Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 27, 1910, Image 10

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    4 ,
- . _ . M . . xf - . - W N'wM.u - ' - " . . . . . . . . --llI---'u , , " " - - . - - . , - . . . ' ' . . . " . . . . . . .
r . . . . . , ' " , . . . n ' , . " ' . . ; , : " - : ; . . - . ( \ " . : : : - . . a " ' . - - . . . ' ' , " i : . . .
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- - - "
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- -
" B f r -
) e - , - - - . 0
H i' . Th'ey're I1ere !
. . _ _
EYv STOCK just received of Fall and
4 NEW ' Qgods ' that are good values and
serviceable articles. LADIES' FUR
of which might well be said are "a joy forever. "
A big line of FUR COATS and WINTER
CAPS for Men and a lot of WARM HOSIERY ,
UNDERWEAR and SHOES for everybody.
, Y
. , ; "W..Ao . , PARKER
:1 : a General ! Merchandise ;
, I'J J I'I i I . Wood Lake , = = Nebraska
" , " - - _ . , - - . _ u.- , . . . .
i i
I ii i . . , . .
' - - " ' ' " . " "
; , 1F ld'-- iV i&A&AJ J < t. ' ' > -"o
1,1 i i' I ! ' ' J. Hs DAY '
, GENtj e , f
t I t : \ \ . ' We Buy , and Sell Horses :
: , \ . < Wood Lake , - Nebraska >
\ " . . . . . . ? 1" . ' " , ; . . w' _ _ " , . ' " >
' t a ° s. sal-c-- ' os 4 1 ! 9t. R RgSt a
y I Livery , Feed and
. Sales Stable. . . . . . . . .
Ii . , . - WoodLake ? Nebraska g
" 'nnnmignSir infiflt" = ; * r y ( Z
, i
.y , pe Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. * ) e
r H. A. LYONS , '
: , f ( Successor to " \V elker & Lyons )
Wood Lake : Nebii ka.
. Am - stil1 doing . driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
, and , . fiching parties.
, ;
. A. Me Lotspeich
. , . . ® JLl&r4J > r "St ? M.TM. M. ,
- ( Successor to Ed Young. )
, .
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods.
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ,
: ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . . , .
t a
r ' Wood ' Lake = Nebraska.
. . J " " - - _ - ' - : - ' - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- '
} . . . . _ and LIVE STOCK
s : : ; "AUCTIONE ER .
. .i . I .
: j , Satisfaction , guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex-
x : 1 perienitie in the Eastern states. Will go to any part ' of the State.
t Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
:1 :
r . . 'I F J. WILSEY , Auctioneer
# , ; Box : . 826 . Rosebud , South Dakota
J..i :
; ; . ,
t ! county-
+ In The District Court of Cherry County
, .
, . In the matter of the estate / -
t. ' of Snrnh.lYoodsoI1doOrder ! < to show
\ censed. . ' ' - . " - ' i cause ;
f1 The truMen me on for hearing upon tlie
, j petition o'f P. W. C. Lsnvbon , executor of the
I , ' of Sanlh'WoOdson \ dl'cc'a1-l'd. ' '
, estnte Sir : : ( , ( ( ' ( praying
for Ih-eiiMh to .sell \ lot - . ( JS ) Block : F ( ; I of the .
origlnnl villsige of Valentine , Nebraska. ; :
'l'laesale to'he jnnde for the purloseofJuty- I
iiient of the expenses of administration i and
tlint the residue nmy Ll' I divided the
liolrs , ntuL the estate linally settlC'd"uJ. ) ' It i ±
therefor ordered ! thnt : a 11. persons interested : ;
In the snid ' stlltt'IIpem' ' hl'lorl' me ut Vulen-
tine , Nul > niskiion the sixth dny of Dt ' ' etu-
her . , A. D. llU\at ) ( ) ; M o't lol.'k a. n ) . , to show
rntiMO wliyn license should not , be .issued : ; to
the .said ' < 1ect'1Iscd. for the ; -1 { ; ucpose above
mentioned t. ' . . - . . J. .1 , HAUIXUTOX ,
; Judge ot the District Court.
C. A. RmiJYAWorHey. - . " ' - -10-1
. , -
. , . . , . . . ' . . . L.
.i JOHN ' F. ' FOR ATE
- .
