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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1910)
' \ " " ' ' : ' - If'Of''in - . . , . - " - . "T- ' , . - . . . . . . . . " . . , ' ' ' b . - ' , . : J/ : ! . : ; : , : . . - . . - - e.- . I I . IPARAFFINE' - - - - - . - . . -ro-- - ' I "IS THE THING . TO USE" ! Don't waste time cover- ing your jelly glasses with pap e r and egg " paste Buy a Pound of Paraffine It goes long ways , and . I is elegant to cover jellies and protect them from . ' I moisture and mould I easily taken offv hen ' - you are ready to use it , and you always have jelly , that , is as delicious and tasty as the fresh fruit. "Buy a pound today" Price 15 cents. I @ VALENTINE. NED I ! . - - - . . . : . . " ---r. : . . . " " 1)g - - A Safe , I . . . Simple System The system of paying by . check was devised by all menfor any man - for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your ' needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in- to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK t . VALENTINE. NEBR. . . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . C.A. RUBY 1 Attorney-at-Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main li t street entrance. Valentine , Nebraska l. -1 , W. H. Stratton l Dealer in 3 , FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise , PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER A SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. Herd headed by S. C . Columbus 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re * , Bulls , for Sale at All Times , I1 * I1to 6 4 Dr. M. T. Meer , . (1 ( ( DENTIST i Rooms over Red Front store I Valentine - Nebr , ' . . ' ' . . . . . . . . _ : ( " > JOHN D. EATON : Drayman , - - . . ' : Light and Heavy Draying < . Furniture and pianos handled . , , . , in a careful manner. Coal r t ' hauled and trunks and grips : . ii ; a specialty. Phone No. 13i. .t . . _ " 1 Ladies ! I Save Money and Keep in . ' . . Style by Reading McCall's I Magazine and Using McCall Patterns IJ ' McCall' Magaxinetvill \ t W ALL'S MAGAZI1iE help you dress styl . ishly at a inoilcrcto rl , - expense by keeping tj 1 . ! - - J you posted on tho latest fashions in .1 clothes and hats. 50 ) 'J ' 't New Fashion Designs - ! in each issue. Also 3 ( , t fh valuable information J1 on all home and per- ' sonal matters. Only 1 . ! cc ; 0 60c a year , including i. t . a free pattern. Sub- . . . . scribe today or send TI Uft : w'It C nUft > A . - for free sample copy. d McCall Patterns will enable you to mate in your own home , withyourown hands . clothing for yourself and children which will be perfect . in style and flt. ricc-nono higher than 15 . cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. : * " < We Will Give Yon Fine Present for getting sub- scriptions among your friends. Send for free . . . _ J. _ Premium Catalogue and Cash Prize Offer. . . THE McCALL COMPANY. 239 ! to 249 Wei t 37th St. NEW YORK " I ' I I . - " ' " - - - . . : . - ' , , . . . " , " _ . . u U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING'HEP. , 1910. Daily mean temperature 71. ° : . . " Normal : : ) temperature 613 Highest temperature i'5 ° : . I Lowest tenfperature .Wo. j Range of . tcmperature 41i < i = : ) . Precipitation for week 01. ° of an inch. Average for ± : ! years O. m of an inch. , Precipitation March 1st to date 11.71 inches. Average for 22 : years 18.22 of an inches. Joux J. MCLEAN. Observer. C. & , N. W. New Time Table. WKST JIOUND : No. I , 7:17 p. j m. New passenger train. No. :1 { , 1 :31 : II. rn. Old " " No. 110 , l1jp.l11. ! : Through freight train. No. Si , : ! : OO p. m. Local freight train. KAST IIOHND : No. 2 ! , 10t2 ! : p. ] in. New passenger train. No. 11 ( I , fiOJa.l11. : Old" " No. 11(5 ( , 0:20 { j n . in. Through freight train. No. 8'- : , ll:0a. ( ) in , Local freight train. Talk ! of the Town. . . - -0 \V. \ W. McDonald leaves tonight for a three years law course at Ann Arbor law school. Dr. Perrigo , registered Optome- trist of Omaha , will be here again at Donoher hotel Sept. 27. Rapid City. S. D- , Business Col- lege is a good place to send young people for a business education. In Lumber we have the largest . stock and tho lowest prices. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. Geo. J. Gaskill and Robt. Davis came in from Dan Sears last wpek -where thoy had been haying but got through. Skillful , honest treatment and moderate prices are guaranteed by Dr. Perrigo of Omaha , at the Donoher Sept. 27. ,1. C. Salmon came up from Brunswick Wednesday to look af ter some property interests here lie is doing a fine mercantile busi- ness at Brunswick. II. B. Clapp of Simeon was in town Friday. Says he was through haying by the 7th and 'piled it all up dry. The crop was about one- third short he thinks. For Sale or Trade-Fine grand piano , almost new and in the very best of condition. Owner will trade same for stock. See J. H. Bachelor or J. C. Quigley. County Superintendent D. F. Story died Wednesday morning about 4 o-'clock of typhoid fever. He had been ill about three weeks. He was elected county superin- tendent last fall. The Red Front Mercantile Co. have two new clerks Harry Wal ker of Ohiowa , Neb. , in the gro- cery department and Fred Busse of Vermillion , S. D. , in the dry goods department. ' Our people are -urged to attend l the sale of Hereford cattle to be held on Sept. 29. Having these splendidly bred animals brought to our market means a great deal to our ranchmen. It is an educa- tion to see this class of cattle even . if one doesn't buy. Miss Ollie Bolster of DesJMoines , la. , and Mrs. Mabel Hornby of Games , Neb , came last week for a visit with Mrs. I. M. Rice. They grew up together in that good old town of York , Neb. , and this is their first visit with each other since they were little girls and they are having a good time talk- ing over old times. Grandma Morey wife of Abijah Morey , died last Friday after a lingering illness of several months. She has been a patient sufferer and a faithful wife. We have known her , for more than a dozen years and she was always the same peace- ful , quiet lady , favorably impress- ing all who knew her. The funeral was held Saturday. William F. Mackie ! of Philadel- phia , Pa. , and Miss Garnet Hol- claw , daughter of \Ir. ] and Mrs. Wesley Holsclaw of Chadron were married by County Judge C. Dana Ssyers Saturday evening , Sept.17 , in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. The newly married couple left Sunday morn- ing for , Oral , S. D. , where Mr. Mackie is superintending the building of a new railroad bridge on the Northwestern. After the work is completed they will go to his home in Philadelphia for an extended visit. Mrs. H. W. Hoenig gave a chic "five ( hundred" card party and luncheon Tuesday evening to six- teen of her lady' friends ( the men being tabooed ) and to say that the eruepts had an enjoyable evening does not begin to express it. The honors went to Mrs. Haley. An- nouncement was made at this time by the hostess of the engagement of her daughter , Miss Glen , to Mr. \ Clinton G. Headingtou of Wood Lake , the wedding to' take place October 17. Those present at the party were : Mesdames Brayton Haley T. Hornby. M. Cyphers. Kincaid , Compton , Rice , . Noyes , Quigley , Nicholson , Lam- oureanx Wooster , L. Sparks and Miss Bolster of Des Moines , la. , and Miss ' Donoher , , . . , ' - . . . . - . - Badger Lake E : . Kirk and son made a trip to Cody last week. Alfa Barnes spent Sunday and Monday at home. Wm. Dunbar of Cody was in our neighborhood last week. Word has been received from Mrs. C. Kime that she is able to be around again. The Diamond Bar outfit werp in this ' part of the country rounding up last week. Wm. Harnon Albert and Geo. Russe ! delivered a bunch of cattle at Corly Saturday. Tlfe "Badger" has taken quite a na'p during the warm days but has awakened with the fall winds. Dan Adamson and Walter Ja- quins went to the Niobrara the first of the week for a load of wood and grain. Wilber Kirk had the misfortune of having one of his driving horses : cut so badly by barbed wire "that , i it was necessary ta kill it. School began September fifth in District 91 with the small attend- ance of six with Miss ' Dora Grewe of Npnzel as teacher. It is to be hoped we will have a'good term of school and a larger attendance. The threshing machine has been in thi locality the past few da"ys , H. Kirk and Alvin Frazy thrp h- ing the t latter part of last wppk and Dan Barnes the first of this : I wr k. All report a fine output of ; grain. A BADGEIJ. * Call in and ; ] see us when in Brown- lee. Ferree Bros. , blacksmiths and wheel-wrights. It All Gang Plows , Discs and Har- rows at cost and less. ' LUDWIG LUMBER : Co. Furnished rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine HOUSP John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf Low prices on Boys' Suits from 4 to 12 years' $1. 50 $2.25. . Bear Skin Coats for Children. price $1.50 . to $1. 