-vw. .
" , , o. _ _ , + . . . . - _ vw..z _
- . - 1 1. _ _ _
< ' ' _ - ) _
! I e : -cL e8
; i I have just returned from St. Joseph , Mo. , where
1 I bought at RECEIVER'S ; SALE s at a BIG I
Discount a lot of I
i #
I - - Ladi s' Shirt Waists , . : - I
Belts , Ties , Notions , etc. 1 I
Also many other articles or fancy and useful
wearing apparel that enables me to sell at less
tit than the usual price. Come and see them while e
the stock is new - and' com pe to. Every article is
a bargain. Something new and uptodate. I
: . W. \ A. PARKER.
General Merchandise
Wood Lake , c = Nebraska
- e _ . . _ 8.e-
. i . ' . . , " " . . < k. . . , . . . . . _ . .
: J. Ha DAY , t
. We Buy and Sell ! ! Horses
. Wood Lake , ® ' Nebraska < , ; ;
. t. . ! . . ! ' . ! . . U.u.U
I th'I' gY tT fi g HOWE & MONTAGNE I
I *
4 r w I
, , ' Livery Feed and M * 4
Sales Stable. . . . . . . . . , * 9
I *
f *
o . . " . Wood Lake , Nebraska r *
i i
I . = j Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. =
. .5 " 6TnnT8r" "
ii i
' r I I H. A. ' LY NS ,
_ . ( Successor to AVelker & : Lyons )
_ Wood Lake , Nebraska
. .
. . " Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
- ) and fishing parties. .
, . _ _ _ . _ . < < _ . _ m _ x _ " " _ P" = - _ _ ' . _ " ' " " ' . .
ii A , Met Lotspeic.h , I
. . ( Successor to Ed Young. ) ti
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods. ! I
. , Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish I
ings. Boots and Shoes Hosiery.
. Men's Clothing and Furnishings " . . . . , ,
Wood Lake = Nebraska.
. . - - " . _ . - - - = - -
Notice to Non-Resident Owners.
' .1'oJohn Leo nml Mrs. Leo , wife of John
Lve , llrst and true mime unknown :
You , sind o.Mcli of you , nro hereby notified
i , that November . . IWis , at private tax sale ,
( ; l'orge K. Lackey purchahed the south half
i of the southeast quarter of .section is : , town-
ship 27 ? , range : > ( ) in Cherry 'count ' ; Nl'hrtslm ;
that said land was taxed in the name of
John Lee , and the said purchase of tax sale
' . * . - . . : j-i was made for the year I'o7 I : , and said ; : pur .
: : . r ' ' " chaser ; has paid the subae ( uent taxes ; for
' . : : : ' the years JSXix and 1.OI 1 ! < > ! I ; that the time of re -
demption of .said ; land irom the aforesaid .
sale : will expire on the. 8r(1 : : day of November ,
J1UO , and on , or after said last named date 1 I
will apply to the county treasurer of CIll'rI I
ry county , Nebraska , for a deed to said
Dated at Valentine , Nebraska , June .NI : ! I. >
1111(1. \ fSEOWJK I : II. LAOKKY ,
2o a : { Owrer ' of said certificate.
, I
Notice to Non-Resident Owners.
To Annie ) 1. Roberts and Amos N. Rob
erts : , wile and husband , and to A. l\1. Hoh-
"I"ts :
You , and each of you , : u " e hereby notified
that on November 2 ? , IMiS ! ( , at private I . tax
.sale , George 11. Lackey pun-based ; the north
east quarter of the southwest quarter and 1
the northwest ; . quarter of the southeast
quarter ol sert ! ion 18 , township ; 27 , range : l6 i ; ,
in Oherry county , Nebraska ; that said 1 land 1
was taxed In the name of A. M. : Roberts : ; ,
and the .said pmvJiase of tax sale ; wa S made
( for the vear ) W ( ; , and Mild : purchaser has
paid the subsequent taxes lor the years IHiS ! ; ; :
and IWK : ; that the time of redemption of
. said land irom the aloresaid 1 sale will l'X-
pire on the : lrd day of November , Hiio and
on , or alter , said last named date I will ap-
. treasurer of Oherry coun
plv to the- county : - ;
ty " , Nebraska , for a decd to said laud.
'Dated at 1'alentlneebrasha : , June 20 : ! I ,
jiljU ) : ( : JKOKGE R. LAOKKY ,
M 25 ; j a ; Owner of said certificate.
4 , .
- - -
- - -
; f . . Rev. H. N. Pringle , of V/aterville ,
Maine , an officer of the Maine Civic
official dated
I , League , in an report
Sept. 20 , 1909 , says : "There was an
. - increase in the number of arrests for
drunkenness in Portland from 3,698 in
Ji J , the fiscal year 19 5.06 to 6,366 in the
t i , _ " , fiscal year 1907-08. This is an in-
' . . . ' ; ' crease , ' of , 2668. . _ . ' . , , - - . - - . . . " . -
' # " -
- " -
' .
, . ' : t , . ; ' , " ' ,
. ' , '
" ,1
. .
1-- . . , . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . ' \ . - . r
t ,
, - - _ . . - - - , - ' - _ . ' - . - -
Notice to Creditors.
Tim STATK OK NKIHIASKA i . 63 In the County
CHKIIUY COU 'JT. j " Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ilermau
-chleuter , deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estnte :
You are hereby notified. That i will sit at the
Cot nty Court Jtooiu in valentine in said county
| on the ICth day o : July , 1910 ! , s > t 10 o'clock
a. in. to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta-
tion of claims aesinst ! said estate is six mouths
from the 10th nay of .Ian . . A. D. 1910 and the
time limited for payment of dt-bts is one year
from said ICth J day of .January. 1910 ,
Witness my . hand and seal of said : county court
- ' - - this 21st day of June. A. I ) . 1910. !
- 1 - - 2-14 County Judge.
Wai colt & Morrissey , att ' rnrys.
WIffi@l S ) ; Iffi O
Dfif1rllllc ) f f 0C
y'a' : : , . . . . , , , ; _ - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . > -
Between stationery and sta
: . . tionary ?
A difference of one letter.
! But if your stationery
. is well printed up to
date and businesslike
such as we can supply
you your trade will
not be stationary.
Good Stationery Letter Heads ,
Billheads , Statements , Circu-
lars , Etc. , Keep Business ON
; That's the kind we print. I
. "
- " v. - . -A. . . .
- : :
. ,
. #
, ' - - - - - - - - -
. , ,
- " " ' - ' " " " ' - - = - - - = - - ; - - <
- , - .
Some Facts About Ne =
Here are some concrete facts i
about Nebraska that should be
made known to all men :
The extreme length of Nebraska ,
east and west , is 415 miles ; the I
exDreme breath , north and south
is 205 miles.
The gross afea of Nebraska in
square miles is 77,510. The gross
acreage is 49606400.
The cultivated acreage in 1909
was approximately 16,000.000
acres , or Jess than one-third the
total area of the state.
On this 16,000,000 acres there
was produced in 1909 the follow-
. .
ing crops :
Corn , 169,179,137 bushels ;
market value 98123871.
Wheat50,313,600 bushels ;
market value 45642234. .
Oats , 59,653,479 bushels ; market
value 23861389.
Barley , 2,820,632 bushels ; mark-
et value 1269277. .
Rye , 1,227,332 bushels ; market
value 786,399
Alfalfa , 1,971,770 tons ; market
value 17,745,930.
Tame hay , 2,647,839 tons ; market
value 21182712.
Potatoes , 7,386,497 bushels ;
market value 5909202. .
No account is made of miscel-
laneous crops , such as speltz , mil-
let " sorghum cane , sugar beets ,
kaffir corn , onions , general garden
truck , etc. , which would add many
millions more to the total produc I
tion. _
Less than one-half of the acro.-
aje that may profitably be culti I i
vated in Nebraska is being culti-
vated at the present time. .
From , the pasture lands and the
grain feed raised in Nebraska was
produced 35,000,000 worth of
butter , § 18,000,000 worth of eggs ,
and 40,000,000 worth of poultry.
From the pastures and grain
fields Nebraska produced and
shipped to market 1,118,518 beef
cattle , 2,807,502 head of hogs ,
76,274 horses and mules , and 554-
505 sheep. The total value of the
surplus shipments of live stock
exceeded 120000000. .
The total products of Nebraska
in 1909-agricultural , live stock ,
dairying , manufacturing , etc. , ex-
ceeded $60,000OOO-an average
of approximately § 600 for each
man , woman and child. No other
state in the union made such a
showing. .
Dairy farming in Nebraska is in
its infancy , yet : Nebraska is today
one of the leading producers of
dairy products and is . forging
ahead by leaps and bounds. The ,
iiducements offered to dairy
I farmers by Nebraska are beyond
Taking into consideration fer-
tility of soil , healthfulness of cli-
mate , access to market and sur-
rounding creature comforts and
I advantages land in Nebraska , im
proved and unimproved , is to be
had more cheaply and on better
terms than anywhere else in the
republic. Fifteen million acres
of fertile land await the activity
of husbandmen. Nebraska with a
population of less than a million
and a half produces more than is
produced and purchased by Japan . ,
a nation of 32,000,000 people. :
Nebraska offers greater in uce-
ments to homeseekers than any
other state in the union-greater
than any other similar area in the
whole wide world. Mark this
copy of your local paper and send
it to some eee in the east who
may be looking about for a new
location. Let us all work togeth-
er for the building up and develop-
ment of Nebraska.
