Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 20, 1910, Image 1

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Eistorical Society
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. ' VALENTINE 11 TE THURSDAY ' , OCTOBER 20 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 41
1. M. Rice , Editor'and Proprietor ; . f , '
. : , - . . - , . , . . '
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j 1 Eureka . Saloon . / C
McGEER & CARROLL . * . - , Proprs. t * '
Fine Wines , Liquors and 4ti Cigars
, .
Bourbon Whiskies : ' . Rye Whiskies :
1r . . Old Crow , . - , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , . . . , and 29/yeaivold
and Jas. E , Pepper . ' . 0 , F , C Taylor. "
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. g ov- ,
. ernment warehouse/ They : are gu r-
. anteed pure and unadulterated. Un ,
excelled for family and medical ' use. ' 1
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins . , ' Guinness's Extra Stout
. Bass Ale , Storz - Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
a 2s aa2r2
4. Don't Rorget' Grn Fron
Has just received its stock of Fall and Winter \
Goods , which will be sold at very low prices
regardless of cost. Lay in your supply now. p'
. ® s ® 100 LB. ' . SALT 80 ' CTS. : . +
I WJ tarn l J > J XM' S \ * n * t l tarn I " \S t *
L IKE DAVIS , Valentine , Neb. J
fZ&ZS' > P ? > Xf > J > MtfOC ffc Tv't ftf y f < < frXv-'JV:3V J y y Ea S ir g g
. _ _ _ s e
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w. . . K , ' , . . " - . ' - V . , . . .
9 _ ; , Stock Exchange Saloon 0
\ \
. 1 WaSther F. A. Meftendorff , Pro pr.
. _ fie..G
rr -
= " " Ar' =
I" V. Home Bakery. , x m
. l ! Hoenig = Headington. I
. Monday evening Oct. 17th , at
1 .8 o'clock , Miss Glen Van Natter
floenig and Clinton Heading- -
; f ton were united in marriage at the
Presbyterian church in this city
by the Rev. Caldwell in a bean- J ,
tiul and impressive ring ceremony , I .
in the presence of a number of
The bride marched down the
aisle , accompanied by her father ,
and carried a bouquet of white
roses , being preceded by her maid
. of honor , Miss Lorencia Ualey ;
and were met : at the pulpit by the
brides-groom , who was attended
brother of the
. by Louis Iloenig , .
u . ' After the ceremony thpy re-
home of the bride's
paired to the ;
. and Mrs. Henry 11 oe-
. parents , Mr. : an 1' en ry
V . nig , followed by their guest- ,
where a reception was given in
s > honor of the occasion , which was
" ' Mrs. ' 7th wed-
\ . } .f r. and Hoenig's
' . ding anniyersary.
After congratulations were of -
_ . b
. fered and the crowd had taken
possession of the house the wed-
din - feabt was served by a num.
. ber ' of the young ladies present ,
' . . , -Miss Marie Wade presiding at the
' - punch bowl and later caught the
bride's bouquet as it was tossed
, . ' . whiciu brought her numer
, away ,0
ous immediate proposals from the
- elligibles , present.
Many : beautiful and valuable
( r presents were received , including
$50 iru gold by t \ \ * o different
The bride grew to womanhood
in our midst and no , more . . . estim-
able young -lady may be found
I anywhere. For eight years past
she was an assistant cashier in the
First National bank , following
her graduation from the Valentine ,
high school.
Mr. Headington is a member of
Headingon ! .Bros .firm as stock
raisers and own a fine ranch south
of Wood lake.
The bridal couple departed on
No. 2 for Chicago % and points in
Iowa , isiting : relatives for several
weeks , and \vjll be at home after
December 1. .
. '
All Gang Plows , Discs and Har
rows at cost and less.
Strengtd en , the bonds'of friend
ship by giving your friends a
photo of your self. Phelps Gold
Medal Photos Nov. 18 and 19.
Low prices on Uoys \ Suits from
4 to 12 eal's' 1.50t2.25. Bear
Skin Coats for Children price
§ 1.50 to ' § l. 5. MfivE DAVIS ,
37-4t Valentine , Neb.
Diarrhoea is always more or less prev-
alent during September. Be prepared
for. it. Chamberlain's Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and
effectual. It can . always be. depended
upon and is pleasant to take. . , For . sale
by Chiipma'ntth drti bb' 'st. -
Talk of the Town.
> _ . l. -
Four carloads of . Posts , from lie
to 60c. Ludwig'Lumbe'r Co.
Col. Quigley returned from
Omaha , last Sunday.
J.V. . Stetter returned from South
Omaha , the first of the week.
S , E. ; Eosseter. of Cody , is visit-
ing his son Sheriff Eosseter.
Mrs. Levi C . Spmks left on Mon
day morning for a few days visit in
Lincoln. - -
Your money back if you don't ,
like them. Phelps Gold Medal
photos Nov. 18 and 19.
