I Y , / . I ! i I l - Y..W.r.- VALENTINE DEMOCRAT f ' - I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr. F. Wright , Foreman/ jI' j ' :1 : A Weekly Newspaper published ) every Thurs , I' I , t ' day : at Valentine Neb'ras. " I I I : Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year. 1 I Local Notices , 5c per line per issue I : Entered at the 1'ostoHlce at Valentine , Neb. , it for transmission throu ih the mails , as second : class matter. I Thursday , September 15 , 1910. ' P DO WE HEAR AN ANSWER ? t : k Senator Cummins , as spokesman kt for the insurgents , has answered President Taft's plea that the I Payne-Aldrich bill , while not per- I fect , was at least a sincere effort to perform the party's platform . pledges. In his speech at La CrosseWis. , he said. . "Some men have said we passed a good tariff law. I don't think so. Leaders of the senate and house deliberately repudiated the repub lican platform and revised the tariff in the interest of the manu- facturers and big corporations and not in the interest of the American public. . . . Whenever the Amer- ican people have opportunity to pass judgment on that tariff bill they will consign the men who made it to eternal infamy. " As the stand pat Chicago Inter- Ocean remarks , "Mr. Cummins accuses every republican in con- gress who had any hand in the making of the law-accuses him of absolutely bad faith and of con- scious repudiation of the platform pledges. " , What have Senator Burkett and Congressman Norris and Kinkaid , l 4 who voted for the tariff law and who are now defending it and ask- ing the people of Nebraska to re- elect them-what have they to say in response to Senator Cummins' ) indictment ? ' J , I ( Senator Cummins went further fi { and said that "absolutely no effort i f had been made in congress to as- t } t. ; certain the difference in cost of l\ E productiod here and abroad. " He k' .1 ' said that , instead of making such 'I ' f an effort , the republican leaders "contemptuously and deliberately repudiated their platform pledges" and made a tariff bill "to please their business friends and betrayed the American people. " What is the answer of Senator Burkett and of Congressman Ndr- U I it ris and Kinkaid to that ? II t . The Maine election went demo- ' \ cratic for governor , two out of four : i congressmen and Eugene Hale : ' will : i ! be succeeded in , the senate by a : ' , democrat. . Keep the good work I ; . going. * iMaM MMBMMa a M * Cottonwood Grove I Mrs. Gilkerson has had to return to the hospital , having been out of it less than a month. Mr. Barnett is building a new cellar for Bud Secrest , his son-in- law. Mr. : : Secrest has a new sod house cemented outside and con- crete inside. School started in Cottonwood Grove September 5th with twelve . pipils. During vacation a new well has been put down and three new buildings. , 'Frank DeFrance rode up from Ellsworth in one afternoon , sixty five miles. He drove back with his wife and baby the next day. His wife has been visiting at her fath- er's , Mr. : Burnett's , for a couple of weeks. People came from the Niobrara river down to the Snake to gather plums , which were plentiful in places. Those that got more , than they wanted sold the rest easily at 5Qc a peck. Choke cherries and sand cherries were not so abun- dant. dant.Mr. Mr. Connor is the last one to fin- ish his haying. He is now fencing the stacks and will be out a couple of weeks. As soon as he is through Mrs.Connor intends visiting a while. Mr. and Mrs. Trumbull are doing the work at the ranch in the interval. Miss Vada "Rose went to Gordon September 3 to begin school. She will stay with her sister's mother- in-law Mrs. : Hills . The . - , , sr. Rose . family are living on the Burress place this year , during Mr. Bur- ress' absence in Missouri and Ok- lahoma , where Mrs. Burress is traveling for consumption and vis- iting her relatives. Lloyd Vaugn , whose father lives on Turkey Track ranch , south of here , died recently from eating a green watermelon. When the chil ] dren were called to dinner he said he felt too sick to eat , and lay down. After dinner his mother asked if he felt better and found he was dead. The Hyannis doctor came just in time to save the lives of two-others. , . - " - , - , . - . > > - . , f 1 - . . . . . - - - - . Mrs. Geo. Hills returned to Gor- don September 4th so the four , boys could ] begin school the next ( , day. Mr. Hills and Mr. Reynolds I cave spent the week shocking horn. Mr. Hills is now shingling his new sod house , which had a temporary roof until after the z busy season. Milton May , of North Bend , has come on to his homestead and is staying with the Blair family while gettirfg some ( furniture . moved down. He will live in a tent while building his house . He is an old soldier , and his family consists of his wife and mother-in-law , the latter's father having a homestead near here , which she has inherited. "I have a world of confidence in Cham , berlain's Cough Remedy for I have used I it with perfect success , " writes Mrs. M. I . Basford , Poolesville , Md. \ For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Notice to Creditors. TIIK STATK OF N.WHASILss i In the County CiiKititY Cou 'J'Y. i t" " Court. In the matter of the estate of Margaret Lewis deceased : To the Creditors of said Pustule : You are : hereby notified , That J will sit at the Cot nty Court Room iu Valentine in said : eoun'y oil tbe lOtli day o : Oclnher , 1910. to receive and : examine ; all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. : The time limited for the presenta- tion of claims against said ; estate is .six mouths from the loth ( day of April. . A. 1) . lUll ) , and the time limited for payment " of dents is one year from said 10th day of Apr' ! . 1910 , Witness my hand and seal of said : county court - . . - this 15th ; day of September. A. D . 1910. SEAL JAMES C. QUIGLEY. - , - 30 4 . County .Jud e. Notice to Creditors. In che County Court within and for Cherry county , Nebrajfka , In the matter of the estate of John H. Miller , deceased. To the creditors of said estate : You ar hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Cou-t Koom In Valentine in said county. on the Kith day of October , 1910 , to receive and examine . all el-Ming against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta- tion of claims against said estate isix months from the 10th dav of April A. D. 1910 , and the time limited for payment ot debts is one year from said loth day of April , 1910. - - Witness my hand ] an . ! the seal of said SEAL County mart this 14th day of fcept. - . - 1910. JAMES C. QUKil.EY. m : ! ( 4 County Judge , -Sheriff Sale. J5y virtue of an execution issued lIy the clerk < < : of the district court ot Cherry : Co. , Neb- raskn , June 21 , HIlO , under an execution where . in Arthur Bowering is judgment creditor and Obe \ Church and Lottie Church are judgment ! debtors. 1 will sell at the front door of the court house in Valentine. ! Cherry county , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of said court was h ' ld , on the 17th day of September , 1910 , at 10 o'clock A. M. to satisfy judgment ! of $8 ; > .00 ana interest : at 7 per cent from ! date of judgment December isth , 1008. ! and costs taxed at S46 90 and accruing costs at public : auction to the higher bidder , for cash : , the following / described : property , to-wit : Lots 19 and 20 of block 10 ot the original ViI- lage of Val lItille , Cherry County , Nebraska. Dated this 11th day of August 1910. I C. A. Josseter , Sheriff. I Walcott & Morrissey , Attornejs for Plaintiff. 31 or. . I , - - " : , - 1 . , Proposed Constitutional Amendment The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska , as herein- after set forth in full , is , fiubiriitted to the elect- : ors of the State of Nebraska , to be ' voted upon at the general election to he held Taesday , Nov ember 8th. ! A. 1) . 1910. i "A JOINT KESDLUTION to amend Section I one (1) ( ) of Art iclc seven (7) ( of the Constitution of i the State of Ne raska. . Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State : of Nebraska : Section 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro- posed. ) That section one (1) of article seven (7) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , the senate concurring , be so amended as to read as follows : Section 1. ( Who are electors. ; } Every male citizen of the United States , of the age of twenty ' one years , who shall have been a resident of this state six months next preceding the election and of the county , precinct or ward , for the term provided by law shall be an elector ; provided. That person- , of foreign birth who shall htve de clared their intention to become citizens com- formably to the Jaws of the United Stales and are voting at the taking effect of this amend- ment , may continue to exercise the right of suff rage until such time as they may have resided in the United States : : live years after which they shall take out full citizens h'ip papers to be enti ' tIed to vote at any succeeding election. Section 2. ( Ballots ) That at the general elec- tion nineteen hundred and ten (1910) ) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the coKstitution relating to the right of suffrage. At such election , on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro- posed amcndme lit , shall be written or printed the words : 'i-or proposed amendment ; to the I constitution relating to the right of suffrage , ' and 'Against said proposed amendment to tfie constitution relating to the rigfit of suffrage. " Section 8. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment shall ] be approved by a majority of all e ectors voting at such election , said amendment shall constitute section one (1) ( ) ot article seven (7) ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska. Approved April 1 , 1009. " iI i I I. George C. Junkin. Secretary of State , of the , State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that tc ! I foregoing proposed amendment to the COll .itu- tion of the State of Nebraska , is a true and cor- rect copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill as passed by the thirty-first session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said original bill on file in this office , and that said proposed amendment id submitted \ to the qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general elec tion to be held on Tuesday , the 8th day of No vember , A. I ) . 1910. In Testimony Whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed the great seal of the State of eoraska. Done at : Linco-n. this aath day of July , in the ve'ar of our Lord , One Thousand Mne Hundred and Ten. and of the Independ ence of the Tinted States the One Hundred and - - rhirty-fifth , ana of this State the Forty- fourth. iKOltGK C. JUXKIN [ SEALIj ] Secretary State. For bowel complaints in children al ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant ' to take. No physician can pre- I scribe a better remedy. For sale by 1 t Chapman , the druggist. - . ' Rosebud Stage tine D. A. WHIPPLE I , Propr. Valentine Head quarters "at the Chicago House . / Rosebud " . " , " Rosebud Hotel . Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. ! Arrive at Eoscbud at 2 o'clock p. in. - Leave Kosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. . Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. in. _ - . . r Dinner'afc Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. ' Special attel tlon ' to passengers , baggage and. I . ' ' express orjpackages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Red , - Front store. , . . D. A. Whipple. GRANT JBOYgR , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CARPENTER & BUILDER. , x . -1 4 - All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes , Residence and shop one block south of passenger , depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. " \ i , , 1 'l2r.- ' . _ . 1iJ . . , , r i m . ff , m . fl-1 H@ ulIDill ) ' @ 'm ' .tR1I1\1 ! ( \ ) " . . . = = - : . .l.J"i \ " . { ' " " ' ( Up" " : g2 } . _ ' , = , , . . . = .0r : J = " ' ; : < ; : : ) < = - " = ' = - = " " - = c ; > ; c. ' - - = : : > = - = = ' o d POOLANDBILLIARD HALL 1 o p G . , 0 m .Cigars and i ; e . . Soft Drinks I L I JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. q , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . - I . : . . , , , , - - - , ; .J ' " " na - = . . . \ . = . . "o. : ; : > G" . : ; : :3 < : ' . . - @ ' , G-at. . QC , @fa.QlY l. JM - 'ID ' 1 S 'e c7G1..r ) uV wfJH ' .l. ! , uF-J'd wO' . . , . . . . . . . . . . _ = .r'.f. - . . " . . : - " . < , . - . . _ - . , . - ! T- , - _ . J. ! . . . , . _ _ _ . . , , + . . . - _ . ---u . . - - ' - - - " - - - - - - - : - : - - - - - , . . 1 , / ' - - . . _ . . . . . . if" . . r---11 - 1 , Dispersion S e of _ " . I II II I I r r YY Q , t 4 J I r 1 I L . . To be held at the HALEY STOCK YARDS , VALENTINE ! , NEBRASKA I " Sep ember 29 , 910 . " - : ; : : : : _ . . . . . . ; . _ . , ; . : r . _ . . . - , _ " ; , " ' . - - : - - , . . . . . . : : . _ . . ; .T , : : : ! . ; . , : . ? " ' . . - , , : - : : , ; ; i1 , ; . . . . . . , : : ' - ; ; , i , f-- ' " ; ' _ : : : : - - ' , . . , " " ; i ; ' P : : 1 7 i i ' -1' \ ' . / : > : J } ri' . . . . . , ' . . - " ' "Jit . . Ii . , . ' ' . . . . ' . j"1 , . . 4 = : L L . ' . , . . . - ' . . ' - h , f ° ? ,4. 4fe - . _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ ' . - I V. ' ' 'd } , psY j II I I . 1 . AN . Y J . Q + \ I , . - . 4 ' , , . " ' - \ . . . 7Oticad of Registered ; " ' wO'.r' . . Hereford Cattle , . , - . : I The pick , of our herd , consisting of the Herd Bull Onward 15170 , a March oil Bull weighing 2600 Ibs. , bred by Funkhouser. / 32 Cows with calves at side. Calves by Onward , cows bred.r , , / / ; . back to this Bull. - I I 33 Heifers either out of Onward or Royal Grove , one of' l l Rogers Beau Donald Anxiety Monarch , Bulls. Royal Grove } 1 - weighed over a ton in breeding condition and would have I weighed 2400 in show condition. The aged heifers are bred to " Onward. . f nwai iI i l I . ! These cattle are bred under Western conditions , are not pam pered , and are acclimated to Western conditions. . The have the breeding , size and quality , and not being grain . fat will not require a . year to become useful. - : -r 4 The March 9nf. Donald-Anxiety - Monarch blood is thick , , . . - ! t in this herd and represents the prize winning lines of the count y. ; . . . . 1 . \ ( ' It. . . . I. y . , ' - ' 'ItJ. . . . _ . .z.- . . . . . A Year's Time Will be Given on. - r I . ' i . . Approved Security , ! 1 , 1 . . - r % - . . - - .t $ - { 1 i For Catalogue address PEDEETT &T CIARKE , KIMBALL or ! , _ ' COLUMBUS , NEB. , * ( . , . * 4 Sale . Commences at 10 A. M. . . J. 1 I , - It I - - - - , : j W. E.H A L EY , Clerk : : . . ' , \ \ 1 " 11 , COL. F. Me WOODS , . - \ . COL. GEO. E. TR/\CEWELL9 - . Auctioneers _ "Ii s I 'ro