Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 22, 1910, Image 1

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1. M. Rice , , Editor ; and Proprietor'V , NEBE. , TJHTJKSDAT , SEPTEMBER ' 22 , 1910. Volume 25 . , No. 37
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I " 4 . - - - - - - " ' UR Fall Stock is
, ri'f 1f ' greater this year
arc sturdy - stockings than any year we
. . . , . for lu ra 5htidre have been in business
4'i on account of the . big
r . room we are occupying.
. 'Jir.b > ' . l We have just j received
splendid line of
And the prices are cheaper than you can buy in the
cities. The } way to prove this , we ask you all to call
and see for yourselves. Don't forget to call while we
have all sizes. . . .
We have just j put iii - a great line of Wodner Hose
. . for Men : Women and Children. They are guaranteed
four pair to wear four months - $1.00 per box. If
they don't , come and get a new pair. '
. . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . - . , . . _ _ _ _ < M , _ , . "H' _ _ ' > , . - .
, r = = '
J Eurela Saloon .
: McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , ' Liquors and Cigars
. j Bourbon Whiskies . : v I. . . Rye Whiskies ti : . .
. " .
. >
Old Crow , * . - ' ' Sherwood ,
. I
? Hermitage , ' ' . Guchenheimer . ,
* Cedar Brook , I Sunny Brook ,
i . Spring Hill , and 29/year/old 5
; ' and Jas. E , Pepper , 0 , F , C. Taylor , | ,
' \
\ y ' in bond t
\ These whiskies were purchased
4 and came direct from the U. S. ' ov- ,
. .ernment warehouse. They are guar-
. . . . \ . anteed pure and unadulterated. Un '
j excelled for family and medical use.
ji <
, i
s Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
_ i Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
. 2 Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , LI
, {
> Valentine = Nebraska |
= =
2 ! E 2 2 * S3 ?
. " ,
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Don't ForgetT he Green Front P. t
. . . . _ . . _ w Lr' = u _ , r , . MI f
. . '
Has just received its stock of Fall and Winter .
Goods , which ! will be sold . at verylow prices ' f
regardless ! of cost. Lay in your supply now.
' ° - - - 100 LB. SACK SALT 80 CTS. ®
_ 8 _ e
I Or Whi'Ske
. ; Go to the" .
e . - -
: . .
- - -
I" . . Stock Exchange Saloon
t Walther F. A. MeStendorff , Propr.
, i e. . . - @ ) e e
, -
I r = 2l2I' ! ,
I 11 : z FOR CAKES AND '
' : ; PASTRY -
t . .
, . - i ti i Home 'Bakery. I
t . . . -
i - " P".aL ( i ; $ '
Gov. Shallenberger concedes the
nomination of Mayor James C. ,
Dahlman of Omaha for Governor
and will work for democratic suc-
cess. He is disappointed of course
but not sore and disgruntled. He
has taken the course of a big ,
brave , good and true man who
stands today with honors bright
and character without a blemish
as Nebraska's governor. Nebraska
democracy is not yet through with
him. He will be called again. He .
has been a faithful public servant
in whom the people of Nebraska
are well pleased and is more mag
nanimous in his defeat than are
many in victory. Read his letter
which follows to Chairman Byrnes
of the Democratic State Commit-
If Governor Shallenberger can
indorse and take up the campaign
of Jas. C. Dahlman , we should be
a weak member if we could not
abide by the decision of the major
ity when such men as Gov. Shal-
lenberger Jeads the way. : We fol
lowed him when he signed the
eight o'clock closing law because
it was right that he should honor
the wishes of a majority of our
legislature though it seeras now
that the democrats have repudiat
ed that act in selecting Mayor
Dahlman and a more liberal con-
struction of a citizen's rights.
Read what our governor has to
say :
HLincoln , Neb. , Sept. 161910.
