Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 08, 1910, Image 8

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    I i ii'ji.n imiumii i
_ . . . f ! < . -k.lto'V-.V- - : - - " . . " " ' . , . . . . . . . - ' . . _ .
' . - -
. . . r . " ' - _ r
i I _ n.ofS Su ' _ _ - - .
, , 1 .e _ @ @ _ ti
! . I have just returned from St. Joseph , Mo. where
I bought at RECEIVER'S SALE at a BIG
Discount a lot _
e Ladies' Shirt Waists , 8
: . " a. Belts , Ties , Notions , etc.
: M , V Also many other articles of fancy : and useful
: V wearing apparel that enables me to sell at less
_ than the usual price. Come and see them while
. the stock'is new and complete. Every article . is
a bargain. Something new and upto date.
. o l _ w ,
- , Geerchandise t \
, : 1 - Wood Lake , = = Nebraska
i I I
: : - @ @ @ -
j - l
j , hA. .Ai..M ' ' '
j . : J. H. DAY , > ,
I ' . . Vie Buy and Sell Horses ,
! '
" Wood Lake , n ! Mfofiiaska >
: ;
, ' < ' ' * ? : 'J
\ r < ryvYWYY / \ Y5VTVY YV
q A ( + Qts ® G mo Stl Q4ta d4 RQP'y ' a l g .83t
. . . .
. .r e1 rth. P Qa. i9
. ! rr v RY . tt S . b . HO i E &
n ,
a . 9
+ ail. r I Ps
* . ! Livery , Feed and
Sales to e..1..o. . .
. . Wood Lake , Nebraska f I * *
: Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties.
I H. A. L YON S ,
. .
. _ ( Successor to "Welker & : Lyons )
/ Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to huntin
_ and fishing parties.
. .
Ir r i I A5 M. Lotspeich ,
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry ' Goods
. Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . , .
I Wood L e. = Nebraska. _
. ' _ . . . . . . . = - - - . . . . . c'c. . . ' ' ' ' ' - . ; ; : : . . . _ : . .x"---'X > ' " " " .n' . . = ' . . . . . _ _ . . . . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; .1 - _ _ - _ _ _ - . - - - - - - - - - - -
. . .
---.c- : -
. . - . - ' : - ; ! ; ' . ' : ' : . Qv GENERAL FARM
F'ijJ ) , WI LS ry
--'ijJ "
. . - ' . . j ' ' . HII- ' . L and LiVE STOCK
E i
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex-
perience in the Eastern states. \V ill go to any part of the State.
, Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
r. J. WiLSEY ! 9 Auct.ioi'eet < a
Box 826 I Rosebud , South Dakota
- . . _ . . . . . . . - . _ -
; . Notice of Probate of Will
. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne :
! braska.
To all persons interested in the estate of
Thomas J. Henderson deceased :
I On reading the petition of oui-n Hender !
son. preying that the instrument lilctl in. .
_ this court on the 21th day of . August. 1910
. and purporting to be the last will and testa-
ment of the said ( let eased. may be proved
and allowed. and recorded as the last will
. and testament of s-aul deceased : that said i t
instrument be admitted to probate and the
administration said e : ; tate be granted to
. Louisa Henderson executrix.
i , . It is hereby ordered that all persons inter-
i .i i ested in said matter. may , and ao. appear at
' the county court to be held in and ror said
I 4 county on the 10th day of.scptl'mlJA. . D. ,
a li > 10. at 10 o'clock a. m. . to show cause. if any
t , there be why the prayer of tlje petitioner
' ; ' should not _ be granted. and that notice of the
' 4 c . pendency of said petition and that the hear-
j . : . ing 6f.'y
. tz in said matter by publishing n copy of this
order in the Valentine Democrat : , a weekly
j ' newspaper printed in said county. -for three
succeSSIve weeks prior to saidday of hearing.
F . Witness my hand and seal or said court
' SEAijJ ( ) this ah day of : ugllJ > t. A. D. , 19JO.
JAMES O. lUWriKY . , .
. Comity Judge.
. IVnlcott & Morrlbsey , attorneys. . , . " . Si ; JJ : "
I PO"RA a.
ti : ; 'JOHN. ] [ , ,
tj ' . . ' . 0' " ' . , ' . . . - , . . ' . . . - . , . ' - ' . .
' L ' , J ' * 1 ( Ci : .N'En : "t - . V : . ' : > . . .
" -3' , ; ' < ' : ' '
e - ' IEubular : : Wells and Windmills . , . . .
r : Call me , up . . by . - phone .
6f. .
I = > = - = . - " = --I
i F . .
