Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 17, 1910, Image 5

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    ' - . . - * . _
j Ambero ! Records j
I . . .
I K.ydur Edison Phon-
* "
; | j
bgraph-is not equipped"
" "
C' '
to ; play 'the Amberol
fe K . t , i *
f f
J ! [ 4mn.uteRecords let
iis ; put' -attachment
on' f01 you. We will
supply the attachment
I jand . , J.Q ; four-minute
I Records : ; * ' '
: " "
> * * '
I / Standard - $6.00 I
Home , - $8.00
-'i. *
in i n i [ i
. - . > .
- A Safe
; . ,
Siilipe ! System
The4-1 system of paying
by check was devised '
Ijy'"air men- for . any
- -
nian- for you. . It is
suiifed to the need of
'aiiy business,1 ' either
large ( > r'smallIt : makes -
-we' pay out $10 or $10000 -
a nfonth : A' checking
"aceoun't will serv.e your
ne'edsf- ' -i !
' -Pay by' checkthe'
'tliiethod puts system in-
'to Ny"our ' business and
'gives ybu'a , * record ' of
S " * * ' * *
\ . Law
-i. / AttorneyatLaw
J 50fficefrontroom , second story ,
[ \s f over 3 ? . G. Hornby's store , Main
iv , ' street . .entrance. f
Valentine , Nebraska
. : 'UvS Wfiather Bureau Report -
- _ , , -W gK ENDING ATOV. 10.-1910.
Daily mean.temperature 40. °
Normal temperature 38 = -
Bighest temperature < ; S ° .
Lowest temperature 16 ° .
Range of.teroberature 52P-t . .
PrecipttadoVfor we"ek 00.5of an inchr
Average for 22 years 0.19 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 14.67 inches.
V f or 22years 2Q.22 of jiri inches. , , -
JOHN'J. MCLEAN. Observer.
C. & N. W. New Time Table.
\TE8T BOJpJ > ij- . * ' . "
No * . 1 , 7"l7p. in. New passenger train.
I No ! ' 8 , . 1:83lni. \ . Old
'f ' No.iUO , 11 :55p "Through Irelght
No. , si . ; . 2:0o"p. m. . Local . freight train. . _
; > < < } ' ; ? o. > j / - i
' "
. % 2 { 10:42 iv in ; New passenger train.
No , fi , . 5:05 a. u. . . Old " , "
No * . 116 , G:20'u. m'/ Through freight train.
Ndi 82 , llOOii'.Chi. Iibcnt freight train.
HELP/ ' -
* -
. _ _ fjVERTiSE IS. TOT
All Gang Plows , Discs.and Har
rows at cost and less.
4./jres ? set quicker and better and
will run , longer -without ; lbos
thstn is . "possibl'e when set , _ tHe .
" '
7T * * * * -jt $ ' " ' * * * "
way-ifAset with.theBrooks , cold
tire setter. Gallon * - /
Causes Sickness.
Good Health Impossible With
a Disordered Stomach ,
"There it nothing that will create
sickness or cause more tremble
than a disordered stomach , and
many people .daily contract serious
maladies simply through disregard
.or abuse of the stomach.
We" urge everyone suffering
from any stomach- derangement ,
indigestion or. dyspepsia , whether
acute or chronic , to try Kexall
* * *
Dyspepsia Tablets , with the dis
tinct understanding that we will
refund'their money without ques
tion , or formality , if after reason
able use of this medicine they are
not satisfied with the results. 'We
recommend them to our customers
every day , and have yet to hear
of anyone who has not been bene
fited by them. Three sizes , 25c ,
oOc and § 1.00 a box. Sold in Val
entine only at our store , The
Itexall Store. Chapman , The
* Presbyterian Church.
Preaching as .usual next Sabbath
.morning and evening.
The revival meetings have in
creased in interest and will be con
tinued another week. All invited.
Say ! You scamp ! Stop stealing
Grandma Clarkson's coal !
Robert 13. Thompson and wife
and boy were in town today.
Corn King Manure Spreaders.
Price § 110. Will close out at $90.
John SmiLh of Beemer , is visit
ing in the city and jn company of
'Charley Clarkson called on us to
day. He is a brother of Louis
Smith , deceased.
4 will be located here for some
time , and all kinds of
'horses-Battle and sheep. Call at
Fischer Hardware store ,
" * . .
