Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 17, 1910, Image 6

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of Soldiers Contracted
Kidney Ttouble in the Civil War. *
, violin T. Jones , Pauls Valley ,
toys ; "The hardships and exposure I
andnred In tte Ciril War and when
-serving as a Scout under Bill Cody ,
brought on my
kidney trouble. 1
was confined to
ii i i bed for days and
the pain through
my back and
limbs was the
worst I ever expe
rienced. The kid
ney secretions
were profuse , fill
ed with blood and burned terribly. I
became weak and debilitated. Soon aft
er I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills
I Improved and it was not long befori
J was a well man. '
Remember the name Doan's.
tPor sale by all dealers. 50 cents q
"box. Foster-MIlburn , Co. , Buffalo , N. Y
No FHace to Put IU ; > ' _ ,
Knobby What makes you "so sure
that the old Roman senators--were ,
honest ?
Lobby Simple enough. Togat
Seventeen Years the Standard.
. ' Prescribed and recommended foi
tf omen's Ailments. A scientifically pre
pared remedy of proven worth. The
result from their use is quick and per
manent For sale at all Drug Stores
' 'It seems cruel to slaughter al !
-those pigs for the market , " said th <
Chicago girl.
, "I know that it's cruel , " replied Misi
Cayenne. "But when you think 01
what the packers charge for the rneaf
it does seem a little unfraternal. "
Important to Niotners
"Examine carefully every bottle o.
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy f01
infants and children , and see that II
Bears the
Signature of <
In Use For Over SOYears. .
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Where He Fell Down.
Mr. CrimBonbeak I see Budapest
feaa-a school where the students ar <
taught the art of eating.
u Mre. Crimeonbeak You ought to ar
; ange < to go there , John.
v"What for ? "
, /'Ajid take a course in spaghetti eal
- " Yonbers Statesman. ,
v Easy-Marks.
erbout yore' easy marks , " sai <
Uncle Silas Creehaw , who had beei
passing'a .week ln , the city , "us rubei
ain't in. it with -them' air ' teovri
-'chaps. "
"Did yew sell 'em enny'gold bricks
Silas ? " queried old Daddy Squash
neck. , :
' /Naw , I didn't , " answered v TJncli'
-SUas , "but I seed a feller peddin' art !
flclal Ice bed th' sign right on hii
wagon an' blamed ef th' chumpi
rdlda't'buy it fer th' real thing , b , '
-grass ! "
Ah Exciting Town.
Los Angeles is a truly exciting towi
to live in. To say nothing of iti
.Tlreavenly climate and its bombs , then
- is always something stimulating it
the occult line" going on. Just tin
Bother day a widow of the angelic citj
began to long for a sight of one oi
her schoolmates whom she had not
seen for 45 years. The longing brought
ttu fulfillment. A spirit told her tc
look for hlnvln Brooklyn. She obeyed
hlmjon the street a few houn
Bha arrived , and promptly mar
rled him. It is worth while to liv <
in a city where things like this hap
pen , even at the risk of being blown
tip now and then.
I '
f.l. ' The People Do Not Drink Enough
Water to Keep Healthy ,
" Says Well-Known
"The numerous cases of kidney and
. ' ladder diseases and rheumatism are
, .main/ doe 6 the fact that the drink-
'Ing tff wafer nature's
, greatest medicine -
-cine , has been neglected.
Stop loading your system with med-
; tclnes and cure-alls ; but get on the
- water wagon. If you are really sick ,
why , of course , take the proper medi
cines plain , common vegetable treat
ment , wnch * will not shatter the
: ' nerves or ruin the stomach. "
" - ' * To cure Rheumatism you must make
ihe IddnSys do their work ; they are
k -th filters of the blood. They must
< . Tie tnade to strain out of the blood the
.waste matter and acids that cause
' 'jfh uTnatfsm ; the urine must be neu-
; 'Vtttilized ; eo\it will no longer be a
? * * ource of'frritationvto the bladder , and ,
e' ' # * xmbstcit all , you must keep these acids
/ " 'from"forming la'the * stomach. This
"Is tne'lcause of stomach trouble and
poor digestion. . For these conditions
fc vr ban o no 'better than take the
lowing pr.4stcriptlon : Fluid Extract
" ' ' ' 'lldftonehalf
-one-half ounce ; Compound
a-one ounce ; Compound Syrup
arsaparilla , three ounces. Mix by
7 , ' l'nakiDg eli1 in bottle and take in
l' , ' < , , MftBsnqonftil "closes after each meal and
---at bedtime , but don't forget the
- ; * " rijsiiaterJDrinkplenty [ and , often.
