Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 17, 1910, Image 2

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The Valentine Democrat
I. M. RICE , - - Publisher.
Broken Sticks and Trampled Ground
Around Wooded Spot Show Clearly
that Child had Fought Her Slayer
Asbury Park , N. J. The body of lit
tle Marie Smith , 10 years old , who bad
been missing since last Wednesday ,
was found at dusk Sunday in the
woods near her borne.
Thomas Williams , "known in the
neighborhood as "Black Diamond , " a
negro woodcbopper , employed by the
girl's aunt , has been raising since the
day on which Marie disappeared. A
warrant was issued for him Sunday and
he was arrested in his room and admit
ted he had not left the room since
Thursday , and the appearance of the
room bore him out. His suspenders ,
were stained with what looked like
blood and a towel was found on which
bloody hands seemed to have been
The child was small tor her years
and not strong , but seems to have
fought desperately with her assailant.
The broken sticks and trampled ground
around her showed that , as did her in
juries. The blue ribbon she wore in
her hair had been tied tightly about
her throat She nad also been beaten
on the forehead with somje blunt in
strument The leaves under her face
were frozen with the blood.
In her struggles she had been grasp
ed by tne hand with such force that
the gold ring she wore had been flat
tened into the flesh. Her arms were
badly scratched and there was a wound
in the cartilege of her nose , which sur
geons say must have been caused by
human teeth shut down on it to cut off
her breathing.
3otham Campaign Begins in Interest
' of Jobless Americans.
A campaign in behalf of jobless
Americans began Monday , under the
direction of the Bowery mission , which
for thirty-one years has been helping
drifters to get on their feet. The mis
sion hopes to send the men to the west ,
where labor is needed , and will appeal
to the railroads to carry them at low
rates. ' Four hundred unfortunates had
a free dinner at the mission Sunday , at
the celebration of the thirty-first anni
versary of its foundation , and letters
from President Taft , Gov. White and
Mayor Gaynor were read.
Daring Daylight Holdup.
Great Barrington , Mass. Three
masked highwamen armed with rifles ,
secured between $4,000 and § 5,000
through one of the most daring hold
ups ever known in this section of Mas
sachusetts. The money comprises the
pay roll for two camps of Italian labor
ers employed by the Woronoso Con
struction company in the building of
an electric car line between Great Bar
rington and Edgemont The money
was carried by the paymaster , a man
named Hines , who was escorted by
Deputy Sheriff Fred Truesdell and
Carlton Robinson.
Cooked in Sulphite.
Glenn Falls , N. Y. Buried in boil
ing sulphite , pasty material from
which 'paper is made , Peter Christian
was cooked to death at the paper mills
at Port Edward , of which he was night
superintendent. Christian was stand
ing beside a big receptacle when a
plate blew out
Police Chief Slain.
Aladarko , Okla. Police Chief W. C.
Temple was called to his door by an
unidentified Mexican and fatally shot.
He died in fifteen minutes. The shoot
ing came about an hour after six shots
were fired at a patrolman on Main
street here by .some person who was
not found. . ,
Mystery in a Death.
Warsaw , Ind. With his head lying
In fa , pool north of Warsaw , Ray Ma
son of Kalamazoo , Mich. , second vice
president-of the Master Horse Shoers'
National Protective association , was
found dead. Mystery surrounds his
death xand the cause of his visit to
Warsaw ,
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Saturdays quotations
on the Sioux City live stock market
follow : Beeves , $5.00@5.50. Top hogs ,
? 8.25.
No Truth In the Story.
Calgary , Alberta. Investigation by
, he northwest mounted police show
there is no truth in the story circula
ted from Alix , Alberta , that Belle El-
more , wife of Dr. H. H. Crippen , ( was
there. The story , it is said , is wholly
a produce of the imagination. , tl .
"H V.i
Noble Prize for Chemistry.
Stockholm. The Noble prize for c
chemistry has been "awarded to Prof. t
Otto Wallacb , of the University of J
Eoettingen. ;
.fa tgfc.
* ' O
American Flag Is Trampled 'on and
Torn to Bits and American Citi
zens Insulted antf Attacked In
Mexican Capital.
Washington. The relations be
tween Mexico and the United States
are dangerously strained by reason of
the demands made on the United
States by Mexico for reparation for
the lynching of Rodriguez by Ameri
can citizens and the demand made
on the Mexican government by Am
bassador Wilson , backed up by the
state department for apology and
reparation for the insutt to the
United States flag and damage to its
citizens In the riots in the City of
One of the matters to be inquired
Into , especially by Secretary Knox ,
is whether the Mexican government
had any advance Information looking
to impending riots and whether it
failed to take proper precautionary
measures. It is alleged informally
that the Mexican government had
such information. The other view is
that events subsequent to the rioting
and especially the charging of the
mob and killing of some of the riot
ers by the police will go far to make
the matter easy of settlement by
Mexico City. The anti-American
demonstration , which started Tues
day night with the stoning of the
Mexican Herald offices , has developed
into an affair of International im
portance through the insults t and as
saults offered to American citizens
as well as the trampling of. the Amer
ican. flag In the dust'of the -streets
of Mexico City.
' One rioter was killed and several
were injured , among the Americans
attacked being the son of Ambassador
Wilson. ' (
Windows 'in a dozen American
business places were smashed ! AU
about town shutters were drawn and
establishments closed. Police ap
peared in the streets and kept the
crowds , mo ing.
An attack , was made upon the plant
of El Imparcial and the mailing
and distributing departments were
wrecked. For 20 minutes the mob
battered at the doors leading to the
editorial and composing rooms .above
with heavy timbers and fired the
wreckage. Then the mounted police
charged with drawn swords and the
crowd fled. One of the rioters was
killed. An alarm brought the fire de
partment to the scene before the
flames gained headway.
While the police looked on and
seemingly made no effort to prevent
tt , an American flag floating in front
of a candy store in the business dis
trict was torn down by a crowd of
several hundred medical students
and others , trampled and spat upon
and torn to bits. Later photographs
of the crowd were taken before the
offices of the Diario Del Hogar , a
Mexican newspaper , with many indi
viduals waving bits of the tattered
The demonstration was caused by
antipathy aroused among- the people
by the burning at the stake 6f Antonio - '
tonio Rodriguez at Rock Springs , Tex : , J
on the night of November 3.
Prof. Parker Duplicates Doctor's Pho
to Twenty Miles From
Mount McKinley. '
New , York. Prof. Herschel t Parker
of Columbia university , who returned
recently from an * exploration trip to
Mount McKinley , made public Thurs
day a series of photographs taken
near the Alaskan mountains which he
asserts are indisputable " evidence
that Dr. Frederick A. Cook , the
Brooklyn traveler , never reached the
top of the highest peak in America.
Professor Parker says that he found
the mountain peak which Doctor Cook
photographed and called Mount Mc
Kinley , "the top of the continent , "
and in support of his statement
showed a photograph of a peak taken
by his expedition last summer and
pointed out that a comparison of the
photographs shows in detail identical
outlines of rock formation , proving
that they are pictures of the same
"The mountain which I photo
graphed , " said Professor Parker , "was
twenty miles from Mount McKinley
and 15,000 feet below its summit.
This is the same peak that Cook
photographed and called the 'top of
the continent. ' "
Professor Parker corroborates the
confession made a year ago by Ed
ward Barrili , guide of Doctor Cook ,
that the latter's party never reached" :
She top of Mount McKinley.
Refuse Request of Pope.
Berlin. The Ta'egliche Rundschau
refuse the Vatican's request that
Reman Catholic professors * of" < the-
alogy be compelled to take * the test-
aath against modernism. * f ' - " p" > ; '
Girl Dea3 , Justice Held.- ' ' *
' * * C r > - * , * . ,
% * * v 7 J - ' * *
Alva , Okla. The tody , of ilss.
