Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 08, 1910, Image 6

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    _ _ - . - . . . - . . _ . _ _ - - - - . -
_ .
II I y - -
. : Nyns : '
Wiich Iiaze '
Soap . .
L. :
. t
is more soothing than Cold
: ' . . . f & . Cream ; more healing than
'I IS any lotion , liniment or salve ;
more beautifying thap any
\ Cures dandruff and stops hair from
falling out.
T For Red , Weak , WearyWateryEyes and Y
, . MnrineDoesn'tSmart-SootheBEyePain
Drerctsb Sell Marios ! Ere Ready , Unid , 23e , SOc , $1.60
I Murino Eyo Salve in Azeptic Tubes , 25c : , $1.00
. MurineEyeRemedy Co.Chicago
- " Swimming in Myriads Near Surface
3i i 3 They Are Snared and Speared
! by Filipinos.
. i , Friday morning Filipinos snaring
! eels and other fish in the Pasig near
: the captain of the port building by
! J , largest eel ever seen on the water
i front. It was fully ten feet in length.
{ front. It was fully ten feet in length.
i , Both banks of the Pasig and all the
r ships and lighters moored In the
I / , stream were thronged with hundreds
I- J of Filipinos with snares - and spears
U trying to catch the fish that in myri-
t1 1 ads were swimming near the surface
II of the stream.
! i Natives when asked in regard to the
, ; .phenomenon were almost unanimous
in their statement to the effect that at
this time of the year the bottom of
I the river gets hot and that the fish
! , have to leave the depths of the stream
and flash back and forth on or near
the surface.
Another theory that seemed to have
. a great many adherents was to the ef
fect that at this time every year there
was a change in the character of the
water. This change acting on the fish
as a stimulant.
This theory was advanced by an old
pilot who has witnessed the phenome
non for many years.-Manila Times.
I , When the Fish Exploded.
Somebody discovered that fish are
fond of gasoline , and this led to the
I Idea of soaking worms in gasoline In
order to make them more alluring
when used for bait.
Mark the result.
Two of those gasoline-tempted fish
I exploded In the frying pan , and broke
the kitchen window , and blew the
J I cook's face full of mashed potato , and
r hurled the teakettle into the flour bar-
I .
rel , and painted the kitchen ceiling
with stewed tomatoes.
Call it a lying world and let it go at
Even the Children.
I Ex-Governor Penpypacker , condemn
- ing in his witty way the American di-
I vorce evil , told , at a Philadelphia
I luncheon , an appropriate story.
"Even our children , " he said , "are
I becoming infected. A Kensington
i school teacher , examining a little girl
1 in grammar , said :
(1 , " 'What is the future of "I love ? " '
. .
" ' 'A divorce , ' the child answered
.l promptly. "
. . A Summer Resort.
. ' Noah disembarked.
I "A combination of the mountains
and seashore ! " he cried.
Herewith he resolved to advertise
the tour. \
" And the only way to impress some
, people is to suppress them.
* . . . "
. t ( is "NO FRILLS" I
! II
\1 II1 { to 1 .Just Sensible Food Cured Him.
I. Sometimes a good . , healthy commer-
. ; -cial traveler suffers from poorly se
lected food and Is lucky if he learns
that Grape-Nuts food will put him
'i 1 right :
(1 ' A Cincinnati traveler says : "About
J a year : ago my stomach got in a bad
11 ) way. I had a headache most of the
fi 1 I time and suffered misery. For several
l I months I ran down until I lost about
1 ! 70 pounds in weight and finally had to
'i j give up a good position and go- home.
: ( I 1 Any food that I might use seemed to
41 nauseate me.
"My wife , hardly knowing what to
do , one day brought home a package
of Grape-Nuts food and coaxed me to
try it. I told her it was no use but
finally to humor her I tried a little ,
and they just struck my taste. It
was the first food I had eaten in near-
ly a year that did not cause any suffer
t "Well , to make a long story short , I
began to improve and stuck : to Grape-
3 Nuts. I went up from 135 pounds in
"J December to 194 pounds the following
I "My brain Is clear , blood all
; 1 right and appetite too much for any
: : man's pocketbook. In fact , I am thor-
J f oughly made over , and owe It all to
'j ' : Grape-Nuts. I talk so much about what
' ! Grape-Nuts will do that some of the
; 1 men on the road have nicknamed me
j : 'Grape-Nuts , ' but I stand today a
healthy , rosy-cheeked man-a pretty
. E good , example of what the right kind
1 of food will do.
