Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 10, 1910, Image 6

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_ M
I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
MarkZarr , Foreman.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
. - * .
Subscription - SI.50 Per Year.
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered at the Postofflce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through the malls , as second
it * _ .
Thursday , November 10 , 1910.
Bro. Cotton is glad the cam
paign is over and has nothing to
apologize for. So are we.
Winifred Hudspeth is getting
out a very creditable paper at
Newport , which he now runs as a
democratic newspaper , though it
still bears the name , "Newport
Republican. "
Roosevelt says elections should
not be frequent. If they were
made ten years apart he would
think it disturbed the people too
much. Of course business would
be disturbed to have any election
at all.and the "let well enough
alone" theory would be popular
with those who profit under the
new tariff bill.
During the last week of the
campaignerBryan stumped the
state in the interest of the republi
can candidate for governor and
the remainder.of . .the democratic
ticket , being only opposed to
Dahlman'vfor ; governor. The State
Journal , ? .in a leading. * editorial ,
deplored the fact that their re
publican friends wentin great num
bers to hear him flail Dahlman and
also hear * ' him play upon his hear
ers with a strong argument for
the democratic congressmen senator - -
tor and state legislature. This
may have been a good way to get
the hidebound to listen to
reason and bear real democratic
talk. . . . . A
The styles of millinery or hats
forthe women have been going to
extremes' tKcf past few years. We
will welcome the .time when they
get back to a thing of beauty.
Because some woman - 'looks'well
in "a half-bushel hat shouldtbe a
poor reason for all to " "i mi tale w'fib"
would look ridiculous. If women
will refuse to wear these grotesque
styles and shapes they can curb
the fads and fancies of the cranks
who put them out. There is a
modest style in which the women
Jook best that they can cleave to ,
refuse to make themselves appear
at disadvantage in the use of head
gear that is only made to sell.
Those setting the styles are con
stantly racking their br'ains to put
something new before the people
that ? - - Swillbe different from last
year's hat and may in time get
back to the. old shaker bonnet and
hoops in place of the present top-
heavy , headgear and ' 'bean-stalk
formcl ; ; raises. .
Big Democratic
. ' .L , llQains Everywhere.
Taft and Roosevelt both , refuse
to be interviewed. 'Say they have
no Btng to'-say jrhe country has
just simply repudiated them.
Senator Beverage of Indiana
lost out and is retired to private
life. .Land slide in all the stand
pat states. ' The-progressive or in
surgent states barely held their
OWH and , the 'democrats have a
morjty of 29 in the House of
Representatives and gained heavily
in the seriate , though not enough
for a majority.
? , v.v = * . . . ' . i
Cherry' County Complete.
Burkett . 971
Hitchcock . . . . . . . . .923
Aldrich . . . ! ? . " , .HM
. , * . , , .
TX 1 " ' * T * - fr-v - * r- - * * * - - i - ( * * t\r\ *
Daulmap . Sd9
Ki ritaid : > i / . . - . "tj . f. . : ' : : . . < . ' < - - . , - . -.1266
' " ' :
Reynolds \ . . * . : , \ V ; . I : - ; ; . : ; .TS6
* Haley- . $ . ; ' . > : ? ' ' * * & A . 4 9
Clarkl-l i . * ! . . ; : . . . : g * „ " . : / : . . ' . . V. 1015
Carru C . - . . - ' . , * . ' r > . * . ' . " C . . „ . . . . . .v8 ( 0
.Nebraska democrats claim whole
stateJbickefr , " except j Idrich .an&
Barton , -congressmen' ' in First" , "
Second arid'Third .Districts- , ma
jority in bptjx branches .of the leg
islature , and Hitchcock -for UVb
and JIaley . . , are - defeated. ! , , - : . .
Dix Defeats Slira in Nen
York by Ploraiily of 65,000.
c _
Baldwin Wir.3 Governorship of Con
necticut to the Democracy Fosa
Elected in Massachusetts Demo-
ccat3 Capture Congress and Maka
' Gains in Senate.
New York , Nov. 9. More complew
returns from the elections held
throughout the ccufttry serve to em
phasize .rather than diminish the Dem
ocratic landslide. There is hardly a
section of the entire nation where the
Republican vote did not slump notably
and in many cases disastrously. The
Sixty-second congress will be Demo-
* "Xw ieM > * V i ir J Tr TLjClf
cratic by a good working majority ,
whilein the United States senate the
Republicans have only a scant lead
over their opponents.
Four influential eastern states
New Yorlc , Massachusetts , Connecti
cut aiid New Jersey take their places
at ( he head of the procession with
Democratic governors and strong
Democratic representation in their
legislatures. Ohio , too , is Democratic.
