Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 20, 1910, Image 10
1 . I , q I , I ' . - rr e . .rrr 1 " . . , ; e : ; The'y'reH ! , . . , , . . . . Y , . ' EW STOCK . just ' received of Fall and 1 Winter Goods that : are good values and I . . , serviceable articles. LADIES' FUR CAPS AND SWEATER COATS , LADIES' and ' MILLINERY , i CHILDREN'S FALL HATS and of which might well b said are "a joy forever. " A big line of FUR - COATS and . . WINTER I I CAPS for Men and a lot of WARM HOSIERY , ' UNDERWEAR and SHOES for everybody. I' . COME AND MAKE " YOUR SELECTIONS ; I . ' . W. Ao PARKER General lVlerchandise Wood Lake , . ' = : = , Nebraska e't . ; . . V..AA.NJ + .iJ0. . d'.v.v . . ; ; AAAAAA MA- vz * * M . ff f' . . J. HDAY , I UENERAl MERCHANOISEi , . ' , ' ( ' - We Buy and Sell Horses ' , Wood Lake , ® NebraskaV" ) \ , / V" * . o e fo Leo ® a olti ? 24Qb 2 'r p " RY S HOWE & MONTAGNE ir ? I Livery , Feed and Sales Stable. . it. . . . . WoodLake ? Nebraska B Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. . 1 i , H. A. LYONS , I ! ( Successor to "SVelkcr & Lyons ) f ' . Wood Lake , Nebraska ' . i . Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting ' and fishing parties. . - . I I , , P A. Me Lotspeich , . ; ( Successor to Ed Young. ) . " . . . . . ' . ' . Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods . Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnisli- ings. Boots and Shoes. . Hosiery. . , Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . " . . , FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. ' . . . Wood Lake = Nebraska. , . . _ . _ . n'r " . . . , , r- , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " , , - - = . _ > , . _ ' _ _ _ n _ , , . . , - - - - - - - - T . . i.Iiia:7 i ; : GENERAL - FARM : : . F j J . W V 1 toi . . t. and LIVE STOCK . : AUCTIONEER : . Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex- . , . perien'ce in the Eastern stat s.V ill go to any part of the Stale. . "Write me , or dates can be . made at this office. , ' _ . F. WILSEY5 Auctioneer Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota . . . , , . . . i : " . , In The District Court of Cherry County ' . . Nebraska. In tl1 ( ' . n1UUt'1' ( of the ( 'stntl'l _ of Harah Woodson , deo I'll PI' to show 'cIl5cd. I . ( 'n us < ' . , The ( ' 1\ \ nm on for hcnrliitr upon tho . petition of P. W. C. Tjinvson , executor of tin ostnte of Stmili " \Voo < \son \ , Ui'ci'siM'd \ , nrnylng . for liceJlso to hi-11 lot ( IS ) Blot * (5) ( ) of the ' , of Valentine Nebraska. . i- original vlllngo , The ! sale to be inntU for the purpose of pay : ) nemtof the exlemscs-of administration nncl : l 1' 1 tlmtthe ri'Hiduo limy hi divided \ \ ainonjr th ' heirs- mid the estate : finally settled up" . It 5& therefor ordered ' that nil persons Interested in the said estate appear before : ino at Viilen- tine , Nebraska , on the sixth day ; of ] ) cc < ' 111- . 1ml > : , A. D. 1U10. . ) ) , ut H I o'clock u. m. , tO. 11O'1 ' ( ' : fuse wily 11 license should not he Issued to 1 ' the said deceased , for the purpose : ubove . mentioned. J. J. HAKINOTON , Judge of the District Court. . . . ' . - -10-1 ( ' C. A. ' RUBY , Attorney. - \ i S - JOHN F. EORATH ' . BUBGE : , KBB. ' " ' . Tubular Wells ] and Windmills ; . ' Call me'up . .t by - phone ' ( .1 , : f - - . _ - . ' - I , $ . "I havo a world of confidence in Cham i . berl in'B ' Cough Kemedy for I havo nsecl . . ' " it with perfect success , " writes Mrs. M. ' ' ' . ' > L Basford , . Poolesville , Md. : For sale , . . ' , . , ' 'Ijy L"hapmaD.J the druggist. , , . , . " , . . . . ' " , " . ' ' . . . " Sheriff's Sale. ] P.v virtue of an order of sale : : issued by the clfrk of the ni trjct onrt of Cherry county , Ne- braskji. : : .July lsrh,1010 ! , under a decree of ; : mort- jiiire { Joree.osur e whe/ein , H. O. le'lineck ' is i.lalntitt"and John Clark , Lena Clark and Ed- ward Clark , TIll' N' Z. Cattle Comp-uiy , , incerpo- nit-d , and the J'achers National t luik ! ; ot Sou'h : : ; Omaha Nebraska , incorporated , are de- fend / nits Jv.1I sell at the front door of the court hOllse in.