Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 10, 1910, Image 10

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    Tf h
STOCK just received of Fall and
NEW Goods that are good values and
serviceable articles. LADIES' FUR
of , which might well be said are "a joy forever. "
A big line of FUR COATS and WINTER
CAPS for Men and a lot of WARM HOSIERY ,
UNDERWEAR and SHOES for everybody.
r3t " "
' . General Merchandise
* F V.
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
We Buy and e ! ! Horses * ,
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable. > *
Wood Lake , Nebraska *
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties.
H. A. L
( Successor to "Welker & Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
and fiching parties.
A ©
( Successor to Ed Young. )
: Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods ,
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Shoes , Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Wood Lake = Nebraska.
FI \i\a 16 * i *
\J tf IL ? 3- and LIVE STOCK
- Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty yea'rs ex
perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or. dates can be made at this office.
Box S26 Rosebud , South Dakota
In The District Court of Cherry County
Jn th matter of the estnto i
ofSitniliWocxlhon , tie-j- Order to show
cejised. I cause.
The case mine on for hvnring upon the
petition of P. W. ' 0 , Lawson , executor of the
estate of BaVah'AVoodson , deceased , pniying
forJifjL'"to sell lot ( IS ) Block ( .1) ) of the
original vllhjge of Valentine , Nebraska.
Thusiilu o bo jnntle for the purpose of pay
ment of > Hlre.\ of administration nnd
that the residue mny le divided among the
heirs , untrthe-tS.state finally settled up. Jt is
therefor ordered that nil persons Interested
In the said e a'teappear boJo/e me at Valen-
5 tlue , Nohhisksiiou the slxtli iliy of Deeuin-
* f , lHrt. A. D. 11110. . ut ' . ( o clock a. in. , to sho\v
iJcWw\viiy njicens'o should not 'be Issued to
} < § tht ) > ivld--deceased , ior tbopu'ttposc above
aticnttoned. ' * - 3. J. HAEIJJOTON ,
* -S V - - > Judge of the Uisirlct Court.
- * ' " ? -
, ej- 40-4
H 1" . _ - ; , l
Tubular \TclIs and Windmills
Callfrue up by .pjip
- . - . : > 3J - ) - ' s-.i . . - ; - . . , .
v/ "Ihave A world of confidencejnCham-
beirlain s Cough Remedy for 1'have/nsecj
'it with perfect success , " -writes 3Irs.XM.
I. Easford , Poolosville , Md. For sale
by Chaptoaiij the druggist ;
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
4 Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
| Light and Heavy Draying-
Furniture and pianos handled
in a careful manner. Coal
hauled and trunks and grips
a specialty. Phone No. 48.
? HfY VV'yWW YyV Y Y
$ > Wood Lake Department <
Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line each insertion. Display advertising
> 50 cents per Inch per month each Issue ; $1.00 per Inch per month double column. 2
i W. L. Klingaman and TVI. Mur
ray went to Sioux City recently.
Mr , Krarapert returned from a
business trip to Omaha last week.
'Arthur McCord of Harlan , la. ,
visited a few days with his aunt.
Mrs. W. t. Klingaman , and
Mrs. "Lease , of Chadron , who
has been visiting with Mrs , J. B.
Leader , has gone to Neligh to visit
a brother before returning home.
The high school gave a hollow-
e'en party for their room and the
teachers. A jolly time is reported
and the teachers declared the pu
pils to be royal entertainers.
We were surprised to learn of
the marriage of Sylvester Hagen
and Miss Katie King , October 26 ,
1910. Miss King is favorably
known and all welcome her into
our midst. Sylvester has grown
to manhood in our midst and has
a host of friends who exte'nd
heartiest congratulations to him
and his bride.
No Reason for Doubt
A Statement of Facts Backed
By a Strong Guarantee ,
VVft guarantee complete relief to
all sufferers from constipation. In
every case where we fail we will
supply the medicine free.
Hexall Orderlies are a gentle ,
effective , dependable and safe bowel
regulator , strengthener and tonic.
They re-establish nature's functions
in a quiet , easy way. They do not
cause any inconvenience , griping or
nausea. They are so pleasant -to
take and work so easily that they
may be taktn by any one at any
time. They thoroughly tone up
the whole system to healthy ac
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass
able and ideal for the use of chil
dren , old folks and delicate persons.
We cannot too highly recommend
them to all sufferers from any form
of constipation and its attendant
evils. Two sizes , 10 and 25c. Ee-
member , you can abtain Eexall
Bemedies in this community only
at our store The Eexall Store.
Chapman , The Druggist.
II. "There's No Place
Like Home"
Hilda the Helper used to say ,
when she was rather younger , "I
think I'll pack and go a\7ay ; I've
got the city hunger. " *
One day did Hilda up end pacli , she
hied her to the city. Three
months from TEEN SHE EOSE3D
BACK and sang another ditty :
"The city trasn't half so line as I
had. judged iron rnncr , co it's
THE 013 HOvIE TOwlT P07
IIIITE , and I chall be its bcoi '
* f
SO MUST-Wg. . . _ _ , . . , . .
- *
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valeiulnf. > 'ebrd.sla. |
15. 1)10 ! . {
Ainiflicient conlfstaffldavit having bt'cn
in this < 'fiii e hy Micl'el M - : ilo , entestant
agaiitst li-tnies : . ail entry , serial No. ( M76 ! nimlc
Ju y 9 , 1000 , Ktr all of Section 35 township UOn
ninu * 02\v < > G 1 * . INI . by Ira K num. con cstee. ir
which ILH alleged ti5 ! t bill Ira Kiiii > e has
abuiidiiiieil his hiuitestund entry for inoro Ihan
six month" last past ; thtt the 'and is nn\v it ) its
wild native state and that claimant ii.aintauis a
home elseNvhf re tlian on said tract ; that there
are no lmpioveiii"Mi3 o murlc haoitation aud
that all thoatiovealleee.i defects exist at tljis
date and have nol been cured.
Said pastes sire hereby unfilled to appear , re-
spottd. mid oirer < vulcnce touching "aid alleg-
tion at 10 o'clock a. in. , on Novembers , 1910 , be
fore .John H. Weltun , U. ri. tJuniniissioner. at
his offlce in Slulie' . Nebraska , and tint lina
hearing will b" held at 10 o'clnK. . a. in. , on o-
veini'erSD. 1910 , before the Uegister and Re
ceiver at the United States land oflice In Valen-
entine , NebrasKa.
the said Contestant liaving , in a proper afll
davir , li ed October 15 1010. set forth facts
which show thHt after dim dili encu persona !
servue of this notice cannot lie made , it Is
hereby ordered and oirecied thar. .such notice
be given by due and propui publication.
42 4 K. oi. > oN. Receiver.
Eecoid address of eiitryman Loyal , e.braslca
Contest Notice.
U.S. Land Oflice , Valentine.Nebraska. I
Uctohber 15 1910. f
A sufllciPiit content afliddvit havinfr been Hied
in ibis oflice by CJwUe Keivnsnn. e.-mtestant
auainst Honipptead entryserial No. 04717. made
July 9.1909. for sw n } i , "i 'iw" sw H.VZ jejcf
section 13 , si ue } < f sejrfse . nVise . section 14
nw > 4.i ( ! 4 , . "ec. 24 , Town.shir.28 N.IUn e3i W ,
cth P.mcipal Meridian .by Josei h A. Habcfck ,
conte.- > tee , inhich it is allejr d that s it
Joseph A. Buhcocir lias wholly failed to im
prov- , cultivate and reside upon said land nc
co-dnigto law ; that said land is in its wild
native state , unimproved aud uncultivated
tbat claimant maintains a home ulsewhers Mia-
on the said land , all o : winch defects exist at
this date and huve not been cured.
bMd : parties are hereby notified to appear ,
respond and offer evidence touching said alicua-
ti m at. lo o'clock a. m. on XMovi-mber U3. 1U10
before John \\Vlton.U. . rt. ( 'ommissiner , at
his otlice in MuHon. Aeb. , aud Uiatlinal hearing
wl 1 be be d at 10 o'clock a in. on N < * vembei
30 , 1910. lietorrt ihellegister and lieceiver at
the United Siats Lntid Offlce in Valentine ,
T tie said contestant having , in a proper affi
davit liedOcto-er 15. 1910. set torth lajts
which show that a.'t-r due diligence pjrson.vl
seiviceof ? his noticn cannoc be made , it is
here > y ordered and directed that such notice be
Kiveii by due ana proper publication.
K. OLSON , Receiver ,
itecord address o fcutryman , Loyal , .Noo.
42 4t 11
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Va'entine. Nebraska ,
Oct. her 13,19io.
A .sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this ortice by Charlie ) urgusou , c mtestant ,
against homestead erirv , serial No 04713. maue
July 9. 19)9. ( tor sw'i irf4 ! , \ \ # , s } nw4 } , section
14 , neJiseJi. siiueki stJiuw' . section 15 ,
ni ne'4. sJ nejii. section 23. w'/NWjtf , t-cctioa
24 , Towoship28n Range 32 , U est ot the S.xtn
1'niicipal Meridian , bv Tiiy Jt. Uabcock , con-
tes' e. in whicii it is alleged that the said Guy
If. Babcock maintains a residence elsewhere
than on said tract : tt at said truct is now whol
ly nnoircupieil , iniiiiiprovea and not resided up
on according to law ; that said laud is now un
cultivated and the ntiuvu alleired d-k-cts exist
at this date and have not been cured.
Said pai ties are hereby notified to appear
respotid and offer evidence tonehinir saiit alle alien -
lion at 10 o'clock 21.111 on Novembe23.1910. . ue-
fore John H. Wt-lton , U. S. Coiiimisshnier. m
his oittce in Alulliu , NeornShu and that fiual
hearing w.ll be held 21'10 o'clck a. m . on
November 30.1)10. ! ) before the register and re
ceiver at the United btatcs Laud Oii.ce in
Valentine , r ebraska.
The saiu conte-tant liavuip , in a proper afifl
davit flleu Oct 13. 19to , sec fortli facts which
tbow that sifter due diligence personal sen ice
of this notice ran cotb- made , ii is hereby order
ed and directed that such notice be givn by due
and proper publication. (
42-4C Receiver
Record address of entrymau Loyal , Neb.
i w m + * > f - t
[ Welcome In Every Home j
Because it keeps the house ,
i from cellar to attic , in spick
and span condition , and saves - j
es the housewife labor , >
time , trouble and expense.
Just you try it !
( f&fg
] amdgery
Place dishes in pan of warm
water , sprinkle a little Old
Dutch Cleanser on dish-cloth
( don't put the cleanser in water )
and wash , each piece , put in second
end pan to drain , rinse in clean
water and wipe dry. Easier ,
quicker and hygienic ; no caus-
tie or acids ( not a soap powder ) .
Old Dutch Cleanser will re
move the hardest "burnt in" crust
from pots and pans , without the
old time scalding and scraping.
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
\ ;
Lumber , Machinery , Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wa < rons , Busies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake .
, = = Nebraska.
eneral Hardware ,
Wagons and
Machinery. , , . .
A complete line of
arness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and Fence Posts
E. M. Faddis & Co
? o-nottlce address Valentino or Kennedy.
Some branded
* ? * - on left
VV thigh
Horses branded
or thij'h
Some Some branded
bra 'ded I on linh
or shoulder.
or thigh
P. H. Youn.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Qyon left
left jaw of
Range on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon ,
. S. Kowley.
Same as cut on left
ide and hip , and on
eft shoulder of heron -
eft side Bsra aud
mg pen ( either side up ) on
eft side or hip. p on left Jaw and lefc shoulder
f horses , uj
ujQ on left hip of horses.
\J on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud. SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut : also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
earing nv of these brands.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee ,
Tattle branded as
in c'.t on left
side. Some ?
bra n ded K. T Y
on left hip. Hange
on North Loop
river , two nnlt-s
west of .Brewnlee
John Kills Plenty.
't Francis Mis-
ion , Kosebud.
i. D.
.8 in cut ; horses
orH \ P on
fft Thigh. Jtanae
'ftwt-en Sprui'
Vk and Little
Vhite river.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud 8. D.
Cattle branded
SOS on lefc side
OSO on rluhtslae
8om cattle also
have a - fen neck
Some with A. on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
icross bind nnar-
_ _ _ . _ . . . ters Some Texas
cattle branded e O 011 left side and some *
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle
branded AW nar connected on both sides and
loft hi ] ) of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder ,
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal- ,
also the following
brands :
horses branded tht
Range betweea
Hyannis on B & M. ft.R. in Northwestern Xebr
BARTIJSTT lUnriAKPS. FJIswortb. Nelir
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sa\\Ter has
charge of these
cattle. H rsed
I > onIeftshouJ.
der. Son' *
left side.
same left thigh.
Kange on Snake '
Metzger Bros
Koife N'ebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
ame brand on
e/t thigh.
Bacge on Gordonand Snake Creeks.
A Rewerd of S250 wilr be paid to any r rson for
iuforniation Jeadiiift to the arrest and final
J. A. Yaryan.
Cattle branded JY
on rfghtside
Horses branded JX
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
McGeer & Carroll ,