Tubular Wells and Windmills
. Call me up by phone
"I have a world of confidence in Cham ,
berlain's Cough Remedy for I have used
ifc with-p'erfect success , " writes Mrs. \ M : : ,
I . Basford , ' P ' o esviIle , Md. For sale . '
, . - ' bY t , a' 'manj thti ? druggist. . 0
' 1
i' ' ,
i y'- \
Sheriff's Sale.
T.y virtue of an 01'0'1' of sale issuell 'by thp
clerk of the district ourt of Cltery county. Ne
braska , July ] 1ah,1UO , under a decree ot : mort-
gnire lorec osure therein FI , O. le'lineck is i
Plaintiff ind Jului Clark , Lena Clark and lid-
ward Clark. The N 'A. Cattle ComIH.ny , luccrpo-
rat-il , and the Packers National Uanb of Sou : : : ' 1 , I
Omaha Nenraskn. incorporated , are de- .
lend I' ! + nts . 1 will hell at the front door of the
court hiHise } in 'al " ntine. Cherry county , N -
h - aeka . lhac brins the hu ) Idmg wherein the
last , term of paidourtwas held on the 29th
, , rtay of ( ) ( : tolll'r. 1010. at 10 o'clock a m to saIlS' v
judgment Sf.75 oo and iniere i at 7 per etn"t
irom date of jmlgnieiii : . .May 16 . I'JK I ) , an-i
ci StS tu xed at" $ a0nuturd accruing costs , H t . pulilic
Much n to the highest / , bidder jor i-asu the fol-
li.wfng ! described prope. ly t tow it : Th . \\'y
H \ \ H ! IIf Sen inn 27 ami NI ! 4 N \\4 ! Section 34. :
Towmhip 2 ; . IJjinne : : ! G. Ue ; tof 6th Principal i
Alerininn iixCh-rrv County ( , Ne' .
Dated this 28ih day of September. 1910. ]
.13 : 5 ! Sheriff.
Waicotc&Morrissey.Attjs : ! for Pltf. '
f" ; ;
Light : and Heavy ] ) raYi g :
; :
Furniture and pianos handled
r. „ in a careful manner. Coal ; .
i hauled and trunks and grips :
C : a specialty. l Phone No. 48. .
w. , : i. . : ! . " , - : : . : ' J
. \
. - .
_ . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . - - _ . . . . . . . . F . wrtx . .c ' : .mn .wY : . . w. _ . v..u wY rw w. _ _ _ k _ _ _ ' " _ _ - . . - , . : : : -
. . . . . e. : : : . . . . : : : . - - : : :
. - , , " b "
. " .11.
. . -i'
" j : .
. , . .
; . , .
r . , . ; 0- . - . . - ' .
I I Wood Lake
: Department
I ; ,
Locals or rending notices 5 cents per line each insertion. Display advertising
Sc 50 ! cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per Inch per month double column.
GwW - . ' ' " ' .
Mrs. Manchester has marketed
46 dozen eggs the last l month.
Mr , and Mrs. Neal Hanna are
at the parental home visiting.
Jos. A. Uehling-visited ' with his !
sister Mrs. C. T. Miller the past
The Omaha Concert Company
had an appreciative audience here
on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs , Roy Klingaman
have taken up their residence on
Mr. Klingaman's homestead.
Oswald Uehling of Goose Creek ,
shipped four cars of cattle on the
market on Monday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klingaman I .
are the proud parents of a 10 I
pound boy , which arrived this i
week. I
Geo. Roan and family have
moved into town and , occupy the
Amos Scott house , in the north
end of town.
The entire community extend
their heart felt sympathy to Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Michael , in their
late bereavement.
All sorts of reforms are promis
ed by the town board to .protect
the citizens from insults on the
streets of the town , owing to sever
al complaints lately from some of
the older citizens , pretty near
time something was done.
After an expense of several hun-
dred dollars to the state and the
same of the most progressive citi-
zens of Wood Lake , fish hatchery
is a tIling of the past , the wind-
mill and fences have been removed ,
and the place presents a sorry
looking sight , this could have been
avoided and the citizens had the
pleasure of using the lake , had the
town officials kept up their work
and attended to the place. But
like all other improvements prom-
ised before election the thing was
forgotten , and the state officials
got tired of the neglect shown and
had the fish all taken out.
Contest Notice.