* 'Tlig""V ia&le-information and sim
ple prewrfptlon should be posted up , ,
and usedat the
attack of. rheumatism ,
trouble , no . .mat-
tiieht. Jv J *
Illustrations By
. Oopyrigbt 1B08 by The Bobbs-Mcrrlll Company.
' '
Thomas Ardmorc. bored millionaire ,
and Henry Maine Grlswold , professor in
the University of Virginia , take trains
out of Atlanta , Griswold to his college.
Ardmore in pursuit of a girl who had
winked at him. Mistaken for Gov. Os-
bornd of South Carolina , Griswold's life
Is threatened. He goes to Columbia to
warn the governor and meets Barbara
Osborne. He remains to assist her-In the
absence of her father.
CHAPTER III.Continued. .
"You understand , of course , that
this discussion is painful to me , ex
tremely painful. And yet , so much has
been published -about my sister's do
mestic affairs "
"Exactly , Mr. Ardmore. What we
want is to print your side of the
story. "
"Well , the fact is but please never
mention it the fact is that his grace
owes me four dollars. I gave it to
him in two bills I remember the in
cident perfectly two crisp new bills
I had just got at the bank. His grace
borrowed the money to pay a .cabman
it was the very day before he mar
ried my sister. "
The reporter stared a moment , then
laughed. He abandoned the idea of
getting material for a sensational ar
ticle and scented the possibilities of
a character sketch of the whimsical
young millionaire.
'It you don't mind saying where you
are going , Mr' Ardmore ? "
1 "I'd tell you in a minute , only 1
haven't fully decided yet ; but I shall
probably take the - Sambo Flyer at
9:13 , if you don't make me lose it. "
Ardmore , ' looked the reporter over
carefully as they shook , hands. He
was an. attractive young fellow ; alert
and good Rumored' , and Ardmore liked
him , as , in his shy way , he really liked
almost every o'ne who 'seemed jto be
" " * * ' " '
a human "being" " * - [ f
'Til tell , you what 111 do , with you.
Jf you'll forget kthjs rot'-we've. been
talking'and come up to Ardsley as
soon as I get home , I'll see if I can't
keep you amused for a couple of
weeks. What did you say your name
is ? Collins , Frank Collins ? " I never
forget anything , so don't disappoint
me. "
The young man laughed outright.
"I'll remember ; I really believe you
mean for me to come. "
"Of course I do. It's all settled ;
make it next week. Good-by ! " .
Ardmore ate his dinner oblivious of
the fact that people at the neighborIng -
Ing table turned to look at him. He
finally waved away his plate and
called for coffee , and at that moment
R middle-aged man appeared at the
door , scanned the room for a moment
and then threaded his way among the
tables to Ardmore.
"I heard you were here and thought
I'd look you up. How are you , Ardy ? "
"Very well , thank you , Mr. Billings.
Have you dined ? Sorry ; which way
are you heading ? "
The new-comer had the bearing of
a gentleman used to consideration.
He was , indeed , the' secretary of the
Bronx Loan and Trust Company ,
whose business was chiefly the admin
istration of the Ardmore estate , and
Ardmore knew him very well.
"I'm looking for a man , and I'm not
good at the business. I've lost him
and I don't understand it , I don't un
derstand it , " and" the secretary seemed
to be half-musing to'himself as he sat
down and rested his arms on the
table. ,
' 'You might give me , the job. I'm
following a slight clew myself just at
present. "
The secretary , who had no great
opinion of Ardmore's mental capacity ,
stared at the young man vacantly.
Then it occurred to him that possibly
Ardmore might be of service.
"Have you been at Ardsley recent
ly ? " he asked.
