Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 11, 1910, Image 5

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, . - , . < . . . . . ' . . . . . -
. " . . .b. . . J' " . . - - - - . ; . < . J. . _ I eat
. I I
j ' : 4 " . I PICTURE ! TAKIN'G .
. . . . .
1 ' ) . -
. 1 . I . ' I
. . .
; " ' . I If you don't know the joys of Kodaking
you don't' know life in the making. Get
. . . a Kodak and take pictures of nature now
. I when she is in her prettiest dress. .
I : r . I . . The Kodak I
* .4
< ; . I Makes It I Easy !
- i
, .
, .
. "i ,
7 t .
Pictures of faces and places and pets = = the
' Kodak records them faithfully and so easily. I
, < - , ' , , We sell Kodaks , camera supplies and all
, . . . , .
necessary chemicals. We can show you I
. . Kodaks and Kodak resultsand how to
- ' V obtain them easily and at small Expense. I
# , I Perfect quality = = perfect results = = guaran-
teed in the Kodak.
1 :
: " FROM $2.00 TO $20.00
.l . .
q @A * LmmTHH3Bi
- I - . . , . . _ . . . . _ . I
.t""l"- - 80 ; ; - 6.
, . -
_ . ' A Safe ,
' ; . ' ' . , Simple System
" - : ' " ' _ Th'e system of paying
, . . - . by check was devised
" ' " ' '
by all menfor any
. ' ' . man - for you. It is
' . suited to the need of
t any business , either
. " : large or small. It makes
, " , , no difference whether
: y we pay out 510 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
" needs.
, . . .
- ' " ' Pay by check , the
method puts system in
'u' to your business and
gives you a record of
_ every transaction.
. , ' . C. A. RUBY
. "
- : : t Attorney-at-Law
, - , ' Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main .
street entrance.
Valentine , Nebraska
Office over the grocery department
_ of T. C. Hornby's store.
' . W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
- : ; . . : General Merchandise
_ cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
. Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
, Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
. - " ' DENTIST
3tooms over Red Front store
: I
t Valentine = Nebr ,
. , . - . , - . . , . . . . . - , _ . . . . ' " . ,
, / : . , Light and Heavy Draying--
_ " ' Furniture and pianos handled
r . , in a careful manner. Coal
hauled and trunks and grips
, > a specialty. Phone No. 134. :
" , ' E . . J i , '
. '
J co _ . , lJl.N , . - $ '
. , , , . . " _ W iii
t. ' , . . . . ' . . .t. ' - ' - . ' ' - - " " , - : :
. t.a , , . . , '
: a , .
. . - . ,
Talk of the Town.
. -
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
; WEEK ENDING AUG. 11 , 1910.
Daily mean temperature OS3.
" Normal temperature 73 =
Highest temperature 8G ( jo.
Lowest temperature f/0 ° .
Range of temperature HP. : ;
Precipitation for week 3.13 : of an inch.
I Average for 2C years O.S2 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 13.07 inches.
Average for 22 : : years 15.0 : of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
For board and room inquire of
I Mrs. Grant Spain.
I '
S. B. Weston gave up the Chi-
cago House Sunday "and Mr. and
Mrs. O. Etter have taken charge.
The heaviest rain of the season
fpll Sunday evening , measuring
1.92 inches. Another good rain
fell Wednesday.
4 in , 8 ft. cedar posts.
4 : in. 10 ft. cedar posts.
4 in. 12 ft. cedar posts.
G. W. Brown , Jr. . wife and son ,
formerly Brown's Business Col-
lege of Lincoln Nebraska. are now
conducting a Business College in
Rapid City , S. D.
Dr. Dallal and family came from
Norton , Kansas , last week to visit
his sister , Mrs. A. John , and other
relatives. Jobryan Dallal , another
brother of Mrs. A. John , came
from Omaha with his two little
children Sunday night on a visit.
e The Presbyterian Church , J.M. .
Caldwell , the pastor , will preach
in the morning upon the "Press
a Power for Good or Evil. In
the evening , will tell of what he
saw on his journey from " J erusa-
lem to Bethelt" All are invited.
Ray Jones and Earl Carey were
in Valentine last Saturday visiting
old friends. They are , working ,
at St. Francis Mission as carpen-
ter and painter where they are
doing good work and they claim
to be able to do any and all work
in their line. They furnish estim-
ates free upon application.
The Valentine boys have been
producing a good article of ball
and are deserving of encourage- i I
ment in the way of a more sub- .
stantial patronage. The two games ,
scheduled with Gordon were gob-
bled up with the greatest ease , the
visitors not having a ghost of a
show at any stage of either en-
LosT-Bird dog. White with
faded brown spots , long ] haired.
