Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 29, 1910, Image 4
w , . , . . . r ,1 _ _ . _ ' ' ' , .v- - _ _ _ _ _ _ a . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . , - . . . . . " " T. . r 5 1- ' ' . " t - I . . - . . - . . + : . .raL ' -r r VALENTINE DEMOCRAT , ! ; ' I. M. RICE - Editor . and Propr. I ' I ; F A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs. I day at Valentine , Nebras. I ! 1 Subscription - Sl.HO Per Year. ' I Local Notices , 5c per line per issue ! I \ Entered at the I'ostofflcc at Valentine , Neb. , i for transmission through ) ! the mails , as second : I class matter. . - t II I . ; Thursday , September 29 1910. Ij j i DEMOCRATIGjtfATE T TICKET I , : For U. S. Senator- 1 ' G , M. HITCHCOCK i For Uo tt e rnor- . I J. C. DAHLMAN J : ' For Lieutenant-Governor i 11. A. CLARK ' r For Secretary of State- ! 'I i C. W. POOL _ _ 9 . . 4 ! ! For State Treas rer- ! ' i GEORGE E. HALL ' : I For State Superintendent : . 'I W. R. JACKSON For Land Commissioner ! . ! W. B. BASTHAM : I i For Railway , ( , Commissioner : : ; I BEN H. : HAYDEN . For Con ress- WILLIAM J , TAYLOR For State Senator- WILLIAM E. HALEY i For State Representative 52d Dist. i JOHN F. CARR 1 For County Attorney- ; . C. A. RUBY For County Commissioner 3d Dist. ' J. F. NAYLOR Notice I I The Democratic County Central . . , ! ' Committee is hereby called to meet \ ' in Valentine at the Court House . . :1 : : for consultation and discussion of i such matters as may come before t , :1 : ; . them Saturday , October S. 't ' ' 'ti i I It R. Anderson , chairman. 'I ' ' " . Don't imagine , Aldrich a saint f ! , because you don't like the Dahl- ; I man ph. tform. Aldrich was o p - I ' posed to county option four years j i ago in the senate louder than . i words. _ - ; 'j i The best answer to Frank Har- ; ' rison's boosting for the republican- I prohibition g candidate for gover- : nor , Mr. Aldrich , is the vote Lin- ! coln and Lancaster county cast at , . . the primary election. I I i E , . Revise each schedule , one by ; E I one , say Burkett's friends with ! i hopes forlorn. Let's hold the graft 1 . ! until were done and our children's , , children still unborn , may have > J : I. finished that , which we begun when Gabriel calls them with his i horn. , I I If \ you don't like Mayor : Jim ; 1 you can get busy on the remainder ; ' of the ticket as Bryan will do. He , ! , won't spend any time telling us i that Aldrich is preferable to l ahl- ! i ! . : man but will simply saw wood for , ; the remainder of the democratic ' state ticket. 'I 1 W. . J. Taylor is a fighter and the people l like him. His home con- ! , stituency vouch for him as a true : . friend of the farmers and stock- i men , . who have twice sent him to , . the state legislature and now will send him to * congress. Brother , won't you help ? It grieves us much to see that some of our erstwhile brother workers in the democratic vineyard are throwing down their toots and are refusing to labor , all because i their favorite candidate does not : : .head the ticket. But our sorrow is somewhat assuaged , by the , knowledge that the strikers from I the other political factory are com- . ing to our rescue at the ratio of two to one. o We are in receipt of a marked copy of the Nebraska State Capi- tol , filled with clippings from a - . . fow democratic papers - many times repeated and arranged in formidable array - all more or less opposing Dahlman. But nonsensi cal scare-crows of . . this sort will ] ] not . t. 1 . . . . scare anti-optionists from the poli ] ' tical field. After November Sth ! i the find that their > ; , . fanatical . flower garden has been ! I ruthlessly trampled 1 down by the I . > mai'ch > of many feet. \ - . . --J ' , "Ii' . . . ] . 1 . ' . T . _ . . . . . . - " - - . . . - , ' - 7 \ . - - - . . ] _ . . . . . : : _ LJmJ''P.4 : > - . _ _ L A , _ ! ! IiiI _ . I L.Jl -f'IiI'1V " h..i-t . I I . . . . , . . ' F. . , 'l . , " . The Valentine Democrat is op- posed to a return to a republican state administration like those in I the past eight years preceding Gov. Shallenberger's , in which ex , pense was piled up for state insti tutions in the most lavish manner , I' keeping this and that .person on the pay roll whose only excuse I . was a "wheel hoss" of the party and had to be taken care of with out physical requirements. Some of our old friends in the democratic ranks are bolting the I head of the" ticket and seem to think their whole duty lies in vil- lifying the democratic nominee for governor because they preferred Gov , Shallenberger. Perhaps they forget that they might remain silent upon that matter and use I ; their energies still for the demo- cratic principles for which they long have fought ; in support of the 1 remainder of the ticket. How can they become enthusiastic over Al- drich ? v I J. F. Nay lor , of Merriraan , dem- i ocratic nominee for county com- missioner , was in Valentine today circulating among our citizens and the many visitors from out in the county , who were here attending the sales. l lr . Nay lor is an affable gentleman of ability and wide ex perience in business affairs , indus- trious , honest and absolutely fair and unbiased in all his dealings. He is a conscientious thinker and indefatigable worker , and if Cher- ry county accepts his proffered services this fall , it will have se- cured a careful , conservative em- ployee. _ -B 1 1-111B- - Representatives of seventy ob- - bing , manufacturing and other in- terests of Lincoln will visit Valen- tine at 10:00 : a. m , on Friday , October 14th. The Lincoln e cur- sionists are traveling in special cars and are out with the glad hand everywhere. The Lincoln Com- mercial Club , which is the sponsor of the trip , believes that mutual acquaintance will beget mutual benefits. The members think this so hard . that this excursion is the } second long one made this year. The tourists are carrying a band , a bundle of live wires and several cases of the glad hand. Moses P. Kinkaid is a pleasant man to meet and he has a very friendly habit of shaking hands and writing enticing letters that seem to fetch 'em , making the voter feel that he has been inter- viewed by a big congressman. This is a part of the game and nw one plays it more scientifically than Mr. Kinkaid. We all remem- ber his campaign of two years ago in which he . took the people into hi confidence and told them what he would do if re-elected. We also know that these promises were never kept though they may have been made in good faith at the time. The investigations of the Alaskan lands and coal frauds , brought about through the efforts of Cong. G. M. Hitchcock , showed more plainly than we can \explain otherwise where \ 'Ir. ILinl aid's mind was and his votes in opposi- ; tion to what he promised in the campaign indicates } how seriously he regards his interviews and promises. It is amusing to watch the spasms that are being thrown by a few of the good ; better , best boys . of the pencil pushing profesh" who never , never , shot a highball , nor blew suds , except while mak- 'in g bubbles. Their sudden out- I I burst in behalf of the honor and dignity of the state , is refreshing , when one recalls the many shower baths of shams and frauds that have been foisted upon our great commonwealth in the past , by and with the help of some , at least , of' these same pretended purifiers , who now stoop to calumny in their opposition to , fr. Dahlman. Com parisons may be odious , buj . " . ; never so much so , as the hypocrite who causes them to become necessary . flow about our governor-senator , who rose to fame by a. te hnicali- ty ? . Or another of our.great guba- natorial l stars who gave a sort of , . ' - - . , . wn. - rr . . . rr. . . , . ww..Yii R4b W. ' . yMyQ/M. " < , . f _ . l .1- - 1 : - - _ _ . . - _ = _ _ _ . _ - _ . _ , . _ JJJ ; + _ _ - "J' . . JI'O'q - - - . . . ' . . . . -i. : . , _ . "J : ; o , _ ' . . _ . _ . ' . - . . . . . . . , . t. . ' . . : " _ . . _ . . . . i - - " . ' - On' . . . 0 _ _ _ _ . postmortem approval to a theftof a half million of the state's money by a pardon ? There is honor and not humiliation in store for our glorious state when a democratic governor shall have been chosen this fall. As honor , credit and dig- nity has attended the past two years of democratic administration , so will it mark the next two years . of a like administration. Not by any means will all the temperance democrats in the state support 1 Ir. Aldrich. Democrats , r , who not only believe 'in temper- ance , but who have been teetotal- , lers all their lives , will vote and work for Mr. Dahlman for the reason that he is a fearless , out- spoken man of good executive ability , and will do precisely as he says , and for the further reason that all persons who d'o not use liquor are not prohibitionists. They realize that county option would be no sooner secured by the Dahlman opposition than it would be discarded and state-wide prohi- bition demanded in its stead , and then , as now , every man who op posed them would be branded as a servile tool of the liquor ] interest. County option is being used as a mask to conceal the design of the worshipers at the shrine of prohi- bition and such of these devotees who are democrats will vote for Aldrich. yet we are not accusing them of being in the employ the I natio > ial anti-saloon league. We accord them the courtesy of admit- I ting that they are acting ou fixed 1 principles of their own and within I their rights , but of course it would be asking too much to expect like treatment from them. According to their gospel , all are sinners and I f hirelings who think differently I from them upon the liquor ques i tion. - - - - - - - - - - - When Aldrich ' from his saintly height lilovvs " oil a blast ; of prolub air , Ihs ft'v..r..d'Ii.HI paints i a n Iht. ; The Capital ! Oh. urewsome silht ! . Mit nouings but bi'erund pret/.Hs dare. - Anf Wiedensehen. ( from the German of Omit Jleltfudorlt. ) - - _ _ \At _ " " _ . _ .a . .fq _ ' . . , , _ _ . ' ! II > ! t. . " : ' " _ t.