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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
- : F ; : ; ; ; : : - - - -.J. . . , . ! ; : : = 7.J. . . L' T . i I Y ? . . . . , . I , I " I 1 ' . , . . , ' I I . : ' I , I 'i' Ii ' I i . \ ! l + , . . . - ; . . . . : j IL ! . I have just returned from St. Joseph , Mo. , where' 11 ) i I bought at RECEIVER'S ) SALE a ta BIG IA : . " Discount a lot , I Ii' I ' - - . Ladies' Shirt Waists- - ! I Belts , Ties , Notions , etc. , , E i V Also many other - articles of fancy and useful . , . i wearing apparel that enable's me to sell at less a . - than the usual price. Come and see them while e the stock is new and complete. Every article is a bargain. Something new and uptodate. H " _ W. A. PARKER. I Ge1neral ' Merchandise Wood Lake , c c Nebraska e _ _ _ _ _ < - . , . . . . , , . , . . " - i".J.J. w vJ ia-ru ' AjStAAAAA .A : J } U\M 1 : - JUILDAY , f > I , GENERAL MERCHANDISE / i . We Buy and Seli HOI'ases ) i > 3 Wood Lake , ® Nebraska : l OOd. . . ' ' 'Hrn. . . . i I r e Q SqI ct9 t tt . ! . . vl ; TAg HOWE & MONTAGNE 8I / I I pt i a lar I' Livery , Feed and 3 4 I F Sales Stable ] . . . . . . . 0a I : ei : - ' " - . ' ' - = Wood Lake , Nebraska | * e ? E' Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. n V y " f 1rne'.9nee SVV I ' . H. A. LYONS , . . . RUC'Jo'or I to Wolkcr A I-.N ons ) , Wood Lake Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting ' j i . and fishing parties. lr L r I 4 . I f n A. M. Lotspeich , ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods. Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings ; . . . . . , . FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake = Nebraska. , - . . . - - - - - - - F. J. WI LSEY GENERAL FARM . . - and LIVE STOCK . AUCTIONEER Satisfaction [ guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex , perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State. Write me , or dates can be made at this office. 'I . F. WILSEY , Auctioneer a Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota j - ' . - THE CHAMPION SERIES OF BALL ( Continued from Page 1) ) r there was a big streak of fun too. Every bluff was quickly called by . the crowd of rooters that clung to . the diamond as thick as flies round ' the 'lasses barrel in summer. . . Wagers were frequently made on men up to bat. If interest waned for an instant JudgeWalcott would inject new life into > the bunch by . the din of the water pail , which he' ' . rattled to beat the band at the taast l - provocation. Chas. Sparks kept . his weather eye focused on the um- : pire to see that decisions ! were in : . harmony with his idea of the game ' and he was ready with forceful ad- . jectives to see that his decisions . . carried. S. B. Weston crawled - out of the grand stand wben things t began to look dubious put on his .overcoat and presided over the : : proceedings within safe distance . . behind the batter and out of reach . , of passed balls. His frequent . " lusty baritone warned the umpire , that there was not much class to . - - - - the dope he was handing out. W. Meltendorfl Len Bivens , Jake and John Stetter and scores of others yelled till their lungs all bu t split , and their humorous and I I . pointed phrases together with the way they hot-footed and cavorted about to keep the blood in circu- lation , would have made the Bow- er.v kid green with envy. At one stage excitement reached white heat. The man up for the visitors was struck by a batted ball 1 and ran to first. Umpire Sander- son sanctioned it. In a jifi'y the umpire was into trouble dire and threatening. This is where Charley Sparks told Mr. Ump what was what. The batter returned and struck-out. At another time proceedings were clogged 15y the batter claim- ing that Caylor had made false movement when delivering the ' _ ball. Heated argument followed 1' but Rondeau's nice demonstration I seefned to satisfy the - umpire and the batter went . back - . , and - struck . I out. I - . . . , . - - ' , , " - " - : - : : : - : - = : : : : ; - - - . - . . 11 L - . , > - \ 1 . - - . . : CN ! ' * f ryYV r W . v. : . Y"Y'v . . . . < ' . _ . _ . . , _ . . . _ V.7.V. " . . . . > "VSTTi T i T"j j / Wood Lake Department ADVERTISING RATES : . Locals rending notices 5 cents per line each Insertion. Display advertising 00 cents per inch per month each issue ; 1.00 ) ( ) per inch per month double column. " ' , . . . . - . . . _ ' , - . , , . , 4 'A ; 4 A ; .j. " : - - ! ! - : .A V I I Bud Klingaraan came to town I Tuesday. Otto Krasch and . wife are.rejoic - . i ing over the arrival of a fine boy. Herman Badinger is wearing a pleasant smile because of the birth of a fine baby at their home. Mr. : and Mrs. AI. Whetstone are happy over the arrival of a fine baby girl at their home. Miss Verge Shannon went to Ainsworth Thursday on business. Verge will teach near there this year. year.Mrs. Mrs. Geo , Hornby of Valentine was visiting here Tuesday and was a pleasant caller at the different rooms at school. A. dance was given in tick's hall Saturday night. A nice time is re- ported. Music was furnished by Mrs. Ellison and Mr. Kelly. Mrs.Edythe Latta went to Ains- worth Thursday to have dental work done , and while there was the guest of Miss Bessie Dillon. School began Monday : with a fairly good enrollment. Teachers are MrPayne , principal ; Mrs. ' Edythe Latta the intermediate and Miss Lottie Grady primary room. Miss Chlue Waggoner has been employed to teach the third grade in the Ainsworth school. School began there Sept. 5th , but owing to an unusually large attendance another teacher was required. One of the saddest accidents that ever occurred in this village befell \ 'Jr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee on Thursday evening when . they were I struck by the engine of the a p- : proaching passenger train , Mrs. Lee sustaining fatal injuries. An account of the sad accident will be found on another page. - Another fracus was put on props I when Eondeau was hit in the leg by a pitched ball and the umpire re- fused to give him a pass. Such a din of voices rude never rent the clouds before. He went to first , started to steal second , the catcher threw wild , and he kept on going like a frightened deer , tieing the score in the tenth. To Caylor is due a great big juicy hunk of the credit for win- ning his game. Not only did he ; I work at the box as if his Jife de- pended on the outcome , but he was in the game every fraction of a second and put the quietus on more than one Burkite by quick action , when quick action meant much in I the outcome and made bunting I I very unpopular with the visitors. Caylor pitched two innings more than Sewell who replaced Bentor after the slaughtering of the sec- ond , in which as much downright hard work was done as in an aver- age game. Sewell came into the , game fresh and crisp in the third. Again , the visitors somewhat out- classed their opponents with the hickory. Caylor did superb work and has received just and substan- tial commendation from those who are appreciative. He allowed six hits and is credited with nine fans , while the twirlers for Burke al- lowed six hits , and fanned twelve. During his summer engagement with the Devil Lake , N.D. champs he won every game pitched and made a great hit in winning his game from the Minnesota All- Stars July 30. He is booked to go Wyoming September 28 to pitch two games for the Douglas team during the state fair. I Short-stop llondeau has won a warm spot in the hearts of all the fans by his splendid work and they substantiated their feelings with a purse of about eighteen dollars. He played with the Devil Lake team before coming here. To Welden goes the glory ] of making the winning hit , for that drive into left garden patch was as clean cut and beautiful as roses in December. Morey , Stetter , Cox , Dunn and Addaras , too , as well as the others , are entitled to commendation for their excellent behavior in trying situations as well as for stickwork when stickwork counted. And to Manager Fischer belongs a nice bouquet for pulling through so many hard chances at first , and in passing let it be added that to him belongs several more bouquets for his interest in baseball and keep- ing a first class