Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 08, 1910, Image 4

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: I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
; F. Wright , Foreman.
. . I .
II I , I - .
A Weekly Newspaper 'published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year.
I Local Notices , 5c per line per . issue
, Entered at the Postofflce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission throuph the mails , as second
'I class matter.
I Thursday , September 8 , 1910.
The party who this week with
draws his patronage from the Dem
ocrat : because last week we men-
tioned . tthe good management of
: the town board probably in having
the water tank and tower fall on
Main street at a time when every
body was off the street , takes the
wrong view of the matter. He has
been a faithful patron of this pa- i
per for years and we are sorry he
! i takes offense now at our article
: which he takes to be a direct criti-
cism of himself. We placed him
before the caucus and he was nom-
inated and elected on the town .
board. We believed hewashonest
and conscientious and we have no
reason yet to doubt our previous
impression , He was not the leader
of that body , , being one of the new
members , and with different lead-
; ership and association might have
. been , and is personally- above cri
ticism , for we think he has tried
to work harmoniously with the
board and with conscientious scru-
i pIes , however he may have been at
I fault unintentionally. ] ) The writer
-has a habit , or fault as sumc de-
nounce us , of being outspoken ,
though sometimes a friend is criti-
cised , oftentimes through associa- ;
tion with others. All men are not
perfect , and we 'have our faults.
Perhaps , as is generally common ,
we each see others faults better :
than our own. ;
-.The reckless extravagance
1 our City Dads in permitting the i
. old tank to crash to the ground
when it might have been lowered ,
and saved several hundreds of dol- ,
lars is only another proof of their i
. . incompetence or gross negligence ,
or both. They seem to have been
simply waiting for something to
happen to relieve them from the
necessity of acting , while every
body wondered why they were so
slow to wake up , get busy , take the
tank down and save the expense.
.If the City Dads didn't know
how otherwise to spend the city's
surplus cash and the $21,400
they've levied for running . expen
ses the coming year they might
have squandered a few paltry dol-
lars building street crossings
where they have ordered side-
walks. We \ need the sidewalks all
right but we think there are little
gaps. here and there that might
. have been filled up and it would
look better for them , and the peo-
. . . . . ple would feel much better about
it. Fill in the gaps and make
street crossings and do something
They call us a kicker for prompt-
ing and a knocker : for calling at-
tention to their blunders.
Some folks say we sire a knocker !
That with pencil in our hand :
. .
AVe cnn bent H kllic ! cruOl'H'l' !
Raising dust from out the sand.
That our pencil sounds like thunder
When our language wears a frown-
To those who don't get from under
. When the water tank comes down.
. ; -There was plenty time we ponder ,
'For our "Dads" who run this town
' To have water stored up yonder
And to take the old tank ! : : down.
. . . .
They don't take to kind l advising ,
When suggested for all good ,
And they wait fora surprising
Like the old tank's splintered wood.
Should we mince at speaking plainly ,
Or apologies rehash !
Just to make our "Dads" feel vainly ,
After Having such a crash ?
If they know the people's feeling
. And went on with blindly stride ,
While the old tank was a reeling
Humbled then should be their prI < ll' .
, "Yes , the work should all been faster , "
. "But the obstacles " we hear , ,
Brought delay and this < 115I1s1 < : ,1'-
Yet they wasted all last year.
. - You don't know a thing about It !
. , 'J ( with them you don't a l'ee- , I
, : ' vThey have knowledge you're without It ,
. f . . . . NTicy assume . to you and ne. .
And If one should be complaining
, After all this reckless waste
Y/ni're a knocker unrestraijilng ;
. , Xvii must tlaiite to suit tlitir ( tasto. i
( . .
i' . .
_ _
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- . . - - : - ( ; rsr. ; ; ; " "J' fi _
Omaha , August 31.--With the
transmission of a message from
Mayor Dahlman to Mayor Brown
of Kansas City , felicitating with bkn
on the establishment of a new , more
economic and more , rapid means of
intercourse between the two cities ,
Jbe Telepost system of automatic
telegraphy was formally inaugurat-
ed this afternoon between this city
and Kansas City , Sedalia , Mo. , St.
