Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 10, 1910, Image 5

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world-wide interest
ITH the present -
terest in aviation has come a
a corresponding stimulus of in
terest in kite flying not the
ordinary sort of kite flying that
we all indulged in when we
were boys , although that has
many devotees but scientific
kite flying. Both in England and
America daring experimenters
have accomplished wonders
with man-lifting kites , which
when sent up tandem have dem
onstrated their ability to lift hunan -
$ nan beings to the clouds quite as neatly as do
motor-driven airships. Then , too , Alexander Gra-
fcam Bell , the inventor of the telephone , has these
jjast few years performed some wonderful experi
ments with a new type of kite made up of triagu-
W cells and hopes yet to solve the problem of
aerial navigation with a sky craft developed along
. this line.
While the man lifting kites have thus been de-
jreloping to the point of undreamed-of possibilities
another branch of scientific kite flying has been
Making like progress. This embrances the use
ibf kites for studying the conditions of the upper
er and obtaining data to be used In forecasting
weather. Various institutions all over the
have been using Mtes in this way , but the
hap been taken by the United States gov
ernment , thanks to the facilities which it enjoys
Bt its unique new weather observatory in north
ern Virginia , not far from the West Virginia line.
'Hie Mount Weather observatory , as this new kite
station is officially designated , is designed espe
cially for the exploration of the upper air by
taeans of kites and balloons and it is located on
ftop of a peak nearly 2,000 feet high in an isolated
art of the Blue Ridge mountains that which no
Setter location could be imagined for this class
9l work.
There are not many buildings at this kite-fly
ing outpost , hut a substantial stone structure has
peen provided for use as a kite house. This Is
Jiie headquarters for a corps of five men who
Devote all their time to this branch of aerial
srork. More than two dozen kites are constantly
kept on hand and in readiness for use and in-
otaded In this equipment are samples of all the
kinds of kites which have been used by
scv of the foreign governments that have en
gaged in scientific kite flying. However , Uncle
Sam's experts have developed some designs of
fcites that are superior to anything known abroad ,
Sknd particularly have they evolved a wonderful
new type of kite that can be sent aloft in the
( fierce gales that sweep over the Virginia moun
tains. The ordinary kite will fly in any wind
/with / a velocity of ten miles per hour or more ,
tmt is not adapted to use when the wind exceeds
' $5 miles per hour. However , this new style kite ,
wbich weighs but eight pounds and has a lifting
jrorface of 58 feet , has made successful flights
more than a mile in height when the wind was
Sowing a gale of 46 miles an hour.
The government experts have sent up kite's at
Mount Weather as high as 23,000 feet , which
means , of course , several miles. Of course no
fope or string can be used for such kite flying ,
fcnt "wire must be employed. The wire is wound
mpon an immense reel of forged steel and the kite
flying is in reality done by machinery , this reel
fceing operated by a three-horsepower electric mo
tor. When it is desired to haul down or draw in
a , kite this reel is set in motion at any speed de-
ftired. The steel drum has capacity for carrying
50,000 feet of piano wire , which is much more
M j * Leonid be required for any kite flight that
ever , be attempted. The object of Uncle
kite flying is of course to explore the upper
to that end automatically operated record-
/mfr Instruments are attached to every kite sent
' These bring down records not only of the
by the kite but of the tempera-
tare at various altitudes and other information of
greatest vatae to the scientists in their study
atmesplxerd that envelops the earth.
remarkable' development of the aeroplane
is the greatest wonder of the century. Yet the
airman is impatient and his cry now is for great
er speed. In speed he sees the solution of his
greatest problems. Gradually it has dawned upon
him that the air is the ideal element for high
speed traffic that through the air , before very
long , speeds will be attained which are pos
sible with vehicles on land or ships on the sea.
To the makers of engines the airman says , "Give
me more power , which spells speed. " To the build
ers of aeroplanes he cries , "Construct roe planes
capable of the maximum of speed. "
And the speed of aeroplanes has been creeping
up. At first it was 35 miles an hour. Then came
40. Soon this was left behind. Round prepared
aerodromes a pace of 45 and 50 miles an hour was
attained. Nor did the seeking of speed end here.
With racing monoplanes a rate of 55 and 60 miles
an hour was possible. Not satisfied with this ,
pilots have added mile by mile , until the latest
record Is 66 miles an hour.
In response to an inquiry along this line an ex
pert recently said : "Personally I believe that this
is only the beginning of the speeds that aero
planes will be able to attain. Some one was dis
cussing this vitally interesting aspect of airman
ship with me only the other day. He asked the
question , 'At what rate'will aeroplanes be flying
through the air in a comparatively short space of
time ? ' My answer was , 'In six months I fully ex
pect that a monoplane will be registering speeds"
of 100 miles an hour. ' Friends of mine who are
experts upon the scientific a'spects of airmanship
predict that eventually speeds of 200 and even 300
miles an hour will be possible. At this one's imag
ination is apt Co reel. But thisfcmuch is certain t
If the flying machine is to become * of real Impor
tance and not remain a sporting toy it will need
to be speedier than any method of transit on
land. " * * ' ' - *
" "The aeroplane engine is the crux of the situa
tion ! 1Upori 'its''development rapid or slow de
pends also the development of airmanship. Fortu
nately for the new science-In which we are all so in
terested , the flying machine motor is already mak
ing quite extraordinary strides. As a well-known
maker remarked to me the other day , 'Each motor
which we turn out nowadays marks a step up a
iadder of progress. ' And the engines for aircraft
are not only being made more reliable , but they
.also , weigh leps than they did at first for each
horsepower'of energy
"This is all-important
In this respect alone en
gineers have been achiev
ing results of late which
would have been declared
absolutely impossible by
experts a few years ago.
From my point of view ,
as a pilot of aeroplanes ,
the improvement in en
gines has been astonish
ing. Last year , although
long flights were occa
sionally made , the un
dertaking of a cross-coun
try journey was a matter
of considerable uncertain
ty. Now , however , al
though our engines are
still admittedly imperfect ,
one can fly from point to
point with a growing confidence
"Although much of the
future of airmanship is
still in doubt , the estab-
nf rpEriilar air
towns is an innovation
of large
stations , in the vicinity
accomplished fact.
be an
vation which will soon
' simple. It will ,
' station'
The idea of the 'air
the garage for the motor
roughly , correspond to
car. There will be a large , smooth open space for
machines to start from and also to alight upon.
of sheds in which air craft
There will be a number
will be housed. There will be repair shops ; also
depots in which oil and petrol will be stored. The
special map before he starts
airman , studying a
will locate the position
upon a long cross-country flight ,
sition of the various air stations en route and halt
at some of them filling up his tanks , having hia
engine overhauled , and perhaps garaging his ma
chine for the night in one of the sheds provided.
"Already a convincing proof of the develop
ment of flight international authorities are discuss
ing seriously the immediate laying down of regular
'airways. ' Simply described , an airway will direct
the passage of air craft over a given tract of land
when in flight from city to city or from one country
to another. These airways several have already
been provisionally mapped out in England will
make it incumbent upon pilots to fly their craft
over sparsely populated tracts of country whenever
possible , and will also obviate flying over towns.
"We do not want to hamper airmanship with too
many rules , but danger to the people on the earth
must be obviated , and the risk of involuntary de
scents in crowded districts .must be avoided. The
rights of private property must be considered also ;
it is clearthat , machines cannot be allowed to de
scend' haphazard just where , , they like.
"So far the whole attitude toward flying has
been to encourage it , a striking contrast to the con-
V4emriation/of the railway train when it was intro-
( tuce'd. This toleration the airmen must do noth
ing to undermine. Motoring would not have been
discredited in many people's eyes had it not been
for the 'road hog. ' We must have no 'air hogs. ' As
aeroplane owners increase many perplexing prob
lems will arise. What is wanted is a sensible code
of rules , framed in the public interest by practical
authorities and tactfully enforced before there is
possibility of any outcry against the new sport.
