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' ' ' " U&1 , . A . . , . . \ : : rl1HE ALENTINE DEMO RA1- ' . ' : : -a . , . . . , .I . . . . . - . - : . . . 4 . 1. M. \ Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBK. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 8 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 35 . . . . . .f - b. _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ -oz.- Q.- . . . . . . . L.f- - - - - - 11' 0- _ . - - - - . - - - . . . . . _ _ . .z _ . " -7 _ _ - . - , I TH E 1AUiATfiAi - - - - . . . . , . "en _ - . . . . . . - .1 - , . - , . - - , - - . r In order to make room for our Fall Stock of Shoes we will cut oisi1 prices on Men's and Women's Oxfords and Pumps almost " n half. : DON'T FAIL TO GOME AND GET FITTED WH1LETHESEBARGAINS LAST. Watch for our add next week. f8J K I Q OUiVlrANY ' A. JOHN & VALENTINE , NEBRASKA - - - " - ' - " " " " ' . " ' ' - - - . . _ . _ , - - . . . . . . , - , - - - CLarteml ns n Stnte Bank : Chartered { ns n National . . Bank June 1,1881. ! August I : ! , lOO'J. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK . ( Successor to Bank : of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - 25.000 * . . A General Banking . . , Exchange I SURPLUS - 25.000 I Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : O. H. COR nn..J. , President. \ M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. . J. 'l' . May , Vice President. Miss GI-KX HOKNIG , Abs't Cashier. . - & - = = r Eureka .Saloon ' . McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. / . Fine " Wines Liquors and Cigars . ; # 4 Bourbon Whiskies : , . . : Rye Whiskies : . Old Crow , . Sherwood , . Guchenheimer , Hermitage , ' . Cedar . . . . Brook ' . . , ' He " . . . " " , . . . - , . . ' Sunny . Brook , . "Spring Hill , : y - - , : : ' : - , - . . . and 29/yearvold and J is , E , Pepper , f 0 , F , C , Taylor ' , . These whiskies were purchased in bond ' and came direct from : the U. S. gov- r ernment warehouse. They are guar- anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- , \ \ . excelled for family and medical use. 1 Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies Imported . Gordon and DeKuyper Gins > , Guinness's Extra Stout. : Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , . r Valentine Nebraska : = : . I , Don't ; tfheGr"nFrO TI . . . : . Has just received ; its stock of Fall and Winter P 1 - Goods , which will be sold at very low prices f1 ; . regardless of cost. Lay in your supply now. . i . SACK SALT 80 CTS. Sf . . . . - - - - - - 100 LB. L IVHKE DAVIS r , Vaientine , Neb. , e _ @ e ' . . \ . . t . . W his 1 _ , . ' O . . , . , 4e t . . .T 8 Go to the fa e e _ 0 Stock 'Exchange Saloon VALEN TINI ' & PURE LIQUOR CENTER $ " , Walther . F. A. Meltendorff \ l , Propr. . e k . " " " 'G I j L- . ! I -3C . . , ' FOR CAKES AND . . . 1 \ PASTRY s . S 8 : CALL AT THE E - , I : Home Bakery. 'M . ggar'M ' EIj'd EIj'- / / / ggar JUX I . . Read the Advertisements. I } d . . rl' r . . . . . t 1 r COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Valentine , August 1 , 1910. - The board of County Commissiocers of Cherry county , Neb. , met pursuant to adjournment , at which meeting the following members were pres- ent : James Mone. chairman and J. A. Adamson. In the matter of the application of A. Ef. Overman for a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Crookston , , Crookston precinct , Cherry county , , Nebraska , said cause was , by agree ment , between the petitioner : and the remonstrators , continued to August 5 , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. m. In the matter of the petition of E. U. Ninas et al for the establish- ment of a public road in section 30 , township 35 , range 80 , upon due consideration : of the report of the special commissioner , the surveyor , and the board of appraisers on same , a public road is hereby grant- ed and ordered platted and recorded in tbe office of the county clerk as follows : Beginning at a psint 33 feet east of the southwest corner of the south east quarter of section 30 , township 35 , range 30 , and running thence north one-half mile , terminating 33 feet east of the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 30 , . township 35 , range . 30 , said road to be 66 feet wide and the line above described to be the center of the road , making the half section line ] common to the southwest quarter and the foutheast quarter of section 30 , township 35 , range 30 , the west boundary line of the same. All of abovo road being taken from land belonging to Manuel Hatten Dam- ages were awarded to said Manuel jr Hatten in the sum of $32 00 and he was allowed the further sum of S10 for damages caused him by reason of his having to move his fence , making a total of $42. All other claims for damages by reason of the establishment of the above road were rejected. The following claims were allow- - ed on the t general fund : Manuel Hatten , damages. . .8 42.00 Jack JunoJ , surveying . . . . 17.25 - M. F. Clynes , . appraising. . . 15.00 John Ormesher , appraising. 21.00 ' Robert P. Brill , appraising. 15'.00 Robert Robinson , com'r fees 3.00 The following claim was allowed on the road fuud : C. G. Overman , road contr.$350.00 I The commissioners adopted plans and specifications for tbe installa tion of . a steam heating plant in the court house and th > . county clerk is hereby instructed to call for bids to be opened by the board of com mis- bioners on Augusl 29 , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. m. The county clerk is instructed to draw a warrant on the general fund for 87.50 in favor of the Christian Home of Council Bluffs , , Iowa , same being in payment of the amount due said home on contract of the county forvthe board and care of the Bate- man family. Whereupon the board adjourned ( to August 5 , 1910. Valentine , August 5.-The board met pursuant to adjournment , at which meeting the following mem- bers were present : James Mone , chairman and J. A. Adamson. In the matter of the application of A. B. Overman for a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in Crookston village , Crook- ston precinc , Cherry county , Neb. Now , on this 5th day of August A. D. 1910 , it being the day ' lixed by the board of county commissioners for the hearing of the petition . of A. B. Overman for a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in Crookston village , Crookston , precinct Cherry county , Neb. , the matter came up to be heard on the petition , the remoustrance and the evidence and the board of county commissioners being fully advised in the premises finds : That the pe tition heretofore filed , praying for said license , was signed by a major- ity of the resident freeholders of Crookston precinct , Cherry county Neb. ; that the remonstrators have failed to satisfactorily show that the petitioner was guilty of violating the of Section 7157 of provisions Chap- ter 33 of Cobbey's Compiled Stat- . utes of Nebraska , or that he has been guilty of violating Section 7179 of said chapter. Said remonstrance is therefore overruled and license to the said A. B. Overman to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in Crookston village , Crookston pre- cinct , Cherry county , Neb. , for the period of one year , commencing August 5 , 1910 , and ending August 5 , 1911 , as prayed for in said peti- tion is hereby granted. The said petitioner bhall furthermore pay into the county treasury the sum of $500 as a license fee and can give good and sufficient bond as required i by la\\ The county clerk is instructed to draw warrants on the general fund in redemption of the following tax [ sale certificates on account of the erroneous assessment of the lands contained therein : J. R. Lee , tract No. 418 , tax suit , year 1906. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ยง 5.57 J. \ Whiffin , certificate No. 740 , . year 1909 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 79 J. W. Whiffin , certificate No. 644 , year 1909 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.06 J. \V. \Viu ilin , certificate No. 621 , year 1909 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.51 J. \ Whiffin , certificate No. 643 , year 1909 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.06 J. W. Whiffin , certificate No. 444 , year 1909 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.87 J. \ Whiffin , certificate No. 479 , .year 1909 . H . . . . _ . u. . . . . 