. ! : io'F.'t ' < = ' . . -'t r . . . , ' ' . ' , . \ . , . : , , . " , - ; " , " : ! . , 1 ' : . . ' ' I i d t Sioux City Directory - - - " - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - i , r k r Tfp-ToP&Bon-TonBROOMS t t Ask your dealer for thcso Brands. Dealers send for prlC' \J. ! 1 , Sioux City Broom Works , GIoiuc City ; , Iowa - 1 fl FOLDING CARTS AH steel frame. < best rubber cloth , rubber ti tire wheels , re- . chiliad back. ' Special Price $4.95 , Send for furniture fi catalogue. THE ANDERSON FURNITURE CO. 06-608 Fourth St. Sioux City. lovrm i h i ' , No. 82 Light Double Driving H lrneSs. Uic. I. R. or Brass Trimmed. Made of . best quality leather and by expert labor- With leather collars , $25.00. Send for our free Harness Catalog. , STURGES BROS. 411 Pearl Street Sioux Cily , Iowa . I hate to see a thing done by halves ; if it be right , do it boldly ; if It be wrong , leave it undone.-Gilpin. . WE SELL GUKS AND TRAPS CHEAP Buy Furs and Hides. Send for catalog 105. N. W. Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis : , Minn. I hold it indeed to be a sure sign of a mind not poised as it ought to be If It be insensible to the pleasures of home. Lex. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red , Weak , Weary , Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart-Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy , Liquid , 25c , 50c , $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes , 25c , $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice , Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago. Win by Being Prepared. Those who are prepared for the worst are the ones who generally get the best of it. . " The Only Way. # "How can I win you for my very own ? " . - "You fellows might get up a raf- fle : , " answered the summer girl. "I'm , engaged to seven of ypu . " , t New Version. "Now , Harry , " . .said the Sunday ' i school teacher tq ' the brightest boy in the class , "can you tell me how Elijah died ? " "He didn't die at all , " replied the youngster. } "He was translated from the original Hebrew. " ' . ' t Same With Political Pastry. : t Teacher - Now , Willie , which would yoJ rather have two-sixths of a pie or . one-third fj f Willie - One-third , miss. ' Teacher ( sarcastically ) - You would , f " \ - . eh ! And why so ? ' " , ( , " "I Willie - 'Cause if you cut it into j ! \ . " , \ sixths I'd lose more of the juice. The Weeds Return. "Confound these election bets , any- way ! " grumbled Harker. . "Lose heavily ? " inquired his friend. "No , I won ten boxes of cigars and they were so rank I sold the whole lot to the Conner tobacconist for a dollar. " i- : "Well , you made a dollar , anyway. " 1 "Yes , but that is not the worst of It. My wife saw the boxes in the window marked 'A Bargain , $2 , ' and bought the whole lot to give me as a birthday present. " , A Question. Vera ( eight years old-What does transatlantic mean , mother ? Mother-Across the Atlantic , of course ; but you mustn't bother me. Vera-Does "trans" always mean across ? ' . Mother-I suppose it does. Now , if i , l you don't stop bothering me with your - 1 questions I shall send you right to bed. bed.Vera Vera ( after a few minutes' silence ) -Then does transparent mean a cross parent ? - Ideas. " 99 "The Smack" of the . ' 6 99 . 6Snack" , . . . i Post r Toasties. ! 'and Cream { " A wholesome , ready- ; cooked food which I I youngsters , and older . : I folks thoroughly enjoy. i . I Let themjhave all they want. It is rich in nour - ishment and has a win- 1 , I I . ning flavour * "The Memory Lingers" . , . I JOOTOM CEREAL CO. , LTD. , Battle Creek , Mich. \ J I ' 'j , . . . . . . , cJ : < .w . "r" " r . ' . ' 'i" " " . . . . ' . . . . , t i . I v & 11 LRfJ , w. . ' " . - . FASHIONS FOR FALL COSTUME OF PROPERLY DRESSED WOMAN DESCRIBED. Hat Is a High-Crowned , Wide- Brimmed Beaver , Suit of Broad- cloth In Semi-Empire Style- Wide Fur Scarf ana Muff. It Is Impossible to give a better re sume of the fall fashions In general than by taking as text one modish woman properly gowned. From hat to skirt such a woman illustrates ad mirably all the newest and smartest tendencies. The hat first. Then new high- crowned and wide-brimmed beaver , much widerN the back than in the front , where the brim Is lowered as in the steeplechase hats of another season. The hat itself is blue-black , but the lining is of old-rose satin , a feature that is to be marked in au- tumn millinery. Not only hats , how- ever , but suits also are to be lined with silk or satin of strongly con- trasting , color-a sort of reaction from the somber shades tnat in general . fashion has Imposed upon us. The willow plume , of a slightly brighter old rose , Is arranged rather far back on the right side , in the up- standing military effect that we have renamed the chantecler. There is no I i other trimming on the hat , the effect aimed at