\ a ' .mtll1e. Cherry c * unty , N - h , ; tsku . thas : ; uriiiK the bu Idinj herein the last : tprm t ) f saidotirt was held , . .on the 29th day of ( ) cfobl' 10 o'clock m to SaLts'v juriRinentof SJTaOO : ; and iniercsi at 7 per oint irom diite of j idjrment. ! ; iMuy 1C. 1U10. and ! costs tuxed at ; : { . r:0aud : :1ccrllillg cost s . at public aucti' n to the. lushest bidder ! inrcasn the fol lowing ! described propcty tottitTIiN : \ \ ' / 5t' ld of Suc-iion , 27 and i\'KJ4-SSV 4 Section 3 ! . To\vn.-hiu 27. : Kaii : z e 20 : : ! , Weat of Gth I'rincipal M rioinn i/i Chnrry ( County c \ , Ne . Dated this 28th day of September , 1010. . . C. A ! KOS3ETKH , 3S 5 Sheriff. Wt1I'ott.Tnrri"cpv. . Att \ s f " r pHf. ) . 4' > : ! 't' w , " w W . , ' . , 'W' , - , f , JOHN B. EATON Drayman M' Light and Heavy . Drayi . , f Furniture and pianos handled , . C . in a careful manner. Coal 1 hauled and trunks and grips " v a specialty. Phone No. 48. . t. : : : : : : j . . " . . . ' ; r - - . . . . . , 11'- - - - - - - - - - - + _ _ - . . u _ . . . . - . . . w N Wood Lake Department * . / ' " ADVERTISING RATES : . ' Locals or reading . notices 5 cents por line each insertion. Display advertising % ' > 50 cents per. Inch per month each Issue ; $1.00 per Inch per month double column. < f' & , . . . . . . . . - . . . - _ - - . . . ' * - . . 0 , ' " - l JfJ 2.'l. ! J J f " J " Miss Pearl Arnot , candidate for county Superintendent is spending a few days visiting with Miss Chloe " Waggoner. Pierce Duncan , who was ill of appendicitis' in Omaha , is , here visiting his sister Mrs. Sales and his uncle Mr. Isenhart. Mr. Delihodes and a friend is here from Chadron , Harry Klinga- man took them out to the lakes for a few days outing. "Mr. De Rhodes is a prominent merchant of Chadron , and enjoys a little-out door recreation. Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna visited at Ainsworth last Sat r- day.The Lincoln Boosters were here a few moments Friday morning. A large crowd greeted them at the depot. . . Cards are out announcing the coming marriage of Miss Nancy Hancock , to Mr. Wilson , of Miss ouri , to occur Nov. 9. - Mr. : ! and Mrs. : J. Morris : were Wood Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. M. Murray returned from Sioux City. Mr. Allen Benson and sister Miss Effie were in to attend the dance Saturday night , . . : , Miss Nellie Croghn , of Dead- i wood , S. D. , visited with her cou- sin , Miss Lottie Grady last Satur- day , and left Sunday morning for O'Neill to visit with other relat- tives. I tives.Mr. . and Mrs. : Roy Klingaman. I returned from their honey moon I trip Tuesday night , and will visit I a few days at the parental home , before moving on the homest ' d. I Mr. S. R. Reed is here ' from Iowa , greeting old friends , and looking after business interests. Mrs. Murray and daughter , Mrs. ' Olison , of Minnesota : , Mrs. ' Lothrup , of Spokane , Wash. , Mrs. Jouvenate , of Lincoln , are all vis- iting at the home of David Hanna , 11'w , Minnesota . she is a . sister of Mrs. Hanna , Mrs- Lothrup is also a I sister of Mrs. Hanna , she is on her way home from New York , and Minn. , where she has been visiting relatives. Mrs. Jouvenate is a niece whom all will remember as Miss Jenate Hanna. Arthur Humeston. There is something refreshing . in an occasional entertainment that makes no pretense of "point ing a moral or adorning a tale. " That is the character of entertain- , ment that Mr. Arthur Humeston furnishes. In fact , his programs have neither head nor tail. They are delightful medleys of fun and fancy , music and mimicry , . story and stunt , ranging from recita- tions to tunes from goblets and broken sticks. Mr. ' Humeston works on the theory that there is a big place for the entertainment that is all enter- tainment. He has prepared his programs accordingly. The resplt is most pleasing. After all the bustle and grind of business , the cares and vexations of the house- hold , the trials and problems through which'we must pass , it is a delight to sit down and listen for an hour to a man like Humeston , who is a past master ironing out wrinkles and recasting care- worn countenances. Our people will have an opportunity to hear this versatile entertainer at the Quigley Hall,0ct. 24th. Tickets on sale Chapman's drug store. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. . In the county court . of Cherry county , Ne- braska. State of Nebraska , ( . - ' of Ohcrl' ' , ' ss County Cherry \ . To the heirs and to all persons : ; Interested In the estate of Hartley White , deceased : On reading the petition of Margaret : : AVhite praying that the administration . of said es - tate he granted to. herself as ad- ministratrix : - It is hereby ordered that : ' "OU , and all per sons interested said . matter may , and do ' at the l'ount court to be and appear ( county . ! held In , ( for said county , on theIth ? \ day of October , 1UO ! , at 10 o'clock n . in. , to show causo , if any there be , why the prayer of tho petitioner should not he granted , and that ; , notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given toall persons inter ested . 1IlIIIhlll1l1ttf'l' by publish : ing a copy of thin order in Tho Valentine Democrat , a weekly . \ ne.w.spjiper ) ) printed in said county , for three successive weoks prior to s-aid day of hearing. . "Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 12th ! day of October , luio. I [ SRAL . : , ] JAMES C. QUICT.KT 40 U , County Judge. . \ . . ' Delinquent Tax list. [ Concluded f'om pge 5.1 Tha'hpr's add to 10 to 17 19 30 Yalt'lltille i 20 2 78 1 and 2 1 (12618 ( I 20 30 9 [ ) and 10 1 81 ! U 20" 32 131015 : 1 120 10 20 3) : Jj ( to 1J ! 1 1 56 8 2'J 29 ! 3to 5 3 3 t6 ! 1 t aJHI 12 : 23 9 83 16 anr\ \ 17 a 78 18 aiu114 2.1 n : 1D IlIHI 20 3 : 12 52 15 aull 16 23 32 WOf > O' addiUou to ' 12 2-1 4 00 Vnltmtill 113 . 24 31 t (1 540 H 2l 32 J ) 1 31 15 2-1 2 16 G 1 3i "j'i 2t 34f : ) H ' 9-1 18 24 3t I 1311 ; 15 I . 30 82 .r and K 3017 , to 11 30 -I 93 I. 9.1 1 34 1 14 Al [ : -1 : B " 1 34 119 N 13(1 U ( 31 1 19 Q IJS : ei ! of 7 34 Ui J' 3i w s of 7 3-1 -161 R 13 8 8 34 ro T 1383 : 35 49 U 1:18 1 : U to 12 'S 6 4tJ Y 1 37 : 1 11o12 I : ! 38 tm W , X , Y 3:1.511103 \ 40 59 Z 13S 3 41 7 70 Wood Lake Village 4 H 31 1 t09 to 2 16 7 II , , 4 01 10 10 828 41 ao 11 ami 12 10 1 821' 4 ,2 S DO 1 to 12 17 076'5 I 42 2a 7 and S 18 18 75 6 42 , 21 Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb- raska. STATE OF NEHRASKa tss COUNTY OF CHBKKV f SS To the heirs ami ! to all persons Interested in the estate of D. F. Story deceased : Ou reading the petition of Laura N. Story praying that the administration ot said estate be grained to herself as administratrix. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the County Court to he held I in and for said county 011 the 5th day of November , A.D. , 1910 , at o'clock { a m . to show : : cause , it auy tnere be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and hat notice of the pendency of said petition and that thr hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter , by publIsh- ing a copy of this order in the Valentine Demo- crat a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for 3 : successive weeks prior to said day 01 bearing. - " - - Witness my hand and the seal of said SEAL courtthislOth ! ) day of Oct. \ . U. l 1910. . : - - , - JAMES C. QUIGUCV : , 41 3 County J UlI . e. Proposed Constitutional Amendment The following proposed amendment to the constitution ol the State of Nebraska , as herein after set fo/Ulln full , is. submitted to the elect I ors of the State of Nebraska , to be voted upon I .at the general ! election to be held Tnesday , Nov ember Stto A. D. 1910. ) "A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) ( of Article s-eveu (7) ( of the Constitution of the State of Xe raska. Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : , Section 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro- posed. ) That section one (1) of article seven (7) ( : of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , the senate concurring , be 1 so amended as to read as follows : - Section 1. ( Who are electors. ) } Every male ) citizen of the United States , of the ace of twenty one years , who shall have been a resident of this : state six months next preceding the election and of the county , precinct or ward , for the term provided by law shall be an elector ; provided. That per.-ioni of foreign birth who shall have ( de clared their intention to become citizens com- formably to the laws of the United States and are voting at the t.tking ! efl > ct of this amend ment , may continue to exercise the right of iiI- : ( rage nntii such time as they may have resided in the United States live years after which they shall take out futl citizenship paptrs to be 1 enti- tled to vote at any succeeding election. ) Section 2. ( Ballots ) That at the general elec- tion nineteen hundred and tan (1910) ( ! there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the co ? stitutiou relating to the right of suffrage. At such election on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro- posed amendment , shall be written or printed the words : 'for proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage.1 and 'Against said proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage. " Section 3. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment , shall be approved by a majority of all e ectos voting at such election , said amendment shall constitute section ono (1) ) ol article seven (7) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska. I Approved April 1,1903. 1 " I. George C. Jiinkin , Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitu- tion of the State 01 Nebraska , is a true and cor- rect copy of the original enrol'ed ' and engrossed l-ill l , as passed by the tlllr ' -lit : : : session of the legislature \ of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said ! original bill on He ( in this othce , and that said proposed amendment i3 submitted ! to the qualified voters ot the tate of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general elec tion to lie held l ou Tuesday , the 8ih day : of No vember , A. D. 1010. . In Testimony Whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed theNgreat seal : : of the State of Nebraska. Done at Linco n , this 29th day of July , in the \ ear ' of our i.oni. One ( Thousand , Nine Hundred and Ten and of the Iwlepend ence of the T flit + -d States the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth , auu uf this State : the FOLt.- fourth. iKOKGK C. JUNICIN [ SEAL : ] Secretary of State. I C.A. RUBY Attorney-at- Law > Office front room , second -story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine , Nebraska Dr. M. T. Meer ' , DENTIST . Rooms over Red Front store . Valentine = Nebr , . - - W. H. Stratton . Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. . . " ' . . . . . I . 1 . . . . - ' RA ' , -.a- . A - , . , - - - . ' , Cattle ' Paints and Oils - Furniture and . Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. . Johnson Bros n . , - ' ' : : : Lumber IVlachin . ' Hard ' . , Machinery , - / ' . 1/ ware , Harness , Saddles . . Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills . , ' Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. . , ' . Wood Lake , = < = Nebraska " . _ - ft ' " : t.t @ @ @ - - Uck 9 lause'n . . & Co , . . ? eneral : Hardware , Wagons and r \ 1\'lachinery. \ _ . , _ ? . ' e " ' . A complete line of . , < . , Harness and Saddles ; " > J. t ' @ Household and Kitchen Furniture _ Lumber and Fence Posts . I WOOD LAKE , = NEBRASKA @ @ e - - . - E. M. Faddis & Co Postofllce address - Valentine or Kennedy. . Some branded - : : ift j ftyon , . . left _ - thigh 18 L - ' . - - , i 1 ; n Horses branded ' : t ai i o1)le.ft ! , , \ ' 1 " . , . . .r + shoulder V gSbolllder & , r' ; , ' , ' . _ ' " w. " " ' - -or ? ? ; " ' , 0 . . SomA r--- : . . . . Some branded . IJm'ltlpt k 1J on " ; hraltdPfttij " < R on It'ft t or : Boulderr w . r''I ' shoulct'l' i-j or thi.h fl flP. P. II. Young. Simeon. Nebr. { t . Cattle branded as cut on left aide a . V - . , J \ Some 0- yon left ' J I side. I t Ii \ ' - on ) left jaw of i ! J. V horses. . . \l . . . . " : ' t , ! . T'lq , , , , . ; : , . . . . , . . . . . , . ttj. " : : ' : : ; : 'i " ' , , . . _ ' } dl . . . - . - . . . . ; . " . . . - I IU nge on Gordoa Crenk north of Simeon , , , N. S. Rowley. Kenuedj : , - Aeuraska. Same as cut on lerf tl + " " ' side and hi and " " hip , 011 t I. left , shoulder of hor- ' , : ! \ . . l ses. Alsof-J53B2 on Jr . to- leJt 1 AlSOii' nd j ] Il1p. f ! \ \ ' . " - z I < ' X C'n IClt sh i lij.g t' ; . Some 'at- , . . " ( - : " ) . 3" } tie brn-l-g Cep-1 ! : , . ' uBY jt- ' : ; : : ' . , . . . ( ? r ed hl1sl- ? ) . ; C ; " aiirpeK ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses , LU LUQ on left hip of horses. lj"on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. a " . ilk Rosebud , 3D Horses ! and cattle r same as cut ; also ( , flf < . .i'ij CJ BE JJ on right race i hip. Ii ; 4f ; . " i < , ) Range on Oak and : otc. " ' . Butte creeks. A liberal reward 11 for information R. ' leading to detection 3.t ; " . wq ' --1- , of rustlers of stock bearing - Any of these bmnd . R. M. : Terrill , Propr. . , , Brownlee , Xe. 3 Cattle branded as in cxt : on left .t sid e. Some branded K. T Y on left hip. Kange on ICorth Loup river two milrs west of Browulee . J John Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis sion , Rosebuds S. D. d Cattle branded as in cut ; horses same or jil\l P on . . . . . . . " . . left thigh , Kange between bprin : ; C'k and Little White river. n-5 I & Sons. -Albert Whipple . + Rosebud S , D. 4 t Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riehtside Some cattle also os > have a + on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bara L _ _ across hind quar- , " _ . ? : ters. Some Texas , t " cattle branded ; : si O ou left side and somes \ on left side. \ . . . . Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattlo branded AW har connected on both sides and left hip of horses _ _ _ _ D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. ; Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. S " - Horses same on left shoulder Kange Square . , . Lake. ' .i Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. , 3artlett Kichards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P . Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle : branded on , . , . any part of animal : "i\ lso he following olanimalj/ brands : / f i Re st t . + % Ell. horses branded tha same t ' Range between Gordon on the F.K. & M. : V. , R. R. 3Id Hyannis on B & M. R.ft. in North western Nebr. BARTI.ETT UICIIAIIDS. Ells win h , Nehr Sawyer Bros. . Oasis , Nebr . G. K . Sawyer has charue of these cattle. H rses s l > on leftshoui. der. some / left side. r.a tlorss _ _ Horsasj _ same ' left tblgh. a Kange on Snake river. . - Metzger : Bros. Koifo Ncbr f Cattle branded , anywhere on left -r side. Earmark , square ' ; , . crop right ear. : - . , t ; Horses have same brand on eft thigh. cE - Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks A ReWJTd of $250 \\'ill be J1ald to any tTion "for iUformatlO1I leading to the arrest aud final conviction . . of any person or'peraona stealing e : .I.ttlp with ahnvf > rand . . J. A. Yaryan. Pullman' ; Nebr Cattle branded JY r on rightslde Horses branded JY on right shoulder J Y Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re - covery of cattle strayed from my range. I . , , . .1 7 tj : 44 L " d .t N ' . ' a sa i : 0 . . t . 80ld by I s . + s McG-eer & Carroll , - . Valentine , Neb. . Q' . - w