Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 18, 1910, Image 4
. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .YG.M-Ge.llpiillMH { .yyyp , -.Y- : . - . - _ , = = - :0-- : ' . _ . or - J- - ' " _ . , . 7' " . = - - , _ _ . . . . . . ' > : . . ; ; : : : - ; : : : " . : : : . - . : = ' " I i # l 1 ' t , , 1 h . , . \ . . . . . , . _ , . . . . - 1 1 - # ' ' ' . t - ' ' e j- / " , . . . , ; " - ' _ ; fl 1 ; ' . . . ' ; - . - . l i . . . _ _ _ IE 1 . t , 1 . . " . . . . . - - - . . - ( _ _ _ _ _ ) ij i i. ( ' . , - - Farm Implements AT Cost.- . We will close out our line of . . 1 , Manure Spreaders , Corn Planters , S [ ' Gang Plows , Listers , John Deere Kid- I -I ing Attachments and Freight Wagons _ 1 . _ , , i : at cost. ' You will save money by look- . ing over our line of e _ w f fI' ' - . . Breaking Plows , Stubble Plows and Cultivators. I" , " / e , I' : ; . ? . We sell the Superior Drill and have a - : 5 ; . E , . full line of the Kock Island Plow Goods. _ , ! ! ' I , , k ; ' " . - ' We , are satisfied with a small f profit and - ; : - . will close out our John Deere goods at _ , e. e 4 { . . cost. Save money by getting our prices _ I t before purchasing. ; : , , .LUDW G LUMBER CO , ' : _ Nebraska , , J i _ - @ @ ) JU U ' I ' Base Ball Supplies , We carry the lines of - _ A. , G. Spalding & Bros. I-A. A. J. Reach Co. - , , - . . Victor porti Goods Co. _ - Baseball Shoes , Bats , Balls , Uniforms : , - Masks : , Gloves , I Mitts : : , Basket Balls and supplies , Tennis Rackets , Balls . . and Nets. A classy assortment of Pennants. In fact 1 1 : : . we carry the only complete line of sporting goods in the Ij . " city. Send us your mail orders. Ii f- " FISOHER'S .HARDWA.RE . ! . . . . i ; .s. J 1) . ' i- : . I ' . FI ; " t - FI ' 1' f f ? ' i.1)w ) n.roo\ . ' , ) ' - r. POOL ANBBILLIARD ; HAlll I V"I I a 1 . ' ow J : a ' Cigars and I J 1 . Yf ! : - ' fl ODfI Soft Drinks l . o ' WA c , ; I JOHN G. STETTER \ - - PROP. I ( , . 'hJt,4 { ? Q @ x , t@ t O F . .iU ! lli ( .ill'ill = & ' dJ ] ) ) fII ( t < ) ] @ W.lli ! ! & ; /llllli\i@LD \ ) : I , , . . - - - - - - = Ii , \ , ' \ i , I ' " : ' - - . ' . : Rosebud Stage Line . . . I II ! i ( . , D. A. WH I PPLE , P opr. 1 ; . i , ' c1 . * . * * - - ' ' ' I . . ' ' - - J ; , , : Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House , I Ro'sebud" " " Rosebud Hotel I' ' , , . , 11 I 11.I " . ' .I \ ' . - Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , - . : . Sundays excepted. ' . c i' ! J Arrive at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. . , Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , . . ' : " Sundays excepted. . " - ' I . * -rr' : , . , " Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. . ' , * . ' . * = o . : . 4 . ; . i. ' . . Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. * ? . .m. ' , . * 1 - : " . . : Special attention to passengers , baggage and i I ! express or packages. ' 11U 'I " - . 11p # I " Leave orders at headquarters or at the Red p : I , . Front store. d , . . , ' , n . . ] . - . . ' " ' \ : i - ; ; : - . 'D. A. Whipple. ' . . . II 1 tl I' , . in j . U I : , _ - - irsi I . : : si : j < siA :1 : GRANT BOYER - , . _ . _ . BOYERa , , . . , ' ' . . . . a . > 1 : : - , rod . ' tlT I y ' . CARPENTER & BUILDER.W . . . . di . .r : ' , t _ . " . . ' . , by ; " ; c - _ , .t. 1\ . . _ hi : ' " , ' , -j : X : : tb ; . : . . . . - . s ' , C ( i : . AlLkinds : of wood work done R to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes < Cfj . : > ' ' ' ' ' ' . . { o f ' . Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. , W " ' ' ' . 'Valentine , PIIOXE 72 Nebraska , 1 bi < v . References : My Many Customers. . al : I I . . . . . . - . - - . - - " - - - - - . - - - - . . > . - " ' - , . . . - - . . . . " - " - ' < - - - . . - - - . - - - . , , " ' p " . : . . . . VALENTINE . DEMOCRAT I. ! M. RICE - Editor and Propr. F. Wright : , Foreman. , A Weekly newspaper published every Tliurs- day at Valentine , Nebras. Subscription - $1.50 Per , i ear. Local Notices , 5c per line per issue Entered at the rostofflce at Valentine , Neb. , for transmission through the mails as second class matte- . Thursday , August 18 , 1910. THE PRIMARY ELECTION , The vote in Valentine was pretty fair for the primary Tuesday. Many republicans voted a straight demo cratic ticket , perhaps the first time in their lives , and may vote for a few democrats at the general elec tion they say. Party lines are not so closely drawn now , we are glad ! to note , which shows that the peo ; ple are beginning to think more of men and less of party. It's the men that make the party , and likewise , what we want of an officer is what he will do when in office. We note that some ballots show- ed only the vote on governor and representative , those offices being the bone of con tention , Valentine gave Shallenberger 82 , Dahlman 79 , Carr 64 , Christensen 90. Metcalfe : 30 , Hitchcock 60. Burkett got only 6 while the big vote of 27 went to Birmingham. The republicans cast 42 votes and the democrats 162. The papers say that Dahlman is 5000 ahead in returns available Tuesday afternoon. Carried Omaha by 5000 and Lancaster Co. by 200. ! It is also stated he carried Fremont , Grand Island and Kearney and the World-Herald predicts his provable nomination , though Shnllenberger may overcome the vast lead in the remainder of the state which will most likely be for him and will make it close at the best. ' Hitchcock is safely nominated. The republicans claim Aldrich and Whedon nominated. It looks like Carr will be the nom- inee for representative if he runs at all in his own county , Key a . Paha , as Christensen is running very lit- tle ahead in Cherry. Dean and Taylor seem to be the leading ones for the 6th congressional district ; ' - 1 We ' like the primary-law , though we hear some complaint here and there. There may be some changes that will be beneficial and : Jilehce t opposition but we hope they can be made without "sprinkling ker- osene on the cow to kill the mites , and setting fire to the kerosene to keep the cow from freezing. " The.y say Phi Young will use different methods from that when he doctors cows. We knew a man at Ran dolph , Kas. , who sprinkle his chicken : house with kerosene''to get the mites and seeing the mites still agoing he vowed he'd fix em , and he did - with a match. Thought the fire would go out when the oil burned off. They used to be able to fix things in the old fashioned conventions but the . present pri- mary law fixes the fixers. OVTer in Iowa their law needs a little kero- sena and probably a match if there's enough material left to build another primary , but we think our law is alright for the people. It is one of our privileges to have a voice in the selection of our candidates and it woulol l have taken a great deal of fixing to keep the people from voting for Gov. Shallenberger and GK M. Hitch- cock. " , - - EDITORIAL NOTES = Vice-president Sherman says Roosevelt "will indorse the tariff aw and w411 indorse Mr. Taft in every particular. " If Mr. Roose- \ velfc $ pes this it will be his Water- , oo . - The extent of o&cia ] rpttenness F in Washington will ] ] never be known FL until the democrats are again L placed ) in power and get a half dozen investigating committees 1 1 working. = * r Only 120000000. That's all he wearers of ready made cloth- ing [ will have to pay this summer S n : excess - of former prices as a re SU sult of the passage of the Payne- U Aldrich tariff bill. - - It would be no more ' difficult for camel to enter the eye of a needle bhan for Roosevelt to indorse the laft administration and get away With I ( Eleven employees of the interior . epartment have been forced out y Ballinger. Fortunate men to .l aave their honesty and loyalty to _ he people who pay them thus re- - iognized. - . "I will not lie for the republi- an party , "says Senator Cummins 1 Iowa. Ye Gods , this assurance ould please us mightily ] did it not ut serve to remind us of that 'my of stump-speakers who will. \ . . - " " " - - - ' - . . . - S a-- a aca1Yw.5. - . Star..m4'a irs. " 'Ia - - . = . .lt. . . . . . . . . > . . - , - V ' ' Y -t' . - . . / - - - . . - - - - . . . - . wwvvwwwtwvvv r--- tOUR WASHINGTON LETTER LA WAWAAw ( Special I Correspondent ) . _ . Thousands of republicans thru- out , the land , and in the insurgent districts particularly , are becom- ing impatient at Roosevelt's ap- parent reluctance to state exactly where he stands on the subject of insurgency. The result is that Theodore Roosevelt is not quite as popular an ex-president as he was imme- diately following his return from Africa. This is an unbiased conviction that has been forced upon me after having travelled from Washington to the Pacific coast and back. I have talked with hundreds of per- sons of all clashes ! , and have so- journed especially in the insurgent districts. Roosevelt is not unpopular. I do not wish to convey that im- pression. He still has a large fol- lowing. But many of Roosevelt's admir- ers seem to feel the ex-president is waiting to see which faction of his party is the strongest instead of making a decision on the basis of which faction is morally right. If Roosevelt acts quickly and with clear-cut candor he may pre- sent further inroads on his popu- , larity. If he does not so act , the movement which he is given credit for having started will march on without him , with LaFollette or some other genuine progressive at the head , Will T. R. Aid Lodge . , . Word has come into the West via the Associated Press that Roosevelt will campaign for the re-election of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts , who de- clares the ultimate consumer is a myth. Roosevelt's admirers are gulping hard over this in formation. They have been educated by LaFollette and other genuine progressives to know Lodge as a tool of Aldrich and the special interests. They also have the word of no less authority than Representative Butler Ames , a republican insuur i gent of Lodge's own state of Mas I sachusetts , that the political ma- chine of Senator Lodge "is backed by all the large corporations" and i is used to "advance the selfish fin- ancial schemes of the large rail- roads , banking and manufacturing interests he ( Lodge ) serves in the halls ! of congress. " Roosevelt's great popularity ] has been Jargety ] due to the belief of , - . . . - r . . . - - , . . . _ _ c . , . . . . . . - ; a . _ _ _ _ ' : ' 'i. ' ' ' ; " ' ; , : , " " " j : ' . - : - c , the people that he was the enemy of such corporation servers as Lodge. . _ Therefore all over the land the ex-president's friends are asking : , 'How can Roosevelt cons ientious- ly speak for a man like Lodge , when he does nothing for men like LaFollette ? " The mere asking of this question has , the tendency of placing Roosevelt on the defensive. : And it is bad for any politician , great or small , to be on the defensive. Taft Won't Interfere The new railroad rate law will not be used to keep down railroad I rates. . Correspondents at the summer , capital at Beverly , Mass. , recently ' I got this news. It means that the ! strongest feature of the new rail- way law is to be a dead letter un- der the Taft administration. The section of the law referred to is that giving power to the in- . terstate commerce commission , on I complaint against an increase , to : suspend any freight rate for eleven , months . pending decision as to the justice of the rate. This section was forced into the law by the democrats and insurgents and was strongly opposed by President Taft and t / Aldrich-Cannon reg- ulars. Being hostile to this feature of the new law , President'Taft will not ase it to prevent the railroads from increasing their rates. : . - - - - , - . - - - - - - - - ' . 1 _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' - . , ; . , . . , : : : : # . " ' : " " ' " _ : yw----- J- - " . , ' . .r. t . - Contest Notice. U. S. Land Olllce , IJroken Bow. ehraskal , August 10.1910. f A sufllclentcontestaffldavit having been Hied In this oHire by Samuel L. Mathor. contenlant hoiiieMead entry No. IOCS , Serial 2 o. OS58I 6. W.7 I for nwyh . e % netf , mvtf.seM : , uy SW-i ! , H < > c.5. seU ueU.nts ! se ! - ( , s } $ sc ; ' . : : ; ec. G. nY lie1 * . geM } ne4 ! , Sec. 7. Town- vmpijN : , KauKeii W , 6111 Principal Meridian by .Jesse Uiiunfciit contestee. ! ' In which it Is al - leged that .h'ss Hunnicut has never established a buna ; fide re-ideiice in a house on said tract. and li k > wholly auandoned same for a period of more than six months lst past , and that the tract is not now resided upon , cultivated , Im- proved or grazed by claimant an required by u\v , and that all of said failures at tbe present time Said parties are herrty notified to appear. re- sDond. and oITer evidence touching said aIle ? : - tion at 10 o'clock a. in. , on eptemDer21,1JO. ! oo- for the Register and Receiver at the United States : : land omce in Broken Bow. Nebraska. Lite said contestant having , in a proper affi davit. Hied July 28. 1910. set ! : forth fncta which show tlint after due dillnence personal service of this notice cannot be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given oy due and propei ' publication. .JOHN KKKSE. ale isti r. DAKIUS . Al\I BEUnY. Receiver. Record address of entr'man1Jll1er , Nebraska. 32 ; It Contest Notice. U. S. Land Ofllce , Broken Bow , Nebraska. I August 10. 1910. f A sufficient contest affidavit having / been tiled In this otlice by Charles A , Putnam , contestant _ against Homestead entry No . 7 : : 1 , S. 03i8 ; . made * - - February 20 , lWS , for ail of Section ai.Townahip : 25 : ) N Jtdiigusr W. 6th Principal Meridian by .lames M. Dunning , confstee. In which it is al- leged that the said James M. Dunning has nevtr established a bona tide residence on the above de&crtled land ; that lie IIHS never made any im provements on the land : that he has nev > r cul- tivated or tisod the land in any \Va } . aud that , these conditions ex'st ut the present time Said parties are hereby notilled to appear , responu and otter eviuence touching suIlI alleJa- tion at ; 10 o'clock a. in. on September 21. lylO : , before tbo reeibter and receiver at the United Elates Land Olllce in Broken Bow. Nebr. Tne saiu contestant having , in a proper affi davit Hied I August 1 , 1910. set forth facts which show that aitfr due diligence personal ! : service of llus notice cannot be made , it is heieoy ordered and directed that such notice be 4iven by due ana proper publication. JuHN KKhSK , Rezlster. : : DARIUS AMSBERR1' : : , lfcctl "cr. a Record address ol cutryman , Thedford , Neb. 3.Mt . i rAJi 1ll1 I /EPT. 5' TO9Bi 191o \ ' ! -LINCOLN/ / ) THE STATE'S BEST PRODUCTS \ I . . 1NRi IGiiT W& Ov. AEROPLANE' wr KHHH W vw tt o nov m 9 M IN DAILY FLIGHTS LOMBARD SYHPHONV BAND AND OPERA ! CONCERT COMPANY C8EAT FACES . . PATTERSON SHOWS . . BASE BALL'- FIREWORKS . , , . . - _ . . . ' ; : ; : . - NIGHT = . : . _ : _ : ! ' . . . : : - = . . RACES--VAUDEVILLE "U' . _ , . _ , . , - - ' ---u.--o . : . ' : 'I" " ' . . ; : : : . = . ' . . : . ' . : . ; . --ii.- . . . . . . . . ; : : : : t " : ' 1' : : - ; . : ; ' ? - ' : - _ $ - . " - . ' " : : : - ' " " _ : I I : " : ' : " : : " = : . . . . . " . . ' . ' - : : : : _ . . . _ . _ . : _ . . --.h { . . : h.- . 5 : : . . . : : . : . : . . _ : : . . . - - - . - . . - - . - , - - ' . . : . r THE - . . . . . . . . - - EIGHTEENTH " - - ' T = , _ ' ' " " , . C 1i , _ ANNUAL . . . , / / ' . . . , ' 014 -Settlers'- . o - . Reunion - ' , - Of Cherry and ! Keya Paha Counties will be held at Sparks , Friday and Saturday . AUCUST 26 AND , 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . _ mam m "W - - - _ _ . - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ FIRST DAY 0:30' ( o'clock ; = Singing ; } p.eaking = = J. M. Caldwell , D. F. Story > rogram = = Sparks Committee . Dlnnt tt :30 ; o'clock = = Bali game * ony Race = = One.fourth mile , 14 hands , 1 in and under addle Horse Race = = 0ne = half mile Jorse Race = = One = half mile , free for all ' \IT " ' . . . . _ _ . _ . " _ , . . - " SECOND DAY i 0:311 ) : p'clock = = Slngihg I , 1 _ . Speaking = = Col. G. E. Tracewell , Judge .r---- - Quigley , Atty. Ruby and others Program = = 8y committee of Kewanee and Keya Paha Counties Dinner a 1:30 o'clock * = = BaII Game , 1 p Pony Race = = 14 hands 1 in. > and under - Saddle Horse Race , one = half mile Mule Race = = One = half mile . Horse Race = = One = half mile , freefor all ( / Foot Race = = 100 yds. , free for all Boys Foot Race = = 15 years and under Boys Foot Race = = 10 l years and under Fat Mens Foot Race , 50 yards . . Side Holt Wrestle - . Tug of War ' - - - . ' . , " , , . , : : : - - . _ . . " -y. , ' . , . . . . . . . . - B A )1 ) UI Horses Must be ntered by 2 o'clock P. M of Each ' . Day' 2. _ . , . - . . \ _ , - LIBERAL PURSES FOR ALL SPORTS - _ ' DANCE EACH NIGHT RICHARD OSBURN , President _ < : . J. M. OSBURN , Secretary , ,