Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 08, 1910, Image 5

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- . . . . . . u
r ' : ; , - : . . . . -
1 i-p ? iAE1J wuIIc = . i ! E
. . . . . . - - -
- - - -
. , , TO USE" .
Don't waste time cover-
ing your jelly glasses
with paper and egg .
Buy a Pound of
It goes a long ways , and
g is elegant to cover jellies
and protect them from
. I moisture and . mould , B
easily taken off when
you are ready to use it ,
and you always have
jelly , that is as delicious
and tasty as the fresh
l'Buy pound today"
Price 15 cents.
( ! A ; D -
f _ v.r--- . , . . . . .I , . jI \ 'D" > - ; > ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 4"11I ; repl'd' , ! ) Q I ,
- -
- A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by < ail menfor any
man-for you. It is
suited to the need of
any Jbusiness , either
large or SIn all. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or S100QO
i . a month. checking
account will serve your
' "needs' . "
Pay by check , the
: method puts system in -
, to your business and
* . record of
gives you a
i .
transaction. . . . ,
trans '
ever y j. . - ' . :
- -
. , C. A. RUBY
I ' N\ \ L Attorney - at- ; Law
" ' r
, Office front room , second storj ,
r over3 ' ? . .Hornb , " , 's store , Mai
. street entrance.
J . 'Valentine , Nebraska .
: . W. H. Stratton
I : Dealer in
I . General Merchandise
, . " _ PHONE 125
: cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Neb :
Loup . . Valley Hereford Rancl ,
1 c. H. ' FAULHABER .t SONS , BROWNEEE : , NEI ! .
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
, No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ; ,
; Bulls for Sale at All Times.
Dr. M. T. Meer ' ,
" ' Red Front store
Eooms 'over
. . ' . .
Valentine - Nebr ,
. ,
l Drayman :
jl Light ; and Heavy Draying :
it Furniture and pianos handled
in a careful manner. Coal
r ' hauled and trunks and grips :
a specialty. Phone No. 13i.
; 1 I , .i.Rab + L
-r " 60 YEARS'
. sending a sketch and fdescrihc berm
.Anyone , opinion free whether aD
r ° quicklY' acerirobabir ontentatle . Commnnlca-
, , , , ti paleutaLIC.
in'lrontlon . toP ' OnOdonUal.-HANDBOOK on l'atent3 _
r tlon.etrlctlyConUdont
uonutrlcUY' , . for 8ecurln patents
Oldest DItCncy . . tL
eent free tiJroultb J\lunn \ & Co. recalvi
; . PaL0n takrevithou . chargo , Inthe
! notice.
. ' t . + putatno
' Scientific IImtlti aWo
. . t11nstrntpd weekly. JJ\r elt ! d lfI
, , 7nrnest
- .6 handeomelyillnstratPd . ' ' .
I flclentU1c 1onmuJ. 'l'em1s. $3 s
' of OilY ournali
. 'cu1ation .
' four montbs ' 1. Sold by o.l1nc\VsdeaJcrs.
. fOHKlCo 361 Brondway , HevtfYnri '
I " ' JJ Simoffica7&5 . , F EU WasblDgton. D. C .
I .
H , .
' It
- - ,
" -
/ I
Saturday , Sunday and I
Monday South Side
Base Ball Park
Games will be played for a
purse of five hundred . dollars
and the championship of South
Dakota and Nebraska.
- - - -
U , S. Weather Bureau Report
WEEK ENDING.SEP. : 8 , 1010.
Daily mean temperature ( ' 5. = >
. .
" Normal temperature 67 = >
rlighest temperature 8 : ) ° .
Lowest temperature ° .
Range of temperature 44 ° .
Precipitation for week 2. ) . ° of an inch.
Average for 22 years 0.44 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date UG inches ,
Average for Shears 19 12 1 of an inches.
JOHN J. McLEAN. Observer.
C. & N. W. " New Time Table.
No. 1 , 7:17 l p. in. New passenger train.
No. a , ljoa. : in. Old " "
Mo. li'.i ! , 11 : . " > . - > p. in. Through freight train.
So. : 81 , : ? : UO p. in. Local freight train.
KAST r.ooNi :
Mo. 2 , 10:42 p. m. New passenger train.
Mo. (5 ( , .V.Oon. > ( in. Old" "
Mo. 11(5 ( ; , ( > : au. ) 111. Through freight train.