The two great leaders of the Repub
lican party , Taft and Roosevelt , alike
met defeat in their own states. Reese
velt's home town of Oyster Bay went
against him ; his-congressional district
chose a Democratic representative to
replace Congressman W. W. Cocks ,
Roosevelt's warm personal friend ; his
state repudiated the Republican candi
date for governor by 65,000 plurality.
As anadditional blow the New York
state legislature is Democratic and
will elect a Democratic senator to
succeed Chauncej"- . Bep'ew.
House Id Democratic. >
, President Taft .today finds .himself
face to face "with the one danger which
he h.s most dreaded and which he be
sought the Republican -voters of the
nation to prevent a hostile house of
representatives to nullify what remains
of his legislative program. A Demo
cratic house , President Taft has point
ed out , will paralyze the administra
tion and make any party legislation
impossible. On the other hand , the
effectiveness of the Democratic ma
jority in the lower house will be
largely nullified with the hold the Re
publicans still retain in the senate.
A striking feature of the voting
throughout the country was the repu
diation of Republican leaders in their
own homes. Vice President Sherman's
home town , Utica , went Democratic
by several hundred. Sareno Payne's
home city , Auburn , defeated him by
SOO votes , although the rural districts
arpiindabout came to his rescue and
made his seat secure for another term ,
[ n New York city Congressman Will
iam S. Bennett was beaten by Henry
3eorge , Jr. , and Herbert Parsons by
lefferson M. Levy. Congressman J.
Slcat Fassett of Elmira , who went
lown to defeat in 1S91 as a Republic-
in candidate for governor , yesterday
est his seat in the lower house , and
Hamilton Fish WES defeated for re
jection as the Republican candidate
n the Twenty-first New York district.
Another feature of the voting in the
? ast was the fact thnt in a majority
) f the bis : cities the Republicans
gained while they lot In the country ,
n New York slate , for Instance , the
: arly returns from upstate seemed to
ndicate the ejection of a Renublican
rovernor. In Ohio , similarly , Harmon ,
he Democratic gubernatorial cancli-
late , lost heavily in the citv rnd
; aincd in the country. The Repulican
carters here explain this as due to the
; ostiity of the labor vote to the Dem-
icralic candidate.
Summary by States.
Summed up the results of the vari- "
us state elections wore as follows :
ilatiaittn. New Jersey.
Connecticut. New York ,
'lorlda. Ohio ,
tidiana. "Oklahoma ,
[ fissachusotts. South Carolina ,
fevada. T ? xas.
'oTorado. New Hampshire ,
aware. North Dakota ,
' - ' r. Pennsylvania.
'anas. Rhode Island.
iifhi ran. South Dakota ,
[ inncsota. Tennessee ,
'ebraska * Wisconsin.
One of the most astonishing
mis .was in the rockribbed RepubHe.-
n state of Massachusetts , where Eu-
? nn N. FOSS ( Dem. ) had a majority
: 30QOO. The long contested split inc
\c \ Democratic - nominating ccnven-
pn ; had appeared to indicate a state
1 disruption , which gnvc- the Repub"
zahs great hope , but rot'ers seemed
to have . -forgotten this' at ths polls
Fo.ifi' campaign was made on a
ctrai htout tarijt issue. The Massa
chusetts legislature is Republican anc
will elect Sei.ator Led e.
In Nov.- Jersey Dr. Woodrow Wilscn
who.resi2-isrt the presidency of Pr.nce
ton university to take up ths work 01
campaign v/as swept-into the govern
or's chairbyi2'J,000 votes , carrying
with him" Democratic majority i _
the joint session of legislature in
surlng a Deriiocratic successor tc
Senator John Kean. Most of New Jer
sey's ten congressmen will sit wit. . :
the Democratic majority in the Sixty-
second congress. Connecticut has
elected a Democratic governor for th ;
first time since 1893 in the person cl
Judge Simeon E. Baldwin. The Re
publicans lost heavily in Rhode Isl
and , re electing Governor Aram J
PothSer by' a scant 1,200 votes , a ;
against his plurality of about 12.00J
in the last election. Senator Aldrich's
successor will be a Republican.
Pennsylvania appears on late re
' "
turns' to have elected John K. Tener ,
the straight Republican candidate , bj
a reduced plurality. Berry ( Dem. ) ,
running on the Keystone independent
ticket , led him a hard fight all alonj
the line.
