Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 10, 1910, Image 1

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1. M. Hice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1910. Volume 25 , No.
eon a
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/year/old
andjas , E , Pepper/ O , F , C , Taylor ,
. . These whiskies were purchased in hond
and came direct from the CJ. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guaranteed -
: \ ! : . anteed pure and unadulterated. TJn-
' , ! ' ' , excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
& & & & S SL & ? !
Ps& ' Forget
II Has just received its stock of Fall and Winter
Goods , which will be sold at very low prices
' regardless , . of cost. . Lay . in your supply . now.
* * * m rw te. M fe. * * * * M 4 * * "V * t
-100 LB. SACK SALT 80 C\ , ? W HHMH H
L ; I pay market price for Hides and r uia.
B Mi KE _ DAVIS , .Yaentjnej ! jsjebL
' ' - - - - - " - - * ' - * " * - - - * * *
rm"'lfii fT6fK K'afV ( if'
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Cigars , Tobaccos , Confectionery |
Hot and Cold Lunches [
\ Short Order Meals. Bakery Goods |
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr.
; VaIentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
. ' „ „ _ Sundays excepted.
; it-1"- ' . A.rrive . at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
* * {
" ' ' , ; : ' ' . ' Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ,
: . . " Sundays excepted.
" - Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. in.
: . Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
: ' -Special attention to passengers , baggage and
" : : express or packages.
f *
J-w' . " 'Leave orders at headquarters or at the Red
' " ' ' ' Front store.
As nsually treated , a sprained ankle ,
will disable a man for three or four
weeks , but by applying Chamberlain's
Linimentxfreely as soon as'the injury is
received , " and observing the directions
with each bottle , a cure can be effected
in from two to four days. For sale by
Chapman ; the druggist.
For bowel complaints in children al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil.
It is certain to effect a cure and when
reduced with water and sweetened is
pleasant to take. No physician can pre
scribe a better remedy. For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Talk of the Town.
Four carloads of Posts , from lie
to 60c. Ludwig Lumber Co.
Preserve the present for the
future. Phelps pholos Nov. 18 ,
and 19.
Wm. Erickson and A. Swansou
were in town last Friday and
Saturday on business.
A. E. Morris spent several days
in our city the past week , looking
after his lumber interests.
Wednesday , ftov. L'3 , is the date
of the cooked food sale held at T.
C. Hornhy's store at 10 o'clock by
St. John's Guild. 44-2
O. D. Carey and wife returned
from a three week's visit with
relatives in Defiance county , O. ,
last Tuesday morning. It has
been 21 years since Mr. Carey
visited his old home and he notes
many changes there.
John Bachelor came in from his
ranch in two hours and twenty
rainutrs Monday , which is probab
ly the fastest speed made between
Kennedy and Valentine , a distance
of 45 miles , and sandy roads a
part of the way. John has a
lloast turkeys , roast chickens ,
roast geese , and all the good
things that go with a Thanksgiving
d'nner , for sale by the Ladies
of St. John's Guild on Nov. 23 , at
T. C. Hornby's store. Anyone
wishing to leave a special order
may do so. 4tt 2
Leroy Springer was in town
Monday from his ranch in Eli
precinct and we learned that he
has put the broad smile on another
man's face by selling him a Cher
ry county ranch , which is the fifth
ranch he has sold of late. Mr.
Springer is not much of a howler
and makes little noise , but is sell
ing land.
Bert'Pike was in town Monday
and called at our office to visit and
we learned that he had been back
to his old home at Millnerville ,
Iowa , where his parents lived ,
and that his mother , aged 76
years , died October 22 , 1U10 , of
dropsy , , which finally had affected
her heart. Mr , Pike's father , J.
W. , is enjoying pretty fair health
yet and is now 78 years old. Mrs.
Pike was buried at Logan Park
cemetery of Sioux City , la.
We like to meet a man who is
cheerful and has unbounded faith
in land that yields rich grasses
that make fat cattle and raises
crops averaging well up to the
eastern farms , one year with an
other , and should bring something
near the value of those high priced
farms , and men who stuck to their
farms here are fast becoming in
dependent , which proves that there
is value often overlooked by men
who are too close to the situation
and have a habit of looking wist
fully upon other localities at their
high tide of prosperity , or when
they fortunately have a good crop
year. Cherry county lands al
ways raise a crop and farmers
here have something to sell when
there is a partial failure elsewhere
and then is when we get the good
prices that have put our farmers
on their feet. There is no failure
in stock and we always raise
something to feed them and some
thing to sell.
C. W. Allen , that veteran news
paper writer , who for six years ,
in the early days , was editor of
the Chadron Democrat , has been
our assistant during the past
month , and our readers have been
permitted to read many of his
articles during that time. It is
not necessary , therefore , for us to
comment upon his ability and re
sourceful capacity as a writer.
We have tried to encourage Mr.
Allen to return to the newspaper
field and let his light shine. We
have told him of the beautiful
flowers that were born to blush
unseen and waste their sweetness
on the desert air and other like
illustrations to convince him that
he should not bury ten talents ,
but rather , bring forth 'another
ten talents , according to the
ancient proverb. He may yet see
the error of his way and get be
fore the. people to jot down the
thoughts he thinks for people to
read. However , we congratulate
the ppople in being able to get
partially acquainted with Mr.
Allen as a writer. 'He departed
for his. old stamping ground at
Merriman Friday evening.