4 - "You can publish this if you want to.
It is a true statement without any
frills. "
Read the little book , "The Road to
Wollville , " in pkgs. "There's a Reason "
Ever read the above letter ? A netr
one appcari from time to time. They
( , arc RCBuine , true and full o2 ki coots
{ mte e . t.
- . -
I ,
. , -
" - ' - -
- - .
. . ' 1
Zelda Dameron ' '
c.,7sgr. , U04 , by Tfc Bebbe-1LrriD Co.
- - - - - -
The room was very still after sho
had spoken. Her father did not start
or look directly at her , but aftEr ; an
interval of silence , he lifted his eyes
slowly until they met hers.
"You have lied to me , " Zelda r pea.t-
ed in the same passionless voice ,
speaking as though she were saying
some commonplace thing. "I under-
stand perfectly well why you wish to
continue this trusteeship. I shall be
very glad to do what you ask ; only we
must understand each other frankly.
You must tell me the truth. "
He shrank down slowly into his
chair , but his eyes did not leave her
face. His hands had ceased trembling ,
and he was qutyte himself. He waited
as though he expected some word of
contrition ; but she still stood with her
eyes fastened on him , and there was -no
kindness in them.
"I have sought your own good. I
have supposed you would be gratified
to continue-the trust-reposed in me
-by "
your mother.
"II you speak to me of my mother
again I shall find some way of punish-
ing you , " she said , and there was still
no passion In her voice.
"I suppose that when you are ready
you will tell me what this means-
why you have turned against me In
this way , " he began , with a simulation
of anger. And then changing to a
conciliatory tone : "Tell me what it Is
that troubles you , Zee. I had hoped
that you were very happy here. I had
flattered myself through the summer
that ours was a happy home. But if
there Is any way in which I have erred
I am heartily sorry. "
He bowed his head as though from
the weight of his penifence , but he was
glad to escape her eyes. When he
looked up again , he found her gaze
still bent upon him. He picked up the
fallen pen and placed it on the table
beside the paper which he had asked
her to sign.
"You are a tremendous fraud , " she
said , with a smile in which there was
no mirth or pity. "You are Immense-
ly clever , and I suppose that because I
have some of your evil blood in me , I
am a little bit clever , too. "
"Zee ! You forget yourself ; you must
be mad ! "
"I am growing sane , " she answered.
"I have been mad for a but
year , my
reason has come back to me. I do not
forget myself or that you are my fath-
er ; but I remember , too that you are
an evil man and
that you drove my
mother into her grave. You killed her ,
with your pettiness and your hypoc-
risy ; you are Just as much her mur-
derer as though you had slain her with
a knife. But I beg of you , do not think
that you can play the same tactics
with me. I don't ask for the mon - y
that you : have squandered. It isn't
your being a thief that I hate ; it's
your failure to be a man ! It's the
thought that you would betray the
trust of the dead-of my dead mother
-that's what I hate you for ! "
He took a step toward her menac-
"You are either a fool or mad. You
shall not talk to me so ! You have
been listening to lies - infamous lies.
Rodney MerrIam has been poisoning
your mind against me. I shall hold '
him responsible ; I shall make him suf- I
fer. He has gone too far , too far. I
shall have the law upon him. "
"You had better sit down , " she said ,
without flinching. "I suppose you used
to talk to my mother this way and
that you succeeded in frightening her.
But I am not afraid of you , Ezra Dam-
eron. If you think you can browbeat
me into signing your deed , you have i
mistaken me. I was never less scared I
in my life. " I
Wheft ' she spoke his name it slipped
from her tongue lingeringly , and fell
upon him like a lash. In addressing
him so , she cast off the idea of kin-
ship utterly ; there was no tie of blood
between. them ; and he was simply a
mean" old man , despicable and con-
temptible , standing on the brink of a
pit that he had dug for himself , and
feeling the earth crumbling beneath ,
his feet. She went on , with no break
In the Impersonal tone to which her
words had been pitched In the begin-
"You have so little sense of honor-
you are so utterly devoid of anything
that approaches honor and
the hypocrisy in you Is so deep , that
you can't Imagine that a man like my
uncle would never seek to prejudice
me against you-my own father. Nei-
ther my uncle nor my aunt has ever
said a single unkind word to me of
you. My aunt asked me to go to live
with her when we came home ; but I
refused to do it. And I'm glad I did.