"Left there only a Tew days ago. "
1 "You haven't seen your governor
latefo' . have you ? "
"My governor ? " Ardmore stared
blankly. "Why , Mr. Billings , don't you
remember that father's dead ? "
"I don't mean your father , Ardy , "
replied Billings with the exaggerated
care of one who deals with extreme
stupidity. "I mean the governor of
North Carolina one of the American
states. Ardsley is still in North Carolina
lina , isn't it ? "
"Oh.yes ; of course. But bless your
soul. I don't know the governor. Why
should one ? "
" 1 don't know why , Ardy ; but people
ple sometimes do know governors and
nnG it useful. "
, "I'm not in politics any more , Mr.
Billings. What's Jthis , person's name ? "
"Dangerfield. Dent you ever-read
the newspapers ? " demanded , , the sec
retary , striving o control "his inner
, < . t & " : %
; ragtf * , ' ? f
; I quit reading newspapers aft
.er " tfie noT > fellSketJ of % allfwinkle
didn't break the bank at Monte Carlo
that last time. "
"You * mustn't be so thin-skinned.
You pay the penalty of belonging to
one of the wealthiest families in
America , " and Billings' tone was pa
. "So I've heard , but I'm not so ter
ribly proud of it. What about this
governor ? "
"That's what troubles me what of
the governor ? " Billings dropped his
voice so that no one but Ardmore
could hear. ' 'He's missing disap
peared. "
"That's the first interesting thing
I ever heard of a governor doing , "
said Ardmore. "Tell me more. "
"He's had a row with the governor
of South Carolina at New Orleans ,
was to have met him here on an im
portant matter of business this after
noon , but he's cleared out and nobody
knows what's become of him. His
daughter , even , who was in New Or
leans with him , doesn't know where
he is. "
"Ah ! the daughter ! She remains
behind to guard his retreat. "
"The daughter is still here. She's
a peppery little piece , " and Billings
looked guardedly around the room.
"That's she , alone over there in the
corner the girl with the white feath
er in her hat who's just signing her
check. There she's getting up ! "
. Ardmore- gazed across' the room in
tently , ttien suddenly a slight smile
played about his lips. To gain the
door the girl must pass by his table ,
and he scrutinized her closely as she
drew near and passed. She was a lit
tle girl , and her light fluffy hair swept
out from under a small blue hat in a
shell-like curve , and the short skirt
of her tailor-made gown robbed her ,
it seemed , of years to which the cal
endar might entitle her. . .
"She gave me the steadiest eye I
ever looked into when I asked her
where her father had gone , " remarked
Billings grimly as the girl passed.
"She said she thought he'd gone fish
ing for whales. "
"So she's Miss Dangerfield , is she ? "
asked Ardmore indifferently ; and he
rose , leaving on the plate , by a sud
den impulse of good feeling toward
the world , exactly double the gener
ous tip he had intended giving. Bill
ings was glad to be rid of Ardmore
and they parted in the hotel lobby
without waste of words.
Ardmore's effects had been brought
down and were already piled on a
carriage at the door. In his pocket
was his passage to New Orleans and
a stateroom ticket. At the cashier's
desk Miss Dangerfield paid her bill ,
just ahead of him.
"If any telegrams come for my fa
ther please forward them to Raleigh , "
said the girl. The manager came out
personally 'to show. her to her car
riage , and having shut the door upon
Jher/ lie wished Ardmore , who stood
discreetly "by , a safe journey.
* "Off for INew Orleans ; -are you , Mr.
Ardmore ? " asked the manager courte
* "No , " said Ardmore , "I'm going to
Raleigh to'look at the tall buildings , "
whereat the manager returned to his
duties , gravely shaking his head.
At the station Ardmore caught sight
of Miss Dangerfield , attended by
two porters , hurrying toward the Tar
Heel express. He bought a ticket
to Raleigh , and secured the last avail
able berth from the conductor on the
platform at the moment of departure.
Ardmore did not like to be hurried ,
and thus sudden change of plans had
been almost too much for him , but
he was consoled by the reflection that
after all these years of waiting for
just such an adventure he had proved
himself equal to an emergency that
required quick thought and swift ac
tion. He had not "only found the girl
with the playful eye , but he had
learned her identity without , as it
were , turning over his hand.
