Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1910, Image 7

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    -'I \
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 \ Make the Liver
\ Do its Doty
' 1 Nine times in ten when the liver la j right tha
ji . stomach and bowels arc right.
gently but firmly coz -
pel a lazy liver to
i oo its duty.
( , Cures Con i' . ITTLE
- stipation * ( . ; IV ER
Indiges - . PILLS.
tion ,
j Sick
, Headache , and Distress after Eating.
Small Pill , Small Dose , Small Price
- -Genuine mmtbcar Signature
. .
- - - - - -
_ _ _
. - = -n
Send postal for
- F R E E Free Package
Belter and more economical
: than liquid antiseptics
: r
. _ _ _ a Give one a sweet breath ; clean , uhitc ,
germ-free teeth - ontioeptically clean !
. mouth and throat-purifies the breath
' after smoking - dispels all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors - much ap
preciated by dainty women. A quick
remedy for core eyes and catarrh.
- A little Paztine powder ds-
. - solved in a glass of hot water
_ _ _ I . . - makes a delightful antiseptic so -
- lution , possessing extraordinary
r cleansing , germicidal and heal
: ing power , and absolutely harm
less. Try a Sample. 50c. a
large box at druggiils or by mail
- -
- - - - -
I .
1/ /
/ : .
- I I J L.6
. Benham-The paper says that in
Norway married people can . travel for
i fare and a half.
Mrs. Benham - Married people aren't
: one , even in Norway , are they ?
- A Simple Matter.
. "Charley , dear , " sid Young Mrs. : :
Torkins , "the paper says that the Pro-
hibitionists have trouble with boot-
. leggers. "
' 4' , _ _ "I believe so. "
" "Men are so stupid ! Why don't
! - " - Jliey put a stop to it by compelling
everybody to wear low shoes ? "
-I Not His Fault.
"Oratory is a gift , not an acquire-
ment , " said the proud politician , as
, he sat down after an hour's harangue.
"I understand , " said the matter-of-
fact chairman. "We're not blamin'
you. You done the best you could. "
Taking Father's Job.
, . "Why should you beg ? You are
both young and'strong. . "
"That is right , but my father is old
and weak and can no longer support
me.-Meggendorfer Blaetter.
. By a patient loving endurance of
' annoyance are we preparing our-
selves gradually for the. discipline of
_ , trlals.-E. M. Goulburn. ,
. Know How
To Keep Cool ?
When Summer's sun
- and daily toil heat the
blood to an uncomfort-
able degree , there is noth-
- - ing so comforting. and
cooling as a glass of
. Iced .
' 1 served with sugar and a
little lemon.
Surprising , too , how
- the food elements relieve
:1 fatigue and sustain one.
The flavour is deli-
. cious-and Postum is
//4r really a food drink.
. "There's a Reason"
Battle Creek , Mich.
- _
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.Curtie.J Jyi'f ! llo . : thhe _ lCh08
Glenn Curtiss , one of the foremost American aviators , did some remarkably successful flying during the re
cent aeroplane meet at Atlantic City , N. J. He was in the air nearly every day and set an American record for
a 50-mile flight by covering the distance In five mile laps along the beach in 1 hour , 14 minutes , 59 seconds.
Curtiss also gave striking proof of the utility of the aeroplane in war by dropping sham bombs on the outline
of a battleship marked out on the sands.
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. - . . . . . . . . . -
. .
Sir Oliver Lodge's System Sup-
plies Artificial Sunshine.
Weighed as Business Proposition
Method Has Justified Itself and Is
Now Being Taken Up on Com
mercial Lines as Practical.
London.-In spite of the obstinate
conservatism of the average farmer
much has been done to carry out Sir
Oliver Lodge's plan of utilizing elec-
tricity for re-eaforcing the fertility of
Weighed as a business proposition ,
Sir Oliver Lodge's system has justified
itself , and what was tentative and ex
perimental is now being taken up on
commercial lines as a practical auxil-
iary of husbandry.
Lionel Lodge , who has control of
this department of Sir Oliver's work ,
has explained the development of the
past year or two and the hope they
afford of further progress.