Mo. : 82 = , 11:00 a. m. Local freight train.
Talk of the Town
- ' "
For board and room inquire of !
Mrs. ' Grant Spain.
Miss Edith Adamson is visitin
friends in Merrirnan ' this week.
Four carloads of Posts , from lic
to 60c. Ludwig Lumber Co.
Mr. ' and Mrs. : ! Parmaleeof Rose
bud visited friends in town this
In Lumber we have the larges '
stock and the lowest prices.
* :
Miss : Helen-Sparks returned last
iveek * from a visit with relative
in [ Iowa , Wisconsin and Michigan ' .
H. I. Weinziroraer has taken J .
F. Hunter's place as electricia
while Mr. Hunter runs the cit ;
\ Ir. and Mrs. T. C. Hornby and
Dedric returned last week froc
Washington state where the tw
atter spent the summer.
Attorney A. M. : Morrissey re -
iurned Tuesday night from his
visit to the old home in New Yorl
state , looking and feeling fine.
Hoxsey had an accident with tli
Wright aeroplane at the ! State fair
Tuesday on his third ascent : ? ond
vas ; slightly hurthis aeroplane de
icending ; onto a stock barn.
Mrs. Jas. Galloway and Jame ;
md Leafa returned last week from
Anaconda , Montana , where the :
visited Mrs. Galloway's brothe
Ben Roberts , during the summer
Martin Becker : , John Shelbourn
Felix Nollette ! and W m. Epke , all
prosperous farmers from north
jast Table , went to Lincoln thi
irst of the week to take in the
State Fair.
E. C. Davenport , C. A. Rosse
ter : , Howard Layport and Judg
Walcott returned last week fror
a trip to Cheyenne , Wyo. The.
represented Valentine at Frontie
A farmer with trusty team and
big wagon came into town Tue
lay after dark , lugging a dea
auto , loaded with four persons
which trailed meekly behind th
old trusty and farm wagon.
= Dr. Barnes of Omaha , the ey
specialist who has been visitin
Cherry county for some ten c
twelve years , will be at Woo (
Lake Tuesday the 13th , at th
hotel , till 3 p. m. , at which time i :
good weather , will drive to tb
lake fishing. Don't , forget the date
For bowel complaints in children a '
ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Choler
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oi
It is certain to effect a . cure and whe
, reduced with water and sweetened i \
pleasant to take. No physician can pn
t scribe a _ better remedy. " For sale b
Chapman , the druggist
, -
- . ' ,
N : . P. Kinkaid was in the city 1
yesterday , going east from here
on No. 2.
A. K. Wood came down from
the Rosebud and went to Omal
Tuesday. I
Lines Gheens and wife of Sin -
eon _ were transacting business i in i
town Monday and Tuesday. -
Misses Anna and Maggie Boltz
of Nenzel went to Omaha Satu -
3ay to try city life for a while.
A car load of Weber wagon ; : ,
nust be sold at once. .
\ . .
Rapid City , S. D. Business Co -
lege is a good place to send youn
people for a business education.
Good house and lot close in for
ale cheap for cash or on reason ! -
3\e \ terms. Apply to I. M. Rici ,
Corn King Manure Spreader .
Price § 110. Will close out at $90. (
The political situation is not
much changed. The recount on
? overner in Omaha began yestei -
Miss Lizzie } Bush has accepted a
position in Haley's abstract office .
W. B. intends going away to t
The Sheridan County Fair will
DO held at Gordon September 2 ( -
Ji. Cherry county people who can
; should attend.
Miss Mabel Green of Auror
las accepted a position as stem -
jrapher in the State bank. Chaj
Lewis is bookkeeper. .
Furnished rooms to rent by day
n * week Hot and cold wate
mths included. Valentine House
Fohn D. Eaton , Propr. 32lf
Mrs. M. V. Nicholson and son
Vlilton returned last week fror
Washington state where they vh -
ted during the summer. -
The Ainsworth baseball tear I
acked out on their agreement to
) lay at Valentine today ( Thursday )
jonsequently ; no game today.
A. L. Springer and brother-it - '
aw , W. T. Palmer of Eli , were in i ;
mr city Tuesday and we acknowi -
sdge ; a pleasant visit at our office .
The Presbyterian church , J. 1\1-
3aldwell D. D. , pastor. Morninj ;
subject ; , "The Village Church " "
Evening , lkNazareth to Galilee. " '
Ul invited.