Mary Gates , clerk in , the f office of * tne
ounty clerk , was- found In a room-
jack of the office of N. J. Miller , a
justice of the peace , Thursday. Miler -
er is under arrest ;
Mr. A. Citizen Is Playing In a Little One-Act Comedy Entitled "Among
the Moth Balls , " or "One Cold Wave Leads to Another. "
Thrilling Demonstration Is Given at
Baltimore of What May Be Expect
ed From Air Craft in Time of
Baltimore , Md. An aviator dropped
bombs upon the deck of a battleship ,
as he circled in the air far above it
and blew the water craft almost to
One bomb went down the aft funnel
exploding in the b'oller-room and com
pletely'wrecking the machinery of the
'ship ' , beside ripping a hole in the bot-
'tom. "Another bomb struck the deck
.near the forward turret and disman
tled two 12-Inch guns and killed every
| man in their crew. A third landed
near the conning tower and put the
ship's steering gear out of commis
All this happened "constructively"
and at the aviation meet where a thril
ling demonstration of what airships
may be expected to do In time of war
was given by several of the aviators.
Latham was the most successful ,
scoring several hits „ on the "battle
ship , " which was outlined on 'the
grass. He fired six shots in all and
scored 15 points.
Drexel in his Blerlot followed La
tham in the bomb-throwing contest.
His first shot hit the deck. He was
flying fast Drexel's second shot was
a fine hit. His sixth bomb struck the
deck. His official score was given as
6. He made no bull's eyes.
What the crew of the battleship
could have done to the aviator while
he hovered 200 feet above them was
not demonstrated.
Force of Blast Felt Four Miles Away
Rescue Parties Are Rushed
" f * 'to Scene.
* ' I r ' ' - l . > * > , v
Trinidad , ool. Sixty or more miners
svere entombed and' may be dead as
a result of an explosion Tuesday 'in
Mine No. 3 of the Victor American
Fuel company at Delagua , 20 miles
northeast" Trinidad. Three men ?
were killed at the-mine's mouth.
Fifty of the men in the wrecked
mine are reported to have escaped
through entry No. 2. Two of the men
who were in the mine at the time of
the accident have been taken out
They were unable to tell anything
that would lead to the belief that
their comrades are still alive.
The force of the explosion was felt
Rt Hastings , four miles down the can
yon , and the news of the disaster
spread rapidly. Rescue car of the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company was
manned with a force of 76 trained res
cuers and taken by special engine to
the scene.
W. S. Getchel , general manager of
the Colorado division , was at Gray
Creek when notified of the disaster
and left at once in an automobile and
Is in personal charge of the rescue
work. The mouth of the main slope
Is badly cavri and recuers are di
recting their efforts to reaching the
entombed men through the rear of
No. 2 mine.
New York. A nuge galvanized
tank , containing 40,000 barrels of
kerosene exploded and ripped itself
to pieces like a gigantic firecracker
in the yards of the Tidewater Oil
2ompany .at Bayonne , N. , J. The ex
plosion was felt in this dty. Staten
island , from Mariner's Harbor to Tot-
enville , trembled for a full minute.
One man is known to be dead.
Dies After Sixty-Foot Fall.
Kankakee , 111. While" working on
he top of the new county courthouse
xere Thursday Adam Bishop ol'Louis-
rille , Ky. , pitched , head foremost 60
4iettto the ground , when tHe.coping
' *
'ell. He died an nbur later. '
" * Seek'to Save Doctor Crlppen.
London. A "new petition13for the
lommutation of the1 sentence of Dr.
lawley H. Crippen. sentenced to hang ,
or th r murder of his wife , Belle
Slmore , Is being circulated and up to
rhursdayjmd 1.0CO zfgzrrs. jt
Civic Pageant Through City Streets
Includes Presentation of Four
Scenes From Shakespeare.
