Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 27, 1910, Image 8

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) - S The - Valentine Democrat
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'f ' h r I. M. RICE , - - - Publisher. ,
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Youngsters Hit Hard and Coombs
Twirls Best Game of the Three He
Helped to Win-Victorious Players
> Entitled to $2,062 Each.
Chicago.-The baseball champion-
ship of the w.orld belongs to the Phila
I delphia club of the American league.
They clinched the big pennant fast on
j Sunday seven runs to two for the Chi
cago Nationals , and there was none in
the big overflow crowd to say that
, 1 they had not won it fairly and square-
I ly. Five games were played and the
eastern youngsters took four of them
by outbatting , outfielding and outrush-
ing the veteran Chicagoans. They
"got the jump" at the start , and al
though Chicago punctuated their pro-
gress with a defeat Saturday , it really
did not change the situation a bit.
While the series was not the most
profitable ever played , it helps to sim
\ plify the high cost of living problem
confronting even such heroes as the
Philadelphians , to say nothing of the
Chicagoans , with winter coming. The
players' share of the money amounts
I to $79,091.93. Of this 60 per sent , or
$47,943.15 goes to the winners and
$31,628.71 to the losers. As there are
twenty-three players on each team
eligible to participate , each of the
. t . Philadelphians entitled in round
, numbers to $2,062 , and each Chicagoar
' to $1,375.
1 ; Portugese Government Has a Great
I Deal to Fear From Its Victory
' Flushed Troops.
Lisbon. - The republican government
1 Is somewhat uneasy over the attitude
of the regiments which made the rev-
' olution possible. Although not openly
insubordinate , the soldiers , flushed
with victory , are showing extreme in
: , dependence and are championing the
" maintenance of strong power in the
Lands of the military.
i The government's real reason for
i "j- I according leave of absence four
1 months to the soldiers who took
: . part in the rising , with full pay ,
is the desire to break up the regiments
temporarily and remove the danger of
} military rebellion. The majority of
a soldiers , however , have refused to ac
. I
i cept inis offer.
. . . I
Balloon Decends in Sea.
I Berlin. - A : private dispatch dated
iJ C ; Ymuiden , Holland , reports that the
, I ' -spherical balloon Hildebrandt decend-
: i ed in the North sea Sunday and that
the three occupants were rescued with
'i difficulty by the pilot boat. The bal
:1 : loon ascended at Berlin on Saturday ,
j the intention being to proceed to Eng.
I , land. ,
. , t .
Hookworm in Samoa.
Washington , D. C.-Eighty-five per
cent of the inhabitants of America
, i
-Samoa are suffering from the hook-
' : worm disease , according to the annual
; report of Capt. F. Parker , United
! : ' States navy , retired governor of the
. , i American islands of the Samoan group.
; { t This means that about 5,700 natives
. ' have the disease.
; 1
. Deficit in Panama Budget.
t .1 Panama.-on account of the big de
I t ficit in the budget of 1911-1912 , a ma-
: F . jority of the proposed public works
. . l will be Indefinitely postponed. This
i includes the construction of the Pa-
" i nama David railway , the survey of
. ; which has already been made.
d \ Postoffice Safe Blown.
J Indianapolis , Jnd. - After wrecking a
i postofflce safe , taking $450 in money
and stamps and attempting to gain
, entrance to the vault at the Farmers'
II , State bank in Bargerville , seventeen
miles south of Indianapolis , safe blow.
. 4. ers made their escape.
- s Aldrich Is Improving.
} I i , New York.-The condition . of United
States Senator Aldrich of Rhode Isl
and , who was struck by a street car
, . . " ! Friday night and badly bruised , was
- i I
-v ! reported1 as improved Sunday.
. : I
, '
- i Sioux City Live Stock Market.
J Sioux City , lo. - Saturday's quota
.f t - lions on the local live stock market
'i i ; follow : Top beeves , $5.50. Top hogs ,
f ? 8.65.
-1 z1 z 1
i Electricians Declare Strike Off.