1/ - ' 't'
CIGZSG : 'Ii" ! ! avcon7 : md Keep in
ju . . - SJI fcy Rsdllff fYcCali' : ;
r.qag ; ' ± c m.d Uckg TIilcCclI Pat cmz
mC 31's ! T agninc wi1 !
f9 ! CALL'S ! : MAGAZiHE : : hoip yC'a drcis : st : . l-
isy i ! ! : t a n.odrrcto !
' . ' c.pcnsoljy keeping
- - -i.Jj . ; ) . . ycu posted on tlio
" , W 'i Intent fashions _ in
, " clothes and hats. : CO
. "c ! I.'ow Fashion Dcsipns
/'SR } . , iu each i suc. Also
! \
= valuable iuformation
- - " !
I i t--\ ' ' \1- . on nil homo and per
'b ' sonal matters. Only
o COc a year including
a frco pattern. Sub-
r. = c-ACC- : mY ATscril..lo today or send
' . .
: ---o : : ' ' ' ' .F for frco sample copy.
fi KcCiI : : : ! Patterrs : vrill enable you to make in your
O'lVii home with your own bauds clothing for
yourself end : children which will be perfect
in stylo and fit. Trice - none higher than 15
cents. Scad for frco Pattern Catalogue.
Vie Will Give Yon fine Prese&d for getting sub
scriptionsamong : your friends. Send for freo
ricmluin Catalogue and Cash Prize Offer.
TEE IIcCALL COMPANY. : 23D la 249 West 37th St. , HEYCRK
Diarrhoea is always more or less prev-
alent during September. Be prepared :
for it. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and ; Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and
effectual. It can always be depended. ,
upon and is pleasant to take. _ For sale
by Chapman , the druggist. x I I
. -
. - - . - .
- .
. , , .
- " * Y ' YV jrvYV yV . . . . . . . - . . - . ' r rF J-v'y' I
f-N I
. > Wood Lake Department < .a i
i I Locals or rending notices 5 cents per line oncli insertion. Displny advertising 31
j > 50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column. '
Mrs. W. V. Johnson land [ chil-
dren jeturned from their visit in
Eloise Tinkham left Saturday
evening for Alliance where she
will attend school again this year.
David Hanna is somewhat im
proved but is still unable to be on
the streets. We hope he will soon
be able to be out again.
O. W. McDaniel and wife were
in Friday , securing a boarding
place for their son Dwight , who
will attend school here this winter.
Lloyd JDingarnan left for Oma-
ha : Monday morning where he will
enter Boyle's college. We are glad
to see Lloyd take this wise step ,
and we wish him the best of suc-
= luiss Norma Kirkman leJt : Fri-
day night for Newman Grove ,
Neb. , to attend school. We are
sorry to lose Norraa as a teacher
but are glad she has this oppor-
tunity , '
Little Nile Latta was quite ill a
few days but is about well again.
A great many children are and
have been under the weather the
last two weeks , but all are better
_ at present.
Misses Grace Waggoner and
Jennie Dew left on the evening
passenger Saturday. Grace went
to Yalentine and from there she
will ) ) go out to Sparks where she
has a good school at fifty dollars ,
which is a raise of five dollars for
her , and Jennie went back to Mc-
Cann where she will also teach for
fifty dollars , a raise of ten dollars
for her. This is her second term
. . in this school. This speaks well ) ) for
these girls , but none too well for
they are two of Cherry county's
best teachers and they have proved 1
themselves worthy of higher
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Shannon , three miles east of town ,
occurred the marriage of their el-
dest daughter , Mabel : , to Mr.
Hermsmeyer of Ainsworth.
I Another Cherry co. teacher left us.
Mabel has taught in Cherry and
I Brown counties four or five years
I and has been very successful in her
I work. She will be greatly missed
I as a teacher and her home cummu-
nity ; also loses a very dear friend ,
but the community where she now
resides is the gainer. ; Nevertheless
she hasn't moved far away and we
hope to see her often. Mr. Herms-
meyer is unknown to us but we
are sure of his good qualities or he
would not have been able to cap-
ture such a prize.
Mr. Milton Latta from Hack-
berry Lake demonstrated ; : here in i )
Wood Lake Friday that his rotan
engine is powerful beyond the
now-a-days figures to estimate , if i !
you consider the 82 cents cost of
the running engine. It is given
up that the speed and pulling abil-
ity , ease manipulation , the great
length of its life and inexpensive-
neS3 has never and may never be
matched. This engine is destined
te revolutionize every thing 'on
steam lines to the four ends of the
earth. Mr. Latta is now seeking
to form a little company of Cherry
county people to go in with him
and patent up the world , and he
says he will charge the company
but a trifle and take his risk for
the rest of the fortune to come
later. The peculiar way that the
steam applies itself to the engine
and the magnificent reverse we
don't understand , but a blind man
can see the graceful obedience of I '
the engine and the pull that it I
made here was four times what it I
made at Valentine. It lifted a
large tub of wet sand and two men.
The power of this costless engine
without doubt is well in the lead
along steam lines in every particu-
lar. The people were so well
pleased with his demonstration
Friday that they stopped him on
his way home through town and I
induced him to "show" again Sat-
u rday as there would be more peo-
ple in town ,
. .
D. Ilauna is still confined to his
A. E. Morris shipped some cat-
tle Monday.
Dr. Noyes was in town Sunday
inspecting 28 cars of cattle.
Pierce Duncan of Omaha is vis
iting with his sister , Mrs. Chas.
G. A. Waggoner purchased a
bunch of two year old steers this
Mrs. A. L. Johnson returned
from a visit with friends at Ains
Mrs. U. G. Welker : is on the
sick list and is staying with Mrs.
C. R. I&ncaid.
Mell ! Hanna and wife were up
from Ainsworth to see D. Hanna
on Wednesday.
Dr. Shippard of Ainsworth
came in Sunday evening on the
passenger from the east.
Clyde Cunningham spent Sun-
day at home but departed east on
the midnight train again.
Chas. Hostetter has been mak
ing some needed repairs to the
school house the past week.
G. Doming shipped 17 cars of
cattle on Sunday ; Klingaman and
Murray 11 cars on Monday.
Mrs. James A. Morris spent the
latter part of the week in town
visiting frtends and at home.
Wm. P. Dew Sundayed ) at home
and expects to go to Omaha to at-
tend Boyle's business college for
the winter term.
One of the most popular ladies
of our town is reported to soon
join the matrimonial' throng. A
Mr. ; Wilson of Long Pine district
being the lucky gentleman.
N. J. Uck , of the firm of Uck &
Lausen has branched out as a con-
tracting painter and has secured
the contract for painting the build-
ing occupied as a drug store. I
( Continued on page 5) ) j
F 1 R
4 i , ,
r- r1Tih .VII i ,
- = =
- ,
Clean Your Cream
Separatol > wv6th \
Old itth 5
CleafJf1Jser n a.
Not only the quickest and
easier cleanser you can use , but C ' ' !
also the safest-because it cons
tains no caustic or alkali-no
danger of tainting the milk. ,
QSsi IBzatish Oaearese4
Ss faygaenss and Ster = :
ilizes as well as cleans.
Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all-'round cleanser. It
CDea5Es1 tDtli ! lJBI S9
Sii1ifii5'Sj ? [ f @B 0 sf'G8S ,
and is the best cleanser to use
in the kitchen and tkrotsg'S'
ozii ' Use fcozsoea Avoid de- N
structive caustic and acid clean
ers , and . do aiS . . _ - : ; . -
your cleaning with I - : "f
this one handy , me- p . fl. . . .
chanical Cleanser. > a
( P.Dt a w4rsIJiSg i i tj " l I
La p9wde1 ' . n . 1 . . , : : ' m
I 5iftet' Oa : JA ! 1 : .S.RarN ' M
- f1 I
' 1 . . . . : . . . : . 4.L./.b- - ' - - . . - - _ " .
. - ' " , . - - . _ . . _ - - - , _ . . -
, , . 4
. . . . , : "I ' " - " . ; - .
. . . , . . . . . . , . . .
" - - - .
. . . . . - -t'- : . :
- - - , . , - t'i . . . .
: .
" r . i . j. . . . . . . . .
- -c - 0"r _ - _ . . . . - - . . - , . . " . .
\ "
. . . r. a. . .ra.rrs , - V- . ; ; _ - - . , . .
- - - . /
Furniture and Pzlnls and Oils , CaHIo 1\ s
UficJertaking ! Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
J@hnson Brasil , - . ' .
Lumber , ' Machinery , Hard- " '
ware , Harness , Sa'ddles . _
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills . ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , = co Nebraska .
, - - - , . . . - - -
@ $ t ) < ttt 6 _ - "
UCk9 Lausen & Co1 ,
7 General : Hardware ,
. .
- -
f Wagons and ,
e _ : . e-
A complete line of ' : '
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture _
Lumber and Fence Posts
@ @ - "
E. Si. \ Faddis & Co
Postofilce address-Valentine or Kennedy. .