This closer acquaintance has given ma
an opportunity that was-In one of
your hypocritical phrases - quite prov-
idential , of learning you as though you
were a child's primer. You have been
a very bitter lesson , Ezra Dameron !
My mother never rebelled , never lifted
her voice against you , and you sup
posed I should prove quite as easy ;
but you see how mistaken you are ! "
"This is a - a : plot to
game--a trap mo.
But it shall fail. My own child shall .
not mock me. "
"I have something more to say to .
you. I have gone over it in my heart
a thousand times In this year of de-
ceit. I believe I have grown a good
deal like you. It has 'been a positive
pleasure for me to act a part-shIeld-
Ing you from the eyes of people who
were anxious for a breach between us.
I know as I walk the streets and peo
ple say , 'There is Ezra Dameron's
daughter , ' they all pity me. They have
expected me to leave you. They have
wondered that I should go on living
with you when every child in the com-
munity sneers at the sight of you or
the mention of your name. "
"Shame on you ! Shame on you ! "
"I suppose It is a shameless thmg
to be saying to you ; but I haven't fin-
ished 'et. And you had better sit
down. You are an old man and . I re-
pect your years even though you are
. .
, 'N' ' . j - '
_ _ A . _ _
Ezra Dameron. There was some one
that told me - that warned me against
you. I had hoped that It would never
be necessary to tell you ; but It gives
me a keener happiness than I dare try i
to express to tell you now. "
"Yes , yes ; some liar - an Infamous
liar , " he muttered , and he looked at
her with a sudden hope In his face.
When he should learn who had come
between him and this girl he would
exhaust the possibilities of revenge.
Zelda read the meaning of his look
and she smiled a little , and stepped to
the table and turned up the lamp , and
put his glasses within reach of hU
"I shall not trust myself to tell you
I shall let you read for yourself a fe'w
words , written by one who was not a .
liar. "
He watched her as she drew out the
little red book , her talisman and her
guide. He turned it over curiously and
then read , at the place where she had I
opened : I
"They have told me to-day that I am I
going to die ; but I have known It for
a long time. * * * Do for her what
you would have done for me. Do not
let him kill the sweetness and gentle-
ness In her. Keep her away from him
If you can ; ; but do not let her know
what I have suffered from him. I have
arranged for him to care for the prop-
erty I have to leave her , so that she
may never feel that I did not trust
him. He will surely guard what be-
longs to her safely. * * * Perhaps
I was unjust to him ; It may have been
my fault ; but if she can respect or love
him I wish It to be so. "
"You see there ' is no question of lY-
ing here. I found thIs-in a trunk of
mother's , in the garret-quite acciden-
tally , a few days after I came home.
It was Intended for Uncle Rodney or
Aunt Julia and not for me. "
He was silent for a moment , staring
at the page before him and refusing to
meet her eyes. She sat down and
watched him across the table. Sud-
denly he laughed shrilly , and slapped
his hands together in glee.
"I might have known it ; I might
have known it ! This is delightful ;
this is rich beyond anything ! " His
mirth increased , and he rocked back
and forth , chuckling and baating his
knees with his hands.
"Zee , Zee , my child , " he began ,
amiably , "I am glad this has happened.
I am glod that there Is an opportunity
for me to right myself In your eyes. I
could not have asked anything bet-
tef. "
He began to nod his head as was
his way when pleased by the thought
of something he was about to say.
"Zee , the animus of this Is clear.
Your mother hated me - "
"You needn't tell me that ! Her own
testimony is enough , pitiful enough. "
"But the reason , the reason ! I
should never have told you. I have
hoped to keep it in my own boson-
my lifelong shame and grief. But your
mother , your mother played me a base ;
trick , the basest a woman can play.
She married me , loving another man.
