Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 29, 1910, Image 8

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    - R s - , a { . . , x , . . . -r..f , ? # ' rieffirrt4' , .3
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3ep * * at ! ' *
, e e i
- - - .1
r I
i ; _ 1\ 4 They'r Here !
: e/
T. f \
-w- '
. E W STOCK just received of Fall and I
: " Winter Goods that are good values and I
, , serviceable articles. LADIES' FUR I
j of which might well be said are "aJ'oY forever. " !
. ; - A big line of FUR COATS and WINTER
j , . CAPS for Men \ ' and a lot of WARM HOSIERY [ ,
i 1 UNDERWEAR and SHOES for everybody. I
! 1 t : i w. Ao IARKER
, .
t " ' " . General Merchandise
. {
" Wood Lake , = = Nebraska
. .
- - - - - - - - - ' - - " ' - . - - - - ' - -
tit - - = :
t ,
. r : f
. . . ,
I '
: : We Buy and Sell Horses
3 Wood Lake , , JI Nebi'1aska '
yvv fv " _ ' _ . " " : . . _ " , , ! , ' , , ! , ' _ . . , ' , . _ _ . .F.r. . ' ' 7. " . . ' < " ' . . ; ! J )
na e C . ° 2t@.lZ ,48 Q1t 3 * 4 . 0' ? 5 84m. Sl .
+ ' Livery , Feed and
' I , . 1 Sales Stable . . . . . . . . * *
' _ a
: . . . - , Wood Lake , Nebraska 5
t !
= Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. z
GIi t 1i1S'lr .lflr R i" " " i..I 5 u i v
_ .
H. A. LYONS , : i
, ,
( Successor to "Welkor it Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska :
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting i
, and fishing parties. !
i A. Me Lotspeich
I . ' © , I
- , ( Successor to Ed Young. )
I Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods.
, ; Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
! " ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
I . Men's Clothing'and Furnishings . . . . , .
Wood Lake = Nebraska.
. . - . - . . . . , - . . - . - . , - , . . , -c , - _ > U . . . _ . , , , _ "
- - _ _ . . I _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - . _ _ ' _
t' . . - and LIVE STOCK
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex-
perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
F. J. WSLSEY , Auctioneer
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
j ; . Notice to Creditors.
. In the County . Court within and for Cherry
county , Nebraska , :
.5 i . In the matter of the estate of John H. Miller , :
t deceased.
, To the creditors of said estate :
You ara hereby notilied. That f will sit at the
County Court : Room lii Valentine in said county
M on the loth day of October , 10,10
" ' f to receive and examine all cMms against
said estate , with a view to their adjustment : and
allowance. The time limited for the Jlre' t nt.a-
tion of claims against said estate is ! six months
p from the 10th day of April A. I' . IQlo.andilie
± time limited for payment ot debts is one year
from said loth day of April lOio.
-A- Witness my hand aiH the seal of s'tid
ci SEAL County Court : , this nth day of hept.
? ; , - . , - 1910. JAMES c. QUIGLKY ,
fit 'W 4 County Judge.
Tubular Wei ] Is" and Windmills
Call me up by phone
As usually treated , a sprained ankle
will disable a man for three or four
' 1 . ' weeks , but by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment freely as soon as the injury is
, received , and observing the directions
i with each bottle , a cure can be effected
in from two to four days. For sale by
, . : \ Chapman , the druggist. . . _ .
. . . . ' . .
( ' I i
. . :
' ;
i ,
I . . . .
, .
r - + j ' - - . . . . _ 1 : . . . . . "
"d 1"t JUT r'JIIJIILl7II1f1 IUItQJiIJI:9If1n.I'fr : !
- - - _ . _ - - - . . _ . . - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Sheriff's Sale.
r By virtue of nn execution issued 1)t hc
clerk : of the district court of Cherrv count v ,
Neb. , August 11 , I'.UO ( , under nn execution
wherein First National BMiik of Valentine ,
Neb. , Inc. is judgment creditor and Frank I
Hippie- judgment debtor ,
I will sell at. the f'-ont dour of thecourtilouse in .
