Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1910, Image 3

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H " . , Republicans Embody County Option in Their Declara-
' - -
, f : * , tions , While the Democrats Turn Down
" . the Proposition.
r' Republican.
Nebraska republicans , democrats ,
. , , ) . .populists and prohibitionists held
4r' ; State conventions on the 26th of July ,
the first and last of the above politic-
al organizations meeting in Lincoln
.and the other two at Grand Island.
. , Republicans at Lincoln organized
fcy chosing United States Senator
Norris ! Brown as permanent chair-
man. Congressman George W. Nor-
, ris opposed the election of Senator
Brown , but was defeated.
. The platform as adopted contains a
plank pledging the party to county
option , , to the initiative and referen-
dum , and to the establishment of a
state board of control. .
A resolution by t Congressman Nor-
' ris , denouncing "Cannonism , " was de-
. . .dared carried by Chairman Brown
, over the protests of many delegates ,
: who demanded a roll call.
II !
The incident marked the closing of
. : -a convention that had been one of the
most demonstrative in the record of
\ he party. Congressman Norris , who
had opposed Senator Brown for the
-permanent > chairmanship , offered the
' . ' resolution while the repoort of the
. : resolutions committee was still pend
ing. At the suggestion of the chair ,
the Norris resolution was put over un-
til the platform had been adopted.
; When this was finished and the dele-
gates were leaving the hall , under the
- impression : that the convention was
-mbout to adjourn , Norris called up his
i resolution. Roll call was demanded
> by the delegates who yet remained in
.the hall , membership perhaps one-
i' , , ialf. Chairman Brown refused to or-
der the roll call , and on a viva voce
, vote , in which the noes apparently
outnumbered the ayes , declared the
resolution carried and the convention
A new republican state central
committee was selected. The com-
mittee met in the evening , but ad-
journed without attempting to or-
ganize. It was decided to meet for
-the purpose of selecting a chairman
jand organizing for the campaign on
- Monday : , August 23. The candidates
Twill then have been selected by the
Tvoters and will meet with the commit-
- ttee.
The convention was called to order
.shortly after 2 o'clock by Chairman
Byrnes of the state committee. Rev.
Z .A. Arthur invoked the divine bles-
I sing. C. J. Smyth was introduced as
temporary chairman and made an ad-
dress. He was afterward made per-
manent chairman.
He named the following as commit-
tee on resolutions : M. F. Harrington ,
W. : : J. Bryan , H. B. Fleharty , T. L.
Albert , W. B. Cramins , Dr. Babcock ,
; \ V. D. Oldham.
The first division of the convention
occurred when G. M. : Hitchcock
moved that all resolutions be re- !
- lerred to the resolutions committee
without debate \ and - that no resolu-
tions be brought before the conven-
tion except as a majority or minority
Mr. Bryan moved to amend by
, omitting resolutions which were of-
lered after the platform was reported.
; '
'The vote on the Bryan amendment'
5vas : 394 yas and 465 nays.
During absence of the committee
, on resolutions Shallenberger in
defending the 8 o'clock closing law
: and his record , pledged himself to
sign a county option bill if re-elected
. and such a measure is passed by the
3iext legislature.
There was adjournment until even-
-Ing , at which time speeches were
made by Dahlman , Bryan , Judge Old-
"Jham , Patrick and others. Mr. Bryan
gpoke : at considerable length in favor
of county option. He referred to the
political battles he had waged , and
that : he had been fearless when his
own future seemed at stake.
"I am not willing to admit that this
4s : a final settlement of this question , "
'lie : continued , "and as a moral ques-
tion I am not afraid to express my
.opinions and stand on it , if I have to
-.stand alone. "
In answer to Bryan , H. B. Fleharty
rreminded the convention that Bryan
had : written a democratic platform
'nineteen years ago congratulating the
3arty for opposing prohibition. He
denied the brewers in Missouri op
posed Bryan , but instead they fought
for Cowherd for governor , who failed
-o ; receive as many votes as Bryan.
Mayor Dahlman said the conven-
tion should not attempt to evade the
county option issue. He declared
fcimself against the measure , and said
in announcing his candidacy for the
nomination of governor that if elect-
. - , ed he would sign any county option
Oftl submitted to him and would veto
one ) if enacted by the legislature.
M. : F. Harrington , in closing the le
gate , said -Governor Shallenberger
. "
could be trusted to deal intelligently ;
with the liquor question without bind-
ing him by any platform pk : dges.