I U. S. Laud Office. Valentine , Nebraska i
Octobber 15. 1910. \ f
A sufllcient content aflidavit having been tiled
in this onice by Charlie : ) Fer&lIson. contestant ,
against IIomeFteart : entry serial No. 04717. made
July 9. 1909 , for swIn-L ! : , , s&nwj s\\h. AV % ieU !
section : 13 , sj neK se&stuy ; seh. secMon + 14 ,
nw&neki ! ? , * * ec. 24 , Township ! N.Knnge 32 W .
Gth Principal i Joseph ; A. Ualn-ack ,
contestee , in which Jt : is alleg d that s id
Joseph A. Babooes has wholly failed to im
prove , cultivate \ and reside upon said land ac-
co'ding to law ; that said laud is in its wild
native state , unimproved and uncultivated ;
that claimant maintains a home elscwhers tha'i
on the said land , all 01 whIch defects exist at
this date and have not been cured.
Said : : : parties ar- hereby noufied : to appear
responu and oiler eviaence touching satualle ! a -
ti > n at Hi o'clock a , in. on Wove inber 23. 1910.
before John H. Welton U. 8. Connnissi , r , at
his onice in Mnileneb . , and hat linal heating
wi,1 l he held at 10 o'clock a. in. on November ,
30 , 1910. belong the Itegister and Ueceiver at '
the United States Land Office in Valentine ,
The said contestant having , ii ! a proper affi
davit li-ed October [ 15 , 1910. set forth facts
which show that rt't-r due diligence ! personal
service of Uus notice cannot be made it is
heieby ordered and directed that such notice be I
given by due ana proper publication.
E. OLSON , Receiver.
.Record address of eut-ymaii , Loyal , Neo.
42 4t U 1
1I I
Contest Notice. I
U. S. Land office , Valentine. Nebraska ,
October 1G,191 1 ; " .
A sufficient contest affidavit having ! been filed
in this othce. by Charlie 'ergusou. ( , contestant ,
against homestead entry , serial No 0471S. ] main
. uly 9. 1909 ! ! , lor sW ' 4sevU ; , s % nwJi , section
14 , ne&sej * , si4Iie.l. ! s > t-j . { nw4 , section Hi ,
/2neJ4. ! . s\\ ' tlle ! :1. section 23. \vi4rw ! } { , j-ection
24 , Towuship2Sn Range 32 : ! , \ \ ' est ot the S.xth : I
Principal Meridian , . by tiny H. Babcock , con-
testfe , in which it is alleged that the said Guy
It Bhbcuck maintains a residence elsewhere c
than -u Sidd tract : tn at said tract , is now whol
ly unoccupied , unimproved and not resided up
on according ! to law ; that said land H now un
cultivated and the above \ alleged defects e\bt
at tnis oate and have not been cured.
Said pat ties are hereby notitied to app- ar
respubd and olfer evidence touching said allega-
< ion at 10 o'clock a. in on November 23 ; . lino be
fore John K. Welton U. 5. Commissioner nt
his omce in IVlullin ; , Nebraska ami that final
lIearll/Jt / w.1I be held ai. 10 o'ch'uka. III. . on
November 30. 19l ( ) . b ( foro the register and re
ceiver at the United States Land Omce in
Valentine Nebraska. r
The saiu contestant having , in a proper afll
davit lileo Oct. 15 I . 1910 sit foi tli tacts which b
thow that after due diligence personal ser ioe
of this notice can coU > made . it is hereby order f
eu and ! directed that sach notice be given oy due
und proper publication. t
E . OL30X ,
42- it Receiver
Record address of entryman Loyal , Neb.
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store c
Valentine - Nebr , I
. ' [
Wo H. Stratton :
Dealer in
General Merchandise
PHONE 125 s
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine Nebr
. . .
Order of Hearing'on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
To the heir allli to at ! persons interested m
the estate ot 1) . F. Story oecea ' ' d : .
On reading the petition of Laura N. Story
I praying tlr-it th ! administration of said estate
be granied to herself as Ilclm llistrath.
It is hereby ordered thai you and all persons
interested In said matter may , and do . appear
at the County Court to be held in and for said
county on the 5th day of November , A.D. , 1910 at
10 o'clock a m. to show cause , it any tuere he te
why the prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted and that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that th" hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of chis order in the Valentine Demo
crat a weekly newspaper printed said county ,
for 3 successive : : weeks prior to said day ox
Witness my hand and tbe seal of said
SEAL court this 10th day of Oct. A. . 1) . 1910.