75. MIKE DAVIS , 37-4t Valentine , Neb. Now that haying is about over why not take off a little time and' bring in your wagons to be repair- ed ? Ferreo Bros. , blacksmiths and wheel-wrights , Brownlee , Neb. It Presbyterian Church - Preach- ing by the pastor. J. M. Cald well , , D. D. Morning subject , "An Im- portant Quest ion. " Evening , "From Mt. Hermon to Damascus. All invited. Don't fail to attend the horse sale of D. D. Kel'ogg ( ' and Chas. Salmon at Perkins livery barn it Valentine on Saturday , the 14th. ALco Roy Kuskie's farm sale at Dave Hamer's place , 2 miles west and 3 } miles north of Sparks Mon day , Sept. 2H ( , sale to begin at 10 a. m. Free lunch at noon. T. W. CRAMER , W. E. HALEY It Auctioneer. Clerk. The sale of Hereford cattle to be held at Valentine Sept. 29 , consist- ing largely of useful I females , of- fers our ranchmen a splendid op portunity to add to and improve their herds. Not being grain fat , it is not expected that extreme prices will be realized and some splendid bargains will undoubted- ly be obtained. Yet the animals have the same size and quality as cattle grain-fed for the sale ring , and for breeding purposes are worth more money. It will pay ranchmen to attend this sale. , The Valentine baseball team went over to Burke last Saturday after winning at Norden Friday 9 to 0. Saturday's game at Burke resulted 3 to 0 , Sunday 18 to 11 , and Monday ' 11 to 4. Tuesday Burke and Valentine played at Gregory , resulting 10 to 4 , all in favor of Valentine. Wednesday they lost at Carter with a score of 6 to 4. Valentine won the , pennant for championship South Dakota and Nebraska for amateur games. Our boys floated their pen- nant proudly from the roof of their hotel and failed to take it in at night , and Monday morning it was gone-stolen during the night -but they played : right on. We attended the North Table reunion last Saturday and enjoyed a good time , We were pleased to meet the old settlers and the new settlers. Ate dinner with F. G. Black annd wife who were award- ed a prize for the best display. Mr. Black is getting around slowly yet but says he is having better health ot late. The ball game be- tween Valentine High School and Sparks held the crowd half the afternoon , the score being 13 to 12 ih favor of V. H. S. boys. There was a big crowd and good display of products of which we expect to give a complete Ust of prizes next week. The program was good. The principal speakers being Clenf Hahn , C. S. iieece and At : torney C. A. Ruby. , . . / ' , r I ' I COURT PROCEEDINGS Chadron , Neb. , Sept. 13. - Fed - eral ! court convened in regular ses sion here , present and presiding Hon. Wm. H. Munger R. I C. Hoyt , clerk U. . S. district court ; , I Geo. H. Thummel clerk U. S. I circuit court ; L. J. F. Jaeger , deputy clerk of courts ; D. W. Dickinson , special examiner ; A. W. Lane , assistant U. S.atorney. and J. B. Nickerson , deputy U. S. marshal. . K Special Examiner Dickinson took testimony in the cases for U. . . S. vs. William L. McLean , to can- , , cel patent , and also in the case of United States vs. William H.Bluu- dell , to cancel patent. The following Circuit Court transactions were had and done , to-wit : Amos C. Jones vs. C. B. & i Q. R. R. Co. Damages. Continued , by consent of parties. \ Christopher . Horr vs. the county of Dawes and John Mars- on. Bill in chancery for redemp- tion. Ordered that respondents take testimony on or before the first Monday in November , 1910. Complainants to take rebuttal ten days thereafter ; case set for argu- ment at Omaha Neb , at atime , to be fixed by the Judge after such testimony and rebuttal shall have been taken. Albert Goedde et al vs. William J. A. Raum et al. Damages. De- murrer. Submitted to the court. Sarah L. McLaughlin , by Thos. , McLaughlin , her next friend , vs. Ray McCormick. Damages. De- fendant's motion to make more specific overruled : and defendant given ten days to answer. James English vs. C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Damages. Not for trial this term. . . . United States vs. " m. Harvey et al. Equity. Not at issue this term. x . Fred Thornton , administrator , vs. Curtis R. Inman. Damages from State Court on plaintiffs transcript. Court granted leave to plaintiff to file transcript from lower court. Motion to remand sustained. i , - . The following U. S. District ' Court cases were gone overto-wit : Uuited States vs. C. M. Hall , violation of mail and postoffice lavs. Defendant plead guilty to second count and not guilty to first , third , fourth , fifth and sixth counts. Nolle prosecution on mo- tion of U. S. attorney to each of the counts last named. Sentenced to pay a fine of § 200 and stand committed to the jail of Dawes county , Neb. , until fine is paid. ; United States vs. Yorich Nich ols. Fencing public lands. Motion of defendant to quash secondthird and fourth counts. Overruled. Jury empaneled and sworn and case tried. Verdict rendered by jury ' ' not guilty. " I Court adjourned. : Corn King Manure Spreaders. Price § 110. Will close out at $90. . LUDWIG LUMBER Co. For bowel complaints in children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. I It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can pre- scribe a better remedy. For sale by Chapman , the druggist. ' 'r-t _ . e-r . " , ' - FOR SALEI I All or Part of the Follow = ing Property : 4 head of horses , 2 mares and 2 geldings. i 1 Hereford bull. 30 acres of good corn , to be husked and delivered at Crookston Neb. 20 tons of oats hay , mowed with grain in straw. 