Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 25, 1910, Image 8

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: "r'y' - " - r , _
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" : , I have just returned from St. Joseph , Mo. , where
ill 1 I . bought at RECEIVER'S ; SALE at a BIG
Discount a lot of
f ' }
, . t : I I r .
w ' i ! . Ladies' Shirt Waists , .
j. "f , ( Belts , Ties , Notions , etc.
, j
Ufr - ' , ;
; y. ; J\ \ Also many other articles of fancy and . useful
ra' ' : ' < ' wearing apparel that enables me to sell at less l
I i ! : . ' , ' ! I ' e than the usual price. Come and see them . while f )
; < : ; ' ! the stock is new and complete. Every article is
f3 ? . - l : a bargain. Something new and uptodate.
i , I
, .
I ! : , : ! , , . w. A. PARKI3R
General IV1erchandise
I Wood Lake , = . , = Nebraska
, .1 j . _ fHJI 8 4 _
j .
, I . . : . . . . _ , . - . . -
' J ' 1 J. H. DAY Mi
We Buy and Sell Horses t
: s Wood Lake , - Nebraska
' " , , ' . " . . _ , . " " , ' _ _ } Y"f'V , " , '
. 2 .u.t. ! . .
U , Cll tal HOWE & MONTAGNE g
: i I vE TA B ,
y t A
Livery , Feed and
r u . . . , t' Sales Stable . . . . CO .
' . . ' '
: . Wood Lake , Nebraska
i ? - -
= Special . Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. J
. nn Ti ntw
} , i H. A. L Y O.N S ,
' ( Successor to "Welker it Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
' ' 'Am still doing driving . and freighting. Special attention to hunting
and fishing parties.
r A. M. Lotspeich , '
( Successor to Ed Young. )
; :
i , Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Fur 111 s11-
\ "
r ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
t . Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . . .
t . >
tf' f : Wood Lake = Nebraska
_ 1 _ t. ,
. . f : . and LIVE STOCK
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex-
perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
F. J. WILSEY , Auctioneer
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
. - .
I r7ri ) ! 1 I ! I
. 191o
11. l
' J
' tk
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- . , - . - - .
, - \
, . ; { , ' . "V. . ' - . " , . . . - , " . . " . , .
, Wood Lake Department
. . .
I Locals or rending notices 5 cents per line each insertion. ] ) Ispln ' advertising j
/ " *
5 / 50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column.
I <
I .
- -
, -
0. W. McDaniel was in town
lrs. Shock is' here Visiting her
daughter Mrs. : George Dew.
Miss Chloe Waggoner is visit
I ing with Mrs. Alfred Morris , jr. ,
this week.
Mrs. Lospeich and baby and
Mrs. Hickman have been quite ill
but all are much improved at this
Mrs. John Deil ! .and Mrs. L.
Lamb came down from Chadron
to visit with their mother Mrs.
Mr. : and Mrs. Isenhart are en
joying a visit with Mr. Isenhart's
father and mother who are spend-
ing a few week's here.
= Mrs. Albert Sleeter and daugh-
ters , Miss Olga and Agusta , came
in from their ranch and went to
Valentine on business.
G. Waggoner has been limp-
ing about the past week as a result
of having stepped on a nail. He
is much improved at present.
Mr. D. Hanna accompanied by
his two daughters , Misses Flor-
ence and Mary ' , and Mr. B.Mickey
spent several days at Neil Hanna's.
: Those who shipped cattle Sun
day morning were : Mr. Denning
three carloads , Mr. Yian one load ,
W. L. Klingaman and l\L LlVlur-
ray eight carload.
Harry Klingaman and family
came down from Chadron Monday
night and will reside in Wood
Lake. They are visiting at the par-
ental home for the present. I
Andrew Johnson has a pleasant
smile now-a-days his wife and
two little daughters having re-
turned from their trip to Europe.
They report a pleasant time but
are glad to get home ,
Word from Mrs. J. M Tische ,
who is visiting at Cairo , Nebr. ,
states that her little daughter is
quite ill. Mrs. ' Tische will continue
her journey to Minnesota as soon
as her daughter is able. They ex
pect to return in time for school.
Proposed Constitutional
, . . .J
The following proposed amendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska , as herein
after set foith in full , is submitted to the elect-
ors of ihe State of .Nebraska , to be voted upon
at the general election to be held Tnesday , Nov-
ember StM. : A. 1) . 1010.