The teachers returned last weel ' {
rom their vacations and startei
school Monday. The county teach
srs ; also scattered to the differen
schools of the county.
Harry Campbell , of Fullcrton ,
is stenographer at the First Na
ional bank. Clarence Peck of
oplar Bluffs , Mo. , and Mr. : Kuhi
re tellers and assistant
Valentine is without water mucl
of the time now owing to connec
ions being made in pipes and it i is
lecessary to pump direct into the
ipes as we have no tank now uc -
til the new one is completed.
The North Table farmers wii
lold their annual reunion and fair
ne > week from next Saturday ,
September 17 , 3910. See their big
Advertisement in this paper and ,
nake preparation to attend as " the ; ; "
always have a big time well wort
going to. Their exhibits are al -
rays good and it is Cherry cour .
y's fair , conducted by the farir -
srs of North Table.
G. W. Beemer and his nephew
Louis Graham came down . Mor .
lay from Gordon on business
jreorge carried a card of the "Ar
jient Order of Supreme Prevar :
jators" wbich he won through on
, of his stories. He says he had :
big potato hill that he took extr :
good care of and expected to win 1
prize at the Gordon Fair. H
couldn't wait but wanted to se
them , so one day he pulled up th
vines and the potatoes began tl t
roll out. Seventeen bushels rolle
out before he could stop up tl } :
e hole. George is now organizing
I. .
LAs usually treated , a sprained anl :
'a will ; disable a man for three or fot
I. weeks , but by applying Chamberlain
n Liniment [ freely as soon as the injury :
.s received , and observing the directio ]
- with each bottle , a cure can be effect
y in from two . to four days. For sale I
Chapman , the druggist.
" , - .
, .
- , I'
1910 , the contract for same wa s
awarded to Joseph W Moore . , of I
Omaha , for the contract price of
Upon due consideration of the af -
plication of Daniel Hubbard for ac -
mittance to the soldiers' home at
Grand Island ] , Neb. , some was ap -
wlierupon the board adjourne
to September 12 , 1910.
3an be had by ambitious young mei
and ladi'es in the field of "Wireless " '
3r Railway telegraphy. Since the 8 -
- hour law became effective , and sine
the wireless companies are estah -
ishing [ stations throughout tlr
country there is a great shortage of
telegraphers. Positions pay begin
aers from § 70 to § 90 per month ,
with good chance of advancement
The National Telegraph Inntituti
operates six official institutes in
America , under supervision of rail
road and wireless officials and placi (
ill graduates into positions. It wil
pay you to write them for full de
ails ; at Davenport , la. , Cincinnati
3. , Portland , Ore , or Memphis ,
L. 1C. Travis informs us that
[ Rishop Johnson , of Sioux Fulls : ,
who ; has charge of the Intliai
; schools of the Episcopal churcl
jarne over to view the St.rarV'R ;
Mission Sunday and it was decider
to ; build temporarily a building , 21 (
wO ft. which will be an additior
to ; Mr. Travis' present home a milt
lorth of the location of the old
school to continue the school until
leKnite arrangements can be made
md in all prabability the' school
will , be rebuilt. Mr. Travis return-
ed to town and engaged Grant I
Dunn to begin the work at OLC
md expect to have it ready tc
pen school in a couple of weeks. ,
The play given by the Pre by-
erian : Ladies' Aid last nighl I
' irougHt l out a good attendance.
There were a number of excellent
; harLcters ; ; : in the play beside the
ipecial attraction of music furn-
shed by the Misses Mary and
Florence ; Hanna of Wood Lake ,
\'the \ former with violin , and the
atter with piano accompaniment.
This : probably was the finest music
iver heard by " a Valentine audi-
mce , and was highly appreciated
aq indicated by the hearty applause
' .nd encore. Those coming from
/Vood Lake were Mrs. : D. Hanna
a nd three daughters , Mrs. W. V.
, Johnson and daughter , Grandma
Barnes , Mrs. Isenhart , Mrs. : L.
ylcDill , and two other young
td res. We did not learn their
lames. _
Pick This Up Quick
Good 4-room house with stone
ellar ; ; , for sale cheap. Houst ; ,
st'rongwell ; built and warm. Yt ill !
sel1 ; ; cheap if taken at once. Cast :
or terms. A bargain in this. Asl , ;
I. M. Rice , Valentine. Ij
Threshing Outfit for Sale
14 horse power , 28x50 Case Sep'
irator , all in good repair , for sale
at a bargain , for cash , or will trade
for : : horses or cattle , Address ,
Nenzel , Neb.
