestant having , in a proper affi
davit , fl t-d October 15 1910. set fortti facts
which show tbat after due diligence personal
servue of this notice cannot be made , it Is
hereby ordrred and directed that such notice
be given by due and propui publication.
42 4 K. UI.SON , Receiver.
Record address ojentryman Loyal , fcebraska
Contest Notice.
U. S. Laud Office. Valentine. Nebraska
Uctobber 15 1910. f
A sufiiciPiit content affidavit having been filed
in this office by Clmrlie Kermis-tn. contestant ,
against Hmm-Ftead entry , set ial No. 04717 : made
July 9,1909. for swjrfnH , " nwkf snU. w4ietf
section 13. s neJi hej < sc4. njfcaeh. section 14 ,
nwM e4. ec. 21 , Township28 N.IUnge 33 W ,
Clh Piinoipal Meridian .by Joseph A. Babc'.ck ,
contestee , inbich it is alleg (1 tbat s id
Joseph A. Hahi-ocir has wholly failed to ini-
prov , cultivate and resHe upon said land ac-
couiing to law ; tbat said land is in its wild
native state , nuiirprnvvd and uncultivated ;
that claimant maintains a home elsewhers Mia-i
on the said land , all 01 whicii defects exist "at
this date and hove not been cured.
Said parties ar.- hereby notified Jo appear ,
respond and oiler evidence touching saiu nlleua-
ti m ar. 10 o'clock a. in. on .November 23. litlO ,
before John II. Welton. U. S. Coiiinussi'-iier , at
his olljce in Mullen. * eb , and ' .hat iinal beat ing
wi 1 be held at 10 o'clock a m on November
30 , 1910. betoro the IJegister and Itcceiver at
the United States L-iud Olllce in Valeuciue.
Trie said , contestant havine , in a proper affi
davit li.ed Octo-tT 13. 1910. set lortti fa ts
which show that A't-r due lUi eiie par.sonal
service.of ibis notic- ? cannot "be nijUe , it is
lieie'iy ordered and ilirecteM that such notice Le
given by due aim proper publication ,
K. OLSON , Receiver.
.Record address of eutrymau , Loyal , Neo.
42 4t 11
COD test Notice.
U. S. Land Ofliee , Yaienfiue. Nebraska ,
October 15,191o.
A sufficient contest atlldavit having been iiled
in this ? nflice by Charlie > 'brgtHOn. c ut stajit ,
against homestead entr > , serial No 04718. mail * *
July 9. 1U09. for swkise ; , \ H , .s uwk , section
14 , lU'JseJi , sJ iifM si iiu'1 . section. 15 ,
nj ' iu ; , sw/ineii. faectioii 23. wi wjf. section
W.'TowiialnpSSn Uange 3i , \ \ est o"t the S.xth
rnncipal Meridian , by iiiy R. liabrock , con-
tesfe. in whuih it is alleged that the said Guy
If. Udbcock maintains a residence elsewhere
than < - \ \ said tract : tnat said tract is now wliol-
ly unoccupied , uuiinproveu and not resided up
on according to law ; tbat said land u now un-
nilriyated and tlie niiuve alleired i ffcis ; exist
at this date and have not been cured.
Said parties are hereby notified to a"ppcar
resptitid and olfer evidence touching sain allega
tion at 10 o'clock a.m on November W. 1910 be
fore John 4. Welton , U. S. Commissioner , at
his onice in Mullin. NebriShft and that final
hearing will be hejd ai 10 o'cl"ck H. m . on
November 30.1910. before the register and re
ceiver at the United States Land On.ce in
Valentine , Nebraska.
The saiu coute-tant having , in a proper afll
davit filed Oct l.'i. 1910 , set forth lactsvhicb
tbow that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can notbt made , ii is hereby order
ed and directed that siiob notice be given i-y due
and proper publication.
42-4t Ueceiver
Kecord address of entryman Loyal , Neb.
Avoid Caustic and Acid
This handy , all-'round Cleans
er is entirely'free from caustic ,
acid and alkali ; it is hygienic ,
cleans mechanically , not chem
ically. It is not only the safest ,
but also the easiest and quickest
cleanser ever discovered for
Cleaning , Scrubbing ,
Scouring , Polishing
It is the only cleanser to use on milk-
pails , pans , separators and on all cooking
utensils. Use it for all cleaning through
out the house.
How To CSaan Windows The
Best Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleans
er on a cloth or sponge , just dampened
sufficiently to .hold the powder , without
dusting , and apply to the glass , rubbing
briskly. Then polish
with a dry cloth and
a very little Old Dutch
Cleanser. If the
above directions are
followed excellent re
sults will be secured
with less work than
by ordinary methods ,
or with other articles.
IHt J/Wf "
-V * " 8
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Lumber , Machinery , Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Having Tools , Windmills , ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Pull stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , A = = Nebraska
ueneral Hardware ,
Wagons and
Machinery. , , . .
A complete line of
* *
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and Fence Posts
B. M. Fad'dis & Co
Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
fiV on left
2r- thigh
Ilorses branded
or tliifh
Some Some branded
bra-ded on rifilit thigli
n left or bhoulder.
shoiihier .j
or thigh fidSE
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
Ranee on Gordos Cre k norfh of Simeon ,
N. S. Rowley.
Keuueuj ,
Same as cut on ielt ,
ride and hip , andoti' '
left slioulder of her
ses.Also SSfi ou
left uide
hip. '
tf X en 'eit
Some rat-
lie brand
left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses , UJ
UJQ on left hip of horses.
f\T on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud. SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Eutte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing * nv of rh sp brands.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Xeu.
Cattle branded as
in c-.t on left
s id e. So in e
branrtpff K. T V
on left hi . Range
on North Loop
river , two mifcs
west ol Brewnlee
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis
sion , Kostbud.
S. D.
is flattie in cut ; branriert horses K' on J K P
t thigh.
and Littla
White nver.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Bosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OriO oo rlBhtside
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
.icross hind naar-
mm ters Some Texas \
cattle branded s O cm left side and some'
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bio. Some cauia
branded A.W oar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Xebr.
Cattle branded
ason cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Kicharrts Prss Will G Conwtocfr Y P
* *
Chas C Jamison SeciTreas
Cattld braad'xd oa ' s
any part ofaaiatalf gr
also the raita < BH . r
brands :
Hyannis on B & M. R.R. in Xnithtresfern Nebr
ARTLETT RirflAltDS. ElUwonh. y hr
Sawyer Bros * .
Oasis. Nebr
K. Sarrrer easer
or these
H rs a
ram fefr _
on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Cattle brand sl
anywhere on lelt
Earmark1 , sqaare
crop ri ht e r.
? ame brzirt ! oa
A Re-a-ari ! of < 23O wIL. b raid la aay persaa * r
i lnrBt > tu hsirfmr to the arrest aad 2 f
conriciiea e aay rwrjoa or
" i a > v r5uui.
J. A. Yaryan.