Louis , ' : Springfield , TIl. , , Lhicago ,
Terre Hautejndianapolis and Louis-
( Congratulatory messages expres
sing elation on the cementing of
this new tie between Omaha and its
sister cities of the middle \ \ est fol
lowed from Commissioner Guild of
the Omaha commercial club to
President Bland and Sec. Clenden-
ning of the Kansas City commercial
club. Similar messages addressed to
the officials of commercial organiza
tions in St. Louis , Chicago , Indian-
apolis , Louisville , Sedalia , Mo. , and
Springfield , 111. , and other cities
reached by the automatic system
were then transmitted in order. In
response to them , all of these or-
genizations sent messages recipro-
cating the friendly sentiments ex-
The prominent city officials and
representatfve business men of
Omaha present in the office of the
Telepost company at 1505 Capitol
avenue vere ; greatly interested in
the operation of the system. Some
of them helped prepare a number
of the messages on the perforating
machines , which 1mve a regulation
typewriter keyboard and upon invi-
tation of the officials of the com-
pany pressed forward the lever
which released the messages and
sent them speeding on to their , des-
tination at the rate of 1500 words a
minute. The service will be formal-
ly opened to the public tomorrow
Chadron , Neb. , Sept. 1. - Pursu -
ant to an order of the Jadge of the
United States District and Circuit
Courts , the following names were
drawn , by L. J. F. laegen Deputy
Clerk of the United States Courts
at Chadron , and George A. Bird-
sall , United States Jury Commis-
sioner , as Petit Jurors from Cher
ry county , Neb. , to serve in the
District and Circuit courts of the
United States at Chadron , Neb. , in
the district of Neb. , Chadron divi-
sion , on the 12th day of Septem-
ber A. D. 1910 ; at 9 o'clock a. m.
. Charles Sparks , merchant , Val-
L. E Stuart , Cody.
James Mone , farmer , Cody.
. , .
Mart : : D. Cyphers , Valentine.
Max E. Viertel , Crookston. :
J. Frank Plunter , Valentine.
A. F. Yorge , Valentine.
- J. F. Young , merchant , Cody.
Chas. McNair'ood Lake.
Felix Black , farmer , Valentine.
John Jackson , farmer , Valen-
W. E. Haley , abstracter , Val-
Otis W. Hahn , farmer , Valen-
tine. .
Edward Pike , farmer , Crook-
VVoodruff Ball , live stock , Val- ,
Deputy Clerk-U. S. Courts ,
Chadron Di vision.
. Digestion and Assimilation.
It is not the quantity of food taken but
the amount digested and assimilated that
gives strength and vitality to the system.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets invigorate the stomach and liver
and enable them to perform their func
tions naturally. For sale by Chapman
the druggist.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office Broken . Bow Nl'hrd.sltS\ : I
Ameustl9,1910. ! I
A sufliclent contest affidavit having been Hied
in thIs otfce by Samuel L. Bather , contestant
airaiast homestead entry No. G9Gr , Serial No.
03.8I made A ngust 16. I'.HiT ! , for mv > 4 , eyt neM ,
mvj.f ! so ; * , n / ! swH. ! Src. 5. se > 4'n ! 4.ife&.seMi
sy suH. Si'f ( j. \\y. \ nek. ! SK } & ne } 4. Sec. 7. Town-
yinp25 : N , KangeSS : , GMi + . Principal ) Meridian
by .Tt-sse Himnictit , l'ont..tpc. in whiitli it Is al
iened that .Jt.Sl' ! Hunnicnt lias neveresfcthllshed
a bona fide rnlet in a house on said tract
and ha : wholly anamlnned same for a period of
nioru il\An six months last past , and that the
raot is not now resided upon , cultivated , im-
proved , or grazed by claimant at required by
) law , and lint all of said failures exist at the
present time \
Said parties arf hereby notified to appear. re-
spoud. and offer evidence touching said nlleg-
I tiou at. 10 o'clock ! a. m. , on September ! , Iflio , ue-
for the Register and Receiver at the United
States land oince in Broken Bow. Nebraska.
the slid contestBnt having in a proper affl-
davir , fi ed .1 Illy 23. 1010 ! , set forth facts
which show UiMt'after due diligence personal
fservKe ! I of this notice cannot be made it is
hereby ordeivd and directed that such notice
be given-by due and prOI ! ! ! : ' public'ition. , ! .
JOHN KKKSE , Rfgistf-r.
Record address ofeutryuiau Diller , Nebraska
_ _ . _ , , .
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Proposed Constitutional
The f01l9' " Ing proposed t-mendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska , as herein-
after set forth in fu'l. ' Is , submitted to the elect
ors of ihe State of Nebraska , to be voted upon
at the general election to be held Taeeday , Nov-
ember StU. A. 1) . 1910.
"A .JOI T RESOLUTION to amend Action .
one (1) ( of Article seven (7) ( of the Constitution of
the Slate of Nc raska.
