I r. r.I r.i i . r.l I l- . . r , . , : , . . ' ' . - , 1 t : . l . - . - - .I. - PI I I _ Ofj.e i , I have just returned from St. Joseph , Mo. : , where i I bought at RECEIVER'S SALE at a BIG E ' Discount a lot of - j e Ladies' Shirt Waists , 8 jI I ' _ , I ' Belts Ties , Notions , etc. ' 'I ' > . . il : i l Also . many other articles of fancy and useful 1 ri ; 11 . wearing apparel that . enables me to sell at less I I t 8 than the usual price. Come and see them . while G 1 \ ; , ' i the stock is new and complete. Every article is 'r.l ' ! a bargain. Something new and uptodate. i.'J I I ' I 'I . l : < Ii { i ? ii' ' w Ao PARKER I1 11 , . YT . . - - , : A 7 ; ' , r General''erchandise. ' . - : Wood Lake , = = Nebraska : ii . _ @ _ G - ' - . I"I ' . JgH3DAY ' - , f f I,0 , GENERAL MEROHAND18Et I . ( , , , We , Buy and Sell Horses ! Wood Lake , ryr'fvyvylSp YYY ! " Yv v ! . , . . . . ( J' ! U.t-.ttU. ' ° g4Q . . w HOWE & fv10NTAGNE { , . Livery , Feed and Sales Stable . . . . . . . . = t . ( j Nteaiua - sa v. Wood Lake , N ebraska l t , + j Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. Si ! - . 1 -ou- r ( . " H. A. L YON , S , ( Successor to "NVelker it Lyons ) I"-- , Wood Lake , Nebraska , - ' Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting and fishing parties. . _ , c. _ , , , . . " " , " , _ . i u1 A M. Lotsp'eich , " ' ( Successor to Ed Young. ) , . Full line of Groceries and Dry - . G-oods Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish- ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . " , ! FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake = Nebraska. . , - - J . - : ' GENERAL FARM F. J. 'WILSEY , . . _ and LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER' Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex- perience in the Eastern states. Will - go to any part of the State. . Write me , or dates can be made at this office. F. J. WILSEY , Auctioneer Box 826 Rosebud South Dakota Contest Kotice. U. S. Land Ofllce , Valentine. ! Nebraska , 1 July 0. 1910. I A sufficient contest affidavit haying been tiled l . in this ottice by Frederick 1 W. mchard , ( ) II. con " testant , against homestead entrv No. 1GOS7 ( ser- : . fal No ( ) , . ! H1. inaflf August Kith. 1901 , for : - ' \ \ ' ' } : Sec. 22 , .N W K See. : ! 7. and l' y Sec. 28 , Town ! ship a ; W , Hange o2V. : ! . . Cth ( ) f. Aleriui n , by , Jxjster H. Mason cOllte tce. in which it-s a . - I ! 1 g d that said claimant ) has whollaban ' oned saiil tractfor more t'ir : ' R x inuiiths prior to ihf . expiraliou lOt live. y/-jus Ir-Mii-dUe \ of mtry ; that 1 he has never resided upon , cmlivu-'rd or un proved said truer : as n-quircd h > law and thatiiM ! I I of the auove defects exist at , ibis date and have r i not been cured. Said parties are hereby iiotilied to app ar respond and offer evirti-uce touchu.g suio allt la. t Ull at 10 o'clock a. in on AIIXI.S ; 31 : 1 Ifliu ! i-e- Jore the Jiul ; . : c ot tlm Ounty < ourt lor Hoolcer . . - County at his ollico ill Mullen. Nt-uraska , . and , that the liual hearing will oe held at , lu . o'clock a. III , on September : ' 8'h. lulo , i efore . the register and receiver at the United i ' _ Satea ! Land Omcu in Valentine . hra ! > ka. The salu COltc - tant . having ' ' , in a proper afll Lh'I / ) Show tliutnftcr due diligence ; ; personal ser. ke t. of this notice can 1Iut I ) , - umde it is hereby onier L eu itnrt directed that s'.1ch wolice begiv " n by due , , . ' , ' . and proper publication. ' E. OLSON ) , ) ) - .Jt Jit-reiver , JOHN _ F. POKATfl ; . ' . ' BUKGE , KEB. . . " - ' ' ' " " " fil ; : ; Tubular WeHs 'and Windmills " , . .Eall me up by phone . " . , . . . . ' . . - . . . - . -u - .a _ = - , . --Lh'- . - . _ . : : : : ' : : : - : : - . . ; - ; . : : - " : " . . : . : - : : : : : - - - - - - : - - . _ - - - . - - - - - : - \ - - - I Order . of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. . In