Walcott& Morrisey , through the
McLeod Bros. ' Agency , sold a
valuable piece of land last week.
Corn King Manure Spreaders.
Price 110. , Will close out at $90.
Omaha Concert Co. , will give a
concert and dance Tuesday , Oct. 25 ,
at Quigley's Hall. Come and have . :
a good time.
' ' ' 'm. Erickson , who has been in
town for several days , left Mon
day for home in company with Mr.
John Bachelor. ,
W. H. Reynolds , of Chadron ,
Prohi-Republican candidate . ' for
State Senator was in Valentine
Tuesday of this week.
Emmitt Rosecrans Stock detec-
tive on Rosebud was in Valentine ,
Saturday last on his way to Sioux
Falls to attend U. S. court.
Strengthen the bonds of friend- _
ship by giving your : friends a '
photo of your self. Phelps Gold
Medal Photos Nov. 18 and 19.
Lost or Stolen-Small curly white
French poodle , answers to name
"Texas. " Large reward offered.
Notify or return to Mrs. E. Mc-
Donald , Valentine , Neb.
Cpntl'i1mtaryto local improve i
ment the I. M. Rice \ . residence . s- '
been provided i with7a fine stone" , l-
lar , preparatory to * the installation
of a water heating plant.
Chris Dittmer returned Tuesday
night from Arlington , where he at-
tended the German Lutheran synod
as a delegate from the German
Scttlem southwest of town.
We , met Uncle Paul Ion the street
the other day. He is still ninety
some odd years young and says
that a man should not allow him-
self to grow old , it is the worst
habj.t he can form.
George Giroux , who lives on the
reservation north of Sparks was
in town last week , purchasing
and lumber. He had two or three
loads of the latter commodity with
which to improve his ranch.
Capt. Cohota says that if the
gentleman to whom he loaned his
' array overcoat during the carnival
last summer . , doesn't return it at
once , he will be compelled to cause
him some inconvenience.
The old Hahn farm on the north
table , that sold for ten thousand
dollars two months ago sold again
last week for fourteen thousand.
This bears out Col. Harrison's oft
repeated assertion that real estate
is looking up.
At their last state meeting the
Ladies Guild of St. John's church ,
de3ided to give a social ! , for social
purposes , at the Rectory on Friday ;
evening , Oct. 27. A cordial invI- I
tation is extended to all to be
Onion ! Onions ! by the two
horse and four horse load are be
ing brought into town from the
farms ! about Valentine , thev are of
fine size and splpndid quality and
command from a dollar and twenty-
five to one fifty per bushel ac-
cording to how carefully they
have been assorted.
Capt. Shaw's Art Gallery which
was somewhat demolished ] some
time ago by the falling of the old
water tank , ic i ? : being repaired and
improved. The cement sidewalk
in front is i now available for pp is-
train ! ami the premises when
furnished will be up to date.
falterVellraan , who in his Air
Ship , braved the dangers of both
air and ocenn , by starting for
Europe last Saturday , with a crew
of six persons was stranded one
hundred and fifty miles off cape
Hatteras , and was picked up by. a
British steamer , all hands saved.
If was a notable attein p.
A car ' load of Weber wagons ,
must be sold at once.
"The Xmas Present that you
alone can give. " Phelps Gold
Medal > , Nov. IS , and 19.
Strengthen the bonds of friend
ship by giving your friends a
photo of' your self. Phelps Gold
Medal Photos Nov. 18 and .19
Lost in June last , one yellow stag
hound , two years old. Five dollars
reward will be paid for its return.
Valentine , Neb.
. The C. W. Way Co. , Architects ,
Hastings , Nebraska , will furnish
you ; with plans and specifications
for any class ! of building you wish
to erect. Ask them for informa-
tion. 15tf
M. C. Carroll , one of our popu-
lar real . estate men asked us this
question ] which we pass on to the
puhlic.ulf farmer Anton Fisher
who lives north of Crookston , this '
county , raises twenty acres of
potatoes that gops one hundred
bushels per acre and sells at sixty
cents per bushel , which he has
done this summer , therefore clear-
ing - sixty dollars per acre , what
country can beat it ? "
Wm. "Rranke and Mr. Per tle.
commonly known as Ted one of
the older and most prominent com-
mission salesmen in the yards of
South Omaha , returned Saturday
last from a trip through the south
western portion of the county ,
where the. latter gentleman pur-
chased the Black Poll ) herd of cattle
belonging Mr. P. San ford one
hundred and fifty head of which
wi ill ] ] be shipped this week to
Mr. Erickson returned from )
. Canada two weeks ago , and his
son Gilbert returned a couple of
weeks before. Mr. ' Ericks"n felj J
off a road scraper he was driving
a few weeks ago and fractured
. three ribs but is getting alonar
fine though pretty rough on a child
of a king. He says the season has
been very dry where he was , and
we think he will be back here to
make his home in Cherry .county
sometime though he may return
in the spring to the northwest.
The Lincoln Roosters visited
Valentine last Friday , and a jolly
bunch they were. They had the
warm smile and glad hand' for
every bodys and many of the boys.
openly boasted that they were all
for Dahlman and proud of the
fact that Lincoln had saved the
day at the primaries and would be
there with the goods again in No-
vember. He further stated that
he . had polled the train between
Wood Lake and this place and
, . found that it stood 76 for Dahlman ,
6 for Aldrich and S noncommittal.
Last Friday we left. our home
near Kennedy about 3 o'clock in
the afternoon , starting to town
and the roads being ! heavy and
progression slow we arrrived at J.
, M. Ralya's place after dusk. '
Finding a social gathering there
of about fifty young people and
being able to convince the host
and hostess that we were friend-
ly indians and our team being put
up for the night , we took up our
position in a remote corner of the
room. Bere we sat and listened
to sweet strains of music by the
Ralva orchestra , which has be-
v J
came famous in this section of the
country , and feasted our eyes on
the beautiful ! faces and figures
until ab jut half ! past twelve o'clock
when a sumptuous lap supper was
served. Owing to some fractured
ribs we had refrained from taking
part in the dance , but we. were
now willing to chance a full break
and a fracture of our remain in '
good slats on the feast that was
brought out which included a full
quart of coffee. Here , let me ' ex -
plain to those wl.r are uninformed .
that J. M. Kalya , in addition to
being a splendid musician , is an
expert at making coffee. After
supper the music and dancing con ,
I tinued fatt and furious until about
4 o'clock'when took '
- we up our
journey toward town with happy
recollections of a pleasant evening ,
feeling amply compensated for
the sleep wp lost. I've traveled
some the past year and of all the
social fum-.tioi B I have had the
! ! , pleasure to attend I have nowhere
, ; seen people enjoy them selves any
more than 01 $ this occasion : at T. : I
I M. Halya's o n the snake. . ,
. W. E.6
. .
. ' . . . .
. . . . , , . ,
Wfe are Headquarters for
Winchester Ammunition
SEASON will soon be open so that the
THE with dog and gun will have full sway. ,
We also handle a full line of Shot Gruns and
Rifles. "Winchester" and "Remington" are two
of our best makes. /
Hunting Coats , Caps and Hats are now on . .
display in our window and may be bought at a'bar-
gain. Now is the time and the Red Front Hard-
ware is the place to get full value for your
money. .
< II
Red Front Hardware Co.
3- - %
a gJCJCyxggja CJ
r '
. you are looking for a now Suit or Over-
I.F coat or anything , in the line of Men's or '
Boys' furnishings , don't , forget to stop
L at the Fair. We have a complete line of
Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing and
prices range from $1.75 to $28 per Suit. ' V to
. -
Talk about Ladies' and , Misses' Skirts.
Well , we have a new line and they are the
best in town. In Voiles , Panama and Ser- . '
ges at $3.50 to $15 , also a" large line of I.
Ladies' , Misses : , Men's : and Boys' Sweaters.
i '
If you must have a tailor made suit ( for men or ladies ) .
replember we represent the Garden City Tailoring Co. , ,
and there is no better tailoring house in Chicago. We
guarantee a fit or no sale. Come in and look over e
line. No trouble to show goods at
JV . TIIEiAIR.4. ? , ;
% Phone 145. H. W. HOENIQ , Propr. I
e : _
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as u National Bunk
June 1 , 1884. 0 -\.U1ust li : % 1MK. ?
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Valentine , - Nebraska.
CAPITAL SURPLUS - - $25.000 25.000 - A General Banking . . , Exchange
Uudivided Profits 4,000 ; and Collection Business : : : :
O. H. GoitNKM. , President. - M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
J. T. May ; , Vice President. " . Miss GJ.KN HOENIO , Ass't Onshlpr. ,
- .
' c
Farm .fm.plements.i
We sell farming implements as well as other . ,
merchandise at reasonable prices. ' .
Call and try us.
" -
0 b ,
, .
I it
Stetter & Tobien , Props. frl iI
All Kinds of Fresh I i
and Fait Meats. ' . . . . < . '
rtrill buy your ; Cattle , Hogs , ' j t ' T
Poultry , Horses , Mules and , _
anything you have to sell.
"The Xmas Present that you I
alone can give. " Phelps Gold
Medal Photos , T.o18 and 19.
Furnished rooms to rent by day
or week , Hot and cold water
baths included. Valentine House ,
Joha D. ; EatoDj Propr. 32tf
Your money back if you . don't .
like them. Phelps Gold 1 Medal .
Photos Nov. 18 and 19.
Sheriff Rossetter , Judge - ' Quig ,
ley , Howard La Port and his
cousin , Mr. Harry Slack are hUI l- .
ing at Cody Lake. . . -
" , .