And I suffered , how I suffered for It ! "
He lifted his head and raised his
hands to heaven. A sob leaped In her
throat and tears spring in her eyes as
she rose and bent toward him over the
"If you mention her again I shall
punish you , Ezra Dameron. "
He did not heed her , but began
speaking with a haste his tongue had
rarely known. The smile that forever
haunted his lips vanished.
"She loved another man when she
married me. I knew it well enough ;
but I was glad to marry her on any
terms. She was a beautiful woman-
a very beautiful woman ; " and the an-
ger died suddenly from his eyes and
voice. Zelda wondered whether he
was really touched by the thought of
her mother or whether the little flame
of passion had merely burned out. 4s
he continued speaking she listened , us
though he had been an actor imperson-
ating a part , and doing it ill , so that
he presented no illusion to her eyes.
She was thinking } : , too , of her own fu-
ture ; of the morrow in which she must
plan her life anew. She thought of
Morris Leighton now , and with an In-
tenseness that made her start when her
father spoke his name.
"You have been a better daughter to
me than I could have asked. An in-
scrutable Providence has ordered
things strangely , butand he
chuckled and wagged his head , "but-
very wisely and satisfactorily. I sup-
pose your Uncle Rodney thought a
marriage between you and his young
freind Leighton would be an admira-
ble arrangement ; but you : have done
as I would have you do in rejecting
him. Ah , I understood-I was watch-
ing you-I knew that you were lead-
ing him on to destroy him. "
"I should like to know what right
you have to speak to me of such a
matter in such a tone. He is a gen-
"He is ; he is , indeed ; " and Damer
on laughed harshdly. "He Is a gentle-
man beyond any doubt ; but you re-
fused him , just as I knew you would.
The force of heredity is very strong.
You are a dutiful daughter ; you even
anticipated' my wishes. Your conduct
is exemplary. I am delighted. "
"I think you are mad , " said Zelda ,
looking at him wonderingly. She had
begun to feel the strain of events of
the few hours since she had gone to
her uncle's house ; she was utterly
weary and her father's strange manner
had awakened a fear in her. Perhaps
he was really mad. She walked : to-
ward the door ; but he was timing his
climax with a shrewd cunning.
"When your mother was engaged to
Morris Leighton , the elder"-and he
paused , knowing that she had turned
quickly and was staring at him with
wonder and dread in her eyes - "when
your mother was engaged to this
young man's father , " he repeated ,
"your uncle was greatly pleased. But
she was not so easily caught ! "
"You ought to know that I btllave
. '
_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .c.- . " " '
. .
r nothing you say-not a word ! " * But
' In her heart she felt a foreboding that
this might be true.
I "You should ask your uncle ; or your
Aunt Julia. Possibly we three are tho
only people that remember. I should !
like to have you quite sure about it ,
now that you have decided not to mar-
ry the son"-and he laughed with ugly
The front door-bell rang out harsh-
\ye and the old man sprang up :
, "You are not at home ; you must see
no one. "
olly's step was heard In the back
' 'Never mind , Polly. : I'll answer the
, " ' ; ( ; 1" , " said Zelda. The sight of any
cher face than that of her father
would be a relief ; but it was 9 o'clock ,
an hour at which no one ever califd.
Ehe : expected nothing more than a brief
parley with a messenger boy.
"Pardon me , Miss Dameron - * *
Leighton stood on the step with his
hat In his hand. He had been wan-
dering about the streets. He had
passed the Dameron house a dozen
times , held to the neighborhood by a
feeling that Zelda might need his pro-
tection ; and he finally stopped and
rang In a tumult of hope that he
might see her again and reassure him-
self of her safety. As he stepped into
the hall , he saw Ezra Dameron peer-
ing at him from the living-room door.
"Good evening , Mr. Dameron , " said
Leighton. The old man turned bad
to the table and his papers without re-
ply ; but he listened Intently.
"I was passing , " said Leighton
truthfully , "and I remembered a mes -
sage that Mrs. Copeland gave me foi
you this afternoon , and I'm sorry to
say I forgot about it until now. "
He looked at her , smiling ; she un
derstood well enough why he had
"Please put off your coat .and come
in. We are alone , father and I , having
a quiet evening at home ! "
" ' but Mrs.
"Thank you ; I can't stop ;
Copeland wished me to ask you to
come in to-morrow afternoon. She has
an unexpected guest-a friend from
Boston-and you know she likes every
body to appreciate her friends ! "
"Thank you , very much. I shall coma
if I possibly can. "
( To be continued. )
"Knife : and Fork in One.
Probably the Indiana man who in-
vented the combined table knife and
fork was alarmed by the recklessness
with which his rural
acquaintances han-
dled their cutlery
I II and wanted to save
III them from cutting
III their throats. Maybe
III he had labored des-
perately trying to
cut a large amount
of salad on a small
-plate without put-
ting his foot on the
salad. Maybe he was
a one-armed man.
However that may
be , he devised an implement "which
has many advantages. It is a fork
with a slot in the shank. In this slot
is a wheel with a knifelike edge which
acts as a rotary cutter , cutting the
food when rolled over it. The uses of
such an implement are manifold. It
is handy in cheap restaurants , as It
reduces the necessary stock of table
utensils and saves time in washing ,
and if it ever comes into general use
among that class of people who at-
tempt to eat peas with a knife , it will
doubtless mark an era in the advance
of table deportment.
Why He Hurried A 'Way.
A quiet , bashful sort of a young fel
low was making a call on a girl one
evening when her father came into
the parlor with his watch in his hand.
It was about 9:30 o'clock. At the mo
ment the young man was standing on
a chair , straightening a picture over
the piano. The girl had asked him
to fix it. As he turned the old gentle-
man , a gruff , stout fellow , said :
"Young man , do you know what
time it is ? "
The bashful youth got off the chair
nervously. "Yes , sir , " he replied. "I
was just going. "
He went into the hall without any
delay and took his hat and coat. The
girl's father followed him. As the
caller reached for the doorknob the
old gentleman again asked him if he
knew what time it was.
"Yes , sir , " was the youth's reply.
"Good-night. " And he left without
waiting to put his coat on.
After the door had closed the old
gentleman turned to the girl.
"What's the matter with that fel
low ? " he asked. "My watch ran down
this afternoon and I wanted him to
tell me the time so that I could set
it. " - Denver Post.
"Plague" Bothers Engineers.
The "red water plague" is a matter
which is receiving attention from en-
gineers in different parts of the coun-
try , and while they have shed consid-
erable light on the matter , there Is
much yet to learn about it. The trou-
ble consists of a discoloration of the
hot water with a rusty sediment , the
cold water at the same time being
much less affected , although not en-
tirely unaffected. Under the hot wa-
ter faucets marble bowls become red-
dened and the first rush of hot water
from the faucet after it has been shut
off for a few hours has a distinct
rusty appearance. Copper flush tanks
and metal ballcocks are affected seri-
ously where the discoloration of the
water Is more marked.
The "Way They Mate.
. . "
"It hardly ever fails.
"What are you talking about now ? "
"When a woman Is called a bundle
of energy nine times out of ten she has
a husband who isn't.-Birmingham
Within the last two centuries about
fifty metals have been discovered by
chemist explorers , but use has been
found for only a few . of them.
It's easier to become a hero taam it
Is to hold the job
' -
" ' . . '
. _ 1Jit. . . . . . . . . . , ) , . " , .IJ 'W _ _ , . h' ; % " ' , . . ,
- ; - _ J ) . .
Americans In Canada Not Asked to
Forget That They Were Born
Farm produce today is remunera-
tive , and this helps to make farm life
i agreeable. Those who are studying
I the economics of the day tell us that
, the strength of the nation lies in the
I cultivation of the soil. Farming is no
longer a hand-to-mouth existence. It
means independence , often affluence ,
but certainly independence.
Calling at a farm house , near one of
the numerous thriving towns of Al-
berta , in Western Canada , the writer
was given a definition of "indepen-
dence" tha't was accepted as quite
original. The broad acres of the farm-
er's land had a crop-and a splendid
one , too , by the way-ripening for the
reapers' work. The evenness of the
crop , covering field after field , attract-
ed attention , as did also the neatness .
of the surroundings , the well-built sub-
stantial story-and-a-half log house , and
the well-rounded sides of the cattle.
His broken English-he was a French
Canadian-was easily understandable
and pleasant to listen to. He had
come there from Montreal a year ago ,
had paid $20 an acre for the 320-acre
farm , with the little improvement it
had. He had never farmed before , yet
his crop was excellent , giving evi
dence as to the quality of the soil , and
the good judgment that had been used
in its preparation. And brains count
in farming as well as "braw. " Asked
how he liked it there , he straightened
his broa4 shoulders , and with hand
outstretched towards the waving fields
of grain , this young French Canadian ,
model of symmetrical build , replied :
"Be gosh , yes , we like him-the
farmin'-well , don't we , Jeannette ? "
as he smilingly turned to the young
wife standing near. She had accom-
panied him from Montreal to his far-
west home , to assist him by her wifely
help and companionship , in making a
new home In this new land. "Yes , we
come here wan year ago , and we never
farm before. Near Montreal , me
father , he kep de gris' mill , an' de
cardin' mill , an' be gosh ! he run de
cheese factor' too. He work , an' me
work , an' us work tarn bar' , be gosh !
Us work for de farmer ; well 'den ,
sometin' go not always w'at you call
- . . .
3 -
' i' ' ttq ' Sei4fi , . ' 'rrJr . '
; 4'4 ' ' , rt' ti1
r I t _ 4
, T ,
ffiuh . . , q ' i , tl.
, h , I 1 I y ;
I t.
Estimates of Yield of Wheat in Western Canada for
1910 More Than One Hundred Million Bushels.
de' right , an' de farmer he say de'
mean t'ing , be gosh ! and tell us go to
-well , anyway he tarn mad. Now , "
and then he waved his hand again
towards the fields , "I 'ave no bodder ,
no cardin' mill , no gris' mill , no cheese
factor' . I am now de farmer man an'
when me want to , me can say to de
oder fellow ! you go- ! Well , we
like him-the farmin' . " And that was
a good definition of independence.
Throughout a trip of several hun-
dred miles In the agricultural district
Western Canada , the writer found
the farmers in excellent spirits , an
optimistic feeling being prevalent
everywhere. It will be interesting to
the thousands on the American side
of the line to know that their rela-
tives and friends are doing well there ,
that they have made their home in a
country that stands up so snlendidly
under what has been trying conditions
in most of the northwestern part of
the farming districts of the continent.
With the exception of some portions
of Southern Alberta , and also a por-
tion of Manitoba and Southern Sas-
katchewan the grain crops could be
described as fair , good and excellent.
The same drought that affected North
and South Dakota , Montana , Minne
sota , Wisconsin and other of the
northern central states extended over
into a portion of Canada just men-
tioned. But in these portions the
crops for the past four or five years
were splendid and the yields good.
The great province of Saskatchewan
has suffered less from drought In pro
portion to her area under cultivation
than either of the other provinces. On
the other hand , instead of the drought
being confined very largely to the
south of the main line of the C. P. R.
it is to be found in patches right
through the center of northern Sas-
katchewan also. In spite of this , Row-
ever , Saskatchewan has a splendid
crop. A careful checking of the aver-
ages of yield , with the acreages in the
different districts , gives an average
yield of 15 % bushels to the acre.
In Southern Alberta one-fifth of the
. winter . wheat will . not - be cut . , , or hu ' .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, .J. . . , ' _ 1 . . . . , . _ . , " ' - . _
i ' J ; .
. . . .
. . . - - - - - -
oee'n re-sown to feed. There are In'4
dividual crops which will run as high "
1,000 /4
as 45 bushels on acres of 500 and ,
acres , but there are others which wll/ i '
drop as low as 15. A safe average fort , '
winter wheat will tje 19 bushels. The f
sample is exceptionally fine , excepting4
in a few cases where it has been wrin-
kled by extreme heat.
The northern section of Alberta has
been naturally anxious to impress the ,
world with the fact that it has not
suffered from drought , and this is quite
true. Wheat crops run from 20 to 30
bushels to an acre , but in a report
such as this it is really only possible
to deal with the province as a whole
and while the estimate may seem very
low to the people of Alberta , it is fair
to the province throughout.
When the very light rainfall and
other eccentricities of the past season I
are taken into account , it seems noth- .
ing short of a miracle that the Cana-
dian West should have produced 102
million bushels of wheat , which is
less than 18 million bushels short of
the crop of 1909. It is for the West
generally a paying crop and perhaps
the best : advertisement the country
has ever had , as it shows that no mat-
ter how dry the year , with thorough
tillage , good seed and proper methods
of conserving the moisture , a crop can
always be produced.
As some evidence of the feeling of
the farmers , are submitted letters
written by farmers but a few days' '
ago , and they offer the best proof that.
can be given.
Maidstone , Sask. , Aug. 4 , ' 10. '
I came to Maidstone from Menomi-
nee WIs. , four years ago , with mY'
parents and two brothers. We all lo
cated homesteads , , at that time and
now have our patents. The soil Is a
rich black loam as good as I have ever
seen. We have had good crops each
year and in 1909 they were exceedIng-
ly good. Wheat yielding from 22 to 40 (
bushels per acre and oats from 40 to
80. We are well pleased with the
country and do not care to return to
our native state. I certainly believe
that Saskatchewan is just the place
for a hustler to get a start and make
himself a home. Wages here for farm
I labor range from $35 to $45 per
month. Lee Dow.
Tofield , Alberta , July 10 , 1910.
I am a native of Texas , the largest
and one of the very best states of the
Union. I have been here three years
and have not one desire to return to
the States to live. There is no place
I know of that offers such splendid
inducements for capital , brain and "
brawn. I would like to say to all who -
are not satisfied where you are , make
a trip Western Canada ; if you do < "sl " |
not like it you will feel well repaid 9
for your trip. Take this from one
who's on the ground. We enjoy splen-
did government , laws , school , railway
facilities , health , and last , but not ,
least , an ideal climate , and this from
a Texan. O. L. Pughs.
James Normur of Porter , Wisconsin ,
after visiting Dauphin , Manitoba ,
says : "I have been in Wisconsin 25
years , coming out from Norway. Never
have I seen better land and the crops
in East Dauphin are better than I
have ever seen , especially the oats. . m
There is more straw and it has heav-
- * '
ier heads than ours in Wisconsin. * * 7'
"This is just the kind of land we / /
are looking for. We are all used to / /
mixed farming and the land we have f
seen is finely adapted to that sort of
work. Cattle , hogs , horses and grain
will be my products , and for the live
stock , prospects could not be better.
I have never seen such cattle as are
raised here on the wild prairie grasses
and the vetch that stands three or
four feet high in the groves and on
the open prairie.
Sir Wilfred Laurier Talks to Amer
icans. .
Sir Wilfred Laurier , Premier of _ 4 ' 2
Canada , is now making a tour of |
Western Canada and in the course of
his tour he has visited many of the
districts in which Americans have set-
tled. He expresses himself as highly
pleased with them. At Craig , Sas-
katchewan , the American settlers
joined with the others in an address
of welcome. In replying Sir Wilfred
said in part :
"I understand that many of you
have come from the great Republic
to the south of us-a land which is
akin to us by blood and tradition. I
hope that in coming from a free coun- ,
try you realize that you come also to"J - ' "
another free country , and that al- "
though you came from a republic you '
have come to what Is a crowned
democracy. The King * our sovereign
has perhaps not so many powers as
the President of the United States
but whether we are on the one side
of the line or the other , we are all
brothers by blood , by kinship , by ties '
of relationship. In
coming here as . .
you have come and becoming natural-
ized citizens of this country no one de- '
sires you to forget the land of your '
ancestors. It would
be a poor man
who would not always have in his .
heart a fond affection for the land i
which he came from. The two greatest Y
countries today are certainly the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and '
Ireland and the Republic of the Unit
ed States. Let them be united to ,
together d
will be forever assured.
"I hope that in coming here as YOU f
have , you : have found liberty , justice
and equality of rights.
la this coun-
try , as In your own , you know nothing
of separation of creed and race , for
you are all Canadians here. And If
I may express a wish it
Is that you
would become as good
Canadians '
as \
you have been good Americans and \
that you may yet remain good Amer- \
icans. We do not want you to
l what you have been ; but we want you
' to look more to the future than to
'l past. Let me , before we part , tender
you the sincere I
expression of ; ! 1 > J/
warmest fratitude . . _ _ _ for your n tlo II
.s . . . .vy , ,
J. - i