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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1910)
1 , _ . - LOOK TO YOUR KIDNEYS. i \ When Suffering From Backache , ) , ' . . Headachea and Urinary Troubles. . a - They are probably the true source of your misery. To keep , well , you must keep your kidneys well. There ts no better kidney remedy than Doan's Kidney . Pills. They 1 cure , sick kid . neys ; and cure u .y I I ' them : perma 1pY , , nently. , . I i Mt Ernest Ul- bright , Kel- r p a , r d ' r log g , Idaho , i + I says : I was ErayPdrrt. . , nearly dead . , 4ieeIsAS ! with kidney rk w' ' trouble. I pass- : ed quantities ! I ' of blooQ and I lost 15 pounds In weight in three weeks. My bladder Was so full of gravel I could not hold the urine. I passed several stones as large as a pea. I rapidly improved - under the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and was soon well and strong. " Remember the name-Doan's. For sole by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. A Hot Time. "That fellow cooked his reports. " "I suppose that is how he happened to get into , a stew. " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigor ate Ftomach , liver l and bowels. Sugar. coated tiny granules. That observation which is callea knowledge of the world will be found much more frequent to make men cun ning than good. - Dr. Johnson. A good honest remedy for Rheumatism , Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Hainlina Wizard Oil. Nothing will so quickly drive out all pain and inflammation. The Next War. , "Was a bomb dropped on the ship ? " "Yes , but it was counterbalanced by a torpedo which exploded under her r at the same moment. " - Judge. His Point of View. "John , dear , " queried the young < M J wife , glancing up from the physical culture magazine she was perusing , "what is your idea of a perfect fig ure ? " , "Well , " replied her husband , " $100- 000 may not be perfection , but it's near enough to satisfy a man of my simple tastes. " When He Hedged on Faith. "Dar's nutin' lak faith , " said Broth er Williams. "I once prayed a fat turkey off a high roost , but the sher- iff took him f'um me ez I wuz gwine home ter cook him , an' I wuz took ter jail. " "Why didn't you pray your way out of jail , ? " someone asked. ' "I would ' 'adone it , " was the reply , "but I didn't want Providence tej ! know I was in no sich place. " Getting a Reputation. , There is a desk in the senate par ticularly convenient as a place from ' ! \ which to make speeches. It is next to \ k .he aisle and almost in the center of the chamber , and affords an opportu- nity for the speaker to make every- body hear. At 'least a dozen senators , accord . ing to the Washington correspondent , of the St. Louis Star , have borrowed this desk when they had special utter- ; . ances to deliver to ' the senate. This ( led , not long ago , to a mild protest . from its legitimate occupant. "I am perfectly willing to give up ' my desk , " said he , "but I am afraid people will think that the same man .Is talking all the time. I don't want to get the reputation of constantly filling the senate with words.- Youth's Companion. I THE FIRST TASTE Learned to Drink Coffee When a Baby. , If parents realized the fact that cof , fee contains a drug-caffeine-which is especially harmful to children , they would doubtless hesitate before giving the babies coffee to drink. N "When I was a child in my moth- er's arms and first began to nibble things at the table , mother used to give me sipS'Of coffee. As my parents used coffee exclusively at meals I ne , er knew there was anything to drink but coffee and water. "And so I contracted the coffee habit early. I remember when quite young the continual use of coffee so affected my parents that they triecl roasting wheat and barley , then ground it in the coffee-mill , as a sub- stitute for coffee. "But it did not taste right and they "went back to coffee again. That was long before Postum was ever heard of. I continued to use coffee until I was 27 , and when I got into office "work , I began to have