The populist party adopted the fol
lowing resolution as an addendum to
the regular platform which is here-
with given :
"We pledge the peoples' party to
vote for those candidates only who
openly pledge themselves for county
option. "
The resolution was one proposed
by Elmer E. Thomas. It was first
turned down by the resolutions com-
mittee , and was in a fair way of be-
ing defeated on the floor of the con-
vention until Mr. Thomas with a fer
vid burst of oratory , urged its adop-
tion on behalf of W. J. Bryan. Then
it was put through a rising vote show-
ing 67 to 3 against.
The convention named a state cen-
tral committee , re-electing C. B.
Manuel of St. Paul chairman , and E.
A. Walrath of Osceola secretary.
Forty delegates representing the
socialist party of Nebraska held their
state conevntion on the 26th. A new
state central committee was selected
and a platform adopted in which a
demand was maae for home rule for
all municipalities ; equal rights of
suffrage for both sexes ; abolition of
the national senate ; absolition of the
injunction , and abolition of the pow-
er declared to be usurped by the su
preme courts of the state and nation
to pass upon the constitutionality of
legislative enactments. The platform
also declares for direct legislation by
means of the initiative and referen-
dum ; for proportional representation
and the recall and old age pensions.
A novelty in one of the planks is
to allow all owners of public utilities
to assess their own property , giving
the state the right to purchase at as-
sessed valuation. The pressent pos-
tal savings bank law is condemned.
Prohibitionists. i
The prohibition party held what its
leaders termed a "satisfactory con-
vention , " in Lincoln , adopting a plat-
form containing the following declara-
tions : For prohibition as stated in
the last national platform ; for county
option as a stepping stone to prohibi-
tion ; against the domination of the
liquor interests in politics : for the in-
itiative and referendum ; for suffrage
"based on intelligence , " a mild way
of stating women's suffrage , and for
the election of United States sena-
tors by direct vote of the people. C.
R. Jones , national chairman , and Alon-
za Wilson , state chairman from Il-
linois , were present. A state commit-
tee of about thirty members was also
The great republican party , which for
the last fifty : years has made history
for the United States cf America and
which took up our commwealth when
it was a territory and lifted it into state-
hood and has gone along with its periods
of growth until it has about 1,250,000 of
people and an annual production of
wealth of about $600,000,000 , again sub-
mits - its cause to the voters of the state
of Nebraska.
During the late yours of our nation's
prosperity under the republican party
the prices of farm lands have been going
upward until they have doubled and
trebled in value , and the products of the
farms and of the cattle ranges have so
multiplied in their selling price that
they : have , gone beyond anything here-
tofore known in the history of the state.
We are chiefly an agricultural people ,
and under republican administrations we
have reached an era of financial pros-
perity that outmeasures . all comparisons.
This prosperity in Nebraska has kept
moving step by step with the develop-
ment of the industries and resources of
the country at large and the greatest
period of this advancement has been
reached under the administration of our
most excellent president , William H.
No political organization In any coun-
try can point to such a record of
achievements during the last fifty years
as the republican- party of America. .
From Lincoln to Garfield , and from
Garfield to McKinley : , and from Mc-
Kinley to Taft , we can stand upon our
record and challenge all comers to the
lists. Yet it remains true that William
H. Taft as president , during the last
congress , has brought forth more legis-
lation for the benefit of the people than
did any other president during the same
period of time during , the last quarter of
a century. By his impartial enforce-
ment of the law ; by the continued prose-
cution of Illegal ' trusts and monopolies ,
and by his more effective service in the
regulation of the rates and service of
transportation companies , he has made
good all that his predecessor had begun
and proved himself true to the interests
and welfare of the people.
The interstate commerce act , in Its ad-
ministration , developed points of weak-
ness , and upon the recommendation and
insistence of the president these have
been remedied and the commerce court
has been created. For a quarter of a
century many of our people have advo-
cated the establishment of postal sav-
ings banks. What others have attempt-
ed In this direction they have failed In
acomplishment ; but the wisdom and
Insistency President Taft has made
the postal savings banks a reality. By
his persuasion congress has passed a
definite law , giving to the president the
unquestioned power of setting apart tim-
ber and mineral lands for purposes of
conservation , and within the lust few
months , In pursuance of that authority ,
he has set apart many millions of acres.