Valentine. Cherry : county. Nebraska , that ! , being
the building wherein the last term , Of said couit
w N beM , on th . l.rth day : of October. 1910 at
10 o'clock a. m . to satisfy judgment of . I077. .O1 ( ) ! >
1Ir1lrit - rp t at 10 percent from date of judgment
May 10. 1910 and ! costs taxeu at § Ki.7. ; and
acciuing ! costs , at puolie ' auction , to the Itl ; heat
hi Leer , for ca " h , the iollowmg described prop
erty to-wit :
Kl/2 n.-i.i. e1 f nw „ , . sii ne4 } Sec. sa. } Tp. 35 , R
30. SH : SWt , Sec. 2" , nwh ? i neJi and ! n1nwu !
: 'ee 34 ! all ' ' . 35 : 11
ec , m Tp. ; , 30 , in Cherry county ,
Neb.Dated this 14th day of Ser tPnlber,1910.
M : fi Sherjir of Cherry County
Walcott & Morrlssey. attorneys for plnintili
Notice to Creditors.
Tun : STATK OF NintuASKA 18s I. ( In the County
ClIKHUY COUN'l'j j B3 Court.
In the matter of the estate of Margaret
Lewis deceased : f
To the Creditors of said Kstate :
You an hereby notilied. That 1 will sit. at the
Coi uty Court Room in Valentine in said connry
on the 10th ( day o : October , 1910 ,
to receive ! and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment : and
allowance. The time limited for the preientaI I
tion of claims against : : said estate is six months
from the 101 h day of April. A. I ) . 1910 and the
time limited for payment of debts is one year
from said 10th day ot A Iml. 1910 ,
Witness ' my band at d seal of said ! ! county court
- ' - - - this loth 1 dav of September. A. D . 1910.
- i - 354 : ; Cblinty Judge /
. .
,10'0 < ' _ , " " . _ . . . . . . > . . . .c . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . , - . , " . . , ' - - " . . - , , - .
_ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . .
I ! " sMi3J : ; ? 1f ' "i' 44 ' : ' , . , , psa . . .ry , , . . ji ' 'a re'jrns ; ; „ rwri > ? - ? ! ; nt- . r""K.Ts ?
, . , . - , . . . . . . . . . _ .
- - - - -
/fV . , , . YYWVTV'yVVTYyYVVY'W . . . . ' . . . v-w- . . . . . " " . . _ . .
> Wood Lake Department |
Locals notices 5 cents line Insertion. " "
or rending per ejich Display advertising
50 ) cents per Inch l per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month I double 1 column. * J
. . " , .t.h _ ' : : : .I' : : : :0:1 : : : : : : : , AAJ *
' 'i # " * *
We visited at Wood Lake last .
Friday and though the day was
dark and dreary from a drizzling
cold rain the people seemed cheer-
tul and some kept warm without a
fire for want of a stove in position
to perform service.
At W. A. Parker's store we
found se 'eral large boxes packed
with goods , awaiting the purchas-
er's call upon starting home , and
the whole force busy marking or
selling goods. Being entertained
for dinner at Mr. Parker's home
we found Mrs. Parker enjoying
better health than fr some time
though crippled yet with rheuma
tism Mrs. Brown , her mother ,
is now making her home with
them and Don is a big school boy
Mrs. Hanna was down town
shopping and Dave returned from
a two weeks stay at the ranch dur-
ing the day with about 300 head of
cattle which he had sold at Wood
Lake. He was feeling well again.
A. M. Lotspeich was busy wait-
ing on customers and making im-
provements around his building.
Johnson Bros. seemed to have
stoves a plenty but none steamed
up for action , though they were
busy enough to keep warm. They
feel gratified with sales § 7000 bet-
ter than any previous year.
J. H. Day was busy and tells us
that he is soon expecting to fill his
south room , formerly the pool hall ,
with general merchandise.
Mr. Montague : was busy at their
barn taking care of teams while
Mr. Howe was out on a drive.
H. A. Lyons was around town
cheerful enough to show that life
has more pleasures than pains.
Uck Lausen & Co. were busy
and at intervals we had occasion
to learn that their business has
been very gratifying and surpass
ed their t expectations.
