* t HEN Captain Miles Standish , with his lit tle company o'f 16 har dy pilgrims , discovered the first fresh "water ( encountered by the Mayflower explorers after landing at what is believed to be East Harbor creek , on the shores of Cape ( Sod , the party sat down and drank , and as Mount records in his journal er story : "We1 were heartily glad and drunke ur first New England water with as much delight as ever we drunke drink m all our lives. " Thus was , with "BIsket and Hol land Cheese , and a bottle of aquavite , " the first New England Thanksgiving dinner eaten on the noon of Novem ber 26 , 1620 , around "a fire of sassa fras , juniper and pine , which smelled oth sweet and strong. " Later these hardy adventurers were able to feast on wild fowl and venison In plenty , as have those who ( eame after them even unto the pres ent day , for the forests of the cape abound with game , and' the waters with fishes very much as in the days f the little Pilgrim band who in the Mayflower's cabin signed the first New England charter. Although not set down in the laws , the reunion feast became an informal annual function , and there can be but little doubt that Thanksgiving day as known to us of the present had Its origin in and was inspired by the abil ity of the pilgrim band to' soften the strong waters of the hospitable Dutch , Wlth the spring waters of the new world , by chance shall we say ? Or to what cause shall we credit the se lection of the last , week of November for the day of feasting and prayer now so eagerly looked for and as care- folly observed as Christmas , the New THE REUNION A Story of a Thanks giving in a Tourist By MINNIE E. OLIPHANT. jSenevieve and I were riding in a tourist car , headed away from Los An geles , and slowly creeping across Death valley. Our thoughts were with J the folks at home , who were getting iady for the Thanksgiving dinner , but re were talking of other things. Words are slow unless thoughts are produc ing them , and , therefore , the conver sation lagged. Finally , Genevieve turned to me with the smile she always wore when R. good plain plan , had just struck h r. r."Let's "Let's make believe , " she suggest ed , 'that the passengers in this coach are all relatives , and let's have a fam- fcy reunion and Thanksgiving din ner. " 4 < Kow can we ? " I asked. "I'll go around and tell them that this Is Thanksgiving , and we are all Delations , and they are invited to our ectlon for a family reunion , and that they are to furnish their own share of Hie dinner. " I looked around the car to see what ur "relations" appeared to-"Tie like. Just back of our section was a young -man with a fretful baby , and * little' ' * % -three-year-old girl. ' He seemed , so itred ; b ut patient , though awkward , with the "children. I had heard him tell toe young man who wore a striped arv- * * sweater , and sat across the aisle , that he had just lost his wife and was tak ing the children back to their grand mother in Ohio. The young man in ( be sweater lolled around in his sec- Won , dividing his time between a mag azine , the 1-os Angeles papers and the 4esert scenery outside. Back of him sat a middle-aged Jew , who talked tome mo one , and looked at nothing in par ticular , as 'if he had forgotten where he was. Just before us was a young lady , and all \vo knew about her was had golden Aalr puffed out In * s jear or inaepenaence .Day ? The day of , thanks Is more typically a national holiday than is any other. It is American and unique. Every coun try has one or more days set apart to commemo rate Independence or the granting of some great Twon to Its people that may be considered a step * n the stairway to liberty , but the Thanksgiving day of the United States is without a close com parison in any land. Thanksgiving day begins the winter season. Wherever you find an American you will , as the month of November wanes , find one who thinks more of being at home or at the home of Intimate friends for Thanksgiving day. Clubs , ho tels , public institutions , all see to it that their patrons , members or Inmates are provided , with a sumptuous repast for the one great feast day , and whenever and wherever possible a great , fat turkey graces the board. The turkey should be our national bird , as it Is or , rather , was everywhere in a wild state , and helped the original colonists to provide for their families. It has for 300 years been the chief feature at all important strictly American ban quets , and may be safely called our greatest na * f tional food delicacy. The Spaniards in Florida , > v French in Louisiana , Pilgrims in Cape Cod and founders of the Virginia company all found the