- ' " ' : ri ! ' ' ' . . . . . , r . ' - . . , " " " , . , . . r I ; At , ' , ' . " . - ' " f , : ' ' " - J- ' I \ I 1 A Safe , 2 Simple System , - - The system of paying by check was devised by all men- for any 1 I man-for you. It is suited to the need of I t any business , either f large or small. It makes I no difference whether " i we pay out $10 or $10000 , a month. A checking I account will serve your I needs. . Pay by check , the method puts system in- to your business and t gives you a record of every transaction. ; L VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. .Hornby's store , Main street entrance. . Valentine , Nebraska W. H. Stratton Dealer in , i FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 1 25 = cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. . e t ' ' .p Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , s C. H. FAULHABER A SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. Herd headed by S. G. Columbus 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg , Bulls for Sale at All Times , Dr. M. T. Meer , 's DENTIST l I Rooms over Red Front store . . . . Valentine - \ Nebr . , . . I , / tf I _ fVV - * V wwY % ; i JOHN D. EATON < 1 Drayman , i > * f : : . Lightaild Heavy Draying' . ' t - ' " * . Furniture and pianos handled : in a careful anner.- Coal . . ' . haulecTand trunks and grips : a sp@ial .y. ' Phone No. 131. : - : . i . , . . - . . . ' . . . ' ' " . " : ' , ' ' " 'j. - 4 - Get Your Trees Ready t . . for Winter. \ I . . , Stop cultivating- deep. Let them "Wed tbeir leaves and ripen up their wood bv onlyikeepinjja ; dust on top of ground to retain moisture in ground , J and on , town lots where trees are . ' watered gradually reduce amount of , , ' water. A tree needs moist ground , during : fall and winter. If town lot trees need water later water Nthem at freezing up time for their winter use. . We have all the varieties of Cher- ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit Shrubs , Roses and other ornamentals. ] GET THE CHEAPEST for a long time usefulness. ] A TREE IS A PER- MANENT INVESTMENT. . Get trees grown nearest Tiome. They are ac- climated and grown under same con- ditions you want them to grow , and Vhere _ they can be had the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries and 40 acres in our bearing orchard. Write for catalogue or any informa tion. Chas , ] , Boyd , Brown County Nursery Ainsworth , Nebr , r Nursery : one block north-east of the - Court House. - - . _ Sheriff's Sale. Hv virtue of an orfwr of sale issued by the clerk of the uistrict oourfc of Cherry county , Ne braska July 18th , 15)10 , under a decree ofSinort- gaue foreclosure wherein H. O. Jellineek is f ulalnttff and John Clark , Lena Clark and Ed- ward Clark , ThP N. 7 . Cattle Company , incerpo- ratud , and the Packers National \ Bank of Sou'h Omaha , Keoraska. : incorporated , are de fendants , will sell at the front door of the court house in Valentine. Cherry cwmty , N.- I braeka , that bfing the bu Idnig wherein the ! last term of eaid court was held on the 29th day of Octolwr. uno at 10 o'cloclt a m to satIsfy iudgmentof 55Th00 and interc- l at 7 per Ctnt from date of j'ldJmtmtIay . 16. 1910 , and costs taxed at S36.oOsind accruing costs , at public auctt. n to the highest bidder iorasu the fol- I 10\\111g described prope-ty towit : Tho W / HW ? .t . or et.Lionrand N 4N 11'1 ; Section 3-1. TownIJip 2 ; . Uangtj 2G , WCit ! of 6th Principal Meridian in Clif rry County , Nen. Dated this 23th day of September , 1910. C. A. HOSSETER , 38 5 Sheriff. Walcott & Morrissey \ , Attjs. for Pit ! . U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING SEP. 29 , 1910. , Daily mean temperature 55. = IIormal temperature M3 Highest temperature S4 = > . .Lowest temperature 33 ° . , . . Range of temperature 51 = . Precipitation for week 31. ° of an inch. Average for 22 years 0.32 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 1 ' . 03 inches. Average for 22years 18.59 of an inches. JOHN J. MCL.EAX. Observer. , C. & . N. W. New Time Table. I WEST .HOUND : P No.1 , 7:17 p. in. New passenger train. . No.3 , J : a. ) u. in. Old " " No. 110 , " 11 :5.'j p. ni. Through freight train. No. 81 , 2:00 p. m. Local freight train. EAST DOU-D : N0. 2 , 10:12 p. m. New passenger train. No. C , 5:05 : n. in. Old' : " 's * Jfo. 110 , 0:20 a. . in. Through freight train. f " --.1\ ' 82'lliWaim. , LOl'al freight train , . ' \ . _ . . Tjiip. S. : , . li. ' n.m . . . . . . 10 C i " , . - ' i I \ t . : - Iiita v " . ' . F . . " 'fl' , . , o . " - , _ , . ' . . . . . I . - Talk : of the Town. . T I Horace Walliagford was in town Tuesday. I Uncle Pete Decory" does his chores now in his automobile. J. F. Naylor and wife of Merri- man are at the Donoher today. Four carloads ] of Posts , from lie 1 to 60c. Ludwig Lumber Co. I John Niess was in the city Tues- day Wednesday on business. Sheriff Rosscter went .down the road this week on official business. C. W. Allen , of Merriraan : , has . , been visiting friends in Valentine ! 1 this week. Henry Lausen and Win. Ballard . . of Wood Lake were in Valentine Monday evening. 1Ir.Veston and wife came in from the Bordeau ranch Tuesday to do some shopping. Dan Sears and fa.'mil.y'isited Win. Shelbourn's last week , also with 11. Dunham's in town. All Gang Plows , Discs and lIar- rows at cost and less. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. John Stetter is one among the busiest men in town. Says he has to keep at it to make things go. Rapid City , S. D. , Business ' Col lege is a good place to send young people for a business education. Jas. Hudson of Sparks was in town Saturday and talks enthusi- astically on the political situation. Corn King Manure Spreaders. Price $110. Will close out at $90. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. George Christopher came up Friday to meet his father and brother-in-law , who came to make him a visit. Mr. Meltendorff was up to Cody the first of the week making ar- rangements for some New York friends who are coming for a hunt- ing trip. For Sale or Trade-Fine grand piano , almost new and in the very best of condition. Owner will trade same for stock. See J. H. Bachelor or J. C. Quigley. A. 0. Coleman returned home to Kilgore yesterday after a two days visit with Valentine friends. Mrs. Coleman and children went to In- man Monday for a two weeks visit. J. E. Phelps , of Wood Lake , was in town last Thursday on bus- iness and found time to run in to see us and renew his subscription in advance. He OWES a good ranch ten miles west of Wood Lake. P. H. Young is enjoying a visit with his father and three brothers at his ranch near Simeon , George , G. MC. . C. and G. F. , the latter driving to town with him last Sat- urday. . i There will be a celebration of the Holy Eucherist with appro- priate sermon in St. John's church at 11 a. m. on Sunday , Oct. 2nd. Evening prayer with address at 7:30. : Sunday school at 10 a. m. Litany and choir rehearsal on Fri day evening. St. Nicholas Church.-Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Arabia on Saturday , October 1st. In Valentine on Sun- day , October 2 , First Mass at 8 a. m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. LEO M. BLAERE , Rector. Judge Quigley's new house ! is finished and we understand he has gone down the road to make ar rangements for ( the furnishings which will include the lady l of his choice. Perhaps next week we may be able to give the full par- ticulars. Mrs. Iva Efner Frank and daughter returned from her visit with the Miller's at Simeon Satur- day and after -visiting several friends about town went down to Ainsworth ! from here where they visit other relatives before return- ing to Omaha. John Macumber and son James of Dawes county were in the'city this week on business before the U. S. land otlce. John is one of the early settlers of northwest Ne- braska and in addition to being a prosperous farmer he is , and al- ways has been , a progressive in I politics and has always been an active participant there. - , . I III VALENTINE TEAM DISBANDED The Valentine base ball team disbanded this week as 1910 cham- pions of Northern Nebraska and Southern South Dakota , with a re cord of 24 games won and 9 lost , which gives them a per centage of .727. The boys are all getting ready now to join the long winter league until spring comes around once more , and then watch out for the 1911 champs. Following is the individual play- ers' batting averages and pitchers' records , which will go to show ' why Valentine won. BATTING AVERAGES Games At I'.at nits Perc-nl Rondeau . . . .21 72 27 .375 : Ca.vlor . . . . . .2L 8L 24 .291 I Fischer..30 118 34 .288 j Stetter..R3 125 35 .280 I \Velden..26 117 at .265 More.v . . . . . . 20 . 89 18 .228 Grimes . . . .21 79 17 . .215 Cox . . . . . . . . 23 R8 16 .181 Shepard. . . . . 18 7t 11 .155 'Dunn. . . . . . . . 18 62 19 . .145 , , ' " " ' PITCIIERS' RECORD \Van I.ost Grimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 3 i Cay for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Gora1l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Hansen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 Welden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 Stetter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 Hol lenbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 - - 24 9 Grimes finished two games for Ca.v lor and Stetter finished one game for Bishop , the last pitcher being credited with a winning or loss as the case may be. FOR FALLING HAIR You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that , if your hair is falling outandyou have not let it go too far , you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall / ' 93" { Hair Tonic , with per- sistency and regularity , for a rea- sonable length of time. It is a scientific , cleansingantisepticger- micidal preparation , that destroys microbes , stimulates good circula- tion around the hair rootspromotes hair nourishment : , removes dan- druff and restores hair health. It is as pleasant , to use as pure.water . , aud it is delicately perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. , We want you to try Rexall " 93" Hair " Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes , prices 50c and § 1.00. Remember , you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store-The Rexall Store. G. A. Chapman , druggist , , Valentine. The C. W. Way Co. , Architects , Hastings , Nebraska , will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for informa- tion. 15tf B. E. Colby , of near Brownlee , was in town last Thursday making arrangements for a big sale , clos- ing out his stock and other effects , which will take place October 5. He has leased his ranch and will remove to the coast. It will be a big sale of articles generally need- ed , beside the stock. Notice big sale ad. in this paper. Rev. ' "V. ' "V. Wells ] ] of the Episco- pal church returned Tuesday night from Kilgore , and stated that Postmaster J. A. W. Johnson's general merchandise store at Kil- gore had been consumed by fire ' \ that night only the mail matter , stamps and books of the postoffice department , and money , being saved. The fire started about 10 o'clock and no one was in the store at the time , Mr. Johnson and fam ily being in 'attendance at the mov- ing picture show when the blaze was discovered coming from the roof at the rear end of the building. Mr.JTells ' and others forced ! an entrance to the store and scarcely had time to remove the more val uable government property and money. Mr. Johnson's dwelling , located only a short distance from the store , was saved , although scorched to some extent. "I have a world , of confidence . in Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success , " writes Mrs. M. I. Basford , Poolesville , Md. For sale by Chapman , the druggist - r I Wood . Lake News [ From Our Kegiilar CorreSJ'on cnl.J ] Neil Hanna was in Town after ranch supplies. Miss ChloeWaggoner is spending a few days at home Dr. C. G. Shipherd will be in town again next Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Elmer Reddick and Mrs. C. E. Fellows were business cal- lers this week. Mr. Claude Reece of Simeon was in to\\n Saturday. He was shipping cattle to Omaha. The new bank is progressing nice- ly. This will make quite an im . provement for the town. Miss Ethal Sherman returned to her home at Valentine after a visit with Mrs Alfred Morris : , jr. and other friends. . A dance was given in Uck's hall Saturday night. The Woodmen will give a big dance next Friday night September 30. Thelma Johnson , little daughter of Andrew Johnson and wife , was quite ill a few days but is reported better at this writing. A. P. Klopping was Wood Lake visitor Sunday. \Vonder what ! at- I tracts August so much here. ' He is always seen in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. : Frank Ilicket re turned from their visit east and report a pleasant trip. They went overland and had nice weather most of the time. Mrs. : J. M. Fisch and daughter Elvira returned Thursday from an extended visit in Minnesota. They report a very pleasant time. Elvira will not enter school for a few days on account of a severe cold , Cards are out announcing the coming marriage of Miss Vera Latta to Mr. Roy Klingaman , October second. We wondered why Eoy was always counting the days and was so anxious for October. No wonder. \Ve were very sorry to learn of the death of Supt. ) Story. He will be greatly missed especially among the educational workers. He was very well liked and his good work , both in-his office and in the Normal < 3 willb.e ? ' vell remembered by many. The. ' qeepest sympathy is extended to his' breaved wife and little daugh- ter Mabel. Kent McNamee was in town again Saturday with a big load of ripe tomatoes. Kent has the finest patch of tomatoes in the country. He had about 150 bushels to sell. He also has lots of cabbage and onions for sale. We appreciate these fresh vegetables as no one else has any garden products for sale. WANTED : - Cook and Dining Room Girl at Lake View Hotel , Wood Lake , Nebr. Respectfully Jas. Wiesner , Austin Howe , of the firm of Howe and Montagne , of Wood I Lake , was transacting business in Valentine Tuesday. Furnished rooms to rent byday or week , Plot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D Eatn , Propr. 32tf Low prices on Boys' Suits from I 4 : : to 12 years' 1.50 to $2.25. Bear Skin Coats for Children price $1.50 to $1.75. . MIKE DAVIS , 37-4t Valentine , Neb. - _ . _ - Democratic Campaign Book The democratic national con- gressional conmittee has issued its campaign book and is now dis tributing it. The committee has no funds save as it obtains them through contributions and is sel- ling the book at one dollar a copy , or for 50c a copy in lots of ten or more. The book is replete with valua ble matter and is said to be the best campaign book ever issued. Every democrat should have it and in this year of democratic effort ] , ' i for supremacy should gladly con- II tribute to the committee by purch- II asing the book. The committee : ' did valiant service in Maine with : notable results , and if democrats j everywhere will rise to the occa- I sion , by their dollar contributions , I the democratic sun will rise trium- phantly - not to set for fiftv years ( to come. Send your orders or J ' contributions to F. F. Garrett , ; treasurer , democratic campaign . committee , No. : 8CJ1 Fifteenth St. , I Northwest , Washington , D. C. I - - , - - . . . , . ; : .m \ . ' , " : . ' . . Qy. . s q b : , LiI'AIk .l . . . wDa .xt. n I REDPATH-SUHYTON CHICAGO BOY CHOIR. , . _ .A1j This Company is the first number of the Lecture Course contracted for this season , ? at Qmgley's ( Hall Monday night , October 17. Tickets now on sale for the full course by Capt. A , G. Shaw , manager. Tickets at Chapman's Drug Store on day of attraction. Eeserved seats 50c. Full course of six attractions $2 50. Rosebud Stage line D. A. WH I PPLE , Propr. Valentine Headquarters ; at the < Chicago House Rosebud " H" Rosebud Hotel * - Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , " Sundays excepted. . Arrive at Kosebtid at 2 o'clock p. in. or Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , - . . Sundays excepted. - Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and express o repackages. . . _ , ? . * - ' . . . . .Leave orders at headquarters . or at the Ked J. Front store. , ' - D. A. Whipple. - ; . ' , . . . . ; i : . GRANT BOYER _ . _ . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CARPENTER & BUILDER. v VP All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , mosE72 Nebraska References : My ' ilany Cust.rnners. ' < : . ' > "c" . . . . . . \Jj1ir . \ } { ) , = ( : . . . . . . , @ . _ _ . . . _ lrt r7 . . . , , . . _ < ' ? ' ' " ' ' ' ' : : ID117' > > \ ' ! ! 1. ' . _ - = = g , , . ; . . _ _ T ( /\i " " - tftP@ , ; ; 7" " ' _ TIImoi _ ; ; } \ , . . . " ? . , . . _ = - _ ' iW ( I , ' . . = . > g. C ' UvI . I 11 POOLNDBILUARD HALL. II 1 Cigars and . b - I if Soft Drinks I JOHN G. STETTER s PROP. , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . , , , . _ \ , ? ' - = " ' " = . . . . . - ' = - = = > . ? c-- . - < " - = : : : : - , = - = S < Tfc - sS-s : 'I -r ' - 4":7 s -5sra . " " ' " ' - = 't'- W\I { 2 ( rJCy GJlJ ' @ . : ! Jl ! ! ) i : , ; . f @ . GLjI ! & .zl - - - - - - - - - Old Crow , ; . All Leading ' Hermitage . ' . : . r . . ( Brands : . ' and ; - ' Bottled Gruchen- z : Under the N 4I I heimer Supervision - \ Rye t , . . N s' of the . . , Whiskeys. U. S. GOT. , We also handle the fcudweiser Beer. - THE PALAOE SALOON , - , - ' HENRY STETTER Propr. - l . . " , * . . * _ . . ? _ ' . . . _ _ * . * ' . . . _ " , : . : : : : : ; : . " , . . . - . - : - r--- . - - . . . - ' - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - - . . . , - . , . . . . . . . " _