, : . 4 1 THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTHY KfDNEYS. t Weak kidneys fail to remove poi sons from the blood and are the cause of backache , headache , urinary troubles and dizzy spells , To Insure good health , f keep the kIdneys : , well. Doan's Kidney : Pills remove all kid ney Ills. Read what VI a physician says : - Dr. H. Green , 215 N. 9th St. , No. Yakima , Wash. , says : "I have ; used Doan's Kidney Pills in my practice ' - for years and they have given satisfac- tion. I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills personally and pronounce them the best remedy I have prescribed in my long career as a physician and sur- geon. " Remember the name-Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , It Was the Other Way. "Mr. Jones , " said the senior partner In the wholesale dry goods house to the drummer who stood before him in the private office , "you have been with us for the past ten years. " "Yes , sir. " "And you ought to know the rules of the house. One of them is that no man of ours shall take a side line. " "But I have none , sir. " , "But you have lately got married. ' "Yes ; but can you call that a side line , Mr. Jones ? " "Technically , it may not be. " i , "You needn't fear that having i wife Is going to bring me in off a trip any sooner. " ' "Oh , I don't. It is the fear that having a wife at home you'll want to stay out on the road altogether ! " What They Did With Them. An American who spends much of his time In England tells of a cockney who went to a dealer in dogs and thus described what he wanted. "Hi wants a kind of dog about so 'igh an' so long. Hit's a kind of gr'y'ound , an' yet it ain't a gr'y'ound , because 'is tyle is shorter nor any o' those 'ere gr'y'ounds , an' 'Is nose is shorter , an' 'e ain't so slim round the body. But still 'e's a kind o' gr'y'ound. Do you keep such dogs ? " "We do not , " said the dog man. "We drown 'em. " Playing the Market. , "Curbroke never pays for his meat until a month afterward. " ' "So I hear. Prices in the meantime go up , and he feels as though he'd made something.-Puck. , . , . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take. Do not gripe. ' .I' ' . . . : Young girls ought to make the most of their birthdaya , for in after years . ' they cease to have them. Sioux City Directory - - - - v - - - - . . . . . , . - - - - . . . . . . - KODAKS and supplies of every description. Send for catalogue. Finishing a specialty. ZIMMERMAN BROS. , Sioux City la. - - - - - - - , Tlp-Top&Bon-TonBROOf i 1S t ' Ask your dealer fo' these Brands Dealers send for pric e . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FELT MATTRESS . - - . Like illustration. Guar- , / ' anteed not to pack or ' . . become . Good lumpy. _ ' 1 grade of tick. This mat - @ 'j .r" i tress i s worth 11.50 and I - . t . we offer it , as C QC $ 6.95 . ' . _ _ a special , at JOiUU 1 Send for Furniture Catalogue. TIlE ANDERSON : .FURNITURE CO. , 60C-8 4th St. , Sioux City , la. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I . ItWeHaveNoAgeilt in your nearest town , write us and we will arrange it so you may sell us your cream and receive the highest market price. HANFORD PRODUCE CO. I 'dam' . SIOUX CITY , - J - ' - I . . -t _ . " ' . - " ' . : : . . . . . : . , . , - No. 94 Single Buggy Harness with Double Neck and Hip Strap = Nlc. I. R. or Brass Trimmed. This is a bargain . not to be overlooked. Special at 1350. < , Send for our free Harness Catalog. - . STURGES BROS. 411 Pearl Street Sioux City Iowa t I Don't Persecute your Bowels . Out oat caSfcrtict andrzztivcs. They uebrattl . -hmb----m1nceesw Tzy . . . . . - - - - } n CARTER'S LITTLE . . . LIVER PILLS Purely Tesetable. A < 3 - feoAy on tHo nTd , CARTERS c siizuttB b11t- f , and 4 ootLalhedeJiiAte ITTLE . xoemboneof eE tbeboweL PE I Care . . : Ca . PILLS. - . Skk Jil adllaM TmJnfJCT. M dcma ) sow. ' ' , . " : Smell . Pill , Small Dose , Small Prico Genuine mud Leu Signature rt , " . , - # .eJ ' - , . " - - - - - : ; ' M. 'Spiesberger & Son Co. . j < . . : ; ' , . ' Wholesale . Millinery : . _ . The Beit In the We'st' - 'OMAHA. . NEB. * ' " - - - fl VPMVA Wnt onE.CoIemanWash 'ITENTS lneton.U.C. Bookalrvel High .1 flk I hill E V est reference Beat n-sUU& . o. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Triennial Conclave in Chicago At- tended by , Great * Hosi of High Masons . - -Magnificent Parade and Competitive DrillCity Beautifully Decorated. ' Chicago.-The triennial conclave of he grand encampment of Knights Templar of the United States , which opened here Sunday , has 'brought to the city a mighty throng of high Ma- sons , not only from all parts of Amer- ica , but from Great Britain as well. The culminating feature of the con- clave was the parade on Tuesday , when some 50,000 sir knights marched in glittering array through handsome- ly decorated street , past immense reviewing stands and between . solid walls of spectators who stood for hours to see the magnificent and im posing procession and to listen to its two-score bands. The first event on the program of the conclave was , as always , divine service on Sunday. The sir knights selected Orchestra hall for this pur pose and entirely filled the body of that hall to listen to a sermon on "Templarism , " delivered by Rev. Dr. George H. MacAdam of Madison , Wis. , in'the absence of Sir Knight George C. Rafter of Cheyenne : , Wyo. , very eminent grand prelate of the grand I encampment. The music was in I charge of the grand organist of the i grand commandery of Illinois , the choir consisting of several male quar- tets belonging to the order in this state. Monday was devoted mainly to the receiving of the grand and subor- dinate commanderies and escorting them to their hotels. It is estimated that fully 100,000 visitors came with the knights and that about 300,000 oth- er excursionists have flocked to the city this week in consequence of the conclave. Of course every hotel was thronged and thousands of the visi- . - - this Immense stand , as at Its center was a gorgeous throne on which sat the acting grand master , William Bromwell Melish of Cincinnati , who became head of the order on the re cent death of Grand Master Henry W. Rugg of Providence , R. I. Mr. Melish will be regularly elected grand master before the close of the conclave. Just north of the Art Institute the parade passed before another review- ing stand in which were Mayor Busse , the city council and the park commis sioners. . . . . Beautiful "Templar Way. " - Washington ; street the marchers turned v.est to State , where they en tered on the "Templar Way. " This stretch extended from Randolph to Van Buren street and was made beau tiful ! by : i handsome arch and massive Corinthian columns of pure white erected thirty-three feet apart on both sides of the street. Festoons of natur al laurel connected the columns , and the bright red cross and the shield and coat of arms of the order were roraiuent in the scheme of decora tion. I Moving south to Jackson boulevard , the knights again turned west , and near the federal building passed be. fore yet another reviewing stand which accommodated Governor Deneen and his staff. Marching north on La. Salle street , the parade passed be. neath the grand commandery arch of pure white which spanned the street at the La Salle hotel , the headquarters of the grand commandery of Illinois. Entrancing Scenes at Night. The scene in the streets at night was especially beautiful , for all the arches festoons and columns of the - J , . J /v , . f ; are , . y. , . w , w ; : F. ; . . , ' . . .t 4 t . , : . " 4 1& ? : : : ; -1' . t. 9 R , 4' : . y j : . t a' 4. g ! gb o- , . M . r . . - - . Most Eminent Sir William B. Melish , Actinq Grand , Commander. tors found quarters - in private resi- dences. On Monday evening all the local and visiting commanderies kept open house at their respective headquar- ters , and many of the visitors found their way to the various amusement parks and the theaters. Parade . . of The Knights. The "grand parade" of Tuesday was the largest parade of Knights Templar ever held. The preparations were elaborate and Michigan boulevard was most elaborately decorated. The sir knights formed in line of marcb on the boulevard south of Thirty-first street , and signal to move was given by the guns of Battery B , I. N. G. , the detachment for the purpose being composed of Knights Templar all of whom are members of the battery. The same detachment fired the salute to the grand master. Marching northward In Michigan boulevard , the parade passed , near Hubbard court , beneath an entrance arch built in the form of an anclenr battlement with Its towers and tur- rets. This was Intended to represent ; the entrance to the city , and as the I column passed under it , buglers sta tioned on its heights heralded the ap proach of each grand division. Next the knights came abreast o * I the first grand stand , one-half mile In length , and this needed no decora- tions , for It . was filled to its capacity mainly WIth ; ladles whose. . , beautiful summer ' costumes made it like a vast garden. About 50,000 persons were In Y . - I . decorative scheme were brilliantly II- luininaieU. ana on State street , In ad dition to the "Templar Way , " the mer chants had put up decorations that t c I transformed the great shopping dis- | I trict into a veritable fairy land. I Undoubtedly the most spectacular 'I ' feature of the uight display was the wonderful electric set piece erected I in Grant park on the lake : front , re producing in colossal size the official emblem or badge of the conclave. It was 150 feet high and its 5,000 power ful electric lights of varied colors brilliantly illuminated all that part of the city. Much of the ; success of the conclave must be attributed to the efforts of I John D. Cleveland , grand commander of Illinois apd president of the tri ennial executive committee. Arthur MacArthur of Troy , N. Y. , is the very eminent grand generalissimo of the grand encampment and W. Frank Pierce of San Francisco the grand captain general. Among the most noted of the visit- ing masons from other lands are : The Right Hon. the Earl of Euston , pro grand master of the great priory of England and Wales ; the Lord Athlum- ney. past great constable ; Thomas Fraser , great marshal ; R. Newton Crane past great herald ; F. C. Van Duzer , past great standard bearer ; H. J. Homer , acting grand master ban ner bearer ; John Fergueson , past pre ceptor of England and " Wales ; and the Right Hon. Luther B" Archibald . , .most eminent grand master of the great priory of Canada. " : and.official ! . atal ! . _ . . M , TOOK A SECOND THOUGHT Aggrieved Visitor Agrees With Man Who Spoke About the Better Part of Valor. Bishop William M. McVickar of the Episcopal diocese of Rhode Island has hundreds of Boston friends who will b'e interested in a story they are tell- ing down in Providence about him. The bishop is as big physically as he is mentally. On a certain occasion some years ago he preached a sermon on the need for missionary work in the back towns , of his state , and espe- cially mentioned the town of Foster , which , certainly deserved as much as he said about it. There are a good many fighters in Foster , and the worst of the lot an- nounced to all who cared to hear that when he went to Providence he would make it his business to chas tise the bishop. He didn't happen to visit the city until a month or so ago. On his return he joinQd the crowd about the stove in the village post- office. "Well , Hi , " said one of the gray- f beards. "Did ye lick this here Par- son Vickery when ye was down to Providence ? " Hi spat deliberately before he re - plied. "Lick him ! " he said. "Say , he's eight foot tall and four foot broad. Lick him ? I 'saw' him.-Bos- ton Traveler. DIDN'T LIKE DARK COLORS. n r ii r/ia 10' rli Iij : / L G r _ Vr - - 1 ' . ' \ / . Johns - I heard you tell that man to aever darken your door again. Try- Ing ! to marry your daughter ? Thomas-No ; he's a painter and he painted my front. door ebony instead of oak. Casey at the Bat. This famous poem is contained in the Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for 1910 , together with records , schedules for both leagues and other valuable baseball information compiled by au thorities. This interesting book sent by the Coca-Cola Co. , of Atlanta , Ga. , on receipt of 2c stamp for postage. Also copy of their booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola" which tells all about this delicious beverage and why it is so pure , wholesome and refreshing. Are you ever hot-tIred-thirsty ? Drink Coca-Cola is cooling , re lieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. At soda fountains and car- bonated in bottles , - 5c everywhere. His Soft Answer. "And this is the sort of excuse you put up for coming home two hours late for dinner and in such a condi- tion-that you and that ( Disreputable Augustus Jones were out hunting mushrooms , you wretch ? And where , pray , are the mushrooms ? " "Eere zay are , m' dear , in m' ves' pocket ; and w'ile zay ain' so many of 'em , m' dear , we had lots of fun- Gus an' I-huntin' 'em. " On a Stygian Ferryboat. Charon was ferrying a passenger across the Styx. ; "Fine scenery for my toothpowder ad , " cried the shade. Thus we see the ruling passion sur- . vives. . For Red , itching Eyelids , Cyste , Styes Falling Eyelashes and All Eyes That Need Care Try Murine : Eye Salve. Asep- tic Tubes-TrIal Size - 25c. Ask Your Drug- gist or Write Murine Eye Remedy Co. , i Chicago. I His Busy Season. "How's business ? " . "Brisk , " answered the druggist. "I've bought tickets for two picnics and four excursions this morning , and donated goods for several indoor affairs. " Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Forchildren teething , softens the gums , reduces In- . tlammationallays pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. I Many a girl who refuses to stay . single also refuses to stay married. , S 1 . . - . . . , - - , . . , , .1 > ' ' ] , . r . . . - I - T CASTURIA . I } 0 ( t ! D l t I For Infants and Children to 4 ? 5 I & . The JCind ( You Have IP ? < ! ' _ _ , , . , . . ' ' ( ' " ' . ' . ! ! ! ' ! ; : , [ [ , ! _ . Always Bought t ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT l K I ' .AVegeteble Preparation for As ' $11 similating ilieFoodandRegufa- Bears : the ig fmg fhe Stomachs and Bowels of - _ : r It ' . . . 1 Signature % s * Promotes DkesHonCheerfuI- ; y nessandRest.Containsneither of OpiumMorphine nor Mineral I l , NOT NARCOTIC . 4 Imp' ) : , / ' Ofr ! OrSAHliElPITflll'H . . ) f IwnpKtn . S'eod . . ; v-- , 'tp ' lx Senna : ' . , AihelleSalZr ! ' ! > tSj Anire Sttct . : I P-Rtlprl1linl. ,1 In I It ' 'BiCarionaterfity ? : Wonr Sctel - . _ t Clariesd . , it t flarititd Suyar l" ; ; , & ' Flavor ' . i\ \ Lti&yrrenFlavor' _ _ $ .i perfect ! Remedy ' for Constipa elf U J S 8 , VJi i tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , k ° o Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- $ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. For Over : tJ i : ' 0 r Y B r . If ' -U , ( Facsimile ' Signature o/ _ Its 1 . . Tliirty Years ' ' ' . 'THE CENTAUR COMPANY " " NEW YORK. . ftp , . : E v _ _ . ) ' , a uaranteedundcrhFoodand Exact Copy of Wrapper. % HaaIUT.usoonPar : + T . angsosnarrl. ' ' l _ - $ ? * * % * ' * 'lll : ; , - . _ : - - _ ' lt. y- % . ' : - , . . _ : ' ( - : ' - ' " _ _ - _ _ AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright and MICA free from grit. Try a box. - Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. ( Incorporated ) _ Why She Brought It Up. "Do you remember , " she asked , "that you said once that unless I promised to be yours the sun would cease to shine ? " "I don't remember it now , but I suppose I may have said something of the kind. " "And have you forgotten that you assured me that unless I permitted you to claim me as your own the moon would fall from her place in the heavens ? " "Oh , well , what if I did say so ? Why do you want to bring that up now ? " . "I merely wished to assure you that I'm sorry I didn't shut my : eyes and . let her fall. " DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE. PILLS. Seventeen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for Women's Ailments. A scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. The . result from their use is quick and per- manent. For sale at all Drug Stores. I Uncouth. " ' " "He's so uncouth. "What's the matter ? " "He actually eats the lettuce leaf the salad rests on. " Different Values. "There's a big difference in men. " "I judge so , by studying the vari- I I ous rates for which Pittsburg council- " men were bought. - - - - O h' That Gas Awful. Did you hear it ? How embar rassing. Thesestomach noisesmake you wish you could sink through the floor. You imagine everyone hears them. Keep a box of CAS- CARETS in your purse or pocket and take a part of one after eating. It will relieve the stomach of gas. 918 CASCARETS lOc a box for a week's treatment. druggists. Bleeest seller in the world-million boxes a month. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality ; reds and roans , white /aces or angus bought on orders. Tens of Thousands to select from. Satisfaction Guar- anteed. Correspondence Invited. Come and see for yourself. National . Live Stock Com. Co. At either Kansas City Mo. St. Joseph , Mo. , S.OmahaNeb. , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - fair 4 a o e - - - - - THE GREAT DAIN HAY TOOLS ARE THE BEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY , OMAHA , NEB. II _ : _ W. N. U. , . SIOUX CITY , NO. 33-1910. - , The Tenderfoot Farmer It was one of these experimental farmzrs , who put greea t spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory- Was that it d'dfn't matter what the cow ate so long as she- was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had ! not entered into his calculations. It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such an experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feeds Ate- self regardless of digestion and nutrition. He might almost as well eat shav- ings for all the good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach. grows "weak" the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness , ' To strengthen the stomach , restore the activity of the or & ans ot digestion and nutrition and brace up the nerves use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It Is an an failing remedy , and has the confidence of physicians as well as the praise of thousands healed by its use. In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery" is a temperance niedl-- ciae. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics , and is as free from alcohol as from opium , cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed oa its outsi4e wrapper. Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach , liver and blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery. " ; . . . - ; jfV vEf Weather Proof , Fire Proof , Wear Proof Roofing /LY A roof that will never give you any trouble. No more leaking ; no 5 danger from sparks ; no more expense for repairs. With Gal-va-nite first cost is last cost. Gal-va-nite is plated with flaked Mica , which makes it weather proof. No chance for the sun to get in and dry up the oils and then rot the roof away. If you want to forget you own a roof use ' $ ' : ' . Aliva-jr . ' . ; ; . -V - , . . . . , . ' . L ' " t ' s- : ' r. , : Asf'tIAJ1' . . . 'r . . . . . Xofihz9 ' c : t' rf . . . ' (1ft TRIPLf . . ' - J : ' I. _ ; . . . . . ' ( It makes a ' one-piece roof. No new shingles to put on , don't have to be regraveled and tarred. One job and it's all done. Send for samples and _ test them. Also Free Book on roofing.GI4PA UNION ROOFING & MANUFACTURING CO. , 200 Union Road , St Paul , Minn. i