wild turkey ready for the sport and table in this their new home , and the American of today , from the president of the United States to the hum- the back , and that she tucked her scolding locks up every few minutes with a slender , ringless hand. And these were to form our family party. While I was studying the' people , Genevieve was taking an Inventory of our supplies. "Go on with your invitations , " I ad vised , "and , if they are accepted , I will look after the table. " She stepped back down tfe * aisle &nd stood with her hand on the seat in front of our Jewish "friend to be. " "I beg your pardon , " she began , "but I want to Invite you to come to our- Thanksglvlng dinner , and to furnish your share of it" "Thank you , " he looked up and smiled , as he lifted his hat , "but where , is your dinner to be ? " "Down there where my sister is sit ting. " She nodded her head In my di rection."We are going to have a fam ily reunion. " "Where is your family ? " His smile broadened. "All in this coach who will come. " Here the young man in the sweater turned round , and she addressed him. "Will you come , too ? And ? " "With pleasure , if I can be of any assistance. " "You can assist by furnishing some thing toward the dinner. " He pushed his hand down Into his pocket "I have a piece of chocolate and two sticks of chewing gum , which are at your disposal. " The frank smile on the young man's face revealed no tendency toward freshness , but the older man , not being able to see his face-feared that he was Inclined to raake sport of my sister. , Therefore , he-leaned , forward and , said : , , "There Is a/diner on , and I think we.coujdtso in " . / - Vv "No , no , " interrupted Genevieve ; "we don't want to go into the diner. We want a 'make believe' family re union here In our 'private' car. " Then turning to the young man , /'Chocolate and chewing gum are acceptable , if they are the best you have. " The man with the children had been down to the end of the car giving each of them a drink , and returned to his seat , just as Genevieve was ready to put thejnatter before him. "We are to have a family reunion , " she began , but seeing a shadow pass , over his face , hastened to .add : "This I West citizen of the coun try , will enjoy the Thanks- gif Ing turkey. If one would enjoy a good old fashioned.Tbanks- glving day at its best the true road to the feast lies in the country. Thanks giving on the farm is some thing to be remembered. There the whole family is taken into consideration , and It is safe to say that each individual member has been preparing for the day almost ever since the celebration of the last one. Stores of mince , apple and pumpkin pies have been baked and range on the broad shelves of the store room ; apple sauce , preserves , with home-made pickles , "put down" months before required for use ; stores of grapes , ap ples , pears and nuts , care fully looked over ; a goodly ham , freshened in cold water 24 hours , tnen careruuy wipea ary aim placed in a pot of cider to" boil 16 minutes to the pound ; a loin of pork , roasted to a rich , golden brown , to be served with apple sauce , and the feature of the feast a turkey , fattened to about the 20-pound mark , the pride of the farmer and the joy of his wife. The turkey , hatched on the farm and as care fully watched as any member of the family , fat tened on grain and meal with a mixture of chopped nut meats to ogive it the proper flavor , killed one week before the feast and hung In an outhouse , where it is kept cold , but will not be < injured by the frost is brought in the night be fore for final treatment before being consigned to the oven. The great bird is carefully picked and drawn , thje interior wiped out , not washed , which would destroy the flavor , and filled wfth "what is known in the country as "the stuffin' , " a thick mixture of sausage meat , bread crumbs and eggs , with just a faint touch of sage and onion. When pre pared and placed in the huge oven to roast it becomes the duty of one cook to watch the oven and baste the roast until it is evident to the prac tised eye of the heroine of many such conflicts that the turkey is ready to be served with fresh made cranberry sauce and a rich gravy , In which all the giblets have been stirred with some well- balanced chestnuts. Now. everything being ready. the family and guests ( and there are sure to be guests In country at a country Thanksgiving din ner ) troop into the long dining room , to find the repast not only ready , but served with all the pomp and state the feast deserves. The turkey is placed before the host while the roast loin of young pig graces the opposite end of