1ILWr1cN , Hoot.E , . , , , - _ ; r. . . . ' . - . ' . . ! : ' . . . - : ' - . " . . . " \ . ' . " , ' . ' . . ' - " , ' - . } " . . \ . . _ rrHE ' ALENTINE DEMO ORA 1' . ' . - . . . - . 1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor . - VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 33 J _ _ H _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . . .THE DAY lIGHT ! STORE I _ _ , , _ " . rz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ r , , , _ r. . . . . . . In order to make room for our Fall Stock I of Shoes we will cut our prices on Men's and Women's Oxfords ' . " . and Pumps , almost in half. DON'T FAIL TO GOME AND GET FITTED WHILE THESE BARGAINS LAST. Watch for our add next week. . F JOHN & COMPANY VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , _ . _ c _ . _ . . . . _ _ rUz. r _ - - _ . " Chartered as a Stnte Bank : Chartered as a National : Bank June 1,1881. 1 ; August 1-J ! , l'JO-2. : The FIRST NATIONAL BANK . ( Successor to Bank of Valentino. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A General Banking Exchange SURPLUS - 25.000 . . Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : O. IT. Con \ EI.I" , 1 > ) ' ( 'sl < l ( > llt. M. : . : V. NICHOLSON : , Cashier. . J. T. May , Vice President. Miss : GL.KN HOKNIG , Ass't Cashier . Eure ; Saloon 1 r McQEER \ ' & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars ; | a ! Bourbon Whiskies : , Rye Whiskies : . Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , _ . . Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook . , - .t , { . _ Sunny Brook , r H- _ _ Spring Hill , . and 29/yearxold " , , , " " ' - , . . . . O , F , C. , . andjas E Pepper/ ; - - ' - , ' i" Taylor | , } These whiskies were purchased in bond x and came direct from the U. S. gov- ernment warehouse. They are -guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- 41 excelled for family and medical use. , I /ii ; Three Star Henness and Dreyfus , Brandies , Imported | r i Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ' Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine = Nebraska EE33 t2t &iJ * : = ' . - Don't Forget The Green Front I - Has just received its stock of Fall and Winter . Goods , which will be sold at very low prices t regardless of cost. Lay in your supply I now. . ; - - ' 100 LB. SACK SALT 80 CTS. I L MIKE DAVIS ! , Valentine ' @ , , ; - Neb i , e _ _ _ e..e , _ [ . , r ' W h is k . 0 e 1 : . . , Y , . ' " , Go to the . e e _ 8 . . Stock Exchange Saloon 4 " , VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. . e _ e @ _ G rF R CAKES AND q : t I S PASTRY , CALL ' AT THE w : ; I. I , Home Bakery. I / ' TELEPHONE NO. 7 % , L . ! i : ; J . - ' Read the. Advertisements. , DESTRUCTIVE FOREST FIRES I Forest fires have been raging in . . . the mountain districts of Washing ton , Oregon , Montana and Id oho fo : - several days , with an appalling loss of life , and destruction to pro- perty and timber that will reach into the millions , while the suffer- ing of the homeless and terror stricken residents of the ill-fated districts is beyond dcscri ption. Fortunately a fall of snow in the mountains and rains in the valleys of Montana has doae much toward bringing the forest fires under con- trol , thus alleviating the suffering to some extent of the thousands who have been fleeing from the I walls of flame and clouds of stif- ling smoke that bore down upon them and left only ruin and death in its wake. Advices from the stricken districts state that it is the worst forest fire ever exper- . ienced in this country. Valentine people had an inkling of what conditions must be in that far distant deTSsTated section. Monday and Taesday the wind beng ; from the north and west the sky was clouded until at times the sun was entirely hid from view , and when the sun was visi- ble it appeared like ] a big round ball of fire , while the air seemed impregnated with a fine dust that choked and stifled and irritated the throat to a most uncomfortable de- gree. Many complaiuecj of head- ache , and the smoke was so , , dense that one could see . only a short distance. Think of what the suf- fering must have been out there , hundreds of miles distant , where a thick pall of smoke still hangs over the cities and valleys. Days and weeks will elapse be- fore anything like a complete es timate of the fatalities is availa- ble. Besides the scores of resi- dents of the mountain districts that are known to have perished hundreds of rescuers can not be accounted for. Three hundred fire fighters of a total force of GOO , which had been battling the flames in the burning white pine forest of Northern Idaho , are thought to have per- ished as all efforts to locate them have been without success. In a tunnel of the Old War Ea- gle mine on Placer creek , seven miles fromYal1ace , forty-one men under Forest Ranger Pulaski were packed } tightly together to escape a sheet of flame that swept down the gulch. They hugged the ground and buried their faces in the mud in the flood of the tunnel until the fire went by , when , half mad from the heat , they threw themselves into the cr ek. Five were left dead in the tunnel , and another cut off from the crew was Pound ' burned to a cinder. . Incendiarism is now believed to be responsible in large measure for the spread of the forest fires and forest rangers are now en- gaged in rounding up definite evi- dence. - Get Your Trees Ready for Winter. Stop cultivating : deep Let them shed their leaves and ripen up their wood bv only keeping dust on top of ground to retain moi&ture in ground , and on town lots where trees are watered gradually reduce amount of water. A tree needs moist ground during fall and winter. . If town lot trees need water later water them at freezing up time for their winter use. We have all the varieties of Cher- ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreer-s. Small Fruit Shrub , Ro , ; ; es and other ornamentals. GET THE CHEAPEST for a long time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER- MANENT INVESTMENT. Get trees grown nearest home. They are ac climated and grown under same con ditions you want them to gro ! " T , con-I where they can be had the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries : : and 40 acres in our bearing orchard Write for catalogue or any informa tion. , Chas , ] , Boyd , . Brown County Nursery Ainsworth , Nebr a Nursery one block north-east of , the II Court House. _ Cottonwood Grove Henry Lefler is working at Dan Hill's through haying. Mr. Denny has , four acres of good alfalfa from seed sowed this spring. The young men of the neieh- borhood report plenty of ducks and good shooting , Miss : : Katrina Stannard of Gor- don is enjoying a few days' ; visit with Miss l-lazelleynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Connor have been down in the hay camp two weeks now. Hay is good , but thin in some places. ; Miss : Grace Coleman got back from Newport and Bassett August 12 , having spent most of the sum- mer visiting. Mrs. Sophia Mather returned Saturday , August 13 , from a two month's visit mostly at Burke , S. D. , with her son , A. M. church. Several families have been gath ering choke cherries , wild cu 1'- rants and sand cherries near the head of the Snake lately and found plenty. . I From all reports crops are as good down here in the sand hills i as in the farming localities. We ] can beat other places in ranch land and equal them in crops in quality although not in acreage , for cattle pay better. Charlie Blair , who had sach a i bad attack of heart trouble and acute rheumatism in June , has been able to ride around some the last mouth and made his first trip to town Saturday to see the doctor since coming out home in July. A hail storm skipped around among us August 10 , doing but little damage until it struck the Snake. Grandma Tong's garden is said to be ruined and at the . Overton ranch vegetation was beat into the ground. It reached past Speck's ranch and Gypsy valley. Miss ) Nora Barnett , who has beenrspending summer with her sister at Ellsworth , is expected home ' this month so as to be ready for school September 5. She will review with the graduating class this year us the school term was too short for her to finish the 8th grade last year. Mr. Liptrap , of Gordon , hauled goods near Speck's ranch for a gentleman from Wyoming who is moving on a claim. He has known this country for several years but has traveled over several states trying to find better land , but has decided , all things considered , this is the best. The prizes were given Sunday to the Sunday school pupils for learning Bible verses for last ] quar- t er. In the primary class Leah Coleman and Joy Geddes each re- eivcd a silver pin with "Victor" ngraved on it , for learning two verses each Sunday. In the Junior class Harry Denny received a nice book for learning seven verses each Sunday. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone , and you feel dull , bilious , consti pated , take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach , and Liver Tablets tonight be- fore retiring and you will feel all right in ' the morning. Sold by Chapman Drug Co. " " " " " " w * Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. . . In the County Court of Cherry county , Nebraska. STATE . OF . NEBRASKA . Lt I _ . ' . Cherry County. ( To tin.1 heirs ami all ' ' persons Interested in tht' ebtate of Patrick Sullivan , dec-eased : On reading the petition of A . M. Morrissev prl 'lug a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court on the 2nd ! lay of August , 1SHO , and for his discharge as said executor. . It is hereby ordered that you and . all per sons interested in said matter may , and do. ippear at the county court to he held in and ! for said eotulton the aith ( day of August , A. n . , I'.UO ! , at 10 o'clock a. in. , . to show cause , If any * there be , why the prayer of the pe- itloner should not , be granted , and that no- .ice of the pendency ) of said petition and the tearing thereof be given to all persons ] in- erested in said matter h ' ' ' ( ( by publishing copv > of this . order in The Valentine Demociat , a . weekly newspaper printed ) in said countv , for three successive weeks ' ' ( ( prior to said day of hearing. .T A.IIES : U. QUGLcv. . [ SBAi ] : ; 0I ) . County . Drudge. Wolcott ! & Morrissey , Attorney Sheriff Sale. By virtue of an execution issued ty the elf rk of the district1 court ot Cherry Co. . Neb raska , .June : H , 1910 , under an execution where- in Arthur Bowering is judgine1t creditor and Ohe ( l Church and Lottie Church are judgm.nt debtors. I will tell at the front door of the court house in Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , that being the 1 uildintr wherem the last term of said court was h 1'1 I l , on the 17lh iav of $ epteiut > er , 1010. at 10 o'clock A. M. to satisfy judgment of SS5.00 ami interest at 7 per oeiit from date of jlld ll\f'nt. \ Meceinber 18th , 1008. ! ) and cost" taxed at S4690 and acfraing costs , at imhhc auction to the highes : bidder , for cash , the following described property , to-wit : Lots 19 ! ) and 20 of block 10 of the original Vil I . lage of Valentine. Cherry County. Nebraska. Dated this 11th day of August 1910 , C A. Itosseter , Sheriff. . Walcott & Morrissey , Attorneys for Plaintiff. j 31 CC : - - - - I . ' . , I RES'OLvED i I THAT OUR .5HOES ARE MADE ON A LAST THAT LASTJ. WE VONT-SELL YOU A 5HOE : You VILL NOT BE SATISFIED WJTH-ITVQNT PAY US TO DO flSo. . . - = I - cL . y ? ! 1fl&9WiiSA \ , CopyrigHt ; 19- - ; , . . . / . b Y R-r0w7 : : : : < t .u9/ N .Y. , + ' . r. WEAR. LOOKS. COMFORT. THESE ARE THE THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A SHOE. WE KNOW THAT OUR SHoES WEAR WELL BECAUSE WE HAVE TRIED THEM. COME IN AND TRY ON A PAIR OF SHOES AND YoU .WILL SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT THEY LOOK GOOD AND FEEL GOOD. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENT-5 IN THIS TOWN FOR THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED SHoES : fLoRSHEIM HOE S FOR MEN , EDUCATOR , SHoES FOR boYJ AND GIRLS. SELBY SHOE FOR WOMEN. THE QUALITY OF OUR SHoES ARE HIGH BUT OUR PRICES ARE NOT. Y . - I. : . . Farm Implements ( We sell farming implements as well as other " merchandise at reasonable prices. . . - Call and try : us. - _ CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. - r = :1 A U GUS T : - . Is the month to prepare your Boys and Girls for school. We are headquar ' ters for , Boys' Clothing , in Long and Short Pant Suits , ranging i in price , per suit d ? | ' gj . Q from e.pe.r $ L / O LO $8 4 Shoes and Hosiery of all descriptions. Kirkendall's Hard Knocker School I j Shoes. Best on earth. We guaran- tee satisfaction on everything we sell. THE F1AIR , , K Phone 145. H. W. HOENIQ , Propr. = : = ; J j ! i1rl ! Iffj r MI l1r lHtllV Stetter & Tobien , . " I' ' I " I ' , Props. . ' ' " \ IjIjhIIfji IIfji ! ; I. . , I , . ' IjIjh ' , / , : /111 / : I , . . ' . " /1 / ; jl Ii t DEALERS IN ' ! ' ftjS I r III I : IIIII' ' I " . All Kinds of Fresh If' ! 'II ' " " , j' ' and Salt : Meats. : . . . k ' Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , - ' _ ' - - Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.