, - Paris. - The strike of the electrical
t workers has been declared off. The
ii i . men will resume work immediately.
1 The strike of the electricians' union
! began on October 13 in sympathy with
. , ! the railway employes. '
I .j. if i f .
, Georgia Official Dies.
II soli-
o I citor general of Georgia died here
Friday morning after an illness with
which he was stricken in the court'
room on Tuesday.
, i
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Captain of National Team Hicks on
Murphy's Home Run anj Vs Dis
ciplined by Umpire-His Pitchers
Are Hard Hit.
- .
Chic : go.-More than 26,000 people
saw the Philadelphia American league
ball team administer the third con
secutive defe'at to the Chicago Na-
tional league club in the world's
championship series on Thursday. J > .
In every department t ; the game
the Quaker City team h.d : . it on the
veteran pannant winners. They played
rings around them. They knocked
their pitchers out of the box and per-
formed stunts in the field that robbed
the Chicago players of what might
have been hits.
Reulbach started out to pitch for
the Chicagoans. He lasted two in
nings and then Mclntire took his
place. The latter was driven out of
the box in the third inning after the
Athletics had slammed the ball all
around the lot. Pfiester took his
The third inning was really the .
most remarkable of the game. Be
sides seeing the retirement of Mc
Intire , this same round noted the
blacklisting of Manager Chance. He
was ordered off the field by Umpire
Connolly because he disputed too ar
dently a decision which gave Murphy
a home run for a terrific hit into the
crowd in right field.
Jack Coombs , who worked on Tues
day at Philadelphia for the Athletics
came back and twirled a much bet-
ter game. He had better control , a
quicker break to his curves , which
he used considerably throughout.
The American league champions
continued their excellent work on the
field and at the plate. There were
no particular stars in the conflict on :
the side of the Athletiqs , but all of
the men took a hand in administering
the third consecutive defeat to the
Cubs. The score :
Clubs. R. H. E.
Athletics .12500040 0-12 14 0
Chicago . . .120000020 8 5
Sasriflce hit-Lord. Two-base hits -
Schulte 2 , Barry 2 , Coombs , Tinker , Davis.
Home run - Murphy. Bases on balls-
Strunk , Sheckard 3. Davis , Beaumont ,
Thomas. Wild pitch-Coombs. Stolen
base-Tinker. Double plays-Zimmerman
to Tinker to Archer , Murphy to Davis.
Struck out-Chance. Hofman Steinfeldt.
Schulte , Strtink , Zimmerman. Pfiester ,
Archer , Barry. Hit by pitched ball-
Davis. Time of game - 2:05. : Umpires
O'Dav. _ Sheridan , RI ler. Connolly.
FSSSadelphia. The
- Philadelphia
Athletics proved too strong for the
Chicago Nationals in the second base-
ball game of the world's series and
romped away with a 9 to 3 victory.
The American league champions ,
who now have won two straight con-
tests , looked superior to their oppo-
nents in both hitting and pitching.
They outhit the Chicagos , fourteen to
I nine , and Jack Coombs , who was
opposed by Mordecai Brown , had a
big shade over the latter twirler.
While he did not prove as effective
as Bender , Coombs was unhittable in
. ' fijhe pinches , when he did magnificent
! 5ork. Like Bender , he mixed his
jjirves well , using speed , curves and
3 slow one alternately.
Brown did not appear at his best ,
as his deceptive curve ball did not
break with the sharpness that it usual-
ly does. Brown also lacked the con-
trol and after getting two and three
balls on his opponents he was com-
pelled to stick the next over. As a
result the Athletics hit timely and
cinched the victory in the seventh
round , when six runs were secured off
him.Philadelphia. . - Through the master .
ly pitching of "Chief" Bender the
Philadelphia American baseball team
defeated the Chicago Nationals by a
score of 4 to 1 in the initial game of
the world's championship series. The
game was witnessed by 26,981 per
The game was a wonder in its I way ,
and Chief Bender , who pitched for
the Athletics , had the Chicagoans at
his mercy up to the ninth inning ,
when he * et dovrn a tit and the Cubs
got their single tally.
Man Who Shot Distiller Is Tried and
Sentenced to Death Within
36 Hours.
Lexington , Ky.-Murderer , fugitive ,
//risoner / , defendant and convict sen-
tenced to electrocution all within HC
hours , is the story of Charles : Litt'c.
Kentucky mountain feudist , and the
only feudist who ever confessed. Lit
fie shot to death Matthew Craw-
ford , a wealthy distiller one1
banker and one of the most roouj r
and powerful men of the Kentiirkv
mountains , at Crawford's distillery ! :
near Jackson. Rrenthitt coirn'y. Ky. .
hours afterward jury re
amW : a
turned : a verdict fixing ! the penalty a !
Altcn Limited in \Vrok.
Springfield 111. - The CMca-r- : > A'-
ton limited north-bound. raT 'ntoin
open switch at NilwocdVodnesdr : > v
and crashed : into a special froighf ! '
train : south-bound. Sixteen persons
were injured none seriously. :
White May Be Chief Juriicp.
New York. - It was learn0 ! hnr
Wednesday that among th < ? ca' . ! ' t1 iat9"
for chief justice of the United Stitf > '
Supveme : court whom President Taft
is considering is Advocate Justice Ed-
w .I.'j Douglass White.
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Passengers Numbering 547 Are Safe
But Ship Cannot Be Floated Until
Cargo Is Jettisoned - Nine Lives
Lost in Storm.
New York.-The destructiveness
and the devastation wrought by the
\Vest Indian hurricane along the Flor-
ida coast , south of St. Augustine , . is
being revealed as wire communication
is slowly restored.
Dispatches from Tampa , and Key
West received by roundabout routes
give a long list of vessels wrecked
and lives lost.
Most thrilling of all is the report
telling of the grounding of the French
transatlantic steamship Louisiane ,
with 547 passengers , on Sombrero
Reef , fifty miles east of Key West.
Fortunately , however , all hands are
reported safe. The vessel lies in eight
feet of water and cannot be" floated
until most of her cargo has been jet-
Three of the crew of the schooner
Harry I. Haywood of Boston were
drowned when that vessel went on
the reefs at Boca Ratone.
Six men were drowned when the
sloop Nabob was swept to sea and
swamped off Masquesos.
The captain , mate and one seaman
of the schooner William W. Con-
verse of Philadelphia were lost when
the schooner went to pieces on Tues-
day. Five survivors were brought to
St. Augustine.
The schooner Edward T. Stotes-
bury of New York is also reported
wrecked on a reef.
The Texas oil barge Dallas , with
nine men aboard , broke her towing
line in a ninety-mile gale off Jack-
sonville , Fla. , and has not been heard
of since.
The steamer Brazos of the Mallory
line left Galveston on October 12 with
sixteen : cabin and fifteen steerage pas-
sengers. Since a dispatch was re
ceived from her captain on Sunday
thac she had anchored in the Gulf of
Mexico nothing has been heard of her.
Validity of Law Making Initial Carrier
Liable fbr. Damage Is Before
High Court.
Washington.-Argument was begun
Wednesday in the United States Su
preme court as to the validity of the
so-called Carmack amendment to the
Hepburn rate law of 1904. The initial
carrier of interstate commerce is not
only made liable by this amendment
for damages which may occur in
transportation on its own road but
also on all its connecting lines.
The contest is probably the greatest
of all the legal controversies which
have arisen out of the passage of the
Hepburn rate law.
Attacking the constitutionality of
the law at this time are the Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad company and the
Louisville and Nashville Railroad com-
In addition to those claiming dam-
ages for shipments over these roads ,
Attorney General Wickersham of the
department of justice has come forth
to defend the constitutionality of the
law. From two primary points of
view the railroads attack the law.
Dead Russian Leader Honored.
Moscow. Russia. The funeral of
Prof. Serge Andreievich Mouromtseff.
who was president of the duma In
1906 , Thursday was the occasion of
'one of the greatest popular demonstra-
tions ever seen here. It was attended
by 60,000 persons.
Death Verdict for Slayer.
Plaquemine , La.-Frank Oteri was
found culity ; of the murder of Jere-
miah ; F. Stephens of St. John , Mich. ,
jby a jury. The verdict carries the
j death penalty. .
. - - - - ' ' ' , ' . '
Senator Cummins , Governor Canroll
and Others Pay Last Tribute to
Memory of Dead Statesman.
Fort Dodge , la. - The funeral of the
late Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver took
place here v/hile the rain fell in tor I
rents. Burial was in Oakdale ceme- .
The drizzling rain , driven by a raw ,
cold wind , compelled the family to
abandon the original plan of holding
the services on the lawn of the Dolli-
ver home. The funeral , therefore , was
held in the Fifty-sixth regiment arm-
ory , which accommodates 6000. :
Contrary elements could not keep
away the devoted friends of Senator
Dolliver , however , who crowded every
available space in the big building.
Standing outside the building , strain-
ing to catch a word of the eulogies be-
ing : pronounced upon the departed
statesman , were almost 3,000 people.
They crowded around the building
until finally Senator Clapp of Minneso-
ta left the services inside and went
outside , making a short speech to
On the stage of the armory were
seated the clergy , the United States
senators and congressmen , the com-
mittee from the two houses of the
Iowa general assembly , all state offi
cers and other speakers.
The space in front of the stage was
a perfect mass of flowers. Particular-
ly noticeable was the huge wreath
sent by the United States senate.
Preceding the speeches at the arm
ory the regulation Methodist Episcopal ]
burial services were held.
Following the ritualistic services of
the church , eulogies were delivered by
the following men : Rev. Charles M.
Stuart , Chicago ; Governor Carroll , on
behalf of the people of Iowa ; Senator
Cummins , as representative of the Uni-
ted States senate ; Bishop William Fra-
ser McDowell of .Chicago , "A Fallen
Leader. "
American Dentist Takes Witness
Stand In Own Behalf In Trial
for Wife Murder.
London.-The climax was reached
in the sensational Crippen murder
case Thursday when Dr. H. H. Crip-
pen took the witness stand to refute
the charge that he had murdered his
wife , that he might marry his pretty
typist , Ethel Clare Leneve.
. Crippen admitted that he lied con-
cerning his wife's disappearance.
"I said those things to 'cover up the
scandal , for both our sakes , " said the
witness. "It is true that many of the
things I said were false. She repeat-
edly threatened to leave me , telling
me that she could go to America to
join Bruce Miller. I last saw her on
January 31 of this year , and I be-
lieved that she fled to America. To
avoid scandal I concocted a story that
she had gone to America to attend
to certain private business for me in
California , and that while on her way
across the American continent she
had died and had been incinerated
there. "
Telling of his flight to North Amer
ica , Crippen said :
"Ethel and I were hunted andwe
wanted to escape. The quartermaster
of the Montrose volunteered to help
us. We were to be smuggled ashore
in a piece of baggage , but our plan
was frustrated. I wrote the suicide
note to throw the authorities off the
track and give us more time to get
away. "
Wilson's Resignation Accepted.
Princeton , N. J.-The board of trus-
tees of Pncceton university Thursday
accepted the resignation of Woodrow
Wilson ] as president and appointed
John A. Stewart of New York , senior
trustee , president pro tempore.
To Raise Silkworms In New York.
New York. - The raising of silk.
worms is to be undertaken on a large
scale at Great River , L. I. The United
States department of agriculture will
assist in making the enterprise a suc
- . . .
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Was Prominent for Years In Demo
cratic Party and as Executive
of New York State.
Albany , N. Y.-David Bennett Hill ,
ex-United States senator and former
governor of New York , died suddenly
Thursday at Wolferts Roost , his coun
try home. He was C'i years old.