- - " > ti - * - % \ " ' > >
43rStf. ? TED PERRINE. . f
1 am selling a big line of winter
goods at 10 to 20 per cent -below
regular prices ; the same on canned
goods. I guarantee them equal to
any on the market. It will pay
you to come and try my store , to
save 10 to 20 per cent on your
purchases. MIKE DAVIS. 45 3
. * . < *
Miss Margaret McLaughlin ,
daughter of Michael McLaughlin ,
died Tuesday of last week of her
nervous affliction and heart trouble
at the age of 21 years past , at the
family home near Crookston. The
funeral was held Thursday at the'
Catholic church and the remains
laid to rest in Mt. Hope cemetery.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
* * *
A. F. Gumbow of Red Deer , Neb. ,
o'l Nov. 9 , David Groves 'aid ,
Miss Mary B. Herron were united
in marriage. The groom is a son
J. W. Groves of Wood lake , and
the bride is the youngest daughter
Mr. and Mrs. P. Herron , also of
Wood lake. We bespeak for this
worthy young couple a happy and
successful life.
Schwab For San Francisco.
Charles M. Schwab , former head of
the steel trust says : "I favor San
Francisco for the Panama-Pacific ex
position in 1915 , and you can put me
down among the boosters. I will also
promise that if San. Francisco holds
'the exposition the Bethlehem Steel
company . -will take part by exhibiting
its products of armor and armament ,
an exhibit that has not appeared
since the Centennial exposition ia
1876.- - - -
Hitchcc1Favors San Francisco.
Frank l Hitchcock , postmaster
general , says : "Nothing would ? lcaie
me more highly than the selection of
San Francisco for the Panama-Pacific
exposition , and I think the record of
rebuilding and the recovery from the
fire , as well as the remarkable record
made in the raising of money for the
support/of ; / the fair ; should be recog
nized , and will have great weight
with congress in reaching a decision
as to the location of the exposition. "
San Francisco's Big Bid. '
San Francisco has raised its bid tor
the Panama celebration to $17,500,6'00.
If money talks as much to the point
In this' matter as it does .in most
other affairs of life , the contest is al
ready over. New.Orleans will have
to be satisfied with the 'Mardi Gras. '
Rochester ( N. Y. ) Demccrat-Cbroa-
City Unable to Obtain Foods Foi
. Proposed Improvements.
Municipal Betterments to Cost Seven
Million Dollars Likely to Be Held
Up Indefinitely Looks as "hough
the Crescent City Was Hardly In
a Position to Finance a World's
New Orleans has no bride rs for
her $7,000,000 of sewerage i-onds and
water bends and it looks 'is though
her greatest project for municipal im
provement would be held ny indefi
nitely through lack of funds to. pros
ecute the work. It would reem as
though New Orleans was Uardly in
a position to finance a World's expo
sition , even with the aid of the state
of Louisiana , when her local Vankera
refuse to purchase her Lends on
their own terms.
Tht financial predicament of San
Francisco's rival for exposition hon
ors is toll in the following rss dis
patch from the Crescent City :
"New Orleans , La. Oct. 4. De
spite several months of negotiation
through the Hibernia Bank nncl Trust
company , and in spite of , . - special
ac of the last legislature t.o "facili
tate the financial. negotiations -when
the city board of liquidation met at
noon today there' was no bid for thre
$7,000,000 improvement bor.ds by
which the. great sewerage and water ,
project of this city was to have
been been completed.
"Much disappointment is felt at
the failure of the bonds to sell , as
this great municipal project may be
seriously delayed. Mayor it > hrmai )
and City Attorney I. D , Moo-f. both
issued statements tonight explaining"
the reasons. lc "
"About a year ago , the Jr.erstate
Bank and Trust , company .ireed to
finance ( he $7,000,000 bond ' ? sue pro
vided it was 'given the benefit of be
ing the .depository of the funds col
lected at 2 per cent interest. The
contention was raised that ' 'Ho. bend
taker could not be the dor sitory.
Then a legislative enactment was se
cured to make it legal for th > buyer
to become- the fiscal agent of the
funds , but sjtill the bonds are unsold. "
Louisiana- Exposition Securities' 'Will
Be'-Unp Id at End ofTen .Years ;
The following press dispatch , pub
lished in 'the New Orleans Times-
Democrat , is self-explanatory :
"Crowley , La. , Sept. 23. A petition
to the voters of Acadia pariah is be
ing , .circulated , calling upon the.voters
tc register , in order to be j i a posi
tion to vote against the Panama ex
position tax , Nov. 8. The 3 petition.
recites that , according to the.stater
ment , the country parishes ' are 'as
sessed at $204,373,526 and the city or
parish of New Orleans at § 231,045-
937 , and that as per the present as
sessment the country will py $106-
639.80 per year , or $1,066,308 in 10
years , and New Orleans .7 J " 3,284.45.
per 'year , or in 10 years $1.7.Vf844.50.f
'It states further that the interest on. '
these bonds will be $ ,280,000 pbi year ,
or just about equal to the aipcunt of
tax paid in each year , so that -at the
end of 10 years the state will"still
owe the six and one-half million del
lars' at 4'per cent intere- - bonds ,
which by the act the parisiof Orleans - .
leans proposes to pay. Thsent ! - .
ment is divided on this question1 of
taxation , and the promoters of this
petition declare that they will „ push
it through. "
, Give California Fair Deal.