' KTv koine I : : branded
SS&A'Z.-JS * rfl ! = on . ktt 1 '
. . . , , to
" " t : : , : ; , thigh
. I 1 ; : : 'c
Horses branded
i R ,21.1 J 11 ? ! ' on loft !
\ \ . ShOUld"
. , . : : ) or thifh I
" , " ' i .
Somc - Some ,
r .
brat decl I .11 on right thigh '
on left ' or , hOul cr. ' ' 0. :
shoulder , . for tli "
01 tinh
P. H. Young.
'cy z Simeon. Nebr.
} _ _ _ * :
- - 5 ; Cattle branded
r as cut on left side i
Some 0. yon left ,
. side.
\ \ . <
- an left j.WOI
V horses.
. . . , . q.1" ; _ ' . .r- - _ . . . .r- 't
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon
N. S. Eowley.
Kenned } , - Weoraska.
Same as cut on left , a
jide und hip , and 01. * - '
hats shoulder of ] ter- j r -
+ "C3. Also-yj on , ,
left side 'tad 'I
' ' '
xon'eit ' M
Some fat-
lie brand-
3d husk-5SZs3S S ing pec ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and lefc shoulder
of horses , [ . 'J
'JQ on left hip ol horses.
1 j\J on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
r C-.f.i )
. . - l : Rosebud , SD
- Horses and cattle
. js ; ; ' + same aa cat : also
f J CJ BE JJ on right
jtq"E.4 : : ! hip.
i ' " J. _ JJ- . . . 1.a i , Butte Ranee creeks. on Oak and
- ? ' A liberal reward
, f for information
" . j } , ; le"dn ! to rter-ictlon :
' 1LW - ' ' - ' I I of rustlers of stock
icarinj t."y of thf1F16 brands.
R. M. : Terrill , Propr.
. . . . Brow nice , Xeo.
" " " ' -\M w f >
* f " . - " t.
; i "i rattle branded as :
\ " . In c . - .t on left
\ \ /I side. Home
"V-J J A brandPrt K. < T Y
V - on left hiD. Range
\ on North Lonp
- . river , two milrs !
\q-.I \\estofUr0\vulee
John Kills Plenty.
it Francis Mis-
ion , Itosibud. A I
. D.
[ mile branded
.8 in cat ; horses K
units or JKl' ou
? f thigh , Itaxi e
'k and Little
Vhite river.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud S , D. '
Cattle branded
" SOS on left side
OSO ou rtehtside
Some cattle also
have a 4- on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars .
, across hind qnar- '
' . - _ , , . , , : : teis. Some Texas
cattle Immued & O ou left side and sOD1e \
on left side. _
Horses branded SOS on left ] bin. Some cattiw
branded AW Dar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
. . .
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr. j
Cattle branded
03 on cutIeft side
Some on left hip. S
Horses same on
Isft l shoulder.
R.1.ngeSquare R
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Klfihards 1'res Will G Coaistock , V P .
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
' any part animal ;
' also the following
brandg :
f1i1J ij &I
horses branded
tr. >
Eacge betwees
Gordon on the F.E.
& M. V. . R. R. and
HyannU on T ? & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr.
BARTl KTT RIOHAKPS. Elisworth.Nebr
Sawyer Bros.
. Oasis Nebr
- G. K. Sau-ve'r has
ohsttve of these
8s. cattle. H rses
l > S ! ! onlfltshoiil.
dpr. Sninef .
left side. : -.a
. "amp. left thigh.
: : t/d . ! { augc' on ' : ; snak
Metzger Bros.
itoif-j Xobr
Cattle branded '
anywhere on left x '
Earmark , square
crop right ear. III
. ,
Horses have ,
same brand on
eft thigh. . . . : . . ,
- . . &
Ran5e on Gordon and Snake Creeks. .
A Reward of $ Z50 will h. . i . aid to anv llrson for ,
iurnrJIHitoll ! Icallill lto thc arrest and nnai
COIIVlctinll of any Pt'rsOll or > > pensou5
Y > .tftp . - btealing
wit.h ahnvt' hranc1.
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman Nobr
Cattle branded " JY
on rlghtside _ .
Horses branded JY
off right shoulder
Seasonable reward
for any information !
leading to the r . - t
: , covery of cattle
jayed from my
. r range. i
r..a'G. . . a. . .
\ \
S\ \
r. . r
. . . . : , r aip1. .
. 4S wa. f s
: .
1 ,
\ V
h , t
I \
rt a 4 v t
Sold by .
AIcGeer & Carroll
s * ! alentine r ,
SH3r53 5H53KVI * : , Neb.
- ' .1
, M
. , . . , ' " . . . . - : , .
" . . # ' \ . ,