- f - - . JAMES 0. QUIGLKY
41' 3 County . ) III/ ! / ! e.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment :
of Administrator.
In the COUllt . court of ' ' . ,
county Cherry county , Ne
State of . Nebraska , ( . ,
County of Cherry , i ss
To the heirs and to all persons ] interested
In the estate of Hartley . hitI' , deceased :
On reading the petition Margaret White
praying ; that the administration of said t'-- :
tate be granted to herself as ad
ministratrix : .
It is hereby ordered that you. and all per
sons interested in said matter may , and do
appear at the county . court to be held in and
for said county , on the rilith ! day of October
I'.HO \ , at 10 o'clock : . m. , to show ' cause , if any
there be , why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted { , and that notice of
the pendency 01' said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given toall persons inter
t'stedln said matter by publish In ; ; a ( 'omof
this .order in The Valentine IJemocra't ) , a
weekly : I newspaper printed in said countv ,
for three successive weeks prior to said dav '
of hearing. I
Witness my hand and the seal of said I
court this li'th day _ of October ! + 10. \
[ SKAI. ] JAMESO. Qirioi.KT ,
40 a County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ufflce Va'emlne. : l'\'hr.sk1 , I
. . Octoi-er " 13 I ; Wto. ! *
A sufltcicnt ! com ? staffidavit ; having been lile-l
In this ollke : by Michael / . Meade , < ' ' " testant.
auainst h-xnest-ad . entry sf-rial No. 047H5 made I
J I ny + 9 , 1009 , lor all of Section 35 ' township , .
ramiti S2w : ; : ! of or 1by Ira I\DlJIt''nll es ' ee. in
which It is alleged that siM Ira Kniim has
abandoned his homestead entry for more than :
six month last : past ; that the land is now m iis
wild native siate and that claimant ) maintains a
home elsewhere than on said tract ; : , ha ( the' e
arc no impiovement.s : o mark habitation and
that all the J anove allege. defec's ' exist ' at tnis
dfite and ! have not been cured.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear. re-
spond , and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a . m. , on i'0" IIJLJl'r ' 3 , 19to.lJp.-
fi-ri John H. Welton , U. S. ommissioner. . at
his otlice \ in Muhei , Nebiwsk0 , and ; thrtt final
hearing will b- held at 10 ] O'CIIlK a. m. , on No- 311. 1010 , before the Register and Re
ceiver at the United States land once in Valun-
entme , Nebraska.
Hie said contestant having , in a proper affi
davit ll'ed October 15 1910. set forth facts
which show tiiHt jifrer due diligence personal
service of this notice cannot be made it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper pubIlc , tion.
< 121 K. : UI.SON. Kecoiver.
Itecord address of entryman Loyal , Ixebraska
Proposed Constitutional
The following proposed amendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska , as herein
aterset fo'th in fu'l. is submitted to the elect
ors of the State of N Nebraska : be v itcd IPU'
at the general election to be held T < emlay ! , Nov
ember : . . A. 1) . 1010.
"A .JOINT KESOLUTION to amend Section
one ( l ) of Article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of
the Slate of Xe raska. :
Be It Enacted by the Legislature ! of the State
of Nebraska : :
Section 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro-
posed. ) That section one ( Ij I of article seven (7) ( )
of the constitution of the state of Nebraska the
senate ! concuriing , be so amended as to read as
follows :
Section 1. ( Who are electors. ) Every ! male
citixen of the United States , of the aue of twenty
one years , who shall hive be * . u a resident of this
state six months next preceding the election and
of the county , precinct or ward , for the term
provided by law shall be an elector ; provi led.
That per , < ; on- > of foreign birth who shall have de
clared their intention to become citizens com-
formably to the Jaws of the United States and
are voting at the t-iking . eff > et of this amend.
ment may continue to exercise the right or suff
rage until such time as they may have resided
in the United States : : : live years : alter which they
shall take out fiul citizenship papers to be enti
tled to vote at any succeeding election.
Section 2. ( Ballots ! ) That at the general elecI I
tion nineteen hundred and ten (1910) there shall
be submitted ' to theelectors of thestate for their
approval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution relating to the
right of suffrage. At such election : on the ballot
of : each elector voting for or against ; sai-i pro-
posed amendment , hball be written or printed
the , words : "JHor proposed amendment to the
constitution relating to the , right " of suffrage
and 'Against said proposed amendment to the
constitution relating to the right 0 f suffrage. "
. Section : : : 3. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment
sh"ll ) ) be approved by a majority of all e ectors
voting at such election , said amendment shall
constitute . : tiou one (1) ( I ol article seven (7) ) of
the constitution of the state of X ; braska.
