- , - ! , I t ffiitorloal . F Society . , - I ' . , ; , . ' , ' ; J L .MUIj : ! . . . . ' J..il . , L' , l. , .lI' ! ' , X..t. : I . @iiTlli . ; : . : : , . ; JJ' "I"t ! j . . . . . . . . . _ > ' ' ' ' " . . . . . . . . .tl . : I .Ml' " -i/tt" / , " . . . ; kUJ' . " .Il AI UpSI. ; [ ot. . _ . " . " . " _ ' . . . . ; ; : . " . F " ' ; ; : . . . . t' . . . . . ; < . 1 . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , . , . . -T- : ' . " ; " ' " . - ' . . . . . . . . ' . . . . " . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 , . . . ' ' s - s' 1d . . ' . d- . I.Jltf.'n."I . \ ' . . . ' . . . . " " ? oj. . , . 4 . . " . , " : -r- " 4. . : . ' . . . , "a' : : , : - . ; . , . . . I ' : ,6 ; ' t . t"'r ' . d"t' - . . , , D .I.l.tl' ' . q . ) I , : Oft . " . . ' . j' , - j''r _ , ' . . . . \ ' . ' . ' ? , : , ' ' I - . . . i ' . ' \ l4f- . 1. : VALENTINF ' DEMOCRAT. I I . . J , - , - ' , j1' " ' ' A ' t 1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor . VALENTINE , NEBR. , THUR/ . t . . ) AY , NOVEMBER 3 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 43 . . . t J 1 1 .L 11\ - . . . . . . , - - - - . 2Q X 2' ! ; . , . ; Eureka Saloon ' . . " AlcGEER : & CARROLL Proprs. ! : Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars ' Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : . tj . Old - -Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , . , . - ' Guchenheimer , ' Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29 year/old and Jas. . E , Pepper 0 , F , C Taylor. . . ' - < . , . " at s These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov- ernment warehouse. They are guar- - anteed pure and unadulterated. U n- excelled for family l and medical use. . Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , ' Imported Gordon and DeKuyper : Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout Bass : : Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , : ' . Valentine . = Nebraska * tf " r2JKKES2S2 ro- ftft.'t j : . , r gffi1 , GrenFr i1 f - - - - Has1just , received its stock of Fall and Winter ) . .Goods ; , , which will be sold at very low prices ii I F regardless . . . of cost. Lay in your supply now. * . . . - ° ® 100 LB. SACK SALT 80 CTS. - 1 . i 1 : l I pay market price for Hides and Furs. , Ssaisj ta MIKE DAV5S , Valentine ( , Neb. _ Ssais _ . * . = t sz . . i ' * . / . . . _ _ f > > _ _ _ J a , ( , . ' ; ' his/ ; , . . . / ( - . . . . . ; , . . . . , ; ; . . . , . , ' . , , , _ - 10.-1. . . . . . " , . ' . . . : -y " . . ; , , _ . . . . . . Go to the _ : ; " - : : . . . . " I T ' : Stock Exchange Saloon " " 'c , ' \ VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER i . -t Walther F. A. Melfendorff , Propr. . . . . . . _ _ - . . f Cigars , = Tobaccos z , = Confectionery 1 | : Hot and Cold Lunches g : Short Order Meals. Bakery Goods | FA ! l } Horn ery.j I TELEPHONE NO. 7 .J .L E : : 'SSK3 , . 1ZX f Last Saturday evening about r 10:30 : Robt. McGeer was assaulted . nea t : the Davenport corner while returning from the moving pic ture' " ' show that had been given at Qiiigley's hall. He was stabbed w ith ' a knife in the inner and up- I ' psV ' part * of the thigh near the . groin . byWm. Johnson , who lives several , , miles south of town. It ssjqms . that Johnson , who had been drinking but moderately about town ' during the afternoon , had ' saloon with into McGeer's gone _ . . . y his tea-year-old son and -showed an inclination . to remain there in company with the boy. To this McGeer objected and good natur- edly told' . Johnson that minors : were not allowed in his place of , business. Johnson became in- c , nsed , at this and refused to take .the boy " out. 'McGeer thereupon j ave . him. . to . understand that if he II . " ' .di.d - - not take the boy out anci leave VimVat"some i : proper place , he woyl ' - ld. . b : - Qmpelled to put him out. ! ; Johnson finally concluded -that he had better go , , and went. Nothing more was thought \vent.1 . matter by McGeer until Johnson . suddenly appeared before him . while he was on his way home , . ! and stooping , struck him with the . knife' Bob'then walked to his , \ f _ , . . . . - . . . . . . . . , 7. ' j place on the corner and Drs. Lewis and Compton were sent for and the wound , which is an ugly one , was dressed and the flow of blood stopped. Mr. McGeer is getting along nicely and if no unforseen complications present themselves will recover. If you have trouble in getting your butcher knife to hold an edge , why not let Ferree Bros. , at Brownlee make you one that will hold a good cutting edge , § 3.00 to ti1.00. Miss Jane E. Taylor and Walter O. Wilson were married Wednes- day evening , Oct. 26 , at the home of the bride's sister , Mrs. Herman Massingale , the Rev. Caldwell ] ) performing the ceremony. This is the last of W. A. Taylor's four. fine girls who have grown to womanhood in this city in the past dozen years. The Jefferies-Johnson moving pictures. given here Saturday night were not advertised in i the newspapers and it seems that they were not very satisfactory to those who attended. Perhaps they were fake pictures as , some who attended seemed to think , and they : did not want a newspaper's com- II ment upon them. . r . - . . . . _ . . . . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . " . . - - . Talk of the Town. . Pat Pifer was a visitor in the city ' Monday. Jim Bradshaw has returned from Hot Sprins , S. D. I William Heelan was in from his ranch Monday. Four carloads of Posts , from lie to 60c. Ludwig Lumber Co. S , \Veston and wife made trip to St. Frances , S. D. , the first of the week. P. H. Clark of Merriman was a visitor in Valentine the first of the week. J. C. Tilson and his son in law J. C. Price were in town Monday on business. Preserve the present for the future. Phel , s photos Nov. 18th. , and 19th. Preserve the present for the future. Phelps photos Nov. 18th. and 19th. A car load of Weber wagons , must be sold at once. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. Preserve the present for the future. Phelps photos Nov. 18th. , and 19th. Robt , Thomas , of Cleveland precinct came in through the storm to hear the speaking last week. Louie Bordeoux reports the loss of three hay stacks during the fire that swept through the valley , . . , - north ot Kilgore ] recently. Furnished rooms to rent by day or week , Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf Ser \ ices' will be4ield - at-the St > . * John's church morning and even- . 6. Choir ing next Sunday -Nov. rehearsal on Friday night. Weather reports as worked out - by J. J. McLane our local weather man , , from reports now on file state this is the warmest October that we have had in twenty two years. It won't hurt' to talk to Ferre Bros. about that auto , of gasoline engine of yours that is troubling you so much. If they can't make her run it won't cost you any- thing. The eight. months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. . C. Price , of the Overton Ranch , died last Thursday , Oct. 27th. , at the home of the parents of Mrs. Price , Mr. : and Mrs. ' Theo. Tillson , down the river east of Valentine where Mr. and Mrs. : Price were visiting a * I * i couple of weeks , The funeral was held Friday at Kewanee at the t home of Geo. ' Foster , and in-I terment made in the cemetery near there. . One of the most brilliant enter- tainments of the season was given last Friday night at the home of ReV. Wells and wife in this city. I About fifty or 60 persons were I present , representing friends of I all demonstrations , and the even- ing was delightfully spent social intercourse and listening to sweet strains of music furnished by a number of young people and sing- ing by Mrs. C. H. Cornell , Mr. Fields and others , with piano ac- companiment by Rev. Wells who also played a number of beautiful selections with variations which were much appreciated by the audience who were meanwhile I I visiting and apparently busy chat- i ting . with each other. Coffee , , c'locolate and a variety of cake , I the like of which Valentine ladies are noted for making , were. served. to those present and our pencil seems unable to describe the friendly good feeihg and delight- I ful success of the entertainment. I Rev. [ and lIrs."T eIls are spend entertainers and were assisted by I II , the ladies of the Episcopal church and Levi Sparks and Tom Hornby. . . . . - - . . . . . - . . , W. T. Bfiflis Dead. , W. T. Bullis ' an old time resi dent of Valentine who removed to Sturgis , S. D. , a couple ol years ago , died last Friday from paralysis. We copy from the Sturgis Record , which spealts briefly of his past life the follow . ing obituary : William Theron Bullis who ha § ; been suffering , for several ' weeks at his home in east Sturgis , had a second stroke . f of paralysis , Friday afternoon and quietly passed . away. - He was seventy-two years , iw ) : months and six days old. His birthplace ' . was in Niagara county , N. Y. , whence he moved to La- Salle county , Ills. lIe was left with the "charge gf rearing his six brothers-his. parents dying just as he reached.young ; manhood. He was d united in marriage to Elizabeth , Zorn , May 16 , 1861 , who \\ithfourof their children , survive- . his death. Those living are William F. , and Charles H. , of Valentine , Nebr. . Mrs. Nellie Cole , of St. Louis , Mo. , and John W. , who is a partner with N. A. Bullis , a brother of the deceased in the Hardware & Furniture store j 'at Sturgis. Two children have passed on to the better world , Mrs. \ Mattie : , Sawyer and Donna Estel Ie. . . . I Four of the Bullis brothers did service in the civil war , the de- : ceased serving three years in the liith infantry , coming home with- out a scratch , while his next younger brother who was here visiting this summer , had both I ayes