Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1910, Image 2

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1 The Valentine Democrat
! I. M. RICE , - - - Publisher.
Nice ana COOl to'nght niesi
1 Weather jokes are bound to be dry
! Do you think the weather man Is
playing to the' galleries ? .
1 , , Meanwhile , remember that there Is
always some hotter place.
t . Do not argue with the contagion-
spreading house fly. Swat him !
t 11tI
; ! 61 "Doing nothing" has been defined to
bo a looker-on at a game of checkers.
Drownings are increasing in direct
proportion to the carelessness of hu-
1 . '
' " .
{ ; .
iI , It does not necessarily help any to
get cold feet during this sort of
i weather.
I You will enjoy your own outing bet-
I I ter if you help others who are less
, 'I ' I able to get one.
: ! i A man has reached the : : limit of , ,
! boredom when he ceases to laugh at ,
his own witty remarks.
I , I An airship that goes only 33 miles
I an hour will not make much of an
appeal to the joy rider.
And after the confounded potatoes
t get up , every blessed cutworm turns
j : into a blooming potato bug !
A St. Louis man claims that he
I never had to swing on a car strap.
. . A circus has an armless wonder , too.
I f
I Anyway , that baseball player who
t' while eating , stabbed himself in the
arm with a table fork had a wretched '
I .
I delivery.
; The Cincinnati woman vho says
I she will not rest until kissing has
I been abandoned has a weary time be.
fore her.
Anyway , the aeroplane has put an
end to the plaint of the mollycoddle
who was always sighing for the wings
of a dove.
' ' We've known amateur gardeners
who saved an unbelievable amount of
money by buying their truck at the
! , grocery store.
A 15-ton shark has been captured
near Seattle. The people are in luck
that it did not scramble ashore and
, proceed to run for office.
I '
i It costs $50 to ride 300 miles in the i
I Zeppelin airship. It is hoped , how-
ever , that competition may eventually
bring about a lowering of , he rates.
I 1. Following recent experiments at
Hammondsport , N. Y. , it is gravely an
nounced that the aeroplane is not very
good as a man killer in war. Who
cares ?
It was not until the inventor of the
1 hoop skirt was eighty-three years old ,
that he died. How long must we
- wait for news from the inventor of
the hobble skirt ?
Cities that are disappointed because
( of the census 'returns should reflect
that Uncle Sam is as much interested
In making a good showing as any par-
t ticular community possibly can be.
\ '
English nobleman announces that he
i Is willing to marry a beautiful and
wealthy American girl. For once , the
big : : unmarried male American major-
ity can sympathize with the British
If American heiresses who marry
poor Englishmen of title are to be
given the cold shoulder by the Court
of St. James , the circle of mourners
, In this country and Great Britain will
be very small.
Mulone , notorious Sicilian brigand-
c ' that name sounds queer-has been
I sentenced In Perugia to 144 years' im
* prisonment. It may be mentioned that
11 Signor Mulone was tried in his ab-
sence , not having been seen since he
s escaped from his captors in 1906. Thus
the exemplary sentence , while proba
bly pleasing the authorities , does not
hurt the signor. ,
The unsinkable ship may be ' a long
way off , but she will appear some-day ,
and then such Items as that which
chronicled the drowning of a captain
I and eight men by the sinking of the
steamer La Rocbelle in the English
channel as a result of collision by
q which she was almost cut in two.
The modern passenger steamer can be
cut in two and floated as two pieces ,
and it ought to be possible to so con-
J struct ships that they will stay afloat
even when severed in twain by the
surgery of accident.
More earthquakes have been record
, ed at Washington , but they attract
I little t attention now that Halley's
I : omet has proved an alibi.
Germany is to have indestructible
aerial warships. From earth modern
fI progress moved the locality of battles
1 to the sea and now it is to be moved
i ' . thence to the air. It is characteristic
f ' of the perversity of human nature that
1' '
the first thought of the practical : adap
' tation of man's victory over the re-
, I
i sources of nature should be to use this
! ' .victory : for the destruction of man.