During : all the years of the agitation
of the tariff question many have be-
lleved that there should be an expert
board appointed for the purpose of seek-
ing information and making recom-
mendations as to tariff amendments and
revisions. At the solicitation of our
president the last congress made a lib
eral appropriation for such purposes , and
the president has already appointed a
board competent and qualified to go on
with this work of tariff investigation.
During his administration the general
tariff law has been revised by a repub-
lican congress and Is now being tested
before the American people by actual
experience. It may : be true that no tar-
iff law can. be perfect in the sense of
bringing the best results to every par-
ticular individual or to each particular
locality or to each individual interest.
In a nation of 90,000,000 of people , cov-
ering so vast an area , whose varied in-
I dustries are affected by climate , and
by transportation facilities , and where
. these vast peoples are represented in the
senate and house of representatives by
about five hundred individual minds and
voices , there must be concessions and
compromises. The law which was en-
acted had the support of the majority
of these representatives. It is the law of
the land until it shall be changed in the
regular way.
During the first eleven months of ex-
peiience under the present tariff law
the imports have exceeded those of any
previous period of like extent in the sum
of $114,000,000,000. More than 49 per cent
of these Imports have" come in under the
present tariff law , free of duty. The
customs receipts during the same eleven
months , under the operation of the tar-
iff law , were $302,822161 , which have not
been equalled or exceeded during a like
period of time fo'r over thirteen years.
It also appears from actual experience
that the gross importations on which the
tariff has been reduced under the pres-
ent tariff law exceeds those on which
the tariff duty has been increased in the
ratio of six to one. As a republican
party , be it remembered we are pro-
tectionists. We do not have to apolo
gize to any man or to any nation for
that belief. On this doctrine we build
our faith on the teachings of the pages
of our country's history.
The republican party ha snever failed
except when it faltered. Its long ca
reer of victory has been by boldly meet-
ing each question as it arose ; by fac-
ing with courage every danger that
crossed its path , while its fearlessness
of consequence and its determination
to be true to the principles which
brought the party into existence , have
been its inspiration from the days of
Lincoln to William H. Taft.
In those early days it faced seces-
sion rather than give its consent to the
extension of slavery ; rather than sub-
mit to a disunion of the states ; it took
up the burdens of the civil war. When
the war was over and General Grant
accepted the surrender of General Lee ,
the republican party did not stop to ask
the question whether the terms of the
surrender were the best that might have
been obtained which should have been
granted. Every soldier and every Ameri-
can citizen accepted the situation with-
out criticism.
When a few years : ago the democratic
party ; presented the issue to free silver
and many republicans , shifting to the
breeze of temporary popularity , followed
the teachings of the democratic leader ,
the republican party , true to its tra-
ditional integrity , refused to abandon
the gold standard , knowing that if it
did so , it would plunge the country into
disaster and dishonor.
So now the republican party as an
organization must not forget the tra-
ditions of the past ; what it has accom-
plished for the present and what it is
sure to accomplish for the future. The
continued wealth and prosperity of the
country is bound about by the doctrine
and principles of the republican party.
These apply within the confines of the
state of Nebraska as well as in the
union at large. Fealty and patriotism
to the republican party at home and
in this coming election is as important
as it was in the last presidential elec- .
tion , and as it will ' be in the elections .
which are to come. I
The republican party welcomes to its I
organization all citizens , whether Ameri-
can or foreign born , or American of
foreign birth who have become citi-
zens of the United States. We recognize
in them and In all of them the right
to free speech and of Independent I
thought , but in the principles of the
great republican party which have the
good of the whole country at heart ,
we ask for the unanimity of sentiment
and cordial co-operation. Last , but not
least of all , let us uphold the hands
of President Taft during the full period
of his administration and send to him
our united and harmonious declaration
of cordial sympathy and unstinted
For the further regulation of the
liquor traffic in Nebraska , we are in
favor of the passage of a county op-
tion law by the next legislature , and
pledge our candidate for governor if
elected to approve such a law on that
subject as the legislature may enact.
We favor the creation of a non-
partisan board of control for the penal , .
reformatory and charitable institutions
of the state.
We favor the passage of a new ap
portionment law at the next session of
the legislature , redistricting this state
into senatorial and representative dis
tricts , giving to each fair and equal
representation based on the population
as shown by the census of 1909 , and if
the legislature which is elected , this
fall fails to perform this constitutional
duty while in regular session , we pledge
the people of this state that the republi-
can candidate for governor , if elected ,
will convene the legislature in special
session until this constitutional duty lias
been performed.
We recogrniz ; the existence of a suffi-
cient demand for direct legislation in
this state to warrant submitting the
question to vote of the people. We there-
fore favor the submission of a direct
legislation amendment to our constitu-
tion by the next legislature.
The democrats of Nebraska in conven-
tion assembled present to the voters of
the state the following declaration of
principles :
We declare again our devotion to the
principles of self-government , of the pro-
tection of human rights as proclaimed
by Thomas Jefferson at the birth of de
mocracy In America.
We indorse the last democratic national
platform and the Nebraska democratic
state platform of 1908 and 1909. '
We congratulate the party upon wide-
spread revival of democracy sentiment
which gives promise of democratic vic-
We see in the passage of the present
tariff bill an example of the subserviency
of the republican administration to the
privileged interests of the country.
We congratulate the country that dem-
ocratic opposition has thus far succeeded
in defeating the iniquitous ship subsidy.
We recognizo the many excessive
rates on such favored products as steel ,
woolen goods , rubber , lumber and others ,
the return which the republican politi-
cians are making to the plundering
trusts for campaign contributions two
years ago.
We condemn the president for surren-
dering to Aldrich and Cannon the'control
of tariff revision and for using his pat-
ronage to force unwilling congressmen of
the republican party to accept their dic-
We deplore the president's foll - and
weakness in surrounding himself with'a
cabinet of trust advisers.
We favor the conservation of the nat-
ural resources of the country and con-
demn the policy under which favored
capitalists and political syndicates secure
control of water power , coal mines and
other scources of the nation's wealth in
the states and Alaska unrestrained and
apparently favored by the present na -
tional administration.
We condemn the president for retain
ing in his cabinet the close friend and
former attorney for the powerful and un-
scrupulous syndicate caught in the verv
act of plunder. ven'I I
We join democrats everywhere In
pledging the party to the cause of the
tariff reform , economy and simplicity in
government , trust prosecution and the
ratification of the income tax amend-
We have confidence that upon the
national evils , we shall receive the co-
operation and support of independent
voters and win a sweeping victory in
We heartily approve of the daylight
saloon law and we commend the cour-
ageous action of Governor Shallenberger
in approving it
We approve and Indorse the adminis-
tration of A . hton C. Shallenberger. His
acts have been honest. wlsa and ca-
trlotlc. We invite a careful scrutiny of
the executive power which two years ago
was committed to our trust In his selec-
tion as governor. His administration
has been one of fidelity and devotion to
the party pledges upon which we . invited
the suffrages of the people.
We are opposed to making county op-
tion or any other plan for the regula
tion of the liquor traffic a question of
party creed. We stand for and Insist
upon a strict enforcement of our pres-
ent laws , and believe that any further
changes in our liquor legislation ought
to be decided by a direct vote of the
people , and that the cause of good
government and public morals will be
better served in that way than by d . -
viding the people into hostile factions
on purely moral issues.
We are In favor of the following !
amendments to our constitution :
First-Providing for biennial elections.
Second-Providing for the election of
judges of the supreme court by districts
on a non-partisan ballot.
Third-Providing for a non-partisan
board of control of our state institutions.
Fourth-Providing for the Initiative and
Fifth-Giving to metropolitan cities
and cities of the first-class the right to
make their own charters.
We pledge ourselves to a redistricting
of the state by the legislature to be
elected this year to the end that all coun-
ties aud sections of the state may have
fair and equitable representation.
We favor such laws as will take our
courts and schools out of partisan poli-
tics. , ,
tics.We favor the advancement of agricul-
ture and pledge the legislature if suc-
cessful to favor the establishment of an
agricultural school in southwestern Ne-
We' believe that the prosperity of any
country is In direct ratio to its facilities
for communcation and transportation.
We therefore favor the enactment of a
more effective system of road laws thai
will provide for state and county aid
in the construction of permanent wagon
The rapid increase in the use of the
automobile as a means of travel necessi-
tates such legislation as will protect
the public against accidents resulting
from reckless , immature and inefficient
We pledge our local committees and
state committee and our candidates not
to accept contributions from any railroad
or other corporation , trust , brewery , dis
tillery or saloon , anti-saloon organiza-
tion or from any person or association or
pecuniarily or prejudicial interest in se-
curing or defeating legislation.
We , the duly - accredited delegates of
the peoples independent party in the
state convention assembled at Grand
Island , Neb. , on this 26th day of July ,
1910 , hereby renew our faith in and ad-
herence to the principles set forth in the
peoples' independent party platform
adopted at Omaha , Neb. , eighteen years
ago , the fourth day of July last. we
rejoice that our presistent advocacy of
these principles has led both the demo-
cratic and republican parties to incor-
porate a number of them into their
respective platforms , and we hereby
pledge our unswerving support and ad-
vocacy of our faith until all govern-
ments , state and national , shall be ad-
ministered with a sole view of securing
equal and exact justice to all the peo-
ple. We therefore demand the enact
ment of the following principles into
law :
First-Initiative : We indorse the
method of direct legislation by the peo-
ple , known as the initiative and refer-
endum and recall , made applicable to
state , county , city and village , . tow-
ship and school district , and we favor
the submission of an amendment to our
state constitution to that end.
Second-Board of Control : We are in
favor of a non-partisan board of con-
trol for all of our state institutions , and
we believe that all appointments should
be based on a' : civil service examination
so that the wards of the state can have
the best possible care.
Third-We favor an adequate appro-
priation for the proper equipment of the
bureau of labor and industrial statis-
tics to the end that it may be able to
perform its functions as a means of
arbitration , mediation and conciliation
and also to the end that it may be in
proper shape to advertise to the whole
world the manifold resources and un
limited possibilities of the great state of
Fourth-County Option : We favor
. We demand the
county option. a enact-
ment of such a law as the best method
of controlling the liquor' business and
destroying the brewers' power in poli-
tics of this state.
FIve-Liquor legislation : ' \ e approve
the enactment of the daylight saloon
law , the veto of the Fort Crook saloon
license law and the invocation of the
Sackett law against the recreant chief
of police of the city of Omaha.
Sixth-Bryan : We reoommend the
great commoner , W J. Bryan , for his
fight against the brewers and for the
homes of Nebraska.
Earth Shocks in Japan.
Tokio.-Earth shocks occurred on
July 24 around Mount Uzu , in the pre-
fecture of Hokkaido. They were un
usually prolonged , resulting in
fissures and a landslide.
Peruvian Cabinet Quits-
Lima , Peru.-The Peruvian cabinet ,
of which Dr. Javier Prado Ugarteche
was premier , has resigned. The
ministry was formed March 14 and
the boundary dispute between Peru
and Ecuador caused much fiction
among the ministers.
Bars Juvenile Chauffeurs.
Albany , N. Y.-No person under 18
years of age will be permitted to op
erate an automobile in New York
state after August 1 unless accom-
panied by a licensed chauffeur or the
owner of the machine. On that date
the Callan law , containing this pro
vision , becomes effective.
Asks Governor for Troops.
Columbus , O. - Mayor Marshall at
midnight decided to call on the gov-
ernor's office for troops to cope with
the local street car strike situation.
The mayor said he was moved to take
the step because he considered
strangers had been put on cars who
were irresponsible , as idicated by
their actions tonight in firing from
cars on crowds in the streets. Two
members of a crowd were shot , but
not seriously wounded and nine
street car men were injured by bricks
and stones.
Encourage Dry Farming.
Washington. More than $1,500,000
is being saved annually to the citrus
fruit growers of California as a re-
sult of the experiments being conduct-
ed by the department of agriculture
in the handling and transporting of
oranges , lemons , limes and kindred
varieties of fruits. This was the
statement made by G. Harold Powell ,
as chief of the bureau of plant in-
dustry , who returned from an extend-
ed trip to the Pacific coast , where he
went to investigate the * results of ex
The dry farming experiments ,
which he also inspected , he considers
of the utmost value , because they will
be the means of spelling success to
settlers who otherwise in the major-
ity of the cases , would reap nothing
but failure from their efforts to make
the desert blossom.
- -
Charged With Theft.
Madison County.-Peter Adams
Young , aged 30 , the son of John
Young , one' of the wealthiest of North
Nebraska farmers , was arrested in
this county on a warrant by his
father charging theft.
Boundary Line Fence Cut.
Kimball County.-A dispute grow.
ing out of a boundary line resulted in
J. A. Simones' fence being cut to
pieces. Simones had his land sur
veyed recently , and the sun'eJcut
into E. J. Peters' farm. Simones has
sent for bloodhounds.
Want Postmaster Job.
Colfax County.-The contest for the
office of postmaster at Schuyler is
fairly on'although the term of the in-
cumbent does not expire until Febru-
ary , 1911. Postmaster McLeod wants
a third appointment , while George
Watson thinks he should have the
New Church.
Polk County. About forty-five
members who withdrew from the
Swedish mission church here last
spring , have bought grounds and
will begin the erection of a new
church. They have organized a new
society called "The Swedish Christian
Free Mission church. "
Nebraskan Dies in Jerusalem.
Richardson County. - Mrs. J. W.
Stump of Verdon has received word
of the death of her brother , Dan
Yantiss , at Jerusalem , Palestine , from
indigestion : , followed by apoplexy. Mr.
Yantiss was formerly a farmer near
Verdon , and a few years ago his
family and several others of certain
religious order went to Palestine to
Sentenced to Penitentiary.
Dodge County.-Gilbert Hart , who
stole a horse and buggy from the :
Fremont brewery barn a few nights
ago , was sentenced by Judge Hollen-
beck to two years and. six months in
the state penitentiary. Hart is fifty-
two years of age. He is a paroled
convict , from the state penitentiary in
Record Yieldof Wheat.
Nemaha County.-Alfred Aldrich
threshed and delivered to L. L.
Coryell at the latter's elevator in
Glen Rock wheat that went forty-two
bushels to the acre and tested sixty- :
three pounds to the bushel. Mr.
Coryell states this is by far the best
whent he has ever bought during a
period of sixteen years of grain buy :
ing in Nemaha county.
Prisoners Attempt Escape.
Hall County.-A desperate attempt
at jail-breaking was made at Grand
Island by prisoners Frank Martin-
dale , in for horse stealing and ar
rested at Gandy about two weeks
ago , and Albert Tracy and Orin
Young , serving sentences of six
months for the burglary of a number
of farm homes along the St Paul
road. When Jailer Schroeder was
about to deliver the supper to the
prisoners ] , and just as he had opened
the cage door , he was struck a
vicious blown on the head by one of
the men.
Stockholders Guaranty Deposits.
Burt Comity. - Something new In
the way of bank guarantee was
projected at Lyons by the Farmers
Bank of Lyons. An agreement was
entered into auiohg the stockholders
whereby they waive the protection of
all laws favoring corporations and
place behind their guarantee all their
private property. In an interview
with the vice president he says they
think it is all right to pass a guaran-
tee law , but all wrong to make one
bank pay for another's failure , hence
the bank's stockholders volunteer to
put all they are worth behind it.
The Farmers Organize.
Cuming County.-The farmers in
the southeastern portion of Cuming
county have organized an association
for the purpose of handling for them-
selves the products of their farms
and to buy farm necessities. They
think that by combining they will be
able to obtain better prices for their
products and buy at a less price than
at present.
State Horticultural Society.
Gage Count- - The annual l summer
meeting of the Nebraska state horti-
cultural society was held at Wymore
July 20 and 21. While the meeting
was not largely attended on account
of this being a busy season with the
farmers , much interest was shown. A
number of very interesting and in-
structive papers were read and the
discussions following each tfaper
brought out many good points. A very
interesting paper entitled "The Home
Beautiful" was read by Mrs. J. A.
Reuling of Wy more. The importance
of planting hardy and inexpensive or-
namentals about the home was em
Wheat Thirty Bushels.
Otoe County. - The first threshed in
this vicinity was that of Ed McKee ,
which averaged thirty bushels per
acre. '
Pawnee Yields. Bountifully.
Pawnee County. : ' - ' Charles W. Bur-
nett , who lives some five miles south
of Table Rock has just threshed
1,176 bushels of fine oats from a
field of twelve acres , which makes
the yield ninety-eight bushels per
acre. A half bushel of these oats
tested eighteen pounds.
< _ , .Ir
- . ,
National Guard Orders.
General order No. 14 , issued by Ad-
jutant General John G. Hartigan re
quires : all officers and men of the Ne-
braska national guard who desire to
be excused from the tour of duty at
Fort Riley maneuvers to make appli
cation for such leave to the adjutant
general through military channels.
Such application will fully set forth ,
the reasons for such desire. Appoint-
ments and assignments by the ad-
jutant are as follows :
Captain Emile C. Underburg , as-
sistant surgeon , is appointed surgeon
with the rank of major , and assigned
to the First regiment infantry. Major
Underburg will report to the com-
manding officer of the First regiment
in person.
First Lieutenant James S. Taylor ,
assistant surgeon , is appointed assist-
ant surgeon , with the rank of captain
and assigned to the First regiment in-
fantry. Captain Taylor will report for
duty to the commanding officer , First
regiment infantry , by mail.
First Lieutenant G. P. Hall , assist-
ant surgeon , medical department , is
assigned to the First regiment in-
fantry , for duty , and he will report to
the commanding officer , First. regi-
ment infantry , by mail.
It is now reported that when official
scores are tabulated the Aurora com-
pany will be given second prize in the
company rifle team contest at the
state rifle range. The scores are so
close that the official record only will !
disclose the winners. The scores are '
now being tabulated by the adjutant
general. _ .
Governor Appoints Delegates.
The following delegates have been
appointed by Governor Shallenberger
to the second national conservation
congress to be held at St. Paul , Minn. ,
September 6 to 9 : Prof. G. E. Condra
Lincoln : ; A. Hull , Alma ; Jesse Fouts ,
Diller ; Lew Deets , Kearney ; James M.
Dunkle , Grand Island ; W. H. Lanning.
Hastings ; J. C. Canady , Minden ; S.
R. McKelvie : , Lincoln ; G. W. Harvey
Omaha ; J. B. McDonald , North
Platte ; Charles A. Morrill , Scotts
Bluff ; W. S. Ridgell , Alliance ; , James
Coffey , Chadron ; Jack Walsh : Hum-
boldt ; John P. Thiessen , Jansen.
The governor has also appointed
Dan V. Stephens of Fremont and Emil
Wolbach of Grand Island delegates to
the international road congress which ,
will be held in Brussels , July 31 to
August 8.
The following delegates have been
appointed by the governor to repre- I
sent the state of Nebraska in the
fourth international conference of.
state and local taxation to be "held " in
Milwaukee , August 30 to September
2 : H. A. Edwards , Grand Island ; Al-
bert Watkins , Lincoln ; J. F. Costin
Willow Island. ' . ' . : : /J
* " , : * - _ /
. . . . . . " - < " ) :
u2 ; ,
. . & . . . . . .
State Rejects Canned Goods. *
Commandant Eli Barnes of the sol
diers' and sailors' home at Grand
Island has refused to accept canned
goods ; from a contractor and Land
Commissioner Cowles as chairman of
the state board of public lands and
buildings has directed the return of
the goods to the wholesaler who deliv-
ered them at the institution. The
goods are said not to be equal to the
quality called for in bids , which called
for 20 per cent syrup in canned black
berries ancl raspberries , . ' r-G-
watered and ( mighty ' poor watered
goods at that , " said Mr. Cowles after
he tasted the juice. - _ - - ;
Land Commissioner Cowles has ad
vised Superinttndent Stewart of the ;
state school for deaf not to pay the
city of Omaha $28 for a permit to
build a building on state land. He be-
lieves the state should not be required
to pay any fee when it desires to erect
buildings on Its own lands. The insti-
tution is within the city limits of Om-
aha. Mr. Cowles opposes paying the
fee asked for or any other fee and has
written the superintendent that If ho.
is arrested and put in jail in Omaha
he believes the governor will pardon
him. A $50,000 building is to be erect-
ed at the school for deafs.
Adjutant General Hartigan will not
send a state rifle team to Camp Perry
this year , but after the Nehraska
troops are on their way to Fort Riley.
he will make a short trip to Camp
Perry himself. Major Phelps and'
Major : Birkner submitted reports last
year on the national rifle shoot in
which considerable criticism was in-
dulged ! in.
Court house bonds from Phelps
county to the amount of $35,000 have
been delivered to the state treasurer.
These bonds were contracted for
many months ago when the state had
plenty of money to be used for the
ourchase of bonds. . . . - J
Compromises With Ben Hur.
State Auditor S. R. Barton , who hat
contended that all fraternal insurance I
organizations doing business in Ne-
braska must ' have a representative
form of government has about effect-
ed a settlement with the supreme
Tribe of Ben Hur. The auditor has
contended that no one but delegates
elected by local lodges have a right to
vote In the supreme body of fraternal
organizations. The Ben Hur alleged
that it had complied with the auditor's
ruling requiring a representatira form .
of government