The stateroom door stood open , and
from his seat at the farther end of
the car Ardmore caught a fleeting
glimpse of Miss Dangerfield as she
threw off her jacket and hat ; then
she summoned the porter , give him
her' tickets , bade him a smiling goc\l
night and the door closed upon her.
Ardmore went back to smoke and
plan his future movements. For the
first time in his life he faced tomorrow
row with eager anticipations , resolved
that nothing should thwart his high
Tesolves , though these , to be sure ?
were somewhat hazy. He did not
know why Billings was so anxious to
find Miss Dangerfield'sjather , but as
between a man of-.piHingjJl purely com
mercial Instiffcts'lindAtTieVgoyernor of
a great state like North Carolina Ard
more resolved to stand by the Danger-
fields to the end of the chapter. He
was proud to remember his estate at
Ardsley , which was in feov. Danger-
field's jurisdiction , and had been vis
ited by the game warden , the state
forester , and various other members
of the governor's official household ,
though Ardmore could not remember
their names. He had never in his life
visited Raleigh , but far down some
dim vista of memory he saw Sir Wal
ter covering a mud-puddle with his
cloak for Queen Elizabeth.
Ardmore smoked many pipes and
did not turn In until after midnight.
The car was hot and stuffy and he
slept badly. At some hour of the
morning , being again awake and rest
less , he fished his dressing-gown and
slippers out of his bajr and went out
on the rear platform. His was the
last car , and he found a camp-stool
and crouched down upon it in a cor
ner of the vestibule and stared out
into the dark. The hum and click of
the rails soothed him andhe yielded
himself- pleasant reveries-
Ardmore was half-dozing when the
train stopped so abruptly that he was
pitched from the camp-stool ; into a
corner of the entry. He got himself
-together . .andalQanedputinto , Ihe cool
.J Tne port'eu came out and staredl/for
a gentleman in a blue silk wrapper
who sat up. all night In a vestibule
was new to -experience. .
"What place is this , porter ? "
"Kildare , sah. This place is wha'
we go from South C'lina into N'otb
C'lina. Ain't yo' be'th comfor'ble ,
sah ? " .
"Perfectly ; thank you. "
Kildare was a familiar name , and
the station , that lay at the outskirts
of the town , and a long grim barracks-
like building that he identified as a
cotton mill , recalled the fact that he
was not far from his own ample acres
which lay off somewhere to westward
He had occasionally taken this route
from the north in going to Ardsley
riding or driving from Kildare aboui
ten miles to his house. In this waj
he was enabled to go or come without
appearing at all in the little village ol
The porter left him. He felt reads
for sleep now , and resolved to g (
back to bed as soon as the trair
started. Just then a dark shadow ap
peared in the track and a man's voice
asked cautiously :
"Air y'u the conductor ? "
The questioner saw that he was not ,
before Ardmore could reply , and hesi
tated a moment.
"The porter's in the car ; you can
get aboard up forward , " Ardmore sug
{ /'Be Gpv'nor Dangerfield on this
train ? " asked the man , whom Ard
more now saw dimly outlined in the
track below.
"Certainly , my friend. The govern
or's asleep , but I'm his private sec
retary. What can I do for you ? "
"Weli ; hyefi's somethin' fer'im it's
confidential. Sure , air ye , th' gov'nor's
in they ? "
The man a tall bearded countryman
in a slouch hat , handed up to Ardmore
a jug a plain , brown , old-fashioned
American gallon jug.
"It's a present fer Gov'nor Danger-
field. He'll understand , " and the man
vanished as mysteriously as he had
appeared , leaving Ardmore holding
the jug by its handle , and feeling a lit
tle dazed by the transaction.
The train lingered , and Ardmore
was speculating as to which one of
the Carolina commonwealths was be
neath him , when another figure ap
peared below in the track that of a
bareheaded , tousled boy this time. He
stared up at Ardmore sleepily , having
apparently been roused on the arrival
of the train.
"Air y'u the gov'nor ? " he piped.
"Yes , my lad ; in what way can I
serve you ? " and Ardmore put down
his jug and leaned over the guard
"It's a Present for Gov'nor Danger
field. He'll Understand. "
rail. It was just as easy to be the
governor as the governor's private
secretary , and his vanity was touched
by the readiness with which the boy
accepted him in his new role. His cos
tume , vaguely discernible in the vesti
bule light , evidently struck the lad
as being some amazing robe of state
affected by governors. The youngster
was lifting something , and he now
held up to Ardmore a jug , as like the
otter as one pea resembles another.
"Pa ain't home and ma says hyeh's
yer jug OT buttermilk. "
A Soldier Yarn.
Sir William Arbuckle Is a capital
speaker quality which has made
him exceedingly popular at society
dinners. He once told an amusing
story , at an annual South African din
ner , , about Sir Harry Smith , who , In
days gone by , was commandant and
governor at the Cape. The supply
fromhome , and necessaries of all
kinds for the soldiers , wasx generally
sadly deficient , and the men were oft
en In a pitiable plight in the way of.
clothing. There was , consequently ,
much discontent So Sir Harry had
them on parade , said some pleasant
things to them , complimented them
on their soldierly appearance , told
them what splendid fellows they were ,
talked of the service they had seen
together , and soforth. . When he had
finished , an old sergeant stepped for
ward , saluted , and remarked : "Thank
you Sir 'Any , beg pardon , Sir 'Any ,
but we don't want no gammon , 7
want boots. "
Thus Begin Each Day.
I will this day try to live a simple ,
sincere and serene life ; repelling
every thought of discontent anxiety ,
discouragement , impurity , and self-
seeking ; cultivating cheerfulness ,
magnanimity , charity , self-control , and
the habit of beautiful silence ; exercis
ing economy in expenditure , careful
ness in conversation , diligence In ap
pointed service and fidelity In every
trust. Bishop Vincent
A pessimist Is av man who never
makes good resolutions because , he
fears be won't "be able to stick to
Professor Munyon lias ingaged a staff of specialists that
renowned leaders in their line. , * * *
There is no question about their ability , they are in . . . .
ricians that colleges and hospitals have turned out and receive me mgnesrc
salaries. „ „ ' ' _ , & > j
He offers their service to you absolutely free of cost. So matter ? ?
what your disease , or how many doctors you have tried , -write to Proles-
Bor Munyon's physicians and they will give your case careful and prompt - ,
attention and advise you what to do. You are under no obligations to
them. It will not cost you a penny , only the postage stamp you put on
your letter.
AH consultations are held strictly confidential.
Address Munyon's Doctors , Munyon's Laboratories , 53d & Jefferson
Streets , Philadelphia , Pa.
The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp , sold at a low price.
There are lamps that cost more , but thrrol s no better lamp madoatanr
price. Constructed of solid brass ; nlckol plated easily kept clean ; an
ornament to any room In anr house. There Is nothing known to tbe art
THE of lamp-making that can add to the valne of the IIA YO Lamp as a Jlght-
STEADY Klvlnjr doTlce. Every dealer everywhere. If not at yours , wrlto for
WHITE descriptive circular to the nearest agency of tbo
'the ' tongue , or in feed. Acts on tbe blood and expels gems ot
all forms of distemper. Best remedy ercr known for mare * lafart.
, Ono bottle guaranteed to cure ono case. Mo an SI a bottle ; Ki and
I WO dozen ofdrngglRts and harness dealers , or sent express pala oy
/ manufacturers. Cat shows how to poultice throat * Oar fre
I Booklet gives ercrythlnfr. Ixxaxl agents wanted. Largest Belli
horse remedy In existence twelre years.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO. . OemUUsaiRwUrloIefUtJ , CO8fienf Imfcf U,9 t
( Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try abox.
Sold by dealers everywhere-
( Incorporated )
Irish Legislator Even Withdrew the
Words That He Was About
to Utter.
There is in congress a western rep
resentative of Celtic origin who has
more than once "stirred up the ani
mals" by his propensity to bait the
On one occasion he rose to de
nounce the statements made in a
speech that had been delivered by a
member of the other party. His im
petuosity led him to phrase his re
marks rather strongly.
"Order , order ! " exclaimed the
speaker , pounding with his gavel.
Again , in a minute or two , did the
son of Erin return to his charge of
wilful misstatement. Again was he
called to "order. "
It was a critical moment. His col
leagues , for motives of policy , did not
wish him to be put out.of the debate ,
so they hinted so by tugging vigor-
. "ously at his * coat tails. . . *
Now , it's a very dangerous jnatter
to trifle with the tails of an Irishman's
coat , save in the cause of friendship.
Nevertheless , the indignant yet good-
natured member recognized the com
mand of his party and sat down after
delivering this Parthian dart :
"I obey the ruling of the House , and
I beg to retract what I was about to
observe ! "
That one touch of Irish oratory took
the whole House by storm. Lippin-
A Very Good Guess.
Foote Lighte I understand there
were several dozen bad eggs in the
possession of persons in the audience
last night and not one was thrown.
Miss Sue Brette1 Because the au
thor of the piece refused to show him
self , I guess.
Its Advantages.
"There is one appropriate yse of a
good poker hand. "
"What is that ? "
"It will shovel in the money. "
Many a fellow does all his betting
with his mouth.
Increased Capacity for Mental Labor
Since Leaving Off Coffee.
Many former coffee drinkers who
nave- mental work to perform , day
after day , have found a better capaci
ty and greater endurance by using
Postum instead of ordinary coffee. An
Illinois woman writes : . 4
"I had drank coffee for about twen
ty years , and finally had- what the
hector called-'coffee heart. ' . L was
nervous and extremely despondent ;
had little mental or physical strength
left , had kidney trouble and constipa
tion. ; ; . - . *
"The first noticeable benefit derived
from the change from coffee to Postum
was the natural action of the kidneys
and bowels. In two weeks my heart
action was greatly improved and my
nerves steady.
"Then I became less despondent ,
and the desire to be active again
showed proof of renewed physical and
mental strength.
. "I am steadily gaining in physical
strength and brain power. I formerly
did mental work and had to give it up
on account of coffee , but since using
Postum I am doing hard mental labor
with less fatigue than ever before. "
Read the little book , "The Road ; to
Wellvflle , in pkgs. "There's a Reason. "
Ever real tfce abere letter ? A mew
erne near * < re tfate te time. They
re remmiae , trae , * a * Call a
44 Bu. to the Acre
is a heary yield , but that's -what John Kennedy of
Edmonton , Alberta , Western Canada , got from 40
acres of Spring Wheat in 1910. Reports
from other districts in that prov
ince showed other excel-
Uentresurta such , as * , -
1000 bushels of "wheat
from 120 acres , or 831-3
bn. pcracrtx 25,80 and iO
bnaholyleida wore num
erous. As high as 133
bushels of oats to the
aero wore threshed from
Alberta fletdsln 1910.
The Silver Gup
at the recent Spokane
Fair was awarded to the
Alberta Gorernmentfor
its exhibit of grainsgrasses and
Tecotables. Reports of excellent"
yields for 1910 como also from
Saskatchewan ami Manitoba In-
Western Canada.
Free homesteads of 16O
acres , and adjoining pre
emptions of ISO acres ( at
S3 per acre ) are to bo had
ill the cholceatdistrlcta
Schools convenient , climate
mate- excellent , soil the
very best , railways close at
hand , bull dine lumber
cheap , fuel easy to got and
reasonable in price , vrater.
easily procured , mixed
farming a success.
Write as to bcstplaco fo7 set
tlement , settlers' low railway
rates , descriptive illustrated
wLastBestWest"(8cnt free on
application ) and other Informa
tion , to Sup't of Itamlsrratlon ,
Ottawa , Can.orto the Canadian.
GovernmentAgent. (3 /
L T. Hotoe.315 Jidoes St.3tPaal , HI ,
J. M. MjcUdba , Drwtr IJJ.vrriertmrajia. '
( Use address liearest yon. ) "
Your Liver
is Clogged up
Thaft Wny" You're Tired Cat aft
Sarte Har
wiQ pfll jou right UftTEB
Genuine totu Signature ]
FORa SALE t > 4T THE" - ,
521-531W. Adams St , Chicago
nil HO FISTULA cored in a few
f * 11 _ P U dayswithout pain. Ho pay
* * till cured. Cut this ad out ,
good for $5 for each patient. Write for particulars.
Br.Haihcsflr. K2 Farcers loaa & Trust Bid' . , Stex City , la.
John Dpere Plow Company ,