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Scene Surrounding Pursuit and Cap
ture of Fugitives a. ' Dramatic Af-
* 'fair-Girl ' is Garbed in Boy's
Father Point , Que.-Dr. Hawley
Harvey Crippen and Ethel Clara Le-
neve , his stenographer , who fled from
London after the disappearance of
Belle Elmore , the doctor's wife , were
arrested here Sunday aboard the Can-
adian Pacific liner Montrose , at the
command of Inspector Dew of Scot-
land Yard.
The identification of the long sought
fugitives on board the fog-shrouded
steamer by the English detective , who
had raced across the Atlantic ahead
of the Montrose , marked the culmina-
tion of one of the most sensational
flights in recent criminal annals. Ac-
companied by two Canadian officers
he boarded the vessel at 8:30 : o'clock
Sunday morning , and fifteen minutes
later both man and girl were locked
in their staterooms , Crippen broken in
spirit but mentally relieved by the re-
laxed tension ; the girl , garbed in
boy's clothing , sobbing hysterically.
They ; were no longer "Rev. John Rob-
inson and son , " as booked at Ant-
werp July 20. After a brief delay the
Montrose continued her 160-mile jour-
ney up the river towards Quebec ,
where jail awaits the prisoners.
Crippen is charged with the murder
of an unknown woman , believed to
have been his actress wife. The girl
is held as an accessory.
Texas Sheriff Gives Details of Race
Riots-Wanton Murder
of Blacks.
Palestine , Tex.-At least fifteen ,
and it may be twenty , negroes , all of
them probably unarmed , were hunted
down and killed by a mob of from 200
to 300 men in Denison Springs neigh-
borhood of Palestine Saturday night ,
according to the opinion of Sheriff
Black , expressed Sunday.
The sheriff returned early Sunday
morning after 24 hours in that district
and described in some detail the con-
ditions which he found to exist there.
He told of a fierce man hunt in the
woods , of riddled bodies found on
lonely roads and of terror almost in-
describable among the inhabitants inI I
the southeastern part of Anderson
"I found the greatest excitement
prevailing there throughout that sec
tion of the country , " said the sheriff.
"Men were going about killing negroe '
as fast as they could find them , and
so far as I have been able to ascertain
without any real causes. These ne
groes have done no wrong that I could i
discover. There was just a hot-headed
gang hunting them down and killing
"I believe the trouble was due to a
controversy over a promissory note. "
Gen. Lee's Figure to Stay.
Beverly , Mass. - President Taft has
approved without comment an opinion
by Attorney General Wickersham to
the effect that there is no provf , ! ; ion of
law by which that statute of Gen. Rob-
ert E. Lee , in confederate uniform , can
be removed from Statuary hall in the
capitol at Washington.
Trouble in Kentucky.
Kuttawa , Ky. - While attending a
barbecue near Lamasco , Lyon county ,
Saturday , Axeltree Cooper , chief 'wit
ness for the state against the night
riders , was shot and fatally wounded.
Steamer Sinks a Barge.
Detroit , Mich.-Two lives were lost
early Sunday , when the barge Grace
Whitney was run down by the steam-
er Ogdensburg , three miles below Bar
Point light , in Lake Erie. The barge
sank almost instantly.
Gen. Mena at Ccoyapa.
Bluefields , Nicaragua.-Gen. Vas-
ques , commander in chief of the Nica-
raguan forces , has abandoned Acoya-
pa to Gen. Mena , provisionale com
Big Fire Loss in Maryland.
Cambridge , Md.-Fire that started
in a stable swept through the business
section , destroying or damaging two
score of buildings , caused a loss of
from $100,000 ao 150000.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. - Saturday's quotations
on the Sioux City live stock market
follow : Beeves , $7.00@7.75. Top
hogs , $8.00.