"For rapid transit generally , for fast mail traf
fic , for express services , for naval and military re-
cojinoltering work , as instruments of destruction
although this phase may be far distant these are
some of the possibilities of the aeroplane. What
we now -want Is a machine which -will fly reliably
in any Tvtnd short of ft gale. "
Killed by the Cars.
Adams County. Adam Sock , age
23 , married and father of a 1-montl
old son , fell under u St. Joseph an
Grand Island train on his return t
Hastings from Grand Island. Bet
legs were cut off below the knee *
and he died soon after.
Infantile Paralysis.
Washington County. Mark , the 1 !
year-old son of Mrs. L. O. Weber , c
Arlington , died from infantile paralj
is. This is the second afflictlo
airs. Weber has been called upon t
jear in the past few years , the firs
aeing the death of Mr. Weber.
Ringland Dead in Ohio.
Adams County. A message was r
c-eived by P. L. Johnson , treasurer o
Hastings college , announcing th
death of Rev. William F. Ringlanc
D. D. , at Cincinnati. Rev. Mr. Ring
land was the first president of Hasl
ings college , serving fifteen * years.
Head Severed from Body.
Hall County. An old man whosi
name is believed to be R. Mulhattei
was run over by Union Pacific trail
No. 18 as it was leaving Grant
island , eastbound. The head was en
tirely severed and the upper portion
tion of the body was frightfully man
Church Gets a Farm.
Gage County. The Christiai
church at Blue Springs , has been lef
120 acres of land , belonging to th (
estate of the late Jacob Headings
of that city , as provided for in hij
will which was 'filed for probate
There are a number of heirs , but thej
are left but $5.00 apiece.
Deserter Must Return.
Douglas County. John E. Toinp'
kins , a 20-year-old Omalia boy whc
deserted from the navy in order tc
come to the city and visit his in
valid mother , Mrs. W. E. Tompkins
2111 North Twenty-seventh street
must return to the naval authorities
at Philadelphia and face court-mar
tial for his offense.
Farmer Is Stabbed.
Scotts Bluff County. C. E. Neelej
and J. D. Gregory got into an alterca
tion and in the fight which followed
Neeley stabbed Gregory in the breast
with a pocket knife , inflicting what
may turn out to be a serious wound.
The point of the blade entered be
tween the fifth and sixth ribs and
tnade an incision in the right lung.
Young Women Assaulted.
Washington County. At 2 o'clock
in the morning as the two daughters
nf John C. Johnson were leaving Cat-
houn , where they had been at a
dance , they were assaulted by two
men , choked and beaten , and the eld
est , aged 24 , was choked until she
was unconscious. The younger ,
about 19 years old , fought off her as
sailant , escaped and gave the alarm.
The attack occurred about a mile
out of Calhoun. Suspected parties
will be arrested.
Girl Killed by Capstan.
Platte County. Anna , the 11-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Ernst , was instantly killed by being
struck on the head with the sweep
of a capstan used for pulling a ditch
ing plow. The work had been com
pleted and the workmen were remov
ing the cnble , when it caught and
caused the team to give a hard pull.
The cable suddenly released and
threw the sweep around , striking the
child on the back of the head , kill
ing her instantly. Her brother , Hec
tor , aged 6 years , who was with her ,
was struck a glancing blow by the
sweep arid rendered unconscious for
several hours. The accident oc
curred four miles southwest on the
farm occupied by Mr. Ernst.
Increase in Wheat Acreage.
Douglas County. Winter wheat is
sown in greater acreage this year than
ever before , according to the monthly
crop report of the Burlington railroad.
In eastern Nebraska the increase of
winter wheat acreage is about 15 per
cent , while in the central portions it
is around 50 per cent On the McCook
division of the road it is estimated
that 75 per cent of the cultivated land
is sown in winter wheat. The state
board prices the product at 90 cents
a bushel this year.
Corn , sugar beets and potatoes are
given excellent estimates pn both
quantity ail quality this year. Hay is
conceded to be a little short , but an
average of three crops of alfalfa was
harvested over the state. Ranges and
pastures are in good condition after
the fine fall weather.
Tribute to Dolliver.
Buffalo County. Senator Norris
Brown paid a tribute to the late Sen
ator Jonathan Dolliver of Iowa at the
memorial services held for the dead
senator in Kearney.
Huskers in Demand.
Burt County. Huskers are in de
mand at four cents per bushel this
earlj in the harvest , but they may
not get so much later when some
have done their corn harvesting and
are ready to help their neighbors.
Child Scalded to Death.
Docge County. Mary , the little
two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs
John Flchoto of Dodge , was fatally
burned by being pushed Into a pan
of boiling hot water by her four-year
old brother. She died soon after tta
" 7 icould rather preserve the health of m
nation than be Its ruler. " MUNYON.
Thousands of people who are suffering
with colds are about today. Tomorrow
they may be prostrated with pneumonia.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure. Get a 25 cent bottle of Mun
yon's Cold Cure at thtf nearest drag
store. This bottle may be conveniently
carried in the vest pocket. If you are
not satisfied with the effects of the rem
edy , send us your empty bottle and we
will refund your money. Munyon's Cold
Cure will speedily break up all forms of
colds and prevent grippe and pneumonia.
It checks cischargcs of the nose and eyes.
stops sneezing , allays inflammation and
fever , and tones up the system.
If you need Medical Advice , write to
Munyon's Doctors. They wifl carefully
diagnose your case and advise you by
mail , absolutely free. You are wnder no
i Address Munyon's Doctors. Munyon's
Laboratory , 53d and Jefferson streets , Phil
adelphia. Pa.
A Terrified Hero.
"Did you have any narrow escapes
in the surf last summer ? "
"Yes , " replied the life-saver. "One
lady whom I rescued was BO grateful
that she nearly married me. "
Seventeen Years the Standard.
Prescribed and recommended for
Women's Ailments. A scientifically pre
pared remeij. of proven worth. The
result from their use is quick and per
manent. For sale at all Drag Stores.
A Sure Sign.
"I understand , Mr. Reuben , " said
the visitor , "that jour son is devoted
to the turf. "
"Ya-as , I reckon ho is , " said the old
man. "Jabez kin lay down on the
grass for hull hours 'thout makin' no
complaint. " Harper's Weekly.
Alleviating Circumstances.
"Did you say , " asked a gentleman
who was looking for rooms , "did you
say that a music teacher occupied the
next apartment ? That cannot be very
pleasant" Harper's Bazar gives the
landlady's reply.
"Oh , " she said eagerly , "that's
nothing , sir. The music teacher has
11 children , and they make so much
noise that you can't hear the piano
at all. "
Expecting Too Much.
It was a cold , raw day , but the
Neversweats and the Fearnoughts
were playing a game of ball on the
prairie , just the same.
The pitcher of the Neversweats , his
fingers half frozen , failed dismally in
getting the balls over the plate.
"Aw , " said the captain , "I fought
ye wust one o' rtese cold weather
pitchers ! "
"I am , " said the slab artist , blow
ing on his benumbed digits to warm
them , "but I ain't a ice pitcher , blame
ye ! "
He V/as a Boston Boy.
"Your little boy must be very intel
ligent , " said a visitor to a Boston
school teacher whose five-year-old son
was forming Greek words with build
ing blocks.
"Intelligent ! " exclaimed the proud
parent. "He is phenomenally gifted.
As an example of his early erudition ,
what-do you suppose'was the first
words he ever spoke ? "
" ' ' ' ' "
'Papa' and 'mamma' ?
"Stuff and nonsense ! " ejaculated
the father in a tone of disgust. "Why ,
the day he was 12 months old he sud
denly laid down his algebra and said
to me : 'Father , the longer I live the
more indubitable proofs I perceive
that there is in Boston as much cul
ture to the square inch as there ever
was in the ambient area of ancient
Athens ! ' "
An Attractive
So Crisp
So Flavotiry
So Wholesome
So Convenient
So Economical
So why not order a
package from Grocer *
"The Memory Lingers' *
Postum Cereal Co. , Ltd.
Battle Creek , Miph. „ ,