"A JOINT RESOLUTION [ to amend Section
one (1) ( t ) of Arlicle seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution ol
the State of Ne raska.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State
of Nebraska :
Section 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro
posed. I ) That section one (1) ( of article seven ( J
of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , the
senate concurring , be so amended as to read as
follows :
Section 1. ( Who are electors „ ) Every male
citi/.en of the United States , of the age of tweun
one years , who shall have bem a resident of thi
sutc six months next preceding election an
of the county : , precinct or ward , for the tel m
provided by law shall be an elector ; provided
That pcronof : foreign birth who shall h ve de
clared their intenti to become citizens com-
formably to the Jaws of the United States and
are voting at the taking effect of this amend
ment may continue to exercise the right or suff :
rage until suth time as they may have resided
in the United States five years after which thej
shall take out fu.I citizenship papers to be enti
tled to vote at any succeeding election.
Section 2. ( Ballots ) That at the general elec-
tion nineteen hundred and ten (1910) ( \ ! there shall
be submitted to the electors of the state for their
approval or rejection the foregoing ! proposed
amendment to the constitution relating to the
right of stilfrage. At such election , on the ballot
of each elector voting for or aguust said pro-
posed amendment , shall be written or printed
the wrrds : " 1 - or proposed amendment to the
constitution relating to the right of suffrage. '
and 'Against said proposed amendment to the
constitution relating ; to tlie right 0 f suffrage. "
Section 3. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment
slnll be approved by a majority of all e ectnrs
vo'insr at such election , said amendment ! shall
constitute section one (1) ( I ot urtide seVen (7) 01
the constitution of the state of Nebraska.
Approved April 1 , 1903. "
I. George C. Junkin. Secretary of State of the
State of Nebraska . , do hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed Mnendment to the ; Constitu
tion of the State oi r ebraska. is a true and cor
rect copy of the original enrol ea ana , engrossed
bU ! . as passed by the thirty-liist session of the
egislature of the State ) of Nebraska , as appears
from said original bill on file in this office , and
that : said proposed amendment ii submitted to
the qualified } voters of the htate of Nebraska for
th ir adopti-m or rejection at the general .lep-
tion to be held on Tuesday , the Sih day : of No-
vember , A. 1) . 1910.
In Testimony Whereof , I have hereunto set :
my huil and affixed ! the great seal ) of the State
of Nebraska. : Done at Linco n , this yoth : ! day of J
July , in the : \ear of our Lord. One Thousand
.Nine Hundred and Ten and of the Independ
ence of the United States the Ooe Hundred
and Thirty-ffltli , ana of this State theFom-
[ 3EALJ Secretary of .sta : c. (
. .
, .
, .
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow Nebraska. J
AutMist 10. lino. ! {
A sufficient contestafTidavit having ! been llled
in this oUlce by Samuel L. Mather , cnntefttanl
UL'ainst lioine.stead entry No. 0955 ; , St'rial0. : .
03.81 made August 16 l . tin" for n\vM , e1'M ,
in'lc , ; set , I)4 , swgf " Sec. 5. seX he1f , l1"4 ! ef ! ,
s % sel4. See G. n H neJ4. ! seHi ! ue.y. Sec. 7. Town-
! iip25 : N , Range28 : , GMi J'.r.ncipal \ Meridian ;
by Jesse Hnnnicnt cnhte' \ lee . in which ! it is al-
iened that Jesse Hunnicut has u verestarilished
a bona tide re-ulence in a house : on said tract
I and hat wholly abandoned same for a period ! of
more than six months last past and that the
tract is not now resided upon , cultivated , im
proved or grazed by claimant as required by
law , and thnt all of said failures exist at the
I-resent time
Said parties are herr-by notified to' appear rc-
sjiond. and offer evidence : touching said : : alleg- ;
tion at 10 o'elock a. m. . on SeptemberL'l. ] ! . UP-
fore the Register and Keceiver at the United
States land omce in Broken Bow. Nebraska.
lie said contestant having , in a proper affi
davit , lied 1 .July 28. 1910. set forth f.icts
which show tlmt after due diligence personal
hervi e of this notice cannot be made , it Is
hereby ordered and uirecied that such uotici
be given by due and propm publication.
JOHN KKKSE. Register. !
