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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
I f Rot \ I , / . . . \ . t " , . . - - , - - , ' - . - . . - . - . " , . . ' - ' + ttA $ - i - - tllttillttt 41 t9l [ \ : ipAR F-FI-N -i , - ; _ - - - _ . ' : ' = = = - : : - - = , . I I "IS THE THING TO USE' - . . I Don't waste time cover ; ing your jelly ' glasses ] . with paper and egg , paste I Buy a Pound of Paraffine It ; goes a long ways , and J I V is elegant to cover jellies I i and protect them from I , . . . I moisture and mould easily taken off when you are ready to use it , and you always have jelly , that is as delicious and tasty as the fresh fruit. "Buy pound today" Pi-ice 15 cents. * 1 * . s - $ $33Sam VALENTINt. NEC I I _ _ - - . - . . . . . . . . = _ e A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man - ' - for you. It is suited . to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes + no difference whether we pay out $10 or 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. j ; - . . , C. A. RUBY I Attorney-at-Law \ Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. \f lentine , Nebraska W. . H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch C. H. FAULHABER A SONS , HROWNLEE , NEB. Herd beaded by S. C. Columbus 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg , Bulls for Sale at All T mes , Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine ° Nebr , , , . . . . . v , - , , . - - " - " - ' ' ' - ' ' - - - - - . . . S ) JOHN D. EATON Drayman Light , : and "Heavy Draying : ; . , Furniture and pianos handled : , in a careful manner. Coal , , hauled and trunks and grips ' a specialty. Phone No. 13i. : S _ . . , ' JJ A- Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office Valentine. Nebraska , . eptetnber,1910. : ! . A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Albert Haley , contestant , aealnst homestead entry No. 04404 , ser- ial No 04404. made March 31st 1909. fo" the \\Vst y. of the West V of Section (1) ) one TO\\'II lIip. (31) ) , north. KangeST , West qt the Sixth Prrtici pal Meridian , by James Kobertson. con estee. in which it is alleged tbat the said James Rob- ertson has never establish-d a restdence noon the said land within six months after tlie date of entry ; that he has not cultivated the snid land as by law required , Hint he nas wholly aban : doned the said land and has failed to cure his / laches to this 'date. / Said parties are hereby notified to appear ' alre ' responS evidence touching sain allega . / respond and offer \ s tion at 10 o'clock a. m on Oc'obe'- . 1910 be fore the register and receiver at the United S ates Land Office in Valentine. \ Ne raska. The said contestant having in a proper affi davit filed 'Sept. 2. 1910. set forth facts which how that after due diligence personal service of this notice can notce made. it is hereby . . order ed and directed that such notice be gi..ell-by due and proper publication. E OLSOX , 35-t : Receiver eedrd addI'e 3s of eorryman Xoraen , ! \ eU. , " . , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " Talk of the Town. -a For board and room inquire of Mrs. : Grant Spain. H. 11. ' " akefielct was down from Crookston Tuesday on business. Four carloads of Posts , from lie to GOc. Ludwig Lumber Co. Clyde Carpenter. is building ! : a residence in the east part'of town. A rattle snake 2-ft. in length , with 7 rattles , was killed in the cemetery Tuesday. Nels Rowley brought in a bunch of cattle Sunday and shipped to South Omaha market. In Lumber we have the largest stock and tho lowest prices. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. Mrs. Milt Latta and daughters , Miss Vera and Ammo , were in town this week shopping. A car load of Weber wagons , must be sold at once. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. F. R. Pitts of Rosebud , who was here having some dental work at- tended to , returned home Tuesday. . Walter Vollentine and Wm. D. Reed of Lavaca were in Valentine , last Friday -business and visit- ing friends. Vern Green , editor of the Mer- riman Maverick , was in the city Sunday visiting friends and taking in the big ball game. St. Nicholas Church , Leo , M. Blaere , Rector-There will be ser- vices in the Catholic Church next Sunday as follows : Mass at 8 and 10 a. m , There will be services in St. John's church Sunday , Sept 18. Morning prayer with sermon at 11 a. m. Evensong with address at 7 :30 : p. m. Martin : . Qverner , the man who was recently shot near Oasis , is able to be up and is getting along I nicely , and will probably be com- pletely recovered in a few weeks. John Tobien , a brother of Geo. and Jake , who has been helping the former and Wm. Forester at Crawford , is now working in the meat market here for Stetter f and Tobien. Rev. Geo. L. 1\IcN utt / Hthe Din- ner Pail Man , " of New York will lecture at Quigley hall tomorrow night. His lecture will be well worth hearing as he is an interest- ing speaker of national reputation. Wm. C. Dunn of ShelonIri- quois county , II ! . , came last night for a visit with his brother ; Dave Dunn and family ; and will be here several clays. He's a good looking , well preserved man , though older than Dave. - Our people are urged to attend l the sale of Hereford cattle to be held on Sept. 29. Having these splendidly bred animals brought to our market means a great deal to - , our ranchmen. . . It is an educa- tion to see tKis class of cattle even if one doesn't buy. Pete DeCory has rebuilt the house he recently purchased , also making other extensive improve- ments , and will have a fine house in our city.Ve are glad to have people come in and build their homes in our city and extend the glad hand to them. 0. \V. Hahn , Dave Fowler , J. R. Ay rs'Ym. and Frank Grooms beside those mentioned last week , attended the State fair and report a splendid time. Martin Becker says it was hard to keep his crowd together , and they could only be sure of meeting at their rooms or at supper time. Mrs. Iva Efner Frank and her daughter , of Omaha , came for a visit with friends in Valentine last Thursday ' , and Tuesday went out to Simeon to visit Mr. Miller and wife , the latter .being a sister of Mr. Frank , for a couple of weeks after which she will return to Val- entine for a few days visit before returning to Omaha. Father Leo Blaere , who has made an extended visit to his native home in Belgium and points of in- terest in Europe and America , came home Wednesday evening. He was accompanied on the return journey by his sister , who will keep house for him. She has been attending a school in London for some time , so as to acquire a knowledge of the English , and not be handicapped as so many for- eigners are , in not being able to understand or make themselves understood. Father Blaere is welcomed again to this community by the people of his church and many frirnds. As usually treated , a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks , but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received , and observing the directions with each bottle , a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by Chapman , the druggist. . . . - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f I A GOOD POSITION , can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of " \VireI ' ss" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8- I hour law became effective , and since the wireless companies are estab- lishing stations throughout the I country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay begin- ners from § 70 to § 90 per month , with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute I operates six official institutes in . America , under supervision of rail- ! road and wireless officials and place all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full de. tails at Davenport , la. , Cincinnati , 0. , Portland , Ore. , or Memphis : , Tenn. . All . aboard for the North Table reunion. Mrs. Elva Lynn is home from Wyoming'visiting parents and relatives in this city. ! I Rapid City , S. D. , Business ( , ' ol- . . lege is a good place to send young people for a business education. Corn King Manure Spreaders. Price $110. Will close out at $90. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. Mr. Moore of Omaha has begun the work of installing a steam heating plant in the court house. All Gang Plows , Discs and Har rows at cost and less. LUDWIG LUMBER : Co. Alex IvIcAlevy brought in 80 head of cattle Saturday , which he sold to Owens and Beer of Waco , in York county. Furnished , rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf John Harvey relinquished his position at Rosebud last week and came home Saturday for a vaca- sion and visit with his parents af - ter four years faithful service. Mrs. : Col. Tracewell returned Monday : from a few days visit with her son Roy and wife at Chatiron : , the latter ( accompanying her to Valentine for a brief visit. Dr. H. Dailey and wife have gone to Nashville , Ark , where they own a nice farm that they purchased some time ago. The Democrat wishes them success and prosperity in their new home. Wm. Hathorn of Irwin was found dead in a coal house last week where he had lain down ap- parently , and the coroner's jury found he bad come to his death by natural causes. Deceased was about 60 years old and not in robust health. ' Mrs. Wra. Shimm and two sons of Shinston W. V , arrived here Saturday to join her husband , who is employed in Shepard's barber shop. They will go to housekeep- ing shortly. Will is a first class barber and has made many friends during his short stay in Valentine. The crack left fielder for the Burk team , Racely , and pitcher Roy Caylor , of the locals , pulled off a foot race after Sunday's game. It was a 100-yd. dash and Caylor was bested. Orie Morp.y tackled the same sprinter for a 50- yd. dash , with honors to Racely. H. M. Hollenbeck , who lived in Valentine last winter , was in town the other day. He tells us that while driving near Pete DeCary's dam on the reservation recently his wife was thrown out of the wagon and broke three ribs. She is recovering slowly. They ; are moving back from the reservation and may move to town. Gladys and Florence McLane , Mary Bevauais. Pearl Bonser , Edith Emery and Lilly Rice were among a party of young people from , Rosebud , chaperoned by A. W. Leach , day school inspector , who stopped in the city Tuesday visiting with friends , on their way to Carlyle , Penn. , to enter the Indian school. Ray W. Hitchcock , of Vivian , S. D. , has purchased the Cody Cow Boy , getting out his first edition Sept. 2 , which looks like he was on td his job. E. L. Heath and son Kemp are the retiring proprietors , the former to take up the work on his ranch and Kemp is IT S. com- missioner. Mr. Heath started the Cow Boy nearly ten years ago and ; has roped many stray dollars in that time. ' The sale of Hereford cattle to be held at Valentine Sept. 29 , consist- ing largely of useful females , of- fers our ranchmen a splendid op portunity to add to and improve their herds. Not being grain fat , it is not expected that extreme prices will be realized and some splendid bargains will undoubted- ly be obtained. Yet the animals have the same size and quality as cattle grain-fed for the sale ring , and for breeding purposes -are worth more money. It will pay ranchmen to attend this sale - - - - - - - - - , r ANOTHER FATAL ACCIDENT Ludwig Bock , brother of Mrs. " \ " m. Palmer of this city , met with a fatal runaway accident Saturday night. his team taking fright , u p- set his light wagon , rendering him unconscious , and he lay exposed in the chill air from about ? o'clock in the evening until 10 Sunday morning when the Nollett boys of , Sparks in passing saw the over- turned wagon a distance from the road , went to investigate , and dis- covered the body life being almost extinct. fIe was brought to T alen- tine for medical aid but expired about 1 o'clock. Ludwig Bock was one of the early settlers of this county , hav- ing taken a homestead on the north : ta.ble some 30 years ; ago. He was a native of Germany and unmar- ried . Besides : Mrs. ' Palmer , three sisters i and two brothers living J in r Germany , survive him. He was 64 years old. The funeral was held Tuesday morning 10 o'clock , conducted by Rev. Caldwell of the Presby- terian church. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and 1lrs.V . Palmer de sire to express their gratitude to the kind friends who have lent . their every assistance in the hours . of our deep sorrow and at the ' funeral of our beloved brother , Louie Bock. MR. AND - \ Ilts . \V ) [ . PALMER. : Pick This Up Quick Good 4-room house with stone cellar , for sale cheap. House strong , well ] ] built and warm. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Cash or terms. A bargain in this. Ask [ . M. Rice , Valentine. tf Threshing Outfit for Sale Itt horse power 28x50 Case Sep- arator all in good repair , for sale at a bargain , for cash , or will trade for horses or cattle , Address , SCHAEFER & ; BENNET , lenzeleb. : : . TheC. W. Way Co. , Architects , Hastings , Nebraska , will ] ] furnish you ; with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for informa- tion. 15tf - , Get Your Trees Ready for Winter. Stop cultivating deep. Let them shed their leaves and ripen up their wood bv only keeping- dust on top of ground to retain moisture in ground , and on town lots where treed are watered gradually reduce amount of water. A tree needs moist ground durirj ; fall and winter. If town \ lot trees need water later water them at freezing up time for their winter use. We have all the varieties of Cher- ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit Shrubs , Roses and other ornamentals. GET THE CHEAPEST for a long ] ; time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER- MANENT INVESTMENT. Get trees grown nearest home. They are ac climated and grown under same con- ditions you want them to girovr , and where they can be had the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries and JO , acres in our bearing orchard. Write for catalogue or any informa tion. Chas , J , Boyd Brown County Nursery Ainsworth , Nebr , Nursery one block north-east of the Court House. A Grand Ball Will be given at the Wood Lake Opera House on Saturday , Sept. 30 1 Under the auspices of Wood Lake Camp No,2947 I MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. , Extra good music and a good time assured. , , . . - - FOR SALE All or Part of the Follow ing Property : head of horses , 2 mares and 2 geldings. 1 Hereford bull. 30 acres of # ood corn , to be husked and delivered at Crookston Neb. 20 tons of oats hay , mowed with grain in straw. 25 acres of spelts in shock or stack ; 25 acres of wheat in shock. 1 lot GO ft. front by 140 ft. deep , 3 dorrs north of bank of Crook- ston , Neb. 1 residence , 5 room house ; first class well , wind mill , pump sup- i ply tank , chicken housecoal house , I cave , barn , room for 12 head of stock , 4 tons hay and 1UO bushels grain. New house , 3 rooms ; good well ] ] and pump , chicken house , new barn with room for S head stock , 8 tons hay , bin room for 1000 bu. small .grain. Also 1 house and lot , 2 rooms , new. These houses are occupied by good tenants. From 1 to 15 residence lots in Viertel's addition to Crookoton , Also 1 farm of 210 acres , sit- uated 2 miles northeast of Crook- ston , Neb. , 200vacros ' of which is under cultivation , almost level and first class farming land ; good well 111 ft. deep , brick in bottom and stone and cement top ; good cave for car load potatoes. All enclosed by two and three wire fence. Call on , or address , H. H. WAKEFIKLD , Owner , Crookston , Neb. - - - - - - - - - - Digestion and Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken but the : amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their func tions naturally. : : For sale by Chapman , the druggist. . - - ' - vr"r _ . . . . . . ' - . , T1W : _ , : ' " . . 1 J Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office. Broken Ho\\ ' . N ehrtllk\.1 Sept" rnbrr 6. 1910 f A pulllcifiit content atlldavit having ! ! been flled In ihls onicc. by ( Charles Bntdy. contestant. aualiidt Honif.atKHd ! entry No.508iS.O'J : tr ! 2. madw October ( } . : . wofor I , t- % f'5 St > c , ls . nw IlwJ . sly J n ! ' . 114 S' . s'g : sn- ' , . , , \ v' , . * " } ( See. 17. I T. , w , , - J4hll . . : tj ; ; . lC.tll 'e3:1W : . nth P.lllcll'allerlclli&II : . by CHS : It. U-'ljili. ninteatee , in which it . is al. leg - (1 Unit elainirtnl h. & . . wholly : aiMiidonr-d s ! lid tract for nt ' , ttt than one tear last 1" j . f , that li " lias ; never cnlltuiied. i i nrovcd or resided noon said tnn.'tas rco. tired -vl l'ruvc.1 j : -\1.1 I l.ind is in its wild ' n live ! state , and wu . . lly abandoned that all or .said defects exist , at this : date all ( { have not heen cured Said parties ar " hereby notllled to appear. respond and oiler ' eviuence touching : sain allei : : i- ti-in at 10 o'clnek a . in nn October Li : 1) . IDIO , before W. K. : Bowers , County .Indp ' of Hooner county , Nebraska ! ! at his oillce in ltlllcn , > > el h" , and ' .hat Ilnal hearing wi'I ' bu held at Id o'clock a in. on October ) 24. 