7.67 W.Whiffin , cartificate No. 564 , year 1909 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.17 J. F. Schnorr , tract No. 1467 ; tax suit year 1906 . . . . . . . . . . . $7.62 J. R. Lee , tract No. 421 , tax suit year 1906. . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 11.17 I The following claims ware allow- ed on the general fund : Gertrude Jordan , county treasur er funds advanced paupers , H. P. Shepard and family for ' month of July , as per contract , $50.00. Gertrude Jordan , county treasur- er , stamped envelopes , for county i . . . officers , $118.42. Jsmes Moiie , commissioner fees , $19.60. F. A. Cunbow , funds advanced pauper as per contract of county commissioners 5000. John A. Adamson , commissioner fees , 1890. : ; ; . . A road petition having been filed in the office of the county clerk on this date , signed by Pat Mcllhon et al ] , asking that a public road com- menciug at : the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 23 , township 34 , range 28 , and running thence to Ihe southwest corner of the southwest quarter of sect-ion 22 , all of township 34 , range 28 and i terminating there , be established. Is appeared from said petition that all of said road asked to be estab lished is on the. section lines , it is hereby declared by the board of county commissioners that said I road prayed for , be , and the same hereby is , declared a public road and the county clerk is asked to proceed with the laying out of same according to law. Whereupon the board adjourned to August 29 , 1910. Valentine , August 29 , 1910. - The county commissioners of cherry county met pursunnt to adjourn- ment with the following named members present : James Mone , chairman , .John A. Adamson , N. S. Rowley. ' Upon due consideration of bids filed as called for by the county clerk for the construction and in- stallation of the steam heating plant in the Cherry county court house according to plans and specifications I adopted by the board on August 1 , CONTINUED OX A6E 5 . We are Headquarters for Winchester Ammunition HE SEASON will soon be open so that the THE with dog and gun will have full sway. We also handle a full line of Shot Guns and Rifles. "Winchester" and "Remington" are two of our best makes. ' " Hunting Coats , Caps and Hats are now on display in our window and may be bought at a bar- gain. Now is the time and the Red Front Hard- , , ware is the place to get full value for your money. - - . Red Front Hardware Co.I , k Farm Implements . ' . ' . E e ; . . . . .1 , . . . } . We sell farming implements as well as other , \ ' * ' " merchandise at reasonable prices. . . . : . . . < L Call and try . us. . . - a. . ' . . ' : ; . ; . $ ' . . , . ! ? M. " " " ' . . ' ' 7' ' " . ; ! 'Y i' . . . . " ' " ( ' ' ' : ' J CROOKSTON , MAX E VI.E TE NEBRASKA. / I , VIERTEp ; ; DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . . . ; . . . " . . , : & . 's ij4 _ . . i I : , I r . :1 A U. G U .5 T Is the month to prepare your Boys and ' . , Girls for school. We are head uai- ters for : ' Boys' Clothing , in Long and Short Pant Suits , . \ ranging in price , per suit d ? t ] 'JSZ 4- " $ I . 7 5 to $8" fro m. . . . . . . . * P LO . . , Shoes and Hosiery of all descriptions. : . Kirkendall's Hard Knocker School Shoes. Best on earth. We uaran- . tee satisfaction on everything sell. . . . . . . . ' ' P ' 'I r 4 , . r ' Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr. c ; : : aggaQsaKtangf te y : J I . . ry SARaBEN i QAR5\1 \ IIVfiL AND PARADES OMAHA . Seota . 28th - to "cta - 8th. - _ 1910 TKE : BIG JOLLY CARNIVAL EVERY DAY Tcaidaj Rig tt , tzdnesday Kight , Tbcrsday Aftsraoca , Frtiaj Hlg ! tt f. Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 . CARNIVAL ELECTRICALiLITARY CORONATION FIREWORKS PARADE PARADE BALL Grand Military Maneuvers Every Day by U. S , Regular Troops ; REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. CHOW / YOUnSELF A GOOD TIME - YGU'LL KAVE : LOTS 1 C7 iZLP : : OnYn r ll } . 'lT mI&I1 I1T . , Stetter & Tobien Props. ; " II" II"I DEALERS IN I f I All Kinds of Fresh | - 4 lilr 11f ! and Palt Meats. . . . ! ! Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , . . - Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell . . .