Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1910, Image 1
I - I Historical Society . . , " . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . - S' , , . . " . . . " . . . . . . " . / - , . . \ . . / - - " ' . , " . . ' . _ . , . I " . . , . . . . " . < . . . . . . , , , , 1 , . , . . . , . . . . " * . ; " ' , . . ' . . { . . .n "to" " ; ' : ' : ' , - ' 1 . ' . 4 , , - , . . . . . , . , , . ! ' " _ . . . fy .f' ' - r 7 , . : . . . , ' , , ! , I' " ' r17 n .l : ) " 'f t.A71AA' . .I' - . f."t . 91.'r --iI'\i' * h t' " l. ' . " " " " " ; ' " ' . . . .W. . . . . , . ; - . . . . . ' . . < .4.t. , " ' . , . . . , ' - _ _ ' , - , . ' " ' . . t. , , . . , . _ " ' 'f " ' _ _ . > I < , iJ 1'\ \ , . . . . . . . . ' " ' - : ; \ - ' ; < ' . ' J' , t . , : . - . - . t ! . . . i 1. ( 1 : : 'THE' VALENTINE , DEMO RA'l1. ' . ' , . i . . l . M. Bice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBK , THURSDAY , AUGUST 4 1910. Volume 25 , No. 30 r - - - "V-- - - - - a , I . THE DAY Q lIG IT STORE . . - , - . - . . . - , - In order to make room for our Jail Stock , of Shoes we will cut ' ' . GUP prices on . . Men's and Women's Oxfords . k and Pumps almost in half. ' ' A . DON'T FAILYrO COME : AND GET . FITTED WHILE THESE BARGAINS . LAST. Watch for our add next week. " - A. JOHN & COMPANY , . VALENTINE , NEBRASKA - _ ' . . . . . . . . - . , . - - " ' " - ' " " " " ' ' ' ' ' 'JC.'n' - Chartered , ns a Ptjite Bnnlc Chartered as It National Bank : . Juno J , 1881. August ; J : ! , 1W2. : , The FIRST NATIONAL BANK . . ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) I Valentine - ' Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A General n. SURPLUS - tggg Banking . , Exchange Undivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : . . . . . . , . d. H. COUXKM. , President. M. Y NICHOLSON , Cashier. . . . . . . . . > . J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GJ..EX HOUXIG , As 't Cushier. 2jg 5 SHgaas2J ? ? 2 r ' Eureka Saloon . MQGEER & CARROLL , . , Proprs. A Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars 1 nl i + Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : . Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , , Cedar Brook , , ' , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , " . ' , . ' . - . . - . . " and 29/yearvold and Jas. E Pepper . . 0 , F , C , Taylor. . . , , These whiskies were purchased in bond & and came direct from the , U. S. gov- t. ii i i , ernment warehouse. , They are guar I . anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- . excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus , Brandies , Imported , Gordon and DeKuyper Gins Guinness's Extra Stout. . Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , q Valentine - Nebraska J QES E Ok ' Ex J = = - ; SZS3323X2S2S322E3rS3SZS2S:3 ; : . GREEN FRONT 21' ; I i Full . Line of Groceries ' . : ' Valentine * A Nebraska MIKE DAVIS ' w L = l1' = : : . (8 ± _ - 0 . _ 0 _ . fj4I - ' W hiske Y O , y. . . Go to the A . \ t 4It tit e ' , . - Stock Exchange Saloon I VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER ' " Walt her F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. . Siie _ _ e 8 ' . . < 5 ! < = = " " " .J2II-s- ! r . , . . ! ' : Stop r . 4 , arid , try a glass of Cold 'Soda , from our new fountain. m . - / I I H i S I. . 'L ? ! y J. . " - T Read the Advertisements . . . 1 . . Rushville vs. Valentine The Rushville base ball team re- turned home Monday night , ha v- ing filled-a two-game engagement scheduled with the locals. The Sunday game resulted in a score of 4 to 2 in favor of Valentine and was witnessed by quite a number of fans of both sexes. It was an interesting game throughout and attended by a number of good plays that did not fail to elicit ap- preciative applause. Of course there were errors , too , and costly , i heinous ones , but they only added excitement for the spectators who were all.home rooters. Monday's game resulted in a defeat to the I visitors too lop-sided to make even interesting reading. The score keeper was kept dizzy ; marking up runs for the home boys. The game , . 1 was called for 2:30 : , but only a handful of enthusiasts ventured out to the ball park as the clouds hung low and threatening , and every fan in town still has a vivid i recollection ! of what happened to I him one day last summer when he went out there and defied the ele- ments. And say , it was more fun than a cage of cavorting monkeys affords to watch those rooters climb out of the grand stand at the first clap of thunder and hot-foot it across lots to a farm house and place of shelter , while some of the ball tossers struck out on a kangaroo jump for town. The storm cleared away about4 o'clock when the teams returned to the grounds to contest for supremacy. The locals feel that they have been revenged now for the bunch han- ded them on the Rushville grounds . . not _ long ago. . . . -t The 1910 State Fair , September 5 to 9 , offers an excellent line of at- tractions. Among them are four flights each day by Wright's aero- plane , concerts by Signer Lom bard's band of fouuty-four instru ments and grand opera company of twenty four singers fifteen bartfess speed contests and a number of running races-the derby , a 10-mile relay race , two miles each day. The great Patterson shows , night I speed contests , stupendous fireworks and vaudeville attractions. Taken with the great exhibits in every de , partment , this indeed \\ill make a great show. / The "Stockmen . Telephone com- pany" lost it's charter from fail- ' ure to pay the state occupation tax for 1909 and under the law was unable to continue in business. Therefore to protect and conserve the interests of the individual ' stock holders , it became necessary J to re-incorporate. This has been done under the name of the"Stock growers Telephone Co. " This I new company taking over all as- sets and assuming all liabilites of "Stockmens Telephone Co " and issuing stock pro rata in the new , company to-all stock holders in the old company. , J When the digestion is all right , the action of the bowels regular , there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking : : you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs , improve the nppe.I I tite and the bowels. regulate Sold by j Chapman Drug Co. c . 1I I 1 Proposals for Painting. ; Bids for painting exterior and calcimining interior , of school building in district No. ,3 , will be received up till August 15 , 1910 , at one o'clock p. m. Outside of I building be painted two coat of : white lead and linseed oil. In1 1 side to be sized and calcimined , ' one coat. Size of building 24x36x ( 12. Also of one coat mineral 1 paint on coal house , size Sx12x6 , including roof. Right reserved . . to reject any or all bids. " - > Address all communications to JENS TIIO ISEN , / 28 3 B6x 38 , Crdbkston , Neb. . . . . . . .I Badger Lake. Ray Kirne " is reported better. Cecil Barnes is a jolly old bach- elor now days. Jake Stetter has been out to the T 0 ranch of late. Daniel Adamson has leased Sam Hine's homestead. A Chas. Beauersacks and son Carl are working at Chas. Kimes. Alvin Frazy is working for Daniel Adamson through haying. Mr. Gordon Sage returned to his home at Hot Srings , S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barnes went to Cody on Friday of this week. . Ottis Cady is stacking hay : for Wm Harnan and Albert Russel. Theo. Philips from Kolf vicinity was in our neighborhood on Mon day. Miss Joe Redd was a caller at I Mrs. Daniel Adamson's one day this , week. " ' C. M. Kime made proof on his . homestead Saturday at Cody , be- . fore E. L. Heath. ( Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster went to Gordon to visit friends and take in the big circus there. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Walling- ford's babies have been ill , but are reported better at this writing. Mr. E. C. Farnham returned the ) fore part of the week from Hyanis , where he has been attend- ing camp meeting. Mr. Peterson , father of Mrs. Teeters , has taken himself a home- . j stead on the Gordon and there he is erecting a sod house. Daniel f Adamson , our , linesman has. been looking the telephone line over this week. Everything is in working order " now. Dan Barnes cut his oats on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Dan thinks he has a good crop for such a dry spring. The camp-meeting which was held in Tom Aspinall's grove closed last Sunday. We are all rather sorry for all enjoyed going. A certain young man was seen driving east early last Monday morning. lIe looked somewhat tired and sleepy. What does this all mean young man ? I Sunday school has been organ- ized in our neighborhood which ' is being held in Willis Teeters old house on the Gordon. Miss : May Barnes being superintendent and , Chas. Webster assistant superin tendent. News reached this vicinity that a young man from near Newton en- gaged a buggy for Sunday and had two girls spoke for. But , alasone backed rut and the oth- er was not found at home. That poor boy needs someone's sympa thy. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone , and you : feel dull , bilious , consti- pated , take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach , and Liver : : Tablets tonight be- fore retiring and you : will feel all right in the morning. Sold by Chapman Drug Co. . Keep up the Cultivation of Your Trees. They are making the greatest rowth now and consuming great deal of moisture in their urowth and development. If the ground contains but little moisture , cultivate often. Cultivate : ] as soon as the ground dries after rains. We have all the varieties of Cher- ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit Shrubs , Ro es and other } ornamentals. : GET THE CHEAPEST for a long time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER- MANENT INVESTMENT. Get trees grown : nearest home. They vare ac climated and grown under same con- ditions you want them to grov , and where they can be had , the quickest. We have 25 acres in our nurseries and 40 acres in our bearing orchard. Write for catalogue or any informa- tion. Chas , ] , Boyd , Brown County Nursery , Ainsworth , Nebr , Nursery one block north-east of the I ] Court House. a n - - . RESOLVED THAT . - . YOU DONT HAVE TO HUNT , , ' ' /w'r.-.II- _ / ? w'r..IIAROVND ' AROVN/D / FOR BARCAiWS - J EVERYTHING / IS A 6 B RCA1.tJ _ . IN OUR STORE. . BUSTED BROWN/ / try 1 . . . , " ' \ \ \ w1 1&'Pt um " I A ' ( /i/Lu / a -'i7 .hI . - ; th. , / itli - ; gII' . . . . ' Jof rHI KT fJV VM'C BUiTE * BROWN to. CMICAOO. WE ARE PUTTING ON AN AUGUsT CLEARING sALE sUMMER GooDs , BEGINNING THIs WEEK AND LAsTING , ALL THROUGH THE MONTH OF AU6UJT. , WE WILL HAVESPECIALS FOR YoU EVERY 1 WEEK. BELoW ARE A FEW OF THE < SPE- CIAL-5 WE ARE RUNNING THIS WEEK. IT MEANs A HAVING TO YOU To TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEsE PRICEs \ : LADIEs' sHIRT WAIsTs , WHITE AND coL- ORED , 25 TO 50 PER CENT REDUCTION. LAD IEs' bELT , 50.C AND 75C VALUE-5 , 25C. LADIES' OXFORDS , $ 7.75 VALUEs , $1.00. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR , WHITE AND COLORED , PER jvir , 4oc. . MEN's sHIRTs , AssoRTED coLoRs , $ J.25 ' ' VALUED , 75C. ' . . . . . . . - MEN's HATJ . . . , VALUEs UP TO $3.00 , $1.50. J. , ! . . Farm Implements We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. CROOKSTON , MAX NEBRASKA. E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . . -O ' : AUGUS19 S Is the month to prepare your Boys and Girls * for school. We are headquar- ters for ! - . . . . Boys' Clothing , in Long and Short Pant Suits , ranging in price , per suit. dg 7 BF 4. . . from . . . . . . . . . . . $ t .75 tO $8. \ Shoes and Hosiery of all descriptions. j Kirkendall's Hard Knocker School " - Shoes. Best on earth. We guaran- tee satisfaction on everything we sell. t - TEEE FAIfl r F 7 . - Plione 145. H. W. HOENIQ , Propr. g C ! = are > rera > Kgs aF2 = : : = ; : J t _ m SkSifi1 ! < ' thj&i Stetter & Tobien , Props. , I I ! , ' ' ! ' , , = ' DEALERS IN ; I ( / \ l : ' , All Kinds of Eresh 1 and Fait Meats. . . . i Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , - Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything , yoU have to . sell. . ,