1I > 10. betont the twister I and Receiver the United States Land OIllcw in Broken Bow , Neb. Tue said contestant having , In a proper am- davit liled August 29. : ! IU10. set llropcr fata : which show that HitT due diligence personal ) service of this nollco cannot be made , it in I heie'jy : ordered and directed that such notice bu Kiven by due and proper publication. .JOHN JtKI : : Sfo : . Koaister. Record address of eutrVIIl \I' , Council BluHt , Ia. : k ; .It 11 Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of nu xefiitlon Issued by tin . clerk of the < ll > trlet 'Cmrtor Cherry county , Neb. , : 11 , I'.iHi under nn execution wherein First National - Hank of Valentine , NIII.Iur.Is judgment' creditor nnd Fr auk Hippie judgment debtor , , I will > eil at the front dcmr of the court house In \ "alplltillJhern' county. Nebraska that ! being the building wherein the last tt'rlll"f said ; couit w-i * held on ; UIK l. : ; th dav of October. 1910. . at 1U o'clock a. in . to satisfy : judgment IIf10..11. ( I and iiit-nM. at percent from date or judgment l11IIti. . l'.HO. and co > ts taxed at ? IIi.7 ! . ; and accruing ; costs at pnulic auction to the hlghant . bidder , for euali , the following . deserioed prop erty to-wit : ' 12 u-li. ! e ! i nwf4. s ! : iii-U Sec. 3 : ; . Tp 35 ; , It 30 : . st'.t ! swi ! , Sec 2" . nw l4 ne'-t and iH $ nwU ! ; iet n : , allI Tp. 3.H 30 , in Cherry county , Neb. . Neb.Dated this Hh 1 day of Set timber HMO. C. A. KOSSKTKK : aj : 5 ! Shenlf of Cherry County Wall'ntt & 'I flrrl < , f'Y. attorneys for plnlntlll Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATKOK X : nHAHKa. tss ( COUN'rvol' GlII'ItJtf : SS To the heirs and lo all persons interested in the es'ate of i ndwick Hock m-ceased : On reading the petition of Minna Talmer , praying Hint the administration of said estate be granted to ht " rself us adniinlstrat'lx. It is hereby ordered that. yon and all persons interested t in said matter may , and do. appear at tifb County Court , to be hBhl1lI and ! for said : coiintvon the'tth day of ( October A. D I . . 11111) ) , at o'clock < a m. to I : ' )101\\ ) ' ( 'all : " . . It any ttiere be , why the prayer of the petitioner should ! not bu grained ami That notice of tne pendency of snld petition and that th - heariinr thereof given to all pewms ' interested in said matter by publish In ; ; a copy of this ordr in the Valentine I Dc > rno- . crat a weekly newspaper printed . said county , for 3 : successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. ! , , , , - > - - Witness mv hand and the seal of na ! Id SHAL court tins 1'.5 : h day of Sept. \ . D. I 1910. - v - JAMKS ( : . ( ! UJc"I'Y : , j(5 ; ( 3 : County .Indge. , - ' - ' rw are Headquarters for . Winchester Ammunition - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I------------ iHE SEASON will soon be open so that the hunter with dog and gun will have full sway. \ \ - e also handle a full line of Shot } Guns and liifies. "Winchester" and "Remington" are two of our best makes. Hunting doats , Caps and Hats are no"\von display in our window and may be bought at a bar- gain. Now is the time and the Red Front Hard = ware is the place to get full value for your money. , I - - . Red Front Hardware Co B . - - ' . . . _ , _ u. "W'- ' ' . _ _ _ _ . , . AK SARcBEN OAL AND PARADES , OMAHA I . . eDL 28th t" Cct , . 8th 1910 . - - - - - 1 TKE BSG JOLLY CARNIVAL EVERY DAY Tuesday figlt ! ; , Wednesday Higbt , Thursday Ifiarnooa , Friday Hljtl , Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. : 7 CARNIVAL [ CLECTRIC&L : MILITARY CORONATION ' ' RREWCP.K3 PARADE PARADE BALL Grand Military Maneuvers Every a't S. Regular Troops. REDUCED RATES OH : ALL GAL OADS. , , , SHOW YOURSELF A GOOD TEiftE-YGU'LL HAVE LOTS OF HELP ! r . Old Crow , All Leading ' . 9 . . - t ! y Hermitage ' w Brands . " a and . . . r t Bottled . i zcr . * " A - - , . i Guchen- - - s = ' -1 ' 4-v , Under the ' - ti heimer ; ' ' r Supervision ti , aC/ ' 'yW 'L ' Rye of .the - Whiskeys. - U. S. G-ov. - . i ' We also handle theBudweiser , : Beer. : t . THE PALACE SALOON , ' I 1 HENRY STETTER , Propr. . , 1 - - - -