About two weeks ago Mr. Hill was
seized with a bilious attack , and al :
though his condition was not co.nsid-
ered serious at the time his physi-
cian advised him to remain at home
for a few days. The patient appeared
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David B. Hill.
to be on the road to recovery until
Wednesday night , when he suffered a
sinking spell , which resulted in his
Mr. Hill was born August 29 , 1843.
He was elected to the assembly 1870
and again in 1871. During his first
term in the assembly he made his
memorable fight to abolish contract
convict labor , and during his second
term he was a member of the judiciary
committee , with Samuel J. Tilden , they
being the only Democrats on the com-
mittee , which had the task of investi-
gating the alleged scandalous and cor-
rupt conduct of certain New York city
Wellman and Companions Are PIckec
Up and Return to New York
on the Trent.
New York. - Walter Wellman , who
with his crew of five men sailed from
Atlantic City , N. J. , for Europe in the
immense dirigible balloon America
last Saturday , got back to this city
Wednesday on the Royal Mail Steam
Packet line steamer Trent.
Barring a few Injuries to his right
arm and one of the fingers of his
right hand , the man who directed this
daring attempt to cross the ocean in
a gas bag returns in good physical
shape although his nerves are some-
what shattered and he has reached
the conclusion that in the present de-
velopment of the dirigible the task
he undertook is a hopeless one.
The members of his crew came
back bubbling with enthusiasm over
their adventures and with open ex
pressions of willingness to try it again
as soon as anyone produces a bal
loon which has half a chance of ma-
king the journey.
New York.-The first attempt to
cross the Atlantic in a dirigible bal-
loon has proved a failure. The Amer-
ica , with Walter Wellman and his par-
ty of five on board , was picked up
Tuesday morning ; almost 375 miles
due east of Cape Hatteras , by the in
coming Bermuda liner Trent.
News of the rescue came In two
wireless messages from Captain Down
of the Trent one reporting to the
company agents here and another in
forming the New York Times of the
result of the expedition in which It
had taken a leading part.
Captain Down reported that at five
o'clocTuesday ! : morning he first
sighted the airship. Signals of dis-
tress and calls for help were given.
For three hours the Trent maneuvered
in the heavy sea to get alongside of
Wellman and his wrecked companions.
The entire party finally was taken
aboard , even to the cat , which was
taken along as a mascot. The Amer
ica was abandoned where the rescue
occurred , in latitude 35.43 , longitude
President Visits Immigration Station
With Secretary Nagel and Com-
missioner Wililams.
New York. Oct. 19.-President Taft
made : his proposed } visit to the Ellis
island imm graticn ! station where he
was met by William : Williams ! , commis
sioner of immigration. Secretary Na
gel of the departtnent of commerce
and labor came from Washington to
make the trip \\ith the president.
The party had lunch on the cutter
Immigrant and the president met a
number of men of prominence during
ais trip some politicians among them.
Gov. Hsdley May Avert Rail Strike.
Lutesviile. Mo. - Governor Hadley
Thursday wired the Missouri Pacific's
general manager and the machinists'
international president offering to ar
bitrate the general strike of the allied
trades en all the Gould railroads ,
which is imminent :
Mammoth Sea : Launched.
Belfast , Ireland. - The Olympic , the
1 \ rst of two mammoth White Star
liWrs was launched Thursday amid ,
of enthusiasm. The new ves
sel la of 45,000 tons
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Guardsmen to Stand Trial.
C. Hartigant
Adjutant General John
; ,
has prepared charged to- be preferred
Nebraska na -
against members of the
court mar-
general c
tional guard at a - :
tial to be held In Lincoln , November
15. This will be the first . general .
court martial ever held in this : state-
for the trial of Nebraska national
guardsmen and the event is looked
forward ' to with great interest by-
members of the organization.
the accused are-
The majority of
charged with absence without leave-
orders. Thus far-
and disobedience of Thus.
only two are charged with desertion
one of these also being charged with ,
the unlawful taking of government
The court will comprise the fon low- .
ing officers :
Brigadier General Joseph A. Storch. .