being rather striking sim- plicity than ornate elaboration. . The suit Is of plum-colored broad- cloth , cut In a semi-empire style , with lines closely conforming to the figure , with a swallow-tall coat whose waist line is higher than we have been ac customed to seeing of late. The sleeves are full-length and rather loose , . widened in . sailor fashion at the cuffs and ornamented with a row of five large white pearl buttons. These buttons are repeated at the side of the skirt , which is narrow in cut without being tight , and Itself is clinging and almost trailed at the bot- tom. The coat Is double-breasted and fastened by these same pearl buttons. White , black and smoked pearls are to be very much seen on button coun- ters this fall. , The wide fur scarf and muff are ad- mirable examples of the autumn fash- ions in furs. Gray shares with white and black the favor of the .fur-wearers ( human , not animal ! ) , and where the nature of the fur will not allow of wwww MILLINERY FOR THE GIRLS Three Dainty Hats That Are Suitable for Children and Are Easily Made. Three dainty hats for our children are here Illustrated. They are quite simple in design , and with a little or- dinary care can be easily made at home. The first ( No. 982a ) is of spotted white muslin , trimmed with soft satin ribbon in a pale shade of mauve. This is twisted round crown , and a bunch of the same ribbon is placed at the / , e f/ f ( ' if , . l u ! x' r 4 1I - left side. The hat is made on a white wire frame , with the muslin gathered quite full , and corded on each wire. The next little hat ( No. 983a ) is fashioned of burnt straw , and partic- ularly easy to trim. Ribbon or chif- fon is swathed round the crown , and would look well in blue , with a bunch of , pink ro ebuds on either side. The quaint little bonnet ( No. 984a ) will , I am sure , appeal to all mothers who like to sec their tiny maids look- ing dainty and sweet. The crown is of white muslin or silk gathered Into a plain band of the same material , and trimmed with a broad frill of lace or embroidery. . ' . . " ' . . . " ' . . . : . . , . 4 . . very wide effects , the strips are sewn together in striped effect. Another hint to the wise : Line your muffs with white satin , for white gloves are to be very popular and they are easily soiled. Another distinctly fashionable touch is the single rose , real or artificial fastened into the fur scarf , just wher It crosses , and contrasting harmonl ously with the color of the costume. The craze for artificial flowers of rice paper and silk tissue continues , and roses are among the prime favorites. It will be noted that our dainty lady wears high , buttoned shoes , of cloth- topped kid , and that her separate blouse is of a messaline silk , in color midway between the plum of her suit and the old rose of her plume. Thus equipped , our maiden may go forth triumphantly into the world of fashion. As we have said , she repre- sents the sum total and the epitome of the Paris styles for autumns. IN WHITE BATISTE. - r , 4s 1 7/j f't t , tt l..1 , 11 This dainty waist Is of whiu ba tiste with embroidered dots. The yoke is of applique lace and extends well over the shoulders. The shoulder straps are of , , the material ornamented with passementerie buttons. The sleeves form puffs at the bot- tom drawn in by little ribbons which , are knotted on the outside. WAIST LINE IS GOING UP Return of the Empire Style Presaged by the Gowns Seen at the Paris Races. Waist lines were up and now are down ; but with imperishable exuber- ance they are going up again. This is the latest style in Paris , the Wall street of fashion. In other words , the empire styles are returning , and those of us who still have our high-waisted gowns of last year would better bide our time and wait for their return to favor. This return is presaged in a thou sand ways-by the very short jackets with coat suits at the Paris races , by the boleros of different color from their shirts , by the high girdles caught al most under the arms , and the full , long skirts that fall from these girdles , by the fashionable frill Itself , which is getting shorter and shorter , until It is becoming the actual empire mode. Black velvet Is seen everywhere on hats and shoes , in ] fact the grand chic is to wear black velvet shoes with white embroidered muslin and lawns. I Even the sunshades are fa black vel vet , as we saw them at the last Auteuil . meetings. Nattier blue brocaded silk , made in the style of dress worn In the middle ages , with somewhat voluminous skirts and a thick cord in blue and gold pass- ed below the fullness some distance from the waist , Venetian point trims the majority of these brocaded eve- ning toilets and pearls are worn , as usual , by all who are fortunate enough to possess them. Pearls and bro- cade ! How happily they seem to unite ! Satin Suits for Fall. If the college girl is beginning