tho County Court of Cherry county , Nebraska. I bTATE OK NEBRASKA . , I . . , . . . Cherry . County. . fbb I To the heirs anl : all persons interested in the estate of Patrick Sullivan , deceased : On reading the petition of A. \ Morrissey ' praying a lliinl settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court on the 2nd : day of August , 11)10 ) , and for his discharge as , said ) executor. It Is hereby ordered : that t you . and . all per- i sous interested in said matter may , and do 1appear I . ! at the county court to he held in and I for sj'id county , on the 20th day of August , I A. D. , JSHO ) , at 10 o'clock ! a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why t lie prayer of the pe I titioner should not be gl"Hntl'lllIlHI that no- I tice of the pendency } ot said petition and the I hearing thereof ! be given ttr all persons in- ; . . 'J"l'slt'li in [ alllnlHtt"l. i h ' . tere. n . matter by publishing oopy \ of this oi\ler in The Vall'nUnl'l'mol'wt. \ . a . . . weekly . newspaper . printed in said . county , for three successive weeks prior to said day . of hearing. .1 AJIBS C. Q/CIOLKT fsKAi/j r . : MI \ ) I County Judge. Wolcott & Morrissey , Attorney Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber Iain's Colic , . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained on board the trains or steamers. Chang- es of water and climate often cause sud- den attacks of diarrhoea , and it is best to be prepared. - Sold by Chapman Drug , Co. . / . , , , " . - - - , i & . .v' - . . . _ . - - - - - - - a rz. aw.x. . _ . . . , K M r . - < , - . . . t I . . . , , . ' , ' . , , .r " " " " ' 'r < ' : J T ? ? ' : 2 . Wood Lake Department , 3 . . ADVERTISING RATES : ) u Locals or rending notices 5 cents per line each insertion. Display , advertising ft' f X ) cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month dou UdyertiSlngJ , ' . , ' . . < , J" . AAAAAAAsMA : AAAAAAAAAJL AAArfefcAAA 4.Ju . . . , I J. B. Leader was a business cal- ler Saturday. Ed. Vonchek and Roy Klinga- man were Wrod Lake visitors Saturday. ; ; M. M. : Murray and W.L. Klinga- man shipped three carloads of cat- tle Sunday. ' J. S. Klingaman was in from the " 21" ranch and made a busi ness trip to Valentine. Miss : Grace VV aggoner returned from her visit Valentine and Harmony and reports a pleasant time. a time.Mr. Mr. Hamilton , who purchased W. A. Parker's bank , is erecting a new cement building for the same. . "Wood Lake is growing. Miss Dora Grewe came down from Valentine Friday and visited with friends until yesterday , when she went out to the 0 , W. McDan- iel ranch for a visit. Mrs. : Alfred Morris : came in from that ranch to Sunday at the parental home. Leo thinks ranch life is the best and we are inclined to believe she certainly thinks so for she always returns home so . soon. She can't leave Alfred to ! . batch more than one day. Earl Hanna , in company with Misses Florence and Mary Hanna and Miss Elsie Bullard , visited at Neil Hanna's and also went on to the lakes fishing. They returned Saturday evening with plenty of fish stories but we have not learned whether they ; brought anything besides the stories or not. J Proposed Constitutional Amendment The following proposed amendment to the constitution ol the State .Nebraska , as herein- after set foith in full is submitted to the elect- ors of ihe State of JN'ebrasKa , to be voted upon at the general ! election to be held Tnesilay , Nov- ember 8tH , A. D. 1010. , "A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) ) of Article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nei ! ' raska. Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. ( Amendment Constitution pro- posed. ) That section one (1) ( I ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , the senate concurring , be so amended as to read as follows : Section 1. ( Who are electors. ) Every male citizen of the United States , of the aee of twenty one years , who shall have bem a resident of this st-ite six months next preceding the election and of the county , precinct or ward , for the term provided by law shall be an elector ; provided. That per on- , of foreign birth who shall h ye de I cla - ed their intention to beco me citizens com formably to the Laws of the United States and are ; VLting at the taking effect of this amend- ment , may continue to exercise the right of xuff : rage until such time as they may have resided in the United States live years after which they shall take out fn : 1 citizens hip papers to be enti- tled to vote at any succeeding election. Section 2. ( Uallots ) That at the general elec tion nineteen hundred and ten ( WlO ) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage. At such election on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro- posed amendment , shall be written or printed " ' amendment to the the words : "for pioposed \ constitution ! relating to the right of suffrage' ' and 'Against said : proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right 0 f suffrage. " Section 3. ( Adoption. ) If such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all e'ectors voting at such election , said amendment shall constitute section one (1) ( ) ol article : seven (7) ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska. Approved April 1,1903. I ; ) " I . ' George C. JiuiKin , Secretary of State , of the State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitu- tion of the State ol Nebraska is i a true and cor rect copy of the original enrolled and' engrossed bill as passed by the thirty-first session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from ; said original bill on lile in this office , and th it said proposed amendment ij submitted to the nullified voters ol the State of Nebraska for I their adoption or rejection at the general eler- tion to be held on Tuesday , the 8th day of No vember , A. D. 1910. In Testimony Whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and allixed the great seal of the State of ! \e : > raslm. Done at Linco'n , this 29th day of July , in the year of our Lord , One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten , and of the Independ euce of the Tailed States the One Hundred and Th l'ty-fIfth . , and of this State the Fortj- : fourth. GEOKCE c. JUXKIX : , [ SEAL ] ] Secretary State. In the District Court of Cherry County. Nebraska In the matter of the Appl cation \ ol / Jiianes ( II Cornell l | Notice of or . the liVateof EllllOre Arclie' I Guardian.s E viL Aruiier.ArUinr . s Aich- ( eiami Daisy K 'her.l.IIIUS. . ) \ Sale for Leave to : ; l'lll\eal Estate. J Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of thf Jion. \V. 11. \Ws : ovrt.fudge0' the Disdiet Court of ( 'herry County ebrask.i. , made on the 7ih , day of February ! 191'i . for the s-ile of ihe I real estate liereinaltur iiuscrmud. theie will . he sold at puoiievetidue 10 ) the hlghe"t b drier l > rcish : or one-lourth of the ptrci'a.s price in cash ; and ! one - fuanh in one year from date of sale. tiiie-luiirtli in two yeais ' , and the balnilce in throe ) ttl.rs. interest on deterred payments at the rate ol 7 per t c- lit per annum , and said deltH'rell.I"'Ylllcut . \ ! to Ins secured h 1 > ' niort / , agrt upon said land at t lie front dll . roi tho court House in the Village of Valentine , III said county , on the 2"ih day of August1910 / , al tue horn < 110 o'clock A- M. . the loilowing / ' oe- scribed real es ! ate. towit : The northwest one- qiiurter of I''ctillllNil i ' . twenty (20 ( ! * in Township No. thirty-live (3.i ( ) of IJange 1'011. twent.viive West of the sixth l'rlllcipalIf'ri ; Jall in Che , n county , Nebraska. Said : sale will : ! remain opeii one ho ir. ) Dated this Cth day of August. 