Train Lands in Ditch.
Schenectady , N. . - A Delaware and
Hudson passenger train , containing
between 200 and 300 people , was
itched : [ twelve miles north of this city
by wreckers.
_ :
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Battle In Honduras.
New Orleans , La.-Between fifteen
nd twenty men ' were killed in an en-
agement at Peru , Spanish Honduras , \
Vednesday \ in an insurrenctionary
- I
. ' "
- - " , . , - : ' - \
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' .
Riots Brought on by Car Strike Re
suits In Mayor Yielding Authority
to Brig. Gen. McMaken-Street
Traffic Stops.
Columbus , O. - Officers of the Ohio
National Guard Thursday virtually
took over the government of this city
and the streets bristle with armed
men marshaled to prevent any out-
break. Governor Harmon is hurrying
to the city to take , charge of the
menacing situation in the street car
strike. 1
The call for troops was made by
Mayor Marshall and Sheriff Sartain
as the result of continuous rioting
throughout the city for the last few
days , following the walkout of union
motormen and conductors on the Co-
lumbus Street railway , who demand
recognition , of their union.
Governor Harmon is hastening here
from his summer home in Michigan
and the state arsenal is guarded by a
detail 'from battery D , armed with riot
guns. Orders have been sent to fifty
of the best sharpshooters in the Na-
tional Guard , now at Camp Perry to
rush to this city. The entire first
brigade of 2,000 men , including the
Second , Third and Sixth regiments , is
either here or on the road. Brig. Gen.
William V. McMaken of Toledo is in
Mayor Marshall has issued a formal
proclamation placing } General McMa
ken In full charge of the situation and
has authorized him to make arrests or
to take any other action he thinks
Until the governor's arrival here
no attempt will be made to oper-
ate street cars , which were withdrawn
following attempts to operate with im
ported strike breakers. That no cars
be run was the demand of the military
authorities , who refused to put the
city under martial law and who de-
clared the troops were " here only to
be prepared to ' cope with any situation
which may arise. They refuse to
guard cars now.
Two score men have been hurt in
the week. All saloons are closed by
order of the mayor. : .
Former Car Inspector of Illinois Cen-
tral Road Testifies In $1,500-
000 Fraud Case.
Chicago.-"High officials of the Illi-
nois Central railroad , who were in-
terested in car-repairing plants , en-
tered into an agreement among them-
selves to divide profits grafted from
the railroad. These profits amounted
to as high as 40 per cent of the total
amount paid by the railroad com-
pany. " .
That is the charge made on the
witness stand Thursday by Harold A.
Sims , in his testimony concerning the
grafting from the Illinois Central rail-
road. His testimony was given be-
fore Master in Chancery Mason , in the
suit of the railroad to recover $300,000
from the Memphis Car company. Al-
though he was on the "inside" and
knew in detail the method used to rob
the railroad , Sims says that he real-
ized only $750 for his share in the
Illinois Central lumber was used to
repair Illinois Central cars , and then
the road was charged for the lumber ,
was another of his charges.
Cars loaded with material were
shipped to the Memphis Car Repair
company and it was the practise to
charge for repairs made on the cars
'whether ' they were made or not , the
witness said , and more often they
were not.
Wireless Message Says Alleged Wife
Slayer Is Aboard Steamer-
Arrest Probable.
Montreal , Que.-According to a
wireless message received here Thurs
day from Montrose , Dr. Hawley H.
Crippen , the London suspect , is on
board the steamship.
This is the first word received from
the Montrose since it left European
Throughout the night the Montrose
was supposed to be rapidly nearing
the zone of wireless communication
with the station at Belle Isle. Owing
to the steamer's type of apparatus
this would be within 150 miles of the
At Father Point , Que. , an officer of
the : Dominion police , Chief Constable
Guavreau , will go on board the Mont-
rose when she pauses for a pilot and
arrest Doctor Crippen and his typist
If they are found.
Thte attorney general's department
it Quebec also is represented.
Rescued From Sinking Ship.
Belfast.-The Holland liner Aga-
memnon , with 150 passengers , ran
ashore in a fog near Gloughey Thurs-
day , and her forehold is flooded , ac-
cording : to advices received here. The
ship will probably be a total loss. The
passengers are safe.
Eugene Debs Is Recovering.
Rochester , Minn.-Eugene Debs
who was operated on for abdominal
rouble : at St. Mary's hospital here ,
was Thursday reported out of danger.
rhe ? operation . . was entirely successful. . .
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fiommoner's Battle Against Liquor
Vain , Despite Great Speech on
the Convention Floor.
Grand Island , Neb.-Nebraska Dem-
ocrats Tuesday night delivered a blow
to William 'J. Bryan when by a de
cisive vote they registered their un-
belief ) n his county local option plan.
Mr. Bryan had labored hard in the
committee in " an effort to have his
ideas written into the platform , and
after being defeated In the committee ,
he' appealed to the convention and in
this appeal made the speech of his
life to a convention already instructed
against him.
He pleaded to his old friends ,
begged them not to repudiate him un
less they found him untrue to Demo-
cratic principles ; he threatened state
wide prohibition if county option was
defeated ; he denounced those Demo-
crats whom he charged with being
subservient to the liquor interests ;
and he cajoled the uninstructed dele-
gates to vote for him and his plans.
And then standing aside he listened
to the most bitter words directed at
him that he has ever heard.
No attack made against Bryan by
Republicans or others , in any of his
campaigns , was ever so bitter as were
the attacks made by Bryan's old
friends against their old leader. As a
member of the committee on resolu-
tions , Mr. Bryan returned a minority
report on the county option plank.
This minority report , signed only by
Bryan himself , was short and to the
point , saying simply : "We favor coun-
ty option as the best method of deal-
ing with the liquor question. "
It was in defense of this report that
Mr. Bryan made the speech which will
be called the greatest effort of his
life. i
life.The i
The sentiment towards Bryan was I
shown when , for more than an hour ,
the convention called upon different
leaders to address it , but not a single
one was made for Mr. Bryan. When
the final vote was taken , Bryan's
plank was turned down 645 to 195
and a direct anti-county option plank
Commander HInes Sent to Nicaragua
to Protect U. S. Citizens , Sees
No Danger.
Washington.-American lives and
property in northeastern Nicaragua
were asserted to be in no danger
according to the state department's
version of a dispatch from Comman-
der Hines of the gunboat Dubuque.
The dispatch was sent after the re
turn to Bluefields of the gunboat Ta-
coma from a trip along the coast north
of that port , where danger was rb -
ported to Americans.
The state department claims to be
entirely ignorant officially of the pres-
ence In New York of Dr. Modeste Bar-
rios and Dr. Sebastina Salinas , com-
missioners from Madriz , to restore
friendly relations with the United
Virginia Village Executive Is Slain
Lying In Hammook by Assassin
Who Throws Dynamite.
Ridgeway , Va.-Former Mayor A. H.
Bousman was assassinated Monday
by a dynamite bomb which was thrown
from the street under a hammock in
which he was lying. He died an hour
after the explosion. No clue to the
Identity of the murderer or the cause
of the crime has been found.
Ice Conditions Are Bad.
Seattle , Wash. - The ) .steamer Macki !
naw , with $200,000 in gold bullion
picked up at Kotzebue sound ports ,
arrived from Nome Thursday. Offi
cers of the Mackinaw report the worst
ice conditions in Bering strait in 17
years. .
Russians to Visit Western Cities.
New York. - A party of Russian rail-
road men arrived here for a tour of
American cities to study rail and wa-
ter terminals. Chicago and St. Louis
will be visited- I
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Chicago Trades Council Calls Out All !