Record address ofentryuian Diller. Nebraska
3-241 :
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow , Nebraska , i
August 10. 1910 f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled
in this office by Charles A. I'utnMin , contestant
auainst Homeftead ) entry No.7271 , S. 07S7. : ! made
February , li > os. for ad of -t''ti"n Township : ! :
25 : N Range : ii7 W. Cth ( l'rinl'ipallerHiJan by
James 11. Dunning , contf' t e. in wh'ch it is al-
leged that Ihe l said Jamt's\L : Dunning ; has never
established a bona tide residence on thw above
debcril ed lana ; that he lis never made any im
provements the land : that lie has nevr cul-
tivated or used the land in any Wel } " and that
these conditions exist at the ( pre.-ent ill1l1 I
Said parties are hereby noulied to appear ,
respona and offer evidence touching sain alleJa-
ti m at 10 o'clock a. in. on September : . lulO
before the register and receiver at the Unitec
States Land Otlice in Broken Bt.w. Nebr.
Tne said contestant having ! , in a proper afii
davit liied August I. 1910. set forth la ts
which show that ait " r due diligence persona
service of ibis noticd cannot be I made , it is :
here jy ordered and directed that such notice tc
given by due and proper publication.
JOHN RKKSK : , Keuister. : !
DARIUS M. AiISHEHltHeccivel" .
Record address ot eutrymau , Thedford , Neb.
32 : 4t
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Oflice , Ya'entine. Nehrasta . ,
JulyM. ) . 1910.
A sufficient contest affidavit having bepn filed .
in this omce by Frederick W. Richardson , con !
test ant. against ! homestead entry No. 1GCS7 ; , ser-
ial No 02 . 11. irarii August IGU ! . 1904 , for MV ; 4
Sec. 22 , N\\ 44 Sec. 27. and N1,4 st c. 28 : ! , Town
ship } 28 N , hang ; H2V. : . . Cth P. Merioinnby
Lester H. Mason , contestee. in which it is > ai- '
1 ged that said claimant has wholly abandoned
said tract for more than SIX months ptior to tlie
expiration „ t five years fr' m d 1te of entry ; that
lie. has never resided upon , cultiva'ea i or im
proved said tract as required by law and that all !
of the acmve defects exist ! ; at this date and have
not been cured.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear
respond } and offer evidence touching said allega-
tOil at 10 o'clock a. m on August ! . 31 , 1P10 ( t + e-
fore the Judge ot the County Court for Hooker
County , at his ollice in Mullen , Meuraska.
and that the liual 1 hearing will Le held at 10
o'clock a. m. , on September 8'h,1910 , before
the register and receiver at the United
S'ateB Laud Office in Valentine , Nebraska.
The said : contestant having , in a proper affi-
davit tiled July 20. 1910 ! , set forth facts which
show that after due diligence ! personal service
of this notice can not be made it is hereby order
ed and directed that such notice be given by due
and proper publication.
29-4t Receiver
Farluer's '
. : ri ; ;
.t : :
Old butchi
Cleanser' i
Does all ! ! the cleaning
about the house and farm ,
and keeps everything spick
and span for 1 00 a month
-just try it.
The farmer's wife has a ready
help in this handy , all-'round
cleanser that will save her much
labor and time. It does the I
work of all old-fashioned clean-
ers-easier , quicker , better
Cleans 9 Scrubs , ;
ScoursPolishes :
Pots , Pans , Kettles , Milk 1 !
Pails , Separators , etc. (
The Best If/aYDIn ,
To clean woodenware , tables ,
pantry shelves , etc. , etc. Wet the
article , sprinkle with Old Dutch
Cleanser and rub with wet cloth or
brush ; wipe up I
with clean water ; I
wring cloth tight ° a I
ly and wipe dry. I
It cleans clean f
and is hygien-
Gag „ I
ic , no caustic or erg '
acids - - avoid them
. "
Tubular Wells and Windmills f.
Call me up by 'phone \
. . , - - -
: . . : . - : . = ' . : ; - -
: ; : : ; : : ; : ' - '
. . _ . . , . . . . = -J : " :
- . _ " " " ' " " - : : ; ; . " '
! ' . _
t. ;
_ : : : ' ; . . . . - , " " . .
_ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ --r--- . . . . . . . .
. . i
, . : , .
: . - i H.H . : .J I
- . - . , . . . . . , . f' . . . ,
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle ; j
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock F.oods , etc. i '
Johnson Brose , ' . - i
Lumber , Machinery , Hard- . ' I
ware , Harness , Saddles ! '
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , , Windmills , i
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and-Barb Wire. :
Wood . . . Nebraska 1
Lake , = = i
, 1 , I
- - - J
0 GG @ _ e
Uck , lausen & Co1 , I
? General Hardware , . I
. - . . . . ' ' -
> Wagons and .