Dear Sir : 'Since the recount asked
for by me in certain counties has
shown that Mayor Dahlman has
been chosen as the nominee of the
democratic party of Nebraska for
governor , under the primary law
of the state , I write to inform you
that , in conformity with my state-
ment made at the time the recount
was asked for , I shall proceed no
further in the matter and am really
to do all I can for the success of-
the democratic , ticket and the good .
of the party in the future. While
a recount of the forty counties
which Mayor Dahlman asked for
might have given me the nomina-
tion , the time is too short and a
longer delay can but result in in-
jury to our party and to the bene-
fit of our opponents , the republi-
cans..The recount in Douglas county
consumed a good deal of time , but
was the best possible thing that
could have occurred under the cir-
cumstances. The gain of 107 votes
for me in the recount has vindi-
cated ray asking'for this action , as : : ; . .
the gain made would have nomi-
nated me , had the majority against
me remained as it appeared at the
time I made the application. It
has also been a great benefit to
Mayor Dahlman and the rest of
the state ticket , in that it has satis-
fied my friends and the people of
Nebraska generally that the many
rumors alleging frauds and unfair-
ness in Douglas county were un
true. While it is possible that I
might still hope to win the nomi
nation in a legal battle , because of
irregularities and technicalities
shown in the recount in Douglas
county , Fdo not care for a victory
that is to be won in that manner
and I think more of the welfare of
the party and of the many friends
of , mine , who are candidates this
year , than I do of any personal
ambition of my own , or disap
pointment because of a seeming
repudiation of my administration.
"This is going to be a demo
cratic year and I want to see Ne
braska in line with the nation and
1 shall do what I can to help you
and the splendid organization
which you so ably command to
win a sweeping victory in this
state this fall. There is no use for
me to say to you that I have no.
personal disappointment in the re-
sult , for that would be untrue. I
intend , however , to keep on fight-
' -
' " '
ing for good government as I have <
in the past , and for the triumph
of democratic principles in this
state. This is one of the most im
portant crises that has ever con-
fronted the democratic"party and
we should all pull together for de
mocratic success.
"We have a United States sen-
ator to elect , state legislature anc
six congressmen , besides a repre
sentative lot of men who are nom-
inated for the state offices. It is
one of the strongest tickets that
our party * . \ has presented in many T
years. In Mr. Hitchcock l we have
a splendid type of the public ser
vant who deserves promotion to
the high office to which ( he now
aspires because of good service
that he has done in the past. He is
entitled to the united support of
all those who stand for good gov
ernment and for the interests of
the great mass of the people. Our
candidates for congress are " "all
splendid men who can be trusted
and it is because of the interests of
these gentlemen and many others
who have been my former friends
and supporters that I write to you
as chairman of our party organiza-
tion and ask you : to show me where
I can fight from now on until the
polls close in November so that I
may best help them and you , and
1 am ready to respond to any de
mands you may make upon me to
the best of my ability. I know the
democrats of Nebraska have every
confidence in yourself , your vice
chairman Mr. ' Guenther , and sec-
retary ; , Mr. Mathews , and I expect
to be able to congratulate you and
the democratic party after the bat-
tle is over.
" "Withassurances of my con
tinued regard and esteem , I have
the honor to remain , yours very
respectfully ,
' - A. C. SlIALLENBERGEll. "
- -
A Treatment that Costs Nothing
If It Fails.
We want you to try three large
bottles of Rexall ' " 93" Hair Tonic
on our personal guarantee that the
trial will not cost you a penny if it
does not give you absolute satisfac-
tion. That's proof of our faith
in this remedy , and it should in-
disputably demonstrate that we
know what we are talking . about
when we say that Rexall * ' 93" Hair
Tonic will grow hair on bifid heads ,
except where baldness has been of
such long duration that the roots
of the hair are entirely dead , the
follicles closed and grown over , and
the scalp is glazed.
Remember , we are basing our
statements upon what has already
been accomplished by the use of
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic , and we
have the right to assume that \\hat
it has done for thousands of others
it will do for you. In any event
you cannot lose anything by giving
it a trial on our liberal guarantee.