At Wood Lake we met W. L.
Cohee who was on his way to Boyd
county to visit his father.
11. D. Evans of Oasis was in
town and will stay around Wood
Lake for the next few weeks.
G. A. Waggoner and W. Honey
had time to visit with us at times
and they're looking good though
Mr. Honey complains that he
doesn't feel half as young . zs he
used to be.
For further particulars read the
advertisements of these Wood
Lake business men on the Wood
Lake page of this paper.
D. Hanna sold 260 head of feed-
ers this week.
Cprus Hagen went east Monday
on a business trip.
A. M. Lotspeich has a new clerk
in the person of Mr. Douglass.
Murray & . Klingaman shipped
fifteen cars of cattle on Saturday.
We were glad to have Mr. Rice
with us the latter part of last
Harry Klingaman and family
have moved into the Stacy Miller
R. McNamee and family have
moved in town in the Jake Kline
Johnson Bros. have a fine line of
light and heavy wagons for the
fall trade.
Bruce and Wm. Hanna , of Min
nesota , are visiting with their
brother , D. Hanna.
Jay Keller , Bije Howard and L.
Jehnik wece in from Goose Creek
on business Monday.
Hon. James Morris of Johns-
town was here Monday taking evi
dence in final proof cases.
Sixteen cars went out of here
Monday loaded with cattle , Mr.
Murray being the shipyer.
W. F. Parker , Roy Randall and i
Joe Weisner bagged some fine
specimens of ducks the past week.
Amos Scott and family have
moved to Cody ] , Mr. Scott to take
charge of the coal chutes there for
the C. & N. W. Ky.
The entire community wishes to
express their heartfelt sympathy
to the bereaved family of the late
county superintendent.
The cement block makers are
hustling these days and the new
Citizens' Bank building will soon I
start to loom up on the south side : !
of the track.
Quite a joke on the postmaster
this week. He is setting up the
cigars for the democratic nominee
for county attorney all on account
of a practical joke of , Dr. Noyes.
Roy Randall , the popular barber
and pool hall proprietor , has se- ,
cured the services of E. Minton as
- , ' . . ' , - - . - . . , -
clerk in the pool hall , who is an
old timer at the business.
W. F. Parker & : ; Co. have sold
out their Grocery bnsiness to J.
Dwyer , who will take charge Oct.
3. This loss to the community of
one of their best business firms is
regretted by all but we wish them
success and the new comers we
will welcome.
C ans
, r o . IA
® or v-r
: ; .5 jj\t \
: .yris
S 4
Here's A AJew ' And
lfGetier Way To
Kee Things
Avoid drudgery in the kitchen in
cleaning pots , kettles and pans , in
scrubbing floors , cleaning wood-
I work , bath-tubs and keeping things
clean throughout the house. Old
Dutch Cleanser has revolutionized
I house work. This new , handy all-
t 'round Cleanser does the work of
I all old-fashioned cleaners put
I together. ,
I Old Dutc.h
Clea.i'\s- rubs-Scou
. \ - - rs
and Polishes i
in the kitchen , pantry , dairy , bath-
rooms , bedrooms , parlor and
, throughout the house. It keeps
everything clean and spotless , from
milk-pails and separators to wood
floors , wood-work , bath tubs , etc.
The Easier and Qnicker Way. Wet
the article , sprinkle Old Dutch
Cleanser on cloth or brush and rub
I well , rinse with clean water and
I wipe dry.
Avoid caustic and acid cleaners.
With this new Cleanser you can get
through your housework in half the
! time and with half the labor
formerly required.