Approved April 1 1,1039. "
I. George C. Junkin { , Secretary of : : : State of the
State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitu : :
tion of the State ! Nebraska is i ; a true ; and cor _
rect copy of the original enrol ed aii'l engrossed -
ill. as passed by the thirty-first session : : of the
legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears
from said original , bill on file in this otlice. and I .
hat SRltll proposed amendment it submitted ,
the qualified voters ( U { the Mate of Nebraska for
their ; adoption or rejection at the general .Ie"- ,
tion to OR held oh Tu tsday ; , the 8ih day : of No I .
vember , A. I ) . 1910.
In Testimony Whereof , I have hereunto . set ' "
my hand and affixed the great seal of the State
of Nebraska. Done at Unco 11 , this 29111 ! day of
Ju'y ' , in the \.t'llr of our i.orn. One ( Thousand
Mne \ Hundred and Ten. and' of the Imlepeiifl
once ot the T + itKl States the One Hundred
ami , Thirty-fifth , ana cf this State the Foitv-
fourth. _
3E\ i.J Secretary State.
Office front room , second story ,
over , T. C. Hornby's > = store , Main
treet entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
. = - . - - , _ : : - - : : - _ . . : -
J. .
. . . . . . .
- _ . _ . . . . i . . " - . . . . . - . - -1 . .
: : . . ' ' - : - : . . , . - . , , , - - ' - ' . , " "f i . . . . '
: - . " !
* ' . . . ' : , . F . . . " . , . . . , . . _ , .w . _ . . _ t ' , , ' I
, - ,
r -
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle .
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. . f
' Johnson Bros , ' > . .
- . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . .
. Lumber , Machinery , Hard- . ' " . . . , ,
, ware , Harness , Saddles '
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , ' Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. - "
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
. .
- - . . . . -r'
@ @ S 0 _ .
Uck 9 lausen & CO : " ,
. .
@ General Hardware . . 1 : ' .
, ;
. t . a
' ; - „
" -
Wagons and . . . : :
. . ' . '
. .
. .Machinery . : ; ; < , . ' ' .
. . . , ' " .
G ) : -
? _
' . . : , ' . , . ; . . ' .
. A complete line of " ' ' ' c ' .
. : . . .
. ' , , " . .
. . ' , , ' , ' . ' . '
, Harness and : Saddles . . . . . .
, . ' . ' .
. Household and l Kitchen Furniture ( I' *
, . .
> . ' . -
Lumber and Fence Posts
, : . . . , ' " . . . . , -
" ' '
"i 'J'
. , . .
- @ e _ e t .
E. M. Faddis & Co
? itotltce address Valentine or Kennedy.
r'1 Some branded
ir- fr ' , ' on It-ft
. > 6- : , ---a. ' - rthigil
w .
. ( bii11 Ilorses branded
\ &y.1 iy-on I left
; " ShoUldt'r
Jj ! 'i\ i or thi'h
1f : ' . .
: . . I
Some . Some. branded
bra"ded rl1 . on hrandedii1
'I n left ' t : -houlder. . . " r
shoulder ! . ; iI3
or Uiiith faEliII
faEliIIP. .
P. H. Young.
f Simeon. Nebr.
s . Cattle branded
' .
as cut on left side
V _
-'Some QY ° n left
. - on left jaw of
V horses.
; < < t'i".ltf ,
LO&o = _ _ " " , . . . sgasga.
Range on Gordo Cre ' k north of Simeon
. N. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , . - .t . 'cbUft1Ska.
Same as rut on left ,
+ ide and hip , and uu
left shoulrlt'r of hor
ses. AlsofSSS . on Q.a
left tilde . ' .tnd
hip. ' SI
fI' Xcn Telt re ,
S ome : . . r . . fJ ' r , ' . ; . . . .
ti e . : t. f , f. . , ,
ed hu alt- , : : 'lIIg peg ( either side up ) on
left 1 , side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses , Qj
QjQ on left hip of horses.
N on left Jaw of horses
C. } ) . Jordan.
r Rosebud SD
Horses and cattk
same ae ! cu : : ; also ! !
