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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1910)
Km k J ] r jC C and 19. _ 8- or Cost in Amberol Records 8 8B If your Edison Phonograph - B ° ograph is not equipped f to play the Amberol i (4 ( minute ) Records let I us jput an attachment on for you. We will supply the attachment I I and . .10 four-minute Eecords : Standard I Home - I VALENTINC. NtO t . . ; A , Safe , i.-ii-s * * * * * - f Simpe : ! System The system of paying by check was devised by all men- for any mail for. you. It is suited -to the need of ny business , either large Or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out | 10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BAHK VALENTINE. NEBR. C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine , Nebraska U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING NOV. 10,1910. Daily mean temperature 40. = " Normal temperature 3S3 Highest temperature ( IS3. Lowest temperature 16 ° . Range of temperature 52 ° . I Precipitation for week oo.b of an inch. Average for 22 3ears 0.19 of an inch. \ : Precipitation March 1st to date 14.67 inches. Average for 223rears 20.22 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer' C. & N. W. New Time Table. WEST IJOUND : No. 1 , 7:17 p. in. New passenger train. No. 3 , 1 : ; 55 a. m. Old No. 119 , 11:55 p. m. Through freight train. No. 81 , 2:00 p. in. Local freight train. EAST IJOUXD : No. 2 , 10 M2 p. in- New passenger train. No. C , 5:05 ju.m. Old " No. 116 , 6:20 n. m. Through freight train , No. 82 , li:00u. m. Local freight train. All Gang Plows , Discs and Har rows at cost and less. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. Tires , set quicker and better and will run longer" without loosening than is possible , , when set the old way if set with the Brooks cold tire setter. . * f - Call - . . . on" - . " . . , . , . - * - " EBREUKLANDER. . Preserve the present for tb future. Phelps photos Nov. 1 and 19. Corn King Manure Spreader * Price § 110.vvm ciose out at $9G LUDWIG LUMBER Cc Geo. W. Murphy , who no' ' runs the lulgore livery stable was in town Monday. Mi Driscoll will read "Poe' Bells" at the dedicatory service of the new Presbyterian bell. A. P. Snyder and family havi moved to town from Hot Springs He is a nephew of Capt. Shaw. The M. E. ladies' aid will giv a chicken pie supper in the base mcnt of the new parsonage Wed nesday night Nov. 16 , 1910. Ev erybody come. I will be located here for sorn Lime , and will buy all kinds o horses , cattle and sheep. Call a Fischer Hardware store , i3-St TED PERRINE. The ladies of the Presbyteriai Aid Society will hold a bazaar 01 the 7th of December. Those in tending to buy Christmas present : would do well to await that even before doing so. U. Fuchser , Orville Connor Mahlon Parker and Marion Moss all of the west end of the county were in town last Friday on busi uess. Mrs. Conner , who has beei visiting her folks , Mr. Tillson's accompanied her husband horn * to the Overton ranch. Miss Florence E. Dillon , form erly .telephone gvirl herean < Walter N. Walkerv a traveling man for Swift & Co. , were.unitec in marriage by the Rev. Wells a Ainsworth Saturday night , Nov 5 , 1910. Their home , we are told will be Waverly , la. Valentin < people have a very kindly feelimj for Miss Dillon. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Hunter stood up with then at the service , which was attendee only by home relations aside fron these friends. John Kavanaugh was run ovei by a special train at Kilgore Mon day night. John and Roy Kellai ind two others had started fron Crookston to Cody to hear a pre liminary trial of M. Hatten , Ev- 2ret White and young Jack Whip pie , who had been charged witl baving a St. Francis Mission calf but , at Kilgore , finding they woulc be too late , dropped off , and while running from the hotel to catcl the train , John Kavanaugh wai caught and run over. The funeral svas held in Valentine Wednesday , Republican Losses in Cities Wipe Ou Normal Plurality of Sixty Thousanc Grilk's Opponent Carries Ever ; County in the Second District. DCS Moincs. Nov. 9. With 85 pe cent of the vote still to be heard iron this monmig , the governnorship is i ) doubt , with indications leaning towari Claude 11. Pcrtcr ( Dem. ) as the sut cessful man. Progressives and standpatter : showed some neighborliness in thi congressional fight , although plural ities Avcre shaved to the danger point they seem to have elected thier mei in all but one district tne Second- where I. S. Pepper ( Dem. ) carriet every county. Outside of the governor the Repub licans elected their state ticket. Democrats claim the election ofW H. Dewey as a railroad commissioner The Daily Capital , with estimate : based on scattered precincts in thir ty-seven counties , predicts the re election of Governor Carroll by 3,000 Porter's aids claim that he will hav < ' 0.000 plurality at least. . Diarrhoea is always more or less prev ilent during September. Be prepared : or it. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholen ind Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt ant jffectual. It can always be depended ipon and is pleasant" to take. For salf DJ.Chapman , the druggist. . Hancock" Wilson. Miss Nancy Lucile Hancock o Woodlake and Mr. William Hi ! Wilson of Mt. Leonard , Mo. were united in marriage by th Rev. Wells , Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock , at the home of th bride's parents , D. A. Hancocl and wife , in Wpodlake , Nebr. The home was beautifully deco rated in pink and white flower and ferns. Miss Florence Hauna playe < a violin solo serenade , with pian < accompaniment by Miss Miniiii Woodruff , and an appiopriati vocal selection was sung by Mis Nellie Easley. Then began Loh engrin's wedding march. The bride was escorted by he : father to the corner of the roon under a flower arch , and the bride groom by Will D. Hancock , unck of the bride. Miss Mabel Fishei was the bridesmaid. The service , including the rin ceremony , was beautiful and im pressive , after which eighty guests in turn offered congratulations many of the lady and gentlemat friends kissing the bride and man.y of the ladies kissing the bride groom in good old custom of com panionship , while Mendlesohn's wedding march was played. Many valuable and beautifu presents were received , among which were a variety of cut glasj and hand painted chinawarc , sev eral sets of silver and seven carv ing sets , which would carve a possum , we guess. The wedding supper was served on plates by four of the young ladies and the punch bowl was presided over by two young ladies. The bride wore a beautiful white Longerie gown , trimmed in Val enciennes lace , and'a long tulle vail , held in place by a wreath oi bridal roses , and carried a shower boquet of roses which was caught by Miss Hanna when she threw it to the crowd. The bridal cake , containing a silver coin , a penny , needle , thim ble and ring , emblematic of wealth , poverty , bachelorhood , spinsterhood and matrimony , was divided among the guests , creating much mirthfulness. Sixteen guests were from Ains worth and twelve from Valentine , which included Mcsdames Charles Sparks , M. V. Nicholson , W. E. Haley , ' J. C. Quigley and 1. M. Rice , and Miss Wade ; Messrs. Walcott , Sparks , Quigley , Bates , Rice and Rev. Wells. The bridal couple departed on the 12 o'clock eastbound for Mis souri , amid showers of rice and other promiscuous missies and decorations. Mr. Wilson was accompanied here by his brother and Will Hancock , and we hear he is a prosperous 'Missouri farmer and worthy of the accomplished bride he has Tchosen , of which he is well aware , they being acquainted for years. The Chicago Cafe. East side of Main street north of depot. Meals at all hours , both day and night. First class ser vice. Call and be convinced. 42-4 MRS. M. GEDDES. Pick This Up Quick Good 4-room house with stone cellar , for sale cheap. House strong , well built and warm. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Casher or temrs. A bagain in this. Ask I. M. Rice , Valentine. tf Threshing Outfit for Sale M horse power , 28x50 Case Sep arator , all in good repair , for sale at a bargain , for cash , or will trade for horses or cattle , Address , SCHAEFER & BENNET , Nenzel , Neb. " Preserve the present for the future. Whelps photos Nov. isi and 19. . t Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands i and * Bottled Gucheh- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the Whiskeys. TI.S. Gov. ' We also handle the budweiser Beer. THEWe E SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. Resolutions. Whereas , our beloved brothei William Theron Bullis , departe this life on Oct. 28 , at Sturgis , S D. , at the age of 71 years , and Whereas , the members of Min nechaduza lodge , No. 192 , A. I & A. M. , of which he was a char ! er member , and thereafter a lif long , enthusiastic and highly es teemed brother , in stated meetin , assembled , on Tuesday evening Nov. 8 , 1910 , did authorize am appoint , by the the authority o its Master , the undersigned com mittee to draft and publish suit able resolutions to express thei appreciation of the departe < brother's zealous and untirinj labors for the Order in general a well as for his home lodge in par bicular , and their extreme sorrow because of his death , therefore be i Kesolved , that the death o Bro. Bullis has filled the hearts o lis brethern with deep'and abidin * distress , and has brought not onl. upon the lodge of which a mem Dor , but upon the Order at hirgi wherever he may have been a so- lourner , a severe loss. Resolved , that his brethern o the Masonic fraternity mourn , no only because Bro. Bullis' columr s broken arid his valued services withjn our sacred circle have ceased , but also because they have est a personal friend whose genia presence ever afforded conslair pleasure and whose- faithfulness and zeal for the Order always ex hibited a splendid example of ar honored citizen and a Mason. May he rest in peace until callec upon to arise and share in all the glories of the resurrection morn. Resolved , that these resolutions be spread , upon our records as a lasting tribute to his memory , and that a copy be sent to the loca papers for publication , as well as to the sorrowing widow and chil dren. W. W. WELLS. L. C. SPARKS. T. C. HORNBY. A car load of Weber wagons , mustbe sold at once. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. Get Your Trees Ready for Winter. Stori cultivating deep. Let them hed their leaves and ripen up theii wood bv only keeping a dust on top o1 ground to retain moisture in ground and on town lots where trees art watered gradually reduce amount of water. A tree needs moist grounc during fall and winter. If town lot trees need water later water them al freezing up time for their winter use , We have all the varieties of Cher ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit Shrubs , Roses and other ornamentals. GET THE CHEAPEST for a long biuie usefulness. A TREE IS A PER MANENT INVESTMENT. Get rreee irown nf arest home. They are ac climated and grown under same con- Jitions you want them to grow , and where they can be had the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries and 40 acres in our bearing orchard. Write for catalogue or any informa tion. Chas. } , Boyd , Brown County Nursery Ainsworth , Nebr , Nursery one block north-east of the Court House. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , 3. H. FAULHABER * SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. Eerd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 , STo. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 322 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , res , Bulls for Sale at All Times , Digestion and Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken but lie amount digested and assimilated that jives strength and vitality to the system , Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab ets invigorate the stomach and livei jid enable them to perform their fanc > ions natnrally.v.For sale by Chapman , hedrnggist. 5 GRANT JBOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Cuj/"ners. LMDBILLIARD HALL Cigars and Soft Drinks Q. STETTER PROP. Y BOY ' PB4VP" AND THEY CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOURS I A.U A MOTHER Ami I kit cmvi mother's love for her boys HIM ! the terrible anxirty and trliJeh only tin- fun ? * of r.icoiml ran cause. .Al.inyvere the promise * which my hey Save me to < i\.lt drinking and cic-h tine lie brolc them. Many we re the times ( lint 1 knelt in s'lrnt communion with my God anil nskrtl Kim to Rive my hey bark to me lire lovable. manly , honorable hey of old hut my prayj-r.s seemed unavailing. Jlis u-iM power was ! ratl and alMiou-h lie tried to quit and .fought valiantly against the tirrible rrav'ss for r.Uolul. In- was unable to do BO and lie ssemrd to till a drunkard's cruve. As a hist rtsort lie consented to tnr the THREE DRINK HABIT an l lir was cured at lattt. ' After Inking tlie ninrvi.-lons Neal Treatment , he threw his arm * nhont m * fried. " .Mollier. you have s.iveil me from a drnnknrd's jjrsuc. " The grand Neul Treatment Mivrd my hey for me iintl it fan clt tile same for > oiirh. " The n'jove is hut one of many lettert , which come to Us from , huppy mothers. v.-i\es and sisters whose dear ones hnviheen saved and restored to them. It tells in a few words the story of the Neal Three Day Drink Habit Cure , which 5n the space of seventy-two hours will rnrc any drinking man of m-ohollsm ettre him perfectly and completely. destroying all appetite. d < sire or rrnvlnx for H | iinr remove all accumulated alcoholic poisons from kit , system make a new mun of him in short cure him completely of alcohol : MIL A periodical IT habitual drirkint : man can no more rcsiht the craving for alcohol than the c ravins for water when it is handv. IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME you can completely and per.'ectly cure your son. husband or brother , by adminis tering to him the NEAL HOME TREATMENT Which consist * of purely vegetable medicines which are simply nilmintnt rrrt end which , in three day's time will lire any case of alcoholism no matter hov serious or how tons the patient has. drank. This is done under an absolute leral binding. GUARANTEE CONTKACT Vt'bich plainly states If , at lhs end of ti e. third day's treatment , the patient his tris-nds. doctor or family are not entirely satisfied with the re- units accomplished and perfectly satisHed that he is completely cured of the drJnt habit that the fee will be refunded in stantly Send for a copy of the contract. BUT THREE DAYS In the privacy of your home are re quired to effect a complete and perfect cure. The Neal Home Treatment is not a secret treatment for the drink habit can not be cured by such methods hut that it does cure drunkenness in the spare of three consecutive days is at tested by the hundreds of testimonials _ an l ENDORSEMENTS Of some of America's most noted min- lster , lawyers , judges , business men. public officials and others whose letters rccoromrmlinjr the . * > ! Cur * nr * ron- tainiMl in n little booklet entitled "Jr - tcrs From Tropic Tou Know. " which will- beir.nilctl upon request. XO HYPODERMICS Arc iisceJ In the N > al Horn * Trn ni flt nothing but plain vo-rtablo mrdirlnr * winch arc ntlministorcd Internally. Tl-r UJ-P of hypodermic * IB dangerous I V/E OFFER TO PROVE To yon that any man mn bp rvA of th - drink Imblt in 3 days Jimr and that the N > al Home Treatment will rffcrt a perfect and lomplele cure In that Urn ? . YOU TAKE NO CHANCE If there Is a chance we take It. for the K ! Home Treatment In fnrnin'ied yon upon a "No Cure. No Pay" bawl * _ you don't even have to pay UK until after the treatment has been administered and lt merits proved unless you want to. WRIIE IODAY-ISOW , for our book which tells all about the cau.e and cure of elcohoHim-it's free , and you put yourself under no obligations to us bywriting foi it. Sent in plain , sealed wrapoer. NEAL INSTITUTES CO. , Home Treatment Dept. Atlantic , Iowa DESK G We Search the World We print honie news and news of the world. All the news that's news. Thank You We thank you for ing. You will thank us foK < gfcT & ing you a clean newspaper.