Two sizes , 50c and $1.00. Remem-
ber , you can obtain Rexall Reme
dies in this community only at
our store - The Rexall Store. G. A.
Chapman , the druggist , Valentine.
can be had by ambitious young men'
and ladies in the field of "Wireless"
or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-
hour law became effective , and since
the wireless companies are estab
lishing stations throughout the
, country there is a great shortage of
I telegraphers. Positions pay begin
ners from § 70 to $90 per month ,
I with good chance of advancement.
The National Telegraph Institute
operates six official institutes in
I America , under supervision of rail-
road and wireless officials and place
all graduates into positions. It will
pay you to write them for full de
I tails at Davenport , la. , Cincinnati ,
: 0. , Portland , Ore. , or Memphis ,
A car load of Weber wagons ,
II must . be sold at once.
- - -
I .
. We are Headquarters for
Winchester Ammunition
TIE SEASON will soon be open so that the
THE with dog and gun will have full sway.
We also handle a full line of Shot Guns and
Rifles. "Winchester" and 'Remington" are two
of our best makes. .
Hunting Coats , Caps and Hats are now on
display in our window and may be bought at a bar-
gain. Now is i the time and the Red Front Hard
ware is the place to get full value for your
. .
- - - - - - -
Red F'rontHardware Co
. - ' . . .
F you are looking for a new Suit or Over
IF coat or anything in the line of Men's or
Boys' furnishings , don't forget to stop
at'the Fair. We have a complete line of
Men's : , Boys' and Children's Clothing and
prices range from $ 1.75 to $28 per Suit. .
Talk about Ladies' and Misses' Skirts.
Well , we have a new line and they are the
best in town. In Voiles , Panama and Ser-
ges at $3.50 to $15 , also a large line of
Ladies" lisses , Men's : and Boys' Sweaters
. .
If you must have a tailor made suit ( for men or ladies )
remember we represent the Garden City Tailoring Co. ,
and there is no better tailoring house in Chicago.Wo
guarantee a fit or no sale. Come in and look over the
. line. No trouble to show goods at .
- . .
-J TIIE FAIR p , , , ,
. ,
Phone 145. H. W. HOENIQ , Propr.
.b : ; J
Gl.arteral as a Stnlo Ba-.ik Uliartered ) as a National : Bank
June I , 1881. Auuht I' ' , UXtf.
( Successor to Bank of Valentino. )
Valentine , - Nebraska.
SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking . . , Exchange
Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : ' : :
C. II. f10U P.LJ. , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
J. T. May : , Vice President. Miss GLKX HOKNIO , Ana't Cashier.
Farm Implements ?
We sell farming . implements as well as other . . s
merchandise . at reasonable prices. . - 1
Call and try us.
. .
3t t
nTn B'l . l T J1Tf4 T
J , ' 11 ' . ,
I Stetter & Tobien , Props. Iltl 'I 1 .
, $ iiIii/i//ii , / / / i ! I ' 'irn ' ,
DEALERS IN L q + l a , II I . I R '
, I1 ; ' I l 1 r ' ) . . I fI f I I 1 , / II li
' . All Kinds of Fresh ,
, . .
and Fait Meats. . . . .
fi :
- - - - - -
, _ , . ,
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , y , I = - ; t -
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
a' '
I I anything you have to sell. . ,
Digestion and Assimilation. '
It is not the quantity of food taken but
the amount digested and assimilated that
gives strength and vitality to the system.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets invigorate the stomach and liver
I and enable them to perform their func
tions naturally. For sale by Chapman
I the druggist.
I v Pick This Up Quick
Good 4-room house with stone
cellar , for sale cheap. House
strong , well built and warm. Will .
sell cheap if taken at once. Cash
or terms. A bargain in this. Ask
I. M. Rice , Valentine. tf
, ,