put out in the first battle. . llr.Bullis engaged in farming " " 'J ! ' ' " ' elf' he close of the war , moving to' Hampton , Iowa , thence to Valen- tine , Neb , where he made his home until moving to Sturgis last spring. All of the children have L een at his bedside during his ill- aess , and all but his daughter were present at the funeral which tvas held in the M. E. church Sun- lay at 3:30 : p. m. , Rev. H. L. Case preaching the sermon. At the conclusion of the service the remains of the deceased were escorted to the cemetery by a squad ; of the militia commanded jy Captain McNenny. the lVl:1.sonic : odge and G. A. R. , in a body , ind followed by a large company Df sorrowing friends. At the. ! rave ; the burial services were onducted : by the . A. F. & A. M. , l odge * . nd the G. A. R. Judge F. M. Walcotb of Valen- ine , Neb. , who has been a mem- her + for many years , of the home olge l with . ? \ 'Jr. Bullis , stepped for- vard and paid a \ e % y fitting tribute ind the highest words of em omi- im to the sterling character and ife long integrity of the deceased. Sturgis ( S. D. ) Record. In Lumber we have the largest itock and tho lowest prices. " . LUDWIG LUMBER : Co. Ted Perrine left Wednesday for .he . south hills to look at a bunch of cattle with a view of purchas- ng. Mr. Perrine : is a life long epublican but is so shaping his usiness + so-as to be at home to rote for Hitchcock and Dahlman. Dr. . Barnes , the eyesight special- ist of Omaha , will be at the Donoher. aotel Wednesday , Nov.9all , dayand at Woodlake Friday , the 11 , uptil 3 J o'clock. He has been visiting Ins town for 12 years , and patient vill be given a year for examination , vithout extra charge. J. W. Crow , Merriman ; . was in Valentine Monday , having visit- ' id the city for the purpose of . aking ; Mr , Conner from under the 'ostering care of the court house i anitor Mr. Robertson back to .he . town from which he came , vhere he is to be cared for b.v1r , ilex I Park Brown and 'bis wife. , 1 " . . . . - - - We are Headquarters for { Winchester Ammunition - . HE SEASON will soon be open so that the THE with dog and gun will have full sway. We also handle a full line of Shot Guns and Rifles. "Winchester" and "Remington" are two of our best makes. ! + Hunting Coats , Caps and Hats are now on display in our window and may be bought at a bar- gain. Now is the time and the Red Front Hard ware is the place to get full value for your money. / . - ' " . . Red FrontHardware Co 1 . . r E you are looking for a newSuit or Over- * IF coat or anything in the line of Men's : or Boys' furnishings , don't forget to stop v at the Fair. We have a complete line of ! Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing and I < prices range _ from $1.75 to $28 per Suit. c. , I- Talk about Ladies' and Misses' : Skirts. ' . Well , we have a new line and they are the I best in town. In Voiles , Panama and Ser _ ges at $3.50 to $15 , also a large line of f Ladies' , 'lisses ' , Men's : and Boys' Sweaters. I k If you ml1st- have a tailor made suit ( for men or ladies ) l remember we represent the Garden City Tailoring Co. , . and there is no better tailoring house in Chicago. We . . guarantee a fit or no sale. Come in and look over , e , ' line. No trouble to show goods at 4. . . , . - . . - - . u * 1 a ' . . , . i ! Phone 145. H. W. HOENIQ I , Propr. , ' = : : J. . . _ ' t t ! OLarlerccl ns n Stnte Butik : Chartered as a Nntionnl ' BsuIk June J. Ui81. ; ' ; August li , IW ) " ? . The FIRST NATIONAL BANK : I { ' ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) : . ' . . . . + Valentine . " - : : : ' - - : . , - Nebraska. - 1 CAPITAL " $25.000 A Gc neral Banking Exchange SURPLUS . 'llSoo .L general . . , Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : 0. H. 00R F.Jr" , President. 1 [ . V. NICHOLSON Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GI-KN HOENIG , ABs't Onshler. - Farm Implements ' . , . , . We sell fam : 1 ng implements as well ' as other merchandise at reasonable . prices. , . . - . . -If _ . . . . : Call and try us. - . . - I r . , . : - : I - # I CROOKSTON. . ' ' _ NEBRASKA . . - < . . . MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. , ' - - - ti / Ii i I &r y I Stetter & Tobien . I + . Stetter. , Props. ; . . DEALERS IN ' t + j = d I /j / / i y t . i All Kinds of Fresh I j . and Fait Meats. . . . ' . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , - - C Poultry , : Horses , Mules and - ' anything . .F . - ' you . . have to sell. , f . ; : ' f 4 - . . - . , - . . . - - - - e - . . . .i. . + L > = DRS. DALLAL BARAKAT , = ' - GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY I GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. . . . _ EYES TESTED and - " \ : II. I . W-e-compound.oura.nd dispense OA-D med cines. Office on 2nd floor ot ; I. " ' T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska - . - - , . ' r