team together and his untiring efforts to bring good teams here. A winning team is a splendid advertisempnt for a town , I and some of us would rust out were it not for an occasional game I : of ball to inject new life . and J ginger. The Burke boys are a jolly bunch and made a host of friends - here. They are the real goods and will ( . - - - - - - - FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT Mrs. U. G. Welker is still on the sick ) list. David Hanna is about town again but is very weak yet. Mr , and Mrs. James A. Morris spent Sunday at the west home. Miss : ' ' Ethel Sherman of Valen- tine is visiting here with friends. Ed. Ballard was in town over I Sunday having enjoyed the dance Saturday . I , night. A dance was given at the Hay- maker ranch on Friday night , at- tended by several town folks. Joe Waggoner Sundayed at home and expects 1 soon to go to Lincoln to school for the winter. ' ' 'T ood Lake camp will open the dancing season on Friday , Sept 0 with a grand ball at the opera house. C. II. Kinkaid returned Saturday after a week's driving in the coun- I try with Mr. Denning who was I looking after cattle. A very serious accident occured to Wm. Lee and wife of Brownlee Thursday evening , particulars of I . which are given on another page. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Breit- myer are rejoicing over the arri- valor a bouncing baby boy and the smile papa wears won't come off for a good while. Eev. Carpenter preached to an appreciative audience on Sunday evening his farewell "sermon , as he expects to be removed to other lo- calities. The community loses a good and faithful servant in the removal of Mr. Carpenter from among us , having endeared him self to every man , woman and child in this parish and we can but express our loss by wishing him God speed in the new field no mat- ter where. give our boys a lively tussel for I , the $500 purse before the series is ended. They started on the home- ward journey Tuesday morning and will stop for a game at Win ner S. D. The locals will play at Norden Thursday and at Burke four days beginning Saturday , stopping for another game at Nor den on the return trip. - - - - Diarrhoea is always more or less prev alent during September. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by Chapman the druggist. : ; 4 x' ElS r Does JilL Pow : " CKesGJng":2alflEasilv and Quickly This new , all-'round Cleanser in handy sift- er can , takes all the hard work out of keep- ing things clean. It's much quicker too. Large 10 ps r'G Ssfter cis Can 4 Ja . OF 0 0 , , - . . . . . , . . . c . , , Q. 'Iv " 'Vi : ' , y ' 'a 9 " : Cleans " : : ' . 2I2s , ' . SCQ4uhs , S Scours , Polishes . Pots , pans , kettles , wood- le work , floors , shelves , painted ? walls , windows , metals , cut- lery , in the bath room , pan- - try , kitchen in fact through- out the house. Painted woodwork and walls require car , in cleaning -do it easily and safely with Old Dutch Cleanser. The New Way Sprinkle a very little Old Dutch Cleanser on cloth _ orj sponge , rub easily , rinse with clean wet cloth and wipe dry. No caustic or acid. Avoid | them. ( Not a soap powder ) . Jwsf VowTry K 1 JOHN "F. : FORA.TH . IfiURftE , KBB. Tubular Wells and Windmills " Call me up by phone I . J , t . - . . . . - , - - , : JO J' " f i -d dh , h r - . . . . . ' . - . . . . . . - . X 1 . / Furniture and - Paints and Oils , Cattle / Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. Johnson Bros. ' rosM ' , ' w * Lumber , ' Machinery , Hard- . ware , Harness Saddles Wagons , Buggies and a.full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. ' Full ) stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , = = Nebraska - . fp ) _ . Uck , lausen & Cog , . ; General Hardware ; - , . . r- . i Wagons and ' . . ' Machnery00 . . ? - - e A complete line of . / Harness and Saddles : - . Household and Kitchen Furniture . Lumber and Fence Posts - . WOOD LAKE , . NEBRASKA ' - @ 0) @ _ e R. M. Faddis & Co ? ostof ice address-Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left J' ; - - - - . thigh ( . ! f1thigh , , ) 1 . r. . ltfl l } " Hordes branded \ j l.ili' I jon If ft . ' " ' " , , shoulder t t' or thiph " - , . - . . . . . . - , . _ _ 'r. , . . , _ - . ' _ I Some ! . Some branded ? IJl'al' dd 4 ' on right thigh orfWi . " ; ) on l.