There seems to be a controversy
on between New Orleans . -id San
Francisco for the World's Panama
Exposition , which will be leld ; in
1915. Both cities are claiming that
they are each the most logical point
for the great exposition and then
tl-ey clamor about the mom-y' possi
bilities. While we are not inclined
to mix up in this fight and injure the
possibilities of either place by set
tling the question as to wit re the
exposition shall be held , yet % \e think
the west is entitled to som- of the
good things , and we suggest that the
Sunset state be given at lest a fair
deal in this matter. Gallup ( N. M'.J
Will Benefit The Whole Coast.
The Napa Register says th. ? master
of the State Grange expresses the
sentiments of the people 1'ving in
that section when he says , of the pro
posed Panama-Pacific exposition :
"An exposition of this nature , if
properly managed , can not fai1 to beef
of vast benefit , not only to California ,
but to the whole Pacific coa t. I be
lieve the Grange will do well to favor
and encourage the movement. "
Will Pay Its Own Bi-j. !
San Francisco boosters are going
about , .in the mcst practical way to
secure support for their proposed
exposition. They have raised a large
§ um of money , more than was ever
forested in an exposition Jn America ,
and propose to pay their own bills
without tapping the government till.
This will commend , ; SaniFrancisco to
the public. Omaha
Old Crow , All Leading
" '
Hermitage Brands"
and Bottled . . i . i . . - * - * , * ; * .
Gruchen- Under.theV
- * . , A. '
heimer Supervision
of the- . . . ' T : :
Whiskeys. U. S.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Get Your Trees Ready
for Winter.
.Stop cultivating deep. Let their
hed , their leaves and ripen up theii
wood bv only keeping" a dust on top o1
ground to retain molature in ground
and on town lots where trees are
watered gradually reduce amount ol
water. A.tree needs moist ground
during fall and winter. If town lot
trees need-water later water them al
freezing up time for their winter use ,
We have all the varieties of Cher
ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and
Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit
Shruba , Koses and other ornamentals ,
: GET THE CHEAPEST for a long
time usefu.lnes * . A. THEE IS A PERMANENT -
grown m arest home. They are ac
climated and grown under same con
ditions you want them to grow , and
where the } ' can be had the quickest.
We have 25 acres in our nurseries
and 40 acres in our bearing orchard.
Write for catalogue or any informa
Chas , J , Boydf
Brown County Nursery
. - Ainsworth , Nebr.
Nuraerypne block north-east of the
' * u " Court House.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. i'6c0050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822also ; - Melvin , No. 327072 , re's ,
I Bulls for Sale at All Times1
; : Pick /This Up Quick
Good 4-room house with stone
cellar , for sale cheap. House
strprjg , well built and warm. Will
sell cheap if taken at once. Casher
or temrs. ' * ' Abagain in this. Ask
I , M.- Rice , Valentine. tf
Threshing Outfit for Sale
1 f- -
M horse power , 28x50 Case Sep
arator , all in good repair , for sale
at a' bargain , for cash , or will trade
ror horses or cattle , Address ,
Nenzel , Neb.
s -The Chicago Cafe.
East side of Main street north
of depot. Meals at all hours , both
day and night. First clas's ser
vice. .Call and be convinced.
42 4 : . MRS. M. GEDDES.
n the County Court of Cherry County , Ne
In tlic matter of the estate of Joseph R.
Brown , deceased :
A duly verified petition having been filed
n my ollice , praying for the probate of the
estate of Joseph R. Brown , deceased , wlth-
out.mlministration , and It satisfactorily ap-
jearing to inu that the statements made in
; aid. petition are true , it is hereby ordered
hat aliearlng on said petition be had on the
rd day of December , l 10 , at 10 o'clock a. in.
it my office in Valentine , Cherry county ,
Nebraska , < nt which time all persons inter-
erested in .said estate may appear and show
cause'if any there be , why said petition granteJ.
Witness my hand and seal of said court ,
his 16th day of November , 1010.
"SEA" ! , ] -45' } ' County Judge.
The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the
ess the danger from pneumonia anc
other serious diseases. Mr. B. "W. L
Hall , ofWaverly , Va. , eays : I firmly
> elieye Chamberlain's Conga Remedy
o he absolutely the best preparation OE
; he market for colds. I have recom
mended it to my friends and they all
agree with me. For sale by Chapman ,
ihe druggist.
Hint to Louisiana.
Louisiana will have to be up
doing if .it is to capture the Panama
International Exposition of 1915. A
special session of the Calif irnia leg-
slature has proposed two amend
ments to the state constituUon which ,
will allow an additional * 10.000,00r (
'or * the financing of the 'exposition-
andcover § 7,000,000 has already been
provided iby , .private subscription. - !
Cincinnati 'Southwest. . .
. . - -
All' kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all.sizes
.Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.1 " >
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
i _
; i AW A m
_ And I know 11 mother's love for her boys "and the' terrible anxiety. , sad-
which only the fangs of nlcohol can cause. Miny ; were tin ? promises which my. hey
gave me to quit drinking end each 'tiiisr be broke thorn. , i *
Mauy were the tiins that 1 knlt ii s'Icnt communion with my God'hnil askrcl1
Him to give my boy back to me the lovable , manly , honorable hey of old hut . .my
.prayers seemed unavailing. ' ' ' '
His will power was dead and although ! ; e tried to quit and foujrht valiantly
, against the terrible r ravine for alcohol , he was unable to do so and be
doomed to fill a drunkard's grave.
As u last resort he consented to talc tiH * .
and hp was cured at last.
A ft IT taking the marvr-lous Neal Treatment. IIP .threw his nrmn. nhontTne - > .i./
. * . hive s-.ived from drunkard's . ? '
cried. 5Iother. you me a grave. The grand Nral
Treatment saved my hey for me and it run do the same for yours. " . - , . . . ,
The n'.ntvf is but one of many let'terh whic-li rome to us from , happy mother , '
tvixes an l sisters ivimi-e dear on < s liv - been save l and restored fo them ,
It tells in a few words the story of the Neal Three Day Orink Knblt-Cnr > . which-
in the space of seventy-two hours will cure any drinking man of oeohollsm cnr
him perfectly and completely , destroying all .appetite , < ! i hire or craving for Htinnr *
remove all accumulated nlcoholir poisors ff > m tjis system make a new maa f
bin : in short cure him completely of nlfoholism. * . . . .
A periodical or habitual jJrirking man can no more resist the craving for
than the craving for water when it is handy.
you can completely and perfectly cure your son. husband or '
tfrinir to him the
, NEAL HOME TREATMENT ; ' ; , . ; . ;
Which consist * of purely vegetable medicines which are simply a < lnitnf trrr < t
nnd which , in three day's time will cure any ea * e of alcoholism no matter hot ? ;
serious or how long the patient has drank. This is done under an abnolnte '
Which plainly states that If , at the
end of th third day's treatment , the
patient his friend * , doctor or family
are not entirely satisfied with the re
sults accomplished and perfectly satisfied
that he is completely cured of the drn'K
habit that the fee will be refunded in-
stanlly Send for a copy of the contract.
In the privacy of your ho'me are re
quired to effect a complete and perfect
cure. The Neal Home Treatment is rot
a secret treatment for tjie drink habit
can not be cured by such methods but
that it does cure drunkenness in the
space of three consecutive days is at
tested by the hundreds of testimonials
Of some of America's most noted min
isters , lawyers , judges , business men ,
public officials and o'hers whose letters
WRITE TODAY-MOW , for our book i
elcoholum it's free , and you put yoursel :
it. Sent in nlain. sealed wrapper.
recomrnend-ng the .Nenl" CurV nre' -
iaincd in a little booklet entitled "Lrt-
Icrs 3 > om I > oplc You Know."wblch will- '
be mailed upon request.
Are used in the Nenl Home Trra mwl
nothing but plain vegetable mrdlclnr *
which are administered internally. Tl'p
use of hypodermlcH IB dangerous la tbll
' ' '
TO yon that any man pan be rrrM
of the drink habit in 3 days time and , that -
the Neal Home Treatment will rffrrt
perfect and complete cure In that 'Urn * ; ' '
If there is a. chance we take it. tor'1 - .
the Neal Home Treatment Is rfurni ! ' < f f '
you upon n "No Cure. No Pay" ' ban ! * i
you doa't even have to pay u until afUr
Hie treatment has been administered -a"iit : '
its merits proved unless you want t . -
vhich tells all about the cause and core cf *
F under no obligations to us by writing for
Home Treatment Dept. '
Atlantic. Io\vo
j A + J j
is the special trial price ; for the Lincoln Daily
State Journal from now , until January 1st.
The big Sunday paper will be included for
25 cents extra. The paper will be stopped
promptly when the time paid for is up : Why
not send'for it today and get the