Building Workmen Except Car-
penters-37 Structures Affected.
Chicago.-A general strike of build-
ing trades was decided upon at a con-
ference of thirty-seven unions Thurs-
day , which met in a final effort to ob-
tain a settlement with the Otis Ele-
vator company.
It is said the strike order will af-
fect 28,000 men. The only union not
affected by the order is that of the
The cause 01 t'i t I ) strike is the re
fusal of the Otis Elevator company to
remove machinists from elevator con-
struction work , the American Federa-
tion of Labor having held this line of
work to belong strictly to elevator
It is said the company has contracts
on thirty-seven buildings , now in the
course of construction here , and that ,
work will be stopped on all of them.
Following the strike order , business
agents representing their respective
unions hurried to buildings in which
the Otis company has contracts for
elevator construction , for the purpose
of notifying the men of the decision
taken at the conference.
Iowa Democratic Convention De
nounces Tariff Bill as "Master-
pieceof Injustice. "
Ottumwa , Ia.-After a bitter wran-
gle in the resolutions committee , the
Democratic state convention Thurs-
day adopted a local option plank ,
thereby putting the liquor question
which has been a thorn In the flesh
of both parties' for years , squarely up
to the people.
Jerry B. Sullivan of Des Moines ,
former candidate for governor , acted
as temporary chairman , . and scored
Theodore Roosevelt unmercifully in
his speech.
The platform adopted denounces
the tariff bill as a "masterpiece of in-
justice involving remorseless exac-
tions from the many to enrich the few. "
The nomination of Claude R. Porter
for governor was ratified.
State Officers of Oklahoma Must Re.
turn , But Governor May Go Where
He Pleases.
Guthrie , Okla.-The state supreme
court handed down a decision In
the capitol removal case. It Is
to the effect. that Oklahoma's capital
shall remain at Guthrie until the le
gality of the election recently held is
In obedience to the decision all state
offlicals other than the governor , who
have removed their offices to Okla
homa City must return to Guthrie and
stay there until the courts have finally
decided the capital controversy.
The governor may go where he
pleases , but legally his official acts
must appear as having been performed
in Guthrie.
Company of Montana National Guard
Are Dispatched to Aid of
Stricken Town.
Helena , Mont.-In response to an
urgent request from LIbby , Governor
Norris had Company L , Montana
National Guard , detailed to assist In
fighting forest fires at that place. For-
est fires of serious proportions have
broken out in the Big Snowies forest
reserve. At Kalispell there is little
change In the fire situation. Rain Is
being prayed for all over this region.
Prisoner Liberated to Get Money.
Kansas City , Mo. - Edward Stafford
of Cleveland , 0. , under a two-year
sentence for burglary , was paroled
Thursday to go to his Ohio home to
participate in the division of an es
tate of several thousand dollars left
. -
by a relative.
Woman and Girl Cremated.
La Grande , Ore. The destruction by
fire of a homestead house six miles
from Union Wednesday resulted in the
cremation of Mrs. J. C. Dean and an
adopted daughter.
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Sends Message to Ohio's Nominee and
Expresses Satisfaction With
Platform Adopted.
Beverly , Mass. - President TaCt sen
the following dispatch to Warren GJ
Harding. Republican nominee for gov-
ernor of Ohio-
"I sincerely congratulate you on (
your nomination and earnestly hope
that you will be elected.
The president is fully satisfied with , '
. He applied him -
the Ohio platform. him-j
self tr a reading of it as soon as ha t ,
got back to Beverly. The dispatch of $
the telegram to Harding followed.