Je : It Enacted by the Legislature ! of the State
of Nebraska :
Section \ 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro
posed. ) That section one (1) ( of article seven (7) ( )
of the constitution of f the state of Nebraska , the
senate concur ing , Le so amended as to read as
follows :
Section 1. ( Who are electors. ) Every male
citizen of the United States , of the age of twenty
one years , who shall have bem a resident of this :
state six months next preceding the election and
of the county , precinct ? or ward , for the term
provided by law sba'.l : be an , elector ; provided.
That pcr ) ) > on- , of foreign birth who shall h ve de-
clared their intention . to become citizens com-
jrmably to the Jaws of the United States _ and
are voting at the laRing eUt ct of this atnpnd-
ment , may continue to exercise the rIght ot suff
rage until such time as they may have resided
In the United States five years after which they
shall take out fti.l cit.z l1shlp papt r3 to be enti
tled to vote at any succeeding election.
Section 2. ( Ballots ) That . at the general elec-
tion nineteen hundred and ten ( toio ! ) iliere shall
be submitted to the electors of the state for their
approval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution relating to the
right of suffrage. At such election on the ballot
of eacli elector voting for or agninst said pro-
posed 1 amcndme nt , shall be wiiiten or printed
the words : " > or proposed amendment to the
constitution relating to the right of suffrage
and 'Against said proposed amendment to the
. .J. _ " t"'P"ieI".A.t ' > . . ' _ n J. l _ .
' : _ , -
. : 1' , , . . _ $ . <
't _ . _ _ u . . _ Ji _ , . _ . ' _ _ . > . ' .
. . . - . -
constitution relating to the right of suffrage. "
Section 3. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment
slnll ba approved by a rnaj j rity of all e ectrtrs
voiing at such election , said amendment shall
constitute tioll one ( t ) ot artic'e seven (7) of
the constitution of the state of Nebraska
Approved April 1 , 1003. "
I. George C. Junkin Secretary of State of the
State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitu
tion of the State of Nebraska , is ! a true and cor-
rectcopy of the original enrol'en ' and en rosscd
hill as passed by the thirty-fust session of the
legislature of the State of Nebraska , as aPrears
from said original bill on Hie in this ofiice , and
that said proposed amendment i , submitted to
the qualified voters .ot the state Nebraska for
.their adoption or rejection a1 the general tlen-
tion to tie held on Tuesday , the 8th day of No-
venibT , A. I ) . 1910.
In Testimony Wherpor , I hive herr unto set
my hum ! and affixed the urcat seal of thu State
of Nebraska. Done at l.inco ! n , this ! 29th ! day of
July , in the u-nr ot our oia. I One Thousand
Mn'e f Hundred and Ten. and of the Independ
ence of the T "itfd States : the One Hundred
aii-t Thirty-Hull , ana i-f this State the FOll-
Gl'Q1WF : C. JUNKIN : , .
[ EArJ Secretary : : of State.
Sheriff Sale.
. Byi : rtne of an execution issued by the
cl-rk of the di.strk't court ol Cherry Co. . J.eb-
niskn , June 21. 1U10. ! under an execution where
in Arthur Bowering is jnfl l1Ie' t creator ard
Olte Chinch and Lottie Chuich are judgm.ut
I willell at the front. door of the court house
in Valentine. Cnerry cmiiiry. Nebraska that
being : the LuiUUnu where-n the la l st tt-rm of said
court was 11.11. t ou the I7lu day of September ,
1U10. ! at 10 o'clock A. M. n > satisfy jndunient . f
$85.00 : ann interest jit 7 per cert from date I
of judgment December 1 18ih 1908. and costs
taxed at $46 90 and accruing costs , at imblic
auction. to the higbes. . biddir for calm. the
following t1P' i'ibed property , , to-wit. :
- Lots 19 and 20 of block 10 ot the original Vil
lage of Valentine. ) Cherry County , Nebraska.
.Dated this lltb day of August 1910.
C A Rosseter : , Slu-riff.
Walcott & Morrissey , Attornexs for Plaintiff. :
I 31 Ct (
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. ' . , . . _
Rosebud Staoe Line 1 11
D. A. WH I PPLE , Propr. .
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House .
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
. \
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , ,
. . . : , .
Sundays excepted. .
' -
Arrive at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. " , : .
Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , . ' . . : , $ .
Sundays excepted. . . ;
Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock. p. m. , .
Dinner Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. . ; .
Special attention to passengers , baggage and . . . .c7oy-
express or-p acka res. I
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Red _ :
Front store.
D. A. Whipple. :
, . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, ' 1 J
Xz _ :
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all size& ;
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE n t Nebraska
. .
References : My : Many . Customers.
8TH 1NNUAL : . . RBlNION ! . . \
. , . , . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - = - - - - - ,
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NO t.