Colonel F. J. Mack : , Second regi .
Colonel G. A. Eberly , First regi-
Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Birkner , .
medical department.
Major H. J. Paul , Second regiment.
Major G. H. Holdeman , First regi
Captain L. H. Gage , signal corps.
Captain C. L. Brewster , First regi-
ment , judge advocate.
to have-
Most of the offenses alleged
been committed against the military-
code of the state are said to have-
been committed at Fort Riley , Kas. , .
of the-
or just prior to the departure
guard to Fort Riley. The guard went
to Fort Riley to participate in mili-
tary maneuvers in which both regu-
lar soldiers and guardsmen from
western states took part. '
Railroads Get Hearing.
The state railway commission has : : :
extended the date of its entire order-
relating ] to the increase of switching :
rates to be charged by the Union. .
stock yards of South Omaha includ-
ing that portion of the order requiring
railraos to pay or absorb the in-
creased charges. The order was to-
have ' gone into effect October 24 , but
the commission extended the time till
November 1 and will hold a hearing :
October 27 on the question of whether
or not the railroads shall be required
to pay the additional switching rates-
proposed by the commission and asked't
for by the stock yards company. :
Cholera Serum Experiments.
State Veterinarian Juckiness has
experimented with great success with.
the serum for the cure and prevention ;
of hog cholera under the formulae Y
prepared by the United States depart-
ment of agriculture. An appropriation
of $5,000 was made by the last legis- .I
lature in Nebraska to aid the state-
farm in the preparation of the statVJ ,
and in experiments. but this appr ' . /
priation has not been sufficient to sup
ply demands for the serum. As a re-
sult many stock raisers have bought
their own serum and have had it ap
plied to hogs under the supervision or
State Veterinarian Juckiness. "
Colonel McDonnell Retired.
At his own request , Colonel Johns.
W. McDonnell : of Fairbury has beem
placed on the retired list of the Ne-
braska national guard with the rank
of colonel. The order of retirement . .
issued under the laws of the state ,
is by order of Governor Shallenber-
ger , commander-in-chief , ' signed by-
Adjutant General John C. Hartigan _
and attested by Captain L. C. Kester-
son , acting assistant adjutant gen-
ral. S
Charged With Desertion.
Adjutant General Hartigan has-
added two names to the list of Ne
braska national guardsmen who will
be cited before a general court mar-
tial on the charge of desertion. Earl I
Minister and Albert
Horton , members ; :
of the Lincoln hospital corps , are now
charged with desertion. This make& :
a total of four charged with desertion.
Many are charged with absenting :
themselves without leave. The court
martial will convene November 15.
"Fire Day" November Fourth.
State Superitendent Bisnop has just.
announced that the first Friday in No
vember will be known as "Fire Day. . ' '
On that day every teacher in the pub-
'Kc schools in Nebraska is requested
to give pupils Information in regard to- ,
fire risks and what to do in'case of
fire. A fire prevention text book has
been prepared and distributed arucnsr
° "
Governor Shallenberger has issu < > &
a requisition for the return of Joseph.
French from Tacoma , Wash. , on a.
charge of deserting his seven-year-old'
child. Merl French. The ccmpiant : is.
signed by Mrs. Mary E. French. the-
wife of the accused. : '
Glanders in Hor - ; : ; s-
State Veterinarian Juckinesr I : : has-
been busy lately examining corses. '
supposed to be afflicted with glanders. ,
He killed three horses near \ ti fr : \
bago , in Thurston county , during thV \ 3
past week. In all twelve horses sear1
Iear- , .N
that town have been
killed oa '
account . /
ol slanders. Mr. Juckiness -
.slanders. ' :
. says he-
believes at least
'c : : es. exist . in . that community. As : .
the disease is incurable
, it is consd-
ered extremely dangerous. ' The
does not pay for the animals killed. .
--L '
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