"Have you ever noticed what a re
markable impulse is given to the
growth of crops by a thunderstorm ? " I
asked Mr. Lodge. "That is the effect
Df the strongly charged atmosphere ,
and our object is to supply a similar
stimulus systematically.
"The growth and development of
plants in the Arctic regions compares
favorably with that In southern coun-
tries , and yet their summer is very
short , and the sun's rays have to
travel in such an oblique direction
that much of their heating power is
lost. Why is it , therefore , that the
plants flourish ? The explanation lies
In the strong electrical currents which
are passing from the air to the earth ,
the effect of which can be seen In the
Aurora Borealis.
"The electric current can be gen-
erated either by a small dynamo or
from the nearest supply company's
mains , and by means of a transformer
it is raised to the high pressure re
quired ( about 100,000 volts ) . * The cur- .
rent from the transformer is more or
less alternating ; that is , it is not a
steady current in one direction , but
oscillating first in one direction and
then in the opposite. For convenience
we call the current in one direction
positive , in the other negative. It Is
the positive , current that we : discharge
. .
Voung Couple Learn Telegraph Code :
and Mystify Girl's Parents by
Rappings on Pipes.
New York.-After a courtship car
ried on fcr : wireless telegraph and com-
municatiuns transmitted over steam
pipes connecting two apartments ,
which resulted In an elopement and
wedding two weeks ago , when Anna-
belle Rooney , nineteen years of age ,
963 Washington avenue , the Bronx , be-
came Mrs. James Connelly , the young
people have returned to the home of
the bride's parents and have been for-
Connelly , who is twenty-two years
of age , was graduated from theClason
Point Military academy a year ago.
There he learned wireless telegraphy ,
and when he returned to the place
where he boarded on the floor above
the apartment occupied by the Rooney
family , he rigged up a wireless station
on the roof. Here he taught Annabelle
how to send and take messages , and
this knowledge was turned to Cupid's
account when Connelly asked Anna-
belle's parents for her hand , only to
be laughed at as a boy by Her father.
Cut off from any other communica
tion with each other , the young lovers
exchanged messages by wireless when
Connelly went back to the military
academy to . pursue his special Marconi
studies. When he returned to his
boarding place on the floor above the
Rconey home , he and Annabelle
rapped out the language of love with
the shears on the steam pipes.
Annabelle's father and mother were
mystified by the strange rappings and
when these continued in the summer
. . -
- ' - - - - - - - - - -
from the network of wires above the
plants. Under special conditions-as
where there is an excess of natural
electricity-it might be advisable to
use the negative , but alternating cur-
rent would be of no use.
"To sort out the positive and nega-
tive currents from the transformer ,
valves specially invented for the pur
pose by Sir Oliver are used. Working
exactly like the valves in an ordinary
pump , they allow the current to flow
in one direction only , and prevent its
getting back ; they thus store the elec-
tricity in the .field network from which
it 'fizzes' off to the plants below.
"This field network consists of fine
iron wire , the wires being spread about
ten yards apart and 18 feet or so
above ' the ground. The wires are so
fine that it is difficult td see them
even when standing immediately be-
low them.
"The action that the electrical dis
charge has on the plants , Sir Oliver
suggests may be considered as arti-
ficial sunshine , and as in no way ta
king the place of fertilizer. The rich-
er the soil the larger the increase
that may be expected. With more
. - . - . - . - . . - - - - . - - . . - . . . - - .
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Clever Genius , in Sheer Bravado ,
Writes His Dupes , Telling
How He Did It.
London.-Sir Robert Anderson , for-
merly head of the criminal investiga .
tion department at Scotland Yard , in
his reminiscences in Blackwood's
Magazine , tells the following story :
"A genius claimed to have diseov
ered the secret of making gold , and
he offered to sell it to a great city
firm - a house whose name is in high
repute not only in England but In all
the capitals of Europe. By means of
a proceps which he had discovered ,
the bulk of any quantity of gold could
be increased by one-half , at trifling
"His dupes accepted his terms , sub-
ject to his giving proof of the value
of his discovery , and to test It they
proposed to supply him with a hun-
dred sovereigns and the needed plant.
He 'thought scorn' of working on such
a petty sum as that ; it would be
. . . . . . . .
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I Lovers Court by Wireless
. .
after the steam had been turned off ,
they began to wonder whether the
house was haunted. Plumbers were
called In to solve the mystery , but
they could find no explanation of the
rappings. It might be ghosts , they al
lowed , and they were sure it was not
The rappings ceased when Anna-
belle eloped with Connelly two weeks
ago. They were married at St. John's
Baptist church and immediately be-
I took themselves to a furnished flat
These facts were learned when they
came to the Rooney home and received
a blessing.
Baby's Fearful Plaything.
Burlington , N. J.-"Oh , mamma ,
come see the pretty bug what plays
with baby , " said two-year-old : Edwarti ,
son of William Limeburner of Delwin ;
street , as he toddled , laughing to his
parent , the other day.
His mother followed the boy into
the parlor and was horrified to see a
good sized snake coiled on the window
. sill.Mrs.
Mrs. Limburner screamed for help
and male members of the family dis
patched the reptile. The baby had
been amusing himself with the snake
for a half hour. How it got into the
house the family has no idea.
Give Statistics Quarterly.
Washington. Yielding to requests
from business interests , the bureau of
statistics has decided hereafter to pub-
lish quarterly instead of yearly infor-
mation regarding imports entered for
consumption. I
. .
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= : :
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plants , on average soil , the ' electrified
area may be expected to yield 30 per
cent. more than the non-electrified. If
a higher increase than this is obtained
we consider the results good and if
lower poor. On rich soil very much
larger percentages have been ob
tained. The power required is quite
small , and many of the installations at
present working are in unskilled
hands. "
Noted Game Preserve of Tolleston
Gun Club to Be Subdivided and
Cut Into City Lots.
Hammond , Ind.-Orders were given
the other day to plat 1,70U acres be
longing to the Tolleston Gun club ol
Chicago , near Gary , into 16,000 city
lots.rfhe land originally purchased
for $17,000 now through the building
of Gary is valued at $2,000.000. It was
once a hunters paradise , owned by
wealthy Chicagoans , and many bloody
battles were fought between club
watchmen and natives. Five lives
were lost in this way. The club house
was in bygone days the scene of bril-
liant social gatherings from Chicago
at the spring and fall shootings.
' Wolves , pelicans and wildcats were
shot in the preserves in old days.
. . . - - - - . - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - . . .
- - " - - - - - - - - -
Gold-Headed Cane Swindle
- -
, . .
waste of time , for the process was a
tedious one.
"Finally it was arranged that he
should have $100,000 in sovereigns ,
and a house was taken in Leman
street , Whitechapel , and there a
laboratory was fitted up for his use.
The gold was placed in tanks pro-
vided for the purpose , the needed
chemicals were supplied , and th'ex -
periment proceeded , with elaborate
precautions against larceny or .fraud.
"The man was emphatic in insisting
on two points ; no one but himself
was to enter the laboratory ; and he
was to be rigorously searched every
time he passed out. After many
weeks , during which his visits were
frequent , he disappeared ; and when
eventually the door was forced , the
tanks which had contained the gold
were empty , and the bottles which
contained the chemicals were full.
What had become of the $100,000 ?
The fullest Inquiry only served to
elicit proof that the man xhad been
searched with exemplary care at every
"The mystery would have remained
forever unsolved if the criminal had
not himself supplied the solution of
it. In sheer , bravado and pride in
his achievement , he wrote to the firm
he had swindled , telling them of his
appreciation of the money , and of
his confidence that they would rather
lose twice as much than incur ridicule
on every exchange in Europe by a
prosecution which would disclose their
folly. And then he revealed his meth-
od. Every time he left the laboratory
the gold-headed cane he carried was
packed with sovereigns. "
Object of Innovation Is to Reduce the
Number of Messengers Who Are
Later Unable to Get Work.
0 -
London.-London is soon to have
girl postoffice messengers.
The innovation will probably be
tried first in some of the large pro-
vincial offices , and if successful will
be extended to St. Martin's-le-Grand
and the rest of the kingdom. The ob
ject of the movement is to reduce the
number of boy messengers-many of
whom are unable to obtain situations
when they grow up.
The girl messengers will be em-
ployed in indoor work of an elemen-
tary nature , and it is understood that
permanent positions will be found for
them in due course.
For Mine Rescue Stations.
Victoria B. C.-The British Colum
bia government has placed orders in
Pittsburg for complete apparatus for
three mine rescue stations to be in-
stalled in the principal coal mining
areas . of British Columbia
. .
- - ' - - - - - -
Fabled Fcuntain of Youth Could Not
Be More Pctent Than Association
, .
" With Little Ones.
. .
'Play with the children ! " was the
recurrent advice of a wise and . suc
cessful man. "This will keep , your
heart young , your viewpoint fresh ,
i'our wit sparkling. The child heart is
at once the purest and the happiest
in nature ; the child tongue is a
transfiguring power. "
Something of this indubitable power
attaches to good stories of those naive
and innocent "little ones" scriptorally
declared specially blessed and potent.
The child mind transforms , the child
touch lifts to glad laughter incidents
and accidents not otherwise worth
noting. Witness this little tale of the
careful mother to whom came a tiny
son all agog over the acquirement of
new and forbidden knowledge.
"Mother : ! " cried the child , baby
eyes shining , baby : cheek glowing ,
"do you know what 'I'll be hornswog-
gled' means ? "
"No , dear , " said the mother , sol
emnly , seizing the opportunity to im
plant a lesson. "I'm sure I do not. "
"Well , I do , " was the ecstatic an-
swer , the suggested lesson being ut
terly ignored. "It means just the
same as 'I'll be gol-darned ! ' "
The Return of Ferguson.
A night clerk in a hotel sat dozing
at his desk at about 1 a. m. , when a
man in evsning clothes came In as if
laboriously trying to walk a crack ,
and said :
"I'm Ferguson ; key to room 44. "
The guest disappeared in the direc-
tion of his room , one flight up. In a
few minutes a man in his shirt sleeves
with a-flattened silk hat on the side of
his head , and with one shoe on a foot
and the other in his hand , came in and
said to the clerk :
"I'm Fershon ; key to for-for. "
"Mr. Ferguson just took his key and
went up. "
"Mr. Ferguson just fell out window
'n' left key inside. Kindly lemme
have 'notfier. " - Everybody's.
He Knew the Kind.
Little Edward , aged four , was an
only child. He was anxious for a :
baby sister , and was talking of it one :
day with a friend of the family In i
the friend's family was a baby girl of I
one year. The lady said , "Edward , I
you may have my baby ; she is pretty
and sweet. "
"Oh , " said Edward , "I don't want an
old baby. I want a bran new one wif
noffin on but talcum powder.-Red
important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle oi
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of , ( I ,
In [ Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Quanity Not Quality. I
Teacher illie , have you whis- I
pered today without permission ? :
WillIe-Yes , wunst.
, Teacher-Johnnie , should Willie
have said "wunst ? "
Johnnie ( triumphantly ) - No , ma'am ,
he should have said twist.
i i
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing : Syrnp. ;
Forchlldren teething , softens the gums , redncesln- ,
11ammatlonallays pain . cures wind colic. 25ca bottle.
. The supply of talk always exceeds
the demand.
. --13
For Benefit of Women who
i I Suffer from Female His
I . Minneapolis , Minn. - "I was a great
sufferer from female troubles whicb
i : . caused a wealmesd
I ' , . and broken down
'I' . condition of tha
) .
r' i . system. I read so
: f. : . : ' : . . much whatLydia
h : .4 E. Pinkham's Veg
. . . L. ' etable Compound
c. . had done for other
t suffering women *
; I felt sure it would
: : ! ' r- . ' ' : ' help me , and I must _ _
- '
' - ? -'c..J say it did help ma
I \ co , wonderfully. M ) '
I ' t pains . all left me , I
' grew ; stronger , and within three months
I was a perfectly well woman. i
I "I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
I from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Mrs. JOITN ' G. MOLDAN ,
2115 Second St. , North , Minneapolis
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
. ine testimonials like the above prove
I i the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound , which is made
I exclusively from roots and herbs.
"Women who suffer from those dis -
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound to restore theic
If you want special advice Trrits- _ _
to Mrs. Pinkliam , at ! Lynn , Mass. .
She-will treatyourletterasstrictly
confidential. For 20 years shs
lias been helping1 sick women in
! this way , free of charge. Don't
I Iiesitato - write at once.
- - - - -
I I _
I ,
_ _
I _ . - - _ - -
Choice quality ; reds and roans ,
white faces or angtis bought on
orders. Tens of Thousands to
select from. Satisfaction Guar-
aiiteed. Correspondence Invited. ! f
Come and see for yourself.
National Live Stock Corn. Co ,
At either
Kansas City .Mo. , St. Joseph , Mo. , S.Omaha * -
- - - - - - - - - -
, .
T' A TCIf FLY KILLER peedaywberr&t. .
DAISY J _ A .1LJL41JL tracts k Lilia 1111 I1lee.
. . . . . . JOai.clean.o'uameo-
. & 'jL , .
.t. tilconTruirutchf ! p.
Lull All Season.
. alo" !
)1. . . 'i . of mrtaciunot ! .
: - .4 . . . . .
-41 plil or llpofrr will'
, , noiloriDJnre . any .
. t thing. Gouanlt..hSo
N , ' . trctive.OtaIJdakr- '
. - _ . or rent prepaid furJOo.
lunni.i soanis
. 150 11rIiWAe.
4l.A. , . - . . - Brooklyn , ACTT York-
- - - - - - -
; . . . FISTULa Pay Wheo-
without a surgical operation and GUARAN.
TEED to last a LIFETIME. No : chloroform , .
ether or other general anaesthetics . used.
I 224 Bee Building Omaha , Neb. .
-a '
2r = q1 , ( ; , \Vnt'JOD ! E.Colemnn'Vasb- <
PAT"r INiS IngtonD.C. .Booksfree. : Iligla
I e 1 est references. eat reauJtb-
_ . - -
- - - - - - - - - -
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 321910.
- I
Despair and Despondency
V , No one but a woman can tell the story of the suffering , the
' despair , and the despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and
derangements of the delicate and important organs that are
: : : '
i distinctly feminine. The tortures so bravely endured com
, pletely upset the nerves if long continued.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for
weakness and disease of the feminine organism.
' \
\ It allays inflammation , heals ulceration and soothes pain. .
' ' It tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood
I -
. : and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it , and I
- have nothing to urge upon you as " just as good. " .
It Is non-secret , non-alcoholic and has a record of forty years of cures.
Asr YOUR NEIGHBORS. They probcbly know of some of its many cures.
If ' you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases , and how to euro
them at home , send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only , and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser-revised , up-to date edition , in paper covers.
In handsome cloth-binding , 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce , Buffalo , N.Y.
- p
v- - -
fatSS& . .
- , rTiHAiJ J n * f *
Use Gal-Va-Nite and save all the money yon are spending for repairs '
patching , painting and fixing up your roofs.
Gal-Vn-Nlte has an outside coating of flaked mica that keeps the ofls inside
and defies the weather. It Is pliable and easy to handle. One man can lay It
with a sharp knife and a hammer.
It comes in rolls of 1O8 square feet with nails cement and full direc
tions for laYln . When laId It Is a one-piece roof that will last as long as the
blllldln . Samples sent with Free Book which tells all about roofs.
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The , . Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp , sold at a low price-
There are lamps that . cost . . , , more , but there Is no better Limp made at an-r
price. Constructed of solid brass ; nickel plated-easilj-feptcleanrau
ornament to any room In a.ny-house. There Is nothlne known .
' uu- to the art.
'ms _ . 1amp-makIng that . .
' - can add to the value of the RAYO Lamp as a light-
s'rAD- ( giTlne device. Every dealer everywhere. If not at yours write toff-
WHITh _ _ _ _ descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the
UGHT 4 STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Incorporated ) !