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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1910)
o. .1- : - ' . . . . . : : wr : ; T- 1orr'5' ; 'i ; > , T" - . . . . . . , . . . . - - - - - . . - _ . , - - - . . - . - - - - - - 'n r . . J J J. J _ _ . I . . . . t' ' . , - . / , . . " . , . . " ' , " . . [ , . , ' - " : . , - - - } VALENTINE DEMOCRAT _ t I.'M. RICE - Editor and Propr. F. Wright , Foreman. . A Weekly Newspaper } published every Thurs- day at Valentine , Ne ras. I 6 , - * I i ' . Subscription -1.r0 Per Year. ' ' Local Notices , 5c per line per issue J . . . . Entered at the Postofflce at Valentine , Xeb. , I : for transmission through the mails , as second ° class matter. Thursday , September . 22 1910. L Hon. James C. Dahlman , demo- " ' cratic nominee for governor of . Nebraska visited the Dawes Co. " ' Fair at Chad ron , on .Saturday , ( September 17. - - - . Attorney C. A. Ruby has been invited to speak at the Elsmere . Fair Sept. 29. He is making a campaign for county attorney and is meeting with encouragement throughout the country. - - Hou. J. F. Carr and Frank Roby were over from Spring view at- . , .tending the reunion and also the Norden fair. They started back from Valentine Monday afternoon. Mr. Carr is candidate for re-elec- d : : tion as representative and is enti tled to our support at the election. . He may not step high enough to / 1/ I suit the most radical anti county optionist but he did a lot of good honest work in our legislature last , . session and is ready to continue the good work if we want him- and we want him. 4f f _ VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE FOR U. S. SENATOR. , - ' G. M. Hitchcock , compared with 1 slippery Elmer Burkett for U. S. senator , had not ought to worry any one to decide which would , , most nearly ) represent the people . of Nebraska. Burkett's recordln the senate has been followed too 1 closely for any one to claim him to be a progressive or insurgent re publican. He has voted and hob- nobbed with the millionaires : and i capitalists and may now look for their support in red fire and cam- paign boodle but we don't think it ' will influence Cherry cuunty peo pIe into voting for him. Mr. Hitchcock's record has also been followed in congress and he has . , been found faithful , progressive and in league with the common r , people. i . TAYLOR FOR CONGRESS r \V . J. Taylor of Caster county I has been declared the democratic 1 , nominee for congressman in the 6th Congressional district and has opened headquarters at Broken I Bow for a big campaign. Ross G. , . Moore has been chosen as chair- ' man of the congressional commit- . . tee and I. M. Rice has been select : . ed committeeman for Cherry Co. ! : It is the purpose of this congres i ' I . sional committee to organize by ; . . ; ! . selecting a man to represent every ; ; ' q . . precinct in each county to carry t i , 4 . on the work of the campaign. \ : " t I Chairman Ross G. Moore says in ' . , : , part : : 1 "It is our intention to have the ; ' best organization that the Sixth i ! ; : district has ever had. In fact we H f are in to win. f " \V e have in W. J. Taylor the , . type of candidate that is winning ; and he will make such a strenuous Campaign that all the constituents t . in our district will set up and take f it notice. His friends throughout the " I . . district will render their assistance l ' "because men like to help men who l f help themselves. You will please & , call in some of your best organiz- ' . ers and name precinct committee- ! , men for your county in every pre- cinct. Remember this committee I i ' is to work in harmony with the ' R . State committee and the central committees of the various coun- ties , but that we are a separate It committee , working for the elec- tion of Taylor and the defeat of Kinkaid. Get the idea in your county right now , that Taylor . will be elected. ' . " "Ve have our headquarters here - in Broken Bow and we are pre- pared to do an immense amount of work. \Ve \ expect to have speakers of national reputation who will as- sist us besides a number of the best state campaigners. " TO THE VOTERS OF THE FIFTY-SECOND 0' REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT I had the honor of representing this district in the last legislature , and am the democratic candidate , _ for the place ! again. . The district , which comprises . Cherry and Key Papa counties , is too large to permit me to make a personal canvass and I therefore take this method of reaching the voters. As a member of the last Ipgislatuie ] , I voted for the adop- tion of what is called "The Oregon , i , 9 - .JAIl _ _ .lIirJ ! _ J _ I : : : - , ; - : : : - : : = ; , - ; ; ; - : : , ; . : . . : . : : : : : : : : : - ; : ; . - " - . - , . , 'c' - , . . . . . . . . ' , . " . , . , . . . . . . , - plan for the election of United States senators , " and under this plan every voter is allowed to ex press his choice for the senator- ship. This vote is not , in law , bind- ing on the members of the legisla- ture , but , if I am elected shall accept it as binding on me , and my I vote will be cast for the man who has received the majority vote of 'l the I people of Nebraska. Personally I favor the election I of < Hon. Gilbert M. Hitchcock , be- cause , as has been well said of him , "he is i a splendid type of public servant who deserves'pro- motion to the high office to which he now aspires. " But if a majori- ty of the voters of Nebraska ex press themselves , by their ballots , . for his opponent and I am elected to the legislature ] , my vote will be cast for the choice of the majority regardless of my personal choice , or party affiliation. I am the author of the bill which resulted in establishing the state experimental station at Valentine and I shall use my position to further its interests , as well as to further any legislation looking to the upbuilding of my district. A legislator's ) vote for United States senator is the only question on which party lines can properly be drawn , and , by the declaration I have herein made , that issue is entirely eliminated. ' I make bold to ask that you take the trouble to look into the record I made in the last session and , if my work is satisfactory. I ask for your vote and influence. This is the day of independent votingand this letter is addressed to demo- crats , republicans ! = , prohibitionists , populists and independents. I care not what your party designation may be , if you think I am worthy of your vote I shall be pleased to receive it , and , if elected , I shall try to make a record that will show ! = : me worthy of it. Respect- fully yours. : JOHN F. CARR. Sprbgview , Nebraska. Democratic Campaign Book The democratic nation il con- gressional committee has issued its campaign book and is now dis- tributing it. The committee has no funds save as it obtains them through contributions and is sel ling the book at otic dollar a copy , or for 50c a copy in lots of ten or . more. The book is replete with valua- ble matter and is said to be the best campaign book ever issued. Every democrat should have it and in this year of democratic effort I for supremacy should gladly con- tribute to the committee by purch- I . _ . . _ j _ _ 1 ' _ J _ .4 _ II . . ' " " , . . . - . . . . . < , . . . . - - - : ' _ : . . - - R . < L I asing the book. The committee did valiant service in .Maine with notable : results , and if democrats everywhere will rise to the occa- sion , by their dollar contributions , the democratic sun will rise trium- phantly - not to set for fiftv years ; to come. Send your orders or I contributions " to F. F. Garrett , treasurer , democratic campaign committee , No. 8CJL Fifteenth St. , Northwest , Washington , D. C. ONLY A DOLLAR NOW The Lincoln Daily Journal has cut its price to a dollar a year from now until January 1 , 1911 , with- out the Sunday. The big Sunday paper will be added for only a quarter extra , therefore most peo- ple will no doubt take the § 1,25 worth. This makes an exceedingly low price during a specially inter- esting time , as nearly every family will want a Lincoln paper during the next few months. The State Journal's reputation as a free , in- dependent , clean newspaper , will prove of special advantage during the ' warm campaign now begun. The paper stops when the time is up without any notice from you whatever , so that you see it is no plan to get you started and then force the paper on y.ou. : Bixby , the poet-philosopher of The Journal ) , is worth the price of admission himself. State telegraph is a strong feature and sporting cranks are well satisf . ; ed. The thing above all others is the fact that when you see anything politi cal in The .Journal that its for the benefit of the people at large and not for the selfish political ! interest of the owners. No booze ads , no nasty medical ads , no fraudulent investment schemes. ! Fact is , its the kind of a paper you want in your family. Why not try it a dollar's worth at this cut price ? - . r 60 YEARS . . G5CPERSENCE ; ! e ' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS r r . - COPYRIGHTS &c. Arfyone sending a sketch and description maT e o inio dfree wuetherr an rtain ' milckly ascertain our opinion t free whether . an Invent ion is protmbly patentaMe. ) Communica tions strictly coimaeiitfnl. HANDBOOK on Patent ! ! sent free. Oldest fluency , for securing ( patenta. Patcifts taken tlirotiKh Muun & Co. receive special notice without charge la the / * * A A A * 1T * 12 ? A. 'A f AA % jfc AA SCi i1tifie Jlln ri atVo 9 handsomely illnstrnf weekly. Lamest clr dilution of any scicntillc Journal. Terms. $ 3 a year : four months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers. r UNr & CO.361Broadway. New York Branch Offlco. C35 : F BU Washington. D. C. Rosebud Stage ' . D. A. WHIPPLE I , Propr. \ , Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House " Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel ' Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. . Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning Sundays excepted. . Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. Dinner Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , .baggage , and express or'packages. - Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed . . Front store. . D. .A. Whipple. r GRANT BpYER , . . _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . CARPENTER & BUILDER. . x ; . . UI kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes J liesidence and shop one block souttrof passenger depot. Valentine , , . . > PHONE 72 Nebraska References : IVIy Many Customers. g = l/h ? . . ' - = ! ' = ' " : ; - r ' - . : iJ L 1K $ " , @ = - - " " " ' - " : ( ; i , Ij'e . - _ - " ' ' = _ = -.c-- ? _ _ _ l1IDm.f. : - . . . . . : ; 9'- , 1111 , f . @ g = .q _ ; : _ : mCi : t : ' ! ' . . , . > ; 11ru lf ! \ O , 't ) ) ° OLNDB1LLIARD HAll ! < , . d ! ! Cigars and I " O ' ! . ' . Soft Drinks . ti ° d'41 , ' I JOHN G. STETTER PROP j s ) , I , , ' 3't4 , . . J { g 1 . 11\ .1t : : , f : . 1 i ) Q i , , < ' < ' i1.0' ! . l . @ , . \iA . - . . . . ! ( b + G cic Z.Y11.u ; ! VC rJ'L.C. lbt a J C7C l ! j W d1 a C3 l l -.r ' u + : CJXi .Uti1 ' .Jfiw.t cl , J. . . . . , - ! I J.II , Iirn.'r. ; ; -7rly'-i rr : . . , . .a'o . " n. ' "Wk < : "f , . . . . . . . . . . . 7-f' ; : -r.-o- : : : : , . ! , _ t. _ _ < l _ _ . Mdas . : - , _ . . . . - . - - . - . - - - - . , - . - - - - - - - < - . - - - . ----r - - c' - . - . . - - ' - - ' - J' -1 : : . - ; 41- . - , , . . . ' . , . - - , . . . . \ J I - . . . - . Y ' , , " . ' . . . < . -j-- - ' ( , . . . . . 0' < . ; . j'e . . . . , . . . . C ; I , l - : a o ' 7 k 1 M Y S" I ftr r I I : I ; I ( I To be held at the HALEY STOCK YARDS , . - VALENTINE , NEBRASKA September 29 , 910 . . . / , ; . . . . ' . . ; . , H + ' Ap 1 s A t' ' r , 'yi0 2. , 1 4 ' , r gY Yr ? r c9 pa ' ) \ . ' . , r " - . 70 Head of Registered . : . - 1 : , F , - Hereford 'Cattle - n - . The pick of our herd , consisting of the Herd Bull Onward 15170 , a March on Bull weighing 2600 Ibs. , bred by Eunkhouser. , \ ( 32 Cows with calves at side. Calves by Onward , cows re . / / back to this Bull. breq./\ \ 1 33 Heifers either out of Onward or Eoyal Grove . , one of \ Rogers Beau Donald Anxiety Monarch Bulls. Royal Grove \ I , \ \ \ weighed over a ton in , breeding condition and would have I ! weighed . 2400 ) in show . _ Onward. , These cattle are bred under Western conditions , are not pam- pered , and are acclimated to Western conditions. . r The have the breeding , size and quality , and not being grain f fat will not require a year to become useful. r . The March : On-Beau Donald-Anxiety Monarch blood is thick . , . . . = -n' I . ' in this herd and represents the prize winning lines of the country. . I t , , . . . I . I - ' A Year's Time Will be Given on ' - : ' , , _ 1.1 , & s . ' . , ! . . Approved . Security : : . " , I . , - - l\ \ For Catalogue address PEDSETT & CLAEKE - - , KIMBALL or I ( , . , . COLUMBUS , NEB. . ' " : . , . . . . ; \ , Sale Comm.ences at SO A. M. . : : ' j : i . ' . . - - - - < - - t j ; w. Eo HA L EY , Clerk - ' \J : . ; ' , . . \ via t - i I : oL. F.WOODS , . I . - . . : OL. ffEO3 F . TR . CEWELL Auctioneers ( \S 3 2 49 RJTL M 4 W JL-r , I t J . . . . r ' . , . . . . . ; . . ' ' : a - : . . ; , . , , . , ' -