-it ] tf . .J or shoulder. . shoulcl J or thIgh hI hIP. P. H. Young. . . N Snieon. Xebr. 1 $ $ , . . , : -t j Cattle brandea as : cut on left side ; FT V-A Home QYon left I\ I side. { 7 : . - on : left Jaw of < V horses. ; , , , , ' t . " ! : \ : : ! ' ' H' < UJ\o ; . . , - , . . . . . . _ - .r. ; = ' ; R ange s on Gordon = Creek ; : north of Simeon. N. S.-Rowley. Kennedy , - fleuraaka. 3S Same as cut on left ' ide and hip , and ulI ' & ' 'Jr.f left l shoulder of horJj < ses. AlsoS ; ' a on v left l side aJTsreind l tmWJ f h l ip. | pj t 3FrJ , ( < ' X en Jeit se. . , . _ Some rat - , . , . ; ; . : ' t : d ( ' Ufi . tie br . . : 'at.-F.5 Z : ' SIP2S3&J ; : ; ; 1 ed hnsk- ' : A ; " huh pt > K ( either side up ) on left side or hip. F on left jaw and left shoulder of horses , UJ ! UJQ on left hip ol horses. "w" on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. . Rosebud , SD - Horses ! and cattle --ra : same as cut ; also Cr > 'tI w CJ BE JJ on right + iEiS. : ' hip. : I . : $ . " F . ) Kan e on Oak and } ' " " " < > kP.d : : . _ _ _ _ Butte creeks. ( I A liberal reward c ' " " for information . Ic ( ' leading to detection ! Rt'.7WP . W . . ? 7 ' : > r. of rustlers of stock bearing iny of the" , . , hrandM. R. M. Ten-ill , Propr. Y.j Brownlee , Xeo. ' " - - - _ _ * * l , Cattle branded as " in c'.t on left side. Some branded , Ix T Y on left hip. Range on 'orth Ioup 1 liver , two nulfs west of lirewnleu John Kills Plenty. St : Francis Mis sion , Kosebud. 5.D. Cattle : branded is in cut ; horses ! same or .i li / P on - - - ft thigh. jKan < ; e' t-'tWtClI tprill ; C'k and Little Js " " ' ' ! ! rT SVlnte river. ! OAoU _ . , Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud 8 , D. . Y r Cattle branded ° SOS on left side OSO on riehtside ! Some cattle also have a + { on neck Some with A. on left shonlder and some branded with two bars . . : ' r Across hind nar- 4 . terse Some Texas it exas I cattle branded : ! t < * ou left side ' and some ; \ on left side. ' . , I r Horses branded SOS on left hio. Some cattle branded AW bnr connected on both sides and left hip of ' horses _ _ _ . D. M. : Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. , , Cattle branded ' as on cutleft side Some on left hip. S : - Horses same on left shoulder Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. t 3artlett Richards Pres WiHGComstock , V P ' J- Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas y Cattle : .j1- - . branded on " ' ' " any part of animal ; r" . i ' ' ' also the / S # ' : I' ? following 'f y 't' > ? x ! Y ' E ; JIi brands fOllOWhig'l . j { " - - { . J . . . . . . { " : ' ? 1 9 ? 1 . . . > ' 0' 1 < " . , . . gg. J ! ffij - - ' . w horses branded th& I same - . , . Range betweea Gordon on the F.E , & M. v. , R. : R. aijd [ Hyann3 : ' on B & \T. ! R.n. in Northwestem BARTU < : TT Nebr. IW1HARDS. Ellsworth Neill" \ Sf.wyer Bros. 1 , Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has 1. charge of these cattle. II rses , , e i - ! > S on left shoul a der. Somer left sI someD 1 llorses _ . , - - - - . . . . ( _ -r'-- = - same left thigh. j - - Kange on Snake river. i Metzger Bros. Koife N'ebr & Cattle branded , anywhere on left J side. , Earmark square , crop right ear. Horses have i same brand on eft thigh. . . " ; , n . ' ' 1 t -1 . " " | TprE"s-rrr'7 "Jf Mlf * iFT.Tjfl _ - Kance on Gordon and Snake ' Creeks A Reward of $250 will ; he Jald to any person for iuforumtloll ' Icallinl- to the arrest and final ! cOU\'lcti9n , , . of any person or . penions rattle wnh : ahoyhrancl. . " \ stealing J. A. Yaryan. -0 . Pullman Nebr . Cattle branded JY onrlghtside Horses branded JY 4 J y on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information' 1 leading to the rr- covery of cattle strayed from my 1 range. r - - jyl : - - - ' - SR - 'WA ! , ) i fl _ \ v _ { , r Sold by a s McGeer : & Carroll , . I Valentine , X eb. ' \ , ) .iII : - " . ' - 1" : . _ _ _ _ _ I . < . " - i