With a couple of days now in which !
to rest up from his vacation the pres
ident will be ready to buckle down to
a heap of work which Secretary . Nor
ton says is stacked up for hjm. That
there is to be plenty doing here at the r
summer capitol from now on is evi
denced : by the fact that another re ?
cruit to the clerical force has arrive
from Washington. Two came in , in
fact , while the president was absent
in Maine. : I
Columbus , O. - By a fusion of the
Garfield and administration delegates ,
the Republican convention Thursda
nominated Warren G. Harding , forme
lieutenant governor , for governor on
the third ballot , after James R. Gar
field and Carmi A. Thompson had
withdrawn. 4 j ; ;
F. W. Treadway of Cleveland wa3
renominated for lieutenant governor }
Granville W. Mooney : for secretary o4
Despite the efforts of Senator Bur ]
ton's Cuyahoga county delegation tcj ;
stampede the convention for Nicholaa
Longworth , and George B. Cox's eveI'Yj
effort in behalf , of Judge O. B. Brown ,
the Dayton' ' man , the combination ; o
the "progressives" with the nation .
administration men brole up the figh
on the third ballot. Then Cox , yield- !
ing to the inevitable , cast the 91 Ham-j
ilton votes for Harding , and that fin- |
ished it.
The platform which it is expected !
will be a model for future Republica
conventions , was adopted almost
unanimously , there . being but a few :
scattered " noes. "
Ticket Will Oppose Nominees of Both- ,
Democrats and Republicans in
Philadelphia.-The Keystone partyj
was formed here to oppose the nomi--
nees : of both the Republican and Dem
ocratic parties in Pennsyl\"ania.t
The convention , composed of 117 }
delegates from 52 counties. de -
nounced both the old parties as beingr
under the domination of the liquor in- !
dustries , but refused to incorporate- I
in its platform any reference to for- ;
mer President Roosevelt who was |
proclaimed by some of the delegate ,
. '
"the greatest American citizen. "
William H. Berry , the nominee forf - =
governor , was formerly state treas- | /
urer , to which office he was elected / /
by the combined Democratic , Prohibi-j '
tion and independent votes in the po a
litical upheaval of 1905. While in of }
fice he uncovered the state capitot
scandal. ,
Rhode Island Senator for First Tims-
Hits Back at the In -
Providence R. I. For
, - the first tima-
since he has been under bombardment ! !
by Bristow of Kansas and other in-
surgent , senators Nelson W. Aldrich !
bit back.
"That man Bristow Is telling a packr !
of lies on me , " , he said. "He has told ? !
so many lies - he manufactured then
so rapidly - tl\at I wouldn't know where/ /
! to begin should I take notice of him ! }
and enter denials. " .
"If the charges had been made uponj ;
the floor of the senate the case might !
be different , " was suggested. I
With a sardonic smile that ran intCr
a chuckle the 'Rhode'Island senator }
responded' : ;
. .
" dyes : : ' ; . - -
"Yes yes , you notice they don't :
talk about me that way on the floor ofi
the senate. "
- - .
Two Women Instantly Killed , Hus-
bands Hurt , One Fatally Near
Etna Green , Ind.
Warsaw , Ind. - Mrs. : : : Melville Brooks .
and Mrs. C. H. Thoring were killedL
Instantly and Mr. Brooks fatally ; I
hurt , a mile east of Etna Green , ,
when a fast Pennsylvania freight }
train , east-bound , struck the automo-
bile in which they were riding. Mr. : !
Brooks died later in the day. MrJ
Thoring was severely , but not danger =
ously hurt. The Brooks resided In '
Lima , 0. , and the Thorings in St.
Mary's , O. They had been making an
automobile tour and were on their way ;
Jailed for Fatal Runaway. _
Streator , 111. - Mrs. : : Mary Fosdick 19
dead following injuries received in ai !
runaway Wednesday. Her companion }
on the ride Joseph Wolferman , is be- ;
: ing held pending investigation. He ! ,
was injured in the accident. _ \
Kaiser Denies Aid to Madriz. \
Berlin. Germany has declined to- +
. I\ . .
entertain the request of President ,
Madriz that this government use its
friendly offices to put a stop to what Is. i
termed : the interference of the United !
States in the affairs : of Nicaragua j -
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