I Answers the name of sport. Fol-
lowed to Wood Lake on , June 24
and probably followed some one
out of town. Any information
will be gladly received and finder
will be rewarded , as dog is an old
family pet. Address Paul Kenui-
co Wood Lake , Neb. , Junod P.O.
.Dysentery is a dangerous disease but
can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera , and Diarrhoea Remedy has
been successfully used in nine epidemics
of dysentery. It has never been known
to fail. It is equally valuable for chil-
dren. and adults , and when reduced
with water and sweetened , it is pleasant
to take. Sold by Chapman Drug Co.
.l Dr. Daily has sold ] his residence
I to Bob Koontz. .
I FOR SALE - Good milch cow. In-
quire at'tiiis office. 30 tf
I ,
I 3i in. 6 ft. Southern Red Cedar
Posts at Lud wig Lumber Co.
Mrs. Sol Morey is in town as-
sisting in the care of Grandma
Morey , who is very low.
3 in. 7 ft. cedar posts , from 11
to 15 cents each.
L. R. Sheldon has been lonesome ]
the past week as his wife and chil-
dren have been visiting at Neligh.
Miss Helen Bachelor accompa
nied Dr. Devries to Fremont Sun-
day for a short visit with his
Father Aboud , of Omaha , stop
ped in Valentine last week on his
way west , to visit the' Syrian peo-
ERATOR is what you need this
summer. Buy it at Fischer's Hard-
ware. 14
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Fannie
Van B. Moore of Cody , July 28 , a
daughter. Mrs. M , Harden : re
turned from there last week.
Capt. Archer and Albert Christ-
ensen returned Monday evening
from Fort Robinson where they
have been doing painting and dec-
orating work.
If your liver is sluggish and out of
tone , and you feel dull , bilious , consti-
pated , take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach , and Liver Tablets tonight be-
fore retiring and you will feel all right
in the morning. Sold by Chapman
Drug Co.
On Sundaynext there will be
services in St. John's church both
morning and evening. Early com-
munion at 7:30 : , Sunday school at
10 , morning prayer with sermon
at 11 a. m. Evening prayer with
address at 8. Litany and choir
practice on Friday evening.
, Mrs. F. D Lawrence Geneva ,
III. \ , offers § 2o ) for information as
to the whereabouts of her son Glen
C , who pft ] home May 26 1910.
Aged 16 , 5 ft. S in" , weight 125
Ibs. Regular features , ,
gray blue eyes , dark eye brows
and eye lashes. Apt to stammer.
Rev. W. W. Wells left on No. 2
Sunday night for Kearney where
he passed successfully a rigid ex-
amination as assistant custodian of
Masonic ! work for the State of Ne-
braska. The time spent in the ex
amination was from Tuesday at
9 a. m. until Friday , noon , includ-
ing night sessions.
Henry Auguston of Brownlee
was in town Tuesday and informs
rs that his wife is Winslow , in
Black Hawk county la , visiting
her mother and brother , also a
brother from Goldfield. Colo. , is
there. It is her first visit back to
the old home in 25 years. Henry
sends her the Democrat each week
which she enjoys reading , though '
we haven't had much Brownlee
news of late. Henry Lee came up
with Mr. Auguston.
These people who make a busi-
ness of begging soliciting pro-
. fessional beggars , some of lliem
for themselves . only ; others osten -
sibly for some charitable institu-
tion to which they give 10 or 1'5
per cent for the use of the name ,
the bulk of their collections going
down into their own pockets ;
some miserably poor poorly clad
and with haggard expression oth-
ersPwith the same proclivities of
getting something for nothing ,
though more forward , in a differ-
ent class but yet the samp , and are
deserving of no more favorable
consideration than the man who
meets you on the corner , catching
people from both streets , asks for
a nickel : or dime to get a lunch ,
you may suspicion a beer lunch-
no matter , they're all begging for
themselves , though their style
varies according to their ndi ddu- ,
In buying a cough medicine , don't be
afraid to iret Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
edy. There is no danger from it , and
relief is sure to follow. Especially rec
ommended for coughs , colds and whoop-
ing cough. Sold by Chapman Drug Co.
Ainsworth vs. Valentine
u n August 14th
r Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an execution issiiPtl by tlie
elf rk of the district court of Cherry Co. , Neb
raska , .June 24 : , 1 . ! 10 , under an execution where
in Arthur 13owerinir is judgment creditor and
Obe Church and Lottie Church are judi'moiit
I will sell at HIP front . door of the court houso
in , Valentine. ; Cherry county Nebraska : , that
heiog the uilrtimr . ! wherein the last , term of ; said
court was H 1.1 . on the I7h ( lav of September.
HMO. , ! at 10 o'elcck . \ . . ,
A. M. to satisfy judgment IIr
3S500 ana ; iuten-Bt at 7 per cent from datu
of judgment Deoeinhflr , ,
18th. ions ! ) / and costs
taxed at : : 10 M aiip accruing co t" . at public
auction ; , to the highes , bidder , for cash , the
following described property ) , to-wit ( :
Lots 19 audio : : of block 10 of the original Vil
lage nf Valentine. Cherry County. Nebraska.
Dated this 11th day of Augustfigio
, , , . C , A. JCosseter , Sheriff.
. „ „
Walcott & Mojrlssey , Attorneys for Flamtiff.
i > l Gt
" -
Badger Lake
Will Kirizley was in this'icinit.y
I Mrs. : R. Bartley is visiting at.
C. M. Kiraes.
Geo. Shadbolt was in this neigh-
borhood looking for hay.
Jeff Teeters made a trip to town .
after store supplies this week. I
Daniel Adamson and wife were
callers at Dan Barnes' Saturday.
Dr. C. M. Gleason was in our
neighborhoog changing glasses.
Mr. and Mrs. : Chas. Webster re
turned from Gordon this week.
Sunday school is well attended.
An attendance of twenty-five the
E. R. Barnes & ; Son Elmer went
to Cody Monday after hay sup-
Will Dunbar of Cody is out in
this part of the country buying
C. M. : Kine threshed vVed
day. His oats go about 60 bu. to
the acre.
Miss ' Maggie Gibson is working I
for i Mrs. E. l { . Barnes during the
haying season. !
\YilllVludge who has been work-
! ing with Cady's hay-gang went
home on a visit.
C. M. Kirae and Cecil Barnes
went after the company ; thrashing . , . l :
machine down at C. K. " T olfen- , !
den's. |
. . .
- - ' ' ' ' ' ; - -
f ' Our mail carrier , Geo. tTustice ,
has a sick horse , bu tit is some
better now and makes the trip as
There is a smile all over the face
of one of the writer's neighbor
women , who was so lucky as to
hatch forty some odd little chicks
in her " old trusty" incubator.
Good luck don't befall all people.
Weber Wagons in all sizes and
prices at the Ludwig Lumber Co.
C. & N. W. New Time Table.
\VKST noun : ,
No. : 1 , 7:17 p. in. New passenger train.
No. a i , 1 : a : : i n. m. Old " "
No. 110 , 11 : : . p. in. Through : , freight train.
No. HI , 2:00 p. in. Local freight train.
No. . ' , lOI J2 : p. in. Ni-w passenger ! train.
No. II , ; : M a. 111. Old " * . ; ' . "
No. 110 ; , no 1 a. m. Through fralght train.
No. 82. t ) : 11OOu.1I1. Local freight train.
Our VACUUM \ CLEANER will do
your spring house cleaning. Order
it from Fischer's Hardware. 14
r Just Received a New
Line of Beds .
White Enamel , - $3.50 to $18.5.0
Vennis Martin , - 10.00 to 12.50 '
Imitation I Oak , yet all iron - 15.00
Have you noticed our Kitchen Cabinet now on display
-the BEST ONE in the City-with exteution top and flour
sifter in the bin.
Our sale of Blue Flame Oil Stove Cookers has
been unprecedented this year , but we are still able to supply
you with either two or three burner stoves.
Call in and see our licensed plumber , the only
one in town. Let him figure on your bath-room outfit. Work
and material the best and prices as low as the lowest. He guar
antees satisfaction. Our stock of plumbing goods is the most
complete of any in town.
If you cannot find what you want at the Red
Front Hardware'it is not in town.
Red Front Hardware Co.
- -
Will be held in the City ParK on the
Minnechaduza , North of Valentine ,
Under Auspices of the Odd Fellows ,
Workmen , Woodmen and Eagles.
. .
Prominent representatives from the head Lodges are to be present and make
addresses as a part of the program. Program of the first day is , to be in charge of
the Odd Fellows and Workmen , and the second day the . program will be in charge
of Woodmen and Eagles.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - -
Games and S.ports
will be arranged for those who enjoy fun and frolic. Plenty of bathing ,
boating and fishing to satisfy everybody. Dancing at night in a good
pavillion , The Valentine park is located on the beautiful , clear , spark-
ling Minnechaduza , and is one of the most picturesque spots in the state ,
supplied with never failing springs of the purest cold water. Bring your ;
tents and come prepared to enjoy the restfulness of this cool , refreshing ,
shady nook. You will be cordially welcomed and ever after congratulate
yourself for having come.
Music by Valentine's Fine Cornet Band
- .
Old Crow , I . All Leading
Hermitage . . . r : . Brands
' r.
. .
x. llr-1 R ; 4 1s '
and . . L ' : Bottled
Guchen- - ' Under the
_ if
_ _ _
heimer _ . Supervision : ,
Eye . . . of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
\ \ : e also handle the btidweiser Beer.
, . HENRY STETTER , . Propr : -
. . .
- S . ' .