- -
_ . . . . ' r - I
Wood Lake Nevve Items
Continued from page S.
Pat Piper had a narrow escape
Saturday from a serious accident ,
having been thrown from a saddle
horse he was riding in town.
Our new agent , Mr. Band , has
now the respect and esteem of the
community by his pleasant dispo-
sition and business like methods.
of hold-
The boosters are talking -
ing a cowboys . reunion this fall but
the knockers and tight wads are
trying to discourage them by howl
ing expense.
Mrs. ' Ed. Carter returned from
Iowa Sunday morning where she
had been called to the bedside of
her ! aged mother who was very ill
but is now doing nicely.
Work has started on the new
building to be occupied by the
Mtizens state bank. C. J. White
raving the contract to make the
ement blocks and brick for the
This community is glad to see a
progressive young man like C. A.
iuby [ in the field for county attor-
: ney and will lend its support to his
iltimate victory , as too long a
, erm of one man is likely to make
in office holder too fat and cum-
3ersome. Boost for Ruby.
We sympathize with the people
of Valentine in having a dead town
joard as we are certainly in the
ame ; fix and our streets which
were to be graded a year ago are
; till in a rank condition - all thro
he , broken promises to the people
jy aspirants to office.
TheC. W. Way Co. , Architects ,
lastings , Nebraska , will furnish
rou I with plans and specifications
'or any class of building you wish
to erect. Ask them , for informa-
ion. 15tf
All Gang Plows , Discs and lIar- :
ows at cost and less.
From Webster county comes this
dmission : " ) Ve have committed
I even people to the asylum in the past
I : , - e'ar , : 'irf reference to which there was
I no ; showing that alcohol was the cause
of insanity. "
"I have a world of confidence in Cham- -
I icrlain's Cough Remedy for I have used
it with perfect success , " writes Mrs. M.
I , 1. Basford , Poolesville , Md. For sale
by Chapman , the druggist.
Get Your Trees Ready
for /inter.
Stoo cultivating deep , Let them
hed their leaves and ripen up their
wood bv only keeping a dust on top of
! ; round to retain moisture in ground ,
md on town lots where treed are
ratered gradually reduce amount of
vater. A tree needs moist ground
Curing fall and winter. If town lot
rees need water later water them at
reezing up time for their winter use.
We have all the varieties of Cher-
and Forest and
ry : , Plum , Apple
shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit I
f Shrubs , Rors and othor ornamentals. !
! , GET THE CHEAPEST for a long "
'i ime : usefulness. ! A THEE IS A PER
tilANEVTIvVEST.MLNT. 1 : ; Get trees
: II rown : nr arest home. They are ac-
. limated and grown under same con-
. litions you want them to grow , and
I ybere they can be had : the quickest.
, We have 25 ; acres in our nurseries
, ind 40 acres in our bearing orchard.
, tfrite for catalogue or any informa-
, . I Chas , ] . Boyd ,
\ Brown County Nursery
Ainsworth , Nebr ,
Nursery one block north-east of the
Court House.
b' ' ' ' ' . - ili"'j-
c' , .
. .
1 : : : : : : : : : : : :1tt : : : t : : : nnunu : : : : : : : :
I. - The Town C n't Do ' ! ,
Without Her
Hilda the Helper is a girl -who has ?
a way about her that makes her " ,
precious as a pearl. THE TOWN
" . ,
-1..t. .
She's always ready on the spot
where anything is doing , with all . .
the energy she's got her share of
work pursuing.
Hilda the Helper HELPS THE
TOW1T in many lines of action. .
( Eo wonder young Philander .
Brown admits she's his attrac-
tion. )
In Bradstreet's report of bank clear
ngs for ihe week ending December 9 ,
909 ! , all but ten cities show greater
or less increases. Out of the ten
itics showing decreases , fourlare in
inhibition states. The greatest fall- 1
Ing : off is in Alabama and Mississippi
tates which adopted prohibition'
bout a vear : aco.
Discussing the subject of crime In , "
inhibition states , the Chicago nec- .
rd-Herald , in an editorial , makes this
tatement : "In Jefferson county , Ala-
ama , the county that includes Birm-
igham , there were thirty-four mur-
ders in the first twenty : : : days of
, pril. " . _
After Lincoln went dry , the largest
otel there was compelled to pay an
icreased tax of $1,400 a year , besides
rfeiting the business of transients
who will not stop at a Saharan hotel.
Contest Notice.
u. S. Land tlflice , Valentine. Nebraska ,
September 2,1 ) Ho .
A sufficient contest nflldavll having hcpn Hied
in I i this f't11ttIv : \ Alln-rt HaI y , "contestant ,
' raitisr. hnmesteart entry N e. M4M , er-
i 11 1 N : , , 0440J mivJf Mtrch31st19(11 : ! ! ( } . f 0- tli West
of tin wt ' si. y. of Section (1) one , Township ,
lH : ) , north. Kant 25 , 1t est. 01 nic Hixtn I'rinci
) lal Merinian , by . / . \IIl"1i liUberl - n I , . con'euWLV
111 \vhirh tt Is allc / . : . . il that the ! ' al < l .lames Knh-
cl"t'iOI1 has newnvstHlilish fl a resilience upon
. esiidlrUidvitlim } ix mont hs aU.'r tll" date of
try ; that he JIHB not ( uillivated tin : salrt land
as by law required , tli ; > t be lias wlmlJy aban-
Miecl ' ( the snio ian-1 and has failed to cure bis
hlches to this d'ltc.
Said parties aru hereby notified to apppar
rl'S ! ' ot d runt olfer evi'tence toticlnnir salfl alle a-
tOil at 10 o'clock a. in on Oiv-ohei- . 1910 le-
flfc the resistor and receiver at the United
' 'at'-e ' Land O'nce in Valentine. Nebraska.
The saia cor-te-tant : having. In a , roper afll-
davit fileo Sept \ . 2. 1910 s"t forth acts which
I ow that after due diligence personal service
"I I I this notice ran malle.llls hereby order
11 l Hnd directed that such notice be given by due
alllt proper publication.
36 i-4c 11-celver
ecord address of entryman. Norden , Neb.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ofllce. Broken How , Nebraska. I
An ; . : n.t 10. 1910. f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been fill d
III i tnis ortlce \ bv diaries A. 1'titmm , nmtentniit
a Hinst 'ineptead ! " entry No.727i : : l , S. 03 , r . made
ebruary 2ii , 19.u > . lor a-1 , , f sprtKm Township =
I i N Itnn l ! ; e -.a W. lith I'rincipal Meridian by
. nines M Dunninjr ) , eont"stee = in which It is ai- *
It' pert th > t the. said James , M. Ounnii'U has never
' italiished a bona lide ! residence on tliw above
iscrii ed lanu ; that lie hs ntver made any Im-
rovementson "h * land : that he has nevr cul-
vatert or its . . 'l l the land in anv way. and that
icseconditions ! ex'stattlie present ! Minn
Said parties arc hereby notified to appear.
. , evidence tOllchill ' stiaatlega.-
re ? pona and " irerevldeuce : : ' a.-
tlU at If ) o'clock : a. m on September 21. lulQ .
-fore : the register ami receiver at the United
tales .Land UMlce , in Uroken B. ' w . Nt ' hr . .
Tne said cojitestant having , in a proper affi-
davit llifd ! Aimu'.t 1 , tuio. ! set forth facts
lilch : show that a't-r due diligence personal }
jrvice of ilus notice cannot be m < de , it is
h fie . " ordered and directed that such notice be
iveii ' by due ana pronrr publication.
.I ) EN ItKfSK " , : .tster.
DA IUUS M. : . M BEmtY. Ilec-iver.
R ncord address : 01 eutryman , TheUford , Neb. .
- -
. . . - . . - . " ' " . ' " ' , . ' .
Old Crow , t . . All , Leading
, r
, s. . Brands
: < k
_ Hermitage
' .
and 3if2&L _ 11 i
ail k
Guchen- . < 1. . . k ; . Under the
f - : .
heimer Supervision : "
. .
, - . . *
1 . . . : .
.x. of the
e Rye y > < . , t q ' ti , '
Whiskeys. ar , U. S. Gov. "
[ 0 r We also handle the Budweiser - Beer. „ ;
s s 1 3 . THE PALACE SALOON : , : its 9rr . .
1r HENRY STETTER Propr. . '
. . ' . , ,