Tennessee elected a fusion candi
date , Ben AV. Hooper , by a generoua
margin. Michigan was overwhelming
ly in favor of Charles S. Osborn , thi
Republican nominee , while Wisconsin
chose Frank E. McGovorn ( Rep. ) bu
a reduced plurality. *
In Indiana , it seems assured Sena
tor Eeveridge has been defeated , thai
the Democratic state ticket has beeu
elected and that probably the entire
Indiana delegation in congress will btj
In New Hampshire , Robert P. Bass.
Republican candidate for governor , do
fer.ted . C. F. Carr , Democratic candi
date , by about G.fOO plurality.
In Iowa the Democrats claim th
election of'Claude R. Porter for governor - ,
ernor , but this is not yet conceded , j
In Nebraska , C. H. Aldrich , Repub
lican candidate for governor , is ap
parently elected by 15000 over James
C. Dahlman , Democratic.
Piiraiity is Largely Inergaiod ,
According to Returns.
Columbus , Nov. 9. Returns over the |
state show the re election of Governor j
Judson Harmon ( Dem. ) by a plurality |
of 40,000. He not only gained in the
cities , but the , rural districts showed i
" '
increased plurality. . j
Cleveland , Nov. 9. Judson Harmon - !
mon ( Dem. ) was re elected governor
of Ohio by a largely Increased plural
ity , according to returns from about
250 precincts of the 4,526 in the state.
Even the approximate figures are still
in doubt , owing to a considerable
switch in various districts of the
state. Two years ago he was elected
by 19,372.
In fifteen Cleveland precincts Har
mon shows a gain of fourteen votes
to a precinct , partly overbalancing the
Republican gain of thirty to a precinct
[ n Cincinnati. The complexion of the
legislature is still in doubt.
The rural districts are snowing
large Democratic gains.
Boston. Nov. 9. The Democrats
gained nine of the first forty-seven
epresentatives reported elected. This
s a gain of about 20 per cent , and if
naintained through the state would
jive the Democrats between .eighty
md eighty five seats out of a total or
140 in the house , which would not be
> nough to affect the election of United
States senator.
Governor Eben S. Draper gave out
i statement conceding the election of
Jr. Fpssby a substantial plurality
.nd congratulating him.
Chicago , Nov. 9. Returns from
more than 100 precincts in Chicago ,
.ccording to the City Press associa-
ion , indicate a Democratic landslide
"he election of the entire Democratic
icket by a plurality of 40,000 is prob-
ble. The returns indicate that the j
) emocrats have parried the city by - -
bout 50,000 plurality and that they
lay gain five or six of the ten con-
ressional districts In the city.
Returns indicate the re-election of
peaker Cannon In the Eighteenth dis-
rict by a reduced plurality over Will-
im L. Cundiff ( Dem. ) .
Philadelphia , Nov. 9. Republican
tate Chairman Walton claims the
lection of Congressman John K.
ener ( Rep. ) fr gsvernpr by a large
lurality. Berry , his Keystone pprty
pponent , . .does not appear * to have
cen as strong as his friends , had' ex- * ;
ected , while Grim- , the Democratic-
ihdidate , is running far beliina. .
1 - . . . . .
$ gS |
a M
M saixSu&a
Figures Favoraiiie to Republican
Gaitditt For Governor ,
Dahlman Piles Up Majority of Over
Eighty-Five Hundred in Home Coun
ty , but Country precincts' Give Aid-
rich Heavy Support Hitchcock
Leads for Senator.
Omaha , Nov. 9. Chester H. Aldrich
of David City , Butler county , is elect
ed to be the next governor of Ne
braska by a decisive plurality over
James C. Dahlman of Omaha.
Returns from 368 precincts indicate
that Aldrich will come to Douglas
county by at least 15,000 , and perhaps
more , in the lead of Dahlman. This
will wipe out Dahlman's immense ma
jority in Douglas and leave Aldrich
anywhere from 7,000 up.
Douglas county has given Dahlman
( Dem' . ) for governor a majority of
something like 8,500 over Aldrich
( Rep. ) and Dahlman has carried all
his associates on the Democratic ticket -
, et over the safety line with him.
. . Congressional Returns.
First district HaywarcT ( Rep. ) ap
pears to have a safe lead over Ma-
'guire ( Dem. ) , both men claiming vic
tory ; '
Outside of Douglas county Judge
Button has a lead of 322 , but cannot
overcome Lobeck's lend in this coun
ty. In Sarpy Sutton received 826 , Lo-
beck 734 ; in Washington Sutton 1,209 ,
Lobeck 87,9.
Cor.gresGman Latta has apparently
won a re-election in the Third district ,
figures showing him in thq lead with
3,435 .votes , as against 2,859 for Judge
One return from the Fourth disirict
gives Sloan ( Rep. ) 202 , Good ( Dem. )
Judge Norris has increased his vote
of two years ago in parts of the Fifth
district , especially in Hall county , and
is likely to have a substantial major *
ity. Returns are very few , but all fa
vorable to Norris.
In the Sixth Congressman Kinkaid
has a safe lead on the figures in
hand , with over 500 to the good. The
returns received give Kinkaid 2,694
and Taylor 2,122.
Hitchcock for Senator.
-Lincoln , Nov. 9. Incomplete returns
from the state outside of Omaha indi
cate that Congressman Hitchcock has
carried the state by a good majority.
Chairman Husenetter said that ho
was thoroughly satisfied that Aldrich
fvould go through with a sufficient ma
jority to carry the entire Republican
state- ticket with him Hev received a
telegram from the Fifth congressional
listrict saying that five counties hat }
beep heard from and they will give
Mdrjch a majority of 3,500 and that ,
ill's majority in the district woujd fee
: arge.
Returns from 433 precincts Indl-
: ated that Hitchcock , Democratic noni-
nee for senator , had carried the state '
jy close to 20,000 majority over Bur- (
vett. <
Arkansas ,
jck , Nov. 9. The Democratfa
nade a clean sweep in the congres1 1
election felecting all nominfefes. 1
Election of .VcGovernor , Republican
Candidate for Governor , Claimed.
Milwaukee , Nov. 9. United States
Senator LaFollette ( Rep. ) will be reelected
elected to the upper house of congress
hy the legislature elected in Wiscon-
son , which will be sai'oly Republican.
The election of Francis F. McGovern
( Rep. ) governor is claimed by the
Republican state central committee
by a safe plurality , though by a con
siderably reduced plurality , compared
with tlie vote of two years ago , when
Governor Davidson ( Rep. ) defeated
John A. AylwaVd ( Dem. ) by 80.000
Eight Republicans and one Democrat
( Sixth district ) have been elected to
congress and two districts , the Fourth
and Fifth , are in doubt.
Returns from these two districts
show that the Republican and Social
Democrats are running a neck and
neck race.
Bancroft , Republican candidate for
attorney general , appears to be reelected -
elected over the LaFollette candidate ,
Charles H. Cvownhart of Superior , for
that ofilre , who is running as an in
dependent Republican. The Social
Democrats are making heavy gains in
Milwaukee county and claim they will
elect their county ticket.
Oemocrals ttili Control Legisia-
lore and Olioose Kern Senator.
Indianapolis , Nov. 9. Incomplete
returns irorn a majority of ninety-two
counties of Indiana this morning indi
cated that the Democrats will have
a majority in the legislature and that
the state ticket will be Democratic by
a small majority.
John W. Kern , the Democratic can
didate for United States senator , is
sued a statement declaring that the
legislature was Democratic. Stokes
Jackson , chairman of the Democratic
state committee , also asserted the
Democrats would make a clean sweep.
The Republican leaders gave out no
. .
statement and neither did Senatoi
Beveridge have anything to say as tc
the election.
The Democrats seem to have car
ried eleven of the thirteen congres
sional districts and it is probable that
Congressman Crumpacker of the
.Tenth and Congressman Barnard of
the Sixth , are defeated , although their
friends would not admit it.
Denver , Nov. 9. With only a little
over 50 per cent of the ballots cast as
straight tickets , Republican and Dem
ocratic leaders alike claim victory
from the split ticket vote. Partial re
turns from straight tickets give John
B. Stephen , Republican candidate for
governor , a majority outside of Den
ver county , and John F. Shafroth ,
Democratic candidate for re-election ,
a lead within it.
New Hampshire.
Concord , Nov. 9. Ninety election
districts out of 290 in New Hampshire
for governor give : Bass ( Rep. ) 8,958 ,
Carr ( Dem. ) 6,468. In 1918 the same
districts gave : Quinby ( Rep. ) 9,172 ,
Carr ( Dem. ) 7,613.
At this ratio throughout the state , a
majority is indicated for Bass for gov
ernor of 6,645.
Fail to Carry Six.
Chicago , Nov. 9. Democrats have
failed to carry six of the Republican
congressional districts in various
states which they had claimed. Two
3f these districts were in Massachu
setts , one In New York , one in Penn
sylvania and two In Wisconsin.