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Will be held ill D. D. Dunn's Grove on i I
Saturday , September 17th / - ' p I
. . . . _ . _ . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - -
- - - - - - - - -
Program = = 1 0 Ao M. Sharp r
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; - . . . . : V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vocal ! Duet . . . . . . . . / . . . . . Helena and Viola Viertel
Invocation . . . . . . . . . - . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clare Vanmetre
Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f : . . ' . ' . . . . . . . Clement . Hahn Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. ' : . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . Quartette Address . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. S. Reece
Recitation : . . . . . . ' , : ' ; . . . . , . . : . . . . . . Qussie Graeff Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quartette s
Address . . . . " . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . C. A. Ruby Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
- - - . - , . . . . - - . - - . . . . DINNER . - . - - - . - - . - - - - - . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - " - - -
/ '
. : Sports of the Day - - , . U ;
1 p. m. ball game between the
married men and the single men.
Horse race , one-half mile , first
prize 5.00 , second 3.00.
Pony race , i i mile , first prize
5.00 second 3.00 ' .
Mule race , i mile , first prize
2.00. I
Men's foot race. 100 yards , first
prize 1.50 ( , second 75c.
Three legged race , first prize
Fat men's race , first prize 1.50
second 75c.
High jump , first prize 1.00.
. .
- - - - " ' - " " - - - - - -
Standing broad jump , first prize
Girls foot race 16 years or under
first prize 1.00 , second prize 50.
Girls foot race , 12 years or under
first prize 75c , second 50.
Boys foot race 15 years or under
first prize 1.00 , second 50c.
Boys toot race , 12 years or un
der , first prize 75c second 50c.
Sack race , 15 years or under
, first prize 1.00 second 50c.
, Ladies' potato peeling contest , , .f"
anyone under 70 years can enter ,
first prize 1.00 , second 50c. 1
' " -
Ladies' Department
For best piece of drawn work ,
crochet work , knitting , eyelet
work , shadow work , wallachian
work , a prize of § 1.00 each will be
given. Second 50c.
For best collection of fancy work
§ 2.00.
For best piece of fancy work not
mentioned above § 1 ; second 50c.
'Best quiltl ; second 50c.
- -
Cooking Department
* Best loaf of bread , pie or cake
each § 1 , second 50c.
For best collection of cooking
not taking above prizes § 1 , second
50c. :
For best assortment of jelly ,
- - - -
pickles or canned fruit , each § 1 ,
second 50c.
Children's Department
For best piece of fancy work by
girls of 15 years and under § 1 ,
second 50c.
. For neatest dressed doll ] , dressed
by girls of 11 years and under til 1 ,
second 50c.
For best article made of wood by
boys 12 years and under § 1 , sec
ond 50c.
For best drawing girls of 15
years and under 75c , second 50c.
For best drawing by boys of 15
years and under 75c , second 50c
For test drawn map by boy
or girls of 15 years and under ' 75c ,
second 50c.
Farm Department
Best agricultural display , first
$5 , second § 3 , third § 2.
Best bundle of spring wheat ,
first prize 81.
Best bundle of oats , first prize
Best bundle of winter wheat
first prize § 1.
Best peck of winter wheat , first
prize § 1.
Best . peck of spring wheat , first
prize § , L. I
Best peck of oats , first prize § 1.
Best ten/ears of corn , first prize
: : + 1.50 , second 50c.
Best ten stalks of cornfirst prize
' , 51.
Best peck of rye , first prize Si.
Best peck of spelts , first prize
51. J
Best bundle of alfalfa , first prize '
§ ; 1 , second 50c.
Best bundle of bromus , first r
prize § 1 , second 50c. .
Best bundle of millet , first prize . ,
§ 1 . second 50c.
Best peck of potatoes , first prize ,
32 , second § 1 , third 50c # ;
Best display of fruit , first- prize- .
61.50 , second 1.
' Best pair of chickens , any breed
first prize § 2 , second prize § 1.
Best sucking colt , first prize So ,
second prize § 3.
Best sucking mule colt , . first
prize § 3 , second § 2. .
Best all purpose team , first prize , °
> 2.
Best driving team , first prize § 2 v II 1 '
Best pair of pigs under 6 months. \ r
tirst prize § 2 , second" 81. Nil
- . - - . -
- - - - , - - - _ . -
. BOWERY DANCE . Lunch Counter.on . the Grounds MB III
W. H. HOOPER ' , " President T. W. CRAMER , Secretary . M. E. VIERTEL , Treasurer - . . .
- .
. . Ii
. _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . , . . . , , . . . . . _ . _ _ " _ , , , . . . _ . , . . , _ . _ _ . . _ .
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