- - - -
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office Broken How Nebraska , i
Set t-mbrr Ii t HMO. ! i t
A sufllciFiit content affidavit having been tiled
In this office by ( Charles . Btvdy. a ) ui1estant ,
against Honi \ " 'ptead ! elll J'Y So.5O31a.1t4't3. : : : ( ' > made
October I = ! . HJO-l for cYs , e',4 ! See , 18. nw nw , 4. M/
n % , nVz s5'a , sY wVt , srt'U. : ; I' } { ' -ec 17 , Town-
shij.2ti ; N. , K.inue 33 : W. lith < ; I'lincipal i Meridian
by Gus It. 11 ' Iph , , coutettee. : in \\lnch it is . al
leg -d that claimant ; has wholly aritndnn-d stid
tract for mute than one \eur last p tst . , that he
has never cull ivated , improved < < t or resided upon
said tr > td as reqiireii l.w l : that aH 1 l.ind is
in its wild ! \ ' state , and I \\iinlly abandoned
that all ot said defects exist at this date and
liave not been cured ,
Said parties an ! hereby notified : to appear
responu and oiler evidence touching said allega-
ti in aT. 10 o'clock a. m on October 20. lulO ,
before W. E. Bowers , County Judge of Hooner
county. ; Nebraska ! at his ottke m + Million .veb. ,
and ihatllnal hearing wl.lJe l held at 10 o'clock
a. m on Oct ' ! Ier- 24. J9K ) ! heton the Register
and Receiver at the United States Land ulllee
Broken ! Jjo\v , New.
T ie said contestant having , in a proper affi-
davit Hied August 29. 1910. set : forth laots
which show that a-t r due diligence personal :
service of This notice cannot be nu , de , it is
ht'l e'y ordered and directed that Mich notice le
given by due and proper publication.
JOHN KEKSK : , Register. I
Ilecord address of entrytnan , council \ Built' , la.
36 4t H
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
'J 1 o the heirs ana to all : ! persons interested in
the es'ate of i.ndwiuK BOCI . iK-ccased :
On reading the petition of Minna : . Palmer ,
proving that the a-inimistration ot said ! estate :
be granted to heiseif as adininistnit ix.
It is hereby ordered thai . you and all persons
interested in said matter may \ , and do. appear
at. the County Court to be held III and for said
county on the 4th day of October , A. D. , 1910 , at
10 o'clock a m. to bhow canse , it any lucre be ,
why the prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted ana notice of the pendency of said
prtition and that th1 hearing thereof be given ! to
all persons interested in said : matter by : publish
ing a copy of this ord . 'r iu the Valentine Demo
crat a weekly newspaper printed said county
for 3 slIccesl'evet'ks : prior to said day 01
- ' - Witness my hand and the seal of j-aid
SEAL court this 13J1 day of Sept ; A. D. 1910.
- , - JAMES C. QuioijRV.
3(5 : ( 3 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land ofllce , Va'entine. Vebras ,
September'J , .
A sufficient contest aflldavit having ; heeu tiled
in this oflice by Albert Haley , contestant ,
agaiusc homestead entry ? " 'o. 04-104 ( , ser-
ial No 04401. mafic March 31st 1909. for the West
V of the titi'cstu of Kuciiuu : (1) I one , Township
( : : \1) , north Ranged : , W est 01 the &ixin I'nnci
pat Meridian , by .it + it , ° s ] Itobertson conferee , I
in which it is alleged that the said .lames : Rob ! .
trrSOI1m3 ] ] 1 ( neverestabli - c1 a residence noon' t '
the said IHIH ! within six ! months after the date of !
entry ; tlnithe : h-.isnot cultivated the said land :
as by law required , Ih . .te ! lias wholly abai - i
doneil the sain lainl tud lias failed to cure li-s
laches to this date. " ' I
Said parlies are hereby notified to appear
respuud ami oifer evidence touching sairt alleg . a-
' ion at. 10 o'clock a. m on ( J' 1 o C" 12. I 1910 ! t-e-
fort ' the register and receiver at the United
SfteB Land omce in Valeniine , i-veliraska. }
The saiu ; coi'te " tant. having , in n proper affi
davit tiled Sept. 2. 1910 , sttt forth facts which
t-ho\v that after due diligence personal sen ice
of thi : notice I : : IJI not 11. made. is hereby order
ed" and directed that sdch notice be given hy due
and proper publl ati)1J.
3.-4t Receiver
Kecorcl address of entrynian Nordcn ; Xeb.
3 :
t ,
" . _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n _ . _ - - - - . . ' 1
: . . , , . . .