Curing Catarrh ,
Accept Our Advice and Try
the Remedy at Our Risk ,
Catarrh is a disease of the mu
cous membrane. The mucous mem
brane is , one may say , the interior
lining of the body. Catarrh there
fore may exist in any part of the
When the catarrhal poision at
tacks the mucous membrane , in-
flamation and congestion are pro
duced and nature fails to throw off
the accumulated poisons. The
or an which has been afflicted
ceases to perform its proper function
as nature intended it should. The
result is , complication upon com
plication , which may lead to other
even more serious afflictions.
We honestly believeEexallMucu-
Tone will do wonders toward over
coming catarrh. It is made fro in
the prescription of an eminent phy
sician who made a long study of
catarrh , and his great success with
this remedy was an enviable one.
We want you if you are a sufferer
from catarrh in any form , to give
"Rexall Mucti-Tone a thorough trial.
Use it with regularity and persist
ency for a reasonable time , then if
you are not satisfied , come back
and tell us , and without question or
formality we will hand back to you
every cent you paid us. This is
certainly the fairest offer that any
one could make and should attest
our nincefit-y of purpose. Ifc comes
in two sizes , prices 50 cents and
§ 1.00. Itemember you can obtain
it only at-the Rexall store. Chap
man , The Druggist.
Presbyterian Church.
Subject of the morning sermon
will be , "Bells , " and the new
church bell , presented the church
by the Christian Endeavor , will
be dedicated to the service of
God. In the evening , something
will be said of "The Election Ke-
turns. " AH are invited.
The revival serVices will be con
tinued the coming week , as the
last , and all are urged to attend.
Every evening except Saturday.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Junior Endeavor at 3 p. ra.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 : p.m. ,
when will be some exercises sug-
gusted by our new bell , the gift
of their society. Come.
Public Sale.
Wm. Grooms will hold a p ublic
sale on Tuesday , Nov. 22 , 1910 , in
which he will sell all of his stock ,
farming implements and house
hold goods , at the Andrew Morrissey -
rissey farm two miles west of Val
entine , on the Minnechaduza , con
sisting of 20 head of horses , 1 span
of mules , 10 head of cattle , wag
ons , buggies , harness , chickens ,
ducks , turkeys , grain , fodder and
T. W. CRAMER , Auctioneer.
W. E. HALEY , Clerk.
Two Great Annual Events
in Chicago.
The International Live Stock
Exposition Nov. 26th-Dec. 3rd ,
and U. S. land & Irrigation Ex
position , Nov. 19th-Dec. 4th. For
full particulars apply to any tick
et agent of The North Western
Line. 44-2
In Lumber we have the largest
stock and the lowest prices.
Furnished rooms to rent by day
or week , Hot and cold water
baths included. Valentine House ,
John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf
The ladies of St. John's guild
will hold their annual Thanks
giving food sale at the usual place ,
at the usual time , and the usual
good things to eat. 44 2
Notice Mr. Roy E. Phelps will
represent us in Valentine , Nov. IS
and 19. He will have with him
the display of photos that won a
first prize gojd medal this year at
Lincoln. We especially ask that
you give Mr. Phelps a trial. We
will not keep one cent of your
money if your photos do not
please you. You may be able to
get cheaper work , but you cannot
get better. Our prices are no
higher than others , be we DO
NOT-make the'cheaper grades. If
you know good photo work see
Mr. Phelps when he is in town.
O'Neill , Nebr ,
We are Headquarters for
Winchester Ammunition
IHE SEASON will soon be open so that the
hunter with dog and gun will have full sway.
We also handle a full line of Shot Chins and
Kifles. "Winchester" and "Remington" are two
of our best makes.
Hunting Coats , Caps and Hats are now on
display in our window and may be bought at a bar
gain. Now is the time and the Red Front Hard
ware is the place to get full value for your
. . r
Front Hardware Co.
F you are looking fora new Suit or Overr. .
coat or anything in the line of Men's"or r ;
Boys'furnishings , don't forget to stop- . '
I at the Fair. We have a complete line of
Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing and/ / ,
prices range from $1.75 to $28 per Suit , . ' , , , . , " ,
- f' J *
Talk about Ladies' and Misses' Skirts'/
* Well , we have a new line and they are.tlie-
best in town. In Yoiles , Panama and Ser . .
ges at $ B.50 to $15 , also a large line of - . ; i . - ;
Ladies'Misses , Men's and Boys' Sweaters.
* '
If you must have a tailor made suit ( for men or ladies ) ' ' "r
remember we represent the Garden City Tailoring Co : , ' l >
and there is no better tailoring house in Chicago JVe > n0
guarantee a fit or no sale. Come in and look , over e >
line. No trouble to show goods at
* :
Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr. .
Chartered ns u Stnte Bank Chartered '
as a National Bank !
June J , 1881. August 12 , ItXtt. " "
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Yalentine , * - Nebraska.
CAPITAL - $25.000
A General
Banking Exchange
SURPLUS 25.000 , %
Uudividod Profits 4.000 and Collection Business : : : :
C. H. CORXKI.IJ , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Onshlcr. ' ' - '
J. T. May , Vice President. Miss Gi'KX HOKNIO , Ass't Cashier.
Farm Implements
- -I.-1
* *
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us. . . ' '
' - Y.Tyjf tf
. .
* * - = - * * !
n A
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , r
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
We compound and dispense our own med'cines. Office on 2nd floor ot.
T.C. Hornby's. Phone 3,61. Valentine , Nebraska " ? *