to choose her autumn , outfit now , it would be well for her to brush up on what a few of the prevailing modes will bring. Satin is cropping out again in the tailor-mades and is used liberally for ornamentation. , In black and navy blue the soft , sheeny fabric leads. Short skirts , little coats that are nearly tight-fitting , and generous ja- bots of lace are important constit- - uents of these costumes. Some bit of color here or there makes their most serious trimmings. A few. buttons and a little strap ping usually serve for the entire fin- ish of the coat. A bit of rare old lace is a wonder- ful brightener for a satin suit. . Satin costs little more these days than handcome wools or even cottons , and they are the very acme of smart- ' new for afternoon suits. . . . .j - - if _ - , . . -.A , . : : : . . . . . - ACT PROMPTLY. K'dney troubles are too dangerous to neglect. Little disorders grow seri- ous and the sufferer is soon in the grasp of diabetes , dropsy or fatal , A- r Brig11 t's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all distressing kidney ills. They make sickt kidneys- . well weak kidneys strong. John L. Perry , Columbus , T e x. , says : "I grew worse and worse until ; it seemed but a question of a few hours before I passed away. My wife was told I would not see another day. I rallied somewhat and at once began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. I steadily improved until today I am in good health. " Remember the name-Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. ENGAGEMENT NOW OUT. i j ' 4 E Ethel-Weren't you surprised when fou heard about my horse running away with me ? Ernest-Not very. I'd do the same I thing myself if I got the chance. No Help Needed. A little miss of five years who had been allowed to stay up for an even- ing party , was told about 8:30 to go to bed. Very , very slowly she moved toward the stair. An aunt , seeing her reluctance , asked : "Helen , can I do anything to help you ? " "No , " replied Helen , "I will get there altogether too soon as it Is. " BABY'S SKIN TORTURE "When our baby was seven weeks old he broke out with what we thought was heat , but which gradually grew worse. We called in a doctor. He said it'was eczema and from that time we doctored six months with three of the best doctors in Atchison but he only got worse. His face , head and hands were a solid sore. There was no end to the suffering for him. We had to tie his little hands 'to keep him from scratching. He never knew what it was to sleep well from the time he took the disease until he was cured. He kept us awake all hours of the night and his health wasn't what you would call good. We tried everything but the right thing. "Finally I got a set of the Cuticura Remedies and I am pleased to say we did not use .all of them until he was cured. We have waited a year and a half to see if it would return but it never has and to-day his skin is clear and fair as it possibly could be. I hope Cuticura may save some one else's little ones suffering and also their pocket-books. John Leason , 1403 Atchison St. , Atchison , Kan. , Oct. 19 , 1909. " Good Advice , but - A traveler entered a railway car- riage at a wayside station. The sole occupants of the compartment con- sisted of an old lady and her son , about 12 years vold. Nothing of note occurred until the train steamed Into the station at which tickets were col lected. The woman , not having a ticket for the boy , requested him to "corrie doon. " . The traveler intervened and sug- - gested putting him under the seat. "Man , " said the excited woman , "it's as shair as daith ; but there's twa un der the salt a'ready ! " ; STATE OF OHIO Crrr or TOLEDO , t LUCAS COUNTT. f BS * FRANC J. CHENET makes oath that he is ! senior partner ot the flrm of F. J. CHENET ft Co. . doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay < pe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every use ot CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. . Sworn to before me and eubscrlbed In my presence. this 6th day of December , A. D. , 18S6. j - " - t A. W. QLEASON. 1 SEAL r NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally : and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the tystem. Bend for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , 0. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. . A Contradiction. "Queer , wasn't it , that water In the place you went to made the folks there sick ? " "Why was It queer ? " "Because It was well water. " . None so little enjoy life , and are such burdens to themselves , as those who have nothing to do. The active only have the true relish of life. Bins. Window's Soothing : Syrup. Forchlldrcn teething , softens. the rums , reduces in- tammaUon.ala,8 pain , cures wind collo 25c a bottle. People are happier for a lot of things they don't know. HIS RUBBERS HAD VANISHED Consequently Man From the Country I ' Had Little Use for City II Methods. The benches in the waiting rooms at the Union depot in Kansas City are used for other purposes than to rest on by travelers , the Kansas City J Star enlightens , . us. - At every midnight . the maids clean out the rooms. They do not forget to poke under the benches for stray bundles left by : trust- Ing travelers. Sometimes , after Intervals , the trav- elers return to claim their property. , Some time ago a red cap at the depot i saw a man in a linen duster , a felt hat and the manner of one who had spent his life in a secluded part of the Ozarks get down on his knees and peer carefully under several of the benches. "Lost anything , mister ? " the red cap queried. "Wall , no , sonny , not 'zactly. I left a pair of rubbers here last January when I was on the way tew Emporey. Hain't seen nuthin' of 'em , have you ? " The red cap explained that he hadn't , and , moreover , that the room had been cleaned .out several dozen times since last January. "Well , I swan , " replied the traveler , blinking and stroking his beard. "The city methods do beat me. " Pleasant Place to Prosper. TO THE EDITOR : We want to hear : from people who would appreciate se- i curing a fruit , dairy or poultry farm In the Kuhn irrigated tract In Sacramento Valley , California at half the true value. Best water right In state. Low mainte nance cost. Work costing millions now actually being done. Roads , drainage and water right included in price. Ten month's growing season. Ten tons alfalfa per acre. Splendid dairy conditions. 500 ! hens earn $100 a month or better. Oranges lemons , grape fruit , figs. English walnuts and a thousand other fruits nuts , vege- tables and flowers grow here. Gardens winter and summer. Charming place to live. Very healthful. Who wants such a home ? Land selling fast. Work for ev erybody. Write us for enthusiasm. H. L. Hollister & Co. , 205 La Salle ! St. , Chi- cago , or 345 Fourth Ave. , Pittsburg , Pa. Why He Wouldn't Hurry. They were riding to church and were late. Several of the party were worried and one remarked : "The au- dience will be waiting. " "Well , " ob served the old pastor ( who was to preach that forenoon , "don't let's fret over it if we are a little late. It re minds me of the man who was being taken to execution. His guards were greatly exercised over the fact that they could not possibly get there on. time. 'Never mind , ' said the poor fel low , philosophically. 'Don't fuss over it. The people can wait. There'll be . nothing doing till I get there. : " - Christian Herald. Flirting With Fashion. That innate tendency on the part of the fair consumer to flirt with fash- ion , playing fast and loose with vari- ous commodities , is responsible . for the uncertainties that have prevailed during the month. There was such a lack of confidence as to the ultimate acceptance of the various lines pre- pared by distributers and consumers that buying was somewhat minimized. Prosperity or adversity has nothing to do with the millinery business. Fash- ion alone makes or breaks.-Millinery Trade Review. . DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS. Seventeen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for Woman's t Ailments. A scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and per- I manent. For sale at all Drug Stores. Latest Mine Horror. The Doctor - Of course , if the oper- ators In the anthracite and bituminous fields form a coalition The Professor-Then there will be nothing for the consumers to do but to coalesce. ( Slow curtain. ) Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see tthat It Bears the r Signature of"I "I e In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Not Strictly Orthodox. Police Justice-Young man , what Is your religion , if you have any ? Chauffeur ( arrested for overspeed- ing-Something ) like Jim Bludso's , your honor-never be passed on the highway. Generosity. The Backer-Go it , Billy , yer ain't half licked yet. The Fighter-Well , you come and 'ave the other 'arf. I ain't greedy- ! Tit-Bits. Onions a Healthy Food. Onions are more nourishing than any other vegetable. I _ _ - - .r , 1 - I I DOCTOR I I ADVISED OPERATION Cured by LydiaE.Pinkbam's ! . Vegetable Compound Galena , Kans. - " A year ago last March I fell , and a few days after there was soreness in my right side. In a short time a bunch came and it- bothered me so much at night I could . , . . , . . . . . ' not sleep. It kept : : ! : : r : : ; : : : ; : ' : "i . : : : , : ; ; : ! \t \ ! : , : i . Htii growing larger and " I : : . ' " : . , . by fall it was as. j 1 large as a hen's egg. ih. I could not go to ; j jjiL - " ' @ . . , jj bed without a hot I mj _ rs . ! water bottle . applied artied : . : , : - : : . : ! : 4 ' , , _ . . : : : : -1 : : . : ; - . : : to that side. I had ; ' : " ' :1 : : ' ' ' : ' : : ' : : I : : ; . : > i . ! . il ! : ! . ! ? ! i . ! ! : : one of . the best doc : : : : : ' : : : -1 : : : : ' : ' I ; : iin . ! : ; . , ! : : . i , . . : : . : i , : tors in Kansas and' : ' : : " : ' : : ' ' ' : : : : : : m : iii ! ! ! : : i ! ! : . he told my husband " . j , . ! , jj ! : : : ' that I would have to : be operated on as ifc . . o was something like a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote to you for advice and you told me not- to get discouraged but to take Lydia- E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound. I did take it and soon the lump in my side broke and passed . away. " - Mrs. R. R. HUEY , 713 Mineral Ave. , Galena , Kans. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , made from roots and herbs , has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms or female ills , including displacements , inflammation , fibroid tumors , irregu larities , periodic pains , backache , bear- ing-down feeling , flatulency , indiges tion , and nervous prostration. It cost but a trifle to try it , and the result has been worth millions to many suffering women. If you want special advice write forit tol\Irs.PinkbamLynn,1\Iass. It is free and always helpful. Your Liver . is Clogged up' THat Why You're Tired - Onl oF Sorts - Have No Appetka. CARTER'S LITTLE OVER PILLS will put you right CARTER'S in a tew days. TES They do ITTLE their duty. IVER Cure & &T" r\ * PILLS. ConstJp tioa , BU- iensaess , Indigestion , aad Side ; Headadia. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine c : . tfceat : Signature ; 9 , ; W. L. DOUCLAS : HAND-SEWED QUftETQ ' PROCESS © nVJ& © MEFS 82.00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 , S4.00,55.0O WOMEN'S $2.50 , $3$3.50 , $4 . BOYS' $2.00 , $2.50 & , $3,00 THE STANDARD . FOR 30 YEARS They are absolutely the most popular and bestshoea ; > for the price in America. - , \ . : ' ' They are the leaders every- . . where because they hold > ' . _ _ /.7 ' their shape , fit better , ' ' . . fF . look better and wear lon [ ! W Jl'L7T- ger than other makes. ' : ' > . ' . : ' They are positively the , : c. most economical shoes for you to buy. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price are stamped. . on the bottom-value guaranteed. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE I If your dealer cannot supply you write for Mail Order Catalog. . . W. 1. . DOUGLAS Brockton. Mass. PIMPLES "I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good , but } have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black-heads. After taking Cascarets they all left. I am continuing the use of them and recom- . mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets. Fred C. Witten , 76 Elm St. , Newark , N. J. Pleasant. Palatable , Potent , Taste Good. . Do Good. Never SIcken , Weaken or Gripe. : 10c 25c SOc. Never sold in bulk. The cenu- Ino tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to 1 cure or your money back. 922 STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality ; reds and roans , white faces or angus bought on orders. Tens of Thousands to select from. Satisfaction Guar- anteed. Correspondence Invited. Come and see for yourself. National Live Stock Com. Co At either KznsxaCity.Mo. . St. Joseph. Mo. . S.Omaha.Nekr IP YOU WANT THE BEST BUT A MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATOR ASK : YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR John Deere Plow Company , Omaha 1 Watnon E. Coiemanwsss. PATENTS Ington.D.C. Booksfree. Hlgb. esc references. Best results DEFIANCE STARCH dntl 1 starches clothes nicest * ---I W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 41-1910. AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright and MICA free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. ( Incorporated - . . - COLT DISTEMPER Can bo haadled Terr ewlly. The Ickfcre cured. and aD others ia same ctable. no matter how "exposed , " kept from h&Tlncr the dl - by uilnjr BPOHNB LIQUID DISTEMPER . CURaT QUe OA. the onjno.or In feed. Acts on the blood and expels germs oc all forms of : distemper. Best remedy erer known for marts in foal Oa bottle guaranteed to care one cue. Boo aa II a bottle ; IS anal ! H9 dozen of drugglsUand harness dealers or cent exprwBpald br zojumfMtanrB. Cut shows how - to pooltioa throew. OUr freo i Booklet crlTMererrthln ? . Local : ajrente mated. LugactoaUlac _ aorjeramadylaealrtqeoa - tuelTdyeara. : POHM MEDICAL co. . ma d BMteUUKbtj ; ObsfMn ImL , u. . . A . PUTNAM FADEL.ESS DYES . Color mere good fcrlf Mar and f. i . " c . ! . rr UMR Mllwr tf * . On * . We Mctei dwt > . ll . tf . . Thty to I. I . e . W wttir tott r thM MT ttHt , " t re ' Twc nd/9.nfiarrn . nUlltoutrWM-rtJ . 1N kea INYtIt-Ngw . . M Da rIes . b . . .1Ik0tllll , JHOMffOC JMNW 0O. , QM * sy'r IHto ' ' ' - . , . ' . ' " " - . , : ' ; ; . . . t-iS : . _ . . . . . : . _ " " : . . > . ; . . . , { : . . , bi1. \ . . . ; . ' , , , , , , , \ :