Cheyenne , Nov. 9. Carey ( Dem. )
'or governor has a majority of over
J.OOO over Mullen ( Rep. ) in 400 pre-
iincts. Mondell ( Rep. ) , for re election
is repressntative-at-large , Is re-elect-
2d by over 1,500. Chqyenne also elect tir
ed a Democratic mayor. r :
Carson , Nov. 9. An unofficial count
ihows Oddie. Republican candidate for
rovernor. to have carried Ormsby h
: ounty by GO vgtes ; Nixqn ( Rep. ) for
; enator by 125 ; Roberts ( Rep. ) for
: ongress by about the same figures. TI
Georgia , j c <
Atlanta. Nov. 9. Georgia returned i al
he- usual solid eongresslonnl delega-
ion Returns Indicate that Walter j
kkerman. the only Republican candi- !
ate. was overwhelmingly defeated by
iordon Lee , ir.cumbent.
Jacksonville , Nov. .y. Returns show
ical optionists are in the lead. Ail to
fcjnocratis candiflatfes wbrfe elettfeo . c *
His Majority Is Estimated at From
12.000 to 20CCO.
Tnpeka , Nov. 9. Governor W. R.
Stubbs was re elected in Kansas by a
majority estimated by Republican
campaign managers at from 12,000 to
20,000. Stubbs made his race on a
progressive Republican platform and
was vigorously opposed by George A.
The remainder of the Republican
state ticket is practically certain of
election. ,
The election of six Republican con
gressmen is conceded , but the results
of two congressional races remain in
In the Third district , F. P. Camp
bell , a standpat Republican , and J. D.
Eotkin are running a close race.
Frank Rockefeller , a cousin of John
D. Rockefeller , and a Democrat , and
L. D. Young , a Republican , are having
a hard struggle iu the Sixth district.
South Dakota.
Sioux Falls , Nov. 9. Willis C. Cook ,
chairman of the Republican state com
mittee , made the following statement :
"We claim Governor Vcssey and the
full state ticket has been elected by a :
majority of not less than 12,000 over
the Democrats. Indications are that
the ir-ajorities for Congressmen Mar
tin ar.d Burke will run above that fig
ure. "
Repiiic8iis ! ) ! Lose Seats in Con \
gress in Elgdt States. . ;
Chicago , Nov. 9. Democratic con
trol of the next house of representa
tives became a certainty this morn
ing. It was then known that the Dem
ocrats had gained twenty-six seats In
the house , including two previously
secured in Maine. Republicans gained
from the Democrats two seats , mak *
ing the .Democratic net gain twenty-
four , which is sufficient to give them
That they will have a good working
majority was indicated by the returns
from several states , among them New
Tersey. Returns there showed that
ihere probably would be a gain of six
Democrats in the representation of
; hat state.
Other returns from New York and
Pennsylvania indicated the success of
several Democrats in their contests
or scats now held by Republicans.
The Democrats also expected to In-
: rease their lead by returning several
nembers from Illinois and also from
Missouri. It was considered possible
hat they would be successful in ser-
tral doubtful states.
The definite Democratic gains were :
Jew York , S ; Pennsylvania , 3 ; North
Carolina , 2 ; Ohio , 2 ; Massachusetts.
; Maryland , 2 ; Connecticut , 1 ; 1111-
.ois , 1 ; Iowa , 1 ; Kentucky , 1 ; Mis-
ouri , ] ; West Virginia , 1.
The Republican gains were one each
i Massachusetts , New York and
In New York seven Republican
eats Avere secured by the Democrats ,
a Maryland , Massachusetts and North
arolina each , the Republicans lost
; vo seats. Losses were definitely
nown to have been sustained In I1II-
ois , Kentucky , Missouri and Ohio.
The known Democratic gain is
'ghteen seats , offset by two Repub-
can gain from the Democrats , one
ich in New York and Pennsylvania.
Reports received from other states
idicated the Democrats would have
nple margin to assure them the
vnnty-two seats necessary to give
tern control of the house , two Demo-
atic gains previously having boon :
iported in Maine.
San Francisco , Nov. 9. California
mains in the Republican column ,
iram W. Johnson has been swept In-
the office of governor by a plurality
timated on a basis of partial re-
rns at 50,000. Seemingly he has car
tel the entire Republican state ticket
New Jersey.
TrentonNov. , . 9. Figures available
re indicate that Woodrow Wilson
lem. ) has carried New Jersey by
out 15,000. Returns indicate a plu-
lity of between 10,000 and 12,000 for
ilson in Essex county. Hunterdon
unty is Democratic by nearly 2,000
d Warren by 1,600.
Helena , Nov. 9. Returns , 'though
lager , indicate that the Democrats.
II control the legislature and elect
successor to Senator Carter.
S'ew Haven , Nov. 9. Eighty-five
7ns give : Goodwin ( Rep/ ) for goy-
i0r 3'6',2t > 4 , Baldwin ( Dem. ) 38,984.
- ' . . - . _ . _ - _ .