. . CJ BE JJ on right
Rauqe on Oak and ]
Butte : creeks.
J A liberal reward
for information
' . ' Q' leading to detection
! 'io' s - - _ . : ; QJ of rustlers of stock
hearing anv of these brands.
E. M. Ten-ill , Pr opt.
yam ; Urownlee , Neo.
Cattle branded as
t in e - . t on left
side. Some
V.111J branded K. T y'
. on ] left hip. Kange
on North Loup
river , two Imli > s
west of Brewnlee .
. ?
- - -
John Kills Plenty.
Rt Francis : Mis
sion , Rosebud.
S. ; D. - . x : . - .
Cattle branded
ns iu cut ; horses J K P
same or .11\ i . I' on
--zoo . .
leftthigh ! : , Kance ' '
between Spring 1L = :
C'k and : Little : . . . ' ,
" .I. 'U
White , river. _ ,
_ o".w. . : ; . . . . _ " , .4.
A.lbertVhipple & Sons/ .s : .t"r
Rosebud 5 , D. '
Cattle branded ' I '
l"------------t SOS on left side
OSO pu riehtslde . ;
S 0 S I ' have Some a cattle - - on neck also : . '
: -2. ? Some with A on .
left ! inoulder'.and ( : : .
. -
- some branded
A with two bars '
. ;
gr : ; acrnsi hind ' qnar- 'aI
_ _ _ _ oi ; , iters . SOl11e Texas \
cattle Dntiided : & O uu left side ! and some
on left side. - ,
Horses branded SOS on left hh > . Some cnum .
branded AW bar connected on both sides and i'
left hip of horses _ .
D. M. : , Sears. : .i-5 * . ' . . ' ' .
. . . . -.f'
Kennedy , Nebr. . i1 ; . .
- . . ' . , . : . . . ; :
Cattle branded . . . .r
as on cutleft side . J :
Some on left hip. S . : ' . '
- .
Horses same on ' 'I. .
left shoulder. 'J ,
Kange Square . '
Lake. : , ' :
7' j ,
, " # . f t ,
Nebraska Land and : : Feeding Co. ,
3artett Richards Fres Will G Comstocfc. V. P . y .
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas ! . * " ' . /
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ; , , ; /
also the ODY0
following/ : /
brands / /
--II S !
' y .i * WK\f .
horses branded th6 '
"F' same " . , : .
Range betweei ; .
Gordon on the F , B. ' < r. . . . I'
& 1\1. V. , R. R. aVd
Hyanni- * on 1 ? & M. R.R. Northwestern Nehr. . .
HARTl.KTT UKUlAltDS. Ellsworth. ! Nebr' . . ' J , -
Sawyer Bros.'i. : : .
Oasis , Nebr 'f ,
G. K. Saivyer has . , '
chan-e of these '
1' cattle. II rses r
- It Son l..ftslIoul : '
dor. Some .
left somer .
Hors ' .
Horses w . .
- -
same Icft thigh.Ii _
-Ii ;
* ' .
Kange on Snake'
river. . , . .
. . . . .
Metzger : Bros.
itotfe N'ebr - -
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
side. '
Earmark square ' ' .
crop right ear. t . ' . . . .
" [ . . (
Horses have ,
same brand on
e/t thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks . '
A Reward of $250 will he j.aid to any person for
information , leading to the arrest and final'
COnVICtion Of anv person or . nnvna 13 , jfrt it
eattlP with ul'nvo hrallfl. stealIng
J. A. Yaryan. - : . i
. Pullman , , ' Nebr ' ,
Cattle branded. . JY .
r on rlghtslde - : ' . .
Horses branded JY
I . J Y . Reasonable Gu right shoulder reward * ' ' . . - . . .
f o r any inlonnation . ' : . . ' r
leading to the . . re - f
covery of cattle . If t
strayed from my
range. . . : . . .
, f . ; 0 . tr
. . 0' .
- - . . : s . . ' " .
. -
' - ' \ " : . '
- . . . .
" - o.
: - I-ldVe- _ _ _ ' f
® to 1
. „ . .
Hold by .
McGeer & Carroll , . . . . . .
Valentine , Neb.
'C7 ' n e-J _ . . . . . _ _ 'I _ . < . . . . . . . , .
- _ wa ° 7 sseacr..riiL.wa4a7 ts 13 . V