The Temperance Union of braska J !
Is ( composed of old-time , dyed-in-the-
wool nrohibitionists , as distinguished
from the imported brood of profession-
al agitators who come into Nebraska
to beat the county-option tom-tom , re
gardless of the fact that Nebraska has
had a county-option law since 1881.
The Temperance Union is opposed to
county-option because the term con-
templates license , and when they are
confidentially assured that no license
is possible under the county-option
scheme , they still back off because of
the attempted deception ; and yet a
layman who will not subscribe to this
plan of .false pretense on the part of
the Anti-Saloon League is classified by
its claquers as an agent of the rum
power. - . . . . ' . ' " " . _ o' i
' . : . " .
; .t < -
. - , " ' ' .
. .
- - - - -
. ,
. .
From the eleventh census , we find
the average wages paid in Maine to
he $350 a year ; in Kansas , $497. Com
pare these figures with the average : in
Massachusetts of $494 , and in Ne
braska of $545.
All of the Nebraska dry territory
boasted of by the Anti-Saloon League
was achieved under the operation of
the old Slocumb law. The provisions
of that law make it easy to decree
every acre of Nebraska territory dry
If the people will it. - "
South Dakota , a license state , has
one prisoner to every 1,122 of popula
tion ; while North Dakota , a prohibi-
tion state , has one prisoner to every
763 of population , a showing largely
in favor of the license state-the fig-
ures being taken from government re
ports. *
Ch'ief of Police Harmon , of Bidde
ford , Maine : , testifying in a case in the
municipal court , denounced the pro-
hibitory law. He has been at the head
of the police force of Biddeford for
many years. He said : "The Maine
prohibitory law has made more liars
and perjurors than all other laws on
the statute books combined. "
. .
- - - -
State Treasurer W. D. Seed of Ala-
bama says that it has been neces
sary to borrow $50,000 to meet Oc
tober (1909) ( ) school warrants , for
which treasurer's checks have just
been issued. The state treasurer be-
lieves the taxes coming in , with the
unused portion of the sum borrowed ,
will tide the treasury over the first
of the year without further borrowing.
During the year 1908 tnere were
123 commercial failures in Maine , with
liabilities of $660,584 , whereas in Ne-
braska that year there were but 39
commercial failures , with liabilities of
$245,264. That is to say , with a popu-
lation one-third less than that of Ne-
braska , Maine's losses in commercial
failures were nearly three times the
amount of the Nebraska losses.
The Secretary of the Maine Civic
League has compiled statistics giving
the number of arrests for drunkenness
in twenty-five of the largest cities and
towns of Maine during the past thir-
teen years. These statistics show an
increase in the drunk arrests from
about 6,600 to' 9,627 in 1908 , an in-
crease of 45 per cent compared with
an increase of about 14 per cent in
Prohibitionists club many men into
their ranks by alleging everywhere :
that any man who refuses to line up
with them is ipso facto a lusher , and
a warm supporter of the liquor inter-
ests. By this means they have "buf- -
faloed" some of the voters of Lin
coIn ; whereas the truth of the mat-
ter is that nine-tenths of the men who
Dppose prohibition favor any true
measure of temperance.
Prohibitionists constantly harp upon
the iniquity of the Federal government
In issuing liquor licenses to men re
siding in dry territory. They do not
know that Congress in 1866 enacted a
law-which is section 3243 , Revised
Statutes-expressly providing that the
payment of revenue tax by liquor deal
ers "shall not be held to exempt any
person from any penalty or punish-
ment provided by the laws of any
state for carrying on the liquor traf
fic within such state. "
When the digestion is all right , the
action of the bowels regular , there is a
natural craving and relish for food.
When this is lacking you may know that
you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stom- ,
ach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen
the digestive organs , improve the appe-
tite and regulate the bowels. Sold by
Chapman Drug Co.
The Evoution ! of
Booster BilR
III.Bill Goes After New .
fn" ur ! o ; . . . . ' : ; _ . . . .
When old " Bill Blue get a new : view
The thing transformed him through : and :
He took a pubiic spirit pill. : !
That made a BOOSTER out cf Bill.
! ,
IT1tabd II II I I I
Ka - ti I
r7T a i ii J . 'Y ( ,
Said he , "To me 'tis very clear
And so he advertised and planned I
And sent out wriieups through : the t
land. - ;
Replies came fast , and now arise
New factory stacks to meet the skies.
"As a town tonic , why , gee whiz , " ,
' THAT is. " . .
- - . - - - - ' - - " : " _ : _ - - - - _ . : . : .
, . < ' ,
- ' ' ' - ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -
_ _ : : : : . . ; . ; _
. .
-.4 . . . ' . . _
Furniture and . . . Faints and Oils , Cattle '
Undertaking Goods ' Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Johnson BrOSa9 ' _
Lumber , Machinery , Hard-
ware , Harness , Saddles . '
Wa < rons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , = = - Nebraska
. . . -
@ _ ( j ee _
Uck , lausen & CO. ,
General Hardware , .
Wagons and
" -
V ,
Machinery. . 9 . . ,
v e
complete line of
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture e
Lumber and Eence Posts
_ f eG $ _ e
R. M. Faddis & Co
PostoQlce address - Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
. " .Ct on left
j > 3 . $ } thlgb
. yr .F ;
Horses branded
ltion left
[ shoulder
U' or thirl1
Some r ' Some branded .
branded l j on right thigh
on left II , or shoulder.
or shoulder thigh : (
P. H. Young.
Simeon Nebr.
< 3 :
c p- . Cattle branded
as cut on left side
V --A
Some a. yon left
- en left jaw ol
V horses.
Range on GordoR Creek : north of Simeon
1ST. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , - Iseuraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and on
left shoulder : of hor-
ses. AlsoSJgga on
I left AlSOI ! a.nd
b ' X on left see
r . .
Some 'at- _ - t.
lie brnrt-f K . t 1 . 't . . :
ell husk- . ing peg ( either side up ) on
[ left side or hip. F on left jaw and left shoulder
'if ' horses ! : LU
LUQ on left hip of horses.
N on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and catth
same as cut ; also
CI BE JJ on right
hip. '
. Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
. leading to detection
- . - - of rustlers of stock
rearing any of these brands.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Urownlee , Neo.
I-- " % Cattle branded as
In c'it : on left
side. Some : ;
branded l Ii. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river two miles
west of Brew nice
z. .
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis-
, sion , Rosebud :
3. D.
Cattle branded
IB in cut ; horses KP
same or p .1 K P on
eft thigh. Range
wtween Spring
C'k : and Little
White river.
G L , , FATf 'a M44G
yF Hl G E
Celebrated for style perfect fit , simplicity and
reliability nearly 40 j-cars. : Sold in iicarly
every city and town in the United States and I
Canada , or by mail direct. More : old tlian I
any other make. Send for free catalogue. '
More subscribers than any other fashion
1I' ' r.lzine-million a month. Invaluable. Lat
est styles , pattern , dressmaking : , millinery ,
plain sewing , fancy needlework luiirdrcssing ,
etiquette , good stories etc. Ony ! 50 cents a
year : ( worth double ) , including free pattern.
Subscribe today , or end for sample copy.
to A : ! ents. Postal brings p'cjium catalogue
* " * snd new cash prize offers. Address
: n : rjcCAii : ! : co. , 2:3 to 213 w. 37& $ L. NEW YORK J
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
- - SOS on left side .
OSO on riKhtglae
Some cattle also
have a 4- on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
, across hind qnar-
; , or.1.J , % : . . " . lets. Some Texas
CdttieUraiided s 4 O on left side and some
on left side.
Horses branded : 80S on loft hip. Some cattle N.
branded A.W nar , connected on both sides and .
left hip of horses ti
D. M. \ Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip. S
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range - Square
Lake.- "
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Prea Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas ,
Cattle branded on
any part animal ; ' _ " "
v ' ! ! I brands also t ! the Itd following 1'/
horses branded th&
same Range betweea - -
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. Y . . R. R. ard
Hyannis on H & M. ; R.K. in Northwestern Nebr.
fcARTl.ETT UKJIlAJIDS. Ellsworth Nebr
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer lIas
charge of these
cattle. H rsea
S . - S III ! S on leftsholll
der. Some
left somefj
Horsfs . : ,
- -
, . , . same left thigh.
. " _ Range on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Kolfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear. fr
. E
Horses have
same. brand on
eft thigh. '
liange on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of 5250 will he paid to any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person : ! or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
J y Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re -
covery of cattle
strayed Jrom my
60 YEARS' .
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly conOdentlaL HANDBOOK on Patents
eent free. Oldest acencyforsecurtnepatents.
Patents taken tbrouch JMunn k Co. receive N- :
special notice without charge. In. the ' -
Scientific i jftierican , \ .
4 handsomely illnstraf weekly. largest Clr-
cnlation of any ecientitlc + onrnal. Terms. $3 a
venr " ; four months $ L Sold by all newsdealers.
I r utU 8 : CO,361BrOady ; ' , New Yort
Branch Office. C25 F St , Washington. D. C.
' . .