Machinery..0. . ' . . - i
. .
r ,
complete line of. ' r ,
Harness and Saddles : -
_ Household and Kitchen Fuifnit.ure e
Lumber and Fence Posts .
, - . .
@ , @ e _ 9 _ _
- -
E. M. : Faddis & : Co
? ostoIUce : address-Valentine or Kennedy.
. , . Some branded
. r. : ; - - on left
J' , thigh
f . - . .IV- ) ,
" < -tz
I Horses branded
$ M on left
i - or thifh
Some Some branded
brai-ded 1- on ri hrandcdii
on left I or liouhler.
! shouldei
or tin'h
P. H. Y'oung.
Simeon. Nebr.
! \ . -
Cattle I branded
as cut on left side
V -
Some a. yon left
- on left Jaw of
V horses.
. . , . , ' . , . , . .
. . . .
- . , .
. . . . ; ; -t . -
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
N. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , - Ntsoraaka.
Same as cut on left ,
Hide and hip , niid on ' '
left shoulder of hor-
Aea . Also , on
left aide Sfand g
hip. e 'H
( ; ' X en 'eit se'
Some C'at.-t ' .
tie brandy. . . ' . .a r. ikJ
ed ] ntlsk - ' : ' ! w \ : gggSfing peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder
1 l horse : ! , UJ
UJQ on left hip of horses.
N | on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
3. Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
, . same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
x" a Ranuo : on Oak and
; Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
-r _ : .t leading to detection
_ ti - \ - . of rustlers of stock
earingr of thf sa brands.
R. M. Ten-ill , Propr.
. . 'Brownlee , \eIJ. :
. . . . .
' _ . '
; : ' 3 - - - - - , . ftittle branded as
in cnt on left
side. .Some
. VJ branded li. T Y
. - on left hip. Range
. on North Loup
river two ] miles
west of lirewulee
I , 'f
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis-
sion , Kosebud. 1ts--
:3.D. : . ' - -
. j
Ottle branded
as in cut ; horses
same or .11\ I P on
. , . . " , . . . . .
eft thigh. Kan ! e
hftwceii Spring : :
C'k and Little
White \ river. '
Albert Whipple \ ; ; Soris.
Rosebud sj.D. ;
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riL'htside
SOS Some cattle also
have af - on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
. . , , acrosa ! hind quar I
, . . , u : .r ( * , ters. Some Texas
cattle branded O on left side and some ; " '
on left side. '
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle \
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. IV ! . Sears. '
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded _ . . t
as on cut.lef side -
Some on left hip. S ; I
Horses same on
left shoulder. +
Kange Square
Lake. - ,
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 'tf '
3artlett Richards ljres : Will G Comstock V. P ,
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on ' \
any part animal Ii /
also the following /
: r.u brands : /
horses branded tht
Range betrweea 1' '
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V . , R. R . and t
Hyannis ! on B & iVT. R.Il. in Xnrthwestenr Nebr.
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr a
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these
cattle. H rses ,
S S I > ea onleftshoul-
der. Some
left side.
Horses BK
F.- . same left thigh.
- Yt ' -t . Range on Snake
Metzger : Bros. a
Itoife Nebr
Cattle branded f :
anywhere on left '
. i'
side. IJ' I
Earmark , square ! .
crop right ear. ' " "
. f'j"t.E" : I \
Horses have '
ame ' brand on ! J rI f
.j .
eft thigh.
. " , , - - .
Range : on Gordon and Snake Creeks ,
A Reward of $250 will he paid to any person for I' '
: Jonw.ton leading to the arrest and final
ClJvlcti . of any person or. persona stealing
C'J.ttlp wlt.h tho\'f hranrt. \
J. A. Yaryan. ,
Pullman , Nebr (
Cattle branded JY ' I r
' on rightside \ 1
Horses branded JY I }
J y on Reasonable right shoulder reward J )
lor any information ,
leading to the re -
covery of cattle '
straved from my
ran e. -
- - - - range'r \
_ _ u _ _ _ _
* ' A 5 . I r
Q ! ! :11 . \ 1
. . .
a c ® ' \
+ t ,
Sold by
McGeer & Carroll , IkJ4 #
- Valentine I , Neb. _
- . . .
. . : . t
. . . .
' - , - - . -------S- . - . , - - - - - - - . - - -