-w : _ _ , " 0. _ ' " _ > > . _ ' _ ' . ,1. . ' .r _ ' > _ ' , . , . ' ' - ' . . . , . - - , . . . . . . . . . . _ .c. . . . -ua.r ' . " " . " , . - = . - . - _ . . . . . , . . . . . . .H 'i'.VL . , jl . . j b.IIIf"J"r" ' .If I.i LLl'M - " . ! ! ' " 1111 " ' - ' ' . l' . ' (1'1- ' _ ' . . l . -1 L111'- ' . . - " ' . ' ' f , , " . . . " ' i , , - - . - - - - . . . . - ' - ' . . . . . . . . ' - . - , - . . . . . ' ' / - _ , , < - - . - - - ; _ . _ . \ . : . , , _ . : . . : : 0 t. 1 . _ - - - I ' i , , , t , - , o I will sell at my ranch on Goose Creek , 10 miles northeast of Brownlee , on 'Wednesday , October 5,1910 Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. , the following described property : I _ _ _ - - - - - - - - 24 h dG. H . Consisting i of four 2 = year = olds , three 3 - Y ear- ea. 01 , . orses. olds , one large gray horse , one bay mare , two large buckskin mares , two bay mares , one black pony horse , one brown mare and nine head . of other good horses. . I . ' Consisting of three milch cows , two heifer " . , . : , ' C a ttl e an d H. calves , eleven yearling steers , six yearling heifers , eleven cows eight calves. Also one sow and six pigs. i I . . Consisting of one stacker one sweep , " Imp1ements. two mowers , one rake , four wagons , ' i two buggies ; one plow , one weji outfit , six sets of harness , two hay racks , one r r blacksmith's outfit , one set of carpenter tools , one grind stone , one pump and I well pipe i 80 ft. , fourty fence posts , twenty 10 = ft. posts , twenty rods of woven I ' : wire , three hundred feet of lumber two saddles , one bridle , one sulky plow , one r stirring . plow , one 2 = horse cultivator , one horse cultivator , one garden outfit , I' hand . seeder and cultivator , one iron drag. ' Id Goods. Consisting of a . good . organ , a lounge , . one- : I . half dozen chairs , two rocking chairs , an I ; . extension table , two cupboards , three bed = steads , a dresser , two bureaus , one sewing machine , a washing machine , one good heating stove , one good range , . I. one good 3 = hole burner kerosene stove , one flour chest , one carpet , one clock , ; 1 cooking utensils ank dishes. I i I 430 TONS OF HAY i E - - - - - - I II I I TEDMSo Oil SUlTIS over $10 one year time will be given r < , purchasers giv- . 0 ing notes with approved security bearing 10 per cent interest. Sums of $10 and under cash. 5 per cent discount for cash on sums over $10. . . I - . . - - - - FREE LUNCH AT NOON j . . . ' E. Y " ' : : _ 'v , ! C. . COLBY , Owner - . : . . " ti ' ) , " I COL. Q. E. TRACE WELL , Auctioneer . W. E. HALEY , Clerk [ . 1- l - - " - , , , , . I . . . ' ' . . j' . ; . . I' . ' " ' , . . . . I. . . , J " J : ( , ! . , . . I , ' ; ' The undersigned will sell 1 at I Public Auction to the highest bidder on = ft . / ' 1 Z II I . I . . ! . 10 a. , C" 0 , . at 1 . o'clock fc _ P. M. , at Hammond & Bullis' Barn . I I VALENTINE , NEBRASKA : / ' The following described property belonging to the late Ludwig Bock : i . " . . ' ' orses ( ; \ ea. 0' V i es Ij : . . , . . . ' . , - , DESCRIBED 9 AS . FOLLOWS : ; ' . " - - = --r ; . . ' - . ' t , ' ' - One big team of Geldings , weight 2800 IDS. , 5 and 6 years old. : ' . . < , ; : , , One team of Mares , brown and roan , weight 2400 , 6 years old. ' . ' ' . . : ; . ' ' : ' , - . . , j Four young Mares with colts by side. ji 10 1 Geldings and 8 iares , ranging in age from 2 to 5 years ; some , broke ' i and some unbroke. . . . . . . . 'J . i . 4 ' - - , - - . . , . : . , . , TERMS OF SALE : " - . i I , ' . ; ) . One year's time will be given on approved notes bearing 10 1 per cent interest ' from date ; 5 per cent discount for cash. ' " . T. , L ' ! "MR ' / / , PAL ME ' o P " JL Y V B 1 L a \ - i t i , ADMINISTRATRIX I ' hr' _ . . COL . . , T. - ' - W. ' . CRAMER . . , Auctioneer . \ \ . W. . ' E. HALEY , Clerk . , \ . . , " . . f , \ . : L " . . . _ _ . _ - . . . - ' - , - - . - _ . . - . - - . - ' . . . . - _ - _ . . 0 _ . . . . . _ . . . " - - . . , . . - " - - " "