nervous spells. Especially after breakfast I was so nervous I could scarcely attend to my correspondence. "At night , after having coffee for supper , I could hardly sleep , and on rising in the morning would feel weak t and nervous. "A friend persuaded me to try Postum. My wife and I did not like it at first , but later when boiled good . and strong it was fine. Now we would , t'.i"fl not give up Postum 'for the best coffee t we ever tasted. "I can now get good sleep , am free , - from nervousness and headaches. I 4c recommend Postum to all coffee drink I. ers. " Read "The Road to Wellville , " in Pats. ° "There's a Reason. " Ever read the above letter ? A new i He appears from time to time. ' They tare genuine , true , and full of Imnuun [ latcr t. I { 1 - . . ' - - - - . ' G .1 Dress up-to-Oate. ti , rn , . fit < J @ * P @ GOWNS FOR STREET MOST SENSIBLE SIDE OF FASHION HERE SHOWN. Autumn Styles Are Considerably Va- ried This Year-Selection to Suit Different Tastes Is There- fore Made Easy. i , Tailored suits and evening wraps 'are ' among the first reliable things that appear with autumn , and as . usual the useful street frocks display only the most sensible side of fashion. The short , tight skirt gets a reason- able touch with these practical gar- ments , and though sometimes one en counters the hobble band it is so modi fied and tricked out between plaitings as scarcely to be discernible. Favorite models for these walking skirts are plain gored affairs , with a deep band at the bottom , with which a limp , nar- row coat , single or double breasted , with shawl or coat collar and tight sleeves , goes to perfection. . Other skirts will show a little , lengthwise plaiting , this in panels at the sides or starting in below a tight hip portion , or the skirt may have a close upper part and a kilted flounce 12 inches or more deep , put on un der a hobble band. But it is not pos- sible to describe all the models , they are so numerous , so varied. The two things necessary seem to be short- ness and a fair amount of closeness , and when these are obtained shops and tailors , may run riot with individ- ual touches. The coats that accompany : these Hkirts I manifest the new vogue in a number of ways , but all things said and done , the sack coat is pretty much the same as is also the Russian blouse , for this jacket model is seen again , and is , indeed , much exploited by ] French makers. Upon the practi- cal suits for both women and misses little trimming will be ur.ed , a con- trasting color on the collar and hand- uome buttons being considered enough. But if the suit is a fine one rich trim mings may appear in panels on the loose coat , or a Rusian blouse will turn back over a gay embroidered vest , while a very dressy suit here and there : may be trimmed on the skirt as well as on the jacket. But for the - - , r . It . i l , , h I \ s . , ) ' / 7Jj ! ¼ 11 , i 3 1 i t l ; l l' h . . . I { , I1 ti/ili / i i ' 3tit . II ' , , 1 s I , s It s , { a ; s 3 s situ iza. ; ' . .s . : trill I t ; ! I I ( { s , 1 ; 1 I : : { s s s t s l I : l I f I most part the tanor skirt is without other decking than that which would be made by the plaited material and ' a few handsome buttons. The materials used are manifold , but interest has been revived in vel- vet , corduroy and velveteen , so very likely there will be , a number of such I suits for the dressier wear , with the jacket trimmings suitably handsome. Wool , smooth , rough lightweight and heavy , Is used for the everyday gar- ment , the many serges , cloths , men's suitings and cheviot employed re sponding admirably to a touch of gay- er color on the jacket In fact , it is quite the thing to have the suit mate rial very somber and the coat touches very gay , and so , with a hat and other accessories suitably smart , it Is pos- $ ble to get both dressy and practical wea'r out of a well made tailor suit of quite a simple nature. In the illustration is shown the sort of street gown that will be ap proved for misses. It has the well- , bred restraint that is desirable for young girls , and no matter how plain the gowns , if they are fitted well , and carefully finished , with proper acces- sories , they would be. quite good enough for dress ups. r MARY DEAN. I . , _ _ _ . _ , , _ _ - _ _ . . . , .a.- . . . --.j --u .c.-1.w . v - , , SUITABLE FOR YOUNG GIRL i Two Coctumcs That Would Make Up Well in Many Kinds of Popu . lar Material. The first costume would lcok well in navy serge. The skirt is a five- gored shape , trimmed down center of front and round foot by Russia braid , which is sewn on in a Greek key design. The coat is semi-fitting , and has I ij _ ; ; ' " 4 I' ; I . , 1 le rr' h ° ii" 9 Ali. / 1 I , I ii"t II L1' t t I t ' h ! 4T : s I' ' i : , / hk w wrapped seams down sides of. front and back. . It is trimmed with braid. to match skirt. The plain coat sleeves are the same. An embroidered lawn collar finishes the neck. Navy blue Tagal hat , trimmed with a wreath of deep pink roses. Materials : required : o1/ / yards serge 46 inches wide , about 4 dozen yards braid , 4 yards silk for lining coat. The second is a smart style , made up in auricula face cloth. 4 , THE LATEST IN HANDBAGS Novel and Varied Are the Designs That Are Now Being Shown in the Shops. Here are some of the very newest things in the handbag line. A fitted bag for week-ends is of sea ' leather , with an overhanging box frame ten inches wide. It is equipped with a leather pocketbook and seven toilet and manicure articles. The lin ing is of red leather and the frame is in rose or green gold , with burnished metal pieces. A very exclusive and luxurious little bag is of blue cross-grain saffian leather with a frame of imitation ivory and a lining of blue moire. It has duplicate strap handles and an equip- ment of change purse , cardcase and combined powder-puff pocket and bevel mirror. There is a novelty un breakable clasp. Still smaller , for afternoon use , is a green cross-grain saffian leather bag , five and one-half by six inches. It has a gold-plated frame concealed be- tween two flaps and flanked on each side by pockets. Duplicate strap han dles are again used here , and there come with the bag , in pockets be- neath the outer front flap , a mirror. A kid-lined powder-puff pocket and a slate with a gold pencil. Another bag of dark green moroc- co , nine inches wide , has a mother- of pearl frame , held on by green bands. The lining is gray calfskin , with a change purse , a powder-puff pocket and a mirror. The handle is so made as to fall flat against the bag when folded down. A bag with an overlapping box frame of German silver , one-half entering into the other like a box and its lid , * is of black walrus , with black bag lin ing , and there are a vanity accessory and a coin purse. Red and blue cross-grain saffian leather , suede , walrus and mottled or beaver calf are all in all the best choice for handbags this season. . . . : - g ; _ _ Toilet Economy. T he particular hostess now uses in. dividual pieces of soap in her guesi room and gives to each new guest a fresh piece. Where much entertaining is done this means numerous odds and ends of fine soap. One woman has hit upon the plan oi using , this for the children in a wire soap shaker such as are found for dishwashing. The tiniest pieces can be thus utilized. A basin is filled with warm water and the shaker agi - tated until a thick lather is formed. Another way to use up small pieces of fine soap is to put them into small cheesecloth bags and use as one would a bran or almond meal bag. . Novelty Vanity Box. So wedded is the modern girl to her powder puff that it is concealed every- where. Hatpin tops , lockets , orna- ments for the chatelaine , coinpart- ments in the opera bag -and chain purse , cardcases , all reveal the useful toilet adjunct at the touch of a spring. One of the latest places of conceal- ment for a vanity box is as a plaque on top of a bracelet. The bracelet' itself is of thinly , plaited gold wires / and the plaque is the size of a small , ' ; open-face watch. It is enameled in vivid Chantecler coloring around an oval central upace for the owner's monogram. . At a touch the lid lifts , ! showing a tiny puff and powder , , . ' -atc ' - - - - - - - J . . - - - - - I HIS LIVELIHOOD AT STAKE , Certainly Candidate for Governor Could Not Expect to Get That Vote. An .incident in which former Gov- ernor Odell of New York figured as the victim was told by Col. James Hamilton Lewis at a recent banquet. "When Governor Odell was last ' running for office , " said Colonel Lew- is , "there / had been a great deal of talk about Niagara Falls and the elec- trical power that could be conferred on all parts of New York. One day an old negro halted Mr. Odell and- said : . . " 'Mr. Oc1ell , is yo' runnin' for gov'- ner , sah ? ' . . . " 'I am , ' answered the candidate. . . " T guess yo' ' want my vote , den , ' said the colored man. " 'Well , I would ' like to have your vote , Zeb. I have known you for so many years. ' . . " 'Well , I jist want to ask you a question , Mr. Odell , befb' I give mah vote to you. Are yo' for electric lights In dis town ? ' "Well , Zeb , I am for all modern im- I' provements , ' said Odell , with a slight ' flourish. . . t I " 'Well , sah , I can't vote for you , ' I said Zeb with firmness. 'Yo' done for- get dat I is a lamp lighter. ' " , AWFUL BURNING ITCH CURED IN I A DAY "In the middle of the night of March 30th I woke up with a burning itch in my two hands and I felt as if I could ! pull them apart. In the morning the I Itching had gone to my chest and dur- ! ing that day it spread all over my . body. I was red and raw from the top , . of my head to the soles of my feet and I was in continual agony from tie Itching. I could neither lie down nor sit up. I happened to see about Cuti- cura Remedies , and 1 thought I would give them a trial. I took a good bath with the Cuticura Soap and used the Cuticura Ointment. I put it on from my head - down to my feet and then went to bed. On the first of April I felt like a new man. The itching was almost gone. I continued with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment . and during that day the itching com- pletely left me. Frank Gridley , 325 East 43rd Street , New York City , Apr. 27 , 1909. " Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the world ; Potter Drug & . Chem. Corp. , Sole Props , Boston , Mass. "That First Invented Sleep. " "Now blessings light on him that first invented this same sleep ! It cov ers a man all over , thoughts and all , like a cloak ; it is meat for the hungry , drink for the thirsty , heat for the cold , and cold for the hot. It is the current coin that purchases all the pleasures of the world cheap ; and the balance that sets the king and the shepherd , the fool and the wise man even. There is only one thing , which somebody once put into my head , that I dislike in sleep-it is that it re sembles death. There is very little difference between a man in his first sleep and a man in his last sleep.- From Cervantes. Not Easy. . Pat was a married man-a very much married man. He had married no fewer than four times , and all .his wives were still in the fore. Accord ing to ' Pat's own account before the court where he was tried for bigamy . and found guilty , his experiences were I not altogether satisfactory. The judge , in passing sentence , expressed his wonder that the prisoner could be such a hardened villain as to delude so many women. "Yer honor , " said Pat , apologetical- ly , "I was only tryin' to get a good one , an' it's not aisy ! " Lippincott's Magazine. Deserved the Shoes. The weary wayfarer leaned over the fence and watched the housewife doing her chores. "Ah , lady , " he said , tipping his hat , "I used to be a professional humorist. If I tell you a funny story will you give me an old pair of shoes ? " "Well that depends ; " responded the busy housewife ; "you must remember that brevity is the soul of wit. " "Yes , mum , I remember that , and brevity is the sole on each of me shoes , mum. " Laying the Foundation. - "Why are you always so careful to ask advice about what you are going to do ? " "Sothat if things go wrong I can ' < " you say 'I told you so. . . . . - - - - - . , I w . , 'II' = - CASTORIA a . t I ! 0 ° 1' ' : h Ind liniiuiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiriniiniiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuii t For Infants and Children. 't ' o G ) . X10 The Kind You flam : Jt liiiiniimiiiiiiiuHitnuiiiiitntiiunnimiuiiuiiiniiituu Always Bought I ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT . . l 1 l'a , . Vegetable Preparation : For As - t similating heFoodandRegula- ( Bears the ht k . 1 : ting the Stomachs and Bowels of . . ' " iU l , Signature I _ Promotes DigestionCheerful- t ) ness and Rest.Confains neither of ht ' f 1 Opium.Morphine nor Mineral NOT NAHCOTIC . . . Jfttyie cfOldDrSAMUZL'F/rCffER ; _ h' Etmrkill SIIl/- . dlx.Stnna l " ' t"fllSallt . , f { , ) J Aniit Sttd . * . i" n. _ 1 ' Fkppennint - I ' i " ) it CnnlonafeS'.1 , . . n 1J . ' Harm Jetd - * . C < ori d Suyar . HO , .Winkiyrten Flavor. lt i,0 perfect Remedy for onsfip" - U J S e : Mi ; lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , ° o WormsConvulsionsFevcrish- .Convulsions , 4 ness and LOSS OF SLEEP For Over \V r' ( . . . or yer , ? tt LU rac Simile Signature i of l 1. , . Thirty I Y ear s SpJ THE CENTAUR COMPANY att. ! NEW YORK. . tlP4 It t Rat I . r t r l ! 4o r ij Guaranteed - under ' the - Foodand Esact Copy of Wrapper. THE CCNTAUR COMPART , RIWJ : YORK OITT. . . . , . . . , _ . _ , . . 'Jt.r- . . , .i ? ' ' ; - ' - - " \ bY".f _ . _ : _ ; " ' , . . _ . - . . . " ' ) ' . . . - - . . " - _ _ . . ' ' : < < : ' , , - ' ' - . " . - " , ' ; : . " "it to iiJ' " ' 1.J'f'f , " . ' . , t " ' - . , , ' " ' : " ' , .Y ; : . , " " " : : , " 4 : ! _ - . , . . , -r r'r u ,1 r 1. r ; . ' i 3 . r . y ' . 0 : ) . . i s v. ' r : : - The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp , sold at a low pncc- - - ThPre are lamps that cost more but therel no bettcrlanipmadoatany price. Constructed of solid brass ; nickel plated - easily kept clean : an ornament to any room in any house. Therelsnothlnir known to tho art THE of lamp-making thatcan add to the value of tho UA YO Lamp as a JJght- STEADY/i pivinf / device. Every dealer everywhere. If not at yours write for WHITE descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the UCHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Incorporated ) s W. L. DOUCI.AS $3 $0 - & $ 4 SH U EeFOR & WOMEN MEN { " jf - - 5 , - ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' BOYS' SHOES , $2.00 , $2:50 & $3.00. BEST IN THE WORLD. : 4t IV L. Douglas $3.00 , $3,5Osnd $4.OOshocs , , , , ; -f . t' aro positively tfio best made and most pop ' : ; : ; :4 I ! ' ' uisp shoes for tho price In America , and are , * , t , . . Vv \ " , the most economical shoos fot you to buy. , f5j > ' . ' ) ' ; ; \ ! t' Do you realize that my shoes have been the standard for over , , . , . , \ ' . I ; 30 years , that I make and sell more S.1.00 , S3.5O mid Si.OO : rs,4- : ; ; 'l 1 shoes than any other mannfacturer in the U.S. , and that DOL- " 4-G : ; : > " ' < ' : : LAR FOR DOITAKf I GUARANTEE 1\IYSHOES to hold their " ; 'i jT.f : ; - . . . . shape , look and fithetterand -wear longer than any other S3.0O , Wgf 83.5O or S4.OO shoes yon can our ? Ouality counts. It has F. : . . . . . te 'r.'t. made my shoes THE LEADERS OF THE 1VORI.D. s'j'Ji. lt . YouTvlll ho pleased when you : buy my shoes because of the r. : ' : : .Jlr. . -1 : fit and , and when it time for ? * resrdrnt appearance comes io you to pur- apt A a 1'/'j'V : E chase another pair , you -will bo more than pleased because fr $ czTJT'Vt ' JM Douglas the last ones wore so well , and grave Ton so much comfort. 0 Shoe Co. . . CS/aUTIG'ftS' < 9 ' . name None and Pennine price without stamped tv. on the L. Douglas bottom. : . ! H fl If 1EL R.Jffc S3 IKgCT'i'a' Q 3 ; a UT ! . , . . . . ' 11 your dealer cannot supply you with W. L. Douglas Scoes-write for ilail : Order Uatalojt. , \V. JL. UOU JLAS. ! 14o : Suurk. : Street. JJroc-kton , D1ats. : : ; : : : : : : ' , For TMrrtfivvamjmYan Pink Eye , Epizootic \ 4 S' DSTEMPrI I - Shipping & Catarrhal Fever Fever Sure euro and peal tire preventive no mattcrhow horeesot any stage ; arc infected1 . O t J or"exposed. " Liquid. friven on the'tonllUeacts on the Blood and Glands ; expels the \ - - - poisonous Kermsfrora the body. Cures Distemper in DORS and Sheep and Cholera In Poultry. Lareest live stock . Cures La . human " Lareestsel1lngllvestockremedy. Grippo II.monghuman beluga J and Is n.3no Kidney remedy. 50c and 81 a bottle : ? 5 and 910 a dozen. Cut . this ou : . Keep It. ihowto your ' dniKRlst. who -will pet It foryou. Free Booklet. ' "Distemper. ( J Causes and Cures. " Special Agents wanted. tijp 1 ; ? SPOHfl ! MEDICAL GO , Bacteriologists Chemists and 60SHEH , IHD , U. ' S , A. AXLE GREASE' Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDAND OIL CO. ( Incorporated ) Mutual Expectations. A notoriously close-fisted man was taking his golfing holiday in Scotland , where he hoped to improve his game , and , by driving a hard bargain , had managed to secure the exclusive serv- ices of a first-class caddie , who was known to be a very good player. "Mind , now , " said the ambitious southerner , "I expect to receive some really good tips from you during my I stay here , you understand ? " "Aye , " replied the Scotsman , hitching up the heavy bag , "an' Ah'm expectin' the like frae ye , ye ken.-Golf Illustrated. Contrary Issues. "So Blinks has had his income cut down ? " "Yes ; that is why he is so much cut up. " 1 I t MUNYON'S MINfNT DOCTORS AT YOUR SERVICE FREE We sweep away all doctor's charges. We put the best medical talent within everybody's reach. We encourage everyone who ails or thinks he ails to find out exactly what his state of health is. You can get our remedies here , at your drug store , or not at all , as you prefer ; there is positively no charge for examination. Professor Munyon has prepared specifics for nearly every disease , which are sent prepaid on receipt of price , and sold by all druggists. Send to-day for a copy of our medical examination blank and Guide to Health , which we will mail you promptly , and ifyou will answer all the questions , returning blank to uSt t our doctors will carefully diagnose your case and advise you fully , without a penny charge. Address : funyon's \ Doctors , Munyon's Laboratories , 53d & Jefferson Streets , Philadelphia , Pa. . . nSOmOla R . 4 'I have been using Cascarets for In. somnia , with which I have been afiHcted. for twenty years , and I can say that Cas , I carets have given me more relief than any- other remedy I have ever tried. I shaW certainly recommend them to my friend as being all that they are represented. Thos. Gillard , Elgin , ill. Pleasant. Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good. Never Sicken.WVeaken or Gripe. lOc , 25c SOc. Never sold In bulk. The gen- ' nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to. cure or your moasy ac . ' . 24. FOLDING GABTS : All steel frame , best rubber cloth rubber tire wheels. re- clining ; back. Special Price $4.95 Send for furniture I r catalo ue. THE ANDERSON FURNITURE CO. 606-608 Fourth St. Sioux : City ! o , . , * . ROOSEVELT'S GWS9 BOOK "African Game Trails" Wantpd ! by thousands for Christmas and New- Years. Needed ! A man in every place to take it to the families in his locality. Offered 1 Monop oly of field and high Commission. Take the ureai chance and write for prospectus now to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS , 153 ( R. S. ) Fifth Avenue New York. RUPTIi'RE CURED in a few days. without pain or a sur- gical operation. Ko pay until cured. Send for literature. DRS. WRAY & MATHEKEY. 602' Farmers Loan & Trust Bldg. , Sioux City , Iowa. W ataon E. Col em anWasb. . PATENTS ? IngtOD.IXC. Books ee. High . eat refftreacegr Best resulttt- : W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 451910. PUTNAM . FADELESS . . DYES Color more goods brlflhter and faster color than any other dye. One lOc package colors all fib , . . . . They dye In cold water better than any other dy . . You can . dye anJ - garment - without ) - - ripping - aPlrtWrlt. - for free bcoklet-.Hpw tQ Djo - - , - Blesch and "II Colt , . . . MOHftQE DttUQ . . CO. , QlIlncylI/in.ia. A . . . l