. .
. . " , ' - . _ ; : ; , ' . . , . ; , - . > -
v .
b 'j +
- . ' = J
and Oils , Cattle - . " 4
Furniture Paints . I"
Undertaking , and Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. t
I' John on.Bros. . ,
. . . . ,
Lumber \ , c Machinery , Hard-
ware , Harness Saddles . . I
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills . , :
' Pumps Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
' . Nebraska . .
Wood Lake , = - ,
- - - I
@ @ . . . . .e _ _ e .
UC ! < , lausen & CO. ,
? General Hardware , . I
J .
. Wagons and I
Machinery. . _ . ,
@ . -
complete line of . -
* .
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture _ _
. Lumber and Fence Posts 1\
- f e _ @ _ e
R. M. Faddis & Co
Postofttce address-Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
fr f r on . left
n " . . . tlllgl1
rt" ;
" ' "
ITorses branded
, ; yl on left
. \ ishonlder
t It. or thipli
Some Some branded
branded 011 hrandertij
on left or sliuulderb
shoulder B
or thigh .
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some a. yon left
- on left jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon ,
N. S. Eowley.
Kenueuj , - iseoraska.
Same as cut on left , , ' . .E. '
' ,
Ide and hip , and uu'
left shoulderof hor a .
se" ' AlsoSJSSl on "oJ " S.
left Alsowrl ! and D iI
hip. i\W t
1i + ' X on lelt se * ,
Some rat ' . r 8 ,
tie . : 'at.-e ; - . ' .t. . . . ,
ed husk- ; : : -r : > ing peg ( either side up ) on
left side ! or hip. F on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses , LUk *
Q-on left hip of horses.
N on left jaw of horses
> C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
. CJ BE JJ on right
fIj blp.
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
r leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
R. M. Ten-ill
. . , Propr.
Brownlee , Xf'iJ.
Cattle branded as
in c-t on left
sid e. Some
branded IiL T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river two miles
west of Brownlee
. _ -
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis- .
ion , } { Rosebud :
S. 1)r
fettle : branded
as in cut ; horses
ame or .H\P on
eft thigh , Knnce
Between Spring
C'k and Little , ,
White river.
s y
l.lberti'Vhipple & Sons.
Rosebud H , D.
Cettle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rlehtslde
OS Some cattle also
have a -f- { on seek
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded.
with two bars
- . ' across ! ' hind quar-
' , ' SCers . Some Tex
cattle branded < n ' S O ou left side and some
on'ieft side. "
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some catWe , t'
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears. .
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip. S _
Horses same on "
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Lancf and. Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas : : '
Cattle branded on . ' 1,1.
. . any part animaix . .
' ' also the folio .I1g /
brands : . ,
x s 1141
P horses branded th&
. _ Range between
Godon On the F.E.
& M. V.R. , R. and
Ryanni" . ' on B & IVf. : R.rc. in Nn rthtvestertt Nebr.
RARTl.KTT UICHAKDS. Ehlstvorth Nehr
Sawyer Bros. r ' .
Oasis ; Nebr
f O. K , Sa\vver has
.charge of these
. cattle. H rses
s nt ! ! on l ftshoul _
. der. Some ,
left side.- f..a . .
1iors s .
'r _ . .
same ' left thigh.
Range on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Roife Nebr '
Cattle branded <
anywhere on left
Earmark , square ! A
crop right ear. '
Horses have
same brand on 1
eft thigh. ,
thigh.S i
RanJre on Gorc1on eCSta ! t
A Reward , and Snake Creeks , -
of $250
wilt he Jtld to any person for
IllformatiOu lei.llill ; to the arrest and final
convJction C' : ' .ttlp with of hov any , , person rand. or . perons : ! stealing
J. Yaryan. -4
Pullman Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on righfcside
/ Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
y j'
Reasonable reward
for any information . \ :
leading to the re -
covery of cattle I
strayed from ,
- 1.1' j '
n S I
1i i I
1 : i
Sold -by
a McGeer . & Carroll , . ' '
valentine. . . . T ell.
_ _ _ _
_ . . _ _
. .
J. .