1910. UHAUUsS H . CORNELL. Tuardian of tne Estate of Elmore Arrhe' . Elva L Archer , Arthur W. Archer and I , , Daisy E. Archer , Minors. j E. D. Clarke , Attorney - - 313t . ; . Mr. ' and Mrs. W. F. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. : N. Uck went out to the lakes for an outing. They took lots of fishing poles along so suppose they intend to try their luck. Miss : Maude Bai- ley is in charge of W. F.'s gro- i cery store while they are gone. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isenhart occurred the marriage of I their neice , Phillis Duncan , to Mr. : Charles Sales , Sunday evening , I . July 31. Miss Duncan is one of Wood ' Lake's most popular young ladies and we are glad she is going I to remain in our midst. Mr. Sales i 'is night operator here and has a I host of friends. We extend I hearty congratulations to this wor- thy young couple. While Mrs. : Day and daughter , Mrs. E. Hooker , were shopping Saturday a little girl 3 or 4 : years old went into the house , found a box of matches , and went up stairs and set a basket of clothes on fire. She then went oat to play , not knowing what a dangerous deed she had done. Mrs. day and daughter soon returned and scented cloth burning. Mrs.Hook I er ran up stairs and found the clothes on fire and the blaze leap- ing to the ceiling. Her coolness saved their home. She picked up the blazing basket and threw it out of the window. No serious harm was done but had the ladies been five minutes later the house would probably have been burned to the ground. This makes us think again how badly we need a water I system. Keep up the Cultivation of Your Trees. I They are making the greatest I growth now and consuming a great . deal of moisture in their growth and development. If the ground contains but little moisture , cultivate often. Cultivate as soon as the ground dries after rains. We have all the varieties of Cher- ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit Shrubs , Roses and other ornamentals. GET THE CHEAPEST for a long time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER- MANENT INVESl'i\lI N'l' Get trees grown nearest home. They are ac- climated and grown under same con- ditions you want them to gro \ ' , and where they can be had the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries and 40 acres in our bearing orchard. Write for catalogue or any informa tion. Chas , J , Boyd , Brown County Nursery Ainsworth , Nebr , Nursery one block north-east of the Court House. - - - - Old Dutch Cleanser' ' i Will Be [ Welcome In Every Home j Because it keeps the house , 1 i from cellar to attic , in spick and span condition , and sav- j es the housewife labor , time , trouble and expense. . I Just you try it ! 1o $ _ , Per Cai ' 1 © o . d 'ki' : . P . 8 II 1 'y . 11 1 ( , * * * * * r Washing Dashes . Wit6uJuiiJudge'1I' . Place : dishes in pan of warm water , sprinkle a little Old Dutch Cleanser on dish-cloth ( don't put the cleanser in water ) and wash , each piece , put in sec- ond pan to drain , rinse in clean water and wipe dry. Easier , quicker and hygienic ; no cam- tic or acids ( not a soap powder ) . Old Dutch Cleanser will re- move the hardest "burnt in" crust from pots and pans , without the I old time scalding and scraping. CGeallsrt Scrssbsr : : . &C05WS-- Parishes " , , " - - . . - - , - . - - - - . - ' - - - - . - - - - - . - - - . - _ _ . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; : : ; . . ' - - - - - - , . . - - - - . . - - . - - _ . : " " ' .c . , ; . - - , . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - J l . J - - , , " - , - - . . , f- . ' - . < - . - " " . , , . 4 . , , . . , Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle / , Undertaking GooUs Dip , Stock Foods , etc. - Johnson Bros. . , , b Lumber , Machinery , Hard- ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , - - Nebraska I _ . _ .oJ @ : f @ 9 _ @ _ e V t Y Uck , lausen & Go1 , jeneral Hardware , r Wagons and , - . . Machinery. a . . . . V , complete line of : ' , . . Harness and Saddles : @ Household " and Kitchen . Furniture , . _ _ A . Lumber and Fence Posts WOOD LAKE , o NEBRASKA ' . @ - e8 _ E. M. : Faddis & Co ? ostof lce address-Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded I. t-- on.It'ft . . * Uugb . . ! : ] i.i " ' ITorses branded . 1.m 01l left . _ . . - = > . ; : d shouldt'r I ( Ii .nJ " "or thiph I , . ' . . fu ; Jif'/"J . " - , Some Some f ' branded w bnu ( led f'f on ri-iht thigh l- n\\ \ \ It-It ! ' . or .shoulder. shouldcr i or ! hili S - P. H. Young. u Simeon. Nebr. S Cattle branded as cut on left side V- = - - Some a. yon left side. . . . , a ! - on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek northof , Simeon N. S. f Rowley. Kennedy - Weuraska. Same as cut on left , 3ide and hip , and on' ' J left shoulder ! of hor- sei' . AlsoJgSJgi on left side " - 'lDd hip. iU V X on ! eit so- . Some ca - . _ r. , . tie brsnd- * . , , ' . , ; . - cd hiisk- ! g 12Sging [ peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses , LJJ . LJJQ on left hip of horses. N on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Kosebud SD Horses and cattle lira , same as cut ; also q CJ BE JJ on right . - . hip. . Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information " . . . . . - . : leading to detection . - = - of rustlers of stock searing any of the brands. R. M. : Terrill Plo ' . , Propr. . " Brownlee , Neo. ' " - : sil' ! } . Cattle branded as ' in c > : .t on left side. Some V..J i branded Iv T Y _ _ _ _ I . . . on left hip. Range on North J.oup , river two mile-s west of Brownlee . -o- . _ - ' " r . . - ! . " , . . : : . . . . , . < : n _ . John Kills s Plenty. St Francis Mis- , iion , Rosebud. . 5. D. _ : _ O ; < ttle branded as in cut ; horses [ JK P ame ur . .11\ J . I' on . . . . . . . . . [ 'ft thigb. Kaime etwcen Spring "k and Little Vhite river. , Albert'hiAP1e & Sons. Kosebud a , D. , Cattle branded ' SOS on left side OSO on rlchtside OS Some cattle also S have a -f- on neck ' Some with A on left shonlder and ( some branded with two bars iI 1 across hind qnar- , . . . -5. _ _ ? - tors. : Some Texas ' . w-f--rtr- ' - " cattle branded s 0 on left side and somej on left side. ' . . somef.B ( t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle 'w branded AW bar connected on both sides and left - bip ] - of horses , . - - . . f D. M. \ Sears. , Kennedy Nebr. } i Cattle branded as on cut.left side y Some on left hip. S - Horses same on left shoulder Range- Square Lake. . * , Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V . P . Ghas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part animal ; t also the ' i $ F I followlnj : "s " brands : ' / Jot 'J t ! fled ; horses brant ed the same A Range betweea f Gordon on the F , E . & M. V . . R. R. and jl Hyannis on P. & M. : R.K. in Northwestern Nebr HARTi.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nehr 1 , Sawyer Bros. , Oasis , Nebr ! . , G. K. Sawver has 1' charge of these ' , cattle. IT rses m n 4 on lef tshoul- " ' , der. Some 1 , left side. .a , 1 Horses . . . . or- " , same left thigh. i r Range on Snake : river. S Metzger : Bros. ffl . Icoife . Nebr A Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square . -t. : = ' ' , crop right ear. _ Horses have ' same brand on - \ . : ' . . u ul ; ; ; j\ stt thigh. _ ; . Kanpe on Gordon and . ' Creeks. r A Reward of $250 wilt 1m paid to any person for SfjL1.1 leading . to . . the arrest and final . . 01 any person or persons IItealing ( ' .ttJp with ahovf" hrand. . J. A. Ya1 ' Yan. * i ! Yan.Pullman Pullman , Nebr " Cattle branded JY on rightside y" Horses branded JY J on right shoulder IL I .Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the r * - coTery of cattle strayed from my t range. - - - . . Y . : iI - 't t ti j 'ti . . Sold by McGeer & Carroll , . Valentine , Neb. . . , - . _ . - - . . . I \