the table , with the boiled ham in the cen ter , flanked with mashed white and baked sweet potatoes , turnips and cauliflower , with boats of gravy and bowls of sauce within easy reach of alL "Now pass'up your plates , " is requested from each end of the table , and the oftener .this re- ' p'eated advice is followed- the more the face of the good matron glows with satisfaction. The great pitchers of foaming , cider pass along the board and the diner at a farm Thanksgiving feast finds it all so novel and good that the vision comes up before him frequently while struggling with a complicated menu at his club or some hotel or mincing through the series of problems pre sented at a French or Italian table d'hote dinner. On every Yankee warship in the hot lands of the far away Malay islands , Cuba , Guam , Panama , the Sandwich islands and under the flag that floats over every American consul's home or office Thanksgiving day will be celebrated , and , like another stitch in the great bed quilt of liberty and independence will knit the fabric closer to gether. We do well to have a Thanksgiving feast. We thank the great Creator for our being , our sturdy forefathers for our great country , our Burly Brit ish ancestors for our love of country and good things to eat , our bustling energy for rapid progress , our wives and mothers for domestic atmosphere that makes life enjoyable and success certain and the rulers we have placed in power for unparalleled prosperity. is Thanksgiving , and we are'all away from home , so my sister and I decided to play that you , and everybody else in this car , belong to our family , and to Invite you home to our section , for a Thanksgiving dinner. " He saw what she meant , and ' the baby reached out toward her ; as If it understood , too. Genevieve' took' the little one In her 'arms. "You see that the baby'is willing , and-a'little child should lead you ? ' "Oh , of course , -we will "be glad to accept your kind invitation. If my children won't disturb theparty. . " " "No , indeed , " she assured him , "we need children to make a Thanksgiving dinner complete , " and , with the baby in her arms , she walked down to the golden-haired lady. "Will you join us in our dinner party ? " "Thank you , " returned the girl , "but I have my dinner with me. " "Very good ! We want you to put your dinner in with ours , and from the size of your basket , I should imagine you have more than all the rest of us put together. " "But I am going to Chicago , " the young lady protested , "and I must make ray lunch do for all the way. " "Oh , I see , you are afraid we will eat too much of it" She laughed , sit ting down beside the girl , and still holding the baby in her arms. "If you will eat with us , you won't need to open your basket. It is not your food we want , but you. " The girl still hesitated. "My moth er told me not to get acquainted with people on the train , for fear some thing might happen , because I have never been out of California before , and she-is afraid for mete take such a long trip alone. " "Are you afraid of me and- this baby ? " askedJGenevieye. ' "Oh/no , I'm not afraid "of ladies ; but mustn't speak to gentlemen , un less I am introduced to * them. " " "Well , my dear girl we won't enjoy our dinner party just behin dr you here , knowing\that you are eating'all alone. " The young man in the sweater told of his last Thanksgiving 'in Alaska * and our Jewish "relative" brought out the best jokes he had in stock. ' We laughed in the proper places , and asked for more. Then tre agreed to name over some of the things we wer glad about I saw the young man in the sweater give the golden-haired girl a look that made me wonder if he had noticed her dainty appetite and silence , or wheth er he was glad to have her present atp p our reunion. "I an } getting , back to Chicago , " he said , "to attend my sisJ ( ter's wedding , and I suppose that I ought to add that I am thankful I am going to have a new brother next week. " y "I'm going to a wedding , too. " The golden-haired-girl had forgotten that 'she ' was not to speak to a gentleman without an introduction. But she re membered in time to lean round be hind me. "Whose ? " In coming to her rescue t had forgotten that no queadons were to be asked. "My brother's , " she replied , some where back of my shoulder. "Perhaps her brother is to marry my sister. " The young man had heard her answer. "She is to marry a Call- fornla chap that I have never seen , I barely know that his name is Har- mon. " "Will Harmon ? " Again the girl was startled out of her corner. "My broth er Will is to marry Miss Jenkins. " "Sure enough ! " The young man reached across me. "Shake hands , for we are almost relatives. " Genevieve rose with as much dig nity as she could command under the circumstances. "Miss Harmon , allow me to introduce to you Mr. Jenkins. " Our dinner was over , as everything eatable was gone. The porter carried the cups and saucers back to the din- ing car , and cleared away the paper sacks and crumbs. The golden-haired girl sat alone no -more on that train , and the young man ] with the sweater'read no more maga zines. They may have been talking about-'the coming wedding , but-as'we were about to' leave the train at Salt 1 Lake City , our Israelite "relative" said over the back of our seat. "There may be more.'than one wedding - ] ding f ' ' - " * ' i ' " "That fs the romance of pur Thanks giving Dinner , " " suggestefl' , lather of the childreij * whose baby was * "at last asleep , ano he had time to enter" into a conversation. " "Now , her mother , cant blame us , " put in Genevieve , "for tfiey would have ! inet In a few days * anyway. " 1 . * < T he problem is not -bow much land you have , but how well you cultivate it Make the hay land produce nine tons per acre , and fouror five acres of hay will be enough. Make the corn land produce 200 bushels per acre , and cut down the area to one-fourth. Do the same with the othe'r crops , and * you will soon find that .you have much more land than you can possibly cul tivate. The farmer raises cattle and hogs with a view of rapid development of fat , but the horse is used for mechan ical power and should develop great bone and muscle. Muscular develop ment cannot be attained In close con finement and the young animal should not be tied in a stall and fed corn and timothy hay to fatten him for the shambles. Unless there is an experienced and successful corn breeder in the vicinity who makes a specialty of growing first- class seed corn , every farmer had bet ted make his own selection from his own field or from the best fields of neighboring farms. No kind of live stock can thrive and do well in ill-lighted , poorly-aired buildings. One of the first require ments in a stable is that it should be well provided with windows , and have means for letting fresh air' in and foul air out The Introduction of the English sparrow by its driving away the little native" birds has been responsible for me e damage by Insects and weed ps ; tj than all other causes combined , including cats , and boys with guns. If the hens are protected against the cold winds while they are enjoying the sunshine of the yards , they will surely lay more eggs than if not thus shield ed , while the reduced feed bill will compensate for the expense Incurred. Paint the staves on all sides before erecting the silo , rather than to paint the"ex'te'rior 'later oh , "since paint put on the outside afterward holds water In the cracks and causes the staves to decay more rapidly. rapidly.'t 't If the cows are stabled at night , much fertilizer is saved that would otherwise be dropped In the pasture and disintegrated by wind , rain and sun lose its strength and be lost Nine tons Is a large yield of bay from a single acre , and few would ex pect this yield from Bermuda grass , yet such is the case , or at least from an acre of vetch and Bermuda. -The largest beet sugar factory in the ' United States is at Spreckles , Cali- foraia , which has a capacity of slicing i3,000-tqns ' of beets per day , equal to 100 carloads of 30 tons each. The women folks on the farm should sssert < their rights and have the mod ern ' and necessary equipments In the dairy , and thus produce , with less la bor , a good article of butter. If there is any doubt whether land needs : lime'or' not , test it One meth od ' is to grow common garden beets. This plant makes a very poor growth on soil which needs lime. Fashionable folks are taking up horses again , the automobile having become ] too common for them. And farmers j are buying automobiles to save their horses. * The dairy cow , if able to express , herself in a way which the human family would comprehend , might veil : lay claim to being man's best friend. For home use , the garden , the arbor , the boundary fence and even the veranda are the locations generally avallable for the growth of the grape. The succulent grasses are rich in muscle and bone-forming materials and are loosening and cooling to the system. i " * Probably no one thing enters more into j commercial fruit growing than proper packing. , No other branch of farming pays as j well as a good orchard , ' if well taken care of. i Once settled indoors , the house plants must be sure of regular attention tionif they are to be a success. "r ' * " i - . Horse manure is much better to be mixed , w.ith other manure-and worked over by swine. , A useful and ornamental plant is parfley. It may easily be , kept for zse all winter. . r'N J ° * j.pl . Marsh land Is usually ricb. and all it needs to make it productive ist drainage. The fall of * the year IB the * . > best time to drain before the winter rains set in. If the grouncl is riot too * soft for the horses , one or moro fur rows may be run out with the two- horse plow. Hook three horses to the plow. An extra man should fol low with sharp ax to cut the roots. The ditch may be deepened by tho- . use of the lifting subsoil plow. To do good work a heavy match team in the hands of a capable plowman Is neces sary. After land is drained , turn- the sod over with the three-horse plow. It is now Umo to be thinking seri ously of winter protection for small fruits. For strawberries , the usual covering of straw is good. In mild locations a layer of straw not less than four inches thick should be ap plied. In more severe locations this would be increased to six Inches , and .in the prairie sections It Is desirable to use eight inches of straw , or eve more. 1 i ; . i The prevailing fence of , today Is the woven wire variety. No better fence was ever devised , provided it ia ' put up well , andrno other feace'is so poor , ugly and inefficient If it'fe erect ed in a slipshod manner. Pick the fruit , empty it onto the sort ing tables and pack it right HI the or chard. If this method Is "practised much labor is saved , for the whole work is completed as soon as the fruit is gathered from the trees. It has been conclusively proven that hens kept in a yard and fed right will lay more eggs than hens that run at' large all over creation. The feed bill will not be so large either , a fact that Is worth considering. If swine are kept penned and are given absorbents enough to keep them fairly clean and dry , they will nearly earn their keep in the amount of fer tilizer they will make , and it is the best of its kind. Apples will not be over-produced' un til every man , woman and child In the land has all the apples he or she can use , and gets them at a moderate price. If not done , plant , your gooseber ries and currants this fall. Grape vine should be laid down and covered with straw. Even the old Concord cannot stand our strenuous winters. Start the trap nests 'so It can be known which are the best winter lay ers. Almost any old hen will lay In spring and summer ; it takes a good hen to lay in late fall and winter. Not all regions and all soils are suit able for growing a good quality of onions , and only recently hare -onion growers found out that peaty , swamp. hinds made the best onion ground. Nitrate of soda will force the growth of melons , tomatoes and other plants. A tablespoonful scattered about each tomato plant and slightly raked in will produce good results. There is a great region of country where the blackberry may be called the poor man's fruit This is true be cause of the ease and certaintr with which it is produced. " Every foal at weaning age has cost the breeder considerable money , and the preservation and development of the foal has much to do with the prof its of the farm. In marketing onions the first essen tial is to properly grade and clean the bulbs , in order that they may present an attractive appearance whem offered for sale. Insignificant matters often do not at tract attention , yet a little crack in the poultry house , if near where the fowls roost , wiL cause suffering sooner or la ter. 1 j The sow that has proven herself extra valuable as a breeder and a mother should be one of the most prized animals on the farm. In mending a steep place in the roadside , briers , brush and all fence rr row mowings make good material to lay down to place the dirt upon. In erecting a woven wire fence one If the essential things to be consider ed is that of strong and well support ed corner or end posts. The great value of lime In the soil is its power to correct soil acidity , or sourness , and to improve its texture or physical condition. Well bred heifer calves mar often be purchased cheaply of people who live In town and keep but one covr far family use. The market for small fruits Is great er than ever , because the fruit is 'now bought up by the canning and preserv ing houses. To make a success of dairying you can't know too much about your cows. No two cows are just alike. The products of the dairy are per- liaps the most useful articles includ ed in the human diet Fall rains are searching. If there Is any doubt about the roofs get at them now. Location has much to do profitable disposal of second-claw ea. ' ' " ' " ' -