25 acres of spelts in shock or stack ; 25 acres of wheat in shock. 1 lot 60 ft. front by 140 ft. deep 3 dorrs north of bank of Crook- Ston , Neb. 1 residence , 6 room house ; first class well wind mill , pump , sup- ply tank , chicken housecoal house , cave , barn , room for 12 head of stock , 4 : tons hay and 100 bushels . grain. New house , 3 rooms ; good , well and pump , chicken house , new barn with room for 8 head stock , S tons hay , bin room for 1000 bu. small grain. Also house and lot , 2 rooms , new. These houses are occupied by good tenants. From 1 to 15 residence lots in Viertel's addition to Oookoton Also 1 farm of 210 acres , sit- uated 2 miles-northeast of Crook- ston , Neb. , 200 .acres of which is under cultivation , almost level and first class farming land ; good well 111 ft. deep , brick in bottom and stone and cement top ; good cave for car load potatoes. All enclosed : by two and throe wire fence. Call on , or address , II . H. "V % AKEFIELD , Owner . Crookston ( , Neb. Public Sale Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesday , Oct. 5 , 19LO , I will sell at my place on Goose Creek , 10 miles northwest of Brownlee , 24 head of horses , 41 head of cattle , I 430 tons of hay in stack , farm j machinery , haying tools and house- : l hold goods. Property will sell for I j what it will bring as I am selling out to go away. * * " OLe year's time with approved I security at 10 per cent. Sums of $10 or under cash. A discount of 5 per cent will be given for cash I on sums over $10. Free lunch at I noon. C. E. COLBY. The C. \V. Way Co. , Architect , Hastings Nebraska , will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for informa- tion. 15tf As usually treated , a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks , but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received , an'd observing the directions with each bottle , a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by Chapman , the druggist. . 1 Threshing Outfit for Sale 14 horse power. 28x50 Case Sep- arator all in good ropafr , for sale at abargain _ , for cash or will trade j for horses or cattle , Addrpss , SniAEFEit & BENNKT : Ncnzel , Xeb. - _ . - Four carloads of Posts , from lie to GOc. ( Ludwig Lumber Co. . , . . . . . .I-- . \ - . Bellevue College . BeSlevue Normal School Bellevue Conservatory of Music , Art _ and Public Speaking Enrollment for 27th year Sept. 12th to 17th. Preparation for busi- ness or the professions. City ad- vantages combined with the health and safety of a beautiful suburb. Expenses moderate. .Opportuni ties for self help. Enter this week. Catalog on request. S. W STOOKEY , President , Beilevue , Nebraska. . . . . . . . . ti' ; . ' 1".tIt. ( ; tg' ' " " " " : " ' - - - - - . A Grand Ball Will be. given at the Wood Lake Opera House on Saturday , . Sept. 30 Under the auspices of Wood Lake Camp No,2947 MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Extra good music and a good time assured. - Get Your Trees Ready for Winter. Ston cultivating deep. Let them shed their leaves and ripen up their wood bv only keeping a duston top of ground to retain moisture in ground , and on town lots : where treea ! : are watered praduallv reduce amount of water. A tree needs moist ground during fall and winter. If town lot trees need water later water them at freezing up time for their winter use. We have all the varieties of Cher- rv , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit Shrubs , Roses and other ornamental GET THE OB ISA PEST for a long time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER- MANENT INVESTMENT. Get treea ! : grown nc arest home. They are ac- climated and grown ! under same con- ditions you want them to grow , and where they can be had the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries and 40 acres in our bearing orchard. Write for catalogue or any Informa tion. Chas. ] , Boyd , Brown County Nursery Ainsworth Nebr Nursery one block north-east ! of the * Court House. I ffl AAA V A-A J USi W AAA U . . QPkJa ! to - - - - ' 5 - ' $ will pay for the Lincoln Daily State Journal mailed : , to . your address anywhere in the country outside of : ' Lincoln and suburbs from now until I JANUARY 1 , 1911 i Add only 25 cents and the Big Sunday Journal will be included - § 1.25 for Daily and Sunday. This offer ' . is for Mail : Subscriptions only. Why not order today. ' i ( _ _ . . . . . . . . . , . & * & * # * jf > f > 3 j < * fsf - .7. ! . . I _ - - - - - - - - - - - Old Crow , > . All Leading . . A Hermitage , , Brands 15 r Yf y and t4 t r u Bottled + " r l ! -G Guchen- rr- = a = Under , the - , 'I L4 n , rY - S heimer .1 CK Supervision . Rye of the / Whiskeys. ' , e , A Lh ; Nr + . " S r U. S. Gov. . . We : also handle the Budweiser Beer. _ THE PALACE SALOON , I , HENRY STETTER ' \ I , Propr. . ' _ " . . . 1