London. The first prohibition
mayor of London was installed in
office when Sir Vesey Strong took
the oath of office amidst much cere
mony and pomp.
The procession from the Guild hall
through the streets of the city to
the law courts , where the oath was
administered and thence back to the
mansion house , was devoted to the
representation of four scenes from
Shakespeare connected with inde
pendent incidents in the history of the
city of London.
Episodes pictured were : First , the
return of Henry y. and his army after
the battle of Agincourt ; second , Sir
John Falstaff and his companions
leaving the Boar's Head , East Cheap ;
third , t Richard , duke of Gloucester ,
conducting King Edward V. and the
young duke of York to the tower ;
fourth , King Henry VIII. and Cardinal
Wolsey going to the papal inquiry
concerning Queen Katherine at
Premier Asquith delivered the
principal speech at the banquet in the '
Guild hall
Engineer Turns Over His Oxygen
Helmet That Mine Victims
May Reach Surface.
Delagua , Col. The bodies of 35
men were found Wednesday in the
north entry of the Victor American
Fuel company , where the explosion
originated. They were brought out
slowly over the debris , but not all
were identified.
Willis Evans'engineer of the Colorado
rado Fuel and Iron company at Pri-
mere , gave his life in the rescue of
four miners taken out alive. He came
to Delagua with the rescue car of the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company.
The rescuers worked their way along
the entry and heard the faint tapping
of a pick on solid rock , the wireless
call of the miner. They attacked the
fallen mass of rock that-blocked the
'entry with renewed hope. ' When they
tore through the cave they'found four
Slav miners alive and unhurt. They
were 2,600 feet from the surface , and
the passages were filled-'with after
damp. The rescuers feared to take
the imprisoned men to the surface
without helmets , and without a mo
ment's hesitation Evans and one of
the other rescuers-took off their hel '
mets and gave them to two of the res
cued men and waited for the return
of the rescue party.
When the rescuers returned Evans
had disappeared. The rescue party
supposed he had followed them out
without a helmet and went out with
out searching for him. They discov
ered he had not reached the surface
and another party was sent in after
c :
Convicted Slayer of Belle Elmore
Given Lease of Life While Attorney - e
ney Prays for Reprieve. nv
London , England. It was announced
officially Monday that Dr. Hawley H. 1 :
Crippen , convicted and sentenced to SS
death for the murder of his wife , SE
would not be executed Tuesday as
originally arranged , as the law provides V
vides that two weeks must elapse be
tween the dismissal of an appeal and a :
the carrying 'out of the sentence. tiri
November 23 has bean fixed upon rin
as the date of the execution. So n
licitor Newton , Crippen's counsel , is ffb
Irafting a petition for a reprieve. ;
" ' v Harding' Will Quit Politics.
Columbus , O. Warren G. "Harding ,
lefeated Republican candidate for ntl <
jovernor , who for 12 years has been tlb
ictive In state politics , Thursday an- b :
ibunced his retirement from politics.
tVIth his wife he will leave soon for sc
i trip to the orient
Gold Rush to Australia.
New York. Glowing accounts fcy
eached this city Tbursdayof wonder- fcW
ul gold discoveries in the district of W
filgarn , West Australia. Tne rush to hi
he fields continues era101 * * *
Citizens' Committee Declares Tailor1
Strike Is Justified After Inves
tigation of Trouble.
Chicago. Just when everybody
thought peace was in sight the
40,000 striking garment workers
turned down almost unanimously an
arbitration agreement signed by
Thomas A. Rickert president of their
national union , and officers of one of
the largest firms concerned in the
The rejection of the agreement puts
the strike back whore it was before
the peace negotiations were started.
Simultaneous with the rejection of
peace terms the committee of citizcr.3
interested in the strike several of
them social settlement workers is
sued a report covering a week's in
vestigation of the strike troubles.
The report declared the walkout
Justified on the ground of numerous
grievances existing In the various es
tablishments. The investigators
found the strike was spontaneous in
origin and not the result of dissen
sion spread by union agitators.
The report closed by recommending
a union or shop organization of the
employes for the purpose of dealing
collectively with the employers in the
adjustment of possible future disturb
The effect of the report undoubted
ly will be to encourage the strikers to
holdj at for recognition of the union
and for the closed shop as a condi
tion for the termination of the strike.
Railway Employees Will Ballot on
Whether to Go Out or Not Many
Roads Involved.
Chicago. According to the grand
officers of the Brotherhood of Lo > -
motive Engineers , for whom Grand
Chief Warren S. Stone of "Cleveland ,
O. , was the spokesman , a strike of
all railroad engineers upon the sixty-
one roads running north , south and
west of Chicago may be called in
January next.
According to Mr. Stone , and ad
mitted by railroad representatives ,
conferences were begun between a
committee from the engineers and the
Western Managers' association Sep
tember 26 , and nearly twenty-five ses
sions have been held since , and Mon
day all negotiations were broken off
as the last amicable arrangement of
differences was declared to be unac
The union committee was composed
of fifty-two general chairman from all
over the country , with six grand of
ficers , and the railroads , sixty-one in
number , were represented by a con
ference committee of ten , being Gen
eral Manager F. E. Ward , Burlington
road ; F. C. Bachelder , first vice-presi
dent B. & O. C. T. ; F. Durham of the
M. , K. & T. ; G. H. Emerson , assistant
general manager G. N. ; T. J. Foley ,
assistant general manager I. C. ; F.
C. Fox , general superintendent mo
tive power C. P. R. ; H. J. Simmons ,
general manager E. P. f S. W. , and
A. W Trenholm , general manager C.r
M. & St. P. W. B. Scott , assistant
director of maintenance : ind opera
tion , was chairman of the com
The engineers presented a demand
for an increase of 15 per cent. In
salaries , together with a number of
arrangements Improving conditions.
The railroad men offered compromises
which were refused , and the word was
taken back to the local unions to vote
whether or not to strike. The reply
will be brought back by December 15
The present working agreement in
force can be terminated on thirty-
days' notice. The brotherhood con
tains 60,000 members in the United
States , Canada and Mexico , and 33-
780 engineers will be affected on the
'Jnes In dispute.
He Is Released But Rearrested on
Charge of Attempting to Shoot
Man In 1904.
Hayward , WIs. Attorneys Zabel
md Schultz , head of the Deitz defense
ommittee , arrived here Monday from
3au Claire , where they received Judge
tVickham's approval of the bond ! 'of
The bond was approved and record-
id after which procedure Deitz was
lotified that for a time at least he
vas again a free man. His wife and
Clarence were overjoyed and quick-
y bringing his overcoat , Clarence as-
ilsted his father to put It on and
itepped out on the porch of the jail ,
lowever , his period of freedom was
rery short. Barely had the overcoat
een placed on him , when Sheriff
dadden read a warrant to him for J
be alleged attempted shooting of Pat- h
Ick McGin on May 8 , 1904 , and once '
aore the famous Cameron Dam de-
ender was placed behind the ,
Shoots Doctor. Kills Self.
Chicago. Dr. J. Holinger , an ear ,
ese and throat specialist , was shot
iree times in his office Wednesday
y a former patient , Louis Martin ,
[ artin then shot and killed him *
slf. o >
Father Kills Son in Quarrel. tie (
Lexington , Ky. John Bates , aged
rty , shot his son , Lewis. , eighteen .tl
ears old , dead nfter- being badl < : .tlc
'ounded by- the boy. who used u
atchet during a family fight in Mai
ign county , Wednesday.
New Uniforms for N. N. G.
The Nebraska National guard is tc
have olive drab uniforms. This , is a
real achievement for the guardand
is made possible by the transfer ol
$4,000 of the lederal funds available
for ammunition to the supply fund.
This has never been done before , and
several have said that such a transfer
was impossible. Adjutant General
Hartigan took the matter up with.
Colonel E. M. Weaver , chief of the
division of military affairs , and has
received a statement saying that
requisitions from the governor will be
charged to the supply account to the
extent that the ammunition fund is
not exhausted. Olive drab uniforms
will cost about $15,000. The $4,000
transfer will allow the adjutant gen
eral to purchase these uniforms with
the money now in the treasury and t
have a sufficient fund left for emep
Many Applicants for Place.
Notice has been ' received by the
secretary of the local board of ex
aminers o fthe United States civil
service commission , that there will be
seventy-five applicants to take the
railway mail clerk examination.This
examination will be held in. the Lin
coln business college , the civil service
rooms in the postoffice building being
inadequate for that number of appli
cants to be examined.
Will Inspect Nebraska Hall.
Nebraska hall , the second , building
on the university campus in point of
age , is soon to be Inspected by a com
petent architect to determine as to
its safety. For some time past it has
been recognized that the building was
fast deteriorating , and recently there
has been cause to fear that it would
not long be. safe for any use what
ever. The inspection is to be made by
an outside architect in order that
there may be no chance of alleged
prejudice being charged against his ,
decision. Nebraska hall was erected'
in the seventies. It is a three story-
and basement structure , providing
room for the biological sciences and
the medical college. More students
use it daily than any other building ,
save alone the main university hall
and the library.
Seed Laboratory Reopened.
The Nebraska seed laboratory , la.
cated at the state farm , which has
been closed for a'time throughout the
summer , has again been reopened and
is now prepared to test samples of
seed for parity and germination. This
department is a branch of the United )
States department of agriculture. The
tests are made free of charge for all-
farmers and others who send seeds
for this purpose. In order that no one
man shall flood the department with
work to the exclusion of others In the
state , the number of tests that any
one man may have made for him Is
limited to ten. This department * has
been operating at the state , farm for ,
four years. It was the first 'station of
the kind placed in the western , states
by the department at Washington. " -
Fires in Nebraska. ,
State Fire Warden Johnson ,
compiled a list of fires reported to
him since the first of the year. He
finds that 250 fires reported were from
unknown" causes ; fifty are attribute
to defective flues , sixty to the careless
handling of gasoline and 100 to the
careless handling of matches.
Arthur Mullen of O'Neill , deputy oil
inspector under Governor Shallenber-
ger , has been appointed to the va
cancy caused by the resignation last
week of Attorney General W.JT. .
Law Is Unconstitutional.
In a memorandum opinion" given
out in the case of the American Sure
ty company against Governor Shallen- JM
berger , Attorney General Thompson ,
and State Auditor Barton , Judge T. C.
Munger held the state law regulating'
the rates to be charged by insurance
companies in the state is in violation
of the federal constitution and there
fore void.
Donahue Pleads Not Guilty.
Chief Donahue of the police depart
ment of Omaha pleads "not guilty' "
in supreme court in reply to the
auster suit filed by Attorney General
Fhompson at the request of Governor
Shallenberger , who alleges dereliction
jf duty on enforcing the saloon clos-
ng law and laws relating to dives.
_ _ _ _ _ 't
John. Elliott , a convict from Doug-
as county , who lacks four years or
laving served out a fifteen year term
'or burglar- , made an attemptto
escape. He kept the prison authori-
ies busy twenty-four hours searching
or him before they found him.
Still Out of Debt.
State Treasurer Brian is confident ,
hat the state debt which no longer ex-
sts will continue to absent itself 'from
he records in his oflice till the end
f his official term , January 5 , and af-
er that there will be no need of the
xistence of such a tlebtFriday tfiere
iras $218,000 in the general fuaidjof
he state.This will besnfi ieat to
are for all of th4 expenses of the
tate government till late ins-the year
early next year when new tar col-
will &